AmigActive 13
Text File
1,523 lines
FORM TDDD - Imagine 3D object file format
Date: 23 Feb 1998
Imagine: Covered through version 1.3.x for Windows
(includes previous versions for DOS PC and Amiga)
Imagine object files are written in an "IFF standard" file format.
"FORM TDDD" refers to the particular type of data that it contains,
and the format it is presented in.
The full IFF specification provides a wide variety of options for
formatting data. A "FORM" block is one of the options. However, most,
if not all, IFF files contain one or more FORM blocks. A FORM block
has a "type identifier" (TDDD, in this case), and data within a FORM
block is interpreted according to its type.
FORM TDDD was originally used by FORM TDDD is used by Impulse's
"Turbo Silver 3.0". At that time, it was used regurlarly, to store
multiple 3D object heirarchies, as well as camera and environment
information. And the data for an animation consisted of a series
of TDDD files ... which sometimes included references to other files,
containing single objects or object heirarchies. Currently, it is
used only to store only a single object heirarchy. As a result, the
file format may seem a little "over complicated".
IFF details
** important -- byte ordering and even-size padding **
The IFF specification was originally developed for machines running
on Motorola CPUs, where "multi-byte" numeric data (e.g. 32-bit integers)
is stored with the most significant byte appearing first. When IFF
files are read and written on "PC compatible" machines, which store
the bytes in the opposite order, special care must be taken to reverse
the byte ordering for numberic data. In this way, the files are kept
"binary compatible" across machine platforms.
The layout of IFF files is defined with special care taken to ensure
that IFF file readers can skip over blocks of data that they don't
understand, or don't care about. "Blocks" and "chunks" of data all
have 4-character identifiers followed by a 32-bit size field, followed
by a block of data of the given size. When the 4-character identifier
is not recognized, the data can be skipped by using the number appearing
in the size field. There is one important "special case" for size
fields. When the size is odd, one extra byte (a zero) is written
following the data, to pad it to a 2-byte boundary. That fact must
be kept in mind when reading and writing data, and when skipping over
unrecognized data.
A FORM block has the following layout:
0 | 'F' 'O' 'R' 'M' | identifies block as a FORM block
| |
4 | 32-bit size (N) | specifies size of data following size field
8 | 'T' 'D' 'D' 'D' | FORM type identifier (TDDD in this case)
| |
| data chunk | data unique to TDDD
| |
| |
| data chunk | data unique to TDDD
| |
| |
| ... etc. |
| |
| |
| data chunk |
| | (end of FORM block)
A data "chunk" has the following layout:
0 | 'S' 'I' 'Z' 'E' | chunk type identifier ('SIZE' in this case)
| |
4 | 32-bit size (N) | specifies size of data following size field
| |
| N bytes of data | data for SIZE block
| |
N+8 | (trailing zero) | if required for even byte padding
N+8 or N+9 (whichever is even)
TDDD chunk types
In current TDDD files, there is only one chunk type that is used.
Its identifier is 'OBJ ', and the data inside it describes a single
object heirarchy. In older files, multiple 'OBJ ' chunks could appear,
as well as other chunk types.
(An "object heirarchy" is a parent object, with nested ("grouped") child
objects ... where each child can have child objects of its own, and so
In TDDD files, the general "IFF" structure has been extended to include
"chunks within chunks". The data in an 'OBJ ' chunk, then, is composed
of a series of sub-chunks, each having the form of an IFF chunk -- with
a 4-character identifier followed by the data size, followed by the data
itself, followed by a (zero) pad byte if necessary, to align the data
with an even byte boundary. Similarly, then, one of the chunks types
that appears in an 'OBJ ' chunk, is a 'DESC' chunk -- and it is composed
itself, of more sub-chunks. It is the chunks appearing in a DESC chunk,
contain the "real data" for the objects.
'OBJ ' chunk
And 'OBJ ' chunk is composed of only two "sub-chunk" types. A 'DESC'
chunk, and a 'TOBJ' chunk. Multiple chunks of each type can appear,
and each DESC chunk is matched with a "closing" TOBJ chunk, appearing
after, somewhere, it in the data. The main use of the two chunk types
is to describe the grouping structure of the object heirarchy. The
'DESC' chunks contain data describing each object (parent or child).
Following the 'DESC' chunk for a given object, is data for each of its
child objects. And following that is a 'TOBJ' chunk, that marks the
end of the child object data, and the end of the heirarchy introduced
by the 'DESC' chunk. The child object data itself, is a series 'DESC'
and chunks with matching (closing) 'TOBJ' chunks. So the data for a
parent object with two child objects would have the form:
(DESC,(DESC,TOBJ),(DESC,TOBJ),TOBJ) - parent with 2 child objects
A 'TOBJ' chunk has no data (its size field is zero), and serves only
to mark the end of the child object data, for a given object.
A 'DESC' chunk is composed of smaller sub-chunks, that describe the
object's geometry and other properties.
Summary of above
With the above facts in mind, the layout of a "current" FORM TDDD
file is as follows:
0 | 'F' 'O' 'R' 'M' | identifies block as a FORM block
| |
4 | 32-bit size (N+M+28)| size of data following the size field
8 | 'T' 'D' 'D' 'D' | FORM type identifier
12 | 'O' 'B' 'J' |
| | 'OBJ ' chunk header
16 | 32-bit size (N+M+16)|
20 | 'D' 'E' 'S' 'C' |
| | 'DESC' sub-chunk header
24 | 32-bit size (N) |
28 | |
| data chunk | object data
| |
| |
| data chunk | object data
| |
| |
| ... etc. |
| |
| |
| data chunk |
| | (end of DESC chunk)
N+28| |
| child object data | matching 'DESC' and 'TOBJ' pairs
| (M bytes) | (maybe with more nested pairs)
N+28| |
+M | 'T' 'O' 'B' 'J' | 'TOBJ' sub-chunk (header)
| |
| 0 (zero) | (end of 'TOBJ', 'OBJ ', and FORM block)
DESC data - chunks appearing within DESC chunks
This is the "core" of the file format specificaton.
The chunk types appearing in DESC chunks have changed over the years,
as more features have been added to Imagine. Imagine continues to
read the older style data, but writes its output in the newer forms.
All of the types are described below. The descriptions are broken
into sections describing geometry related data, attribute related
data, special object data, and object "state" data.
