home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2006-01-01 | 98.8 KB | 2,938 lines |
- //
- // All scripts (master, data, code, ui, maintainance, etc) should obey the
- // following conventions:
- //
- // -- each script can define one and only one object. eval() returns the
- // result of evaluating the last statement of the script. therefore, the
- // last statement of all script should simply be the script obj.
- //
- // -- has a "version" key
- //
- // -- more to be added
- // constants used during evaluation for dialog descriptions
- var isMac = new Boolean(updater.app.platform.substr(0,3) == "MAC");
- var isWin = new Boolean(updater.app.platform.substr(0,3) == "WIN");
- var isReader = new Boolean((updater.app.viewerType.substr(0,6) == "Reader"));
- var nextCheckText = (updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_NEXTCHECK"));
- var manualNextCheck = (updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_MANUALNEXTCHECK"));
- var checkForUpdatesText = (updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_CHECKTXT"));
- var updateAcrobatNowText = (updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_UPDATE_ACROBAT_NOW"));
- var updateReaderNowText = (updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_UPDATE_READER_NOW"));
- var updateNotificationBtn = (updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_VIEW_NOTIFS"));
- var showConfirmDlgText = (updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_UPDATE_AUTO_CONF_TXT"));
- var displayStartupNotifDlgText = (updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_UPDATE_SHOW_NOTIF_TXT"));
- // calcuate width of the button
- var gStaticTextWidth = 8;
- //var gUpdateNowWidth = (gStaticTextWidth * Math.max(updateAcrobatNowText.length, updateReaderNowText.length));
- var gUpdateNowWidth = (gStaticTextWidth * updateNotificationBtn.length);
- var ScriptObj = {
- version:"0.30",
- // Localized JS strings needed by the Pref Panel -- copy these directly from ResourceScript.js files.
- PrefPanelLocJSStrings:
- {
- "ENU" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "Installed Updates"
- },
- "CHS" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u5DF2\u5B89\u88C5\u7684\u66F4\u65B0"
- },
- "CHT" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u5DF2\u5B89\u88DD\u7684\u66F4\u65B0\u5167\u5BB9"
- },
- "DAN" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u0049\u006E\u0073\u0074\u0061\u006C\u006C\u0065\u0072\u0065\u0064\u0065\u0020\u006F\u0070\u0064\u0061\u0074\u0065\u0072\u0069\u006E\u0067\u0065\u0072"
- },
- "DEU" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u0049\u006E\u0073\u0074\u0061\u006C\u006C\u0069\u0065\u0072\u0074\u0065\u0020\u0055\u0070\u0064\u0061\u0074\u0065\u0073"
- },
- "ESP" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u0041\u0063\u0074\u0075\u0061\u006C\u0069\u007A\u0061\u0063\u0069\u006F\u006E\u0065\u0073\u0020\u0069\u006E\u0073\u0074\u0061\u006C\u0061\u0064\u0061\u0073"
- },
- "FRA" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u004D\u0069\u0073\u0065\u0073\u0020\u00E0\u0020\u006A\u006F\u0075\u0072\u0020\u0069\u006E\u0073\u0074\u0061\u006C\u006C\u00E9\u0065\u0073"
- },
- "ITA" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u0041\u0067\u0067\u0069\u006F\u0072\u006E\u0061\u006D\u0065\u006E\u0074\u0069\u0020\u0069\u006E\u0073\u0074\u0061\u006C\u006C\u0061\u0074\u0069"
- },
- "JPN" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u30A4\u30F3\u30B9\u30C8\u30FC\u30EB\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30A2\u30C3\u30D7\u30C7\u30FC\u30C8"
- },
- "KOR" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\uC124\uCE58\uB41C\u0020\uC5C5\uB370\uC774\uD2B8"
- },
- "NLD" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u0047\u0065\u00EF\u006E\u0073\u0074\u0061\u006C\u006C\u0065\u0065\u0072\u0064\u0065\u0020\u0075\u0070\u0064\u0061\u0074\u0065\u0073"
- },
- "NOR" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u0049\u006E\u0073\u0074\u0061\u006C\u006C\u0065\u0072\u0074\u0065\u0020\u006F\u0070\u0070\u0064\u0061\u0074\u0065\u0072\u0069\u006E\u0067\u0065\u0072"
- },
- "PTB" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u0041\u0074\u0075\u0061\u006C\u0069\u007A\u0061\u00E7\u00F5\u0065\u0073\u0020\u0069\u006E\u0073\u0074\u0061\u006C\u0061\u0064\u0061\u0073"
- },
- "SUO" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u0041\u0073\u0065\u006E\u006E\u0065\u0074\u0075\u0074\u0020\u0070\u00E4\u0069\u0076\u0069\u0074\u0079\u006B\u0073\u0065\u0074"
- },
- "SVE" :
- {
- "UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES" : "\u0049\u006E\u0073\u0074\u0061\u006C\u006C\u0065\u0072\u0061\u0064\u0065\u0020\u0075\u0070\u0070\u0064\u0061\u0074\u0065\u0072\u0069\u006E\u0067\u0061\u0072"
- }
- },
- getPrefPanelLocStr: function(strID)
- {
- updater.MasterScript.assert(strID && (strID.length > 0), "invalid string id");
- var appLang = updater.MasterScript.getAppLang();
- if (updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(updater.MasterScript.PrefPanelLocJSStrings, appLang))
- {
- var strRes = updater.MasterScript.PrefPanelLocJSStrings[appLang];
- if (updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(strRes, strID))
- {
- return strRes[strID];
- }
- else
- {
- // Try ENU if strID is missing from nonENU string resource.
- strRes = updater.MasterScript.PrefPanelLocJSStrings["ENU"];
- if (updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(strRes, strID))
- {
- return strRes[strID];
- }
- else
- {
- return "MISSING_STRID_" + strID;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return "MISSING_STRING_RESOURCE_" + appLang;
- }
- },
- prodConfigToURLMap: {
- "Exchange-Pro": "pro",
- "Exchange" : "std",
- "Reader" : "rdr"
- },
- scriptRootTemplate: "_PRODCONF_/_PLATFORM_/_LANG_/",
- getScriptRootURL: function()
- {
- var prod, platform, lang;
- prod = this.prodConfigToURLMap[updater.app.viewerType];
- this.assert(prod.length > 0, "Invalid Product Config");
- platform = updater.app.platform.toLowerCase();
- var lang;
- var tier = this.getAppTier();
- // user is in cross tier config
- if (tier.toLowerCase() == "all") { lang = "all"; }
- else if (tier.toLowerCase() == "enu") { lang = "enu"; }
- // else { lang = this.getDefLangForTier(tier).toLowerCase(); }
- // always use running lang to produce the URL
- else { lang = this.getAppLang().toLowerCase(); }
- // Fix for bug #644289 -- blocker on JPN Mac.
- if (updater.app.platform.substr(0,3) == "MAC")
- {
- lang += "_601";
- }
- var urlext = new String(this.scriptRootTemplate);
- urlext = urlext.replace(/_PRODCONF_/, prod);
- urlext = urlext.replace(/_PLATFORM_/, platform);
- urlext = urlext.replace(/_LANG_/, lang);
- updater.console.println("url ext = " + urlext);
- return updater.scriptRootURL + urlext;
- },
- getDSURL: function()
- {
- var dsfile = "DataScript.js";
- var ret = this.getScriptRootURL() + dsfile;
- return ret;
- },
- //
- // The App Tier and Language API
- //
- // The Language code
- //
- // {"DEU", "de-DE"},
- // {"ESP", "es-ES"},
- // {"FRA", "fr-FR"},
- // {"ITA", "it-IT"},
- // {"JPN", "ja-JP"},
- // {"NLD", "nl-NL"},
- // {"SVE", "sv-SE"},
- // {"SUO", "fi-FI"},
- // {"NOR", "no-NO"},
- // {"NON", "no-NO"},
- // {"DAN", "da-DK"},
- // {"KOR", "ko-KR"},
- // {"PTB", "pt-BR"},
- // {"CHS", "zh-CN"},
- // {"CHT", "zh-TW"},
- // {"ENU", "en-US"}
- //
- // language code id to description
- LangToDescMap:
- {
- "ENU" : "English",
- "JPN" : "Japanese",
- "CHT" : "Chinese Traditional",
- "CHS" : "Chinese Simplified",
- "KOR" : "Korean",
- "FRA" : "French",
- "DEU" : "German",
- "PTB" : "Portuguese Brazil",
- "ITA" : "Italian",
- "NLD" : "Dutch",
- "ESP" : "Spanish",
- "SVE" : "Swedish",
- "DAN" : "Danish",
- "SUO" : "Finish",
- "NOR" : "Norwegian",
- "HEB" : "Hebrew",
- "ARA" : "Arabic"
- },
- // Map either ISO4Char or RFC1766 to language code id
- CountryToLangMap:
- {
- "en" : "ENU",
- "en-us" : "ENU",
- "ja" : "JPN",
- "ja-jp" : "JPN",
- "zh-tw" : "CHT",
- "zh-cn" : "CHS",
- "ko" : "KOR",
- "ko-kr" : "KOR",
- "fr" : "FRA",
- "fr-fr" : "FRA",
- "de" : "DEU",
- "de-de" : "DEU",
- "pt" : "PTB",
- "pt-br" : "PTB",
- "it" : "ITA",
- "it-it" : "ITA",
- "nl" : "NLD",
- "nl-nl" : "NLD",
- "es" : "ESP",
- "es-sp" : "ESP",
- "sv" : "SVE",
- "sv-se" : "SVE",
- "da" : "DAN",
- "da-dk" : "DAN",
- "fi" : "SUO",
- "fi-fi" : "SUO",
- "no" : "NOR",
- "no-no" : "NOR",
- "he" : "HEB",
- "he-il" : "HEB",
- "ar" : "ARA",
- "ar-ae" : "ARA"
- },
- // TODO: need to update the tier map
- // Map Tier to lang in lang code id
- TierToLangsMap:
- {
- "EFGJ" : ["FRA", "DEU", "JPN"],
- "CCK" : ["CHT", "CHS", "KOR"],
- "DDS" : ["DAN", "NLD", "SVE"],
- "NF" : ["NOR", "SUO"],
- "SIP" : ["ESP", "ITA", "PTB"]
- },
- // if the app is in a tier BUT running in ENU, which is always available,
- // then we need to have a default lang for the tier so that we know where
- // to fetch the correct DataScript from
- getDefLangForTier: function(tier) {
- var m = this.TierToLangsMap;
- for (var i in this.TierToLangsMap) {
- if (i.toLowerCase() == tier.toLowerCase()) {
- return m[i][0]; // the first element in array is the default lang
- }
- }
- updater.MasterScript.assert(false, "Invalid Tier: " + tier);
- return "ENU"; // just in case something really bad happens
- },
- getAppLang: function() {
- if ( ! updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "appLang") ||
- updater.appLang == null )
- {
- updater.appLang = updater.app.language;
- }
- return updater.appLang;
- },
- // Returns
- // 1. ENU iff ENU is the only lang the app has
- // 2. ALL if app has cross tier lang res
- // 3. one of the key in TierToLangsMap reflecting the tier app is in
- getAppTier: function() {
- if ( updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "appTier") &&
- updater.appTier != null ) {
- return updater.appTier;
- }
- updater.console.println("app is running with lang = " + this.getAppLang());
- // determine tier
- var res;
- try {
- res = this.getLangRes();
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception calling getLangRes()" + e);
- this.assert(false, " getLangRes() exception");
- updater.console.println(" defaulting res to ENU");
- res = new Array();
- res[0] = "ENU";
- }
- updater.console.println("app has follow lang resources = " + res);
- if (res.length == 1) {
- // if the app has ONLY single lang has, it MUST be ENU
- updater.MasterScript.assert(res[0] == "ENU", "Single Lang res MUST be ENU");
- updater.appTier = res[0];
- return res[0];
- }
- var dup = {}; // used as a boolean bitmap
- var t = Array(); // list of tiers
- // narrow down to Tiers given all the res available
- for ( var i in res ) {
- // skip ENU cause all config has ENU
- if (res[i] == "ENU") { continue; }
- var tier = this.mapLangToTier(res[i]);
- if ( ! updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(dup, tier) ) {
- dup[tier] = true;
- t.push(tier);
- }
- // updater.MasterScript.DumpObject(dup, "dup", true);
- }
- updater.console.println("app is in tier = " + t);
- if (t.length == 1) {
- updater.appTier = t[0];
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println("app is in Multi-Tier = " + t);
- updater.appTier = "ALL";
- }
- return updater.appTier;
- },
- mapLangToTier: function(lang) {
- var m = this.TierToLangsMap;
- for ( var tier in m ) {
- var langs = m[tier];
- for ( var i in langs) {
- if ( lang.toLowerCase() == langs[i].toLowerCase() ) return tier;
- }
- }
- updater.MasterScript.assert(false, "Input Lang invalid: " + lang);
- },
- // return array of resources in Country Code app has.
