AmigActive 13
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( ) If screenmode is changed so that it's a higher depth Scalos will close
and re-open screen BUT the iconify/MUI gadgets are all corrupt. It seems
as it the original SYSIHACK gadgets don't have enough bitplaces and are
showing scrambled mess mixed in with the original SYSIHACK gadget? Also
the backdrops do not get re-mapped to better colours when more are made
available :-( Maybe be an MCP problem?
( ) Dunno if this is more a 'filetypes.plugin' problem but when the
directory window is in text view mode the filetypes are not recognised
resulting in files all trying to be executed rather than using the
program which is associated with the filetype as specified in the icons
( ) Update the developers API docs as they are not very useful at the
moment! More examples would be nice too. And the autodoc function names
don't mirror the actual library commands!!!
( ) Using AREXX menu option causes Scalos to crash when items selected.
Current work around is to use AmigaDOS command type and launch the
scripts with the 'Rx' command.
( ) When a file is deleted or updated, maybe the icon changed, the whole
window gets refreshed and makes the user wait until the icons have been
re-loaded again. This is slow and annoying after a while. Why can't just
the changed file get updated. It gets very irritating if updating icons
in a directory as you have to wait whilst the whole window refreshes.
Also when dragging icons Scalos sometimes freezes for a couple of
seconds and then puts the icon back in its original place making the
user have to go back and pick it up again :-(
( ) I went into my 'Prefs/ENV-Archive/Sys' drawer to see all my def_#? icons
and put the Scalos dir window into 'View by Text' mode whilst it was
still reading the files. After just a second (before everything had
appeared in the window) Scalos crashed :-( So I had to resort to DOpus
which I didn't want to do...
( ) I use the middle mouse button to move the windows contents around. When
I let go of the MMB and move the pointer the window bitmap jumps to the
location of the current mouse pointer rather than the place which I let
go of the MMB. It only does this if I move the mouse relatively quick
but is still annoying as I like to move the window bitmap around and
click on icons when navigating my hard drive.
( ) When a directory is loading in all the icons and I change it to view as
text whilst still loading up this happens: Scalos clears the window
leaving a strip of the window pattern at top, then adds the column
headers over that and lists all the files as text. BUT whilst doing this
the icons are being loaded up and displayed in the window still. After a
short while the whole computer locks up and has to be reset. Try it with
the 'SYS:Prefs' drawer or maybe your 'SYS:Devs/Datatypes' drawer as they
have lots of files in, usually.
( ) If I change a directory window to 'view by text' Scalos seems to assume
I want to view any nested directories also in the same view mode no
matter what they were snapshot as.
( ) Bug or not? Open a directory window from a floppy disk (or removable
media) and then open a sub-directory window. Iconify the root directory
window and REMOVE the floppy disk. Then select 'Open Parent' from the
sub-directory window pop-up menu. The iconified window does not pop-up
into view. However it DOES pop into view when the disk is re-inserted
and the menu option re-selected. Can't decide if this is a bug or not.
Quite a lot of the time it causes the common 'Scalos_Window_Task'
recoverable error.
( ) Open a directory window. Reduce its size with the zip gadget. Now
iconify it. Un-iconify it and it returns to the previous window size,
i.e. zipped up small. Now click on the zip gadget to return it to it's
original size. OOOPS! It doesn't - it expands to full screen size.
Naughty :-) Weird?! And how or why did I find this... :o) Check
wd_MaxWidth and wd_MaxHeight fields in Window structure are filled
correctly after un-iconifying
( ) If you open a directory window. Then rename the directory the name in
the opened directory window is not updated.
( ) When a directory window is in text-view mode and the middle mouse button
is held down and the mouse moved about the column headers flicker
(especially 'Date' column)!
( ) When many many Scalos windows are opened the pop-up menu for the window
becomes VERY slow and un-responsive when the Snapshot/Show/Viewby
options are selected (the ones with sub-menus). Maybe a popupmenu.library bug?
( ) 'Scalos_Window_Task' crashes a lot lot more now! It wasn't exactly
stable before but now it's much more often.
( ) Doing a window clean up when in text mode removes all text! An update is
needed to redraw the windows contents!
( X ) Enforcer hits. Press RMB over an icon, after pop-menu option is selected
a number of LONG-WRITE and LONG-READ hits occur.
( ) When an icon is left out and then renamed whilst left out it dissapears.
This is because the '.backdrop' file does not get updated when the file
is renamed.
( ) When selecting the 'Copy' option from the disk icon pop-up menu it will
not just launch a diskcopy. Instead it tells me to select it from the
'icons/copy' menu option!
( ) Disk icons hang-off the bottom or right side of the Scalos desktop until
a refresh is done. This appears to be caused when the snapshot of an
icon does not fit properly into a different screen resolution.
( ) When a drawer icon is left out on the desktop and a file is dragged on
to it (for copying) Scalos refuses to do anything! If I open the
left-out drawer and then drag the icon into the drawer window it works.
( ) When a program is copied into another directory BUT a directory of the
same name exists in it, the copy half works. Basically the icon of the
file to be copied gets copied. I think (this is personal opinion now)
that the icon should not be copied over if it was being copied as the
package (i.e. the executable and icon). However if (in text view mode)
just the icon is dragged over then this should be okay. Hope I explained
that well?!?
( ) When a selection of icons are dragged memory loss occurs! Memory loss occurs
of 18160 bytes every time when I drag the SAME group of icons, however I get
different values for different groups of icons being dragged.
( ) Add SCALOS_NODRAG to a icons tooltypes and you can't drag the icon, but
you can drag it to the backdrop, then you can drag it back to original
window in a new position. And seeing as it is suppost to be NODRAG why
am I able to actually move the icon image in the first place?
( ) If I drag a device icon into another directory window it will copy
everything from the device into a directory of that name. But if I stop
it during the copying and then re-drag the device icon into the
directory window again nothing happens. No attempt is made to copy ANY
files nor does a requester pop-up asking if files should be replaced
( ) In text view mode you can only select a file by clicking on its
name, not on its date stamp, protection bits, comment etc. HOWEVER if
you drag a small lasso over anything associated with the file it will
become selected (good) - so can the whole line be selectable with a
simple mouse click please?
( ) I've mentioned a few problems with the copying process. Here's a better
idea -> support the possability of a Scalos 'copy.module' - don't
understand why it was never in to start with?!!
( ) The def_CD0 type default device icons take priority of any existing
icons on the media in the specified device. Make it possible to select
which has priority in the main Scalos prefs so that CDs without an Amiga
specific icon will still show up with a nice icon but at the same time
Amiga CDs will have their own correctly snapshotted icon displayed.
( ) When the disks icons are locked, and some new device are mounting (ie.
CDrom by Cachecdfs), these icons are rearanged with lose the original
position. Note, the CD media icon has no SCALOS_NODRAG tooltype.
( ) If a disk is write protected and you try to drag files
onto a left-out directory (of a non-write protected drive), it complains
that the source disk is write protected.. Why is it trying to write to the
source disk?
( X ) One user has a 4.3gig partition (on an 8.6gig drive) and for some reason
Scalos calculates the space remaining in bytes (even though it's set to
megs).. it looks a bit like this: Technics - 19% full, 790 MB in use,
3,763,035,136 B free
( ) If I drag a '????' device icon (like when a PC disk is in DF0) onto
another device icon the task "Scalos_Drag&Drop" causes an Enforcer hit
according to Cyberguard whilst starting up the diskcopy program. No
crash or reboot happens though which makes a nice change ;^)