Imagine version note:
As of this writing (Feb, '98), Imagine 1.3 is available as part of
Impulse's "constant upgrade program". It is the only version that
reads and writes the newer style chunks that support point edge and
face counts larger than 32K. Up until that point, the parts of the
file format related to the "geometry" of objects, had remained largly
unchanged. As a result, older versions of the software have at least
been able to read the geometry correctly. With the "> 32K" changes,
that is no longer the case. If you want to write TDDD files readable
by "most" current Imagine users, you should stick to the "pre-1.3"
style chunks. The 1.3 style chunks will be readable in all future
versions of Imagine, however ... so you can certainly use them.
But, you should take care to inform users that Imagine 1.3 or higher
will be required.
Other version notes:
When Imagine was introduced for the Windows platform, the version
numbering was changed back to 1.0. The text below, may refer to
versions 3.0, etc, for DOS PC, and Amiga. These versions precede
the Windows version.
There are some conventions that are always used, below:
Floating point data is always converted to a "fixed point"
representation, and written as a 32-bit integer (byte reversed
as appropriate). The conversion algorithm is as follows:
to integer:
if (f < 0)
n = -(int)(-65536.0 * f + 0.5);
n = (int)(65536.0 * f + 0.5);
to floating point:
f = n / 65536.0;
The resulting data is independent of any particular floating point
representation, but has a limitation that it can only properly store
floating point numbers in the range of -32767.5 < f < 32767.5
The data type 'FRACT' (below), is used to indicate floating point
numbers which have been converted to the fixed point integer
Other data types:
BYTE - unsigned character
WORD - unsigned 16-bit integer
DWORD - unsigned 32-bit integer
SHORT - signed 16-bit integer
LONG - signed 32-bit integer
typedef LONG FRACT; // 4 bytes
typedef struct {
FRACT X; // 4 bytes
FRACT Y; // 4 bytes
FRACT Z; // 4 bytes
} VECTOR; // 12 bytes total
typedef struct {
VECTOR I; // 12 bytes
VECTOR J; // 12 bytes
VECTOR K; // 12 bytes
} MATRIX; // 36 bytes total
typedef struct {
VECTOR r; // 12 bytes - position
VECTOR a; // 12 bytes - x axis direction (unit vector)
VECTOR b; // 12 bytes - y axis direction (unit vector)
VECTOR c; // 12 bytes - z axis direction (unit vector)
VECTOR s; // 12 bytes - size (axis lengths)
} TFORM; // 60 bytes total
// #pragma pack(1)
typedef BYTE COLOR[3]; // 3 bytes - 1st byte = R, 2nd = G, 3rd = B
// #pragma pack()
** Note ** use of the COLOR type is not recommended, due to potential
problems with byte packing and data alignment in the compiler.
It is used only as a convention in this document. [An older version
of one C compiler, produced a difficult bug to track down at Impulse.
It was eventually discovered that copying COLOR values using pointers
of type (COLOR *) resulted in 4 bytes (not 3) being copied -- yet
incrementing the pointers caused them to change by 3 bytes].
DESC sub-sub-chunks - geometry related
Some of these fields are optional, and defaults values are used.
A SHAP or SHP2 chunk MUST be present.
Defaults are: illegal shape; positioned at (0,0,0); axes aligned
to the world axes; size fields all 32.0;
SHAP - size 4
Note: This has been superceded by 'SHP2', below, as of
Imagine version 3.0 for the DOS PC and Amiga
(includes Imagine for Windows version 1.0)
WORD Shape; ; number indicating object type
WORD Lamp; ; number indicating lamp type
Lamp numbers are composed of several bit fields:
Bits 0-1:
0 - not a lamp
1 - like sunlight
2 - like a lamp - intensity falls off with distance.
3 - unused/reserved
Bits 2:
0 - non-shadow-casting light
4 - shadow-casting light
Bits 3-4:
0 - Spherical light source
8 - Cylindrical light source.
16 - Conical light source.
24 - unused/reserved
Shape numbers are:
0 - Sphere ; "perfect sphere", not point based.
1 - Stencil ; - obsolete
2 - Axis ; "normal" objects with points/triangles
3 - Facets ; illegal - for internal use only
4 - Surface ; - obsolete
5 - Ground ; "infinite plane", not point based.
Spheres have thier radius set by the X size parameter.
Stencils and surfaces are plane-parallelograms, with one
point at the object's position vector; one side lying along
the object's X axis with a length set by the X size; and
another side starting from the position vector and going
"Y size" units in the Y direction and "Z size" units in
the X direction. A ground object is an infinte plane
perpendicular to the world Z axis. Its Z coordinate sets
its height, and the X and Y coordinates are only relevant
to the position of the "hot point" used in selecting the
object in the editor. Custom objects have points, edges
and triangles associated with them. The size fields are
relevant only for drawing the object axes in the editor.
Shape number 3 is used internally for triangles of custom
objects, and should never appear in a data file.
SHP2 - size 4
Note: Replaces SHAP, above, as of
Imagine version 3.0 for the Amiga and DOS PC
WORD Shape; ; number indicating object type
WORD Lamp; ; number indicating lamp type
Shape numbers are:
0 - Sphere ; perfect sphere object
2 - Axis ; custom objects with points/triangles
5 - Ground ; infinite horizontal plane
Spheres have thier radius set by the X size parameter.
Grounds have thier graphical size set by the X and Y size parameters.
Lamp numbers are composed of several bit fields:
(note the bit definitions have changed - from the
definition of the bits in the (older) SHAP chunk)
Bits 0-1: (type bits)
0 - not a light source
1 - point light source
2 - parallel ray light source
3 - unused/reserved
Bits 2-3: (shape bits)
0 - no shape (spherical radiator)
4 - round light
8 - rectangular light
12 - unused/reserved
Bit 4: (lens flare bit)
0 - normal
16 - "No lens flare" - for use by Lens Flare global F/X
Bits 5-6: (falloff bits)
0 - no falloff
32 - (1/R) falloff
64 - "controlled" falloff
96 - (1/R**2) falloff
Bit 7: (shadow bit)
0 - doesn't cast shadows
128 - casts shadows
Bit 8: (soft shadows bit)
0 - normal
256 - casts "soft shadows" (if bit 7 set)
Bit 15: (bright object bit)
0 - normal object
32768 - "bright object" (fully bright)
Note: variable brightness was added, and if the "bright" bit
is seen on input, Imagine sets the brightness value to 255,
and clears this bit ... it is no longer written by Imagine.