- // ENU MUST always be in the array.
- getLangRes: function() {
- var langRet = new Array();
- if (updater.app.platform == "WIN") {
- var type = updater.app.viewerType;
- var winLangFileBase;
- if ( type == "Reader" ) {
- winLangFileBase = "RdLang32";
- }
- else {
- winLangFileBase = "ExLang32";
- }
- var avSpCat = updater.fileSys.AVSpecialCategory;
- var avSpFold = updater.fileSys.AVSpecialFolder;
- var resRoot = updater.fileSys.GetSpecialFolder(avSpCat["kAVSCApp"],
- avSpFold["kAVSFRoot"]);
- updater.console.println("Enum items in mdPath: " + resRoot.mdPath);
- var files = updater.fileSys.enumFolderItems(resRoot.mdPath);
- var idx = 0;
- // win always have ENU
- langRet[idx++] = "ENU";
- for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
- //updater.console.println(" file = " + files[i].fileNameBase + " ext = " + files[i].fileNameExt);
- if( files[i].isExistingFile &&
- (this.getFileNameBase(files[i].fileName).toLowerCase()
- == winLangFileBase.toLowerCase() ) )
- {
- var lcode = this.getFileNameExt(files[i].fileName).toLowerCase();
- updater.console.println(" lcode = " + lcode);
- if ( typeof(lcode) != "undefined" ) { langRet[idx++] = lcode; }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (updater.app.platform == "MAC") {
- var macLangFileExt = "lproj";
- var avSpCat = updater.fileSys.AVSpecialCategory;
- var avSpFold = updater.fileSys.AVSpecialFolder;
- var resRoot = updater.fileSys.GetSpecialFolder(avSpCat["kAVSCApp"],
- avSpFold["kAVSFRoot"]);
- // no special folder defined to access lang resource folder.
- // manually create the path from app root:
- // /Acrobat 6.0.app/Contents/MacOS/
- // -->/Acrobat 6.0.app/Contents/Resources/
- var dip = new String(resRoot.diPath);
- var resPath = dip.replace(/MacOS/, "Resources");
- updater.console.println("Enum items in diPath: " + resPath);
- var files = updater.fileSys.enumFolderItems(resPath, true);
- var idx = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
- //updater.console.println(" file = " + files[i].fileNameBase + " ext = " + files[i].fileNameExt);
- if( files[i].isExistingFolder &&
- (this.getFileNameExt(files[i].fileName).toLowerCase()
- == macLangFileExt.toLowerCase() ) )
- {
- var cnt = this.getFileNameBase(files[i].fileName).toLowerCase();
- // Mac may use underscore instead of dash in country lang code
- // ie: "zh_cn" instead of "zh-cn".
- // replace it with dash.
- cnt = cnt.replace(/_/, "-");
- var lcode = this.CountryToLangMap[cnt];
- updater.console.println(" cnt = " + cnt);
- updater.console.println(" lcode = " + lcode);
- this.assert(lcode.length > 0, "Cannot find " + cnt + " in CountryToLangMap");
- if ( typeof(lcode) != "undefined" ) { langRet[idx++] = lcode; }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- this.assert(false, "Unsupported platform : " + updater.app.platform);
- return null;
- }
- return langRet;
- },
- // base.ext
- getFileNameBase: function(fn) {
- var sep = fn.indexOf(".");
- if (sep == -1) return fn;
- return fn.substring(0, sep);
- },
- // base.ext
- getFileNameExt: function(fn) {
- var sep = fn.indexOf(".");
- if (sep == -1) return "";
- return fn.substring(sep + 1, fn.length);
- },
- // pop a dialog and return true if restart pending.
- checkPendingRestart: function(silent)
- {
- var restartPending;
- if ( typeof(updater["restartPending"]) != "undefined") {
- updater.console.println("===> App Restart Pending! Skip Running Updater");
- restartPending = updater.restartPending;
- // need restarting Acrobat...
- if (! silent) {
- var title = updater.app.getUpdaterString("uisJSNeedRestartTitle");
- var type = updater.app.viewerType;
- var infoMsg;
- if ( type == "Reader" ) {
- infoMsg = updater.app.getUpdaterString("uisJSNeedRestartTxtRdr");
- }
- else {
- infoMsg = updater.app.getUpdaterString("uisJSNeedRestartTxtVwr");
- }
- updater.app.alert({nIcon:3, nType:0, cTitle:title, cMsg:infoMsg});
- }
- }
- else {
- restartPending = false;
- }
- return restartPending;
- },
- // ALL MasterScript entry point MUST call init() before proceeding.
- // if init() returns false, caller should exit and not proceed.
- init: function(silent)
- {
- updater.console.println("MasterScript init() - silent = " + silent);
- if (updater.app.getUpdateDisabled()) {
- updater.console.println(" Updater Disabled!!");
- return false;
- }
- // checkPendingRestart is the only init func for now.
- // may have more MasterScript global init func later.
- var ret = this.checkPendingRestart(silent);
- // don't cont if restart pending
- var toCont = !ret;
- updater.console.println("MasterScript init() - to continue = " + toCont);
- return (toCont);
- },
- //
- // Main Entry point for doing manual or auto updates
- //
- // set force to true for manual update, otherwise, it determines if it is
- // time to update for the auto update case
- //
- entryPoint: function(force)
- {
- force ? this.ManualUpdateAsync() : this.AutoUpdateAsync();
- },
- //
- // utils function
- //
- PropertyIsDefined: function( obj, propName )
- {
- var ret = (typeof( obj[ propName ] ) != "undefined");
- // updater.console.println("PropertyIsDefined returns " + ret + " for " + propName);
- return ret;
- },
- DumpStrObj: function (obj) {
- // updater.console.println(" ---- DumpStrObj -----");
- updater.console.println(" obj.length = " + obj.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
- updater.console.println(" charcode obj[" + i + "] = " + obj.charCodeAt(i));
- }
- // updater.console.println(" ---- DumpStrObj End -----");
- },
- // improve it to dump recursively later if i have time
- DumpObject: function (obj, str, vals) {
- if (! str ) str = "";
- else str = str + " ";
- str += "(" + obj + ") [" + typeof(obj) + "]\n";
- for (var p in obj) {
- str += " " + p + ( vals ? ": " + obj[p] : "") + "\n";
- }
- updater.console.println(str);
- },
- DumpArray: function (array, str) {
- if (! str ) str = "";
- else str = str + " ";
- str += "(" + array + ") [" + typeof(array) + "]\n{ ";
- for( var i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
- str += array[i] + ( i < array.length - 1 ? ", " : " }" );
- }
- updater.console.println(str);
- },
- GetFunctionName: function(f) {
- var name = f.toString().match(/(function .*\))/)[1];
- if ((name == null) || (name.length == 0))
- name = 'anonymous';
- return name;
- },
- StackTrace: function()
- {
- var ret = '';
- for (var i = arguments.callee.caller; i != null; i = i.caller) {
- if (i) {
- ret += '> ' + this.GetFunctionName(i) + '\n';
- }
- // if (i.caller == i) {
- // ret += '*';
- // break;
- // }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- assert: function(cond, details) {
- if (!cond) {
- var msg = "!!!!! Assert failure ";
- if (details) {
- msg = msg + " - " + details;
- }
- if (arguments.callee.caller != null) {
- msg = msg + "in "
- + this.GetFunctionName(arguments.callee.caller)
- + ")";
- }
- msg = msg + "\n" + this.StackTrace();
- updater.console.println(msg);
- }
- },
- //
- // convert a string in generalized ASN1 time format to JS Date Object
- // returns null if conversion failed. (it only support UTC as timezone.
- // cannot convert between timezones yet)
- //
- // eg:
- // http last mod date:
- // Date: Thu, 07 Nov 2002 10:09:38 GMT
- // GEN_ASN1 eg1:
- // "20021107061101Z"
- // 012345678901234
- //
- // GEN_ASN1 eg2:
- // "20021107061101.27Z"
- //
- // GEN_ASN1 eg3:
- // "20021107061101.27-0200"
- //
- GenASN1ToDate: function (str) {
- var year, month, day, hours, mins, secs, ms, timezone;
- var timeStr = new String(str);
- // has to be at least 14 or more chars
- if (timeStr.length < 14) { return null; }
- year = timeStr.substring(0 , 4);
- month = timeStr.substring(4 , 6);
- // zero based month used in JS Date
- month = month - 1;
- day = timeStr.substring(6 , 8);
- hours = timeStr.substring(8 , 10);
- mins = timeStr.substring(10, 12);
- secs = timeStr.substring(12, 14);
- // updater.console.println(year);
- // updater.console.println(month);
- // updater.console.println(day);
- // updater.console.println(hours);
- // updater.console.println(mins);
- // updater.console.println(secs);
- // if more than 14 chars, ms and/or timezone may be present
- ms = 0;
- timezone = "Z";
- if (timeStr.length > 14) {
- var plus, minus, zee, dot;
- dot = timeStr.indexOf(".", 14);
- plus = timeStr.indexOf("+", 14);
- minus = timeStr.indexOf("-", 14);
- zee = timeStr.indexOf("Z", 14);
- // updater.console.println("dot = " + dot);
- // updater.console.println("plus = " + plus);
- // updater.console.println("minus = " + minus);
- // updater.console.println("zee = " + zee);
- // check if . exists, if so, try parse ms
- //
- // FIXME: ms parsing is NOT correct here....
