{ (STRPTR) "STRICQ - An Amiga, MUI Based ICQ Clone.\n"\
"Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Douglas F. McLaughlin\n\n"\
"This Program is free software; you can redistribute it "\
"and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General "\
"Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; "\
"either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n\n"\
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be usefull, "\
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"\
"GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n"\
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License "\
"along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, "\
"Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.\n"\
"\nDouglas F. McLaughlin\n"\
"; Menu 1: titre !", 1 },
{ (STRPTR) "\000Project", 2 },
{ (STRPTR) "S\000Search UIN", 3 },
{ (STRPTR) "R\000Reset Sockets", 4 },
{ (STRPTR) "A\000About...", 5 },
{ (STRPTR) "\000About MUI...", 6 },
{ (STRPTR) "Q\000Quit", 7 },
{ (STRPTR) "\000Settings", 8 },
{ (STRPTR) "I\000ICQ Prefs...", 9 },
{ (STRPTR) "\000Save Prefs", 10 },
{ (STRPTR) "M\000MUI...", 11 },
{ (STRPTR) "\000Messages", 12 },
{ (STRPTR) "\000Save...", 13 },
{ (STRPTR) "\000Windows", 14 },
{ (STRPTR) "1\000Activity Log", 15 },
{ (STRPTR) "2\000Active Sockets", 16 },
{ (STRPTR) "3\000Errors", 17 },
{ (STRPTR) "4\000Message History", 18 },
{ (STRPTR) "5\000STRICQ Log", 19 },
{ (STRPTR) "6\000Incoming Messages", 20 },
{ (STRPTR) "7\000Pager Messages", 21 },
{ (STRPTR) "8\000System Message", 22 },
{ (STRPTR) "9\000User Information", 23 },
{ (STRPTR) "Online", 24 },
{ (STRPTR) "Invisible", 25 },
{ (STRPTR) "Not Available", 26 },
{ (STRPTR) "Free For Chat", 27 },
{ (STRPTR) "Occupied", 28 },
{ (STRPTR) "Away", 29 },
{ (STRPTR) "Do Not Disturb", 30 },
{ (STRPTR) "OFFLINE", 31 },
{ (STRPTR) "Basic Info", 32 },
{ (STRPTR) "Extended Info", 33 },
{ (STRPTR) "Options", 34 },
{ (STRPTR) "List", 35 },
{ (STRPTR) "Auto Reply", 36 },
{ (STRPTR) "Set Away", 37 },
{ (STRPTR) "Status Color", 38 },
{ (STRPTR) "Chat Mode Color", 39 },
{ (STRPTR) "Main", 40 },
{ (STRPTR) "Home", 41 },
{ (STRPTR) "Work", 42 },
{ (STRPTR) "More", 43 },
{ (STRPTR) "Info/About", 44 },
{ (STRPTR) "Affiliations", 45 },
{ (STRPTR) "Interests", 46 },
{ (STRPTR) "Picture", 47 },
{ (STRPTR) "Security", 48 },
{ (STRPTR) "Ignore", 49 },
{ (STRPTR) "Servers", 50 },
{ (STRPTR) "Notify", 51 },
{ (STRPTR) "Color", 52 },
{ (STRPTR) "Away", 53 },
{ (STRPTR) "Options", 54 },
{ (STRPTR) "Unspecified", 55 },
{ (STRPTR) "Female", 56 },
{ (STRPTR) "Male", 57 },
{ (STRPTR) "N/A", 58 },
{ (STRPTR) "January", 59 },
{ (STRPTR) "February", 60 },
{ (STRPTR) "March", 61 },
{ (STRPTR) "April", 62 },
{ (STRPTR) "May", 63 },
{ (STRPTR) "June", 64 },
{ (STRPTR) "July", 65 },
{ (STRPTR) "August", 66 },
{ (STRPTR) "September", 67 },
{ (STRPTR) "October", 68 },
{ (STRPTR) "November", 69 },
{ (STRPTR) "December", 70 },
{ (STRPTR) "Auto send to users on my list", 71 },
{ (STRPTR) "Auto send to all users", 72 },
{ (STRPTR) "Show request", 73 },
{ (STRPTR) "All users may add me to their contact list", 74 },
{ (STRPTR) "My authoriation is required", 75 },
{ (STRPTR) "Double-Click here to open\nthe User Window.", 76 },
{ (STRPTR) "Add", 77 },
{ (STRPTR) "Remove", 78 },
{ (STRPTR) "About STRICQ", 79 },
{ (STRPTR) "Load Progress", 80 },
{ (STRPTR) "Initializing", 81 },
{ (STRPTR) "STRICQ Log", 82 },
{ (STRPTR) "From Client To Server:", 83 },
{ (STRPTR) "From Server To Client:", 84 },
{ (STRPTR) "Incoming Messages", 85 },
{ (STRPTR) "Reply", 86 },