POSI - size 12
VECTOR Position; ; the object's position.
Legal coordinates are in the range -32768 to 32767 and 65535/65536.
Currently, the ray-tracer only sees objects in the -1024 to 1024
range. Light sources, and the camera may be placed outside that
range, however.
AXIS - size 36
These are direction vectors for the object coordinate system.
They must be "orthogonal unit vectors" - i.e. the sum of the
squares of the vevtor components must equal one (or close to it),
and the vectors must be perpendicular.
SIZE - size 12
See SHAP chunk above. The sizes are used in a variety of ways
depending on the object shape. For custom objects, they are
the lengths of the coordinate axes drawn in the editor. If the
object has its "Quickdraw" flag set, the axes lengths are also
used to set the size of a rectangular solid that is drawn rather
than drawing all the points and edges.
PNTS - size 2 + 12 * point count
PNT2 - size 4 + 12 * point count - 32K limit removed
(PNTS chunk)
WORD PCount; ; point count
VECTOR Points[]; ; points
(PNT2 chunk) - DWORD count
DWORD PCount; ; point count
VECTOR Points[]; ; points
This chunk has all the points for faceted objects. They are
refered to by thier position in the array ... with the first
point being point number zero.
EDGE - size 2 + 4 * edge count
EDG2 - size 4 + 8 * edge count - 32K limit removed
(EDGE chunk)
WORD ECount; ; edge count
WORD Edges[][2]; ; edges
(EDG2 chunk)
DWORD ECount; ; edge count
DWORD Edges[][2]; ; edges
This chunk contins the edge list for faceted objects.
The Edges[][2] array is pairs of point numbers that
are connected by the edges. Edges are refered to by thier
position in the Edges[] array ... with the first edge being
edge number zero.
FACE - size 2 + 6 * face count
FAC2 - size 4 + 12 * face count - 32K limit removed
(FACE chunk)
WORD TCount; ; face count
WORD Connects[][3]; ; faces
(FAC2 chunk)
DWORD TCount; ; face count
DWORD Connects[][3]; ; faces
This chunk contains the triangle (face) list for custom objects.
The Connects[][3] array is triples of edge numbers that are
connected by triangles.
Note: See intro to "Attribute related" data -- to remain compatible
with older versions of Imagine, you should write "per face" data
for color/reflect/filter values, if you write this chunk.
BBOX - size 24
VECTOR Mins; ; minimum X,Y,Z values in local coordinates
VECTOR Maxs; ; maximum X,Y,Z values in local coordinates
This chunk contains bounding box data for the object.
It is used in Imagine when the stage editor is set to "Quick Draw"
mode ... where in switching between frames, the point data for
objects is ignored, and they are treated as simple bounding boxes.
DESC sub-sub-chunks - attribute related
Most of these fields are optional, and defaults are supplied.
However, if there is a FACE chunk, there must also be a CLST chunk,
an RLST chunk and a TLST chunk -- all with matching "count" fields.
(This restriction is relaxed in newer versions of Imagine, but to
remain compatible with older versions, Imagine always writes this
data ... is may not, in the future, though, since with the
introduction of the new chunk types supporting point edge and face
chunks larger than 32K, the older software shouldn't have trouble,
since it won't recognize the geometry chunks anyway).
Defaults are: Colors set to (255,255,255); reflection and
transmission coefficients set to zero; illegal shape; positioned at
(0,0,0); axes aligned to the world axes; size fields all 32.0;
light source intensity at (255.0,255.0,255.0); no name; no points/edges
or faces; refractive index 1.00; phong shaded; brightness, hardness
roughness, and shininess set to zero; not a light source; not brightly
NAME - size 18
BYTE Name[18]; ; a name for the object (null terminated)
Used for camera tracking, specifying path names, etc.
You should always assign a name to the object in the file.
Imagine displays the name in its "Find" object dialog.
You don't need to specify a unique name for each object.
When Imagine loads the objects, it will alter the name,
if there is already an object with the same name.
COLR - size 4
REFL - size 4
TRAN - size 4
SPC1 - size 4 - superceded by SPC2, below.
BYTE Pad; ; pad byte - must be zero
COLOR Color; ; RGB color
These are the main object RGB color, and reflection, transmission
and specularity coefficients.
SPC2 - size 8
Note: This supercedes by SPC2 as of Imagine version 1.3 for Windows.
BYTE Pad; ; pad byte - must be zero
COLOR Color; ; RGB color
FRACT Overdrive; ; specular overdrive setting
INT1 - size 12
VECTOR Intensity; ; light source intensity
Light source intensity. The vector components hold the (separate)
R, G and B intensities. The X component is the R intensity,
Y is G, and Z is B.
CLST - size 2 + 3 * count
CLS2 - size 4 + 3 * count - 32K limit removed
RLST - size 2 + 3 * count
RLS2 - size 4 + 3 * count - 32K limit removed
TLST - size 2 + 3 * count
TLS2 - size 4 + 3 * count - 32K limit removed
(CLST,RLST and TLST chunks)
WORD count; ; count of colors (faces)
COLOR colors[]; ; colors
(CLS2,RLS2 and TLS2 chunks)
DWORD count; ; count of colors (faces)
COLOR colors[]; ; colors
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
These are the color, reflection and transmission coefficients
for each face in custom objects. The count should match the
face count in the FACE chunk. The ordering corresponds to the
face order.
As always, when the chunk size is odd, it is followed
by a zero pad byte.
EFLG - size 2 + count
EFL2 - size 4 + count - 32K limit removed
(EFLG chunk)
WORD count; ; count of flag bytes (edges)
BYTE flags[]; ; flag bytes
(EFL2 chunk)
LONG count; ; count of flag bytes (edges)
BYTE flags[]; ; flag bytes
Edge attributes ("per edge" flags).
The flag bits are defined as:
bits 0-5 - reserved, set to zero.
bit 6 - "quick" edge - used with "quick edges" drawing mode
bit 7 - "sharp" edge - disables Phong shading across the edge
Imagine writes this chunk only when at least one edge has at least
one flag bit set (when it would not be a block of zeros).
As always, when the chunk size is odd, it is followed
by a zero pad byte.
PRP1 - size 8 - superceded
PRP2 - size 8 - supercedes PRP1
BYTE IProps[8]; ; more object properties
This chunk contains object properties that programs other
than Imagine might support.