- // 0.5 should really be 500 ms, rather than 5 here.
- // must compare >= 0 to force numeric comparison instead of lexical
- if (dot >= 0) {
- if (zee >= 0) { ms = timeStr.substring( dot + 1, zee); }
- else if (plus >= 0) { ms = timeStr.substring( dot + 1, plus); }
- else if (minus >= 0) { ms = timeStr.substring( dot + 1, minus); }
- else { ms = 0; }
- }
- // updater.console.println(ms);
- if (zee >= 0) { timezone = "Z"; }
- else if (plus >= 0) { timezone = timeStr.substring( plus, plus + 5); }
- else if (minus >= 0 ) { timezone = timeStr.substring( minus, minus + 5); }
- else { timezone = "Z"; }
- // updater.console.println("timezone = " + timezone);
- }
- //updater.console.println("returning");
- return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hours, mins, secs, ms));
- },
- // replace as many %s in str with replacements in array in order
- ReplacePrintfToken: function(str, array) {
- if (array.constructor != Array || array.length == 0) return str;
- if (str.constructor != String || str.length == 0) return str;
- var token = "%s";
- for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
- str = str.replace(token, array[i]);
- }
- return str;
- },
- //
- // return Date Object
- // the first update time is 25 + [1-10] days from now
- CreateFirstUpdateTime: function()
- {
- var t = new Date(); // current time in UTC
- var fuss = ((Math.random() * 7) + 28) * (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); // in ms
- var ms = t.getTime();
- ms += fuss;
- var first = new Date(ms);
- // updater.console.println("now = " + t);
- // updater.console.println("next = " + next);
- return first;
- },
- isTimeToUpdate: function()
- {
- // define nextCheckDate
- // updater.console.println("isTimeToUpdate()");
- if (!this.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "nextCheckDate")) {
- //updater.console.println("nextCheckDate not defined; define it now");
- updater.nextCheckDate = this.CreateFirstUpdateTime();
- updater.console.println("nextCheckDate = " + updater.nextCheckDate); }
- //return true;
- var now = new Date();
- if (now.getTime() > updater.nextCheckDate.getTime()) {
- updater.console.println("-->It is time to do auto update");
- return true;
- } else {
- updater.console.println("-->It is NOT time to do auto update yet. will check on:");
- updater.console.println(updater.nextCheckDate);
- return false;
- }
- },
- advanceNextCheckDate: function()
- {
- updater.console.println("advanceNextCheckDate()");
- var next_ms = updater.nextCheckDate.getTime() + 30 * (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); // in ms
- var later = new Date(next_ms);
- updater.nextCheckDate = later;
- },
- loadState: function()
- {
- updater.console.println("updater loading store");
- try {
- updater.store.load();
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in loadState(): " + e);
- updater.console.println(" --> skip loading store");
- }
- // updater.console.println("..loading nextCheckDate");
- if (this.PropertyIsDefined(updater.store.perUser, "nextCheckDate")) {
- updater.nextCheckDate = new Date(Date.parse(updater.store.perUser.nextCheckDate));
- updater.console.println(".. nextCheckDate = " + updater.nextCheckDate);
- }
- // viewed messages
- //updater.console.println("..loading viewedMessages");
- if (this.PropertyIsDefined(updater.store.perUser, "viewedMessages")) {
- updater.viewedMessages = updater.store.perUser.viewedMessages;
- //this.DumpObject(updater.viewedMessages);
- }
- else {
- updater.viewedMessages = {};
- }
- },
- saveState: function()
- {
- updater.console.println("updater saving store");
- //updater.console.println("..saving nextCheckDate");
- if (this.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "nextCheckDate")) {
- updater.store.perUser.nextCheckDate = updater.nextCheckDate.toUTCString();
- //updater.console.println("..saving nextCheckDate ok");
- }
- //updater.console.println("..saving viewedMessages");
- if (this.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "viewedMessages")) {
- updater.store.perUser.viewedMessages = updater.viewedMessages;
- //this.DumpObject(updater.viewedMessages);
- //updater.console.println("..saving viewedMessages ok");
- }
- try {
- updater.store.save();
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in saveState(): " + e);
- throw new Error("SaveStateException");
- }
- },
- // will pop up a dialog warning user if no net connection is found
- checkNetConnection: function(skipUI)
- {
- var hasNet;
- if ( typeof(updater.net["isConnected"]) != "undefined") {
- hasNet = updater.net.isConnected();
- }
- else {
- hasNet = updater.dlm.hasNetAccess();
- }
- if (!hasNet && !skipUI) {
- var title = updater.app.getUpdaterString("bsJSNoNetConnectTitle");
- var errMsg = updater.app.getUpdaterString("bsJSNoNetConnectText");
- updater.app.alert({nIcon:0, nType:0, cTitle:title, cMsg:errMsg});
- return false;
- }
- else {
- return true;
- }
- },
- // dialog for missing component
- showMissingCompDialog: function(cName) {
- var text;
- var title = updater.app.getUpdaterString("csJSMissCompTitle");
- if (!cName || cName.length == 0) {
- text = updater.app.getUpdaterString("csJSMissCompText");
- }
- else {
- text = updater.MasterScript.ReplacePrintfToken(updater.app.getUpdaterString("csJSMissCompTextName"),
- [cName]);
- }
- return updater.app.alert({nIcon:2, nType:2, cTitle:title, cMsg:text});
- },
- wellKnownCompDesc: {
- "Plugin/EBook" : function() {
- return updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_SAI_EBOOK_NAME");
- },
- "Plugin/MultiMedia": function() {
- return updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_SAI_MULTIMEDIA_NAME");
- },
- "Plugin/PictureTasks": function() {
- return updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_SAI_MULTIMEDIA_NAME");
- },
- "Annot/Screen": function() {
- return updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_SAI_MULTIMEDIA_NAME");
- },
- "Annot/Movie": function() {
- return updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_SAI_MULTIMEDIA_NAME");
- },
- "AsianFont/TChn": function() {
- return updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_SAI_ASIANFONT_CHT_NAME");
- },
- "AsianFont/SChn": function() {
- return updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_SAI_ASIANFONT_CHS_NAME");
- },
- "AsianFont/Japn": function() {
- return updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_SAI_ASIANFONT_JPN_NAME");
- },
- "AsianFont/Kore": function() {
- return updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_SAI_ASIANFONT_KOR_NAME");
- }
- },
- // First look up in updater.wellKnownCompDesc (maybe updated by
- // CodeScipt) if missing, then look up in
- // updater.MasterScript.wellKnownCompDesc (the default list)
- // returns a non zero length string if desc is known and found for comp
- lookUpWellKnownCompDesc: function(type, name) {
- var l;
- var key = type + "/" + name;
- if (updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "wellKnownCompDesc")) {
- updater.console.println(" using updater.wellKnownCompDesc");
- l = updater.wellKnownCompDesc;
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" using updater.MasterScript.wellKnownCompDesc");
- l = updater.MasterScript.wellKnownCompDesc;
- }
- if (! updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(l, key) ) {
- updater.console.println(" cannot find prop " + key);
- return null;
- }
- if (l[key].constructor == Function) {
- try {
- updater.console.println(" calling " + key + " as function");
- return l[key].call();
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception calling wellKnownCompDesc." + key);
- return null;
- }
- }
- else
- return l[key];
- },
- // MasterScript Entry Point
- // app.findComponent()
- findComponent: function(type, name, desc, ver, params)
- {
- try {
- return this.FindComponentAsync(type, name, desc, ver, params);
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("exception in findComponent: " + e);
- return false;
- }
- },
- // MasterScript Entry Point
- // this is called by the idle proc
- CheckDLMState: function()
- {
- try {
- updater.MasterScript.asset(false, "CheckDLMState is obsoleted and should not be called. DLM state checking is now done by AutoUpdateAsync");
- return;
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("exception in CheckDLMState: " + e);
- }
- },
- // find out which message-only notification user has not read and pop up
- // modal dialogs
- popNotifications: function()
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println(" MasterScript popNotifications()");
- if ( ! this.init(true) ) return;
- updater.console.println("popNotifications()");
- // since called AFTER doUpdate(), just need to check if required
- // scripts exist. also, check user pref. if so, pop new notifications
- var notiEnable = updater.avpref.get("Updater", "ShowNotifDialog",
- updater.avpref.type["Boolean"], true);
- // bail out if user doesn't want to see notifications
- if (!notiEnable) { return; }
- var hasAllScripts = updater.MasterScript.getAllScriptsFromStore();
- updater.console.println("notiEnable = " + notiEnable);
- updater.console.println("hasAllScripts = " + hasAllScripts);
- if (notiEnable && hasAllScripts) {
- updater.DataScript.entryPoint({func:"popNotifications", args:{}});
- }
- updater.console.println("popNotifications() Done");
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("exception in popNotifications: " + e);
- return false;
- }
- },
- // URL utils
- urlGetProgUI: {
- cancelled: false,
- initialize: function(dialog)
- {
- currentDialog = dialog;
- this.cancelled = false;
- },
- commit: function(dialog) {},
- close: function()
- {
- if(currentDialog)
- {
- currentDialog.end();
- return true;
- } else return false;
- },
- "cncl": function(dialog) {
- updater.console.println(" cancelled progress dialog");
- this.cancelled = true;
- this.close();
- },
- description: {
- name: updater.app.getUpdaterString("msJSChkForUpdtTitle"),
- elements:
- [
- {
- type: "view",
- align_children: "align_left",
- elements: [
- {
- type: "static_text",
- name: updater.app.getUpdaterString("msJSChkForUpdtText"),
- alignment: "align_center",
- width: 200
- },
- {
- type: "view",
- alignment: "align_fill",
- align_children: "align_fill",
- elements:[
- {
- type: "button",
- item_id: "cncl",
- name: updater.app.getUpdaterString("msJSChkForUpdtCancel"),
- alignment: "align_center"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- urlMonTask: function()
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println("enter gURLMonTask");
- var mon = updater.gURLMon;
- if (! mon.done) {
- updater.console.println(" gURLMonTask waits...");
- mon.wait();
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" gURLMonTask got all...");
- if (updater.gURLMonTask) {
- updater.app.clearInterval(updater.gURLMonTask);