{ (STRPTR) "Get Info", 87 },
{ (STRPTR) "Remove Message", 88 },
{ (STRPTR) "Clear Messages", 89 },
{ (STRPTR) "Authorize", 90 },
{ (STRPTR) "Send URL", 91 },
{ (STRPTR) "Message", 92 },
{ (STRPTR) "Send to", 93 },
{ (STRPTR) "Send Message", 94 },
{ (STRPTR) "Send This Message", 95 },
{ (STRPTR) "User Information", 96 },
{ (STRPTR) "Nick", 97 },
{ (STRPTR) "First", 98 },
{ (STRPTR) "Last", 99 },
{ (STRPTR) "E-Mail", 100 },
{ (STRPTR) "Auth. Required", 101 },
{ (STRPTR) "City", 102 },
{ (STRPTR) "Country Code", 103 },
{ (STRPTR) "Time Zone", 104 },
{ (STRPTR) "State", 105 },
{ (STRPTR) "Age", 106 },
{ (STRPTR) "Sex", 107 },
{ (STRPTR) "Phone", 108 },
{ (STRPTR) "Home Page", 109 },
{ (STRPTR) "About", 110 },
{ (STRPTR) "Add To Contact List", 111 },
{ (STRPTR) "Search For User", 112 },
{ (STRPTR) "Search UIN", 113 },
{ (STRPTR) "Search E-Mail", 114 },
{ (STRPTR) "Search Name", 115 },
{ (STRPTR) "Search Results", 116 },
{ (STRPTR) "Search Hits:", 117 },
{ (STRPTR) "Add / Update Contact List", 118 },
{ (STRPTR) "Get Userinfo", 119 },
{ (STRPTR) "Send a URL", 120 },
{ (STRPTR) "Description", 121 },
{ (STRPTR) "URL", 122 },
{ (STRPTR) "System Message", 123 },
{ (STRPTR) "OK", 124 },
{ (STRPTR) "Message History", 125 },
{ (STRPTR) "Activity Log", 126 },
{ (STRPTR) "Active Sockets", 127 },
{ (STRPTR) "Chat Request", 128 },
{ (STRPTR) "Chat", 129 },
{ (STRPTR) "Join", 130 },
{ (STRPTR) "Cancel", 131 },
{ (STRPTR) "FileDirect Request", 132 },
{ (STRPTR) "File List", 133 },
{ (STRPTR) "Add File(s)", 134 },
{ (STRPTR) "Remove File", 135 },
{ (STRPTR) "Enter File Description", 136 },
{ (STRPTR) "Send", 137 },
{ (STRPTR) "Add UIN Request", 138 },
{ (STRPTR) "Get Userinfo", 139 },
{ (STRPTR) "Close", 140 },
{ (STRPTR) "Pager Messages", 141 },
{ (STRPTR) "Name", 142 },
{ (STRPTR) "Errors, Information & Debug", 143 },
{ (STRPTR) "Debug Levels", 144 },
{ (STRPTR) "Show UDP Packets", 145 },
{ (STRPTR) "Show UDP Debug", 146 },
{ (STRPTR) "Show TCP Packets", 147 },
{ (STRPTR) "Show TCP Debug", 148 },
{ (STRPTR) "Clear Errors", 149 },
{ (STRPTR) "Save To File", 150 },
{ (STRPTR) "Ignored UIN", 151 },
{ (STRPTR) "-1 = Never Expire", 152 },
{ (STRPTR) "ICQ Number", 153 },
{ (STRPTR) "ICQ#", 154 },
{ (STRPTR) "Current / Last IP", 155 },
{ (STRPTR) "Nickname", 156 },
{ (STRPTR) "EMail Addresses", 157 },
{ (STRPTR) "Primary EMail", 158 },
{ (STRPTR) "Don't Publish my Primary EMail address", 159 },
{ (STRPTR) "Secondary Email", 160 },
{ (STRPTR) "Old Mail", 161 },
{ (STRPTR) "Home Address", 162 },
{ (STRPTR) "Street", 163 },
{ (STRPTR) "Address", 164 },
{ (STRPTR) "Zip Code", 165 },
{ (STRPTR) "Display Map", 166 },
{ (STRPTR) "Country", 167 },
{ (STRPTR) "Phone Directory Listings", 168 },
{ (STRPTR) "FAX", 169 },
{ (STRPTR) "Cellular", 170 },
{ (STRPTR) "Local Time", 171 },
{ (STRPTR) "Time Zone", 172 },
{ (STRPTR) "Company", 173 },
{ (STRPTR) "Position", 174 },
{ (STRPTR) "Occupation", 175 },
{ (STRPTR) "Work Address", 176 },
{ (STRPTR) "Additionnal Details", 177 },
{ (STRPTR) "Gender", 178 },
{ (STRPTR) "Home Page Category", 179 },
{ (STRPTR) "Birth Date & Horoscope", 180 },
{ (STRPTR) "Month", 181 },
{ (STRPTR) "Day", 182 },
{ (STRPTR) "Year", 183 },
{ (STRPTR) "Zodiac", 184 },
{ (STRPTR) "Notify everyone on my birthday", 185 },
{ (STRPTR) "View Horoscope", 186 },
{ (STRPTR) "Spoken Languages", 187 },
{ (STRPTR) "Write a bit about your personality, favorites, \nfamily, friends... so that other ICQ members\nwith similar interests can locate you", 188 },
{ (STRPTR) "Select up to three categories and enter\nkeywords to describe specific interests", 189 },