(for PRP1 chunk)
IProps[0] - IPRP_DITHER ; blending factor (0-255) (obsolete)
IProps[1] - IPRP_HARD ; hardness factor (0-255)
IProps[2] - IPRP_ROUGH ; roughness factor (0-255)
IProps[3] - IPRP_SHINY ; shinyness factor (0-255)
IProps[4] - IPRP_INDEX ; index of refraction
IProps[5] - IPRP_QUICK ; flag - Quickdraw on/off
IProps[6] - IPRP_PHONG ; flag - Phong shading on/off
IProps[7] - IPRP_GENLOCK ; flag - Genlock on/off (obsolete)
(for PRP2 chunk)
IProps[0] - IPRP_BRIGHT ; brightness factor (0-255)
IProps[1-7] - same as above.
The hardness factor controls how tight the specular spot
should be - 0 is a big soft spot, 255 is a tight hot spot
The roughness factor controls how rough the object should
appear - 0 is smooth, 255 is max roughness.
The shiny factor in interaction with the object's filter
values controls how shiny the object appears. Setting it
to anything but zero forces the object to be non-transparent
since then the filter values are used in the shiny (reflection)
calculations. A value of 255 means maximum shininess.
The brightness factor refers controls how much lighting and light
sources affect the object's rendered "color". When the brightness
is zero, the normal lighting algorithms are used. When it is 255,
the lighting calculations are ignored, and the object appears
"bright" in the rendering, with the colors taken directly from
the object. Intermediate values result in a blend of the "shaded"
and "bright" appearance.
FOGL - size 4
FOG2 - size 14 - Imagine for Windows 1.2
FOG3 - size 18 - Imagine for Windows 1.3
These chunks contain data for "fog objects".
(FOGL chunk)
FRACT Length; ; fog length attribute
(FOG2 chunk)
FRACT Length; ; fog length attribute
FRACT Falloff; ; falloff distance
FRACT Hot; ; fog "hotness" setting
WORD Type; ; fog type (bits)
(FOG3 chunk)
FRACT Length; ; fog length attribute
FRACT Falloff; ; falloff distance
FRACT Hot; ; fog "hotness" setting
FRACT Overdrive; ; fog "overdrive" setting
WORD Type; ; fog type (bits)
Fog Type bits:
bits 0-1: falloff type
0 - no falloff
1 - radial falloff
2 - axial falloff
3 - planar falloff
bits 2-3: falloff axis
0 - X axis
4 - Y axis
8 - Z axis
bit 7: "hot center" on/off
0 - off
128 - on
BLB2 - size 10
"Blob" object attributes
FRACT Strength; ; blob strength - default is 1.0
FRACT Threshold; ; unused - Imagine writes 0.6 in FRACT form.
WORD MeshDensity; ; mesh density
The MeshDensity setting is ignored for all but the head object of
a group of blob objects. The entire group (generally) gets
converted into a single faceted object, using the MeshDensity
setting from the head object.
PART - size 6 - obsolete
PAR2 - size 8 - supercedes PART in Imagine 3.1 for DOS PC and Amiga
(PART chunk)
WORD Type; ; type bits
FRACT Size; ; "particle size" setting
(PAR2 chunk)
DWORD Type; ; type bits
FRACT Size; ; "particle size" setting
Particle attributes.
The exact reason for the two chunk types, is uncertain.
The new chunk type may have been added as part of a bug fix.
The Type bits have the same meaning in both cases.
Type bits:
bits 0-3 - particle type
0 - no particles - normal object
1 - tetrahedrons
2 - pyramids
3 - octahedrons
4 - cubes
5 - blocks (rectangular solids)
6 - dodecahedrons
7 - spheres
8 - randomly chosen, per face, from the list above
9 - filename - a PTFN chunk should be present too.
bits 4-7 - centering option
0x00 - inscribed
0x10 - circumscribed
0x20 - interpolated
0x30 - barycentric
bits 8-11 - sizing option
0x000 - small
0x100 - large
0x200 - random
0x300 - specify (use size value)
bits 12-15 - alignment option
0x0000 - align to object
0x1000 - align to faces
0x2000 - random
PTFN - variable size - (1 + strlen(particle_filename))
BYTE CharCount; ; count of characters in filename
BYTE[] FileName; ; - not null terminated
Particle file name. Specifies the name of a TDDD object file,
for use with particlization.
The chunk size is one plus the length of the string.
As always, when the chunk size is odd, it is followed
by a zero pad byte.
FGRP - size 20 + 2 * count
FGR2 - size 26 + 2 * count + variable size -- Imagine 3.0 (DOS,Amiga)
FGR3 - size 28 + 2 * count + variable size -- Imagine 3.1 (DOS,Amiga)
FGR4 - size 30 + 4 * count + variable size -- Imagine for Windows 1.3
the 'variable size' is (1 + strlen(particle_filename))
These chunks describe data for "face subgroups" ... i.e. named
lists of faces, by face number. The change from FGRP to FGRP2
and higher, came when subgroups could have "particle attributes"
assigned to them. The change to FGRP3 corresponts to the change
from PART to PAR2. The change to FGRP4 allows for face numbers
greater than 32K, and for subgroups to have > 32K faces. The
variable sized field at the end is for a user specified particle
file name (a TDDD file). It consists of a byte count, followed
by the filename characters, with no null termination.
(FGRP chunk)
WORD Count; ; count of faces in subgroup
BYTE Name[18]; ; null terminated name string
WORD FaceList[]; ; list of face numbers (0 based)
(FGR2 chunk)
WORD Count; ; count of faces in subgroup
BYTE Name[18]; ; null terminated name string
WORD FaceList[]; ; list of face numbers (0 based)
WORD PType; ; particle type bits - see PART/PAR2
FRACT PSize; ; particle size
BYTE Count; ; filename length
BYTE FileName[]; ; particle filename - not null terminated
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
(FGR3 chunk)
WORD Count; ; count of faces in subgroup
BYTE Name[18]; ; null terminated name string
WORD FaceList[]; ; list of face numbers (0 based)
DWORD PType; ; particle type bits - see PAR2
FRACT PSize; ; particle size
BYTE Count; ; filename length
BYTE FileName[]; ; particle filename - not null terminated
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
(FGR4 chunk)
DWORD Count; ; count of faces in subgroup (32 bit)
BYTE Name[18]; ; null terminated name string
DWORD FaceList[]; ; list of face numbers (0 based, 32 bit)
DWORD PType; ; particle type bits - see PAR2
FRACT PSize; ; particle size - see PAR2
BYTE Count; ; filename length
BYTE FileName[]; ; particle filename - not null terminated
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
See the PART/PAR2 and PTFN descriptions for details on the
particlization data.