- updater.gURLMonTask = null;
- }
- updater.MasterScript.urlGetProgUI.close();
- }
- updater.console.println("exit gURLMonTask");
- }
- catch (e) {
- if (updater.gURLMonTask) {
- updater.app.clearInterval(updater.gURLMonTask);
- updater.gURLMonTask = null;
- }
- updater.MasterScript.urlGetProgUI.close();
- updater.console.println("Exception in URLMonTask" + e);
- }
- },
- // ifModSinceDate: js Date obj
- urlGetAsyncJSUI: function(url, ifModSinceDate)
- {
- updater.console.println("Enter urlGetAsyncUI");
- if (updater.gURLMonTask || updater.gURLMon ) {
- updater.console.println("gURLMonTask or gURLMon non-null! throwing...");
- throw new Error("Fatal error: urlGetAsyncUI is in progress!!");
- }
- var taskStr = "updater.MasterScript.urlMonTask();";
- updater.console.println("--- Added IdleProc");
- if (ifModSinceDate) {
- updater.gURLMon = updater.net.urlGetAsync(url, ifModSinceDate.toUTCString());
- }
- else {
- updater.gURLMon = updater.net.urlGetAsync(url);
- }
- updater.gURLMonTask = updater.app.setInterval(taskStr, 1000);
- updater.gURLMon.wait();
- updater.app.execDialog(this.urlGetProgUI);
- if ( this.urlGetProgUI.cancelled ) {
- if (updater.gURLMonTask) {
- updater.app.clearInterval(updater.gURLMonTask);
- updater.gURLMonTask = null;
- }
- updater.gURLMon.cancel();
- updater.gURLMon = null;
- updater.console.println("urlGetAyncUI cancelled! throwing...");
- throw new Error("urlGetAyncUI cancelled");
- }
- var resp = updater.gURLMon.response;
- updater.gURLMonTask = null;
- updater.gURLMon = null;
- updater.console.println("Exit urlGetAsyncUI");
- updater.console.println(" http response status = " + resp["Status"]);
- return resp;
- },
- // ifModSinceDate: js Date obj
- // use blocking updater.net.urlGet
- urlGetUI: function(url, ifModSinceDate, closeUI)
- {
- updater.console.println("Enter urlGetUI");
- // for backward compatibility
- // if ( !this.PropertyIsDefined(updater.app, "showProgressDialog") ) {
- // var resp;
- // if (ifModSinceDate) {
- // updater.console.println(" -- pt 1 ");
- // resp = updater.net.urlGet(url, ifModSinceDate.toUTCString());
- // this.DumpObject(ifModSinceDate);
- // updater.console.println(" -- pt 2 ");
- // }
- // else {
- // resp = updater.net.urlGet(url);
- // }
- // return resp;
- // }
- // new
- if (!updater.isAutoUpdate) {
- updater.app.showProgressDialog();
- }
- updater.app.processDialogEvent();
- var resp;
- if (ifModSinceDate) {
- updater.console.println(" start urlGet() using if-mod-since");
- resp = updater.net.urlGet(url, ifModSinceDate.toUTCString());
- updater.console.println(" done urlGet()");
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" start urlGet()");
- resp = updater.net.urlGet(url);
- updater.console.println(" done urlGet()");
- }
- updater.app.processDialogEvent();
- if (closeUI) {
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- }
- // this.DumpObject(resp);
- if ( updater.app.isProgressDialogCancelled() ) {
- throw new Error("ProgressDialog Cancelled");
- }
- updater.console.println("Exit urlGetUI");
- return resp;
- },
- // ifModSinceDate: js Date obj
- // use Async updater.net.urlGetAsync
- urlGetAsyncUI: function(url, ifModSinceDate, closeUI)
- {
- updater.console.println("Enter urlGetUIAsync");
- // new
- // updater.isAutoUpdate is a gloabl
- if (! updater.isAutoUpdate) {
- updater.app.showProgressDialog();
- }
- var mon;
- if (ifModSinceDate) {
- updater.console.println(" calls updater.net.urlGetAsync() using if-mod-since");
- mon = updater.net.urlGetAsync(url, ifModSinceDate.toUTCString());
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" calls updater.net.urlGetAsync()");
- mon = updater.net.urlGetAsync(url);
- }
- // loop for waiting for async get
- updater.console.println(" start looping url mon");
- while (! mon.done) {
- //updater.console.println(" ...waiting mon");
- updater.app.processDialogEvent();
- mon.wait();
- updater.app.processDialogEvent();
- if ( updater.app.isProgressDialogCancelled() ) {
- updater.console.println(" ...cancelling mon");
- mon.cancel();
- // updater.app.processDialogEvent();
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- throw "URLGetCancelled";
- }
- }
- if (closeUI) {
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- }
- var resp = mon.response;
- updater.console.println("Exit urlGetUIAsync");
- return resp;
- },
- //
- // FixUp the cacheScriptName so that it is product and language
- // dependent
- // eg: cachedMasterScript -> cachedMasterScript_Exchange-Pro_JPN
- // cachedDataScript -> cachedDataScript_Reader_FRA
- //
- FixUpCacheScriptName: function(str) {
- var ret = str + "_" + updater.app.viewerType + "_" + updater.app.language;
- return ret;
- },
- //
- // updater.tmp
- // updater.MasterScript
- // updater.DataScript
- // updater.CodeScript
- // updater.UIScript
- //
- //
- // updater.store.perUser:
- // cachedMasterScript = { cachedDate: Date, scriptObj: script };
- // cachedDataScript
- // cachedCodeScript
- // cachedUIScript
- // nextCheckDate
- //
- // CachedScript obj is like { cachedDate: Date, scriptObj: script };
- //
- // The input scriptCacheName are cachedMasterScript, cachedDataScript,
- // cachedCodeScript, cachedUIScript, etc.
- //
- // scriptCacheName are postpended with prodConfig and Lang:
- // eg: cachedMasterScript -> cachedMasterScript_Exchange-Pro_JPN
- // cachedDataScript -> cachedDataScript_Reader_FRA
- //
- // the postpended names are the actually names used in udstore.js
- //
- GetCachedScriptObj: function(serializationRoot, // updater.store.perUser
- scriptCacheName) // cachedDataScript, name for a CachedScript obj
- {
- updater.console.println(" GetCachedScriptObj()");
- var cachedScriptObj = null;
- // Should validate input params here!
- if (! scriptCacheName || scriptCacheName.length <=0 ) { throw "InvalidCachedName"; };
- scriptCacheName = this.FixUpCacheScriptName(scriptCacheName);
- updater.console.println(" scriptCacheName = " + scriptCacheName);
- // var serializationRoot = updater.store.perUser;
- // Do we have a cached data script object? If so, grab the date
- // associated with it. This represents the moddate (in server-time) of
- // the data.
- try {
- // try finding cachedScriptModDate from presisted script
- if ( this.PropertyIsDefined(serializationRoot, scriptCacheName) ) {
- // Looks like we have a cached data script obj. Just to be safe,
- // we'll ensure that it has the required keys
- // var cachedScriptObj = serializationRoot.cachedDataScript;
- cachedScriptObj = serializationRoot[scriptCacheName];
- // the cachedScriptObj must have prop scriptObj and cachedData
- if ( !this.PropertyIsDefined( cachedScriptObj, "scriptObj" ) || !this.PropertyIsDefined( cachedScriptObj, "cachedDate" ) ) {
- updater.console.println(" corrupted scriptobj");
- // missing a critical prop! nuke the cache info
- // delete serializationRoot.cachedDataScript;
- delete serializationRoot[scriptCacheName];
- }
- // else {
- // setup to use the moddate of the data JS in an if-modified-since query
- // cachedScriptModDate = new Date(Date.parse(cachedScriptObj.cachedDate));
- //updater.console.println(" cachedScriptObj.cachedDate = " + cachedScriptModDate);
- // }
- // if older version of DataScript < 0.02
- // updater.console.println(" cachedScript version = " + cachedScriptObj.scriptObj.version);
- //if (cachedScriptObj.scriptObj.version < "0.02") {
- //updater.console.println(" has older DataScript. force loading new one");
- //cachedScriptModDate = null;
- //}
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println(" exception in finding out cachedScriptModDate ");
- updater.console.println(" setting cachedScriptModDate to null");
- }
- return cachedScriptObj;
- },
- GetCachedScriptModDate: function(cachedScriptObj)
- {
- updater.console.println(" GetCachedScriptModDate()");
- var cachedScriptModDate = null;
- if ( cachedScriptObj && this.PropertyIsDefined( cachedScriptObj, "cachedDate" ) ) {
- cachedScriptModDate = new Date(Date.parse(cachedScriptObj.cachedDate));
- }
- return cachedScriptModDate;
- },
- // returns a resp obj
- DownloadScript: function(scriptURL, cachedScriptModDate)
- {
- updater.console.println(" DownloadScript()");
- var resp;
- try {
- if (cachedScriptModDate) {
- updater.console.println(" Using if-mod-since");
- if (updater.useSyncRead) {
- resp = this.urlGetUI(scriptURL, cachedScriptModDate);
- }
- else {
- resp = this.urlGetAsyncUI(scriptURL, cachedScriptModDate);
- }
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" NOT Using if-mod-since");
- if (updater.useSyncRead) {
- resp = this.urlGetUI(scriptURL);
- }
- else {
- resp = this.urlGetAsyncUI(scriptURL);
- }
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- if (e == "URLGetCancelled") {
- throw "DownloadCancelled";
- }
- updater.console.println("Exception raised from updater.net.urlGet() or urlGetAsync() - " + e);
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- throw "URLGetException";
- }
- return resp;
- },
- // return a scriptObj
- GetAndCacheScriptObjFromResp: function(cachedScriptObj, resp,
- serializationRoot, scriptCacheName)
- {
- updater.console.println(" GetAndCacheScriptObjFromResp()");
- scriptCacheName = this.FixUpCacheScriptName(scriptCacheName);
- updater.console.println(" scriptCacheName = " + scriptCacheName);
- // If we succesfully downloaded the data script, or if we got a not-modified result, we need to grab the
- // date returned by the server, which we'll use as our new last-check date. This avoids clock skew
- // between the local machine and the server.
- var serverDate = null;
- updater.console.println(" checking response status");
- if (!resp || ! this.PropertyIsDefined(resp, "Status")) {
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- throw "NoReponseStatus";
- }
- updater.console.println(" http response status = " + resp["Status"]);
- // if-modified-since case
- if (resp["Status"] == 304) {
- updater.console.println(" if-mod-since used since server response status = " + resp["Status"]);
- // used the cached datascript
- // updater.DataScript = cachedScriptObj.scriptObj;
- return cachedScriptObj.scriptObj;
- }
- // all other server error
- if (resp["Status"] != 200) {
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- throw "ServerError";
- }
- // Status = 200
- updater.console.println(" got newer content from server");
- // updater.console.println("resp.Content = " + resp.Content.substr(0, 30));
- // Get rid of the old cached data since it is out of date
- // delete serializationRoot.cachedDataScript;
- delete serializationRoot[scriptCacheName];
- if ( this.PropertyIsDefined( resp.Headers, "Date" ) ) {
- serverDate = this.GenASN1ToDate( resp.Headers["Date"] );
- updater.console.println(" Got Server Date ");
- }
- else {
- // illegal HTTP response without a Date header!
