AmigActive 13
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313 lines
* installation script for the InstallerNG $VER: InstallerNG-Script 1.2 (08.10.99)
* note, that this script makes use of seveal new features of the InstallerNG
* like multilined comments and enhanced pattern-match functionality of the DATABASE
* function
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; some default settings
(set @app-name "Installer NG"
@default-dest "C:"
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; initialize the sound
(showmedia "#yeah" "media/yeah.snd" "upper_left" "none" 0)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; localized strings; by default, everything is english, but if possible,
; overwrite the english strings by user-preferred ones
(if true
(set #msg_welcome (cat "Welcome to the Installation of the InstallerNG\n\n"
"The InstallerNG wants to be a substitution of\n"
"the original Installer by C=\n"
"It offers many new features, looks much better and is\n"
"smaller than the C= Installer"
"\n\n\n\n.oO please turn on the Amiga sound Oo."
(set #msg_askfile_prompt "Where is the default Installer located?")
(set #msg_askfile_help (cat "Please select the original Installer by C=. "
"This script will make a backup copy of the "
"Installer and then, it will replace the "
"original by the new InstallerNG."
(set #msg_copylib_prompt "Now copying the InstallerNG to \"%s\"")
(set #msg_copylib_help "...")
(set #msg_catalog_prompt "Which catalog-file do you want to install?")
(set #msg_catalog_help "...")
(set #msg_done (cat "Done!\n"
"The InstallerNG replaced the original Installer\n"
"and made a copy of the old one in \"%s\".\n\n"
"Have fun with the new Installer and its features"
(set #msg_rename_prompt "Now renaming the C= installer")
(set #msg_rename_help "...")
(set #msg_copytools_prompt "Which additional tools you want to install? (see Help)")
(set #msg_copytools_help (cat "CloseScreenPatch\nA patch, which avoids screen closing, while a window "
"is still open on that screen and helps you to save memory. Just add "
"'run <>nil: c:closescreenpatch' to the end of your 's:user-startup' file"
"Calculates the checksum of any file, like the Installer does. "
"Usage: type 'getsum <file>' in your shell"
(set #msg_tooltypes_prompt "Which Tooltypes you want to preset?")
(set #msg_tooltypes_help "...")
(set #msg_askchoice_prompt "Which GUI do you want to use?")
(set #msg_askchoice_help "...")
(set #message_letsgo "Installation prepared. Ready to proceed?")
(set #working_text "Now starting to install the new InstallerNG by Jens Tröger")
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #msg_welcome (cat "Willkommen zur Installation des InstallerNG\n\n"
"Der InstallerNG soll ein Ersatz für den\n"
"originalen Installer von C= sein\n"
"Er bietet viele neue Eigenschaften, sieht viel besser aus\n"
"und ist kleiner als der C= Installer"
"\n\n\n\n.oO Bitte den Amiga-Ton anschalten Oo."
(set #msg_askfile_prompt "Wo befindet sich der Installer?")
(set #msg_askfile_help (cat "Bitte wählen Sie den originalen Installer von C=. "
"Dieses Skript macht eine Kopie des originalen "
"Installers und wird danach den originalen durch "
"den neuen InstallerNG ersetzen."
(set #msg_copylib_prompt "Kopiere jetzt den InstallerNG nach \"%s\"")
(set #msg_copylib_help "...")
(set #msg_catalog_prompt "Zu welcher Sprache möchten Sie einen Katalog installieren?")
(set #msg_catalog_help (cat "Wählen Sie hier aus, welche Katalog Datei Sie installieren möchten. "
"Sinnigerweise sollten Sie 'deutsch' wählen."
(set #msg_done (cat "Fertig!\n"
"Der InstallerNG hat Ihren originalen Installer\n"
"ersetzt und eine Kopie des alten als \"%s\" erzeugt.\n\n"
"Viel Spaß mit dem neuen Installer und seinen Möglichkeiten"
(set #msg_rename_prompt "Benenne nun den C= Installer um")
(set #msg_rename_help "...")
(set #msg_copytools_prompt "Welche zusätzlichen Programme wollen Sie installieren?")