As always, when the chunk size is odd, it is followed
by a zero pad byte.
BBSG - size 18
SBSG - size 18
BYTE Subgroup[18] ; null terminated subgroup name
These chunks list the "big" and "small" bones subgroup names,
for use with Imagine's "bones" feature.
TXT1 - size 142 + variable size - Imagine 1.0 for DOS PC and Amiga
TXT2 - size 160 + variable size - Imagine 1.1 for DOS PC and Amiga
TXT3 - size 178 + variable size - Imagine 3.0 for DOS PC and Amiga
TXT4 - size 200 + variable size - Imagine 3.3 for DOS PC and Amiga
the 'variable size' is (1 + strlen(module_filename))
These chunks contain data for algorithmic textures.
(TXT1 chunk)
WORD Flags; ; texture flags
TFORM TForm; ; local coordinates of texture axes.
FRACT Params[16]; ; texture parameters
BYTE PFlags[16]; ; parameter flags (currently unused)
BYTE Length; ; length of texture file name
BYTE Name[Length]; ; texture file name (not NULL terminated)
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
(TXT2 chunk)
WORD Flags; ; texture flags
TFORM TForm; ; local coordinates of texture axes.
FRACT Params[16]; ; texture parameters
BYTE PFlags[16]; ; parameter flags (currently unused)
BYTE Subgrp[18]; ; subgroup name, for "restrict to subgroup"
BYTE Length; ; length of texture file name
BYTE Name[Length]; ; texture file name (not NULL terminated)
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
(TXT3 chunk)
WORD Flags; ; texture flags
TFORM TForm; ; local coordinates of texture axes.
FRACT Params[16]; ; texture parameters
BYTE PFlags[16]; ; parameter flags (currently unused)
BYTE Subgrp[18]; ; subgroup name, for "restrict to subgroup"
BYTE Stname[18]; ; "tacking" state name - NULL terminated
BYTE Length; ; length of texture file name
BYTE Name[Length]; ; texture file name (not NULL terminated)
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
(TXT4 chunk)
WORD Flags; ; texture flags:
TFORM TForm; ; local coordinates of texture axes.
FRACT Params[16]; ; texture parameters
BYTE PFlags[16]; ; parameter flags (currently unused)
BYTE Subgrp[18]; ; subgroup name, for "restrict to subgroup"
BYTE Stname[18]; ; "tacking" state name - NULL terminated
BYTE Label[18]; ; User label - NULL terminated
FRACT Mixing; ; "mixing intensity" (0...1) - default 1.0
BYTE Length; ; length of texture file name
BYTE Name[Length]; ; texture file name (not NULL terminated)
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
As always, when the chunk size is odd, it is followed
by a zero pad byte.
The Flags bit are:
1 (bit 0) - TXTR_CHILDREN - apply texture to child objects in group
2 (bit 1) - TXTR_LIGHTING - the texture is a "lighting texture"
4 (bit 2) - TXTR_DISABLE - the texture is disabled
(ligting textures are used with objects that are light sources)
The 'Params' block stores up to 16 "floating point" values, that
act as parameters for the texture. Unused values should contain
The 'PFlags' bits, one for each parameter, are used by Imagine
for performing "special services" with texture parameters.
1 (bit 0) - TXTF_RED - indicates Red RGB value in 0.0-255.0 range
2 (bit 1) - TXTF_GRN - indicates Green value in 0.0-255.0 range
4 (bit 2) - TXTF_BLU - indicates Blue value in 0.0-255.0 range
8 (bit 3) - TXTF_SCL - indicates a parameter that scales in
proportion to the object, when the object
is resized (in all 3 axes).
16 (bit 4) - TXTF_UNUSED - for DOS/Amiga textures only (interface)
32 (bit 5) - TXTF_LUNUSED - for DOS/Amiga textures only (interface)
These flags are specified by the texture modules themselves, when
a texture is first placed on an object, and after that they never
change. Originally, with the exception of the 'TXTF_SCL' flag,
the flags were used to control the dialog that Imagine set up for
the texture modules. As of the Windows version, the texture modules
are largely responsible for thier own interface. However, as of
the Imagine 1.2 for Windows, the TXTF_RED,GRN,BLU flags are also
used in rendering, to identify RGB values and apply an "inverse"
gamma correction to them, prior to rendering. The texture modules
manage and store RGB values as set in the interface, in these
locations, and then Imagine may alter them prior to calling the
texture during rendering, depending on the users preferences.
(Note: for texture designers - failure to set the RGB flags for,
RGB color parameters will usually result in rendered colors
appearing hue shifted with respect to what the user sets up in
the interface - primary colors are an exception)
BRS1 - 64 + variable size - Imagine version 1.0 for DOS PC and Amiga
BRS2 - 68 + variable size - Imagine version 1.1 for DOS PC and Amiga
BRS3 - 86 + variable size - Imagine version ??
BRS4 - 104 + variable size - Imagine 3.0 for DOS PC and Amiga
BRS5 - 134 + variable size - Imagine 3.3 for DOS PC and Amiga
the 'variable size' is (1 + strlen(brush_filename))
These chunks contain data for brush maps.
(BRS1 chunk)
WORD Flags; ; brush type:
WORD WFlags; ; brush wrapping flags:
TFORM TForm; ; local coordinates of brush axes.
BYTE Length; ; length of brush file name
BYTE FileName[]; ; brush file name (not null terminated)
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
(BRS2 chunk)
WORD Type; ; brush type
WORD WFlags; ; brush wrapping flags
TFORM TForm; ; local coordinates of brush axes.
WORD FullScale; ; full scale value
WORD MaxSeq; ; highest number for sequenced brushes
BYTE Length; ; length of brush file name
BYTE FileName[]; ; brush file name (not null terminated)
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
(BRS3 chunk)
WORD Type; ; brush type:
WORD WFlags; ; brush wrapping flags:
TFORM TForm; ; local coordinates of brush axes.
