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5,305 lines
@database VirusWarning.guide
@master VirusWarning.guide
@$VER: VirusWarning.Guide v2.8 (1999.08.14) -
Virus Help Denmark.
@author "Jan Andersen"
@(c) "Virus Help Danmark
@node main " VirusWarning.Guide v2.8 - 14 August 1999 - Size 294.856 unpacked"
*** PRESENTS ***
* *
***** ***** @{fg shine}VirusWarning.Guide v2.8@{fg text} ***** *****
*** *** 14 August 1999 *** ***
* * * *@{ub}
@{" New warnings in this update of the guide " link News } - New's.
@{" Virus/Trojan names in alfabetic order " link warnings } - Names list.
@{" Virus/Trojan archives in alfabetic order " link archive } - Names List.
@{" Virus/Trojan/Archives that we are looking for! " link wanted } - Help Us.
@{" Copyright
1994-1999 " link copyright } - Copyright.
@{" About Virus Help Denmark " link teamdk } - Who are we?
@{" My PGP public key " link PGPkey } - PGP Key.
@{" Thanks list corncerning VirusWarning.guide " link thanks } - Thanx list.
@{" The newest versions of the Amiga Antivirus programs " link new } - AV Updates.
This guide was made to give you a better look of the files that we have
written warnings about.
@Node new " The newest updates of the Amiga AntiVirus programs"
The newest updates of the Amiga AntiVirus programs
@{b}(14 August 1999)@{ub}
VirusChecker.brain v2.19........ (05.08.1999) By Alex van Niel.
VirusExecutor v1.82a............ (03.08.1999) By Jan Erik Olausen.
VirusChecker II v2.2............ (17.07.1999) By Alex van Niel.
xvs.library v33.18.............. (08.03.1999) By Georg Hoermann.
VirusSlayer v1.14 (beta)........ (12.02.1999) By Martin Zemblowski.
VT v3.15........................ (11.02.1999) By Heiner Schneegold.
VirusZ II v1.44................. (06.09.1998) By Georg Hoermann.
VirusZ III v0.92b............... (06.09.1998) By Georg Hoermann.
VirusWorkshop v6.9.............. (24.03.1998) By Markus Schmall.
@{b}!!!!! @{" Important news about VirusZ by Georg Hoermann " link vzstop } !!!!!@{ub}
@{b}!!!!! @{" Important news about VirusWorkshop by Markus Schmall " link vwsstop } !!!!!@{ub}
Please remember to support the antivirus programmers, after all they are
helping you.......
@{b}PS :@{ub} If you find a new virus or trojan, @{b}please@{ub} upload it to our @{" BBS " link supportbbs }
then we will send it to all the anti-virus programmers that will
accept new stuff from us. (use my @{" public PGP Key " link pgpkey })
You can get all the latest versions on our homepage, here is the adress:
@node Copyright " Copyright
1994-99 - Information@{ub}
This guide is written and @{b}
Copyrighted 1999@{ub}, by @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} of @{i}Virus
Help Denmark@{ui} using the warnings that we have been writing and send
out on the Net's, with the exceptions of the virus warnings that @{b}Markus
Schmall@{ub} has written. But we have his permission to use them. No part of
the guide may be altered in any way, without a written permission from
@{" Virus Help Denmark " link TeamDK }.
This Guide will be spread every 2 month, with all the new warnings by
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} and @{b}Virus Help Denmark@{ub}. We will at that time have
sent the new Warnings out on all the Nets and BBS'es, that we have
access to (InterNet, FidoNet, AmyNet etc.).
If you want to use this guide or some of the warnings, please contact
one of us and get a written permisssion to do it. If you want to use
the warnings that @{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} has written, please contact him to
get his permission.
This Guide is free to spread in any way, as long as nothing is altered
in any way.
@Node teamdk " Virus Help Denmark - Copyright
1999 - v2.8"
@{b}Who are Virus Help Danmark:@{ub}
@{" We are 5 guys " link team } who earlier worked for Safe Hex International to prevent
the spreading of virus. But as our policy couldn't fit SHI's, we decided
to step out from the 31 dec.1994 to start on our own. Our objectives are:
@{b}1)@{ub} To fight and prevent the spreading of computervirus.
@{b}2)@{ub} To aid users with virus related problems.
@{b}3)@{ub} To support all wellknown antivirus programmer with virus.
We will coorporate with @{b}ALL@{ub}, who support our sake. We simply don't care
if they are Germans, Americans or wherefrom, as long as we can aid the
Amiga users in the best possible way...
@{i}For more info, please contact:@{ui}
@{b}Jan Andersen - VHT Denmark@{ub} @{b}Lars P. Kristensen - VHT Denmark@{ub}
--------------------------- --------------------------------
Fido...: @{b}2:237/38.100@{ub} E-Mail.: @{b}famkri@post4.tele.dk@{ub}
VirNet.: @{b}9:451/247.0@{ub}
AmyNET.: @{b}39:140/127.100@{ub}
E-Mail.: @{b}vht-dk@post4.tele.dk@{ub}
@{b}By snail-mail@{ub}
Jan Andersen Lars P. Kristensen
Charlottegaardsvej 131 or Safirvej 25
2640 Hedehusene 3650 Oelstykke
DK-Denmark DK-Denmark
@{b}Virus Help Denmark on Internet@{ub}
Homepage....: www.vht-dk.dk
@{b}New Updates on VirusWarning.Guide can be found on these places:@{ub}
(Send me an email if you have VirusWarning guide on your homepage)
@node supportbbs "Virus Help Denmark's Support BBS'es"
@{b}Virus Help Denmark's Support BBS'es@{ub}
BBS Name....: XPoint BBS BBS Name....: SouthSide BBS
Phone Number: +45 6381 8005 Phone Number: +45 4353 3828.
Country.....: Denmark Country.....: Denmark
Open........: 24 Hours Open........: 24 Hours.
Modem.......: 56.200 X2 & ISDN Modem.......: 33.600 v34+
BBS Name....: Futurelink Amiga BBS BBS Name....: Kaleidoscope BBS
Phone Number: +45 7588 4011 Phone Number: +44 (0)151 474 1183
Country.....: Denmark Country.....: England
Open........: 24 Hours Open........: 24 Hours
Modem.......: 33.600 v34+ Modem.......: 56.600
BBS Name....: Thunderdome BBS. BBS Name....: ABBS Support BBS
Phone Number: +46 171 20586 Phone Number: +47 6935 3097
Country.....: Sweden Country.....: Norway
Open........: 24 Hours Open........: 24 Hours
Modem.......: 33.600 v34+ Modem.......: 33.600 v34+
@node team " The guys behind Virus Help Denmark"
@{b}The guy's behind Virus Help Denmark.@{ub}
@{b}Jan Andersen@{ub}........: VHT-DK's InterNet support, Virus-Hunter, Contact
to Anti-virus programmers.
@{b}Lars P. Kristensen@{ub}..: VHT-DK's PR-man, Translator, Virus help.
Virus Help Team's World support, BBS support.
@{b}Henrik Lauridsen@{ub}....: VHT-DK's InterNet support, Virus help.
@{b}Torben Danoe@{ub}........: VHT-DK's translator, Virus help.
@{b}Jan Nielsen@{ub}.........: VHT-DK's translator, Virus help.
We have no leades of VHT-Denmark, no one is the Boss. We all deside what we do,
and how. That is why we are working as a @{b}TEAM@{ub}.
@Node thanks "Thanks list corncerning VirusWarning.guide"
@{b}Thanks list corncerning VirusWarning.guide@{ub}
@{b}Markus Schmall........:@{ub} For letting us use his warnings in this guide
Thanks must also go to: Jan-Jan, Lars, Henrik, Georg, Heiner, John,
Torben, Soenke, Per, Kim B, Enzo, Deliveryman,
Martin, Flemming S, Jan, Thomas, Hee-Mann, Ib,
Dave, Ramon, Harry, Alex, Cor for collecting
trojans and viruses for us.
Speciel thanx to the Virus Test Center in Hamburg.
@{b}(Sorry if I forgot you)@{ub}
All the guys that is helping us collecting the new virus, and the few
ones that are helping everybody, by programming a viruskiller.
@node pgpkey " My public PGP key"
@{"Please send me" link teamdk } the new viruses that you find, so we can keep the support
to the anti-virus programmers.
You can encrypt it with my public PGP key, in that way the archive/file
won't get spread if it ends up in the wrong place.
Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
pub 1024/E7B1A755 1999/01/09 Jan Andersen <vht-dk@post4.tele.dk>
Version: 2.6.3i
@Node news " New warnings in this update of the guide"
@{b}New warnings in this update of the guide@{ub}
@{i}New warnings in alfabetic order Warning Name@{ui}
@{" FastIPrefs 40.37 trojan (FastIPrefs4037.lha) " link vht-dk80.lha } - (vht-dk80.lha)
@{" Patch CopyMem Trojan (CMQ060.lha) " link vht-dk81.lha } - (vht-dk81.lha)
@{" PoolMem v1.45 Trojan (Poolmem.lha) " link vht-dk82.lha } - (vht-dk82.lha)
@{b}!!!!! @{" Important news about VirusZ by Georg Hoermann " link vzstop } !!!!!@{ub}
@{b}!!!!! @{" We are looking for a lot of Viruses. please help us! " link missing } !!!!!@{ub}
@{b}!!!!! @{" Important news about VirusWorkshop by Markus Schmall " link vwsstop } !!!!!@{ub}
New warnings in VirusWarning.guide
@{" v1.0 " link 1.0 } @{" v1.1 " link 1.1 } @{" v1.2 " link 1.2 } @{" v1.3 " link 1.3 } @{" v1.4 " link 1.4 } @{" v1.5 " link 1.5 } @{" v1.6 " link 1.6 }
@{" v1.7 " link 1.7 } @{" v1.8 " link 1.8 } @{" v1.9 " link 1.9 } @{" v2.0 " link 2.0 } @{" v2.1 " link 2.1 } @{" v2.2 " link 2.2 } @{" v2.3 " link 2.3 }
@{" v2.4 " link 2.4 } @{" v2.5 " link 2.5 } @{" v2.6 " link 2.6 } @{" v2.7 " link 2.7 }
@node 1.0 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.0"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.0
@{" Strange Atmosphere LinkVirus (srn-db33.lha) " link srn-db33.lha }....: (Flake023.txt)
@{" VirusMemKill v1.2 Trojan (VMK12.LHA) " link VMK12.lha }....: (Flake022.txt)
@node 1.1 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.1"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.1
@{" Ebola 2 Link-Virus " link Ebola2 }....: (Flake024.txt)
@{" BBS Traveller Virus (lop_mi2.lha) " link Lop_mi2.lha }....: (Flake025.txt)
@{" Hitch Hiker 1.10 link virus " link HitchHiker }....: (Flake026.txt)
@node 1.2 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.2"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.2
@{" Mutation Nation linkvirus " link Mutation }....: (Flake027.txt)
@{" Hitch Hiker 3.00 link virus " link HitchHiker3 }....: (Flake028.txt)
@{" Hitch Hiker 3.00 link virus Installer " link HitchHiker3ins }....: (Flake029.txt)
@node 1.3 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.3"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.3
@{" HitchHiker 3.00 linkvirus (patchhh.lzx) " link patchhh.lzx }....: (Flake-28.txt}
@{" Voxel_Svind.exe (dph-vos.lha) " link Voxel }....: (Vhelp-35.txt)
@{" HF-Intro.exe (hf-vc24.lha) " link hf-vc24.lha }....: (Vhelp-36.txt)
@{" Happy New Year 96' Infected (ABC14.DMS) " link happy }
@node 1.4 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.4"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.4
@{" CygnusEd v4.0 Trojan (HF-CED40.LHS) " link vhelp-39.txt } (VHelp-39.txt)
@{" HD Protect v6.24 trojan (HDPRO624.LHA) " link vhelp-38.txt } (VHelp-38.txt)
@{" Tetris Attack Full Release Disk 1 (HF-TETA1.LHA) " link Vhelp-37.txt } (VHelp-37.txt)
@{" Tetris Attack Full Release Disk 2 (HF-TETA2.LHA) " link Vhelp-37.txt } (VHelp-37.txt)
@{" The Black Lotus 'Abduction' demo (TBL-ABDU.LHA) " link VHELP-40.txt } (VHelp-40.txt)
@node 1.5 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.5"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.5
@{" Happy New Year 97' virus (DARKFUCK.LHA) " link darkfuck.lha } (VHelp-40.txt)
@{" HNY 97' infected archive (TBF-F175.LHA) " link TBF-F175.LHA } (VHelp-41.txt)
@{" HitchHicker 4 infected archive (MAPUS200.LZX) " link MAPUS200.LZX } (VHelp-42.txt)
@node 1.6 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.6"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.6
@{" IBrowse v2.0 Trojan (DNC-IB2.LHA) " link DNC-IB2.LHA }
@{" HNY 97' infected archive (AMN-PAS1.LHA) " link happy }
@{" HNY 97' infected archive (DXP_LW2R.LHA) " link happy }
@node 1.7 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.7"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.7
@{" Ibrowse v2.0 (DCN-IB2.LHA) " link DNC-IB2.LHA }
@{" Maups v2.0 (HitchHicker 4 Infected) (MAPUS200.LZX) " link vhelp-43.txt }
@{" Intel Outside 4 Trojan (IO4-INVI.LHA) " link vhelp-44.txt }
@{" Xtruder v3.5 Trojan (XTRUDE35.LHA) " link vhelp-45.txt }
@node 1.8 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.8"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.8
@{" Ibrowse v2.0 (DCN-IB2.LHA) " link vhelp-46.txt } - VHelp-46.txt
@{" Happy New Year 97' new string (MUI020.LHA) " link vhelp-47.txt } - VHelp-47.txt
@{" AmixHack Trojan (DEC-SCP.LHA) " link vhelp-48.txt } - VHelp-48.txt
@{" HitchHicker v4.23 Link-Virus " link vhelp-49.txt } - VHelp-49.txt
@node 1.9 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.9"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v1.9:
@{" Lisa FuckUp v3.0 (SEBOLA97.LHA) " link vhelp-50.txt } - VHelp-50.txt
@{" HitchHicker v4.11 infected (NUP-SLOS.LHA) " link vhelp-51.txt } - VHelp-51.txt
@{" Ebola infected (PSY-HAL.LHA) " link vhelp-52.txt } - VHelp-52.txt
@{" ZIB linkvirus found " link vhelp-53.txt } - VHelp-53.txt
@node 2.0 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.0"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.0:
@{" Happy New Year 98 Infcted archive (w9-sex.lzx) " link vhelp-58.txt } - VHelp-58.txt
@{" Happy New Year 98 linkvirus " link vhelp-57.txt } - VHelp-57.txt
@{" Happy New Year 96 Infected archive (org3_3.lha) " link vhelp-56.txt } - VHelp-56.txt
@{" Ebola infected archive (d-s_zw2.lha) " link vhelp-56.txt } - VHelp-56.txt
@{" Ebola infected archive (d-s_mk2.lha) " link vhelp-56.txt } - VHelp-56.txt
@{" Ebola infected archive (cpu-mv31.lha) " link vhelp-55.txt } - VHelp-55.txt
@{" Happy New Year 96 Infected archive (modtime.lzx) " link happy } -
@{" Hitch Hiker v2.11 installer (kilhitch.lha) " link kilhitch.lha } -
@{" ZIP linkvirus installer (opus566p.lzx) " link vhelp-54.txt } - VHelp-54.txt
@node 2.1 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.1"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.1:
@{" Miami Keyfile checker Trojan (PHK-MKEY.lzx) " link vht-dk67.lha } - vht-dk67.lha
@{" ReOrgIt Trojan (ReOrgIt.lha) " link vht-dk66.lha } - vht-dk66.lha
@{" Max BBS trojan Type D (Mpeopledemo.lha) " link vht-dk65.lha } - vht-dk65.lha
@{" Max BBS trojan Type C (SPICE_POWER.lha) " link vht-dk64.lha } - vht-dk64.lha
@{" Max BBS trojan Type B (nce-tri9.lha) " link vht-dk63.lha } - vht-dk63.lha
@{" Max BBS trojan Type A (JC_SpiceGirls.LHA) " link vht-dk62.lha } - vht-dk62.lha
@{" Happy New Year 96 Infected archive (CBS-ETIT.LZX) " link vht-dk61.lha } - vht-dk61.lha
@{" Happy New Year 98 Infected archive (CNS-BGE.LHA) " link vht-v059.lha } - vht-v059.lha
@node 2.2 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.2"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.2
This was a 'buggy' release, sorry for that.........
@node 2.3 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.3"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.3
@{" Happy New Year 96' Infected (PHT-Suns.lzx) " link vht-dk68.lha }....: (vht-dk68.lha)
@{" Happy New Year 96' Infected (FFFF.LHA) " link vht-dk69.lha }....: (vht-dk69.lha)
@node 2.4 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.4"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.4
@{" Happy New Year 96' Infected (WinTool.lha) " link vht-dk70.lha } - (vht-dk70.lha)
@{" Max BBS #4 trojan (maxsafe.lha) " link vht-dk71.lha } - (vht-dk71.lha)
@node 2.5 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.5" '
New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.5
@{" Fungus/lsd installer (m31h_crk.lha " link vht-dk75.lha } - (vht-dk75.lha)
@{" Fungus/lsd file virus " link vht-dk74.lha } - (vht-dk74.lha)
@{" PolishPower link virus (AMFTP 1.91) " link vht-dk73.lha } - (vht-dk73.lha)
@{" New Max BBS trojan (UnpackJPEG) " link vht-dk72.lha } - (vht-dk72.lha)
@node 2.6 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.6"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.6
@{" Birthday Trojan & Dropper (birthday.lha) " link vht-dk77.lha } - (vht-dk77.lha)
@{" datatypes.library v45.5 Trojan (dtypes455upd.lha) " link vht-dk76.lha } - (vht-dk76.lha)
@node 2.7 " New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.7"
New in VirusWarning.Guide v2.7
@{" Miami DeLuxe v0.9c fake (mdlx09c.lha) " link vht-dk79.lha } - (vht-dk79.lha)
@{" CygnusEd v4.17 fake (hf-cd417.lha) " link vht-dk78.lha } - (vht-dk78.lha)
@node Warnings " Virus and Trojan warnings! -
Copyright M.Schmall & Virus Help DK"
@{i}All warnings in alfabetic order Warning Name@{ui}
@{" Abase infected Saddam Archiv (ABASE.DMS) " link ABASE }....: (Vhelp-15.txt)
@{" Achtung.exe Trojan. (GATH95-!.LHA) " link Gath95 }....: (Vhelp-05.txt)
@{" Achtung.exe Trojan (Gath95-!.lha) " link Gath95-!.lha }....: (Flake005.lha)
@{" Addy v0.99 Trojan. (ADDY099.LHA) " link Addy }....: (Vhelp-02.txt)
@{" Alfons Eberg 2.0 (Wireface) (hf-vc24.lha) " link hf-vc24.lha }....: (VHelp-36.txt)
@{" AMFTP v1.75 Infected (TBF-F175.LHA) " link TBF-F175.LHA }....: (VHelp-42.txt)
@{" AmiBlank Trojan (ABLANK11.LHA) " link ABLANK11.LHA }....: (Flake021.txt)
@{" AmiExpress v5.0 Trojan (PSG-AE5.LHA) " link Amiekspress }....: (Vhelp-18.txt)
@{" AmixHack Trojan (DEC-SCP.LHA) " link vhelp-48.txt }....: (Vhelp-48.txt)
@{" BBS Traveller Virus (lop_mi2.lha) " link Lop_mi2.lha }....: (Flake025.txt)
@{" Birthday Trojan & Dropper (birthday.lha) " link vht-dk77.lha }....: (vht-dk77.lha)
@{" Callerslog v1.2 Trojan (MST-CA12.LHA) " link MST-CA12.LHA }....: (Vhelp-20.txt)
@{" CarlingCard Hacker Trojan (CCHACK2.exe) " link CCHack }....: (Vhelp-17.txt)
@{" Commander link-virus Infector. (dpl-mam1.dms) " link Commander2 }....: (Vhelp-04.txt)
@{" Commander link-virus Infector. (Denistro.exe) " link Commander }....: (Vhelp-00.txt)
@{" ConMan Trojan (hackt.lha) " link hackt.lha }....: (Flake006.txt)
@{" ConMan 1995 link-virus (M-hac.lha) " link M-hac.lha }....: (Flake016.txt)
@{" CoP Killer v1.1 Trojan (COPKILL1.LHA) " link Copkill }....: (Vhelp-19.txt)
@{" Creator v1.0 Trojan (CREATOR.LHA) " link Creator }....: (Vhelp-12.txt)
@{" CygnusEd v4.00 Trojan. (CED4.LHA) " link CED4 }....: (Vhelp-08.txt)
@{" CygnusEd v4.0 Trojan (HF-CED40.LHS) " link vhelp-39.txt }....: (VHelp-39.txt)
@{" CygnusEd v4.17 fake (hf-cd417.lha) " link vht-dk78.lha }....: (vht-dk78.lha)
@{" DancePoolModTro.exe Infected (SIGN.LHA) " link SIGN.LHA }....: (Vhelp-32.txt)
@{" datatypes.library v45.5 (dtypes455upd.lha) " link vht-dk76.lha }....: (vht-dk76.lha)
@{" DirectoryOpus v5.00. (OPUS5.LHA) " link opus5 }....: (Vhelp-09.txt)
@{" DiskMaster v5.1 Trojan " link DM51 }....: (Vhelp-25.txt)
@{" DMS v2.06 Trojan (cry_206.lha) " link Cry_206.lha }....: (Flake003.lha)
@{" dpl-dc99.lha trojan (dpl-dc99.lha) " link dpl-dc99.lha }....: (Flake004.lha)
@{" Ebola 2 Link-Virus " link Ebola2 }....: (Flake024.txt)
@{" FastIPrefs 40.37 trojan (FastIPrefs4037.lha) " link vht-dk80.lha }....: (vht-dk80.lha)
@{" FileGhost 3 LinkVirus " link Fileghost3 }....: (Flake009.txt)
@{" Flake013.txt Fake (BIO-WARN.LHA) " link BIO-WARN.LHA }....: (Flake014.txt)
@{" Fungus/lsd virus " link vht-dk74.lha }....: (vht-dk74.lha)
@{" Fungus/lsd installer (m31h_crk.lha) " link vht-dk75.lha }....: (vht-dk75.lha)
@{" Futuretracker Trojan (TRSI-FT.LHA) " link Futuretracker }....: (Vhelp-14.txt)
@{" Happy_New_Year_96' link virus " link HappyNew }....: (Flake017.txt)
@{" Happy New Year 96' New String (CBS-ETIT.LZX) " link vht-dk61.lha }....: (vht-dk61.lha)
@{" Happy_New_Year_97' link virus (DARKFUCK.LHA) " link darkfuck.lha }....: (VHelp-41.txt)
@{" Happy_New_Year_97' New String (MUI020.LHA) " link vhelp-47.txt }....: (VHelp-47.txt)
@{" Happy New Year_98' link virus " link vhelp-57.txt }....: (VHelp-57.txt)
@{" Happy New Year 98 Infcted archive (CNS-BGE.LHA) " link vht-v059.lha }....: (vht-v059.lha)
@{" HardDiskSpeeder v1.5
GVP Inc. (GVP-HS15.lha) " link GVP-HS15.lha }....: (Flake012.txt)
@{" HD Protect v6.24 trojan (HDPRO624.LHA) " link vhelp-38.txt }....: (VHelp-38.txt)
@{" HF-Intro.exe (hf-vc24.lha) " link hf-vc24.lha }....: (VHelp-36.txt)
@{" Hitch Hicker 1.10 link virus " link HitchHiker }....: (Flake026.txt)
@{" Hitch Hicker 2.11 Installer (kilhitch.lha) " link kilhitch.lha }....:
@{" Hitch Hicker 3.00 link virus " link HitchHiker3 }....: (Flake028.txt)
@{" Hitch Hicker 3.00 link virus Installer " link HitchHiker3ins }....: (Flake029.txt)
@{" Hitch Hicker 4.00 link virus " link MAPUS200.LZX}....: (VHelp-42.txt)
@{" Hitch Hicker 4.23 link virus " link vhelp-49.txt }....: (VHelp-49.txt)
@{" Ibrowse v2.0 (DCN-IB2.LHA) " link DNC-IB2.LHA }....: (VHelp-46.txt)
@{" Ibrowse v2.0 (New warning update) (DCN-IB2.LHA) " link VHELP-46.txt }....: (VHelp-46.txt)
@{" Intel Outside 4 Trojan (IO4-INVI.LHA) " link vhelp-44.txt }....: (VHelp-44.txt)
@{" IStrip v2.1 Trojan (Istrip21.lha) " link Istrip21.lha }....: (Flake002.lha)
@{" KillHitch Trojan (kilhitch.lha) " link kilhitch.lha }....:
@{" LHA v3.0 Trojan. (LHA30.LHA) " link lha30 }....: (Vhelp-07.txt)
@{" Lisa FuckUp v3.0 Trojan (SEBOLA97.LHA) " link vhelp-50.txt }....: (VHelp-50.txt)
@{" LZX v1.30 Trojan (CoP Type F) (LZX130.lha) " link LZX130.lha }....: (Flake007.txt)
@{" MakeKey v1.10 For Virus_Checker (VcKey110.lha) " link VcKey110.lha }....: (Flake013.txt)
@{" Maups v2.0 (HH 4 Infected) (MAPUS200.LZX) " link vhelp-43.txt }....: (VHelp-43.txt)
@{" Max BBS trojan Type A (JC_SpiceGirls.LHA) " link vht-dk65.lha }....: (vht-dk65.lha)
@{" Max BBS trojan Type B (nce-tri9.lha) " link vht-dk64.lha }....: (vht-dk64.lha)
@{" Max BBS trojan Type C (SPICE_POWER.lha) " link vht-dk63.lha }....: (vht-dk63.lha)
@{" Max BBS trojan Type D (Mpeopledemo.lha) " link vht-dk62.lha }....: (vht-dk62.lha)
@{" Max BBS trojan Type E (unpackjpeg) " link vht-dk72.lha }....: (vht-dk72.lha)
@{" Miami DeLuxe v0.9c Fake (mdlx09c.lha) " link vht-dk79.lha }....: (vht-dk79.lha)
@{" Miami Keyfile checker Trojan (PHK-MKEY.lzx) " link vht-dk67.lha }....: (vht-dk67.lha)
@{" MultiView v3.1 (Ebola infected) (CPU-MV31.LHA) " link vhelp-55.txt }....: (VHelp-55.txt)
@{" Mutation Nation linkvirus " link Mutation }....: (Flake027.txt)
@{" NC210.LHA and NC210.LZX Infected (NC210.LHA/LZX) " link NC210.LHA }....: (Vhelp-31.txt)
@{" NComm v3.2 Trojan. (NCOMM32.LHA) " link NComm }....: (Vhelp-06.txt)
@{" No Sense Diskmagazine Infected (C!S-NS1.DMS) " link C!S-NS1.DMS }....: (Vhelp-33.txt)
@{" Patch CopyMem Trojan (CMQ060.lha) " link vht-dk81.lha }....: (vht-dk81.lha)
@{" Pestilence Bootblockvirus 1.15 " link Pestilence }....: (Flake001.lha)
@{" PolishPower link virus (amftp 1.91) " link vht-dk73.lha }....: (vht-dk73.lha)
@{" PoolMem v1.45 Trojan (Poolmem.lha) " link vht-dk82.lha }....: (vht-dk82.lha)
@{" Phenomena DOS-Extender V1.1 (PHA-XMAS.lha) " link PHA-XMAS.lha }....: (Flake019.txt)
@{" Quarterback Tools Trojan (ORS-QBD.LHA) " link ORS-QBD.LHA }....: (Vhelp-24.txt)
@{" Removcmd.lha Trojan (Removcmd.lha) " link Removcmd.lha }....: (Flake000.lha)
@{" ReOrgIt Trojan (ReOrgIt.lha) " link vht-dk66.lha }....: (vht-dk66.lha)
@{" SInfo v1.00 Trojan (SINFO10.LHA) " link Sinfo }....: (Vhelp-11.txt)
@{" Surprise Trojan at 'TP 4'. (SURPRISE.DMS) " link surprise }....: (Vhelp-01.txt)
@{" Susi_Drive_Stepper Trojan " link SusiStepper }....: (Flake018.txt)
@{" Strange Atmosphere LinkVirus (srn-db33.lha) " link srn-db33.lha }....: (Flake023.txt)
@{" Tetris Attack Full Release Disk 1 (HF-TETA1.LHA) " link Vhelp-37.txt }....: (vhelp-37.txt)
@{" Tetris Attack Full Release Disk 2 (HF-TETA2.LHA) " link Vhelp-37.txt }....: (vhelp-37.txx)
@{" The Black Lotus 'Abduction' demo (TBL-ABDU.LHA) " link VHELP-40.txt }....: (VHelp-40.txt)
@{" TMTC90.LHA Virus Infected (TMTC90.LHA) " link TMTC90.LHA }....: (Vhelp-30.txt)
@{" TP-5 Andromeda Demo Trojan (TP5-ANDR.LHA) " link TP5-ANDR.LHA }....: (Vhelp-27.txt)
@{" TP-5 Parallax Demo Trojan (TP5-PRLX.LHA) " link TP5-PRLX.LHA }....: (Vhelp-29.txt)
@{" TP-5 Silents DK Trojan (TP5-TSL.LHA) " link TP5-TSL.LHA }....: (Vhelp-28.txt)
@{" TP-5 Spaceballs Demo Trojan (TP5-SPAC.LHA) " link TP5-SPAC.LHA }....: (Vhelp-26.txt)
@{" TP-5 TRSI Trojan (TP5-TRSI.LHA) " link TP5-TRSI.LHA }....: (Flake020.txt)
@{" TRSi Installer Trojan (TRSI-INS.LHA) " link TRSI-INS.LHA }....: (Vhelp-21.txt)
@{" TRSi Installer Trojan (TRSI-INS.LHA) " link Flake011.txt }....: (Flake011.txt)
@{" Voxel_Svind.exe (dph-vos.lha) " link Voxel }....: (Vhelp-35.txt)
@{" Virus_Checker v6.60 Trojan (VCHCK660.lzx) " link VCHCK660.lzx }....: (Vhelp-23.txt)
@{" VirusWorkshop v5.0 Trojan (TRSI-VW5.LHA) " link VWS50 }....: (Vhelp-15.txt)
@{" VirusZ II v1.14 - Fake (VZII_114.LHA) " link VirusZII114 }....: (Vhelp-03.txt)
@{" VirusZ II v1.19 - Fake (VZII_119.LHA) " link VZII_119.lha }....: (Flake010.txt)
@{" VirusMemKill v1.2 Trojan (VMK12.LHA) " link VMK12.lha }....: (Flake022.txt)
@{" WireFace Trojan Type G (chkmount.lha) " link chkmount.lha }....: (Flake015.txt)
@{" Xtruder v3.5 Trojan (XTRUDE35.LHA) " link vhelp-45.txt }....: (VHelp-45.txt)
@{" ZAP v1.1 Unpacker virus infected (TXC-Z11.LHA) " link TXC-Z11.LHA }....: (VHelp-34.txt)
@{" ZIB linkvirus found " link vhelp-53.txt }....: (VHelp-53.txt)
@{" ZIB linkvirus installer (opus566p.lzx) " link vhelp-54.txt }....: (Vhelp-54.txt)
---------------------------- @{b}End of list@{ub} -------------------------------
@Node archive " Find an Archive by name"
@{b}Virus/Trojan Archives In Alfabetic Order@{ub}
Archive Name - Archive infected With !
