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CD-ROMS UK Postage is £1 for 1 CD + 75p each extra CD
Also check out CD-32 games. Most work on CD-Rom Drives using a CD32 Pad
ABUSE Turrican style actioner with 15 missions,different
weapons to collect, 360 degree fire, and level editor.
HD+8meg+030/040/060 with gfx card support £14.99
ADULT SENSATION 2 Thousands of adult pics in IFF format.Over 18's £9.99
ADULT SENSATION 3D 2000 Adult pics in 3D (specs supplied) plus 1000
non-3D adult pics £9.99
AGA TOOLKIT Gfx,utils,WB,business,text,emulation,op-system,etc £9.99
AKIRA Platform action game with free black Akira T-Shirt size L. £4.99
AMIGA OS3.5 The new Amiga Workbench 1999. 3.1 roms needed £37.95
AMI MASTERGEAR Sega Master System emulator plus 40 games incl.
Sonic the Hedgehog. A1200+HD+030 min £9.99
AMINET 36 1,000 meg of software: Business,comms, demos,games,mods,
music,pix,text,utils.Plus "Max Rally" NEW £12.99
AMINET 21 1,000 meg of software: Business,comms, demos,games,mods,
music,pix,text,utils.Plus Personal Paint 6.4 £7.95
AMINET 22 As above plus Wordworth 5se word processor £7.95
AMINET SETS 4 to 8 Each set has 4 CDs per set... £27.99
AMINET SET 9 April 2000 4 CD set. April 2000 NEW £27.99
AMINET SET 3 Over 1 gig of software £17.99
ARCADE CLASSIX 2 Games,games,and more games! £14.99
ASSASSINS CD3 600 meg of Classic Amiga games £9.99
ASSASSINS CD4 600 meg of Classic Amiga games NEW £14.99
BEST OF GREMLIN 25 full games incl: Disposable Hero, Harlequin, K240,
Litil Devil, Premiere Manager 1,2,3, Video Kid, £24.95
BLACK VIPER Motor Bike arcade actioner.Hunt down the villains £12.95
C 64 CLASSIX 3000 games plus Amiga and PC emulators £9.95
CANNON FODDER War has never been so much fun! HD installer incl. £4.99
CIVILISATION Build an empire to stand the test of time £6.95
CONVERTORS Convert files from one format to another. IFF,GIF,TIFF,
BMP, WAV, VOC, SND, MOD, TXT, PCX, and more 8.95
DELUXE PAINT 5 Excellent paint package.HD installable £9.99
DESKTOP VIDEO VAULT Backgrounds, Video fonts, titling software,etc £9.99
DESKTOP VIDEO 2 Backdrops,fonts,samples,clipart,AND Video Titler £9.99
EPIC ENCYCLOPIA 97 Interactive encyclopedia HD+4meg reqd £9.99
FIGHTIN SPIRIT 12 fighters with over 30 different moves. In game speech.
Story mode, Tag Team, Knockout. 256 Arcade gfx.NEW £14.99
FINAL ODDYSEY Explore the dungeons and corridors,avoiding the traps and
monsters, and rescue the maidens in distress..hmm! £9.99
5000 COLOUR IMAGES £9.99
The Real GIF Colour Picture Library has everything you need to make
your documents more exciting and professional.Reports,leaflets,poster
or newsletter can all be brightened up with a touch of clipart.
FOUNDATION DC Build an empire NEW £14.99
GAMES ATTACK Action games! shoot-em ups, platformers, actioners. £14.99
GAMES ROOM Lots of gambling games. Blackjack,roulette,fruit machines,
card games, solitaire, dominoes, quiz, Monopoly etc £14.99
GARDEN FAX 3 Outdoor plants, shrubs, conifers, etc £9.99
Doom and Quake beater on 030. Stunning gfx, fast paced,
all 6 buttons configurable on a CD-32 pad. Recommended
GLOWICONS The complete collection of Glow Icons for use with
NewIcons and/or OS 3.5 NEW £14.99
GUARDIAN 3D flying game. 92% reviews £4.99
GOLDEN GAMES Over 1000 classic Amiga games to go at £6.95
GREAT GIANA SISTERS The greatest "Super Mario" clones NEW £9.99
GROLIER ENCYCLOPEDIA Interactive encyclopedia £9.95
GUINNESS DISK OF RECORDS The book comes to life! CD32 pad needed £4.99
GULP Join Captain Gulp in this super Lemmings type game£4.99
HIDDEN TRUTH UFO's, Aliens, Paranormal, Cover Ups, space, etc £9.95
INSIGHT DINOSAURS Interactive dinosaur encyclopedia £9.95
ISLONA COLLECTION Blockhead 1+2,Mobile Warfare,Cygnus 8, Abduction,WGolf,
C.J.Cool,Testament,Marbleous,Parrot Island. £24.95
JOKIN'AROUND 3000 jokes in 20 categories..Have a laugh £9.95
KANG FU AGA New platform actioner with fully digitised AGA graphics
You are a mean Kangaroo out to find your offspring in a
dangerous world full of meanies out for blood! £5.95
KEY TO DRIVING THEORY Help with the dreaded written test £14.99
Final Writer 4SE, Wordworth 4TD, Intellifonts, Font Machine,Clipart,
Postscript fonts,Bitmap fonts,Colour fonts,Truetype fonts,DMF fonts,
and more.Complete with printed booklet showing all fonts and clipart
MARRYAMPIC Find the matching pairs cardgame with lots of cardsets £6.95
MOONBASES Take control of the armed forces and send them into battle.