- updater.console.println(" illegal HTTP response without a Date header! throw!");
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- throw "NoDateHeader";
- }
- // Get the new moddate for the downloaded data out of the HTTP response headers. Per HTTP 1.1 spec
- // section 14.25, we'll first try to get the Last-Modified header. Failing this, we'll use the value
- // of the date header (which we retrieved above and stored in serverDate)
- var newModDate;
- if ( this.PropertyIsDefined( resp.Headers, "Last-Modified" ) ) {
- updater.console.println(" using Last-Modified to cache");
- newModDate = this.GenASN1ToDate( resp.Headers["Last-Modified"] );
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" using serverDate to cache");
- newModDate = serverDate;
- }
- updater.console.println(" newModDate = " + newModDate);
- // eval the returned data. If this pukes, it'll throw. We'll put in a check for null as well
- // just to be paranoid
- updater.console.println(" Eval resp.Content ");
- var newScriptObj = eval( resp.Content );
- if ( newScriptObj == null ) {
- updater.console.println(" Something wrong while eval resp.Content. throws!");
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- throw "BadData";
- }
- // Put the new cached data where it belongs
- updater.console.println(" Caching Content");
- // serializationRoot.cachedDataScript = { cachedDate : newModDate, scriptObj : newScriptObj };
- serializationRoot[scriptCacheName] = { cachedDate : newModDate, scriptObj : newScriptObj };
- // updater.DataScript = newScriptObj;
- return newScriptObj;
- },
- // return scriptObj
- downloadAndCacheScript: function(scriptURL,
- serializationRoot, // updater.store.perUser
- scriptCacheName // cachedDataScript, name for a CachedScript obj
- ) {
- if (! scriptURL || scriptURL.length <=0 ) { throw "InvalidScriptURL"; };
- updater.console.println("===== downloadAndCacheScript =====");
- updater.console.println(" url = " + scriptURL);
- var cachedScriptObj = null;
- cachedScriptObj = this.GetCachedScriptObj(serializationRoot, scriptCacheName);
- var cachedScriptModDate = null;
- cachedScriptModDate = this.GetCachedScriptModDate(cachedScriptObj);
- var resp = null;
- resp = this.DownloadScript(scriptURL, cachedScriptModDate);
- var scriptObj = null;
- scriptObj = this.GetAndCacheScriptObjFromResp(cachedScriptObj, resp,
- serializationRoot, scriptCacheName);
- return scriptObj;
- },
- // return a script or null
- getScriptFromStore: function(serializationRoot,
- scriptCacheName) {
- if (updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(serializationRoot, scriptCacheName)) {
- updater.console.println("getScriptFromStore got " + scriptCacheName);
- return serializationRoot[scriptCacheName].scriptObj;
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println("getScriptFromStore returns null ");
- return null;
- }
- },
- // bring all scripts to runtime from store
- // only called by popNotifications().
- // will NOT go to net and fetch latest script
- // return true if all scripts exist
- //
- // TODO: need to check ResourceScript as well
- // TODO: even better, if DataScript exist, check it dependency list for
- // required scripts rather than just code in all scripts names here
- // FIXME: MUST CALL FixUpCacheScriptName!!! otherwise won't find any scripts
- getAllScriptsFromStore: function() {
- updater.console.println(" getAllScriptsFromStore()");
- if ( ! updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "DataScript")) {
- var ret = updater.MasterScript.getScriptFromStore(updater.store.perUser,
- this.FixUpCacheScriptName("cachedDataScript"));
- if (ret != null) {
- updater.DataScript = ret;
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" missing from store - DataScript");
- return false;
- } // if DataScript not in store, other script cannot be
- }
- updater.MasterScript.assert(updater.DataScript, "update.DataScript undefined");
- updater.console.println(" got from store - DataScript");
- var depList = updater.DataScript.GetScriptDependency();
- updater.MasterScript.assert(depList.constructor == Array, "depList not an Array!");
- var idx = 0;
- var gotAll = false;
- updater.console.println(" depList.length = " + depList.length);
- while ( idx < depList.length ) {
- updater.console.println(" idx = " + idx);
- var sRoot = depList[idx]["serializationRoot"]; // updater.store.perUser
- var sCachName = depList[idx]["scriptCacheName"]; // "cachedCodeScript"
- var cPoint = depList[idx]["callPoint"]; // "CodeScript"
- if ( updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(updater, cPoint) ) {
- // already defined
- updater.console.println(" got " + cPoint);
- idx++;
- }
- else {
- // trying mounting from store
- var scpt = updater.MasterScript.getScriptFromStore(sRoot, this.FixUpCacheScriptName(sCachName));
- if (ret != null) {
- updater[cPoint] = scpt;
- idx++;
- updater.console.println(" got from store - " + cPoint);
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" missing from store - " + cPoint);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (idx == depList.length) { gotAll = true; };
- return gotAll;
- },
- // Dev Tests
- getTestMasterURL: function()
- {
- var testmaster = "TestMaster.js";
- var ret = updater.scriptRootURL + testmaster;
- return ret;
- },
- testExec: function()
- {
- // this.findComponent("annotation", "bumper sticker");
- this.popNotifications();
- // var d1 = "20021107061101Z";
- // var d2 = "20010315182201.27Z";
- // var d3 = "20020910213422.56-0200";
- // var res = updater.MasterScript.GenASN1ToDate(d1);
- // updater.console.println(" d1 = " + res.toUTCString());
- // var res = updater.MasterScript.GenASN1ToDate(d2);
- // updater.console.println(" d1 = " + res.toUTCString());
- // var res = updater.MasterScript.GenASN1ToDate(d3);
- // updater.console.println(" d1 = " + res.toUTCString());
- // return;
- updater.console.println("Start Updater Test");
- var testMasterURL = this.getTestMasterURL();
- var testScript;
- try {
- var resp;
- // resp = this.urlGetAsyncUI(testMasterURL);
- resp = updater.MasterScript.urlGetUI(testMasterURL, null, true);
- updater.console.println(" Got TestMaster");
- updater.TestMaster = eval(resp.Content);
- updater.console.println(" Eval TestMaster done");
- if (this.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "TestMaster")) {
- updater.TestMaster.exec();
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" Cannot load TestMaster");
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("exception while fetching TestMaster: " + e);
- }
- },
- updaterPrefPanelSrc:
- {
- version: "0.01",
- monthlyText : updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_UPDATEMONTHLY"),
- manuallyText : updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_UPDATEMANUALLY"),
- // constants
- monthly: 1,
- manually: 0,
- nextCheckText: updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_NEXTCHECK"),
- manualNextCheck: updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_MANUALNEXTCHECK"),
- updateDescText: updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_UPDATEDESCTEXT"),
- updateDescTextReader: updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_UPDATEDESCTEXT_READER"),
- updateAcrobatNowText: updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_UPDATE_ACROBAT_NOW"),
- updateReaderNowText: updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_UPDATE_READER_NOW"),
- hasMsgFunc: function(arg) {
- updater.console.println("arg.returnVal = " + arg.returnVal);
- var hasMsg = (arg.returnVal > 0);
- arg["hasMsg"] = hasMsg;
- updater.console.println("inner hasMsg = " + hasMsg);
- },
- // dsiu: TODO: need to unwind this to CodeScript
- initialize: function(dialog) {
- updater.console.println("updaterPrefDialog initialize");
- // this.l10n_init(dialog);
- var freq = updater.app.getUpdateFrequency();
- updater.console.println(" freq = " + freq);
- var choices = {};
- if (freq == this.monthly) {
- updater.console.println(" using monthly");
- choices[this.monthlyText] = 1;
- choices[this.manuallyText] = 0;
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" using manually");
- choices[this.monthlyText] = 0;
- choices[this.manuallyText] = 1;
- }
- //dialog.load( { "Freq" : { "Every Month" : (freq == this.monthly) ,
- //"Manually" : (freq == this.manually) } } );
- dialog.load( {"Freq" : choices} );
- // widths
- var date;
- if (freq==this.manually)
- date = this.manualNextCheck;
- else
- {
- if (!updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "nextCheckDate"))
- {
- updater.console.println("nextCheckDate not defined; define it now");
- updater.nextCheckDate = updater.MasterScript.CreateFirstUpdateTime();
- updater.console.println("nextCheckDate = " + updater.nextCheckDate);
- }
- date = "" + updater.nextCheckDate;
- }
- dialog.load( { "ckAc" : (date) } );
- var type = updater.app.viewerType;
- if ( type == "Reader" ) {
- dialog.load( { "text" : this.updateDescTextReader } );
- dialog.load( { "UpAc" : this.updateReaderNowText } );
- }
- else {
- dialog.load( { "text" : this.updateDescText } );
- dialog.load( { "UpAc" : this.updateAcrobatNowText } );
- }
- dialog.load( { "conf" : updater.app.getShowUpdateDialog() } );
- dialog.load( { "ShNo" : updater.app.getShowStartupNotifDialog() } );
- // FIXME:
- // enable Notification button only when there are messages
- // downloaded AND not restart pending!