@{" !ansianim!.lha - Trojan " link untested }
@{" 10000.lha - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" a!a-pp2.dms - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" ABASE.DMS - Abase infected Saddam Archiv " link ABASE }
@{" ABC14.DMS - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" ABLANK11.LHA - AmiBlank Trojan (Kuk Crew) " link ABLANK11.LHA}
@{" ac0396_1.DMS - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" ACID05.LHA - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" ACID06.LHA - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" ADDY099.LHA - Addy v0.99 Trojan " link Addy }
@{" aframe01.lha - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" aga_italy2.lzx - Trojan " link untested }
@{" agt-cbsc.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" agt-cowz.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" apt-40kb.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" asp-fx13.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" ASTMA!.LHA - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" ATW-MOD.LHA - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" Birthday.lha - Birthday Trojan & Dropper " link vht-dk77.lha }
@{" C!S-NS1.DMS - No Sense Diskmagazine Infected " link C!S-NS1.DMS }
@{" CBS-ETIT.LZX - HNY 96' New String (hunk 11) " link vht-dk61.lha }
@{" CCHACK2.exe - CarlingCard Hacker Trojan " link CCHack }
@{" cdrplay.lha - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" CED4.LHA - CygnusEd v4.00 Trojan (CoP) " link CED4 }
@{" chkmount.lha - WireFace Trojan Type G " link chkmount.lha }
@{" CNS-BGE.LHA - Happy New Year 98 Infcted " link vht-v059.lha }
@{" cpu-mv31.lha - Ebola infected archive " link vhelp-55.txt }
@{" cpu-nfot.lha - Trojan " link untested }
@{" cpucache.lha - Trojan " link untested }
@{" XMQ060.lha - Patch CopyMem Trojan " link vht-dk81.lha }
@{" CREATOR.LHA - Creator v1.0 Trojan " link Creator }
@{" cry_206.lha - DMS v2.06 Trojan " link Cry_206.lha }
@{" D-S_MK2.LHA - Ebola Infected archive " link vhelp-56.txt }
@{" D-S_ZW2.LHA - Ebola Infected archive " link vhelp-56.txt }
@{" Darkfuck.lha - HNY 97' Infected archive " link darkfuck.lha }
@{" dat_ho1.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dat_ho2.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dat_ho3.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dat_ho4.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dat_ho5.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dat_ho6.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dat_ho7.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dat_ho8.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dat_ho9.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dat_h10.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dcodes1_4.lzx - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dec-scp.lha - AmixHack trojan " link vhelp-48.txt }
@{" Denistro.exe - Commander link-virus Infector " link Commander }
@{" detag063.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" diceroll.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" digital.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dive-ing.lzx - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dop-dm1.dms - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dlm_prim.dms - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" dc-amftp.lha - Hitch Hicker v4.23 Infected arc. " link vhelp-49.txt }
@{" dcn-db3p.dms - Trojan " link untested }
@{" dcn-ib2.lha - Ibrowse v2.0 " link DNC-IB2.LHA }
@{" dcn-ib2.lha - Ibrowse v2.0 (Update warning) " link vhelp-46.txt }
@{" dph-vos.lha - Voxel_Svind trojan " link Voxel }
@{" dpl-dc99.lha - dpl-dc99.lha trojan " link dpl-dc99.lha }
@{" dpl-mam1.dms - Commander link-virus Infector " link Commander2 }
@{" dsy-bul1.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" dtypes455upd.lha - Datatypes.library v45.5 Trojan " link vht-dk76.lha }
@{" dvd!-def.lha - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" ed-psyo3.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" eft_cc14lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" etc!hd.lha - Trojan " link untested }
@{" evilcomm.lha - Trojan " link untested }
@{" FastIPrefs4037.lha - FastIPrefs 40.37 Trojan " link vht-dk80.lha }
@{" FFFF.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link vht-dk69.lha }
@{" flt1996.lha - Trojan " link untested }
@{" GATH95-!.LHA - Achtung.exe Trojan " link Gath95 }
@{" GVP-HS15.lha - HardDiskSpeeder v1.5
GVP Inc. " link GVP-HS15.lha }
@{" h&w-woda.dms - Trojan " link untested }
@{" hackt.lha - ConMan Trojan " link hackt.lha }
@{" hdpro624.lha - HD Protect v6.24 trojan " link vhelp-38.txt }
@{" hf-cd417.lha - CygnusEd v4.17 fake " link vht-dk78.lha }
@{" hf-ced40.lha - CygnusEd v4.0 Trojan " link vhelp-39.txt }
@{" hf-lopi1.dms - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" hf-teta1.lha - Cop Trojan (Tetris Attack) " link Vhelp-37.txt }
@{" hf-teta2.lha - Cop Trojan (Tetris Attack) " link Vhelp-37.txt }
@{" hf-vc24.lha - Vinci v2.4 (HF intro infected) " link hf-vc24.lha }
@{" hf-wttr.lha - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" ht-stag1.dms - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" ht-stag2.dms - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" idefix191.lha - Hitch Hicker v4.23 Infected arc. " link vhelp-49.txt }
@{" Ins-blf.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" Int-ap21.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" io3-64k.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" IO4-INVI.LHA - Intel Outside 4 Trojan " link vhelp-44.txt }
@{" Istrip21.lha - IStrip v2.1 Trojan " link Istrip21.lha }
@{" JC_SpiceGirls.LHA - Max BBS trojan Type A " link vht-dk62.lha }
@{" kewlcd.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" kilhitch.lha - Hitch Hiker v2.11 Installer " link kilhitch.lha }
@{" LHA30.LHA - LHA v3.0 Trojan. " link lha30 }
@{" lop_mi2.lha - BBS Traveller Virus " link Lop_mi2.lha }
@{" lzx121crk.lha - Trojan " link untested }
@{" LZX130.lha - LZX v1.30 Trojan (CoP Type F) " link LZX130.lha }
@{" M31H_CRK.LHA - Fungus/lsd installer " link vht-dk75.lha }
@{" MAPUS200.LZX - HitchHicker v4.00 Infected " link MAPUS200.LZX }
@{" mdlx09c.lha - Miami DeLuxe v0.9c fake " link vht-dk79.lha }
@{" miamic.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" Modti541.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" modtime.lzx - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" Mpeopledemo.lha - Max BBS trojan Type D " link vht-dk65.lha }
@{" msr-a71p.lha - Hitch Hicker v4.23 Infected arc. " link vhelp-49.txt }
@{" MST-CA12.LHA - Callerslog v1.2 Trojan " link MST-CA12.LHA }
@{" mth-gd10.lzx - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" MUI020.LHA - Happy New Year 97' New string " link vhelp-47.txt }
@{" Nbk-fkt.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" NC210.LHA - Happy New Year 96' Infected " link NC210.LHA }
@{" NC210.LZX - Happy New Year 96' Infected " link NC210.LHA }
@{" nce-tri9.lha - Max BBS trojan Type B " link vht-dk63.lha }
@{" NCOMM32.lha - NComm v3.2 Trojan (CoP) " link NComm }
@{" nhp122.lha - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" NUP-SLOS.LHA - HitchHiker v4.11 infected " link vhelp-51.txt }
@{" OPUS5.LHA - DirectoryOpus v5.00 (CoP) " link opus5 }
@{" opus566p.lzx - ZIB linkvirus Installer " link vhelp-54.txt }
@{" orb!mk.dms - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" ORG3_3.LHA - HNY 96' Infected archive " link vhelp-56.txt }
@{" ORS-QBD.LHA - Quarterback Tools Trojan (CoP) " link ORS-QBD.LHA }
@{" otl-db1d.dms - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" patchhh.lzx - HitchHiker 3.00 linkvirus " link patchhh.lzx }
@{" pet-sus5.dms - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" PHA-XMAS.lha - Phenomena DOS-Extender V1.1 " link PHA-XMAS.lha }
@{" PHK-MKEY.lzx - Miami Keyfile checker Trojan " link vht-dk67.lha }
@{" PHT-Suns.lzx - HNY 96' Infected archive " link vht-dk68.lha }
@{" phonebook.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" plo-dm1.dms - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" Plo-dm2.dms - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" PoolMem.lha - PoolMem v1.45 Trojan " link vht-dk82.lha }
@{" PSG-AE5.LHA - AmiExpress v5.0 Trojan " link Amiekspress }
@{" psp-64k.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" PSY-HAL.LHA - Ebola infected " link vhelp-52.tx }
@{" Removcmd.lha - Removcmd.lha Trojan " link Removcmd.lha }
@{" ReOrgIt.lha - ReOrgit Trojan " link vht-dk66.lha }
@{" scansys.lha - Trojan " link untested }
@{" scm-bps1.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" SEBOLA97.LHA - Lisa fuckup v3.0 trojan " link vhelp-50.txt }
@{" SIGN.LHA - DancePoolModTro.exe Infected " link SIGN.LHA }
@{" SINFO10.lha - SInfo v1.00 Trojan " link Sinfo }
@{" slt-m21g.lha - Hitch Hicker v4.23 Infected arc. " link vhelp-49.txt }
@{" SPICE_POWER.lha - Max BBS trojan Type C " link vht-dk64.lha }
@{" srn-db33.lha - Strange Atmosphere LinkVirus " link srn-db33.lha }
@{" Strip64.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" SURPRISE.DMS - Surprise Trojan at 'TP 4' " link surprise }
@{" TBF-F175.LHA - AMFTP v1.75 HNY 97' Infected " link TBF-F175.LHA }
@{" TBL-ABDU.lha - The Black Lotus 'Abduction' demo " link VHELP-40.txt }
@{" Timezone.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" toolsd26.lha - CoP Trojan " link untested }
@{" TP5-ANDR.lha - TP-5 Andromeda Demo Trojan " link TP5-ANDR.LHA }
@{" TP5-PRLX.lha - TP-5 Parallax Demo Trojan " link TP5-PRLX.LHA }
@{" TP5-SPAC.lha - TP-5 Spaceballs Demo Trojan " link TP5-SPAC.LHA }
@{" TP5-TSL.lha - TP-5 Silents DK Trojan " link TP5-TSL.LHA }
@{" TP5-TRSI.lha - TP-5 TRSI Trojan " link TP5-TRSI.LHA }
@{" trc-resc.lha - Trojan " link untested }
@{" TRSI-BV1DMS - Ebola Infected Archive " link Ebola }
@{" TRSI-FT.LHA - Futuretracker Trojan " link Futuretracker }
@{" TRSI-INS.lha - TRSi Installer Trojan " link Flake011.txt }
@{" TRSI-vw5.lha - VirusWorkshop v5.0 Trojan (CoP) " link VWS50 }
@{" TXC-Z11.lha - ZAP v1.1 Unpacker virus infected " link TXC-Z11.LHA }
@{" USX-SCFN.lha - HNY 96' Infected archive " link happy }
@{" VCHCK660.lzx - Virus_Checker v6.60 Trojan " link VCHCK660.lzx }
@{" VcKey110.lha - MakeKey v1.10 For Virus_Checker " link VcKey110.lha }
@{" VMK12.lha - VirusMemKill v1.2 Trojan " link VMK12.lha }
@{" VZII_114.lha - VirusZ II v1.14 (Fake) " link VirusZII114 }
@{" VZII_119.LHA - VirusZ II v1.19 (Fake) " link VZII_119.lha }
@{" w9-sex.lzx - Happy New Year 98' Infected " link vhelp-58.txt }
@{" XTRUDE35.LHA - Xtruder v3.5 Trojan " link vhelp-45.txt }
@node missing " Viruses that Virus Help Denmark is looking for!"
After a big HD-Crash in October 1998, a lot of the viruses that Virus Help
Denmark has been collecting over the years was lost. We use the viruses for
testing of antivirus programs. Please help us.... If you find some of these
viruses/trojans then, @{" Please mail them to us " link teamdk } or please upload them to
one of our @{" Support BBS'es " link supportbbs }, the sysop will see that it get to us.
We have recived a lot of the missing viruses, but we still need your help
with the last viruses. Thanx must go to these fine guy's/girls' for sending
a lot of the viruses:
@{b}Dave, Torsten, Dennis, Morten, Buzz, Michael, Martin, Ram, VTC, Soenke, Jan,
Markus, Georg@{ub}
Here is a list of the missing viruses:
Irak 3
LOBO Weird
Starcom 1
Xeno 1
File Viruses:
Aibon 2 Installer 2
Alien Life Form 1
Alien Life Form 3
BootJob Exe-BB
BootShop Installer 2
Butonics 3,2
Centurions 2
Circle Of Power 10 (ToolsDeamon)
Disk-Killer 1,0
General Hunter 3,2
H.N.Y. Clone
H.N.Y. Clone Inst.
Lha-Check 1,1
Nano 1
NoGuru 2,0
SehrJung LoadWB
Str.Atmosphere Inst. 2
SysInfo 2,2
Tai-Pan BB Installer
TFC Revenge LoadWB
Timedate Installer
Vera 2,3
XPR-Speeder 3,2
Send these viruses to @{" Virus Help Denmark " link teamdk } or Upload them to one of our
@{" Support BBS'es " link supportbbs } around the world.
@node wanted " Virus/Trojan/Archives that we are looking for!"
@{b}Virus/Trojan/Archives we are looking for, help us!@{ub}
If you have some of these archives, please @{" send them to us " link teamdk}.
Archive name - Kind - Size - Program info
aga_italy2.lzx Trojan 117026 Demo from AGA Italy, ruins rdb on hd's.
etc!hd.lha Trojan ? Is said to be some kind of trojan.
evilcomm.lha Trojan 40044 For Daydream BBS, corrupts hd's & fd's.
flt1996.lha Trojan ? Fairlight 1996 production, Trojan.
h&w-woda.dms Trojan ? Warrior of darkness AGA, hd formatter.
patchhh.lzx Virus ? Install the Hitch Hiker virus.
scansys.lha Trojan 12508 Fast optimizer for 68020-68030.
srn-db33.lha Virus ? Contains a new link-virus.
toolsd26.lha Trojan ? ToolsDeamon v2.6, COP Trojan.
Thanx to these guys/girls for sending archives:
Ramon for cpu-nfot.lha, John for kilhitch.lha, Bruce for trc-resc.lha.
@node untested " This Virus/Trojan has not been tested - Sorry"
Hi All.......
This trojan or virus has @{b}NOT@{ub} been tested. The reason for this is that we do
not have this file/archive in our collection.
Please mail it to us if you have it. No names will be written down, unless
you want credit for it. It is only the virus that we are looking for. Name
and adress will be in the trachcan, if you want it.
@{b}Please... Help us to support the anti-virus programmers@{ub}.
You can contact Virus Help Denmark, at @{" this adress " link teamdk}.
-- Thanx for your help...
Jan Andersen
@node vzstop " Georg Hoermann stopps with VirusZ II (21.06.99)"
@{b}BAD NEWS@{ub}
Hi All...
We have recived some bad and good news. The @{b}bad news@{ub} is that Georg Hoermann
has desided @{b}not to update VirusZ II any more@{ub}. The @{b}good news@{ub} is that Georg
Hoermann will still update the xvs.library and VirusZ III when he has the
time for it. VirusZ II is still and always will be a very good viruskiller,
the brain behind VirusZ is the xvs.library.
Virus Help Denmark has recived the scource-code to VirusZ II, and we are
right now @{b}looking for a programmer@{ub} to update and make VirusZ II even better
then it is now. If you think that you are the programmer to take over the
job, write me an Netmail, e-mail or snail-mail and tell me about your self,
and why we should let you have the code to VirusZ II. If Virus Help Denmark
and Georg Hoermann, finds you okay, you will recive the code by snail-mail
very soon.
Write to me as soon as possible, at this adress:
Or snail-mail:
@{b}Jan Andersen
Charlottegaardsvej 131
2640 Hedehusene
@node vwsstop " Markus Schmall stopps with VirusWorkshop (15.09.98)"
@{b}BAD NEWS@{ub}
This must be the worst news in 1998....... @{b}Markus Schmall has stopped
programming VirusWorkshop.@{ub} Markus got a new job at a software company
that is going to take all his time. There is nothing that we can do
about this..... Exept to thank Markus for the time he made one of the
best antivirus programs for the Amiga. @{b}VirusWorkshop will be missed..@{ub}
@{b}Good luck in the future Markus......@{ub}
Jan and the rest of the Amiga fan's all over the world.......
@node Ebola " Ebola linkvirus - Analysis By Markus Schmall""
This archive in infected with the @{b}Ebola@{ub} linkvirus, please read this
analysis that @{i}Markus@{ui} has done:
Entry...............: Ebola Virus
Alias(es)...........: E1116 (to stay CAROconform)
Virus Strain........: -
Virus detected when.: 9/1995
where.: Germany
Classification......: Linkvirus,memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: 1116 Bytes
2. Length in RAM: 3300 Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS Version/Release.....: 2.04 and above (V37+)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: none
Type of infection...: Self-identification method in files:
- Searches for $ab1590ef at the end of the first Hunk.
Self-identification method in memory:
- Checks for $213f at offset -2 of the loadseg()
System infection:
- non RAM resident, infects the following functions:
Dos LoadSeg(), Exec FindTask() and Exec
Infection preconditions:
- File to be infected is bigger then 2500 bytes and
smaller then 130000 bytes
- First hunk contains a $4eaexxxx command in the 16
bit range to the end of the file (test for the first
- the file is not already infected (the at long of the
end of the hunk)
- HUNK_HEADER and HUNK_CODE are found
Infection Trigger...: Accessing files via LoadSeg()
Storage media affected: all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: None
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- None
Transient damage:
- none
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- None
Transient damage:
- None
Particularities.....: The crypt/decrypt routines are partly aware of
caches. The cryptroutine are non polymorphic and only
consists of some logical stuff. The virus uses some
simple retro technics to stop viruskillers searching
for Draco and possible for the HochOfen (Trabbi) Virus.
Similarities........: Link-method is comparable to the method invented with
the infiltrator-virus
Stealth.............: No stealth abilities
Armouring...........: The virus uses only a single armouring technique to
confuse people. It only crypts it`s code based on the
position of the rasterbeam.
Comments............: The name EBOLA is the name of a virus, which humans
can get infected with. CARO rules say, that no names
of persons etc. may be used to call a virus, but I
spoke to other persons and they already recognized
this virus in this way.
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VW5.5 and VT 2.76 Countermeasures successful: All of the
above Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Hannover, Germany 03.09.1995.
Classification by...: Markus Schmall and Heiner Schneegold
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall (C)
Date................: September,03. 1995
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: This document is copyrighted and may be not used
in any SHI publication
===================== End of EBOLA Virus =========================
@NODE Happy
Entry...............: H.N.Y.96. / H.N.Y 97
Alias(es)...........: Happy_New_Year_96, Happy_New_Year_97
Known clones........: Aram Doll
Virus detected when.: 11/1995
where.: Austria, Germany, Holland, Poland and USA
Classification......: Link virus, memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: 540 Bytes
2. Length in RAM: 540 Bytes
Happy New Year97 uses Filepart() instead of
LoadSeg infection and the static length 628 bytes.
All other commands are 100% equal.
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS
Version/Release.....: 2.04 and above (V37+)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: Text at the end of the first hunk: "Happy_New_Year_96"
Type of infection...: Self-identification method in files:
- Searches for $65772059 in the first Hunk.
Self-identification method in memory:
- Checks for $2f08 in the LoadSeg function
System infection:
- RAM resident, infects the LoadSeg() code of
DOS library
Infection preconditions:
- device has more than 4 free sectors
- file is longer than $960 bytes and shorter than
$1e460 bytes
- Hunk_Code is found in the area behind the HUNK_
- The filename contains this not a "-" and does
not contains ".l". This is probably to be secure
no to infect a library.
- $4e75 is found at the end of the first CODEHUNK
or $4e75 is in the last $3f words of this hunk.
Infection Trigger...: Accessing the volume
Storage media affected: all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: LoadSeg() of DOS will be used for the infection code.
The routine is a little bit buggy and trashes the
a1 register.
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- None
Transient damage:
- None
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- None
Transient damage:
- None
Particularities.....: This virus uses no encryption routines to hide it`s
code. The LoadSeg() patch isn`t 100% clear and
trashes the adress register A1.
Similarities........: Link-method is comparable to the Crime
series. End of the first hunk will be the loc.
for the virus and the last "RTS" will be replaced.
Stealth.............: no stealth abilities found
Armouring...........: The virus uses only some special adresscommands to
confuse the AV people.