WORD FullScale; ; full scale value
WORD MaxSeq; ; highest number for sequenced brushes
BYTE Subgrp[18]; ; subgroup name, for "restrict to subgroup"
BYTE Length; ; length of brush file name
BYTE FileName[]; ; brush file name (not null terminated)
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
(BRS4 chunk)
WORD Type; ; brush type:
WORD WFlags; ; brush wrapping flags:
TFORM TForm; ; local coordinates of brush axes.
WORD FullScale; ; full scale value
WORD MaxSeq; ; highest number for sequenced brushes
BYTE Subgrp[18]; ; subgroup name, for "restrict to subgroup"
BYTE Stname[18]; ; "tacking" state name - NULL terminated
BYTE Length; ; length of brush file name
BYTE FileName[]; ; brush file name (not null terminated)
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
(BRS5 chunk)
WORD Type; ; brush type:
WORD WFlags; ; brush wrapping flags:
TFORM TForm; ; local coordinates of brush axes.
WORD FullScale; ; full scale value
WORD MaxSeq; ; highest number for sequenced brushes
BYTE Subgrp[18]; ; subgroup name, for "restrict to subgroup"
BYTE Stname[18]; ; "tacking" state name - NULL terminated
BYTE Label[18]; ; User label - NULL terminated
FRACT Mixing; ; "mixing intensity" (0...1) - default 1.0
FRACT FogLo; ; minimum fog length - for fog brushes
FRACT FogHi; ; maximum fog length - for fog brushes
BYTE Length; ; length of brush file name
BYTE FileName[]; ; brush file name (not null terminated)
(note: odd chunk size is possible)
brush type values:
0 Color map
1 Reflectivity map
2 Filter map
3 Altitude map
4 Reflection (Environment) map
5 Specular map
6 Hardness map
7 Roughness map
8 Fog length map
9 Shininess map
10 Brightness map
11 Index of refraction map
12 Light (ambient) map
brush wrapping flags:
1 WRAP_X - wrap type
2 WRAP_Z - wrap type
4 WRAP_CHILDREN - apply to children
8 WRAP_REPEAT - repeating brush
16 WRAP_FLIP - flip with repeats
32 WRAP_INVERT - use "inverse video"
64 WRAP_ZEROCOLOR - don't apply brush in "color zero" area
128 WRAP_DISABLE - brush is disabled
DESC sub-sub-chunks - specialized object data
DTOO - size 4
BYTE Type; ; type of deform tool - always 1
BYTE NX; ; # of points in X direction (>= 2)
BYTE NY; ; # of points in Y direction (>= 2)
BYTE NZ; ; # of points in Z direction (>= 2)
This chunk appears when Imagine "deform tool" objects are written.
The numbers, NX, etc, are one larger than the "section" counts
that the user specifies in the deform tool creation dialog.
It was introduced in the Windows 1.1 upgrade version. The point
count for the object is NX * NY * NZ (when the type is 1).
Prior to the introduction of this chunk, when Imagine created
a deform tool it have it a name like 'DTOOL_2_2_4', to describe
a tool with NX=3,NY=3, and NZ=5, above. As a result, it did not
recognize such an object as a deform tool, if the user had changed
the name of the object.
PTHD - size 2 + 60 * axis count
PTH2 - size 2 + 68 * axis count - (spline editor added)
PTH3 - size 4 + 76 * axis count - Imagine 1.3 for Windows
These chunks contain the data for Imagine "path" objects.
PTH2 and PTH3 chunks are used for "spline editor" paths as well
as "detail" and "stage editor" (axis based) paths.
(PTHD chunk)
WORD ACount; ; axis count
TFORM PData[]; ; axis data
(PTH2 chunk)
WORD ACount; ; axis count
PTHD_OLD PData[]; ; axis data
(PTH3 chunk) - 32K limit removed
DWORD ACount; ; axis count
PTHD PData[]; ; axis data
The PTHD and PTHD_OLD structures are defined as:
typedef struct {
VECTOR r; ; position of axis (spline "knot")
VECTOR a; ; direction 1
VECTOR b; ; direction 2
VECTOR c; ; direction 3
VECTOR s; ; sizes
LONG infrom; ; axis number for "from" connection
LONG outto; ; axis number for "to" connection
LONG flags; ; see below.
LONG extracnt; ; reserved - must be set to zero.
PTHD_OLD is identical, with 'LONG' replaced by 'WORD'
'flags' bits:
#define PTHF_NEWPATH 0x01 // flag - spline editor path
#define PTHF_CONNECTIN 0x02 // flag - 'infrom' valid
#define PTHF_CONNECTOUT 0x04 // flag - 'outto' valid
#define PTHF_SHARP 0x80 // flag - discontinuous knot
Prior to the introduction of Imagine's spline editor, the path
objects were all "axis based", and a path was just a series of
axis objects. The axis position, the 3 direction vectors, and
the axis lengths were stored in the 'TFORM' structures, and the
Y axis length had/has a special significance. For "open paths",
the Y axis length of the last axis object is zero. All other
Y axis lengths are non-zero, and correspond to the length of the
path as it runs from that axis, to the next.
When the spline editor was added to Imagine, the path data was
extended to allow for more options. For detail and stage editor
paths, the "axis" data remained unchanged (note: the first 5
members of the PTHD structure are the same as a TFORM structure),
and the information about the "connection order" was added to
the data ... however, the connection order is always "first to
last" (i.e. axis 0 connects to axis 1, then 1 to 2, etc.)
PTHD structure:
The PTHD structures are used to describe two types of paths.
The first type is used for detail and stage editor "paths",
where path "axes" appear in various places in the world, the
the directions of the Y axes are used to establish a path.
The second type is used to describe "spline paths" used by the
"spline" editor. The "spline editor" paths have the 'PTHF_NEWPATH'
flag set in the 'flags' member. Both types use the 'infrom'
and 'outto' fields, along with the 'PTHF_CONNECTIN' and
'PTHF_CONNECTOUT' flags to describe the "connection" order.
When PTHF_CONNECTIN is set, for example, the 'infrom' field is
considered as valid, and contains the axis (or spline knot) number
of the axis (or knot) preceding the current one in the connection
order. Spline editor paths allow multiple loops in a single
object's path data, and "work in progress" spline paths can have
many knots which are connected only on one end. Detail and Stage
editor paths allow only a single loop in the path (Closed Path),
or two endpoints (Open Path). The 'r' vector in the PTHD structure
is always the position of the axis or knot. The use of the other
VECTOR fields depends on the type of path.