- var hasAllScripts = updater.MasterScript.getAllScriptsFromStore();
- hasMsgFuncArgs = { "hasMsg": false };
- if (hasAllScripts) {
- updater.DataScript.entryPoint({func: "GetNumMessages",
- args:{}, callBack: this.hasMsgFunc,
- callBackArgs: hasMsgFuncArgs});
- };
- var hasMsg = hasMsgFuncArgs["hasMsg"];
- updater.console.println("outter hasMsg = " + hasMsg);
- var notiEnable = hasAllScripts &&
- (! updater.MasterScript.checkPendingRestart(true))
- && hasMsg;
- var hasUpsEnable = hasAllScripts &&
- (! updater.MasterScript.checkPendingRestart(true));
- dialog.enable( { "Noti" : notiEnable } );
- dialog.enable( { "InUp" : hasUpsEnable });
- dialog.createNotifier( { "InUp" : 0, "Noti" : 0 } );
- },
- // dsiu: TODO: need to unwind this to CodeScript
- commit: function(dialog) {
- updater.console.println("updaterPrefDialog commit");
- // var val = dialog.store("Freq")["Freq"];
- var val = dialog.store("Freq")["Freq"];
- var isMan = val[this.manuallyText];
- var isMonth = val[this.monthlyText];
- updater.console.println(" isMan = " + isMan);
- updater.console.println(" isMon = " + isMonth);
- updater.app.setUpdateFrequency(isMan ? this.manually : this.monthly);
- updater.app.setShowUpdateDialog(dialog.store("conf" )["conf"]);
- updater.app.setShowStartupNotifDialog(dialog.store("ShNo" )["ShNo"]);
- },
- // dsiu: TODO: need to unwind this to CodeScript
- // manual update
- // "UpAc": function(dialog) {
- // updater.console.println("UpAc clicked");
- // updater.MasterScript.entryPoint(true);
- // },
- "InUp": function(dialog) {
- updater.console.println("InUp clicked");
- updater.DataScript.entryPoint({func:"ShowInstalledUpdatesDialog", args:{}});
- },
- // dsiu: TODO: need to unwind this to CodeScript
- "Noti": function(dialog) {
- updater.console.println("Noti clicked");
- updater.DataScript.entryPoint({func:"ShowNotifDialog", args:{}});
- }
- },
- // Pref Panel
- GetUpdaterPrefPanel: function() {
- var updatePanelName = updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_UPDATE");
- var gStaticTextHeight = 13;
- var gPrefsPanelWidth = 550;
- var gPrefsPanelHeight = 390;
- var updaterPrefPanel = updater.MasterScript.updaterPrefPanelSrc;
- updaterPrefPanel["description"] =
- {
- name: "Update Prefs Panel",
- margin_height: "0",
- margin_width: "0",
- elements: [
- {
- type: "cluster",
- name: (updatePanelName),
- dwidth: (gPrefsPanelWidth),
- dheight: (gPrefsPanelHeight),
- align_children: "align_left",
- elements: [
- {
- type: "static_text",
- item_id: "text",
- alignment: "align_fill",
- height: (gStaticTextHeight*5)
- },
- {
- type: "view",
- align_children: "align_row",
- alignment: "align_fill",
- elements: [
- {
- type: "static_text",
- item_id: "nctx",
- name: (updaterPrefPanel.nextCheckText)
- },
- {
- type: "static_text",
- item_id: "ckAc",
- alignment: "align_fill"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- type: "gap",
- height: (gStaticTextHeight)
- },
- {
- type: "view",
- align_children: "align_right",
- alignment: "align_center",
- elements: [
- {
- type: "view",
- align_children: "align_row",
- elements: [
- {
- type: "static_text",
- item_id: "cfut",
- alignment: "align_right",
- name: (checkForUpdatesText)
- },
- {
- type: "popup",
- item_id: "Freq",
- width: (gUpdateNowWidth)
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- type: "button",
- item_id: "Noti",
- width: (gUpdateNowWidth),
- name: (updateNotificationBtn)
- },
- {
- type: "button",
- item_id: "InUp",
- width: (gUpdateNowWidth),
- name: updater.MasterScript.getPrefPanelLocStr("UIS_INUPS_INSTALLED_UPDATES")
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- type: "gap",
- height: (gStaticTextHeight)
- },
- {
- type: "check_box",
- item_id: "conf",
- name: (showConfirmDlgText)
- },
- {
- type: "check_box",
- item_id: "ShNo",
- name: (displayStartupNotifDlgText)
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- };
- return updaterPrefPanel;
- }, // GetUpdaterPrefPanel
- // MasterScript Entry Point
- // called from idle proc
- InstallPrefPanel: function()
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println(" MasterScript InstallPrefPanel()");
- if ( ! this.init(true) ) return;
- updater.console.println("InstallPrefPanel");
- if (!updater.prefPanelInstalled) {
- // var prefd = this.updaterPrefPanel;
- // var prefd = updater.MasterScript.updaterPrefPanel;
- // updater.app.createJSPrefsPanel(prefd, "Updates", "Updates");
- // try using a global off updater
- updater.prefPanel = updater.MasterScript.GetUpdaterPrefPanel();
- updater.app.createJSPrefsPanel(updater.prefPanel,
- updater.app.getUpdaterString("IDS_PREFS_PANEL_UPDATE"),
- "Updates");
- updater.prefPanelInstalled = true;
- updater.console.println("UpdaterPrefPanel installed");
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println("UpdaterPrefPanel already installed");
- }
- updater.console.println("InstallPrefPanel Done");
- return;
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("exception in InstallPrefPanel: " + e);
- }
- },
- //
- // General way of creating a state machine
- //
- SStartStateMachine : function(idleProc, idleArgs,
- resumeProc, resumeArgs,
- name, states)
- {
- if (this.PropertyIsDefined(updater, "gStateMachineLock") &&
- updater.gStateMachineLock == true) {
- updater.console.println("SStartStateMachine locked by " +
- updater.gStateMachine.name);
- throw "StateMachineInUse";
- }
- updater.gStateMachineLock = true;
- // TODO: add singleton
- updater.gStateMachine = new Object();
- var sm = updater.gStateMachine;
- sm.name = name;
- sm.enumStates = states;
- sm.state = states.StInit;
- sm.idleProc = idleProc;
- sm.idleArgs = idleArgs;
- sm.resumeProc = resumeProc;
- sm.resumeArgs = resumeArgs;
- sm.done = false;
- sm.error = false;
- sm.exception = null;
- // TODO: the interval in ms MUST BE greater than the ADM idle proc
- // otherwise cancel event won't be received!
- sm.handle = updater.app.setInterval(idleProc, 60);
- },
- // BgDl = Background downloading
- SBgDlStates :
- {
- StInit: 0,
- StReadStart: 1,
- StReadWait: 2,
- StReadDone: 3,
- StShowUI: 4,
- StProcessUI: 5,
- StException: 800,
- StFinished: 999
- },
- //
- // This is the state machine for doing download MULTIPLE script, posting
- // progress dialog, cache script, etc. this is a replacement for
- // loadDataScript() / downloadAndCacheScript()
- //
- SBgDlProcessState : function()
- {
- var sm = updater.gStateMachine;
- try {
- var state = sm.state;
- var st_enum = sm.enumStates;
- //updater.console.println("= SBgDlProcessState =");
- //updater.MasterScript.DumpObject(sm.idleArgs, "idleArgs", true);
- // unpackage the args
- var loadScriptArgs = sm.idleArgs.loadScriptArgs;
- updater.MasterScript.assert(loadScriptArgs.constructor == Array, "loadScriptArgs not an Array!");
- // init idx
- if (! updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(sm, "scriptArgIdx") ) {
- sm.scriptArgIdx = 0;
- }
- // updater.console.println("scriptArgIdx = " + sm.scriptArgIdx);
- // updater.MasterScript.DumpArray(loadScriptArgs);
- var lsArgs = loadScriptArgs[sm.scriptArgIdx];
- // cannot check assert here since lsArgs MAYBE null for the last
- // element before proceeding to the StFinished state
- //updater.MasterScript.assert(lsArgs, "lsArgs is NULL");
- // updater.MasterScript.DumpObject(lsArgs, "lsArgs", true);
- var scriptURL = lsArgs? lsArgs["scriptURL"] : null;
- var serializationRoot = lsArgs ? lsArgs["serializationRoot"] : null;
- var scriptCacheName = lsArgs ? lsArgs["scriptCacheName"] : null;
- var callPoint = lsArgs ? lsArgs["callPoint"] : null;
- var dontMount = lsArgs ? lsArgs["dontMount"] : null;
- var suppressUI = sm.idleArgs["suppressUI"];
- var closeUI = sm.idleArgs["closeUI"];
- switch (state) {
- case st_enum.StInit :
- try {
- updater.console.println("=== StInit ===");
- if (! scriptURL || scriptURL.length <=0 ) {
- sm.exception = "InvalidScriptURL";
- sm.state = sm.StException;
- break;
- }
- updater.console.println(" url = " + scriptURL);
- // setup private var in sm
- sm.cachedScriptObj = null;
- sm.cachedScriptObj = updater.MasterScript.GetCachedScriptObj(serializationRoot, scriptCacheName);
- sm.cachedScriptModDate = null;
- sm.cachedScriptModDate = updater.MasterScript.GetCachedScriptModDate(sm.cachedScriptObj);
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StShowUI;
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in StInit: " + e);
- sm.exception = e;
- sm.state = sm.StException;
- }
- break;
- case st_enum.StShowUI:
- try {
- updater.console.println("=== StShowUI ===");
- if (!suppressUI) {
- updater.app.showProgressDialog();
- }
- sm.uiCancelled = false;
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StReadStart;
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in StShowUI: " + e);
- sm.exception = e;
- sm.state = sm.StException;
- }
- break;
- case st_enum.StReadStart :
- try {
- updater.console.println("=== StReadStart ===");
- sm.response = null;
- if (sm.cachedScriptModDate) {
- updater.console.println(" calls updater.net.urlGetAsync() using if-mod-since");
- sm.urlMon = updater.net.urlGetAsync(scriptURL, sm.cachedScriptModDate.toUTCString());
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" calls updater.net.urlGetAsync()");
- sm.urlMon = updater.net.urlGetAsync(scriptURL);
- }
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StProcessUI;
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in StReadStart" + e);
- sm.exception = "URLGetException";
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StException;
- }
- break;
- case st_enum.StProcessUI :
- try {
- updater.console.println("=== StProcessUI ===");
- // updater.app.processDialogEvent();
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StUIWait;
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in StPocessUI: " + e);
- sm.exception = e;
- sm.state = sm.StException;
- }
- break;
- case st_enum.StUIWait :
- try {
- updater.console.println("=== StUIWait ===");
- sm.uiCancelled = updater.app.isProgressDialogCancelled()
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StReadWait;
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in StUIWait: " + e);
- sm.exception = e;
- sm.state = sm.StException;
- }
- break;
- case st_enum.StReadWait :
- try {
- updater.console.println("=== StReadWait ===");
- if (sm.uiCancelled) {
- sm.urlMon.cancel();
- sm.exception = "DownloadCancelled";
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StException;
- break;
- }
- if (sm.urlMon.done) {
- sm.state = st_enum.StReadDone;
- break;
- }
- sm.urlMon.wait();
- sm.state = st_enum.StProcessUI;
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in StReadWait" + e);
- sm.exception = e;
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StException;
- }
- break;
- case st_enum.StReadDone:
- try {
- updater.console.println("=== StReadDone ===");
- // should check again if ui is cancelled due to late click
- // latching
- if (updater.app.isProgressDialogCancelled()) {
- sm.exception = "DownloadCancelled";
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StException;
- break;
- }
- if (! updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(sm, "scriptObjs")
- || (sm.scriptObjs.constructor != Array) ) {
- sm.scriptObjs = new Array();
- }
- var idx = sm.scriptArgIdx;
- // acrobat can raise in urlMon.response if the download scripts
- // not signed correctly
- sm.scriptObjs[idx] =
- updater.MasterScript.GetAndCacheScriptObjFromResp(sm.cachedScriptObj,
- sm.urlMon.response, serializationRoot, scriptCacheName);
- // mount call point
- if (!dontMount) {
- updater[callPoint] = sm.scriptObjs[idx];
- }
- // initialize script obj
- if (updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(updater[callPoint],
- "Initialize")
- &&
- updater[callPoint]["Initialize"].constructor == Function) {
- updater[callPoint]["Initialize"]();
- }
- // done when all script in loadScriptArgs is iterated
- sm.scriptArgIdx++;
- if (sm.scriptArgIdx < loadScriptArgs.length) {
- sm.state = st_enum.StInit;
- }
- else {
- if (closeUI) {
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- }
- sm.state = st_enum.StFinished;
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in StReadDone : " + e);
- sm.exception = e;
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StException;
- }
- break;
- case st_enum.StException:
- updater.console.println("=== StException ===");
- // always closes UI when exception happens
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- var e = sm.exception;
- updater.console.println("Exception in " + sm.name + ": " + e);
- if (e == "URLGetException" || e == "URLContentNotFound" || e == "ServerError") {
- // These errors are probably network or server related. don't
- // even need to bother user with the error. just inform them no
- // update is available at this time
- var title = updater.app.getUpdaterString("uisJSNoUpdtAvailTitle");
- var errMsg = updater.app.getUpdaterString("uisJSNoUpdtAvailAtThisTimeText");
- if (! suppressUI)
- updater.app.alert({nIcon:3, nType:0, cTitle:title, cMsg:errMsg});
- }
- else if (e == "NoDateHeader" || e == "BadData") {
- // probably should not pop dialog here since these are internal
- // errors from downloadAndCacheScript
- var title = updater.app.getUpdaterString("bsJSNoNetConnectTitle");
- var errMsg = updater.app.getUpdaterString("bsJSInternalErrorText");
- if (! suppressUI)
- updater.app.alert({nIcon:0, nType:0, cTitle:title, cMsg:errMsg});
- }
- else if (e == "DownloadCancelled" ) {
- updater.MasterScript.assert(false, "DownloadCancelled");
- updater.console.println("DownloadCancelled");
- // siliently swollow the exception if user cancelled out
- }
- sm.exception = "LoadScriptException";
- sm.state = st_enum.StFinished;
- break;
- case st_enum.StFinished:
- try {
- updater.console.println("=== StFinished ===");
- // should check again if ui is cancelled due to late click
- // latching
- if (!sm.uiCancelled && updater.app.isProgressDialogCancelled()) {
- updater.MasterScript.assert(false, "DownloadCancelled");
- updater.console.println("DownloadCancelled");
- sm.exception = "LoadScriptException";
- sm.state = sm.enumStates.StException;
- }
- // stop the state machine from advancing and release its lock
- // since we are done
- updater.app.clearInterval(sm.handle);
- sm.done = true;
- updater.gStateMachineLock = false;
- // call resume proc when done
- updater.MasterScript.assert(sm.resumeProc.constructor == Function, "resumeProc NOT a function");
- if (sm.resumeProc.constructor == Function) {
- sm.resumeProc(sm);
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println("sm.resumeProc not a function. skip calling");
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in StFinished" + e);
- // close the UI
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- }
- break;
- default :
- updater.MasterScript.assert(false, "Shoule NOT reach default case - " + sm.name);
- throw "CannotHappen";
- break;
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- sm.exception = e;
- updater.app.clearInterval(sm.handle);
- sm.done = true;
- updater.gStateMachineLock = false;
- updater.console.println("Exception in SBgDlProcessState: " + e);
- }
- },
- //
- // Updater Script loading machinism
- //
- // MasterScript: assumed always available (from bootstrap.js). it
- // exports common functions and system functions to all other scripts.