Installers..........: DemoManiac 2.19 fake (dop-dm1.dms)
DeTag0.63 (detag063.lha)
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VT 2.79, VW 5.8
Countermeasures successful: all of the above
Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: (C) Markus Schmall, Hannover, Germany
Classification by...: Markus Schmall
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall
Date................: November,24. 1995
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: Markus Schmall, the VTC Uni Hamburg is allowed to
use this document in their libraries. SHI is
forbidden to use this document in any form.
===================== End of H.N.Y.96. Virus ============================
Notes about the known clones:
Aram Doll is a normal linkvirus with 560 byte length. It`s not crypted and
uses the LastAlert pointer of Execbase for the selfrecognition in memory.
The LoadSeg patch differs a little bit.
@node Commander " Commander Infector"
We have nok found the file that infects your systems with the
Commander virus. The infector program is called:
I have two versions of this file, but they both installs the
1.. It has a size of 66592 bytes.
2.. It has a size of 71800 bytes.
Do not start this program, it will install the link part of
Commander virus, and add 1664 bytes to your LoadWB command.
This Virus has now been around for a few month, but now we
know. Over 60 BBS'es in scandinavia has now been infected
with this new virus. But thanx to the AntiVirusProgrammers
that has updated there killers fast, to try and stop this
Thanx to:
Kim B. Jensen - For sending my the 'Denistro.exe'.
The installer of Commander is now on it's way to every well
known anti-virus programmer.
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
@node Surprise " Surprise Trojan at The Party 4"
There is a new warning about a demo that damages your RDB Boot. (Great
way of starting the new year) :-(((((((((
This demo is called '@{b}SURPRISE.exe@{ub}', and has a size of 39296 bytes. It
makes all your partitions on your HD into, one partition and calls it
'SUCK ME ORGANIZERS'. We think that it only makes damages on SCSI
devices, but we are not sure about that.
The demo was made at the 'PARTY 94' in Herning, Denmark. And was given
to the organizers to compeat in the contest of the best demo. It did
do some damage to there HD, but a guy (Benny) did restore there HD.
We do not know if it was spred at the party. But if it was, please
take care of this demo.
This demo is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer.
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet: 2:236/116.1
\\\/// VIRUS HELP AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
@node Addy " Addy v0.99 trojan"
Do NOT start the '@{b}ADDY0.99.Exe@{ub}', it will replace your startup-sequence
and shell-startup, and add 656 bytes to your c:Dir command. Spread in
the archive '@{b}ADDY099.LHA@{ub}'.
It will change your startup.sequence with a new small one:
Prompt "AfraId ?..tHe fReAk wAs hEre 2 dEvEstAte NDOS:>"
Every time you run a shell it will add a line in your user-startup
"Wait 5" and you will the the text above when you are rebooting.
I do not know what it does to your 'C:Dir command', but if you have
started this program up, the replace the 'c:Dir command', with a new
clean one, form your WB disk's.
It will work under KS 2.0 and 3.0, have not tested it under KS 1.3 yet.
There is a "Readme" text in the archive, this is what is says:
///////////////////////// Addy Ver. 0.99 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
A small BBS Add maker, for you guys to put in your .lha's :)
This Programme is made by me, if you like it, tell me cause i've JUST
started learning how to do make small programmes, if there are any bugs
in it, please let me know, i can be found at the coolest bbs'es in Sw.
( Sorry about the lame doc, but i just can't wait to release my first
programme ).
If you cant figure this one out, you never will.
Simply double click And follow the instructions. Easy Huh ?
Known Bugs: NONE.. at all.. tested very well.. Wouldent want my first
release to be crap.. would I ?
Written By The Freak !
There is a FILE ID.DIZ to, here is the text:
: :
| _____________________ |
| \\\\\\\\\\/////////// |
| \\Addy\ver./0.99/// |
| \\\\\my\FIRST//// |
| \\Release EVER/ |
| \\\\\\/////// |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ |
| -
bY tHe FreAk
- |
| SysOp at |
Money Talks
| +44 ELITE ONLY |
------ END -------
The archive is on it's way to every well known antivirus programmer
in the world, thanx guys for the great job you are doing.....
Thanx to Morph, for sending me this new 'Thing'.
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
@node VirusZII114 " Fake VirusZ II v1.14"
@{i}FAKE VIRUSZ II v1.14@{ui}
On Thursday 2-2-95, one of my users from Sweden uploaded a new version of
@{b}VirusZ II v1.14, Released 2-2-95@{ub}, and it has a size of @{b}64664 bytes@{ub}. But it
is a FAKE VERSION. In the doc' there was added new virus, but they was the
same as in version 3.06 of the old VirusZ, and there was some new virus
and here is a quote from the FAKE guide:
- Added Commander2, Saur
nh, and Recycle viruses! Thanks to
Markus Schmall for sending them.
- Added Big Bug, MixiMaxiMum '93, BootX Kisser and The
Amiga Fucker 15.3 bootviruses. Thanks to Markus Schmall
for sending them, as always!.
I have called Markus on the phone, and he has never heard of these virus,
But he told me that there has been a new release of VirusZ II, but the new
original release is v1.13.
Remember to check the 'ABOUT' gadget,the size of the file is stated there
if the size is not right, do not use that version of VirusZ II.
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
@node commander2 " Commander Infector #2"
We have now found another program, that infects your systems with
the Commander virus. The infector program is a Demo or an Intro.
If someone knows the name and adress of the programmer of this
program, please contact me.
The name of the second installer is:
It can be found at two archives with the name:
Title : @{b}dpl-mam1.dms@{ub}
Size : 523162
Desc. : DuPlO DeMo DiViSiOn PrEsEnTs:
- --> mY mAMA iS a vAMPiRE! (aGA oNLY) <-- -
- --- * Version 3.0 (100% working!)-[1/2]- -
Awesome texture effect! - Released 30 Oct 94
Title : @{b}dpl-mam2.dms@{ub}
Size : 602250
Desc. : - --> mY mAMA iS a vAMPIRE! (aGA oNLY) <-- -
- ---------- * Version 3.0 * ------------- -
- - (100% bugfixed and fully working ----- -
- -- version, packed in a NON corrupted -- -
- --- archive this time!) ---------------- -
------------------------------------[2/2]- -
Do not start this program, it will install the Commander virus,
and add 1664 bytes to your LoadWB command. And infect everything
that you will try to execute.
Thanx to:
Steffen Rabenborg - For telling me about the new installer.
Peter Klein - For finding the new installer to me.
The installer of Commander is now on it's way to every well known
anti-virus programmer.
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
@node gath95 " Achtung.exe trojan (09.02.95)"
There has just been released a archive called '@{b}GATH95-!.LHA@{ub}', there are
one dectructiv program in the archive:
Achtung 14032 Bytes
Achtung.exe 14032 Bytes
The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:
|Virtual Dreams, Melon and Rage's New Intros
|The BEST CODE of 1994/95. Defintly! Get it!
+------------------------{ cSo/
'g5! }---+
This has @{b}NOTHING@{ub} to do with the 'Gathering 95' in Oslo....
Do not start the program 'Achtung.exe' and 'Achtung', will search for
DH0:, and then make a lot of files starting with this:
LAMER.AAAAAAAA 10240 Bytes (and then change the last letter B)
LAMER.AAAAAAAB 10240 Bytes (and then change the last letter C)
LAMER.AAAAAAAC 10240 Bytes (and then change the last letter D)
And keep doing that until your HD is full.
I have talked to a guy in Denmark, that has lost everything on his DH0
drive, and there was some damage to a lot of files, and the name of his
system was renamed to 'LAMER:!!!!' due to this little sucker.
And I have other reports about HD craches due to 'Achtung.exe'.
I have tried it on floppy disks, and the one a called 'DH0:' was filled
up with all of these 'LAMER.AAAAAAAA' 880 kb of them.
I'm not gonna lose my HD trying to find out some more about this thing.
The most improtant thing is: @{b}DON'T START THIS SUCKER !!!!!!!!@{ub}
But this little thing is on it's to every wellknown antivirus programmer.
Thanx to Brian Overby for the help....
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
@node NComm " NComm v3.2 Trojan (23.03.95)"
There has just been released a archive called '@{b}NCOMM32.LHA@{ub}', there are
a dectructiv program in the archive:
NComm 121896 Bytes (Packed with Stonecracker 4.04)
NComm 226116 Bytes (Unpacked)
The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:
The 'Sucker' started in the S: directory replacing the data's in EVERY
file with the text '@{b}CIRCLE OF POWER 1995@{ub}', so the startup-sequence and
rest of the files in the S dir was totally destroyed. All .info files
will be replaced in the same way
The archive is now on it's way to every wellknown anti-virus programer.
Thanx to Jan Ravn, for sending the 'thing' to us....
Best Regards.....
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node lha30 " LHA v3.0 Trojan (27.03.95)"
There has just been released a archive called '@{b}LHA30.LHA@{ub}', and there are
a dectructiv program in the archive:
"LHA3.0 69888 bytes (Packed with Stonecracker 4.04)"
"LHA3.0 105808 bytes (Unpacked)
The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:
The "Sucker" started in the S: directory replacing the data's in EVERY
file with the text '@{b}CIRCLE OF POWER 1995:@{ub}', so the startup-sequence and
rest of the files in the S dir was totally destroyed.
The LHA3.0 looks a lot like the fake 'NComm 3.2', it does the same things
to your HD and disk's.
The archive is now on it's way to every wellknown anti-virus programer.
Thanx to Kim B. and Flemming S., for sending the 'thing' to us....
Best Regards.....
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node CED4 " CygnusEd v4.00 - CoP Trojan - (27.03.1995)"
There has just been released a archive called '@{b}CED4.LHA@{ub}', and there are
a dectructiv program in the archive:
CED4 174500 bytes (Unpacked)
The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:
The "Sucker" started in the S: directory replacing the data's in EVERY
file with the text '@{b}CIRCLE OF POWER 1995:@{ub}', so the startup-sequence and
rest of the files in the S: dir was totally destroyed. This goes for all
files in your 'DEVS:' directory to.
The CED4 looks a lot like the fake '@{b}NComm 3.2@{ub}' and '@{b}LHA30.LHA@{ub}' it does the
same things to your HD and disk's.
Please take care, there is a lot of fake programs around, that does this
thing. Checke everything before you start it.
The archive is now on it's way to every wellknown anti-virus programer.
Thanx to Kim B., for sending the 'thing' to us....
Best Regards.....
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node opus5 " DirectoryOpus v5.00 - CoP Trojan - (29.03.1995)"
There has been released a archive called '@{b}OPUS5.LHA@{ub}', and there are a
dectructiv program in the archive:
I have not seen the archive yet, but I have talked to some people that
used this 'thing', and had there data files replaced,
It does the same things that '@{b}NCOMM32.LHA@{ub}', '@{b}CED4.LHA@{ub}' and '@{b}LHA30.LHA@{ub}'
it will replace the data's in EVERY file with the text:
Please take care, there is a lot of fake programs around, that does
this thing. Checke everything before you start it.
If you find this program, please send it to me, or send it to all the
well known antivirus programmers.
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@{" More information about the 'OPUS5.LHA' Trojan " link OPUS52 }
@node opus52 " More information about the 'OPUS5.LHA' Trojan (04.04.95)"
Hi All !!!
I now know some more about the FAKE Opus v5.0, it has a size of 347308
bytes. The archive '@{b}OPUS5.LHA@{ub}' has a size of 464397 bytes, and in the
FILE_ID.DIZ you can read:
* Uses multiple processes for windows.
* Full REXX support
* Faster dir-routines.
* Better archive handeling, supports LZX!
No anti-virus program can find this trojan yet, but I have tested it on
all the wellknown killers, and there are only 2 that detects something
yet, but this trojan is now on it's way to every wellknown anti-virus
@{b}VirusWorkShop v4.9@{ub}, can not find it yet, but will give you a requester
saying that:
"$3f0/$3f1/$3e8 Hunk at the beginning found"
@{b}VT v2.71@{ub} can not find it yet, but will give you a requester saying that:
"3E8-Hunk am anfang ist im file"
Thanx to Kim B. for uploading this 'thing' to our BBS.
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node Sinfo " About SInfo v1.0 - CoP Trojan - (11.04.1995)!
There has been released a program called '@{b}SInfo v1.0@{ub}', do not start that
program it will replace every file in your S:, Libs: and C: with a new
file, with a size of 5 bytes, in this file you can read 'cop!'. This is
another program from '@{b}CIRCLE OF POWER!@{ub}', the same lamer that has written
'@{b}NComm32.LHA@{ub}', '@{b}OPUS5.LHA@{ub}', '@{b}LHA30.LHA@{ub}' and '@{b}CED4.LHA@{ub}'.
There is another thing, SInfo v1.0 will ask for 'SINFO.library', and the
library is in the archive, BUT it is not 'Sinfo.library', it is the reel
'Bootblock.library v3.1' from SHI, why this ????????
SInfo v1.0 is spread in a program called '@{b}SINFO10.LHA@{ub}', and has a size
of 4432 bytes
The main program has a size of 2552 bytes.
In the FILE_ID.DIZ you can read:
In the DOC you can read this:
---------------------------- QUOTE START ---------------------------------
TYPE: SystemInfo ala INFO
DESC: Will list all devices available on you're system.
rgen H
DATE: 01-Apr-95
MAIL: jh@grafix.xs4all.nl
FIDO: 2:286/407.19
SInfo v1.0 DOC!
It works just like the WorkBench Info command, but has some features not
found in the default INFO command.
1) It will show Meg/Kilo/Bytes left on the device instead of blocks.
2) It is ALOT faster
3) It shows assigns
4) Can force devices to be validated!
Contact me at the addresses above!
---------------------------- QUOTE END -----------------------------------
This new '@{b}CIRCLE OF POWER!@{ub}' thing, is on it's way to every wellknown anti-
virus programmer.
And to the 'COP!' programmer, STOP the shit you are doing, you must have a
big problem somewere.
Thanx to Kim B. for uploading this to my BBS.
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:236/116.1 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node Creator " Creator v1.0 - Trojan - (18.04.1995)"
In the last day or two, a lot of people have uploaded a small program to
'Virus Help BBS' with the name '@{b}cREATOr v1.0@{ub}', it is stated in the doc
that it is a program, that will you choose how fast your HD shall run
after every reset. BUT if you run it, it will start to format your hard-
disk. The doc says nothing about this.
Here is some info about the program:
Archive name......: @{b}CREATOR.LHA@{ub}
Archive size......: @{b}2757 bytes@{ub}
Files in archive..: @{b}CREATOR.DOC 1124 bytes@{ub}
@{b}FILE_ID.DIZ 484 bytes@{ub}
@{b}C:CREATOR.SCR 40 bytes@{ub}
@{b}S:CREATOR.DAT 2880 bytes@{ub}
The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:
* cREATOr V1.0 (C) 04-10-95 *
* *
* Thiz Powerful Tool Will Let You Choose *
* How Fazt Your HD (Mili Seconds) Shall *
* Run After Every Reset !!! Normally Thiz *
* Is Only Possible With SCSI-2 HD's And A *
* Fazt CPU (020/030/040) But After 1 Year *
* Of Hard Coding I've Developed This Good *
* Product Which Should Run On All AMIGAS! *
So @{b}DO NOT@{ub} start this thing, you will loose your HD.
This thing is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, who
will accept new virus from 'Virus Help'.
Thanx to everybody that has uploaded this thing to our BBS.
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:235/112.0 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@{" More about the 'Creator' Traojan " link Creator2 }
@node Creator2 " More about the Creator trojan - 18.04.1995)"
Hi All......
Hmmmmmm, there has been another release of the CREATOR trojan, but there
is something wrong again. Again the doc' states that it will let you
choose how fast your HD shall run after every reset. But if you try to
start the program, you will asked to write 'FORMAT' in a shell, and that
would be a stupid thing to do, right ???.
This 'new' update will NOT work at any of my Amiga's, so there for I can
not tell you what it will do, but I have people testing it right now.
Here is some info about the program:
Archive name......: CREAT_11.LHA
Archive size......: 2757 bytes
Files in archive..: CREATOR.DOC 1124 bytes
FILE_ID.DIZ 484 bytes
C:CREATOR.SCR 40 bytes
S:CREATOR.DAT 2880 bytes
The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:
* cREATOr V1.1 (C) 04-11-95 *
* *
* Thiz Powerful Tool Will Let You Choose *
* How Fazt Your HD (Mili Seconds) Shall *
* Run After Every Reset !!! Normally Thiz *
* Is Only Possible With SCSI-2 HD's And A *
* Fazt CPU (020/030/040) But After 1 Year *
* Of Hard Coding It Works Very Fine !!! *
This thing is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, who
will accept new virus from 'Virus Help'.
Thanx to everybody that has uploaded this thing to our BBS.
Jan Andersen.
@node Futuretracker " FutureTracker - CoP Trojan - 19.04.1995)"
Okay there is another '@{b}Circle Of Power@{ub}' trojan around. This time it is in
a fake ProTracker called 'FutureTracker'. It will do the same thing as
the other trojans that '@{b}CoP@{ub}' has released in the last month, only this
time it will rewrite every file in DEVS:, L:, and S:, with another file
where you can read this:
@{b}[cOp]: Khanan / Circle Of Power :[cOp]@{ub}
This time the 'thing' will show a text on the screen (See the Iff.Pic in
this archive). Here is what it says:
@{i} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - START - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -@{ui}
cIrcle of pOwer'95
Sweden's no.1, "CIRCLE OF POWER" rammed yer arse again!! Have phun retyping
all those valueble config's. haha! Fuck you all!
@{i} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - END - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -@{ui}
This text will come to your screen when 'FutureTracker' is replacing the
files on your harddisk.
Here is some info about the program:
Archive name......: @{b}TRSI-FT.LHA@{ub}
Archive size......: @{b}278290 bytes@{ub}
Files in archive..: @{b}FutureTracker 317608 bytes@{ub}
@{b}FILE_ID.DIZ 360 bytes@{ub}
@{b}FutureTracker.cfg 1065 bytes@{ub}
@{b}FutureTracker.doc 90 bytes@{ub}
The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:
_ _ __________________________- --.
.--------\\\\_ ___/___ / ______/--^-|.
| bACk tO | | __/ _/______ \ |:
| tHe rOOTs l____|___/ \_________\____||
| FutureTracker - ProTracker Clone by PSI! |
| 6 channels, 256 samples, full MIDI port! |
This thing is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, who
will accept new virus from 'Virus Help'.
Thanx to Kim B. for uploading this thing to our BBS.
_________ _
Jan Andersen. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:235/112.0 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node VWS50 " VirusWorkshop v5.0 - CoP Trojan - 21.04.1995"
There has just been released a @{b}FAKE@{ub} version of '@{b}VirusWorkShop v5.0@{ub}',
when you try to run the program, some music will start, and that is
all that I can find out. I can not se that it writes anything to any
drives. But I'll let some others, test it on there systems.
I can tell you, that Markus Schmall has @{b}never@{ub} made a version 5.0, and
that he @{b}never@{ub} will release VirusWorkShop with the version string v5.0
This is said to be antoher '@{b}COP' (Circle Of Power)@{ub} release, but I
can not get it to infect my system.
Here is some info about the program:
Archive name........: @{b}TRSI-VW5.LHA@{ub}
Archive size........: @{b}221737 bytes@{ub}
VirusWorkShop Size..: @{b}135744 bytes@{ub}
The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:
_________________ ____________
\ . ___.___._
\/ ____/_____) TRiSTAR &
\/| .| |
| _/_____
| || | :
V \\ || RSi
|___| |___|___\______/_____|
This thing is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, who
will accept new virus from 'Virus Help'.
By the way.. The newest version of VirusWorkShop at this date is v4.9,
and the size is 136556 bytes.
Thanx to Kim B. for uploading this thing to our BBS.
_________ _
@{b}Jan Andersen@{ub}. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:235/112.0 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node ABASE " ABase - Saddam Infected Archive - (22.04.1995)"
There has been spread a demo version of a program with the name '@{b}ABASE@{ub}',
it is an adress base from Poland. This archive contains the @{b}Saddam virus@{ub}
which is inside the '@{b}l:Disk-validator@{ub}'.
This info is for the Amiga user that still runs with KickStart 1.3, that
is because that Saddam Virus can not run under kickstart 2.0 -> 3.1.
Here is some info about the program:
Archive Name.......: @{b}ABASE.DMS@{ub}
Archive Size.......: @{b}222609 Bytes@{ub}
ABase program......: @{b}83096 Bytes, PowerPacked (138332 Bytes Unpacked)@{ub}
Saddan Virus.......: @{b}L:Disk-Validator (1848 bytes).@{ub}
Again thanx to Kim B. (Great Virus-Hunter).....
_________ _
@{b}Jan Andersen.@{ub} ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:235/112.0 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node CCHack " CarlingCard Hacker - Trojan - 02.05.1995"
There has been released a program that is said to be a @{b}CallingCard Hacker@{ub},
if you start the program it will look for a BBS: assign, and then read
the user.data file. This textstring is coded in the the file. Why a hacker
program for CallingCards, want to read the 'BBS:User.Data', I do not know,
but do not trust this program....
Here is some info about the trojan:
Name.....: @{b}CCHACK2.exe@{ub}
Size.....: @{b}11216 Bytes (unpacked)@{ub}
If you start the program this will be displayed:
@{b}MCI CallingCard Hacker by ByTePaCkEr/Finland 1995@{b}
@{b}Usage: CChack2.exe <CALLINGCARD.NR.>@{ub}
VT v2.72 will find this 'thing', but in the doc to VT, Heiner states that
the file has a size of 11368 Bytes (unpacked), so maybe there is an other
version of this trojan, and maybe the name of this is 'CCHACK.EXE', I do
not know.
This 'thing' is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, that
will accept new virus from us.
Thanx again to Kim B. a great virushunter, for uploading it to us.....
And to Markus Schmall for the first info about this 'thing'...
_________ _
@{b}Jan Andersen@{ub}. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:235/112.0 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node Amiekspress " AmiExpress v5.0 - CoP Trojan - 03.05.1995"
There has been released a program that is said to be a new version of the
BBS program @{b}AmyExpress v5.0@{ub}, but it is another '@{b}Circle Of Power@{ub}' trojan,
it will replace every file in DEVS: and S: dir, with a textfile where you
can read:
@{b}[cOp]: Khanan :[cOp]@{ub}
Inside the fake 'AmiExpress v5.0' file 'Acp', you can read this is the
ASCII text:
@{b}$VER: ACP V5.0 (C)-95 JOSEPH HODGE@{ub}
In the File_ID.Diz, you can read:
AmiExpress v5.0
If you start the program, a shell window will pop up, where you can read
[cOp]: The Circle Of Power did it AGAIN! :[cOp]
[cOp]: :[cOp]
Here is some info about the archive it is spread in:
Archive Name..: @{b}PSG-AE5.LHA@{ub}
Archive Size..: @{b}71982 Bytes (Striped For BBS adds)@{ub}
Trojan Name...: @{b}Acp@{ub}
Trojan Size...: @{b}71904 Bytes@{ub}
Someone must know this '@{i}Khanan@{ui}' or other members of '@{i}COP@{ui}'. If you know
anything about these stupid guy's, please contact us....
This 'thing' is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, that
will accept new virus from us.
Thanx again to Kim B. for uploading this 'sucker' to our BBS.....
_________ _
@{b}Jan Andersen@{ub}. ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:235/112.0 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node copkill " CoP Killer v1.1 - CoP Trojan - 20.05.1995"
Okay there is another '@{b}Circle Of Power@{ub}' trojan on the loose. This time
it will rewrite the files in DEVS:, and in the new file you can read
@{b}[cOp]: Scotch & Khanan on tour '95 :[cOp]@{ub}
Here is some info about the file it is spread in:
Archive name: @{b}Copkill1.LHA@{ub}
Archive size: @{b}9801 Bytes@{ub}
Cop Trojan : @{b}Copkiller (8428 bytes)@{ub}
In the FILE_ID.DIZ you can read this:
@{i}>--------- FILE_ID.DIZ START --------------<@{ui}
_____ ______ ___ DIRECT UPLOAD FROM
__/ ___// / // /\ SAFE HEX
\___ // _/ // / / INTERNATIONAL
/ / // __ // / / -------------
/____//__/__//__/ / AGAIN A NEW TOP-HIT!
\____\\__\__\\__\/ -------------
->> PRESENTS C.O.P. Killer v1.1 <<-
An excellent trojankiller that recognises
the new encoding system used by C.O.P.
Also read about the SHI reward >$5000<
for the name of a virus programmer.
Update 18-05-95
@{i}>--------- FILE_ID.DIZ END ----------------<@{ui}
But this is not a release from SHI.....
This 'sucker is now on its way to every antivirus programmer, that will
accept new virus from 'Virus Help Denmark'.
Thanx to Bahrat Asar for uploading this 'sucker' to our BBS.
_________ _
@{b}Jan Andersen.@{ub} ____/"""./###/____)\_____________
Virus Help - Denmark. /"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
FidoNet: 2:235/112.0 \ // / ____/ / //""""/X@! /
AmyNet : 39:141/142.0 \_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
VirNet : 9:451/247.0 /____/
@node MST-CA12.LHA " Callerslog v1.2 - CoP Trojan - 30.05.1995"
There has been found a new '@{b}COP@{ub}' trojan in a fake program. It was released
about the 28'th of May. Here is some info about the trojan:
Archive Name: @{b}MST-CA12.LHA@{ub}
Archive Size: @{b}19349 Bytes (Ripped for BBS add's)@{ub}
Trojan Name : @{b}cALLERSLOG.SFX@{ub}
Trojan Size : @{b}8428 Bytes (Is not a SFX. Archive)@{ub}
@{i}Here is what the File_ID.DIZ will tell you:@{ui}
.--------[____ mYSTIC ____]--------.
|__ ______\ \____ / /_________|____
/ | \ / /___/_/ ___/______/ ___/__
/ \___ /____ \ \ / \ \ /
\___\/ /____/ / /______/_____/______/
| /___/ \________/AdN! _|_
| \_/
| 100% fIXED - iNC iFF sCREENsHOT |
| |
This new trojan will replace everything in your DEVS: dir. With a text 41
bytes long, where you can read this:
@{b}[cOp]: Scotch & Khanan on tour '95 :[cOp]@{ub}
This new '@{b}COP@{ub}' trojan is now on it's way to every wellknown antivirus
programmer that will accept new virus from Virus Help Denmark.