For Detail/Stage editor paths:
'a' - is the X axis direction (a unit vector)
'b' - is the Y axis direction (a unit vector)
'c' - is the Z axis direction (a unit vector)
's.X' - length of X axis
's.Z' - length of Z axis
's.Y' - path length on "outgoing path" to next axis
(note: if you are reading a file generated by Imagine,
this field will be valid. If you are generating a file
yourself, then you will need more information. For a
"quick hack", you can write any non-zero number in this
field, and load the path into the detail editor, and
"tweak" each axis, to get it calculated. Also, it should
be possible to use such a path in the "Stage Editor".
For use in the Detail editor, though, it is important that
this value be set correctly. At the time of this writing,
there is no existing document explaining the algorithm that
is used. If it becomes important, contact Impulse.)
For Spline editor paths:
Each point (knot) on the path is associated with two "control
points" ... the "bowtie" points in the editor ... one on each
side of the knot. The path is assumed to lie in the X-Z plane,
with the Y components of every vector being zero.
'a' - is the direction from the knot to the control point
preceding it (a unit vector)
'c' - is the direction from the knot to the control point
following it (a unit vector)
'b' - is the Y axis direction (0,1,0) (perpendicular to the
plane containing the path)
'c' - is the Z axis direction (a unit vector)
's.X' - distance from the knot to the preceding control point
's.Z' - distance from the knot to the following control point
's.Y' - unused - set to zero.
Note: Zeros should be written for directions & distances at open
ends of the path (where one of PTHF_CONNECTIN or PTHF_CONNECTOUT
is not set). If PTHF_SHARP is clear, the 'a' and 'c' vectors
should point in opposing directions (continuous tangent vector
at the knot) ... otherwise (if PTHF_SHARP is set), they can point
in different directions, and the path will have a sharp change of
direction at the point.
Note 2: on path lengths and Y axis lengths for "axis based" paths.
The actual path that is generated internally in Imagine, is a
3rd order "b-spline path". For b-spline pros, the two control
points between a pair of axes, are displaced from the axes, in
the direction of the Y-axis (unit) vectors, by a distance which
is 1/3 of the Y axis length. A recursive algorithm, and "initial
guess" formula are used to adjust the Y axis length so that the
path which is generated by the above procedure, in fact has a
length equal to the Y axis length. When a point is to be placed
at, say a 30% point along the path, the "s = .3, 1-s = .7" point
of the b-spline is used. It is an approximation to the point
which is 30% along the actual path length, but it's a fairly
good approximation, due to the fact that the "velocity vector"
at the two endpoints has a length equal to the path length, via
the fact that the control points are displaced by 1/3 the path
length, and the fact that the average of the length of the
velocity vector, over the range of 's' range is, by definition,
the actual path length.
FORD - size 56 + 12 * PC
FOR2 - size 56 + 12 * PC + 2 * sections
FOR3 - size 62 + 12 * PC + 4 * sections - 32K limit removed
These chunks contain data for Imagine "forms editor" objects.
(FORD chunk) - "two formers" style only
WORD NumC; ; number of cross section points
WORD NumF; ; number of slices
WORD Flags; ; orientation flag
WORD pad; ; reserved - set to zero
MATRIX TForm; ; object rotation/scaling transformation
VECTOR Shift; ; object translation
VECTOR Points[PC]; ; "Forms" editor points
(FOR2 chunk) - more styles added, and multiple cross sections
WORD NumC; ; number of cross section points
WORD NumF; ; number of slices
WORD Flags; ; orientation flag
WORD NumS; ; cross section count
MATRIX TForm; ; object rotation/scaling transformation
VECTOR Shift; ; object translation
VECTOR Points[PC]; ; "Forms" editor points
(FOR3 chunk) - 32K limit removed
DWORD NumC; ; number of cross section points
DWORD NumF; ; number of slices
DWORD NumS; ; cross section count
WORD Flags; ; orientation flag
MATRIX TForm; ; object rotation/scaling transformation
VECTOR Shift; ; object translation
VECTOR Points[PC]; ; "Forms" editor points
Flags bits:
bit 0: orientation flag
#define FORM_VFORM 1 ; X-Y orientation for cross sections
bits 1-2: type bits (FOR2 and FOR3 chunks only)
#define FORM_TWOF 0 ; "Two formers" style (PPF = 4, below)
#define FORM_ONEF 2 ; "One former" style (PPF = 2, below)
#define FORM_ONES 4 ; "One spacer" style (PPF = 1, below)
#define FORM_TYPE 6 ; - mask for above
For Imagine's "Forms" objects, the "PNTS" chunk above is not
written out, but this structure is written instead. The point
count is PC = NumS * NumC + PPF * NumF, where 'NumS' is set to
1 for data in FORD chunks.
The object's real points are then calculated from these using
a proprietary algorithm. The tranformation parameters above
allow the axes of the real object be moved around relative
to the "Forms" points.
ANID - size 64
LONG Cellno; ; cell number
TFORM TForm; ; object position/axes/size in that cell.
For Imagine's "Cycle editor" objects, within EACH DESC chunk in
the file - that is, for each object of the group, there will be
a series of ANID chunks. The cell number sequences of each child
of a group must agree with the sequence for the head object, and
the first cell number must be zero.
Note: the "cycle editor" was removed in Imagine 1.0 for Windows.
DESC sub-sub-chunks - object "state" data
State data in DESC blocks is stored as multiple successive STND
chunks, one for each state, each containing sub-chunks. A STID
sub-chunk names the state and specifies certain flag values, and then
multiple STDT sub-chunks can appear, each containing a specific type
of data.
STND - variable size
STID chunk ; need not appear first
STDT chunk
STDT chunk
... etc.
STID - size 20
BYTE Name[18]; ; state name - null terminated
WORD Flags; ; state flags
Flag bits:
SNF_AXES 0x0001 ; contains axis data
SNF_SHAPE 0x0002 ; contains point/path data
SNF_COLOR 0x0004 ; contains face color data
SNF_PROPS 0x0008 ; contains attributes data
SNF_TXBR 0x0010 ; contains brush or texture data
Imagine uses these flags to quickly determine which types of
data are associated with a (named) state.
STDT - variable size
WORD IdTag; ; indicates the type of data
WORD Flags; ; reserved, set to zero.
BYTE Data[] ; specific data
The IdTag values, and data types are listed below.