- // It ONLY knows how to load DataScript.js. Once DataScript is loaded,
- // MasterScript inquires DataScript about what other scripts DataScript
- // needs by calling DataScript.GetScriptDependencyList() and load all the
- // required scripts. After each script is loaded, its Initialize()
- // function will be called if exists.
- //
- // DataScript: loaded only by MasterScript. It has three piece of
- // information:
- //
- // 1) the available component data structure. it contains all available
- // component for a given acrobat product configuration.
- //
- // 2) messages to be shown by the notification dialog
- //
- // 3) A function that returns a script depency list. This allow future
- // expandability. it initially contains only CodeScript and UIScript.
- //
- // DataScript Initialize() will have to check if the system has correct
- // version of MasterScript. If not, it would call
- // LoadAndCacheScriptAsync() to get a new MasterScript. A viewer restart
- // is required if new MasterScript is loaded.
- //
- // CodeScript: Contains all procedures for doing Auto Update, Manual
- // Update, FincComponent, etc.
- //
- // UIScript: Contains all UI elements for Updater.
- //
- // Since MasterScript knows only DataScript, call-chaining is used so
- // that arbitrary scripts (potentially new scripts) can be used to
- // implement/replace Updater's functionality. It works like this:
- //
- // DataScript and the script contains the implementation of Updater's
- // functionality contains a common entry point, aptly named entryPoint().
- // it is called with an {} with "func", and "args" memebers. DataScript
- // has the right to vector off the requests to the implementation script
- // (CodeScript) by simply calling entryPoint() with pass the arg along.
- // MasterScript.AutoUpdate() --> DataScript.entryPoint(arg)
- // --> CodeScript.entryPoint(arg) --> CodeScript.AutoUpdate(udArgs)
- // where arg is {func:AutoUpdate, arg:{udArgs}}
- // udArags is an {}
- //
- //
- // LoadAndCacheScriptAsync
- //
- // this is a single call for handling all the nasty details regarding
- // script downloading, mounting, caching, progress UI popping, etc
- //
- // this is a non blocking call. if suppressUI is true, no UI is shown by
- // default, the UI is not closed when operation is done unless closeUI is
- // true. UI is always closed when exception happens
- //
- // resumeProc will be called with resumeArgs when the script is
- // downloaded and mounted
- //
- // loadScriptArgs is an array of elements:
- // {
- // "scriptURL" : this.getDSURL(),
- // "serializationRoot" : updater.store.perUser,
- // "scriptCacheName" : "cachedDataScript",
- // "callPoint" : "DataScript"
- // "dontMount" : false
- // }
- //
- // each element in the loadScriptArgs array will be processed sequentially
- //
- LoadAndCacheScriptAsync: function(loadScriptArgs,
- resumeProc, resumeArgs,
- suppressUI, closeUI)
- {
- var idleProc = "updater.MasterScript.SBgDlProcessState()";
- var idleArgs = { "loadScriptArgs" : loadScriptArgs,
- "suppressUI" : suppressUI,
- "closeUI" : closeUI };
- this.SStartStateMachine(idleProc, idleArgs,
- resumeProc, resumeArgs,
- "SBgDlProcessState", this.SBgDlStates);
- return this.SStartStateMachine;
- },
- //
- // LoadScriptDepFinishProc is called after DataScripts AND its depending
- // scripts are all downloaded. The update process continue by
- //
- LoadScriptDepFinishProc: function(sm)
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println("LoadScriptDepFinishProc()");
- // something wrong in state machine, raise it
- if (sm.exception) { throw sm.exception };
- updater.MasterScript.assert(sm.resumeArgs["dsCallerResumeProc"], "dsCallerResumeProc undefined! ");
- updater.app.hideProgressDialog();
- var func = sm.resumeArgs["dsCallerResumeProc"];
- var args = sm.resumeArgs["dsCallerResumeArgs"];
- if (func.constructor == Function) {
- func(args);
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in LoadScriptDepFinishProc: " + e);
- }
- },
- //
- // LoadDataScriptFinishProc is called when DataScript is downloaded. It
- // continue the script loading process by using DataScript's script
- // dependency list.
- //
- LoadDataScriptFinishProc: function(sm)
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println("LoadDataScriptFinishProc()");
- // something wrong in state machine, raise it
- if (sm.exception) { throw sm.exception };
- var depScriptsArgs = updater.DataScript.GetScriptDependency();
- // updater.MasterScript.DumpObject(depScriptsArgs,"depScriptsArgs", true);
- updater.MasterScript.assert(depScriptsArgs.constructor == Array);
- var suppressUI = sm.resumeArgs["dsCallerSuppressUI"];
- var closeUI = sm.resumeArgs["dsCallerCloseUI"];
- updater.MasterScript.LoadAndCacheScriptAsync(depScriptsArgs,
- updater.MasterScript.LoadScriptDepFinishProc,
- sm.resumeArgs,
- suppressUI, closeUI);
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in LoadDataScriptFinishProc: " + e);
- }
- },
- //
- // single call for loading DataScript and its depending scripts used by
- // AutoUpdateAsync, ManualUpdateAsync, FindComponentAsync, etc
- //
- LoadDataScriptAsync: function(resumeProc, resumeArgs,
- suppressUI, closeUI)
- {
- var loadScriptArgs = new Array();
- var dsLoadArgs = {
- "scriptURL" : this.getDSURL(),
- "serializationRoot" : updater.store.perUser,
- "scriptCacheName" : "cachedDataScript",
- "callPoint" : "DataScript"
- };
- loadScriptArgs[0] = dsLoadArgs;
- //
- // remember the orginal caller's resume proc and args so that after all
- // the DataScript depending are loaded, the update process know where
- // to continue.
- //
- var dsFinishArg = {"dsCallerResumeProc": resumeProc,
- "dsCallerResumeArgs" : resumeArgs,
- "dsCallerSuppressUI" : suppressUI,
- "dsCallerCloseUI" : closeUI};
- // before running resumeProc and resumeArgs, will call
- // LoadDataScriptFinishProc it load up all scripts DataScript requires
- this.LoadAndCacheScriptAsync(loadScriptArgs,
- this.LoadDataScriptFinishProc, dsFinishArg,
- suppressUI, closeUI);
- },
- //
- // Manual Update Procs
- //
- // this is called when DataScript.entryPoint() is done
- ManualUpdateCallBackProc: function(args)
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println("ManualUpdateCallBackProc()");
- updater.MasterScript.saveState(); // can raise
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in ManualUpdateCallBackProc: " + e);
- }
- },
- // this is called when DataScript and its depending scripts has been downloaded
- ManualUpdateFinishProc: function(args)
- {
- // call datascript main entry point
- try {
- updater.console.println("ManualUpdateFinishProc()");
- args.callBack = updater.MasterScript.ManualUpdateCallBackProc;
- args.callBackArgs = null;
- updater.DataScript.entryPoint(args);
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in ManualUpdateFinishProc: " + e);
- }
- },
- ManualUpdateAsync: function()
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println("ManualUpdateAsync()");
- if ( ! this.init(false) ) return;
- this.loadState();
- updater.isAutoUpdate = false;
- updater.useSyncRead = false;
- var finishProcArgs = {func:"doUpdate",
- args:{isAutoUpdate:false}};
- this.LoadDataScriptAsync(this.ManualUpdateFinishProc, finishProcArgs);
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in ManualUpdateAsync: " + e);
- return false;
- }
- },
- //
- // AutoUpdate and Check DLM Procs
- //
- // this is called when DataScript.entryPoint() and AutoUpdate's
- // implemention is call and done
- AutoUpdateCallBackProc: function(args)
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println("AutoUpdateCallBackProc()");
- var isMSUpdated = (updater.MasterScript.PropertyIsDefined(args, "exception") &&
- args["exception"] == "MSUpdatedAbort");
- if ( ! isMSUpdated ) {
- updater.MasterScript.advanceNextCheckDate();
- updater.MasterScript.popNotifications();
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println("MasterScript is updated. skipping advanceNextCheckDate() and popNotifications()");
- }
- updater.MasterScript.saveState(); // can raise
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in AutoUpdateCallBackProc: " + e);
- }
- },
- // this is called when DataScript has been downloaded
- AutoUpdateFinishProc: function(args)
- {
- // call datascript main entry point
- try {
- updater.console.println("AutoUpdateFinishProc()");
- args.callBack = updater.MasterScript.AutoUpdateCallBackProc;
- args.callBackArgs = null;
- updater.DataScript.entryPoint(args);
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in AutoUpdateFinishProc: " + e);
- }
- },
- CheckDLMStateFinishProc: function(args)
- {
- // call datascript main entry point
- try {
- updater.console.println("CheckDLMStateFinishProc()");
- // nothing to do after CheckDLMState implementation is called thus
- // args.callBack is not needed
- updater.DataScript.entryPoint(args);
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in CheckDLMStateFinishProc: " + e);
- }
- },
- AutoUpdateAsync: function()
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println("AutoUpdateAsync()");
- if ( ! this.init(true) ) return;
- // do a quick check before using CodeScript's CheckDLMState() which
- // has dialogs.
- var dlmState = updater.dlm.getState();
- updater.console.println(" updater.dlm.getState() returns " + dlmState);
- // DLM not running. rdy to accept transaction
- // quickly return
- if (dlmState != 0) {
- // DLM has pending stuff
- // ok. now we must do some UI since there are pending updates
- // calls into CodeScript's CheckDLMState()
- if (! updater.MasterScript.checkNetConnection(true) ) {
- // if no net, try if all scripts are cached already.