Thanx again to KIM B. for uploading this our BBS.
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node TRSI-INS.LHA " TRSI Installer - CoP Trojan - 10.06.1995"
There has just been released another Trojan. It was uploaded to a BBS in
Sweden by @{b}Gryzor@{ub} (@{i}Member of Circle Of Power@{ui}). The name of the archive is:
@{b}(Size about 40000 bytes)@{ub}
The FILE ID.DIZ says that this is an installer for several games.
@{b}But TRSI has nothing to do with this sucker.@{ub}
We can at this time not say anything more about this trojan, bacause we
have written this warning out of a phone call from Markus Schmall, but we
will here more when Markus has tested this thing.
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@{" Click here " link Flake011.txt } to read Markus Schmall's test of the archiv.
@node VCHCK660.lzx "Virus_Checker v6.60 - Trojan - 27.07.1995"
@{i}Hi All.....@{ui}
There has just been found a fake @{b}Virus_Checker v6.60@{ub}. Do not use this trojan
at all. The VC.guide is just a rewritten v6.57. Here is some info about the
Archive name... : @{b}VCHCK660.lzx@{ub}
Archive Size... : @{b}About 122.000 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
VC v6.60 Size.. : @{b}52400 bytes@{ub}
@{i}The newest version of Virus_Checker is at this time v6.58 (Brain v1.20)@{ui}
This new trojan is on its way to every wellknown antivirus programmer, that
will accept new virus and trojan from us.
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node ORS-QBD.LHA " QuarterBack Tools Diamond - CoP Trojan"
@{i}Hi All...@{ui}
There has been released a new @{b}COP trojan@{ub}. This time it is a fake
'QuaterBackTools'. This thimg will replace everything in your S:,
LIBS;, BBS:, m.m with a text string of 75 bytes.
@{i}The file_id.diz of this trojan looks like this:@{ui}
____ ___ ____ _ ___ ___ ____
::::: / . \_/ ___)_/_)/ .__)(___)/ ___)::::.
\___ \ \
\/ \___ \:::::
:::::\_____/___ /_ /__| \_ /___ /:::::
Info about the trojan:
Archive name: @{b}ORS-QBD.LHA@{ub}
Archive Size: @{b}About 128654 Bytes@{ub}
Trojan Name : @{b}QBTools3@{ub}
Trojan Size : @{b}227716 Bytes@{ub}
This new trojan is on its way to every wellknown antivirus programmer
that will accept new virus from Virus Help.
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node DM51 " Diskmaster v5.1 - CoP Trojan - 04.11.95"
@{i}Hello everybody.....@{ui}
The mad guys from '@{b}Circle Of Power@{ub}' is back. This time it is a faked program
called 'DiskMaster v1.4'. It will replace files in LIBS:, DEVS:, S:, with a
new file with the length of 41 bytes, and in this file you can read this
@{b}FausT / cIRCLE oF pOWER'95 - TRUE POWER!@{ub}
The file_id of this program look's like this:
_________ _
/"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
\ // / ____/ / //""""/X\@!/
\_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
Brought To You Diskmaster V5.1 Debugged
And Updated With VirusX2.4 VirusKiller!!
This is nothing that Virus_Help has anything to do with. But I'm sure that
you all know that by now.
This littel 'sucker' is on it's way to every wellknown anti-virus programmer
that will accept new virus from Virus Help Denmark.
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node TP5-SPAC.LHA " TP-5 Spaceballs Demo - CoP Trojan - 29.12.1995"
@{i}Hi All !!!!!@{ui}
There is a lot of trojans comming right now from '@{b}The Party 5@{ub}', but I'm
pretty sure that the files are from the '@{b}COP@{ub}' idiots.
The archive '@{b}TP5-SPAC.LHA@{ub}' with a size about 45000 bytes (ripped from all
BBS adds) the mainfile '@{b}TP5_Spaceballs.exe@{ub}' has a size of 38060 bytes.
The program is trying to lock on NComm:, just like tha old @{b}COP@{ub} trojan's.
Here is the FILE_ID from the archive:
| |
| Spaceballs 40k intro called |
| 'Ice Frontier' |
| |
Please do not start the program. The archive is on it's way to every
wellknown anti-virus programmer that will accept virus from us.
Thanx to 'Tauno Pinni' for bringing this to us......
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node TP5-ANDR.LHA " TP-5 Andromeda Demo - CoP Trojan - 29.12.1996"
@{i}Hi All !!!!!@{ui}
There is a lot of trojans comming right now from '@{b}The Party 5@{ub}', but I'm
pretty sure that the files are from the '@{b}COP@{ub}' idiots.
The archive '@{b}TP5-ANDR.LHA@{ub}' with a size about 47000 bytes (ripped from
all BBS adds) the mainfile '@{b}TP5_Andromeda.exe@{ub} has a size of 40216 bytes.
The program is trying to lock on NComm:, just like tha old COP trojan's.
@{i}Here is the FILE_ID from the archive:@{ui}
| |
| Andromeda's 40k intro called 'feelings'. |
| |
Please do not start the program. The archive is on it's way to every
wellknown anti-virus programmer that will accept virus from us.
Thanx to 'Tauno Pinni' for bringing this to us......
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node TP5-TSL.LHA " TP-5 Silents DK Demo - CoP Trojan - 29.12.1995"
@{i}Hi All !!!!!@{ui}
There is a lot of trojans comming right now from '@{b}The Party 5@{ub}', but I'm
pretty sure that the files are from the 'COP' idiots.
The archive '@{b}TP5-TSL.LHA@{ub}' with a size about 46000 bytes (ripped from
all BBS adds) the mainfile '@{b}TP5_SilentsDK.exe@{ub}' has a size of 39440 bytes.
The program is trying to lock on NComm:, just like tha old COP trojan's.
@{i}Here is the FILE_ID from the archive:@{ui}
| |
| Silents DK's 40k intro called |
| 'Byte Kitchen' |
| |
Please do not start the program. The archive is on it's way to every
wellknown anti-virus programmer that will accept virus from us.
Thanx to 'Tauno Pinni' for bringing this to us.......
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node TP5-PRLX.LHA " TP-5 Parallax Demo - CoP Trojan - 30.12.95"
@{i}Hi All !!!!!@{ui}
There is a lot of trojans comming right now from '@{b}The Party 5@{ub}', but I'm
pretty sure that the files are from the '@{b}COP@{ub}' idiots.
The archive '@{b}TP5-PRLX.LHA@{ub}' with a size about 41000 bytes (ripped from
all BBS adds) the mainfile '@{b}TP5_Parallax.exe@{ub}' has a size of 39980 bytes.
The program is trying to lock on NComm:, just like tha old COP trojan's.
@{i}Here is the FILE_ID from the archive:@{ui}
| |
| Parallax's 40k intro called 'Cubic'. |
| |
Please do not start the program. The archive is on it's way to every
wellknown anti-virus programmer that will accept virus from us.
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node TMTC90.LHA " TMTC90.LHA archive infected with virus - 30.12.1995"
@{i}Hi All...@{ui}
A new archive is now spread with an 'old' virus in it. The archive name is
'@{b}TMTC90.LHA@{ub}'. The virus in the archive is '@{b}Disaster Master 2@{ub}', and it is in
the @{b}C: dir.@{ub} in the @{b}cls command@{ub}.
Every wellknown viruskiller can find this virus. Just make sure that you
don't use or install the 'cls' command on your HD.
@{i}The FILE_ID.DIZ look's like this:@{ui}
_________________+ Ti/\/\eTr/\cE
\______ ______/_________________
| _|__ +\______ ______/
+ | | \+ _____| |
+ |___| \/ / |
|_____/ /|_____|
Released /_____/ Today
Chicago 90 HD and AGA Fixed
Done by >TORCH< Leader of TmT
That is all for now.... Happy new year everybody....
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{ub}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node NC210.LHA " NC210.LHA/LZX infected with HappyNewYear Virus"
@{i}Hi All...@{ui}
A new archive is now spread with a virus in it. The archive name is
'@{b}NC210.LZX@{ub}' or '@{b}NC210.LHA@{ub}'. The virus in the archive is the new link
virus called '@{b}Happy New Year 96@{ub}'.
At this time only 3 viruskillers can find this 'sucker'.
@{b}VirusWorkshop v5.8... By Markus Schmall@{ub}
@{b}VT v2.79............. By Heiner Schneegold@{ub}
@{b}VirusZ II v1.27...... By Georg Hoermann@{ub}
@{i}The FILE_ID.DIZ look's like this:@{ui}
Get file description from comprograms +
Name: @{b}NC210.lha@{ub}
Path: @{b}Aminet/comm/misc@{ub}
Best: @{b}Aces High SW, 5 Ndz@{ub}
That is all for now.... Happy new year everybody....
Thanx to '@{b}ENZO@{ub}' for saving this for us.......
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node SIGN.LHA " DanceModPoolTro.exe Virus infected - 05.02.1996"
@{i}Hi All...@{ui}
A new archive is now spread with a virus in it. The archive name is
'@{b}SIGN.LHA@{ub}'. The virus in the archive is the new link virus called
'@{b}Happy New Year 96'.@{ub}
Archive Name.....: @{b}SIGN.LHA@{ub}
Size.............: @{b}25261 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected file....: @{b}DancePoolModTro.exe (25484 Bytes Packed with STC)@{ub}
At this time only 3 viruskillers can find this 'sucker'.
@{b}VirusWorkshop v5.9... By Markus Schmall@{ub}
@{b}VT v2.80............. By Heiner Schneegold@{ub}
@{b}VirusZ II v1.27...... By Georg Hoermann@{ub}
@{i}The FILE_ID.DIZ look's like this:@{ui}
| f
NSt |
SM. |
| |
| fR
P RUlEZ... |
DE !! |
That is all for now.... Happy new year everybody....
Thanx to 'Morten Johan Leerhoy' sending the archive to us...
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node C!S-NS1.DMS " No Sense Magazine - Ebola Infected"
@{i}Hi All...@{ui}
A new archive is now spread with a virus in it. The archive name is
'@{b}C!S-NS1.DMS@{ub}'. The virus in the archive is the '@{b}Ebola@{ub}' Link virus.
Archive Name.....: @{b}C!S-NS1.DMS@{ub}
Size.............: @{b}546381 bytes (DMS Packed)@{ub}
Infected file....: @{b}No_Sence1 (60048 Bytes Packed with STC)@{ub}
At this time only 3 viruskillers can find this 'sucker'.
@{b}VirusWorkshop v5.9... By Markus Schmall@{ub}
@{b}VT v2.80............. By Heiner Schneegold@{ub}
@{b}VirusZ II v1.27...... By Georg Hoermann@{ub}
@{i} The FILE_ID.DIZ look's like this:@{ui}
_ _ , __ _ , __
| ) (_) ) (_/_ | ) ) (_/_
n o s e n s e
m a g a z i n e - d i s k p u b l.
a C - L O U S diskmagazine
The First Issue of No Sense Magazine -
Disk Publication (Includes Swedish chart.)
Well, that is all for now.....
Thanx to 'Kim B.' sending the archive to us...
@{b}IMPORTANT:@{ub} Virus Help DK BBS, new phone number @{b}+45 4659 6867.@{ub}
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node TXC-Z11.LHA " ZAP v1.1 Unpacker - Ebola Infected"
@{i}Hi All...@{ui}
A new archive is now spread with a virus in it. The archive name is
'@{b}TXC-Z11.LHA@{ub}'. The virus in the archive is the '@{b}Ebola@{ub}' Link virus.
Archive Name.....: @{b}TXC-Z11.LHA@{ub}
Size.............: @{b}197233 bytes (LHA Packed)@{ub}
Infected file....: @{b}UnARJ.... ( 9100 Bytes)@{ub}
@{b}UnRAR.... (24176 Bytes)@{ub}
@{b}Install.. ( 4132 Bytes)@{ub}
At this time only 3 viruskillers can find this 'sucker'.
@{b}VirusWorkshop v5.9... By Markus Schmall@{ub}
@{b}VT v2.80............. By Heiner Schneegold@{ub}
@{b}VirusZ II v1.28...... By Georg Hoermann@{ub}
@{i}The FILE_ID. look's like this:@{ui}
__ ______ __.__________
\// _).
| )__) .__)
.--/ /
\ \ |
| / \_____/ |__/__|____/TOXiC GIVES YA: |
Well, that is all for now.....
Thanx to 'Torben Danoe' sending the archive to us...
@{b}IMPORTANT:@{ub} Virus Help DK BBS, new phone number @{b}+45 4659 6867.@{ub}
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet: 2:235/112.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ @{b}VIRUS HELP DENMARK@{ub} VirNet : 9:451/247.0
@node ABLANK11.LHA " Amiblank Trojan - (Markus Schmall)"
@{b}Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning !@{ub}
@{b}ABlank11 Trojan:@{ub}
other possible names: KUK Crew Trojan
Length: 1056 bytes (PP40 lib) or 1352 bytes unpacked
Nothing tricky at all. It will be tried to initialize SYS:
again and then to create several files (and dirs) on the
device. Code isn`t that good written, equalities to existing
trojans can be found, but I cannot remember which one exactly.
Thanks must go to Jan Andersen and Flemming Slabiak sending me
this one.
Visible texts in the unpacked file:
'> KUK CREW < A New and Evil Group has come t'
'o spread TERROR and DESTRUCTiON to the Amiga'
' Scene! HAHAHAaaaaaaaaaah',0
@{b}Greets Markus Schmall (Programmer of VirusWorkshop)!!!!!@{ub}
@node TP5-TRSI.lha " TP-5 TRSi Demo - CoP Trojan - 28.12.1995)"
@{b}Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning !@{ub}
@{i}Hi !@{ui}
Warning ! The file "@{b}TP5-TRSI.lha@{ub}" contains a @{b}COP@{ub} trojan and it is NO
TRSI release. In the file_id it`s said that this is a 40K intro from
TRSi. It`s the same code as found in the pha-xmas.lha trojan.
The file didn`t appear up to now (28.12. 19.00 o`clock) on german
systems. The file was on some boards in Denmark. I have informed in
a public letter the Aminet moderators, so that this thing will be
hopefully not uploaded to it.
The File_Id looked like this:
| |
| TRSI's 40k intro called 'Domination' |
| |
Special thanks must go to Jan Andersen of Virus Help DK and Kim B.
for the support. Thanks !
@{b}Markus Schmall. (Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ub}
@node PHA-XMAS.lha "Phenomena DOS-Extender V1.1 - CoP Trojan - 24.12.1995)"
@{i}Hi ! Back in the street...@{ui}
@{b}Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning !@{ub}
The archiv "@{b}PHA-XMAS.lha@{ub}" contains a new trojan. The code looks like
the @{b}COP@{ub} trojans, but this time no word from them. Via the access of
DosLists it will be tried to access the files and overwrite them with
a $1f byte long string, which look like this:
"+46-620-13141 - DUNGEON OF DOOM"
A swedish number, I suppose.
If the sys partition is protected, the following text will be up:
@{b}'Phenomena DOS-Extender V1.1 ',$A9,'1993 by Photon'@{ub}
@{b}'Unable to write Swapfile. Remove write-protection and retry'@{ub}
@{b}'Creating new Swapfile. Please hold...'@{ub}
Of course Photon has nothing to do with it.
@{i}The FileID of this files looks like this:@{ui}
: Phenomena presents ' merry x-mas ! ' :
: Pha's very last production on the Amiga! :
: :
: Code & Graphics : Photon, Color & Twins :
: Music : Tip & Mantronix :
But it`s only a little lame trojan.
The archive already popped up in Germany on 24.12., but the archive
was corrupted. 2 days later I found it as intact archive on the
D-o-E BBS, where I want to thank Mercury for his freedl, otherwise
I wouldn`t have been able to analyse this one.
Some people had real luck. E.g. Hitpoint downloaded the corrupted
archive and could so not start the shit (hi Dieter !)...
Ok, that is all for now, it`s morning time and I want to sleep...
@{b}Markus Schmall (Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ub}
@node SusiStepper "Susi_Drive_Stepper Trojan - (Markus Schmall)"
@{b}Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning !@{ub}
Hi ! I just recieved a new (old?) trojan, here the
analyse of it:
@{i}Susi_Drive_Stepper Trojan:@{ui}
Filelength: @{b}904 bytes unpacked@{ub}
Programmed in: @{b}Assembly language@{ub}
Processors: @{b}MC68000-MC68040(?)@{ub}
@{b}On MC68060 it did not work@{ub}
Typ: Trojan
This is a very easy programmed trojan. Via the use of
Disk Resource it will be tried to access a device (0)
and some IDs will be changed. The whole new "created"
DiskResource struct is not correct and contains a lot
of not understandable code. The trojan is not reset-
proof, it just tries the above mentioned diskresource
manipulation and some little hardwarehacks.The trojan
selects unit 0 and steps with the head around. The
direction will be changed at every loop and the head
moves always one track. The timing is so bad managed,
that the controller gets irritated and quits work
The name of the new created port is "susi". You can
see at the end of the file some names, but nothing
more. All in all a simple trojan.
0260: 00000000 00000000 00006469 736B2E72 ..........disk.r
0270: 65736F75 72636500 73757369 00616E64 esource.susi.and
0280: 72656100 76616C65 6E74696E 6100696E rea.valentina.in
0290: 67726964 00636872 69730000 0A000120 grid.chris.....
A special hello and thanks goes out to Jan Andersen for
his really great help all the time and all his work. He sended
me this trojan. Thanks Jan.
- Merry X-mas to all of you - Have a nice christmas celebration time -
@{b}Markus Schmall (Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ub}
@node vmk12.lha " VirusMemKill v1.2 Trojan - (Markus Schmall)"
@{b}Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning !@{ub}
@{b}vmk12.lha@{ub} (a file which came from an eastern country), which
is said to be VMK 1.2 contains a new lame bootblockvirus.
The maincode is @{b}3452 bytes@{ub} long and contains the old vmk +
the installer for this little bb virus.
Next versions of VT, VZ and VW will surely recognize it.
@{b}Markus Schmall (Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ub}
@node HappyNew " Happy_New_Year_96' Link-Virus - (Markus Schmall)"
Hi #?
A new little linkvirus appeared yesterday on the gobal stations. It`s
called @{b}HNY96 (Happy_New_Year_96)@{ub} and is @{b}540 bytes@{ub} long and infects
normal executable files. The infection is done via LoadSeg(). We
recieved this virus from the US, Holland, Switzerland and Germany. It
seems to be on the wild, so there will be an update of VT very soon
to kick the bastard. VW 5.7 is too new to stress the users with a
600 kb release again. Since the installer isn`t known, I will release
a blockersystem in the coming days.
@{b}Markus Schmall (Programmer of VirusWorkShop)@{ub}
@{b}P.S.: Ebola linkvirus is found in dvd!-def.lha. Don`t start it...@{ub}
@node M-hac.lha " ConMan 1995 link-virus - (Markus Schmall)"
@{b}Warning ! M-hac.lha and Bloody.exe contain LINKVIRUSES ! BE CAREFULL !@{ub}
Here a first BETA ANALYSE of it:
@{i}ConMan 1995 Linkvirus:@{ui}
Other possible names: @{b}M-Hac Virus, Bloody Virus@{ub}
Detected in: @{b}M-hac.lha and Bloody.EXE@{ub}
Detected when: @{b}August 1995/Germany SOS@{ub}
Linking method: @{b}4eb9 (!!!!)@{ub}
Resident: @{b}NO@{ub}
Length: @{b}1836 bytes@{ub}
This is a new type of linkvirus. There are 2 installers known yet.
It simply creates a new process with the known @{b}CONMAN@{ub} code , but
now with different names.
@{i}Possible names are:@{ui}
LIBS: gadtools.library
CLI(0): no command loaded
CLI(1): no command loaded
Please note that several of this takss can appear in normal systems,
The speciality of this virus is, that it uses a intern 4eb9 linker
to link to files. Quite tricky. Viruskillers like VT, VZ_II and
VW should so be able to detect the infected files.
The linking routine knows the following hunksymbols: @{b}$3f2,$3f3,$3ec
and $3eb.@{ub} The code is a little bit dangerous, but I will implent
in VirusWorkshop a complete reverse analyzed routine, so it should
be no problem to repair even not working infected files.
The virus adds 4 hunks to the file and the linked code is partly
packed. It is packed with StoneCracker 4.04
and then afterwards
@{b}The virus is not memory resident.@{ub}
Some words about the installers:
m-hack.lha FILE_ID.DIZ
The programm hack (4388 bytes long) contains the trojan.
bloody.exe FILE_ID.DIZ:
The programm is including this ID 25560 bytes unpacked long.
@{b}Markus Schmall (Programmer of VirusWorkShop)@{ub}
@{b}P.S.: This analyse is copyrighted and strictly forbidden to be used
in any SHI production....@{ub}
@Node srn-db33.lha " Strange Atmosphere Link-Virus (02.03.96) - Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning ! Warning !@{ub}
The archiv '@{b}srn-db33.lha@{ub}' is a possible installer of a new linkvirus
called @{b}Strange Atmosphere@{ub}. We have here the first infected files. The
files become 1232 bytes longer and the linkvirus contains a destructive
routine, which is able to format harddiscs. We will give you as soon as
possible a viruskiller update, which can kill this little bastard !
Thanks to RD10/ORS for the testsamples and to Maestro for his general
great work !
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@{" Analysis made by Markus Schmall " link StrangeAtmosphereAna }
@Node StrangeAtmosphereana " Analysis of Strange Atmosphere link-virus"
Entry...............: Strange Atmosphere
Alias(es)...........: SA Virus (as called in VW)
Virus Strain........: -
Virus detected when.: 2/1996
where.: Germany
Classification......: Link virus, memory-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: 1232 Bytes
2. Length in RAM: $2710 Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS
Version/Release.....: 2.04 and above (V37+)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
Caches may cause problems during the decoding
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: None
Type of infection...: Linkvirus
Self-identification method in files:
- Searches for $1080402 at the end of the first
Self-identification method in memory:
- Checks for $3d385e29 at position -6 of the
LoadSeg() adress
System infection:
- RAM resident, infects the LoadSeg() DOS function
- DoIO() exec function and Coolcapture will be
infected only under special conditions
Infection preconditions:
- File to be infected is bigger then $a28 bytes
- The file is not already infected
- HUNK_HEADER and HUNK_CODE are found
- HUNK_HEADER structure is valid
- There must be 4 free blocks on the disc
- File is shorter than 290000 bytes
- The lenght of the first hunk must be exactly the
same as written in the hunkheader structure
Infection Trigger...: Accessing the file
Storage media affected: all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: None
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- Files will be trashed (depends on the Rasterbeam)
Devices will be overwritten (depends on the
Transient damage:
-System gets locked while reset and a new copperlist
will be shown.
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- Internal counter
Transient damage:
- Internal counter
Particularities.....: The crypt/decrypt routines are not aware of
processor caches. The installer code in several
files is working correct with higher processors.
The linkcode checks for correct length of the first
hunk to remove problems with extra ordinary packers.
Similarities........: Link-method in the executable files is the simple
"link behind the first hunk" method without any
special tricks.
Stealth.............: The viruses uses normal dos commands (no tunneling
via packets) and normal DOS call watchers like
SnoopDos can proof the infection behavior.
There are no stealth routines build in.
Armouring...........: The virus is only one armouring technique to protect
it`s code. It uses a normal crypt routine to hide
the viral structures. Heuristik checkers like the
one in VirusWorkshop can find the dangerous parts
and VW gives you the rating "Virus!".
Name................: In the crypted part there is the following string:
'-+* Strange Atmosphere [gOOd] *+-'
If the internal counter reaches 50, the word "gOOd"
will be replaced by "eVIL" and the destructive code
will be activated.
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VW6.0
(VT follows soon)
Countermeasures successful: All of the above
Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Hannover, Germany 04.03.1996.
Classification by...: Markus Schmall and Heiner Schneegold
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall
Date................: March 1996
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: Markus Schmall
Special note........: Virus Test Center Hamburg and Virus Help Team DK
are strictly allowed to use this analyse in their
own productions. All other groups/institutions may
please contact me first.
===================== End of Strange Atmosphere Virus ===================
@Node chkmount.lha " WireFace Trojan Type G - 09.08.1995 - (Test By Markus Schmall)
A short beta analyse of the chkmount.lha trojan !
@{i}WireFace Trojan Typ G:@{ui}
Found in : @{b}chkmount.lha@{ub}
Type : @{b}destructive trojan@{ub}
Protection : @{b}*Art@{ub}
Filesize : @{b}4672 Bytes (partly packed)@{ub}
This is another trojan from the @{b}WireFace series@{ub}. This trojan looks
in parts like Biomechanic trojans, some byterow comparecode are
for sure copied. I haven`t test up to the end, but the code looks
like a comparable code as in the icond biomechanic stuff.
If you start it and a destruction is not possible (devices not
found) a text will be printed on screen saying several times:
It has some visible texts at the end of the virus. The virus itself
is protected and then afterwards packed with StoneCracker 4.04. The
final filesize is 5868 bytes.
The following devices are tried to be accessed and the 39 first
sectors are going to be cleared:
Other visible texts are:
'(TrojanName: iLSKNA ANDREAS v1.1) WiREFACE / dEMONS oF tHE "
" pENTAGRAM strikes again with another stunning release (trojan) "
" hahaha. Send postcards, money, bugreports or COMPLAINTS'
'to me at this email adress: nugget@dataphone.se. CU in another
'nugget@dataphone.se' (This is the printed text)
The programm looks like created with an old compiler. Some special
1.x programming technics are used, which won`t be used nowaday
normally anymore.
VirusWorkshop and VT will give you the warning, that a $3e8 hunk is
in the file. This is the protection from the trojan. Simple, but
Something more to wonder about: I have downloaded this file from SOS
at 8.8.1995. and I have only used the name MOUNT-972 in one warning
in AMiganet and the german Z-net, so the viruscoder must read it,
The trojan is supplied with a little documentation:
Mount-972 Virus Checker
by Robert Wolvestein (ao@dataphone.se)
This small checker finds and eliminates the Mount-972 virus
that resently popped up! The virus must have been spread
via Aminet or thru BBS's coz it is EVERYWHERE, almost 40% of
my 'scene-friends' had it in some way or another.
