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* Interface to MP3 LAME encoding engine
* Copyright (c) 1999 Mark Taylor
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* maximum size of mp3buffer needed if you encode at most 1152 samples for
each call to lame_encode_buffer. see lame_encode_buffer() below
(LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER is now obsolete) */
#define LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER 16384
typedef enum sound_file_format_e {
sf_unknown, sf_wave, sf_aiff, sf_mp3, sf_raw, sf_ogg
} sound_file_format;
typedef enum vbr_mode_e {
vbr_default=vbr_rh /* change this to change the default VBR mode of LAME */
} vbr_mode;
struct id3tag_spec
/* private data members */
int flags;
const char *title;
const char *artist;
const char *album;
int year;
const char *comment;
int track;
int genre;
* Control Parameters set by User
* substantiated by calling program
* Initilized and default values set by lame_init(&gf)
typedef struct {
/* input file description */
unsigned long num_samples; /* number of samples. default=2^32-1 */
int num_channels; /* input number of channels. default=2 */
int in_samplerate; /* input_samp_rate. default=44.1kHz */
int out_samplerate; /* output_samp_rate. (usually determined automatically) */
/* general control params */
int gtkflag; /* run frame analyzer? */
int bWriteVbrTag; /* add Xing VBR tag? */
int disable_waveheader; /* disable writing of .wav header, when *decoding* */
int decode_only; /* use lame/mpglib to convert mp3 to wav */
int ogg; /* encode to Vorbis .ogg file */
int quality; /* quality setting 0=best, 9=worst */
int silent; /* disable some status output */
int brhist_disp; /* enable VBR bitrate histogram display */
int mode; /* 0,1,2,3 stereo,jstereo,dual channel,mono */
int mode_fixed; /* use specified the mode, do not use lame's opinion of the best mode */
int force_ms; /* force M/S mode. requires mode=1 */
int brate; /* bitrate */
float compression_ratio; /* user specified compression ratio, instead of brate */
int free_format; /* use free format? */
/* frame params */
int copyright; /* mark as copyright. default=0 */
int original; /* mark as original. default=1 */
int error_protection; /* use 2 bytes per frame for a CRC checksum. default=0*/
int padding_type; /* 0=no padding, 1=always pad, 2=adjust padding */
int extension; /* the MP3 'private extension' bit. meaningless */
int strict_ISO; /* enforce ISO spec as much as possible */
/* quantization/noise shaping */
int disable_reservoir; /* use bit reservoir? */
int experimentalX;
int experimentalY;
int experimentalZ;
int exp_nspsytune;
/* VBR control */
vbr_mode VBR;
int VBR_q;
int VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps;
int VBR_min_bitrate_kbps;
int VBR_max_bitrate_kbps;
int VBR_hard_min; /* strictly enforce VBR_min_bitrate*/
/* normaly, it will be violated for analog silence */
/* resampling and filtering */
int lowpassfreq; /* freq in Hz. 0=lame choses. -1=no filter */
int highpassfreq; /* freq in Hz. 0=lame choses. -1=no filter */
int lowpasswidth; /* freq width of filter, in Hz (default=15%)*/
int highpasswidth; /* freq width of filter, in Hz (default=15%)*/
/* I/O - not used if calling program does the i/o */
sound_file_format input_format;
FILE * musicin; /* file pointer to input file */
int swapbytes; /* force byte swapping default=0*/
#define MAX_NAME_SIZE 1000
char inPath[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
/* Note: outPath must be set if you want Xing VBR or ID3 version 1 tags written */
char outPath[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
/* optional ID3 tags */
int id3v1_enabled;
struct id3tag_spec tag_spec;
/* psycho acoustics and other aguments which you should not change
* unless you know what you are doing */
int ATHonly; /* only use ATH */
int ATHshort; /* only use ATH for short blocks */
int noATH; /* disable ATH */
int ATHlower; /* lower ATH by this many db */
float cwlimit; /* predictability limit */
int allow_diff_short; /* allow blocktypes to differ between channels ? */
int no_short_blocks; /* disable short blocks */
int emphasis; /* obsolete */
/* internal variables, do not set... */
int version; /* 0=MPEG2 1=MPEG1 */
long int frameNum; /* frame counter */
long totalframes; /* frames: 0..totalframes-1 (estimate)*/
int encoder_delay;
int framesize;
/* VBR tags */
int nZeroStreamSize;
int TotalFrameSize;
int* pVbrFrames;
int nVbrNumFrames;
int nVbrFrameBufferSize;
/* more internal variables, which will not exist after lame_encode_finish() */
void *internal_flags;
} lame_global_flags;
/* REQUIRED: initialize the encoder. sets default for all encoder paramters,
* returns -1 if some malloc()'s failed
* otherwise returns 0
int lame_init(lame_global_flags *);
* command line argument parsing & option setting. Only supported
* if libmp3lame compiled with LAMEPARSE defined
/* OPTIONAL: call this to print an error with a brief command line usage guide and quit
* only supported if libmp3lame compiled with LAMEPARSE defined.