20 missions,2 player serial link-up option,in-game speech,ray
traced gfx,artificial intelligence.AGA/10 meg HD space £12.99
MooVID GOLD Movie player + AVI and Movs to play. A12+HD+8meg+030 £14.99
MYST Point and click Adventure with stunning AGA gfx £24.99
NAPALM Strategy Game of the year. HD+030+16meg min £29.95
NETWORK CD 2 This CD contains the fastest software to link up a CD32 to
an Amiga A1200. £9.95
NETWORK PC CD, floppy, and lead to connect Amiga to PC £17.95
NOTHING BUT TETRIS The most loved and played computer game of all time.
Over 100 variations including the naughty one £9.99
OCTAMED SOUND STUDIO Make your own music £9.95
ON ESCAPEE James Bond type adventure with stunning gfx £12.95
PERSONAL PAINT 7.1 Best AGA Paint package on the Amiga £19.99
PINBALL DAMAGE AGA Pinball Simulator. A1200+HD+4meg £9.95
PRO FONTS & CLIPART Lots to go at. £4.99
QUAKE 040/60 HD + 8 meg True 3D monster hunt £19.99
SCALA MM400 Create stunning Multimedia presentations or Video
titles. Very professional results £59.95
SCREENSAVERS Lots of em Amiga and peecee £9.99
3D flight sim with state of the art graphics, sound and animation.030+
SIMON THE SORCERER Super graphic adventure with full speech £9.99
SOUND FX The essential collection of sound effects £9.95
SOURCE CODE GOLD Amos, E, Blitz, etc £4.95
SOUTHPARK Icons, WB backdrops, sound samples, Revenge game, etc £9.99
STRANGERS Double Dragon? Streetfighting with a vengeance. Wander the
streets taking on rival street gangs with hammers, baseball
bats,axes,and chains. Animations, speech all the way £9.95
STREET RACER Playstation game makes its way onto the Amiga. Bump,
jump, and run your opponents off the road. Great fun £4.99
SUPERFROG Fast and furious platformer. Rated 92% £14.99
10,000 CLIPART Images plus 1,000 true type fonts £9.99
20,000 WEB GRAPHICS Amiga/PC NEW 9.99
THEME OF AMIGA Amiga audio CD featuring 7 great tracks £4.99
THE OFFICE Spreadsheet, Wordprocessor, Diary, Database, etc 9.95
TURBO RACER 3D High speed racing action NEW £14.99
T-ZERO Horizontally scrolling space shoot-em up. 030+8 meg £29.95
ULTIMATE SUPER SKIDMARKS Roadracing with a vengeance! Special £4.99
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Web gfx to enhance your webpages NEW £9.99
UPD GOLD 4 CD set Games, Demos, Business, Utils etc £14.99
UROPA 2 £9.99
UTILITIES EXPERIENCE Over 500 meg of the best serious software £7.95
VIRTUAL GP F1 racing with 3D texture mapped gfx. 030/040/060+8m+HD£14.99
VIRTUAL KARTING 2 Kart racing with a vengeance £9.95
VULCANOLOGY Jet Pilot, Burnout, Tiny Troops, Timekeepers 1+2, Bograts,
Hillsea Lido, and the brilliant Valhalla Trilogy £9.95
WASTED DREAMS Alien speech adventure NEW £27.99
WB ENHANCERS Spice up your Workbench with this handy collection of
AmigaGuides, archivers, blankers, bootpics, clocks, copiers,
Directory Opus, Internet software, Magic WB, Movie players +
movie clips, MP3 audio player, MPEG video player, MUI, music
players, NewIcons, Printer Drivers, useful utils, Picture
viewers, virus checkers, WB backdrops, WB tools. NEW £9.95
WHALES VOYAGE 2 Space RPG trading game. Whales Voyage 1 also on CD £19.95
WORDGAMES Stacks of word games to test the old grey cells £9.95
WORDWORTH 7.01 The most popular Amiga Word processor in the world £39.95
WORLD ATLAS A Multimedia atlas featuring hiRes maps of countries with
full statistics and information. 2 meg+HD required £9.99