Regards Robert.
(ED: A cool fake, better play with your joystick)
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node BIO-WARN.LHA " Flake013.txt Warning FAKE!! - 18.07.1996 - Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !@{ub}
It is said to be trojan in "@{b}BIO-WARN.LHA@{ub}". This is spreaded under
the name of @{i}Virus Help Team Denmark@{ui} and contains a file called @{b}flake013.txt@{ub}
and @{b}flake_killer_bio.exe@{ub} and advertisements from the ASYLUM bbs.
The text flake013 is a analyse/warning from me, which was spreaded under
the name of Virus Help Team DK some days ago. The executable file is not
known to me.
The upload user of the archiv is known (the handle) and we will force the
sysop of Asylum to close this account.
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@{" Click here " link VcKey110.lha } to read the reel Flake013.txt
@Node VcKey110.lha " MakeKey v1.10 For Virus_Checker - 08.07.1995) - Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !@{ub}
@{b}VcKey110.lha@{ub} is a trojan ! DON~T START IT ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !
Here is my BETA analyse of the file.
@{i}VCKey 1.10 Trojan:@{ui}
other possible names: @{b}none@{ub}
Kickstart: @{b}V37 and higher@{ub}
Filelength: @{b}9088 bytes (partly packed)@{ub}
found in/when: @{b}VkKey110.lha/Jul95@{ub}
This is said to be a cracked keyfile creator for the wellknown Virus-
Checker antivirusprogramm.
@{i}The FILE ID looks like this:@{ui}
MakeKey v1.10 Keyfilemaker
for Virus Checker Cracked.
-----------------------( EAGLE's NEST! )----
In reality this file contains a nasty trojan, which tries to format
your SYS: device (DOS1 bootcode) and give it the new name "Snupp!".
If I can read my autodocs correct, only a quickformat will be done.
Try to use Disksalv to recover the data on your sys: device.
In the unpacked code you can read:
"Down Your Nose (Laughter)!"@{ui}
The dangerous code was linked using the 4eb9 linking method on the normal
makekey programm from the actual VirusChecker distribution. The dangerous
code is packed with powerpacker 4.0 (5848 bytes long). This was probably
done to shorten the whole file and to crypt the visible texts. The unpacked
viruscode is 7588 bytes long.
(Do you really think that such a lame protection can stop a good antivirus-
researcher from doing its job ????)
VT 2.74 and VW 5.2 atleast recognize a $4eb9 linker in the file. Another
viruskiller, which claims to recognize 4eb9 files, does not detect it.
@{i}There is a little document in this archive called MakeKey.readme:@{ui}
MakeKey v1.00 cracked... presenting MakeKey v1.10 :)
This is a specially written program to allow users who have
registered to make a keyfile from the information they recieve.
*** But now you can enter any serial numbers you want ! ***
It can be run from SHELL or WORKBENCH and opens a GUI.
It requires WB2.04 or better to run. Enter the data into the
gadgets and click on MakeKey and the keyfile will be generated.
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node GVP-HS15.lha " HardDiskSpeeder v1.5
GVP Inc. 1995 - Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !@{ub} The archive "@{b}gvp-hs15.lha@{ub}" contains a new trojan !
Here is my first analyse:
Trojan Virus:@{ui}
Filelength packed: @{b}1460 Bytes (Rob Northern !!!)@{ub}
@{b}1924 Bytes (unpacked)@{ub}
Other possible names: @{b}GVP-HS15 Trojan@{ub}
Works only with Kickstart 3.0 and ahead (V39 funtions will be
Some other suspicius fact is, that the programm was packed using
the Rob Northern cruncher, also called Propack. The file was
afterwards modified a little bit, so that no existing depacker
can unpack it.
This trojan is programmed quite simple. The needed libraries will
be opened and it will we checked for the old SnoopDos task.
Then the file "s:nothere" will be tested. If it exists, no damage
will be caused.
Then a TimeDisplayAlert (timer some seconds) will pop up and show
@{b}LMB> Kill system RMB>Reboot@{ub}
The code analyzer behind is programmed like this:
1.If the user gave no input in the 5 seconds and/or presses the
right mousebutton, the system will be trashed using some basic
format and delete routines.
2.If the user presses the left mousebutton, then a ColdReboot
will be performed.
The routine to show the Alert is a Kickstart V39 function. It will
be not tested, if the used system is really V39 or higher.
@{i}FileID of this archive (GVP-HS15.lha):@{ui}
HardDiskSpeeder v1.5
GVP Inc. 1995
(a little cache program for HDs!)
If you start the programm, it will show you the following text:
'HardDiskSpeeder v1.5 installed ...'
If you start it using a "?", then the following text will show
'HardDiskSpeeder v1.5 by GVP Inc.
The trojan tries to destroy the following directories and devices:
dh0-dh4, hd0-hd4, l:, libs:, devs:, s: and c:
The formatted new devices will have the name:
Virus strikes back"'
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node Flake011.txt " TRSi Installer Trojan - Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !@{b}
The file @{b}TRSi-INS.lha@{ub} is @{b}NO TRSi release@{ub} and contains a fucking trojan !
In the middle of the 10.6.1995. one of our members (NIKE/TRSi) got a call
on the BBS from a guy called @{b}GRYZOR@{ub}, who is supposed to be the leader of
@{b}Circle of Power (COP)@{ub}, and this guy said to NIKE that TRSi is lame and
such things. Later he uploaded there a file called TRSi-INS.lha to this
board and NIKE wondered a little bit and contacted me and the other TRSi
guys. So this virus is now (10.6.1995. 18:30 o`clock) about 6 hours old.
Let us stop this bastard and finally get a solution for the COP problem
(hi Apollo and Noise Belch).
Here is my first analysis of the virus, which is a little bit short, but
I ran totally out of time. Sorry dudes..
@{i}Biomechanic Trojan@{ui}
other possible names: @{b}TRSI-INS Trojan@{ub}
Type: @{b}Destruction only@{ub}
Destruction caused by: @{b}simple bytemodification@{ub}
This is @{b}NO@{ub} TRSi release ! It is just a @{b}FAKE@{ub} !
In the File-ID it is stated that this are some hd installers for actual
games. In real this is just a trojan, which will manipulate your files
on your HD.
The contents of the archive:
@{b}ViroCop-HD_install.exe 5912 ----rwed 02-Sep-92 12:49:54@{ub}
@{b}SWOS-HD_install.exe 9588 ----rwed 02-Sep-92 12:51:12@{ub}
@{b}SensibleGolf-HD_install.exe 4776 ----rwed 02-Sep-92 12:51:24@{ub}
@{b}Mortal-Kombat2-HD_install.exe 5512 ----rwed 02-Sep-92 12:50:12@{ub}
@{b}MCI-CARDS4-FREE.EXE 5912 ----rwed 02-Sep-92 12:49:30@{ub}
@{b}Embryo-HD_install.exe 6764 ----rwed 02-Sep-92 12:50:24@{ub}
The virus is looking for a special enviroment and then manipulates the
@{i}Here a original PGP signed message:@{ui}
0000: 89009502 05002FCF 1B5220F5 BA1075CB ....../I.R o
0010: 69450101 C11D03FF 7ED659E1 39C4AD2C iE..A...~
0020: CED29280 21FCEB79 5CF3B9A0 AADB5C14 IO..!
0030: D2B35295 5FFBE735 4E8070E1 A8C2C909 O3R._
0040: 2235ABB5 BE37E843 79CCD140 7AA2ACA5 "5
@{i}Here the manipulated one:@{ui}
0000: 89009502 05002FCF 1B5220F5 BA1075CB ....../I.R o
0010: 69450101 C11D03FF 7ED659E1 39C4AD2C iE..A...~
0020: CED29280 21FCEB79 5CF3B9A0 AADB5C14 IO..!
0030: D2B35295 5FFBE735 4E8070E1 A8C2C909 O3R._
0040: 2235ABB5 BE37E843 79CC0002 B37800A5 "5
If you start the virus (it is in all the above listed files), a little
text will show up:
@{b}- b i o m e c h a n i c -@{ub}
and the work begins. If the work is completed, the following text will
be printed out, too:
@{b}... trashed your hd ...@{ub}
and a directory named "@{b}biomechanic trashed your hd !!@{ub}" will be created,
which is empty.
The code looks quite good. This is not the work of a real beginner. The
guy behind has some programming knowledge. This way of programming is
better than from the @{b}COP@{ub} viruses. The programm uses indirect adressing
and a lot of stackusage, which cannot be done by a beginner (atleast I
think so).
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node VZII_119.lha " VirusZ II v1.19 FAKE - Markus Schmall)
@{b}Warning !@{ub}
A faked @{b}VirusZ_II 1.19@{ub} is going around. The filename is '@{b}vzii-119.lha@{ub}'
and contains some parts of the actual @{b}vzii-118.lha@{ub} release from Georg
Hoermann. The mainprogramm seems to be an older version of VirusZ with
a filelength of 64664 bytes. I found no trojan in it. Please just
delete the file. I called Georg and he told me, that he not released
VirusZ_II 1.19 !
@{i}File ID of the fake:@{ui}
_________ _
/"""/ //_______ /"""/""./"___/_HELP!
/ / //"""/" / // / //____ \_
\ // / ____/ / //""""/X\@!/
\_____/\__/___/ ""\______/_________/
--><><><><><></____/-><>- Presents-<><--
VirusZ II v1.19 - (09.06.95)
Probably just again somebody, who wants to destroy the good reputation
of @{b}Virus Help and Georg Hoermann@{ub}.
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node FileGhost3 " FileGhost 3 linkvirus - (06.1995) - Markus Schmall"
@{b}WARNING !@{ub}
@{i}Fileghost 3 Linkvirus:@{ui}
@{b}MC68040 and MC68060: yes
Kickstart V35 and above
Patched vectors: DOS LoadSeg()
Increases filelength by 1288 bytes
Detected: Jun`95 in the south of Germany@{ub}
This is another linkvirus out of the Fileghost series. This linkviruses
just add their code to the end of the first hunk and then search for the
last "rts" and modify it to a "bsr.b" to get activated. So the relochunks
will stay unchanged.
Differences to the previous versions of the virusfamily:
@{b}1. Some more indirect adressing
2. Test, if SnoopDos (FindTask "SnoopDos") is active
3. It will be searched for 2 longwords in the first hunk@{ub}
$53460C46 at offset $2A from the loadseg() memptr
$2F49003C at offset $3A " " "
If you know, which programm has such longs in the first hunk, please
let me know. Thanks.
4. The cryptroutine is a little bit advanced.
5. The word $1994 will be used to check, if the virus already infected the
LoadSeg() vector. This routine is comparable to Fileghost2 and to
the Polygonifrikator viruses.
6. Depending on a spreading counter, the virus will set new windowtitles
(see at the bottom of the description).
The fileghost virus contains no destructive routine. As on every type of
this type of virus, it is possible that programms, which need a 100%
correct hunkstructure (e.g. some packers) will get problems and will
not work.
The virus is, in my opinion, not from the author of the last Fileghost
viruses. This one has display routines and will be recognized by the
infected user in this way very fast. The last versions of Fileghost just
worked around in the background.
@{i}New texts for the windowtitles:@{ui}
'AUA! schlag nicht so auf die Tasten!'
'FileGhost3 - the nightmare continues!'
'Hallo DEPP!'
'Was machst Du denn als n
chstes ?'
t Du eigentlich, da
Du dumm bist ?'
'Und schon wieder eine Datei weniger!'
'Gib mir mal `n Bier!'
tet alle Nazis + RAPER!'
'AMIGA kills PC! (HEHE)'
'INTeL Outside !'
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node LZX130.lha "LZX v1.30 Trojan - 09.06.1995 - Test By Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !@{ub}
The file @{b}lzx130.lha@{ub} with the File ID:
@{i}LZX Version 1.30 (Evaluation) Jun 5, 1995@{ui}
and the following files:
@{b}LZX_68040 65384 ----rwed Gestern 07:55:44
LZX_68020 64896 ----rwed Gestern 07:55:34
LZX_68000EC 67680 ----rwed Gestern 07:55:20@{ub}
contains a @{b}COP@{ub} trojan ! Don`t start it, it will trash your HD !
It tries to fuck up the following dirs:
All files will be overwritten with the following text and NO rescue is
The destruction routine is the same as in the last one and does not
seem to be from a prof. coder.
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node hackt.lha " ConMan Trojan - Test By Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning to all :@{ub}
Packing type: @{i}Turbo Squeezer@{ui}
The archiv "@{b}hackt.lha@{ub}" contains a fucking @{b}CONMAN@{ub} trojan ! The archiv
contains the file @{b}Hackt.exe@{ub}, which is Turbo Squeezed.
packed: @{b}12692 Bytes@{ub}
unpacked: @{b}12312 Bytes@{ub}
It installs a new process with the name CLI(0):console.device and
writes a new file called C:Iprefs. This Iprefs is packed several
times and uses the 4eb9 linker method to unlink some strange stuff.
packed: @{b}10820 Bytes@{ub}
unpacked: @{b}14216 Bytes@{ub}
The file itself contains an very old IPrefs and an, again packed,
destructive virus from a guy called @{b}CONMAN@{ub}. It will try to destroy
many sectors by filling them with the word "@{b}CONMAN 1995@{ub}". There is
no rescue for such sectors.
Due to no viruskiller for this bastard it is best for the infected
users to do the following: Boot from the orginal WB disks and
simply copy a new IPREFS to your HD and it should work again !
The ConMan viruses were mostly BBS hackers, now this guy reached a
new dimension. I got yesterday a phonecall from an irritated user
(someone of Krypton or so ?) and he told me about his file. He got
it from a BBS in Berlin, which is thought to be the homeplace
of @{b}CONMAN@{ub}. This guy told me that he had downloaded it around 6.4.1995,
so this virus is on the wild.
Sorry for this short analysis, I just got the thing packed in a
warning from RD10/Osiris @{b}(NEVER SPREAD THE VIRUS IN A WARNING MAN !
WAY !)@{ub} and wanted to give you some information than RD10. It is
weekend for me now, too and I want to go to a party, so wait for
the first viruskillers to recognize this bastard.
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
Special hellos to IXXy and Simone....
@Node Gath95-!.lha " Achtung.exe Trojan - 11.02.1995 - Test by Markus Schmall"
@{b}VirusWarning ! VirusWarning ! VirusWarning ! VirusWarning !@{ub}
The archiv @{b}Gath95-!.lha@{ub} contains a trojan ! @{b}DELETE IT !@{ub}
@{i}Gath95-! Trojan:@{ui}
Filelength: @{b}14032 bytes unpacked@{ub} (crypted with a simple loop)
other possible names: @{b}Achtung(.exe) trojan@{ub}
This is a very simple trojan. It tries to format your dh0: using quick-
format and afterwards it will be tried to fill your dh0: using files
with the following names: dh0:lamer.aaaaa. The filesnames can differ in
the last chars (possible to really fill up the drive).
The trojan writes a new file with the name:
@{i}"ram:verwirrung" (a german word, which means irritation)@{ui}
The the executecommand for the quickformat will be started. The new name
of the dh0: device is then LAMER.
This trojan is much more dangerous than the ordinary quickformat stuff,
because of the high amount of new written files (lamer.aaaax), the intern
structures of the qickformatted directory will be changed and a data loss
is in most cases not to prevent.
This trojan was spreaded as intro for the @{i}Gathering`95 party in Oslo@{ui}.
|Virtual Dreams, Melon and Rage's New Intros
|The BEST CODE of 1994/95. Defintly! Get it!
+------------------------{ cSo/
'g5! }---+
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
Special thanks to Mario/TRSi for keeping this virus for me !
Euronymous/TRSi for the warning !
Ixxy/TRSi for calling Mario
@Node dpl-dc99.lha " 27.02.1995 - Test by Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !@{ub}
Caution ! The file "@{b}dpl-dc99.lha@{ub}" contains a trojan, which can format
your SYS: device. If you have started this one, then check your loadwb
command. If it is @{b}2088 Bytes@{ub} long, replace it ! It is a new written
command from the virus !!!
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node cry_206.lha " DMS v2.06 Trojan - 11.02.1995 - Test by Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !@{ub}
The file @{b}cry_206.lha@{ub} is a trojan ! It contains the DMS 2.06 fake
trojan like the @{b}DMS206.lha@{ub} archiv in the last week !!!! It`s a FastCall
hacker ! Don`t start it !
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node Istrip21.lha " Istrip v2.1 Trojan - 17.02.1995 - Test By Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !!@{ub}
Caution ! The file "@{b}Istrip21.lha@{ub}" is a trojan and contains a BBS hacker !
Be careful and delete this file !
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node Pestilence " Pestilence Bootblockvirus 1.15 - 09.12.1994- Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !@{ub}
@{i}(This analyse was made in a hurry and is still beta!!!)@{ui}
@{i}Pestilence Bootblockvirus 1.15:@{ui}
Kickstart 1.x : @{b}not working@{ub}
Kickstart 3.1 and MC68040 : @{b}working@{ub}
Patched vectors:
TD`s BeginIO
Exec-KicksumData (not repairable)
Intuition-DisplayAlert (not repairable)@{ub}
First appearance (as far as I know): Heilbronn/Germany
This is a new bootblockvirus with some nasty inner workings:
The last both patched vectors cannot be repaired, because the
virus does not store the original value. Sorry guys ! All other
patched vectors can be corrected by VirusWorkshop.
It crypts all read blocks (T-DATA) with an eor-loop. If the
virus is active in memory, all crypted blocks will be decrypted
online. If you remove the virus from memory, several checksum-
errors will appear on your screen. VirusWorkshop 4.6 and higher
are able to repair the crypted blocks, because there is no magic
in this cryptroutine.
Such routines (online-(de)crypting) were first seen on the AMIGA
in the "Saddam" diskvalidator viruses and then in "The Curse of
little Sven" bootblockvirus.
The whole virus is crypted with a simple eor-loop and looks like
the work from a quite sober`n clean programmer. At the end of
the virus you can read (after decrypting it):
'PESTILENCE v1.15 (c) 14/05/94!'@{ub}
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node Removcmd.lha " Removcmd.lha Trojan - 26.10.1995 - Markus Schmall"
@{b}Warning !@{ub}
Warning ! The archive "@{b}removcmd.lha@{ub}" contains an installer for
the @{i}Commander Linkvirus@{ui} ! This installer appeared around the
globe around 24.10.1994. and is descriped as follows:
!! Have you got probs. with the COMMANDER !
!! virus by Brian Blister? It's a link-vir !
!! that eats your mem like hell.. brand new!
!! and not killable with VirZ or VirKiller !
!! or any other killer.. Except this one !
!! brought to you by Coma/FD and Bigmama/FD!
!! Download and be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@{b}Don`t start this file@{ub} ! It`s a installer for the fucking Commander
Linkvirus, which can be removed 100% from VT 2.68 and VW4.3.
The archive contains the file "@{b}kill@{ub}" with the filelength 2252
bytes ! This is the installer !
The virus first appeared in scandinavia and it`s spreading was nearly
stopped by some motivated members of SHI (special hi in this case
to @{i}Jan Andersen@{ui} and @{i}Bo Krohn@{ui}). Now the Commander virus is spreaden
@{b}Markus Schmall@{ub} @{i}(Programmer of VirusWorkshop)@{ui}
@Node ebola2 " Ebola " linkvirus (17.04.96) - Markus Schmall)"
Date: 17 Apr 96 6:18:37
Hi !
A new link-virus appeared called @{" BBS TRaveller " link lop_mi2.lha }. It`s an EBOLA clone
with some codes from the 'Strange Atmosphere' link-virus. It only
activates, if the following programms are not in memory:
SnoopDos (all versions)
VirusZ II
If VT will be started, the virus removes itself.
So keep the eyes open !
Markus Schmall (Progammer of VirusWorkshop).
@Node lop_mi2.lha " BBS Traveller linkvirus (19.04.96) - Markus Schmall"
Warning ! A new linkvirus is out. The first known infected file is
lop_mi2.lha. The FILE_ID.DIZ looks like this:
____ .:: ______
/ |.:::::' | __ \_
\ _|:: ::.::::.
.-- \____:: :::: :: \ --.
| `::::':: ::_____/ |
| L
P `::::' |
| |
| MASTER ISO 1.22 100% CRC |
The virus is linked on it normally. It doesn`t seems to be an installer,
probably the guys behind it didn`t know about this infection.
Emacs/TRSi got a call from Lenny Dee/Hf and gave me this archive. It
seems to be spreaded global. Since a Hf guy tried this archiv before
release 3 things for Hf Emacs checked for me this 3 releases and all
of them were virusfree.
! Special thanks at this time to Lenny Dee/HF for the fast warning !
Ok, here the analyse of the little bastard:
Entry...............: BBS Traveller Virus
Alias(es)...........: Ebola-II
Virus Strain........: -
Virus detected when.: 17.04.1996
where.: Germany
Classification......: Linkvirus,memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: 1536 Bytes
2. Length in RAM: 12000 Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS Version/Release.....: 2.04 and above (V37+)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: none
Type of infection...: Self-identification method in files:
- Searches for $ab1590ef at the end of the first Hunk.
(this longword comes from the EBOLA-I virus)
- Searches for $24121996 at the end of the first hunk
- Searches for $1080402 at the end of the first hunk
(this is the recognition of the Strange Atmosphere
Self-identification method in memory:
Searches for $3D385E29 at offset -6 from the Dos
If $1020304 will be found at this position, the
counter will be manipulated (somekind of test for the
programmer of this virus ?)
System infection:
- non RAM resident, infects the following functions:
Dos LoadSeg(), Dos ReadARGS(), Exec Findname(),
Exec Findtask, Exec SetFunktion() and Exec Addport()
Infection preconditions:
- File to be infected is bigger then 2600 bytes and
smaller then 290000 bytes
- Device must have more than 6000 sectors
- First hunk contains a $4eaexxxx command in the 16
bit range to the end of the file (test for the first
- the file is not already infected (the at long of the
end of the hunk)
- HUNK_HEADER and HUNK_CODE are found
Infection Trigger...: Accessing files via LoadSeg()
Files starting with "v","V","." or "-" will be NOT
Storage media affected:
all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: None
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- Formatting the drive
Transient damage:
- none
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- Formatting the drive, when an internal counter reaches
Transient damage:
- None
Particularities.....: The crypt/decrypt routines are partly aware of processor
caches. The cryptroutine are non polymorphic and only
consists of some logical stuff. The virus uses some
simple retro technics to stop viruskillers searching
for itself.
Similarities........: Link-method is comparable to the method invented with
the infiltrator-virus. Damage routine is taken from the
Strange Atmosphere linkvirus. The virus is a typical
mixture from the EBOLA and the Strange Atmosphere
linkviruses. We think that all 3 ones come from the
same programmer, probably in the east or north of
Stealth.............: If the viruskiller VT up to version 2.82 will be
the virus removes itself completly from memory. If one
the following programms will be found in memory, no link
try will be started:
SnoopDos 3
Armouring...........: The virus uses only a single armouring technique to
confuse people. It only crypts it`s code based on the
position of the rasterbeam.
Comments............: The name EBOLA is the name of a virus, which humans
can get infected with. CARO rules say, that no names
of persons etc. may be used to call a virus, but I
spoke to other persons and they already recognized
this virus in this way. The virus contains the string
"BBS Traveller", but this is just a clone from the
EBOLA linkvirus with some enhancements.
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VW6.1 beta
above Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Hannover, Germany 19.04.1996.
Classification by...: Markus Schmall and Heiner Schneegold
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall (C)
Date................: April,19. 1996
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: This document is copyrighted and may be not used
in any SHI publication
===================== End of BBS Traveller Virus =========================
Markus Schmall
@Node HitchHiker " Hitch Hiker 1.10 link virus (19.05.96) - Markus Shmall"
Hi #?
A new linkvirus appeared on 17.05. in Austria, Finland and Sweden. it`s called
Hitch Hiker 1.10 linkvirus. Here the analyse of it:
Entry...............: Hitch Hiker 1.10
Alias(es)...........: none
Virus Strain........: -
Virus detected when.: 18.05.1996
where.: Austria, Finland
Classification......: Linkvirus,memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: ca. 1700 Bytes
(uses a primitiv polymorphic technic)
2. Length in RAM: 3000 Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS Version/Release.....: 2.04 and above (V37+)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: none
Type of infection...: Self-identification method in files:
- none
Self-identification method in memory:
- searches for $ABBAFAb4 at LastAlert(Exec)
System infection:
- infects the following functions:
Dos LoadSeg(), Dos Write()
(librarychecksum will be recalculated)
Infection preconditions:
- Device must have more than 8000 sectors and
is smaller than $20000 bytes or file is
bigger than $8000 bytes
- HUNK_HEADER and HUNK_CODE are found
- device is validated
- 10 free blocks on the device
- hunk_code must contain the same
length as in the header.
Infection Trigger...: Accessing files via LoadSeg() or Write()
Files containing a "." or a "-" will be not
Storage media affected:
all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: None
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- none
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- None
Particularities.....: The crypt/decrypt routines are partly aware of processor
caches. The cryptroutine are non polymorphic and only
consists of some logical stuff. The virus uses some
special things at the fileinfection (buggy) and at the
library opencode.
Similarities........: Link-method is comparable to the method invented with
the infiltrator-virus.
Stealth.............: no stealth functions found
Armouring...........: The virus uses only a single armouring technique to
confuse people. It only crypts it`s code and uses
a very simple length polymorphism code. The heuristic
scanner of VirusWorkshop detects this one already
as virus.
Comments............: The first infected file is probably lzx121crk.lha.
This is the old SHOOT version of LZX1.21r with the
infected file. As I got reports from Austria and
Finland, I suppose it has gone through internet
channels as this file didn`t appear on scene boards.
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VW6.1
above Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Hannover, Germany 19.05.1996.