(set #msg_copytools_help (cat "CloseScreenPatch\nEin Patch, welcher verhindert, daß ein Screen geschlossen "
"wird, auf dem noch Fenster geöffnet sind und somit 'Speicherleichen' "
"vorbeugt. Einfach 'run <>nil: c:closescreenpatch' in 's:user-startup' einfügen"
"Berechnet die Checksumme einer Datei, wie sie auch der Installer berechnet. "
"Nutzung: 'getsum <file>' in der Shell eingeben"
(set #msg_tooltypes_prompt "Welche Tooltypes möchten Sie voreinstellen? (siehe Hilfe)")
(set #msg_tooltypes_help "...")
(set #msg_askchoice_prompt "Welche Oberfläche möchten Sie verwenden?")
(set #msg_askchoice_help "...")
(set #message_letsgo "Installation vorbereitet. Soll nun weitergemacht werden?")
(set #working_text "Beginne nun mit der Installation des InstallersNG von Jens Tröger")
;; (effect "center_center" "horizontal" $000000 $33FF33)
(user expert)
(message #msg_welcome)
(setmedia #yeah "play")
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; the default settings
(set #default_installer "c:installer"
#default_catalog 0
#default_tools 0
#default_tooltypes 0
#default_gui 0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; first of all let the user make all the required settings
; for the installation
(set @default-dest (pathonly (set #default_installer (askfile (prompt #msg_askfile_prompt)
(default #default_installer)
(help #msg_askfile_help)
(set #default_catalog (askoptions (prompt #msg_catalog_prompt)
(help #msg_catalog_help)
(default #default_catalog)
(choices (if (exists "catalogs/deutsch/installerng.catalog") "Deutsch" "")
(if (exists "catalogs/français/installerng.catalog") "Français" "")
(set #default_tools (askoptions (prompt #msg_copytools_prompt)
(help #msg_copytools_help)
(default #default_tools)
(choices "CloseScreenPatch" "GetSum")
(set #default_tooltypes (askoptions (prompt #msg_tooltypes_prompt)
(help #msg_tooltypes_help)
(default #default_tooltypes)
(set #default_gui (askchoice (prompt #msg_askchoice_prompt)
(help #msg_askchoice_help)
(default #default_gui)
(choices "BOOPSI by Savage (builtin)"
"MUI by Savage (BETA!)"
(message #message_letsgo)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; now the installation process itself
(complete 0)
(set #installer_backup (cat #default_installer ".backup"))
(if (not (exists #installer_backup (noreq)))
(rename #default_installer #installer_backup (confirm average)
(prompt #msg_rename_prompt)
(help #msg_rename_help)
(complete 15)
(copylib (prompt (#msg_copylib_prompt #default_installer))
(help #msg_copylib_help)
(confirm average)
(source (if (database "cpu" "(68000|68010)")
(dest (pathonly #default_installer))
(newname (fileonly #default_installer))
(complete 30)
(copyfiles (source "tools/")
(dest "C:")
(choices (if (bitand #default_tools 1) "CloseScreenPatch")
(if (bitand #default_tools 2) "GetSum")
(complete 45)
(if (exists (tackon #default_installer ".info"))
(tooltype (dest #default_installer)
(setstack 50000)
(if (bitand #default_tooltypes 1) (settooltype "LAZYCOMPILE" "")
(settooltype "(LAZYCOMPILE)" ""))
(if (bitand #default_tooltypes 2) (settooltype "DEBUGMODE" "")
(settooltype "(DEBUGMODE)" ""))
(if (bitand #default_tooltypes 4) (settooltype "CREATEUNINSTALL" "")
(settooltype "(CREATEUNINSTALL)" ""))
(if (bitand #default_tooltypes 8) (settooltype "COPYFILECOMMENT" "")
(settooltype "(COPYFILECOMMENT)" ""))
(if (bitand #default_tooltypes 16) (settooltype "ALWAYSCONFIRM" "")
(settooltype "(ALWAYSCONFIRM)" ""))
(if (bitand #default_tooltypes 32) (settooltype "NOSYSDELETE" "")
(settooltype "(NOSYSDELETE)" ""))
(complete 60)
(if (bitand #default_catalog 1)
(copylib (source "catalogs/deutsch/installerng.catalog")
(dest "locale:catalogs/deutsch")
(if (bitand #default_catalog 2)
(copylib (source "catalogs/français/installerng.catalog")
(dest "locale:catalogs/français")
(complete 75)
(select #default_gui
(copylib (source "libs/mui/installergui.library")
(dest "libs:")
(complete 100)
(setmedia #yeah "play")
(exit (#msg_done #installer_backup))