- var hasAllScripts = updater.MasterScript.getAllScriptsFromStore();
- if (hasAllScripts) {
- updater.DataScript.entryPoint({func:"CheckDLMState", args:{}});
- }
- }
- else {
- // has net connection
- // finishProcArgs is the args for calling DataScript.entryPoint(args)
- var finishProcArgs = {func:"CheckDLMState",
- args:{}};
- this.LoadDataScriptAsync(this.CheckDLMStateFinishProc, finishProcArgs, true);
- }
- return;
- }
- else {
- // continue AutoUpdate
- this.loadState();
- // check if pref is set the monthly
- // monthly: 1
- // manually: 0
- var freq = updater.app.getUpdateFrequency();
- updater.console.println(" freq = " + freq);
- // do auto update when it is time to AND freq is monthly
- if ( (freq == 1) && this.isTimeToUpdate() ) {
- // silently returns if autoupdate and no net
- if (! updater.MasterScript.checkNetConnection(true) ) {
- return false;
- }
- updater.isAutoUpdate = true;
- updater.useSyncRead = true;
- // finishProcArgs is the args for calling DataScript.entryPoint(args)
- var finishProcArgs = {func:"doUpdate",
- args:{isAutoUpdate:true}};
- this.LoadDataScriptAsync(this.AutoUpdateFinishProc, finishProcArgs, true);
- }
- else {
- // pop new notifications. calls only finish auto-update check, not
- // manual check
- this.popNotifications();
- this.saveState(); // can raise
- }
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in AutoUpdateAsync: " + e);
- return false;
- }
- },
- //
- // FindComponent Procs
- //
- // this is called when DataScript.entryPoint() is done
- FindComponentCallBackProc: function(args)
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println("FindComponentCallBackProc()");
- var ret = args["returnVal"];
- updater.console.println("ComponentFound = " + ret);
- updater.MasterScript.saveState(); // can raise
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in FindComponentCallBackProc: " + e);
- }
- },
- // this is called when DataScript has been downloaded
- FindComponentFinishProc: function(args)
- {
- // call datascript main entry point
- try {
- updater.console.println("FindComponentFinishProc()");
- args.callBack = updater.MasterScript.FindComponentCallBackProc;
- args.callBackArgs = null;
- updater.DataScript.entryPoint(args);
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in FindComponentFinishProc: " + e);
- }
- },
- FindComponentAsync: function(type, name, desc, ver, params)
- {
- try {
- updater.console.println("FindComponentAsync()");
- if ( ! this.init() ) return;
- this.loadState();
- var hasNet = updater.net.isConnected();
- var wellKnown = false;
- if ( !desc || desc.length == 0 ) {
- // no desc given by caller. try lookup well known component
- // description
- var knownDesc = this.lookUpWellKnownCompDesc(type, name);
- if (knownDesc && knownDesc.length > 0) {
- wellKnown = true;
- desc = knownDesc;
- }
- else {
- wellKnown = false;
- desc = type + "/" + name;
- if (ver) desc = desc + ":" + ver;
- }
- }
- updater.console.println(" wellKnown = " + wellKnown);
- updater.console.println(" desc = " + desc);
- // if no net, prompt user if connecting to net is ok
- if (! hasNet) {
- var cont;
- if (wellKnown) {
- cont = this.showMissingCompDialog(desc);
- }
- else {
- cont = this.showMissingCompDialog();
- }
- // no = 3, yes =4
- if (cont == 3) return false;
- }
- // user wants to continue. forward request to CodeScript via DataScript
- // download the datascript (may need to connect to net)
- var finishProcArgs = {func:"findComponent",
- args:{type:type, name:name, desc:desc, ver:ver, params:params}};
- this.LoadDataScriptAsync(this.FindComponentFinishProc, finishProcArgs);
- return true;
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in FindComponentAsync: " + e);
- return false;
- }
- },
- __ENDER__:"END"
- };
- ScriptObj;
- //
- // StartUp.js
- //
- // Edit History:
- // Danny Siu: Fri Apr 18 01:35:10 2003
- // End History
- //
- //
- // the sole purpose of bootstrap script is to load up the masterscript and
- // make sure it exists in Updater JS runtime (ie: defines
- // updater.MasterScript). it must also define a updater.scriptRootURL which
- // can be used to defer the location of MasterScript on the server.
- //
- // during developement, the MasterScript is always loaded from a server by
- // doing urlGet(). For release, there should be a presisted MasterScript in
- // user's dir and the bootstrap script should load up the presist file and
- // bring the cached MasterScript back to life.
- //
- // 2002-12-11 Updates:
- //
- // Here is how MasterScript would be loaded up:
- //
- // 1) First check if an presisted version in updater.store is available. If
- // so, check its version againt updater.MasterScript( if it is even defined
- // in the runtime probably because of bootstrap.js evaluation)
- //
- // Then set updater.MasterScript to the newer version. This allow us to
- // update and override MasterScript later on.
- //
- // 2) if NOT, use darn simple urlGet() to fetch it from
- // updater.masterScriptURL the newly fetched script will be presisted so that
- // it doesn't need to be refetch next time
- //
- //
- // updater.bootStrapped is a globle which C++ code can check if bootstrapping
- // has happened. it is for optimization so that bootstrip.js will only be
- // opened and eval'ed once per app launch.
- //
- // updater.scriptRootURL is the base of where all scripts will live on server
- //
- // The stable set of scripts updated once or twice a week for QE and Dev
- // This is the default location for Updater scripts within Adobe
- // updater.scriptRootURL = "http://mcmug.corp.adobe.com/~dsiu/NewportUpdater/js/";
- // Lastest and greatest scripts for development and limited QE testing
- // Uncomment the following line if you want to try the latest scripts
- // updater.scriptRootURL = "http://mcmug.corp.adobe.com/~dsiu/NewportUpdater/js_dev/";
- // For my own development using local web server
- // do not uncomment the following unless you know what you are doing
- // updater.scriptRootURL = "";
- // For Beta3 deployment
- updater.scriptRootURL = "http://update.adobe.com/pub/adobe/acrobat/js/6.x/";
- // updater.bootStrapped = false;
- if (! updater.bootStrapped) {
- try {
- updater.console.println("===== Loading bootstrap.js =====");
- // Since MasterScript WILL be prepended this file to form bootstrap.js, need
- // to check if ScriptObj exists and and pick it up as MasterScript
- if (typeof(ScriptObj) != "undefined") {
- updater.console.println(" picked up default MasterScript from bootstrap.js");
- updater.MasterScript = ScriptObj;
- }
- // overrideable scriptRootURL by Pref
- // updater.avpref can raise if the pref section/key not defined
- try {
- updater.scriptRootURL = updater.avpref.get("Updater",
- "ScriptRootURL",
- updater.avpref.type["String"],
- updater.scriptRootURL);
- updater.console.println(" overriding scriptRootURL from pref");
- } catch (e) {} // safely ignore the raise by avpref
- updater.console.println(" updater.scriptRootURL = " + updater.scriptRootURL);
- // first check if there is a presisted version (the following code has
- // CANNOT assume existence of MasterScripts and its friends of utilities
- // functions)
- try {
- updater.store.load();
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in trying to do updater.store.load(): " + e);
- updater.console.println(" --> skip loading store");
- }
- var cachedMSVersion;
- var cachedMSName = "cachedMasterScript";
- cachedMSName = cachedMSName + "_" + updater.app.viewerType + "_" + updater.app.language;
- var curRunTimeMSVersion;
- var gotMasterScript = false;
- // version checking
- // finding out cached MasterScript version
- if ( typeof(updater.store.perUser[cachedMSName]) != "undefined" &&
- typeof(updater.store.perUser[cachedMSName]["scriptObj"]) != "undefined" )
- {
- cachedMSVersion = updater.store.perUser[cachedMSName].scriptObj.version + 0.0;
- updater.console.println(" checking cachedMSVersion = " + cachedMSVersion);
- }
- else {
- cachedMSVersion = 0.0;
- }
- // finding out current MasterScript version
- if ( (typeof(updater["MasterScript"]) != "undefined" ) &&
- (typeof(updater.MasterScript["version"]) != "undefined") )
- {
- curRunTimeMSVersion = updater.MasterScript.version + 0.0;
- updater.console.println(" checking curRunTimeMSVersion = " + curRunTimeMSVersion);
- }
- else {
- curRunTimeMSVersion = 0.0;
- }
- if ( (curRunTimeMSVersion != 0) && (curRunTimeMSVersion > cachedMSVersion) ) {
- updater.console.println("--> Using MasterScript from current runtime. version = " + curRunTimeMSVersion);
- gotMasterScript = true;
- }
- // MUST use >= to compare cached verion with the current one in runtime
- // since current one in runtime may well be the cached one when bootstrip
- // is eval the second time
- if ( !gotMasterScript &&
- (cachedMSVersion != 0) && (cachedMSVersion >= curRunTimeMSVersion) ) {
- updater.MasterScript = updater.store.perUser[cachedMSName].scriptObj;
- updater.console.println("--> Using MasterScript from cache. version = " + cachedMSVersion);
- gotMasterScript = true;
- }
- if (!gotMasterScript) {
- // no existing MasterScript....do a urlGet();
- // first check if there is net connection
- var hasNet;
- if ( typeof(updater.net["isConnected"]) != "undefined") {
- hasNet = updater.net.isConnected();
- }
- else {
- hasNet = updater.dlm.hasNetAccess();
- }
- if (! hasNet) {
- // should use UIScript's showErrorDialog() when UIScript is presisted.
- // for now just do app.alert.
- var title = updater.app.getUpdaterString("bsJSNoNetConnectTitle");
- var errMsg = updater.app.getUpdaterString("bsJSNoNetConnectText");
- updater.app.alert({nIcon:0, nType:0, cTitle:title, cMsg:errMsg});
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println(" fetching MasterScript with urlGet()");
- // should add prod config into creating the URL later
- var masterScriptURL = updater.scriptRootURL + "MasterScript.js";
- var resp = updater.net.urlGet(masterScriptURL);
- updater.console.println(" eval MasterScript");
- var newScriptObj = eval( resp.Content );
- updater.console.println(" eval MasterScript doone");
- if ( newScriptObj == null ) {
- updater.console.println(" something wrong while eval resp.Content. throws!");
- throw "badData";
- }
- updater.MasterScript = newScriptObj;
- updater.console.println(" saving MasterScript");
- // can null be used for cachedDate?
- updater.store.perUser[cachedMSName] = { cachedDate : null,
- scriptObj : newScriptObj };
- // save user store
- try {
- updater.store.save();
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println("Exception in trying to updater.store.save(): " + e);
- throw new Error("SaveStateException");
- }
- gotMasterScript = true;
- }
- }
- updater.bootStrapped = gotMasterScript;
- // if (gotMasterScript &&
- // typeof(updater.MasterScript["InstallPrefPanel"] != "undefined") ) {
- // updater.console.println(" installing PrefPanel");
- // updater.MasterScript.InstallPrefPanel();
- // }
- updater.console.println("===== bootstrap.js done =====");
- }
- catch (e) {
- updater.console.println(" Exception during bootstrap - " + e);
- }
- }
- else {
- updater.console.println("===== bootstrap.js already loaded =====");
- }