Classification by...: Markus Schmall and Heiner Schneegold
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall (C)
Date................: May,19. 1996
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: This document is copyrighted and may be not used
in any SHI publication
===================== End of Hitch-Hiker 1.10 =========================
VW 6.1 (release on 19.5. in the evening hours) is able to remove this
little bastard. Special note: The heuristic scanner of VW 6.0 already
detected this one (see v-nl19.txt on the boards).
Markus Schmall
@Node HitchHiker3 " Hitch Hiker 3.00 link virus (13.07.96) - Markus Shmall"
Entry...............: Hitch Hiker 3.00
Alias(es)...........: none
Virus Strain........: -
Virus detected when.: 13.07.1996
where.: Germany, USA, ISRAEL
Classification......: Linkvirus,memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: ca. 3020 Bytes
(uses a polymorphic technic)
2. Length in RAM: 8000 Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS Version/Release.....: 2.04 and above (V37+)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: none
Type of infection...: Self-identification method in files:
- none
Self-identification method in memory:
- searches for $FAB4FAB4 at LastAlert(Exec)
System infection:
- infects the following functions:
Dos LoadSeg(), Dos Write()
(librarychecksum will be recalculated and it
will be tried to cheat some viruskillers)
Infection preconditions:
- HUNK_HEADER and HUNK_CODE are found
- device is validated
- 10 free blocks on the device
- hunk_code must contain the same
length as in the header.
- File must be between $1f40 and $20000
bytes (not working)
Infection Trigger...: Accessing files via LoadSeg() or Write()
It`s a typical infector. It cannot be rated as
fast infector as it only infects at the above
mentioned operations.
Storage media affected:
all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: None
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- Due to a adressacess behind the viruscode it`s
possible that trashed code results out of an
Transient damage:
- none
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- None
Particularities.....: The crypt/decrypt routines are partly aware of processor
caches. The cryptroutine are polymorphic and
consists of some logical stuff. The virus uses some
special things at the fileinfection (buggy) and at the
library offsetcode.
Similarities........: Link-method is comparable to the method invented with
the infiltrator-virus and the first HitchHiker viruses.
Stealth.............: no stealth function found. the only things to mention
is the library negoffset value.
Armouring...........: The virus is heavily armoured with a $100 byte long
polymorphic decryptor. Not only the registers are
changing, even the operations will be mixed. This
polymorphic routine can be seen right now as one of
the best available routine for the AMIGA. The routine
mixes a lot of codes and uses a normal polymorphic
scheme. No slow polymorphism code was found. The decrypt
header is static $100 bytes long and initialises a
circular decryption. The decryption code uses anti
heuristik stuff and only a full implented code emulation
would be able to crack this one.
The polymorphism is working in the normal scheme (with
$dff006 and $dff007 usage) and uses not the modern
technics like slow polymorphism.
("White paper" analyse of this engine can be obtained
from me or from the Virus Test Center in Hamburg. We
need special information about you before we give such
information away.)
Comments............: Maybe interesting for the reader is that the programmer
of the virus wrote some more text in it than in the last
'The Hitch-Hiker Generation: 00000308 - Version 3.00'
'Last in series.
"Dedicated to Heiner Markus ZIB and Georg"
It would be interesting to know, who this ZIB is.
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VT 2.86 and VW 6.2
above Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Hannover, Germany 17.07.1996.
Classification by...: Markus Schmall and Heiner Schneegold
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall (C)
Date................: July, 17. 1996
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: This document is copyrighted and may be not used
in any SHI publication
===================== End of Hitch-Hiker 3.00 =========================
Markus Schmall
@node "HitchHiker3ins" " Hitch Hiker 3.00 Installer"
Lately the HitchHiker 3.00 linkvirus appeared and everybody
was searching for an installer. One day for the release of
VirusWorkshop 6.2 the archiv patchhh.lzx with the following
File_ID.DIZ arrived at my place:
PatchHH 1.0 by ZIB. This anti-virus util
will stop the propagation of all known
Hitch-Hiker viri. (1.10/2.01/3.00).
Not THAT user-friendly but it was made in
a fucking hurry.....(So no local support
! :))
I was very surprised, because ZIB was the fourth name in the
dedicated list of HitchHiker 3.00 and I don`t know that person.
The document looks like this:
Here's a little utility that will stop the propagation of the Hitch-Hiker
virus series (currently 1.10/2.01/3.00).
This proggy will write $ABBAFAB4 into Exec's LastAlert so the viri mentioned
above will not start their devious work. When a version of HH is already
active you'll get a warning.
It's better of course to get the latest virus-killer. Like VirusZ or VT,
however at the time I wrote this proggy only VT recognised 2.01 and none of
them 3.00. Hope I spared you a lot of probs with this proggy :)
Sounds like a viruskiller. In reality some names of C: programms will be
decrypted (including the string United ForceS...WHY ALWAYS UFO ????) and
this files will be infected from this nasty linkvirus.
Detection tested 20.07.1996.
Markus Schmall
@Node Mutation " Mutation Nation linkvirus (21.05.1996) By Markus"
*** About: Mutation Nation linkvirus
Entry...............: Mutation Nation
Alias(es)...........: none
Virus Strain........: Ebola series (Ebola, BBS traveller, Strange At.)
Virus detected when.: 21.05.1996
where.: Germany
Classification......: Linkvirus,memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: 1316 Bytes
(uses a primitiv polymorphic technic)
2. Length in RAM: $ba8 Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS Version/Release.....: 2.04 and above (V37+)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: none
Type of infection...: Self-identification method in files:
- searching for DEADC0DE at the end of the
first hunk
Self-identification method in memory:
- 213f at the LoadSeg entry (like EBola?)
System infection:
- infects the following functions:
Dos LoadSeg(), Exec FindTask()
Infection preconditions:
- File is between $7d0 and $43e90 bytes long
- HUnk Code is found (virus overruns $3e8 etc. hunks)
- File is not infected already
- device is validated
- device contains free blocks
Infection Trigger...: Accessing files via LoadSeg()
Files containing a "." or a "-" and then at offset
2 one of this characters "aen" will be not
Storage media affected:
all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: None
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- Reset
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- Counter reaches $14
Particularities.....: The crypt/decrypt routines are partly aware of processor
caches. The cryptroutine are non polymorphic and only
consists of some logical stuff at the use of registers.
Similarities........: Link-method is comparable to the method invented with
the infiltrator-virus. Like in a lot of trojan it will
be searched for a special task ("Dupe"). If this one is
found, the virus will be not activated. Probably this
is somekind of security backdoor for the programmer.
Stealth.............: no stealth functions found
The virus does not work with SnoopDos (1,2,3) started
Fileflags will be restored, but length will be visible
Armouring...........: The virus uses only a single armouring technique to
confuse people. It only crypts it`s code and uses
a very simple register polymorphism code. The heuristic
scanner of VirusWorkshop 6.1 isn`t able to detect this
virus. The heuristic in VW6.2 is able to break the
Comments............: We recieved this file from a sysop in the south of
Germany. As it has a lot of similarities to the
Ebola etc. viruses we suppose this programmer of
this viruses comes from the south or east from
Germany and has normal programming knowledge.
The virus contains the string:
'-=* Mutation Nation V1.0 by AIZ *=-'
Same length and comparable stuff as in BBS-traveller
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VW6.2
, VT2.84
above Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Hannover, Germany 25.05.1996.
Classification by...: Markus Schmall and Heiner Schneegold
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall (C)
Date................: May,25. 1996
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: This document is copyrighted and may be not used
in any SHI publication
===================== End of Mutation Nation =========================
Markus Schmall
@Node voxel " Voxel_Svind.exe Trojan (27.07.96) - By Jan Andersen)"
Hi All..
There is a new trojan out that will change the names on the files in your
system, please do not execute this program. Here is some info about this
Archive Name.......: @{b}dph-vos.lha@{ub}
Archive Size.......: @{b}225750 Bytes (lha.Packed)@{ub}
Trojan File Name...: @{b}Voxel_Svind.exe@{ub}
Trojan File Size...: @{b}179860 Bytes@{ub}
Here is the File-Id.DIZ from the archive:@{b}
/\___ /\___/\_/\____/\
\___ \/ ___/ _ \_ _/ /_
/ // / __// ___// // _ \ presents
/____/\___/\_\ \_\\_//_/
This archive is on it's way to every wellknown antivirus programmer.
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK VH BBS : +45 4659 6867
@NODE hf-vc24.lha " Vinci v2.4 - Intro Infected)
Hi All..
Well.. Martin Wulffeld has just released a new version of his great text
reader. And whitin a few hours a Cracked version was out. But the trojan
'Alfons Eberg 2.0' (Another WireFace trojan) is in the archive. It is
said to be an 'HF-INTRO', if you start this intro, it will fuck up your
system. Delete this intro and you have no problems.
.----/ / /___\-------------------------.
|:::/ __ /___\/ AdVoCaTe Of |
|::/ / / \_/ HELLFiRE TOOL DiViSiON |
|:/___/___/\___\ CRACKED |
+ Vinci 2.4 +
+ A cool textviewer with lots of features +
+ Check it out! REGISTER +@{ub}
And some info about the archive:
Archive Name.......: @{b}hf-vc24.lha@{ub}
Archive Size.......: @{b}210068 Bytes (lha.Packed)@{ub}
Trojan File Name...: @{b}HF-INTRO.EXE@{ub}
Trojan File Size...: @{b}2876 Bytes@{ub}
Hmm.... just thinking, I guess that 'AdVoCaTe Of HELLFiRE' should check
there intro for virus, before releasing archives......
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK VH BBS : +45 4659 6867
@node patchhh.lzx " HitchHiker 3.00 linkvirus - Analyse by Markus Schmall"
Lately the HitchHiker 3.00 linkvirus appeared and everybody
was searching for an installer. One day for the release of
VirusWorkshop 6.2 the archiv patchhh.lzx with the following
File_ID.DIZ arrived at my place:
@{b}PatchHH 1.0 by ZIB. This anti-virus util
will stop the propagation of all known
Hitch-Hiker viri. (1.10/2.01/3.00).
Not THAT user-friendly but it was made in
a fucking hurry.....(So no local support
! :))@{ub}
I was very surprised, because ZIB was the fourth name in the
dedicated list of HitchHiker 3.00 and I don`t know that person.
The document looks like this:
Here's a little utility that will stop the propagation of the Hitch-Hiker
virus series (currently 1.10/2.01/3.00).
This proggy will write $ABBAFAB4 into Exec's LastAlert so the viri mentioned
above will not start their devious work. When a version of HH is already
active you'll get a warning.
It's better of course to get the latest virus-killer. Like VirusZ or VT,
however at the time I wrote this proggy only VT recognised 2.01 and none of
them 3.00. Hope I spared you a lot of probs with this proggy :)
Sounds like a viruskiller. In reality some names of C: programms will be
decrypted (including the string United ForceS...WHY ALWAYS UFO ????) and
this files will be infected from this nasty linkvirus.
@node vhelp-37.txt " COP trojan (again) - 21.10.96 by Jan Andersen"
Hi All.....
This time I have got some bad news for you. The guy's from 'CoP' are back,
with the same shit as always. A program that rewrites everything in your
systems DEVS:, LIBS:, and S: dir's with a file 41 bytes long. In this file
you can read:
@{b}FausT / cIRCLE oF pOWER'95 - TRUE POWER!@{ub}
The archive names is these new CoP trojan's are:
Archive name.....: @{b}HF-TETA1.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}646347 bytes@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}TETRIS.EXE@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}21244 bytes@{ub}
@{b} _ ____________________________________
/ I \_ ___\ / / ___\__/____ \_ __/
/ _ / __)/ /\ /\ _// \| / // __)
/ ! / ! / / / / \ |/ | \ \ ! \
\___! \____\____\____/ |\____| |\__\____/
----| \--------| |-----| |PreSENtS
Archive name.....: @{b}HF-TETA2.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}550826 bytes@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}TETRIS.EXE@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}21244 bytes@{ub}
@{b} _ ____________________________________
/ I \_ ___\ / / ___\__/____ \_ __/
/ _ / __)/ /\ /\ _// \| / // __)
/ ! / ! / / / / \ |/ | \ \ ! \
\___! \____\____\____/ |\____| |\__\____/
----| \--------| |-----| |PreSENtS
Don't start these programs.....
We hoped that the @{b}shitheads@{ub} behind 'CoP' had grown up, and left the
kindergarden, but we must be wrong.....
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK VH BBS : +45 4659 6867
@node vhelp-38.txt " HD Protect v6.24 trojan - 03.11.96 by Jan Andersen"
Hi All.....
Well, there is a new littel trojan out, that will format your system if
you run the 'sucker'.
In the file-Id.diz you can read "Small...(~3k)", well it is packed with
PowerPacker v4.0 after unpacking it the file size is 20200 bytes. If
you take a closer look in the file you can read:
run >NIL: hdprotect.data
run >NIL: format drive dh0: name LURAD
run >NIL: format drive dh1: name LURAD QUICK
run >NIL: format drive dh2: name HOR_UNGE QUICK
Here is a littel info about this archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}HDPRO624.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}40590 bytes@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}HDprotect@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}20200 bytes unpacked@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}3984 bytes packed@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b}HD PROTECT V6.24
Track protect any HD
Boot protect any HD
Have three different Passwords
Nice bootup picture
Creat logfile to (ANY PATH:)
Don't start this programs.....
Thanx to Dennis Bay for the first warning about this 'sucker'.....
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK VH BBS : +45 4659 6867
@node vhelp-39.txt " CygnusED v4.0 trojan - 03.11.96 by Jan Andersen"
Hi All.....
Well, there is a new littel trojan out, that will do some strange things
to your system. The way it is done, looks like the 'CoP' guy's again.
The archive "@{b}HF-CED40.LHA@{ub}" is said to be "@{b}CygnusEd v4.0@{ub}", and I guess
that if anyone thinks that a new update of CED only has the size of
53380 bytes when v3.5 has a size of 156108 bytes, that is to much...
Also if you take a look inside the archive you can read 'AMOS' many
times, and the guys behind 'CED' do not program in AMOS....
Here is a littel info about this archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}HF-CED40.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}40316 bytes@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}CygnusEd@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}53380 bytes@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b} _ ____________________________________
/ I \_ ___\ / / ___\__/____ \_ __/
/ _ / __)/ /\ /\ _// \| / // __)
/ ! / ! / / / / \ |/ | \ \ ! \
\___! \____\____\____/ |\____| |\__\____/
----| \--------| |-----| |PreSENtS
Cygnus Editor Pro v4.0 HOT UPDATE!
Don't start this programs.....
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK VH BBS : +45 4659 6867
@node vhelp-40.txt " The Black Lotus 'Abduction' demo" 09-11-1996
Hi All.....
Well, there is a new littel trojan out. I have for the last 3 hours been
trying to infect my system with this 'sucker' but it will not. Maybe the
reason is something with AMOS, if you read inside the program, you can
find the text AMOS many times.
The trojan type is just like the @{" HF-CED40.LHA " link vhelp-39.txt } (CygnusEd 4.0) trojan,
it is the same crap you can read in the archive.
Here is a littel info about this archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}tbl-abdu.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}369928 bytes@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}Abducted@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}53408 bytes@{ub}
@{b}the black lotus
" abduction "
small demo dedicated to x-files@{ub}
Another thing about this 'sucker', there are 5 .bin files in the archive
but here is what these .bin files really are:
Abducted1.bin : HotHelpLibrary 3.00
Abducted2.bin : muimaster.library 16.160 (1996/07/21)
Abducted3.bin : RUSH 37.4908 (1993/07/18)
Abducted4.bin : wizard.library 37.137 (1996/07/ 3)
Abducted5.bin : gtlayout.library 32.3 (1996/01/14)
@{b}Don't start this programs.....@{ub}
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet : 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK VH BBS : +45 4659 6867
@node darkfuck.lha " DarckFuck.lha - Happy New Year 97' Infected (21.12.96)"
Hi All.....
Well, there is a new linkvirus out. It is a new "Happy New Year 97" link
virus. At this time there is no known installer of this new virus, only
an infected archive.
Here is some info about the infected archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}darkfuck.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}9820 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected name....: @{b}NOTRICK.EXE@{ub}
Infected size....: @{b}9256 bytes (packed with Stonecracker)@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VT will be released on Sunday the 22 of December 1996, and it will be
abel to clear infected files.
In an ohther warning about this achive it is said to contain an new
"AFFE" virus, but that is not true.
@{" Click Here " link happy } to read Markus Schmall test of HNY Virus.
Thanx to Markus Schmall for info about 'HNY 97'
Don't start this programs.....
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node TBF-F175.LHA " AMFTP v1.75 HNY 97' Infected - (22.02.1997)"
Hi All.....
Well another archive has been spread with the new 'Happy New Year 97'
link virus. Just use VirusWorkshop v6.4 or VT v2.94, to remove the
virus. 4 programs in the archive is infected with the virus:
Here is some info about the infected archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}TBF-F175.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}305454 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected name....: @{b}AmFTP/AmFTP (Infected size: 116124)@{ub}
@{b}AmFTP/AmFTP020 (Infected size: 115700)@{ub}
@{b}AmFTP/AmFTPPrefs (Infected size: 33308)@{ub}
@{b}AmFTP/RegisterAmFTP (Infected size: 37036)@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b} ___________. ________________ ____________
_) l__\______ /_) _)
\. ./ |/ __/| ./
| | _l\ \ |
. .
| AMFTP V1.75 [68000 & 020+] *CRACKED* |
| Cracker : rEdCROW^tBF |
| ReleaseDate : 19.02.97 |
| |
Don't start this program.....
@{" Click Here " link happy } to read Markus Schmall test of HNY Virus.
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node MAPUS200.LZX " HitchHicker 4 infected archive - (06.03.1997)"
Hi All.....
Well, another linkvirus has seen the daylight. It is a new version of the
known "HitchHicker", the new virus has been named "HitchHicker 4". If you
look inside the infected file, within the first 100 bytes you can find a
text saying "@{b}CopyCat Decruncher V1.01@{ub}", this file is infected with this
new string of "HitchHicker 4" link-virus. At this time the only killer to
remove this sucker is Heiner Schneegold's '@{b}VT v2.95@{ub}' viruskiller. But I'm
sure that the other major viruskillers, will find it in the next update.
The first known archive with this virus in it is: MAPUS200.LZX
Here is some info about the infected archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}MAPUS200.LZX@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}37529 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected name....: @{b}Mapus/Bin/MaPuS.200@{ub}
Infected size....: @{b}21156 bytes@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b}mapus 2.0 the dms checker@{ub}
@{b}Virus Removal....:@{ub} VT v2.95, by Heiner Schneegold. (VT295K.LHA)
Read @{" Markus Schmall's " link "Hitch-Hiker 4"} test of Hitch Hiker v4.11 link-virus.
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node "Hitch-Hiker 4" "Hitch Hiker 4.11 test by Markus Schmall"
Entry...............: HitchHiker 4.11
Alias(es)...........: CopyCat Decruncher 1.01
Virus Strain........: -
Virus detected when.: Febuary 1997
where.: Germany and Italy
Classification......: Linkvirus,memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: ca. 3052 Bytes
2. Length in RAM: 3500 Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS Version/Release.....: 2.04+ (V37-V40)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
The virus heavy problems with the 060 cache
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: -
Type of infection...: Self-identification method in files:
- length of hunk 1
Self-identification method in memory:
- test for the changed jump command from
Exec PutMsg() and a longword in the trapcode.
System infection:
- The entryjump of Exec PutMsg() will be patched
to a trap code.
- A new trapcode will be installed.
- a process with a library name will be started,
which installs the patches again
Infection preconditions:
- HUNK_HEADER is found
- device is validated
- to be infected file is bigger than $be8
- 10 free diskblocks
Infection Trigger...: The infection is based on the packet handling
system of AMIGA OS. Every started file will be
infected. All synchron dos commands are affected.
Storage media affected:
all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: A trapvector in the vectorbase will be changed
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- The stealth/fileinfect engine performs a wrap
around copy of the originalfile as we saw it
already in the BEOL3 virus, which source was
made public by the programmer.
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- infecting a file
Particularities.....: The crypt/decrypt routines are not 100% aware of processor
caches. The packet handling works in even on the new developer
OS versions, but some codes have problems with task functions.
The virus is incompatible to the new versions of EXEC,
as it uses some commands only legal in V37-V41 versions
of the task handling.
The virus tunnels doscall watcher like SnoopDos etc. by
using only lowlevel packet routines.
Similarities........: The link method has been seen in the BEOL3 linkvirus
already. A new hunkheader will be added and the origfile
will be seen as datahunk. In this way the virus doesnt
need to perform a errorfull hinkcorrection. The first
codehunk contains the virus itself.
Stealth.............: Second working directory and file stealth code in a virus.
Armouring...........: The virus is not armoured with a special tricky crypting
code. By adding the strings "CopyCat Decruncher 1.01"
and "FLK!" and "-TRSi-" the virusprogrammer wanted
probably hide his actions as the first 20 bytes of the
hunk could really look like an unpacker.
Some parts of the code will be manipulated online (data
reuse) and some functions refuses to work properly in
a testsuite.
Specialities........: As always the virus contains a crypted part:
'The Bastard is Back!',$0A
'The Hitch-Hiker',$0A
'- Version 4.11 ',$0A
'Greetings going like a scrolltext in the sky to:'
'Georg, Heiner, Markus, Johann, Pius, Zib, Ariel,'
'InFekt, UFO and all the guys on #amielit'
'Not yet deactivated by Flake!'
The last string depends probably on my removal code
for the hitchhiker 3 linkvirus, which overwrote parts
of the virus with a special other string.
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VT 2.95, VW 6.5
above Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Hannover, Germany 01.03.1997.
Classification by...: Markus Schmall
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall (C)
Date................: Mar, 01. 1997
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: This document is copyrighted and may be not used
in any SHI publication
===================== End of HitchHiker 4.11 Virus =========================
@node DNC-IB2.LHA " Ibrowse v2.0 Trojan"
Well, we do not know much about this trojan. We have been looking all over
the world for this archive, but we can not find it. If you have it, please
send it to us.
Here is some info about the infected archive that we know of:
Archive Name.... : @{b}dcn-ib2.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}?@{ub}
Infected name....: @{b}?@{ub}
Infected size....: @{b}?@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b}Ibrowse v2.0@{ub}
If you have this archive, @{" Send it to us !!!!!! " link teamdk }
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@Node vhelp-43.txt " HitchHicker 4 linkvirus (06.03.97) - By Jan Andersen)"
Hi All.....
Well, another linkvirus has seen the daylight. It is a new version of the
known "HitchHicker", the new virus has been named @{b}"HitchHicker 4"@{ub}. If you
look inside the infected file, within the first 100 bytes you can find a
text saying "CopyCat Decruncher V1.01", this file is infected with this
new string of "HitchHicker 4" link-virus. At this time the only killer to
remove this sucker is Heiner Schneegold's 'VT v2.95' viruskiller. But I'm
sure that the other major viruskillers, will find it in the next update.
The first known archive with this virus in it is: @{b}MAPUS200.LZX@{ub}
Here is some info about the infected archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}MAPUS200.LZX@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}37529 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected name....: @{b}Mapus/Bin/MaPuS.200@{ub}
Infected size....: @{b}21156 bytes@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b}mapus 2.0 the dms checker@{ub}
Virus Removal....: @{b}VT v2.95, by Heiner Schneegold. (VT295K.LHA)@{ub}
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@Node vhelp-44.txt " Intel Outside 4 Trojan (03.06.97) - By Jan Andersen)"
Hi All....
There is a new trojan out. It will replace your startup-sequence
with a old VirusScanlist by Jan Hendrik Lots (size 4924), and it
will replace your user-startup, with an Devil-Check2.0 Bugreport
(Size 4660 bytes).
The trojan is pretty lame.
Here is some info about this trojan & archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}IO4-INVI.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}69396 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}io4-invi/IO4-INVI.EXE@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}63484 bytes (PowerPacked) - Unpacked 100348 bytes.@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b} ___ ____ ___ ___ __
.-//-/ /- / \------/ /--/ /-/ /-//--.
| / / / / / / / / / // / / |
| /__/ \____/ /__/ /_____/ |
| |
| Intel Outside 4 Invitation Demo! |
| 12-13 JULI 1997 WLOCLAWEK |
| |
@{b}Don't start this program.....@{ub}
Thanx to Mr. Heiner Schneegold, for checking this archive. I'm sure that
the next version of VT will find this sucker....
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@Node vhelp-45.txt " Xtruder v3.5 Trojan (23.07.97) - By Jan Andersen)"
Hi All....
There is a new trojan out. The trojan in inside @{b}Xtruder v3.5.@{ub} If you use a
fakekey or the keyfile "Alex Holst #5", Xtruder v3.5 will delete your SYS:
partition. Virus Help Team Denmark can @{b}not@{ub} support this kind of programming
by an antivirus programmer, and will not support Xtruder with new viruses.
Here is a copy of a letter that Martin Wulffeld mailed in Virus_Amy:
@{b}>------------------------------ START LETTER ------------------------------@{ub}
*** Area : VIRUS_AMY Date: 30 Jun 97 20:40:01
*** From : Martin Wulffeld (39:141/124.53)
*** To : All
*** About: Xtruder 3.5
As some of you may know Xtruder 3.5 has done a bit of damage to peoples files.
However, it has only affected those people who used a fake keyfile and
hopefully also the criminal Bxxxx Pxxxxxxx (2:xxx/xx) who still owes my friend
Alex Holst somewhere around 7000 Dkr. I hope all you fucknuts learned a
lesson. From v3.6 and forward I will remove this behaviour.
Peace out!
. martin . kozmiq . wulffeld@post4.tele.dk .
. see ya at roskilde'98 .
--- Spot 1.3a Unregistered
* Origin: Roskilde'97 - FANTASTIC! (39:141/124.53)
@{b}>------------------------------- END LETTER -------------------------------@{ub}
Here is some info about this trojan & archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}xtruder35.lha@{ub} or @{b}xtrude35,lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}447128 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}Xtruder@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}183700 bytes Unpacked.@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b}Xtruder 3.5 by Martin Wulffeld. This virus
killer can detect more than 248 filevira.