The chunks can appear in any order, with the following
exception: a SDTAG_TXBRNAME chunk is always followed
a chunk containing texture or brush data.
Some of the types have been upgraded, to allow for the
new features that have been added in Imagine.
SDTAG_OBJAXES 101 // object axes, etc. : TFORM structure
SDTAG_POINTS 102 // point coords : VECTOR list
SDTAG_PAXES 103 // path axes : PTHD_OLD list
SDTAG_SIZES 104 // object axis sizes : VECTOR
SDTAG_DLIST 105 // diffuse colors : BYTE[3] list
SDTAG_TLIST 106 // filter colors : BYTE[3] list
SDTAG_RLIST 107 // reflection colors : BYTE[3] list
SDTAG_OPROPS 108 // object colors/props: OPROPS structure
SDTAG_TXBRNAME 109 // name field for next brush or texture
SDTAG_OBRSH 110 // brush data : OBRSH structure
SDTAG_OTXTR 111 // texture data : OTXTR structure
SDTAG_OBRSH2 112 // brush data : OBRSH2 structure
SDTAG_OTXTR2 113 // brush data : OTXTR2 structure
SDTAG_OPROPS2 114 // object colors/props: OPROPS2 structure
SDTAG_OPROPS3 115 // object colors/props: OPROPS3 structure
SDTAG_PAXES2 116 // path axes : PTHD list
upgrade replacements:
The items containing "per face color lists" contain 3 bytes per
object face.
The SDTAG_POINTS chunk contains one 12 bytes per object point.
The SDTAG_PAXES and SDTAG_PAXES2 chunks contain one structure
(PTHD_OLD or PTHD) per path axis.
The SDTAG_TXBRNAME chunk contains a byte count followed by a
the characters in the file or module name. In general, the
string is not null terminated. However, the chunk size is
forced to be even, by appending a zero pad byte - which is
counted in the chunk size, in this case (contratictory to
the normal way that filenames are handled above, in the
non-state-based data).
The OBRSH,OTXTR,OBRSH2 and OTXTR2 structure are defined below.
For details on the items in the structures, refer to the
descriptions for the TXT1 and BRS1 chunks (and successors).
typedef struct {
TFORM tform; // 60 bytes
WORD type; // 2 bytes
WORD wrap; // 2 bytes
WORD fullscale; // 2 bytes
WORD maxseq; // 2 bytes
BYTE subgrp[18]; // 18 bytes
BYTE stname[18]; // 18 bytes
} OBRSH; // total size = 104
typedef struct {
TFORM tform; // 60 bytes
WORD type; // 2 bytes
WORD wrap; // 2 bytes
WORD fullscale; // 2 bytes
WORD maxseq; // 2 bytes
BYTE subgrp[18]; // 18 bytes
BYTE stname[18]; // 18 bytes
BYTE brusrid[18]; // 18 bytes
FRACT brshint; // 4 bytes
FRACT brfog_low; // 4 bytes
FRACT brfog_hi; // 4 bytes
} OBRSH2; // total size = 134
typedef struct {
TFORM tform; // 60 bytes
WORD flags; // 2 bytes
WORD pad; // 2 bytes
FRACT params[16]; // 64 bytes
BYTE pflags[16]; // 16 bytes
BYTE subgrp[18]; // 18 bytes
BYTE stname[18]; // 18 bytes
} OTXTR; // total size = 180
typedef struct {
TFORM tform; // 60 bytes
WORD flags; // 2 bytes
WORD pad; // 2 bytes
FRACT params[16]; // 64 bytes
BYTE pflags[16]; // 16 bytes
BYTE subgrp[18]; // 18 bytes
BYTE stname[18]; // 18 bytes
BYTE txusrid[18]; // 18 bytes
FRACT txtrint; // 4 bytes
} OTXTR2; // total size = 202
// the OPROPS,OPROPS2 and OPROPS3 structures are defined
// as follows:
typedef struct {
BYTE props[NUM_IOBJ_PROPS]; // 8 bytes
WORD lamp; // 2 bytes
WORD flags; /* unused */ // 2 bytes
VECTOR intensity; // 12 bytes
FRACT foglen; // 4 bytes
BYTE diffuse[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
BYTE reflect[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
BYTE transmit[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
BYTE specular[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
} OPROPS; // 42 bytes total
typedef struct {
BYTE props[NUM_IOBJ_PROPS]; // 8 bytes
WORD lamp; // 2 bytes
WORD flags; /* unused */ // 2 bytes
VECTOR intensity; // 12 bytes
FRACT foglen; // 4 bytes
BYTE diffuse[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
BYTE reflect[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
BYTE transmit[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
BYTE specular[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
FRACT fogfoff; // 4 bytes
FRACT foghot; // 4 bytes
WORD fogtype; // 2 bytes
WORD fogpad; // 2 bytes
} OPROPS2; // 50 bytes total
typedef struct {
BYTE props[NUM_IOBJ_PROPS]; // 8 bytes
WORD lamp; // 2 bytes
WORD flags; /* unused */ // 2 bytes
VECTOR intensity; // 12 bytes
FRACT foglen; // 4 bytes
BYTE diffuse[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
BYTE reflect[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
BYTE transmit[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
BYTE specular[4]; // 4 bytes (0,R,G,B)
FRACT fogfoff; // 4 bytes
FRACT foghot; // 4 bytes
WORD fogtype; // 2 bytes
WORD fogpad; // 2 bytes
FRACT overdfog; // 4 bytes
FRACT overdspec; // 4 bytes
} OPROPS3; // 50 bytes total
The data in these structures corresponds to "normal" data
for objects (described elsewhere) as follows:
props[NUM_IOBJ_PROPS]; - PRP2 chunk
WORD lamp; - SHP2 chunk - Lamp
VECTOR intensity; - INT1 chunk
FRACT foglen; - FOGL/FOG2/FOG3 chunks - Foglen
BYTE diffuse[4]; - COLR chunk
BYTE reflect[4]; - REFL chunk
BYTE transmit[4]; - TRAN chunk
BYTE specular[4]; - SPC1/SPC2 chunks - Color
FRACT fogfoff; - FOG2/FOG3 chunks - Falloff
FRACT foghot; - FOG2/FOG3 chunks - Hotness
WORD fogtype; - FOG2/FOG3 chunks - Type
FRACT overdfog; - FOG3 chunk - Overdrive
FRACT overdspec; - SPC2 chunk - Overdrive