Has a screen mode- and font sensitive GUI
along with a comprehensive ARexx interface
and locale support.@{ub}
@{b}Don't start this program.....@{ub}
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// Jan Andersen FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node VHELP-46.txt " Ibrowse v2.0 Trojan (08.08.97) - By Jan Andersen)"
Hi All....
There is a new trojan out. The trojan in inside a @{b}Fake Ibrowse v2.0@{ub} If you
run Ibrowse a picture will be shown with a face, and a text that is telling
you that @{b}ScareCrow@{ub} has done damage to your system. When I tested the archive
on my test system (68000), everything it did was to replace my userstart-up
and startup-sequence, with a text file. If it does damage to other systems
I don't know at the moment, but it will be testet very soon.
Here is text:
>------------------------------ START LETTER -------------------------------
Since i now have your undevided attention while you are trying to save
what is left of your hard-disk i might as well begin.
Your first question will be why? The why is becose i am playing a fair
game with someone for some time now, his name is Jan Hendrik Lots of
Virus Help team NL. He and his little buddies of AGA tryed to catch me
last year with no succes, but what would you expect if you relay on their
help lead by a clowns character calling himself KleinDuimpje. Yes,
KleinDuimpje, you better start up that board again becose we havnt finished
yet. Hunting season is open again fans, and these trojans i have been
spreading are just mearly the beginning of it. i would also like to invite
some of the people i admire: Nr. 1 is L.I.S.A. (lamers in serious agony)
They did a great job, and they inspired me. Nr. 2 is C.O.P. (faust, circle
of power) Damn, i loved that Tetris attack! Nr. 3 is smooth criminal aldo
the boy has no taste, im inviting him to this party. What have i cooked up?
i am planning to make a competition out of this, who ever wants to compete
is invited. Who can make the most trojans and virusses, who can put down the
most boards. Who can make the most hits and i am listing them all. The list
will be released in a trojan by the end of each month. time to play.
>------------------------------- END LETTER -------------------------------
I guess that @{b}Jan Hendrik Lots@{ub} must know something about this guy, I'll get
in contact with Jan Hendrik Lots and have a talk with him.
Anyway, we know ScareCrow's real name, adress, phone number (the new one),
and a lot of other things about this guy. Actions might be taken later on.
Well...... But everybody should think before installing programs like this
one. A new update of Ibrowse ?????. version 2.0 ?????. Don't install these
programs that you are not 100% sure that is okay. If you want to, try and
install the programs like this on on floppy disks, it takes a bit longer,
but it might save your system........
Here is some info about this trojan & archive:
Archive name.....: @{b}DCN-IB2.LHA or DCN-IB2.LZX@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}595211 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}Ibrowse@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}327848 bytes Unpacked.@{ub}
File-Id.Diz......: @{b} /\ _ _
___/ \___________(_)_______(_)__________
/ ________ / ___/ \ _____/ ____ ____ \
/ / / ___/ / / /\__ \/ / / / / /
\____/\___________ __________ /\____/\_/\_/|
.--aMiGA iLLEGAl--\/--------\/Rr!----------.
| IBrowse 2.00 FINAL 68030+ |
Don't start this program.....
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node VHELP-47.txt " MUI 020 Installer (31.08.97) - By Jan Andersen)"
Hi All....
There is an infected archive out. The archive is infected with a new string
of the linkvirus @{b}"Happy New Year"@{ub}. It is said to be a patch for MUI written
by Dave Jones. But Dave Jones didi not program this patch, some stupid guy
must be trying to damage Dave's name. Pretty lame.......
@{b}VT v2.99 by Heiner Schneegold (28.08.97)@{ub}, will find and remove this sucker.
Here is some info about this trojan & archive:
> ----------------------------- INFO START --------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}MUI020.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}2709 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}MUI_Patch@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}2696 bytes (Unpacked).@{ub}
Archive text.....:
Patch MUI 020+ version 1.1 by DJ (you know who!)
Simply unpack the archive into a directory and run the MUI_Patch program
which will then try to locate MUI:muimaster.library and make the necessary
modifications/optimizations to the libraries internals for an increase in
performance of some routines upto 35%
...Now when is Stefan going to release a truely written 020+ MUI???
> ------------------------------ INFO END ---------------------------------
@{b}Pretty lame text.@{ub}
Don't start this program.....
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node VHELP-48.txt " AmixHack Trojan (08.09.97) - By Jan Andersen)"
Hi All....
There is a BBS trojan out. But the SysOp of the board has to run the program
to start the trojan. After the trojan has been executet, it will delete the
caller.log, that way you can't see what the trojan did. Then it will copy
the user.dat to Libs: as TTA.library. In that way the sysop will have to be
fool'ed to give the 'hacker' the TTA.library (renamed user.data).
@{b}VT v2.99, VirusZ II v1.39, VirusWorkshop v6.6 and FastViruskiller v1.8, will
find this trojan....@{ub}
Here is some info about this trojan & archive:
> ------------------------------- INFO START --------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}DEC-SCP.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}41892 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Trojan name......: @{b}AmixHack0.Exe@{ub}
Trojan size......: @{b}8348 bytes (11644 bytes Unpacked).@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b}..................................
. ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ .
.| | | | | |.
.| ___| __| O | O | O |.
.|___ | | | | ___|.
.....sCOOP V1.0 - /X hACKER.......
........mADE bY dECODER...........
......DO NOT RUN ON YOUR HD!......@{ub}
> -------------------------------- INFO END ---------------------------------
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node VHELP-49.txt " Hitch Hicker v4.23 linkvirus (14.09.97) - By Jan Andersen)"
Hi All....
There is a link-virus out. It is a new version of @{b}"HitchHicker"@{ub}, this time
it is up to v4.23. At this time none of the big antivirus programs can find
and remove it, but the programmers has recived an infected file, so in the
new updates the removal code should be included. I have now recived four
archives with this new link-virus, so there is a pretty good chance that
the "HitchHicker v4.23" is on the run. So take care of what you execute.
Gideon Zenz the programmer of AntiBeol, has made a small update of his anti
virus program AntiBeol v1.33a. In the archive of v1.33a, is there a tiny
tool which desinfects files, the virus only gets disabled, not removed. But
this in the only program that will find the HitchHicker v4.23 linkvirus
right now. This program is availble from VHT-DK BBS or our Homepage:
After this warning was send out the first time, also VT v3.00 and FastVirus-
Killer v1.10, VirusWorkshop v6.7 is now abel to find and remove this virus.
Read also @{" Markus Schmall's test " link "Hitch-Hiker 4.23"} about HitchHiker v4.23
Here is some info about the four infected archives:
> ------------------------------- INFO START --------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}DC-AmFTP.lha (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}117186 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}AmFTP@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}119148 bytes (Unpacked).@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b}AmFTP 1.90 (1997/09/10)@{ub}
Archive name.....: @{b}IDEFix191.lha (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}117186 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}IDE-fix/c/IDEfix@{ub}
@{b}26620 Bytes (Unpacked).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}IDE-Fix/l/CacheCDFS@{ub}
@{b}38312 Bytes (Unpacked).@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b} .________________
____ ( _____/__ - -------------
_/ ___/ _/\_ T
/ 7--7 l /
| \____.-----
----.____/------- - - -
| IDEfix97 v1.91 - CDROM driver software
| Cracked 100%
`-[10/09/97]-------------------------[ 7eN ]@{ub}
Archive name.....: @{b}MSR-A71P.lha (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}224271 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}AmIRC1_71/AmIRC@{ub}
@{b}209540 bytes (not packed)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}AmIRC1_71/AmIRC020@{ub}
@{b}208564 bytes (not packed)@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b} -mSR'97- ________ () _____________
______| _|___()___| ____ /
| __ | / / ______/| | ____/_
.- |_____\__/___/_________ |____|_______/
| - --mYSTERiOUS- - /__________|-wARPsTAH!.
| AmIRC 1.71 Keyless 100 %!!!
| Exe's only !!!
Archive name.....: @{b}slt-m21g.lha (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}852280 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}Miami/Miami.000@{ub}
@{b}415384 bytes (not packed)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}Miami/Miami.020@{ub}
@{b}410516 bytes (not packed)@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b}_ _____ ____ _____ _ _______________.
// /___/ /___/ \_ |
.\___ \ / \_ _/ ShEltER 1997 ||
| / ___/________/_____|
| Miami 2.1g - 000/020/MAIN/EVA + KEYS
> -------------------------------- INFO END ---------------------------------
@{b}Thanx to Gideon Zenz, for the fast test of HitchHicker v4.23.@{ub}
@{b}Thanx to Ramon, for sending the archives to me...@{ub}
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node "Hitch-Hiker 4.23" "Hitch Hiker 4.23 Test by Markus Schmall"
Entry...............: HitchHiker 4.23
Alias(es)...........: HitchHiker 4
Virus Strain........: -
Virus detected when.: September 1997
where.: Germany, Denmark and England
Classification......: Linkvirus,memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: ca. 2912 Bytes
2. Length in RAM: 3200 Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS Version/Release.....: 2.04+ (V37-V40)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
The virus has problems with higher processors and
OS versions
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: -
Type of infection...: - linkvirus. It changes the whole files to 2 hunked
file and copies 2908 bytes from the filestart to
the end
Self-identification method in files:
- checks for $DEAD at a special fileposition. In this
way the stealth mechanism is locating the infected
files, too.
Self-identification method in memory:
- test for the changed jump command from
Exec PutMsg()
System infection:
- The entryjump of Exec PutMsg() will be patched
to a trap code.
- A new trapcode will be installed.
- tries to modifies entry points of the bsdsocket.library,
which is used by connectiontools like AmiTCP and Miami.
Infection preconditions:
- HUNK_HEADER is found
- device is validated
- to be infected file is bigger than 2908 (exact viruslength)
- 10 free diskblocks
Infection Trigger...: The infection is based on the packet handling
system of AMIGA OS. Every started file will be
infected. All synchron dos commands are affected.
Storage media affected:
all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: A trapvector in the vectorbase will be changed
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- The stealth/fileinfect engine performs a wrap
around copy of the originalfile as we saw it
already in the BEOL3 virus, which source was
made public by the programmer.
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- infecting a file
Particularities.....: The crypt/decrypt routines are not 100% aware of processor
caches. The packet handling works in even on the new developer
OS versions, but some codes have problems with task functions.
The virus tunnels doscall watcher like SnoopDos etc. by
using only lowlevel packet routines.
Similarities........: The link method has been seen in the BEOL3 linkvirus
already. A new hunkheader will be added and the origfile
will be seen as datahunk. In this way the virus doesnt
need to perform a errorfull hinkcorrection. The first
codehunk contains the virus itself.
Stealth.............: Second working directory and file stealth code in a virus.
Armouring...........: The virus is not armoured with a special tricky crypting
Specialities........: As always the virus contains a crypted part:
"The Hitch-Hiker 4.23 - Generation #00001036"
The first string is for the special ability to keep the
files infected, even if they get crunched. This trick, which
was used to remove common pc stealth linkviruses is not working
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VT 3.00, AntiBeol 1.33, FastKill and VW 6.7
above Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Hannover, Germany 26.09.1997.
Classification by...: Markus Schmall
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall (C)
Date................: Sep, 29. 1997
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: This document is copyrighted and may be not used
in any SHI publication
===================== End of HitchHiker 4.23 Virus =========================
@node vhelp-50.txt " Lisa FuckUp v3.0 (12.10.97) - Jan Andersen"
@{b}Hi All....@{ub}
There is a new trojan out. It is said to be a killer for "Ebola 97'" virus,
but this is just a fake. The trojan will replase every file in SYS: with a
file 10 bytes long, where you can read @{b}"LiSA FUCKUP v3.0"@{ub}. In the archive
there is a read.me text, with a description of how to get this trojan to
work, but you better not do it.
This trojan have been send to all the major anti-virus programmers in the
world, and will be included in the next update. So until, then take care...
Here is some info about the trojan archive:
> ------------------------------- INFO START --------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}SEBOLA97.LHA (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}5856 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}ScanEbola97@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}7004 bytes (Unpacked).@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b}ScanEbola97: Scans your hard-drive for the
> ------------------------------- INFO END ----------------------------------
Thanx to Heiner Schneegold, for the fast test of this trojan.
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:236/120.0
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:141/142.0
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node vhelp-51.txt " HitchHicker v4.11 infected archive (03.11.97) Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Another archive has been found around the world, that is infected with the
link-virus @{b}"Hitch Hiker v4.11"@{ub} link-virus. In the archive seven files is
infected with "Hitch Hiker" virus. All you got to do is to run one of the
major antivirus programs, and let the killer remove this virus.
Here is some info about the trojan archive:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}NUP-SLOS.LHA (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}223697 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}Scalos (109500 bytes)
Scalos/prefs/Scalos (39916 bytes)
Scalos Menu (26916 bytes)
Scalos Palette (16968 bytes)
Scalos Pattern (21452 bytes)
Scalos/tools/OpenLocation_CA (11776 bytes)
OpenLocation_MUI (6580 bytes)@{ub}
File id.Diz......:@{b} _____
_________ / /___ _________
/ \_/ / \_/ \_
.:.:/ ___ / / / / /.:.
:::/ / / / / /____/::::
::/______/ /___________/______/::::::::::
| |
| S
S |
| |
| vERSION 39.154 - nICE wORKbENCH rEPLACE! |
| |
`-[ #37 ]---------------------[ 10/27/97
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to Darryl Peters, for the info about this archive.
Read @{" Markus Schmall's " link "Hitch-Hiker 4"} test of Hitch Hiker v4.11 link-virus.
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node vhelp-52.txt " Ebola Infected archive (20.11.97) - By Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Another archive has been found around the world, that is infected with the
link-virus @{b}"Ebola"@{ub} link-virus. In the archive, two files is infected with
this @{b}"Ebola"@{ub} linkvirus. All you got to do is to run one of the major anti-
virus programs (@{b}VirusZ, VT and VirusWorkshop@{ub}), and let the killer remove
this virus.
Here is some info about the trojan archive:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}PSY-HAL.LHA (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}294041 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}halloween/Copy (6612 bytes)
/play (20048 bytes)@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b} PROPHESY PRESENT
"Trick or Treat"@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to Jon Adams, for the info about this archive.
Read Markus Schmall's test of the @{" Ebola Virus " link ebola }
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node vhelp-53.txt " ZIB linkvirus found (29.11.97) - By Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
A new link-virus has been spread the last days. At this time no viruskiller
is abel to find and kill this sucker. The virus has been send to all the
major AntiVirus programmers, so it is only a matter of time, before the
viruskillers can find and remove this 'sucker'.
There is no known program or archive that spreads this new virus. All that
we know of this new virus, is that it will add @{b}1260 bytes@{ub} to all programs
that is executed. And with in these @{b}1260 bytes@{ub} that is added you can read
Well, I don't think that TRSi has anything to do with this.
As soon as a killer is released that will kill this virus, we will let you
know so check your contacts or our homepage.
Heiner Schneegold, programmer of VT has made a quick test of this sucker,
and here is what he found out:
verbogener Vektor: Loadseg
LastAlert: "TRSi"
Eigener Process: ZIB
Fileverlaengerung: #1260 Bytes
Link hinter 1.Hunk
RTS wird in bra.s umgewandelt
falls bsdsocket.lib vorhanden, Veraenderungen@{ub}
Well, this is all we know for now.
After we wrote the warning, a few killers has been updated so the they will
be abel to find and kill this "ZIB" virus.
@{b}VT v3.01 (30.11.97) - Heiner Schneegold
FastVirusKiller v1.12 (29.11.97) - By Dave Jones
AntiBeol v1.34a (29.11.97) - By Gideon Zenz
KillAnother v1.00 (29.11.97) - By Harry Sintonen@{ub}
You can download these killers from our homepage or support BBS.
Thanx to @{b}Dave Jones, Harry Sintonen@{ub} and @{b}Jakob Anderson@{ub} for sending this new
virus to us. It is on it's way to all major antivirus programmers.
@{" Click here " link ZIB } to read Markus Schmall's test of the ZIB virus.
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node kilhitch.lha " Installer for Hitch Hicker v2.11 (07.12.97) - Jan Andersen"
Hi All !!!
After many month, and we have been looking for this archive all over the
world, we finally got it. Thanx to John.
Well if you belive this archive, it is said to remove the Hitch Hiker virus
but what it does is, that it will install the @{b}Hitch Hiker v2.11@{ub} link-virus
in your system.
Okay here is a little test of it:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}kilhitch.lha (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}7765 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}removehitcher/KillHitcher@{ub}
Infected size....: @{b}3000 bytes.@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b}!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!! Have you got probs. with the HitchHiker!
!! virus? It's a link-vir that can corrupt !
!! your archives....brand new and not kill-!
!! able with VirusZ or VWS or VT or any !
!! other killer.. Except this one..Brought !
!! to you by Blister/PP and MAX/PP !
!! Download and be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to John for mailing us this archive.
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node vhelp-54.txt " ZIB linkvirus installer (05.12.97) - Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Well, now we finaly found the archive that installs the "@{b}ZIB@{ub}" link-virus.
It s the command '@{b}spatch@{ub}' that will install this link-virus. I don't think
that this version of '@{b}spatch@{ub}' came from GP Soft, some one have replaced
the orginal '@{b}spatch@{ub}' with the installer version. So there for, take care
when ever you meet the '@{b}spatch@{ub}' in an archive, and if the size is @{b}16716@{ub}
bytes, don't use it.
Here is some info about this archive:
Archive name...: @{b}opus566p.lzx@{ub}
Archive size...: @{b}138502 bytes (LZX packed)@{ub}
Infector name..: @{b}spatch@{ub}
Infector size..: @{b}16716 bytes (not packed)@{ub}
Archive info...: @{b}Directory Opus 5 Magellan version 5.66 to 5.661
Upgrade Patch. (fake archive)@{ub}
At ths time, no viruskiller will find this infector. But some of the anti-
virus programs, will find and remove this 'ZIP' virus:
@{b}VT v3.01 - By Heiner Schneegold
FastVirusKiller v1.12 - By Dave Jines
AntiBeol v1.34a - By Gideon Zenz
Killanother1 v1.0 - By Harry Sintonen.@{ub}
Thanx to Jakob Anderson for sending us this archive.
@{" Click here " link ZIB } to read Markus Schmall's test of the ZIB virus.
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node ZIB "ZIB linkvirus and installer - Test by Markus Schmall"
Entry...............: ZIB
Alias(es)...........: none
Virus Strain........: -
Virus detected when.: December 97
where.: Germany
Classification......: Linkvirus,memory-resident, not reset-resident
Length of Virus.....: 1. Length on storage medium: ca. 1260/1264 Bytes
(uses a polymorphic technic)
2. Length in RAM: xxxx Bytes
--------------------- Preconditions ------------------------------------
Operating System(s).: AMIGA-DOS Version/Release.....: 2.04 and above (V37+)
Computer model(s)...: all models/processors (MC68000-MC68060)
--------------------- Attributes ---------------------------------------
Easy Identification.: none
Type of infection...: Self-identification method in files:
- none
Self-identification method in memory:
- searches for "TRSi" at LastAlert(Exec)
System infection:
- infects the following functions:
Dos LoadSeg(), bsdsocket.library baseptrs
Infection preconditions:
- HUNK_HEADER and HUNK_CODE are found
- device is validated
- File must be smaller than $1e848
Infection Trigger...: Accessing files via LoadSeg()
It`s a typical infector. It cannot be rated as
fast infector as it only infects at the above
mentioned operations. Slow polymorphism
technology or stealth techniques wasn`t found
in this one.
Storage media affected:
all DOS-devices
Interrupts hooked...: None
Damage..............: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- none
Damage Trigger......: Permanent damage:
- none
Transient damage:
- None
Particularities.....: The crypt/decrypt routines are partly aware of processor
caches. The cryptroutine are non-polymorphic and
consists of some logical stuff. The cryptword is
Similarities........: The linkmethod is camparable to all the HNY viruses. It
will be tried to step $3e words back and check for an
"rts" or a "nop" at the hunkend.
The use of the bsdsocket library etc. shows some equalities
to the latest hitchhiker viruses.
NOTE: The installer itself links a 4 byte longer part to
the original "c:\loadwb" and uses 2 patchcodes. Most
viruskillers does not recognize this correct. VT 3.03
is doing it 100% right and VW should so, too.
Stealth.............: no stealth function found.
Armouring...........: readable text is crypted with a normal eor loop.
Specialities........: The virus sends mails to the virusworkshop mailinglist.
The list can be accessed using the virusworkshop@trsi.de
account and was accessible even from external persons
at that time. Now Vampire fixed this problem.
The subject was: "Another 1 bites the dust"
In the body the text: "Greetz to BEOL und BOKOR" can
be found. The mail be remote send via the mailserver
from the teuto.de domain via a special account.
Comments............: The name ZIB appeared in the latest HitchHiker viruses, too.
I suppose that this is somekind of virusclique pushing
their actions.
--------------------- Agents -------------------------------------------
Countermeasures.....: VT, VZ, FVK, VW
above Standard means......: -
--------------------- Acknowledgement ----------------------------------
Location............: Hildesheim, Germany 17.01.1998.
Classification by...: Markus Schmall
Documentation by....: Markus Schmall (C)
Date................: Jan, 01. 1998
Information Source..: Reverse engineering of original virus
Copyright...........: This document is copyrighted and may be not used
in any SHI publication
===================== End of ZIB virus =========================
@node vhelp-55.txt " Ebola infected archive (15.12.97) - Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Another archive has been found around the world, that is infected with the
link-virus "@{b}Ebola@{ub}" link-virus. In the archive seven files is infected with
"@{b}Ebola@{ub}" virus. All you got to do is to run one of the major antivirus
programs eg. @{b}VirusZ, VT@{ub} or @{b}VirusWorkshop@{ub}, and let the viruskiller remove
this virus.
Here is some info about the trojan archive:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}CPU-MV31.LHA (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}108665 bytes (ripped for BBS adds)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}CPU-MULTIVIEW.LHA/MultiView (8772 Bytes)@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b} ________ ________ ____ t!
_\ ._/_\_ / /---/_ _____________ _
/ |_ /____/ / /// c . p . u
\______/______| \________\
. MultiView (version 3.1)
. 100% denerved!
.10.12.97. .yELLOW wATER.@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to Johnny Sandstroem, for the info about this archive.
@{" Click here " link ebola } to read Markus Schmall's test of Ebola link-virus.
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node vhelp-56.txt " Ebola & HNY 96' infected archives (22.12.97) - Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
A few archives has been found that contains "@{b}Happy New Year 96@{ub}" and "@{b}Ebola@{ub}"
link-virus. All you got to do is to run one of the major antivirus programs
eg. @{b}VirusZ, VT or VirusWorkshop@{ub}, and let the viruskiller remove this virus.
I found a warning written by '@{b}CHILL@{ub}' about these infected archives. And he
wrote about a virus called '@{b}Vera 2.3@{ub}', I had never heard about this virus,
I found the archive, and made a test of the file. Is @{b}NOT@{ub} a virus/trojan it
is a fail recog. by VirusZ II. I'll post a letter to the programmer, and I
guess that it will removed in the next update. So there is @{b}NO@{ub} virus in the
archive '@{b}DS-POC.LHA@{ub}'.
Here is some info about the infected archives:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}D-S_MK2.LHA (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}2832772 bytes.@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}MK2@{ub}
Infected with....: @{b}Ebola Link-virus@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b} .---- \
___|__ / __/__ !!MERRY X-MAS!!
.--./ / \____ \.--------------.
|;)|_ /| ___/ |mORtAL kOMbAT2|
| /_________\^/ ! ORG. PAL VER |
| <- - -- --- -----! hD Fixed |
| hAvE PhUN!!!!! |
@{" Click here " link ebola } to read the Ebola Test by Markus Schmall.
Archive name.....: @{b}D-S_ZW2.LHA (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}488796 Bytes@{ub}
Infected Files...: @{b}Zeewolf2_HD@{ub}
Infected with....: @{b}Ebola Link-virus@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b} .---- \
___|__ / __/__ !!MERRY X-MAS!!
.--./ / \____ \.--------------.
|;)|_ /| ___/ | Zeewolf iI |
| /_________\^/ ! |
| <- - -- --- -----! hD Fixed |
| hAvE PhUN!!!!! |
@{" Click here " link ebola } to read the Ebola Test by Markus Schmall.
Archive name.....: @{b}ORG3_3.LHA (or lzx)@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}569935 bytes.@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}aSCi.exe@{ub}
Infected with....: @{b}Happy New Year 96 Link-virus@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b}_ _ _
___ _____ ______ __ __
_( _(____( ___(____) /___) \/ (_.
\______ (/
_ /
_ \/
\) ______\ _. /) /__/ |
/_______( \_( |______/ /_____|
sCUm pRESENTs - oRGAZm iSSUe #3 3/3
_ ________________________________ _@{ub}
@{" Click here " link happy } to read the HNY 96' Test by Markus Schmall.
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to @{b}Chill@{ub}, for the info about this archives.
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node vhelp-57.txt " Happy New Year 98' linkvirus (04.01.98) - Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Happy New Year 98 to you all. There is a little more behind these words, a
new linkvirus has been found, and it is " @{b}Happy New Year 98@{ub} ". It will add
@{b}920 bytes to every executed file@{ub}. You can within the last 30 bytes of the
infected file read "Happy New Year 98". We do not know of any installers or
infected archives with this new virus, so if you find the installer, please
mail it to me.
The famos virus-killer @{b}VT by Mr. Heiner Schneegold@{ub} has now been updated to
version @{b}3.03@{ub}, and it will find and remove the Happy New Year 98' virus.
You can get the VT v3.03 archive from our homepage, or a BBS near you.
Thanx to @{b}Gerald Schnabel@{ub} for sending us the infected file.
@{"Read about" link vhelp-58.txt } the first found archive infected with "Happy New Year 98" virus.
__ VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
__ /// @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// -------------- AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ VIRUS HELP DENMARK E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
@node vhelp-58.txt " w9-sex.lzx infected with HNY 98 virus (04.01.97) Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
The first infected archive with the new "@{b}Happy New Year 98@{ub}" linkvirus has
now been found. We don't think that this archive is the installer of this
new virus, so I guess that we are still looking for the it. If you find
it, plaese mail it to us, or supload it to one of our support BBS'es.
If your system has been infected, plaese use @{b}VT v3.03@{ub} to remove it.
Here is some info about the infected archives:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}w9-sex.lzx@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}187786 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}SeXtrO@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}212396 bytes (Packed with CrunchyDat 1.0)
892996 bytes (unpacked)@{ub}
Infected with....: @{b}Happy New Year 98 Link-virus.@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b} ______ _____ ______ ______
_\ /__\ _\ __ \_\ __ \
/_ / ( / / / /n
_ / _ i
\___ ___/ \ \ n
ry! \__ /____\/____\ ___\ e
______ _ W A R P 9 _ _____
| p.r.e.s.e.n.t.s |
| - - ------------- - - |
| S E X T R O |
| |
| |
`-[W9]--- - - --------'@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to @{b}Ramon@{ub}, for sending this archive to us.
@{" Read our first " link vhelp-57.txt } warning about the "Happy New Year 98" virus.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-v059.lha " Happy New Year 98' infected archive
1998 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Another infected archive with the new @{b}"Happy New Year 98"@{ub} linkvirus has
now been found. We don't think that this archive is the installer of this
new virus, so I guess that we are still looking for the it. If you find
it, plaese mail it to us, or supload it to one of our support BBS'es.
If your system has been infected, plaese use VT v3.03, VirusWorkshop v6.8
Virus_Checker II v1.1 (brain v2.2), VirusZ II v1.42 (bug-Fixed) and also
FastVirusKiller v1.17 to remove it.
Here is some info about the infected archives:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}CNS-BGE.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}35564 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}BGEDIT/BGEDIT@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}27068 bytes (Packed with CrunchMania Normal)@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}BGEDIT/LIBS/iff.library
4080 bytes (not packed)@{ub}
Infected with....: @{b}Happy New Year 98 Link-virus@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b} ___ ______ __ __________ _____
/ | .\ \| | _/ .\ | __/
/ ._|_ | \ \\ |__ \ | \ -|-._)_
\ ` / ` \ \ | \` \ | /
((((( H E L L A M I G A ))))))
| |
| AMiGA-Tool to convert |
|Graphics to IFF-AMIGA Format!! |
| |
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to @{b}Arne Jensen@{ub}, for sending this archive to us.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk61.lha " Happy New Year 96' infected archive
1998 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
I'm sorry to say this, but I was to fast when I wrote about the archive
'@{b}CBS-ETIT.LZX@{ub}' and the 'happy New Year 96' linkvirus. At this time @{b}only
@{b}VT 3.04@{ub} and @{b}VirusZ II v1.42a@{ub} can find this HNY-96 'hunk 11' virus.
Thanx to Mr. Schneegold for correcting me in this matter....
Here is some info about the infected archives:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}CBS-ETIT.LZX@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}27678 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}CBS-Intro/Eternity.exe@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}26736 bytes (Packed with StoneCracker 4.04)
58068 bytes unpacked.@{ub}
Infected with....: @{b}Happy New Year 96 link-virus (hunk 11)@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b} .__ .____.____.____.____.___
| |_ /| /| /|_ /| /_|`---.
\__\` / ` / ` / ` / ` __/`/___|---.
| - take us to your dealer! - |
|presents: |
| BBSIntro for ETERNiTY |
| |
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to @{b}Johnny Hansen@{ub}, for sending this archive to us.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk62.lha " Max BBS Trojan Type A - 1998
Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Well, I't looks like some little stupid guy someware in England, has been
starting writing trojan's in AMOS. These trojan's are made to destroy the
BBS system 'MAX'. It will delete almost every BBS file on the system, and
also files like Startup-Sequence, c:dir and more. The guy behind these new
trojans are a guy that calls himself @{b}"Cactus^Jack"@{ub}. And he must be trying
to remove anything about him self, as this trojan is looking for a file
with the name "bbs:userfiles/cactus", if this is found it will be deleted.
This warning is for the archive "@{b}JC_SpiceGirls.LHA@{ub}". If you run this shit,
a picture will be shown on your screen, with the text:
Juraccis Cactus
Spice Girls
Byt here is some info about the trojan:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}JC_SpiceGirls.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}60482 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Trojan File......: @{b}Jc-Spice.exe@{ub}
Trojan Size......: @{b}111524 bytes (Packed with AMOS Pro Compiler v2.00)
File id.Diz......: Jurasic Cactus
Spice Girl Megamix Demo !
Coded By : c-jack
Musax By : Bigo H
release at The Gathering 97 demo comp@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to Dave Buckley, for sending this archive to us.
This archive is on it's way to every antivirus programmer, that accepts
new viruses/trojans from us.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk63.lha " Max BBS Trojan Type A - 1998
Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Well, I't looks like some little stupid guy someware in England, has been
starting writing trojan's in AMOS. These trojan's are made to destroy the
BBS system 'MAX'. It will delete almost every BBS file on the system, and
also files like Startup-Sequence, c:dir and more. The guy behind these new
trojans are a guy that calls himself @{b}"Cactus^Jack"@{ub}. And he must be trying
to remove anything about him self, as this trojan is looking for a file
with the name "bbs:userfiles/cactus", if this is found it will be deleted.
This warning is for the archive "@{b}nce-tri9.lha@{ub}".
Here is some info about the trojan:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}nce-tri9.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}47587 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Trojan File......: @{b}Trilobyte!_9.exe@{ub}
Trojan Size......: @{b}46264 bytes (Packed with Powerpacker 4)
71468 bytes unpacked.@{b}
File id.Diz......: @{b} ______ __ _ _____ ___ _
___/.__.\_________/.__.\_/ \____
/ .__:
:_._ ______:
? :
\ :| | \/ ._\ \ :| _ // ___//
| |: \ || : \\ _/ \ \ || \/\ _)__\_
| || |\_|____/_| \\|\_|____/__ / ?
| ...brings ya... |
| ...Trilobyte! #9! |
| |
| tHIS iS tHE bEST yET dOODZ!!!!!! |
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to Dave Buckley, for sending this archive to us.
This archive is on it's way to every antivirus programmer, that accepts
new viruses/trojans from us.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk64.lha " Max BBS Trojan Type A - 1998
Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Well, I't looks like some little stupid guy someware in England, has been
starting writing trojan's in AMOS. These trojan's are made to destroy the
BBS system 'MAX'. It will delete almost every BBS file on the system, and
also files like Startup-Sequence, c:dir and more. The guy behind these new
trojans are a guy that calls himself "@{b}Cactus^Jack@{ub}". And he must be trying
to remove anything about him self, as this trojan is looking for a file
with the name "bbs:userfiles/cactus", if this is found it will be deleted.
This warning is for the archive "@{b}SPICE_POWER.lha@{ub}"
Here is some info about the trojan:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}SPICE_POWER.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}36539 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Trojan File......: @{b}SpicePower97@{ub}
Trojan Size......: @{b}57820 bytes (AMOS Pro Compiler v2.00 Cruncher)@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b}ZENGO SPICE POWER MEGAMIX 1997!
If ya like the Spice Girls, GET THIS!@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to Dave Buckley, for sending this archive to us.
This archive is on it's way to every antivirus programmer, that accepts
new viruses/trojans from us.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk65.lha " Max BBS Trojan Type A - 1998
Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Well, I't looks like some little stupid guy someware in England, has been
starting writing trojan's in AMOS. These trojan's are made to destroy the
BBS system 'MAX'. It will delete almost every BBS file on the system, and
also files like Startup-Sequence, c:dir and more. The guy behind these new
trojans are a guy that calls himself "@{b}Cactus^Jack@{ub}". And he must be trying
to remove anything about him self, as this trojan is looking for a file
with the name "bbs:userfiles/cactus", if this is found it will be deleted.
This warning is for the archive "@{b}Mpeopledemo.lha@{ub}"
This archive was corupt when I recived it, and I could only unpack a part
of it, but the trojan code in in there. I could not run the trojan on my
system, so I don't know if it works.
Here is some info about the trojan:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ------------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}Mpeopledemo.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}49137 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Trojan File......: @{b}Mpeople.exe@{ub}
Trojan Size......: @{b}122408 bytes (Packed ????? don't know)@{ub}
File id.Diz......: @{b}.------------------------------------------.
| |
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to Dave Buckley, for sending this archive to us.
This archive is on it's way to every antivirus programmer, that accepts
new viruses/trojans from us.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk66.lha " Max BBS Trojan Type A - 1998
Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Well, I't looks like these 'AMOS' programmed trojans are comming. I
have recived the archive via InterNet. It has been online on Aminet,
so if you have downloaded it there, take care.....
The trojan will delete (SnoopDOS.log):
Count Process Name Action Target Name Res.
----- ------------ ------ ----------- ----
1 ReOrgIt.exe Delete DH0:S/startup-sequence OK
2 ReOrgIt.exe Delete DH0:S/User-startup OK
3 ReOrgIt.exe Delete DH0:S/*.* Fail
Here is some of the text strings you can read in the file:
@{b}HAHAHA, your HD is stuffed
Prepare to DIE@{ub}
Here is some info about the trojan:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ---------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}ReOrgIt.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}52279 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Trojan File......: @{b}ReOrgIt.exe@{ub}
Trojan Size......: @{b}60732 bytes (Packed ????? don't know)@{ub}
File info........: @{b}EXCELLENT HD Reoganizer program 65% speed.@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END -----------------------------
Thanx to Raymond Lagerwey, for sending this archive to us.
This archive is on it's way to every antivirus programmer, that accepts
new viruses/trojans from us.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk67.lha " Miami Fake Keyfile checker Trojan (19.03.98) - Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Well, a new trojan has been found. The programs say's that it will
check if your fake miami keyfiles is okay to you. Don't belive this
at all. It will infect your system.
But there is a rescue. Heiner Schneegold has released a new update
of his great viruskiller "VT" today. @{b}VT v3.08@{ub} can be found on our
@{" homepage.... " link teamdk }
Here is some info about the trojan:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ---------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}PHK-MKEY.lzx@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}2185 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Trojan File......: @{b}mkey.exe@{ub}
Trojan Size......: @{b}1880 bytes@{ub}
File info........: @{b}.--------------------------------------.
|So rumour has it Holger has released a|
|virus to harm users with fake miami |
|keyfiles. This will check your keys to|
|ensure its safe to use, dEN saves ya |
|and fists Holgers ass! |
}-- dEN 3/3/98 pHuKeRs --{@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END -----------------------------
Thanx to @{b}Heiner Schneegold@{ub} for the info about this archive.
This archive is on it's way to every antivirus programmer, that accepts
new viruses/trojans from us.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk68.lha " Happy New Year Infected archive - (15.04.98) (c) VHT-DK"
Hi All....
Well, a new archive has been found that is infected with the 'Happy
New Year 96' linkvirus. And there should be no problems, since all
the major antivirus programs can find and remove this virus.
Here is some info about the trojan:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ---------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}PHT-Suns.lzx@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}4755 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}Sunscream.exe@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}4368 bytes (Packed with StoneCracker 4.04)@{ub}
File info........: @{b}Phase Truce - 4kb intro for Rush Hours'98@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END -----------------------------
@{" Click Here " link happy "} to read the VTC test of Happy New Year virus.
Thanx to @{b}Peter Hansen@{ub}, for the info about this archive.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk69.lha " Happy New Year Infected archive - (09.05.98 (c) VHT-DK)"
Hi All....
Well, a new archive has been found that is infected with the 'Happy
New Year 96' linkvirus. And there should be no problems, since all
the major antivirus programs can find and remove this virus. Just
remember to remove the virus, before starting the program.....
Here is some info about the trojan:
> ------------------------------- INFO START ---------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}FFFF.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}454.455 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}NlsForFun.exe@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}34792 bytes (Packed with PowerPacker 4)
160108 bytes (Unpacked)@{ub}
Infected with....: @{b}Happy New Year 1996 - Linkvirus.@{ub}
File info........: @{b} ___ __ __ __ ___ __ ____ __ __ ___
' _/
| ! |
\| ' | -'
| ! |---- |
NUKLEUS gives you a GAME with suprises...!!
____ ____ ____ ____ /\ !
|::::| |::::| |::::| |::::| //\FREE!
|::__ |::__ |::__ |::__ ///\COOL!
|::::| |::::| |::::| |::::| \\\/NICE!
|::| |::| |::| |::| \\// !
|::| ist |::| ight |::| or |::| reedom !!
> ------------------------------- INFO END -----------------------------
@{" Click Here " link happy "} to read the VTC test of Happy New Year virus.
Thanx to @{b}Torben Danoe@{ub}, for the info about this archive.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk70.lha " Happy New Year Infected archive - (20.06.98 (c) VHT-DK)"
Hi All....
Another infected archive with the new @{b}"Happy New Year 96'"@{ub} linkvirus has
now been found. The archive have been spread via AmiNet, but we have told
the people behind AmiNet about this archive, and we hope that they will
remove it.
If your system has been infected, plaese use @{b}VT v3.08, VirusWorkshop v6.9
Virus_Checker II v1.5 and VirusZ II v1.43.@{ub}
Here is some info about the infected archives:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}WinTool.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}13461 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}WinTool (version 1.1)@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}15296 bytes@{ub}
Infected with....: @{b}Happy New Year 96 Link-virus@{ub}
Archive info.....: @{b}This program will get information from another window,
and give the option to manipulate it. Close it, change
it, move it... Full source included. It is compiled in
debug mode, so it will be easy to find bugs. It should
be really easy to recompile it with no debug.@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
@{" Click Here " link happy "} to read the VTC test of Happy New Year virus.
Thanx to @{b}George Barkouris@{ub}, for sending this archive to us.@{ub}
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Team Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk71.lha " Max BBS Trojan #4 - (29.06.98 (c) VHT-DK)"
Hi All....
A new trojan has been found. Again it is aimed for '@{b}Max BBS' systems@{ub}. The
trojan will (if you run it), make 4 files in RAM: runit, runit.info, yes,
yes.info., and within the next seconds the system will reboot and execute
"RAM:runit < ram.yes d scsi.device", and will write 0 RIGID. It is 'only'
SCSI device and 'only' unit '0' that is going to be damaged.
The archive has been send to all the major antivirus programmers....
Here is some info trojan archive:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}maxsafe.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}12136 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}maxsafe@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}5008 bytes@{ub}
File_id.diz......: @{b}Help stop your BBS from crashing
by finding those faulty doors@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to @{b}Dave Buckley@{ub} and @{b}Colin Wilson@{ub}, for sending this archive to us.
Thanx to @{b}Mr.Heiner Schneegold@{ub} for the test of this archive
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Team Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk72.lha " Max BBS trojan (30.08.98)
1998 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
A new trojan has been found. Again it is aimed for @{b}'Max BBS'@{ub} systems. The
trojan will (if you run it), delete almost everything from your system. I
will also delete it self at the end. At this time we do not have the hole
archive, we only have the trojan it self.
The file has been send to all the major antivirus programmers....
Here is some info trojan archive:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}?@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}? bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}UnpackJPEG@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}27856 bytes@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to @{b}Dave Buckley@{ub}, for sending this file to us.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Team Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk73.lha " PolishPower link virus (09.08.98)
1998 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Another new linkvirus has been found. The archives name is still unknown
all we have is the main file. It is a @{b}fake version of AMFTP v1.91@{ub}. If you
run this program, @{b}5000 bytes@{ub} will be added to every file that is run. If
you decode the virus, you can read @{b}"POLISHPOWER-Virus"@{ub} in the text.
Here is some info about the infected file:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}?@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}? bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}AMFTP (version 1.91)@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}126316 bytes@{ub}
Archive info.....:
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
@{b}If you find an archive that contains AMFTP with the size "126316" bytes,
please send it to me, or upload it to one of our support BBS'es.@{ub}
Thanx to @{b}Mr. Heiner Schneegold@{ub} for the fast test of this file.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Team Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk74.lha " Fungus/lsd virus (22.09.98)
1998 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
Another new virus has been found. The installer and infected archives is
still unknown. All we have is some infected files. If you have this new
virus on your system, every infected file will be @{b}added 760 bytes@{ub}. If you
decode the virus part, you can read @{b}"fungus/lsd"@{ub} in a text-string.
The major anti-virus programs "VT", "VirusChecker II" and "VirusZ", will
be released in the near future, and they will be abel to find and remove
this new virus.
"Digital Corruption" has released a littel "fungus killer/disable", that
will disable the virus. So if your system is infected with this new virus
use the program from "Digital Corruption". The archive name of the littel
disabler is "DC-FNG11.LHA". You should be abel to find the archive on a
BBS near you, or get it from Virus Help Denmarks homepage. (Adress in the
Thanx to @{b}"RAM"@{ub}, for this little killer/disabler...
Thanx to @{b}Mr. Heiner Schneegold@{ub} for the fast test of this file.
Thanx to @{b}Kisa@{ub} and @{b}Jeff German@{ub} for sending me the infected files.
PS. @{" Click here " link vht-dk75.lha} to read about the installer of 'Fungus/lsd' virus.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Team Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk75.lha " Fungus/lsd indtsller found (23.09.98)
1998 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
The archive that installs the new @{b}"fungus"@{ub} virus is found. I have now
recived 4 archives from all over the world (Australia, USA, Germany and
Denmark). Everyone of the contains the same files, and the same file
contains the 'fungus' virus in every archive.
Here is some info about the 'fungus' archive:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}M31H_CRK.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}436085 bytes (Ripped for BBS adds).@{ub}
Infected File....: @{b}Miami_BETA/MUI.MiamiGui@{ub}
Infected Size....: @{b}127360 bytes@{ub}
File_id.diz......: @{b}.------------------------------------------.
| |
| Miami 3.1h BETA |
| |
| |
| |
> ------------------------------- INFO END --------------------------------
Thanx to @{b}Ian, Michael, Peter@{ub} and @{b}Thomas@{ub}, for sending this file to us.
PS. @{" Click here " link vht-dk74.lha} to read the first warning about the 'Fungus/lsd' virus.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// -------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Team Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk76.lha " datatypes.library v4.55 Trojan found (11.12.98)
1998 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
A new trojan has been found. This trojan was on AmiNet, but it has been
removed now. It is a fake @{b}'datatypes.library v45.5'@{ub}. And it will if you
are on InterNet and using 'Miami', send a e-mail to a Hotmail adress with
your name and password. So if you have installed this version, get rid of
it and install the v4.54 update (You can find this on AmiNet).
Here is some info about the fake 'datatypes.library':
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}dtypes455upd.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}27.990 bytes@{ub}
Trojan File......: @{b}datatypes.library@{ub}
Trojan Size......: @{b}32748 bytes@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END -------------------------------
In May 1988, the same datatypes.library trojan was found, but with
another file lenght (32832 Bytes). VT v3.10 will find this version, but
not the new (yet!).
In a few other text files, DC has been blamed for this and other trojans,
I think that it is not true. Why should DC do this?.
Thanks to Matthew for sending archives, and to Mr. Heiner Schneegold and
Fridrik for the test and info.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// ------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Team Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ @{b}www.vht-dk.dk@{ub} VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk77.lha " Birthday Trojan & Dropper found (15.12.98)
1998 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
A new trojan has been found. This trojan was found on AmiNet, but we hope
that it has been removed there. It is said to be a AGA Demo, made by some
guy called SubZero. It will send a e-mail to a Hotmail adress (just like
the datatypes.library trojan), but this time it will also install a new
linkvirus. This virus will add about @{b}15k@{ub}, to some files on your system.
At this time there is no cure for this trojan/virus. As soon as there is
a program to remove this 'sucker', we will have it on our homepage, you
can find it there.
If your system has been infected with this trojan/virus, you can check
the date for infected files, if you installed it on the 15'th, the date
will be the 15'th on your system. Just replace every file with this date
woth clean one's, for fresh archives of floppy disk's. This is all that
you can do for now (sorry).
Here is some info about the trojan/virus:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}birthday.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}497.365 bytes@{ub}
Trojan File......: @{b}birthday@{ub}
Trojan Size......: @{b}703.664 bytes@{ub}
Virus Size.......: @{b}About 15.000 bytes@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END -------------------------------
We hope to have a killer ready for this very soon.
@{b}Note (27 Dec. 1998):@{ub}
@{b}xvs.library v33.15@{ub} has been released, and will find and repair infected
files. You can use xvs.library with these antivirus programs @{b}VirusZ II,
VirusChecker II@{ub} and @{b}VirusExecutor@{ub}.
Thanks to @{b}Ramon, Buzz, Paul Pacheco@{ub} and many more, for sending archives
and infected files.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// ------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ www.vht-dk.dk VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk78.lha " Fake CygnusEd v4.17 (06.02.99)
1999 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
A new virus trojan has been found. It is said to be a new update of the
wellknown program @{b}'CygnusEd v4.17"@{ub}. But if you start CED it will change
the size of your 'c:mount' command and @{b}add 800 bytes@{ub}, and make the new
size 7388 bytes.
Here is some info about the trojan/virus:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}HF-CD417.LHA@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}306.382 bytes@{ub}
Trojan File......: @{b}CygnusED/CED@{ub}
Trojan Size......: @{b}169.872 bytes@{ub}
Virus infect.....: @{b}c/mount (new size 7388 bytes)@{ub}
Virus size.......: @{b}800 bytes@{ub}
> ------------------------------- INFO END -------------------------------
We hope to have a killer ready for this very soon.
Thanks to iknow@, for sending archives and infected files.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// ------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ @{b}www.vht-dk.dk@{ub} VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk79.lha " Fake Miami DeLuxe v0.9c (06.02.99)
1999 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
The installer of the new link-virus @{b}"STD-Crabs_1"@{ub} have been found. It is
a fake version of @{b}"Miami DELUXE 0.9c"@{ub}. If you run the file "MiamiDx.beta"
from the archive, it will infect every executed file with the "STD-Craps"
virus. At this time only the viruskiller 'VT v3.14' is abel to find and
remove this virus. VirusZ, VirusChecker and xvs.library will be updated
as soon as possible.
Here is some info about the trojan/virus:
> ------------------------------- INFO START -----------------------------
Archive name.....: @{b}mdlx09c.lha@{ub}
Archive size.....: @{b}882.398 bytes@{ub}
Dropper File.....: @{b}MiamiDx_Install/MiamiDx.beta@{ub}
Dropper Size.....: @{b}439.724 bytes@{ub}
Virus installed..: @{b}STD-Crap linkvirus@{ub}
File_Id.Diz......: @{b} ___
_(___) _______ _____ _____
\ \ __.\ ._ \__\__ \__\ \__
/ /[__
|/ / /___/_ __/ [sTZ!]
/___/ |___| /.________/_____|
| |
| Miami DELUXE 0.9c |
| keyfiles with this pack |
| |
> ------------------------------- INFO END -------------------------------
Thanks to @{b}David Knell@{ub}, for sending archives and infected files.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// ------------- FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ @{b}www.vht-dk.dk@{ub} VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk80.lha " FastIPrefs 40.37 Trojan (13.07.99)
1999 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
A new trojan have been found on Aminet today. This trojan is like the
"datatypes.trojan", it will send a e-mail using the bdsocket.library and
Miami to the President of Amiga Inc, with a sick and senselles message.
We are also sure that this is not the last trojan of this kind this time
so be carefull what you install.
Here is some info about the archive:
Name........ : @{b}FastIPrefs@{ub}
Archive name : @{b}FastIPrefs4037.lha@{ub}
Archive size : @{b}41.583 bytes@{ub}
Short desc.. : @{b}FastIPrefs 40.37 & FastWBPattern 40.06@{ub}
This trojan has been sendt to all the antivirus programmers
and thay will make recog. for this trojan in the next update.
The archives will be removed from Aminet as soon as possible.
Thanx to @{b}Alex van Niel@{ub} for the fast test.
And to Mark de Jong, Yiannis, Petra Struck & Martin Lindhorst
for the first reports about this trojan.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// ------------ FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ @{b}www.vht-dk.dk@{ub} VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk81.lha " Patch CopyMem Trojan (13.07.99)
1999 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
A new trojan have been found on Aminet today. This trojan is like the
@{b}"datatypes.trojan"@{ub}, it will send a e-mail using the bdsocket.library and
Miami to the President of Amiga Inc, with a sick and senselles message.
We are also sure that this is not the last trojan of this kind this time
so be carefull what you install.
Here is some info about the archive:
Name........ : @{b}Patch CopyMem@{ub}
Archive name : @{b}CMQ060.lha@{ub}
Archive size : @{b}12.183 bytes@{ub}
Short desc.. : @{b}Patch CopyMem/Quick for 68060(040) v1.5@{ub}
This trojan has been sendt to all the antivirus programmers
and thay will make recog. for this trojan in the next update.
The archives will be removed from Aminet as soon as possible.
Thanx to @{b}Alex van Niel@{ub} for the fast test.
And to Mark de Jong, Yiannis, Petra Struck & Martin Lindhorst
for the first reports about this trojan.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// ------------ FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ @{b}www.vht-dk.dk@{ub} VirNet..: 9:451/247.0
@node vht-dk82.lha " PoolMem v1.45 Trojan (14.07.99)
1999 Jan Andersen"
Hi All....
A new trojan have been found on Aminet today. This trojan is like the
@{b}"datatypes.trojan"@{ub}, it will send a e-mail using the bdsocket.library and
Miami to the President of Amiga Inc, with a sick and senselles message.
We are also sure that this is not the last trojan of this kind this time
so be carefull what you install.
Here is some info about the archive:
Name........ : @{b}Poolmem v1.45@{ub}
Archive name : @{b}Poolmem.lha@{ub}
Archive size : @{b}67.918 bytes@{ub}
Short desc.. : @{b}Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset@{ub}
This trojan has been sendt to all the antivirus programmers
and thay will make recog. for this trojan in the next update.
The archives will be removed from Aminet as soon as possible.
Thanx to @{b}Heiner Schneegold@{ub} for the fast test.
And to Mark de Jong, Yiannis, Petra Struck & Martin Lindhorst
for the first reports about this trojan.
__ @{b}Jan Andersen@{ub} E-Mail..: vht-dk@post4.tele.dk
__ /// ------------ FidoNet.: 2:237/38.100
\\\/// Virus Help Denmark AmyNet..: 39:140/127.100
\XX/ @{b}www.vht-dk.dk@{ub} VirNet..: 9:451/247.0