void lame_usage(lame_global_flags *, char *);
/* OPTIONAL: call this to print a command line interface usage guide and quit */
void lame_help(lame_global_flags *, char *);
/* OPTIONAL: get the version number, in a string. of the form: "3.63 (beta)" or
just "3.63". Max allows length is 20 characters */
void lame_version(lame_global_flags *, char *);
/* OPTIONAL: set internal options via command line argument parsing
* You can skip this call if you like the default values, or if
* set the encoder parameters your self
void lame_parse_args(lame_global_flags *, int argc, char **argv);
/* REQUIRED: sets more internal configuration based on data provided
* above. returns -1 if something failed.
int lame_init_params(lame_global_flags *);
/* OPTONAL: print internal lame configuration on stderr*/
void lame_print_config(lame_global_flags *);
/* OPTONAL: add ID3 version 2 tag to output file */
void lame_id3v2_tag(lame_global_flags *,FILE *);
/* input pcm data, output (maybe) mp3 frames.
* This routine handles all buffering, resampling and filtering for you.
* leftpcm[] array of 16bit pcm data, left channel
* rightpcm[] array of 16bit pcm data, right channel
* num_samples number of samples in leftpcm[] and rightpcm[] (if stereo)
* mp3buffer pointer to buffer where mp3 output is written
* mp3buffer_size size of mp3buffer, in bytes
* return code number of bytes output in mp3buffer. can be 0
* -1: mp3buffer was too small
* -2: malloc() problem
* -3: lame_init_params() not called
* -4: psycho acoustic problems
* -5: ogg cleanup encoding error
* -6: ogg frame encoding error
* The required mp3buffer_size can be computed from num_samples,
* samplerate and encoding rate, but here is a worst case estimate:
* mp3buffer_size in bytes = 1.25*num_samples + 7200
* I think a tighter bound could be: (mt, March 2000)
* MPEG1:
* num_samples*(bitrate/8)/samplerate + 4*1152*(bitrate/8)/samplerate + 512
* MPEG2:
* num_samples*(bitrate/8)/samplerate + 4*576*(bitrate/8)/samplerate + 256
* but test first if you use that!
* set mp3buffer_size = 0 and LAME will not check if mp3buffer_size is
* large enough.
* NOTE: if gfp->num_channels=2, but gfp->mode = 3 (mono), the L & R channels
* will be averaged into the L channel before encoding only the L channel
* This will overwrite the data in leftpcm[] and rightpcm[].
int lame_encode_buffer(lame_global_flags *,short int leftpcm[], short int rightpcm[],int num_samples,
char *mp3buffer,int mp3buffer_size);
/* as above, but input has L & R channel data interleaved. Note:
* num_samples = number of samples in the L (or R)
* channel, not the total number of samples in pcm[]
int lame_encode_buffer_interleaved(lame_global_flags *,short int pcm[],
int num_samples, char *mp3buffer,int mp3buffer_size);
/* input 1 pcm frame, output (maybe) 1 mp3 frame.
* return code = number of bytes output in mp3buffer. can be 0
* NOTE: this interface is outdated, please use lame_encode_buffer() instead
* declair mp3buffer with: char mp3buffer[LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER]
* if return code = -1: mp3buffer was too small
int lame_encode(lame_global_flags *,short int Buffer[2][1152],char *mp3buffer,int mp3buffer_size);
/* REQUIRED: lame_encode_finish will flush the buffers and may return a
* final few mp3 frames. mp3buffer should be at least 7200 bytes.
* return code = number of bytes output to mp3buffer. can be 0
int lame_encode_finish(lame_global_flags *,char *mp3buffer, int size);
/* OPTIONAL: lame_mp3_tags will append ID3 version 1 and Xing VBR tags to
the mp3 file with name given by gf->outPath. These calls open the file,
write tags, and close the file, so make sure the the encoding is finished
before calling these routines.
Note: if VBR and ID3 version 1 tags are turned off by the user, or turned off
by LAME because the output is not a regular file, this call does nothing
void lame_mp3_tags(lame_global_flags *);
* lame file i/o. Only supported
* if libmp3lame compiled with LAMESNDFILE or LIBSNDFILE
/* OPTIONAL: open the input file, and parse headers if possible
* you can skip this call if you will do your own PCM input
void lame_init_infile(lame_global_flags *);
/* OPTIONAL: read one frame of PCM data from audio input file opened by
* lame_init_infile. Input file can be wav, aiff, raw pcm, anything
* supported by libsndfile, or an mp3 file
int lame_readframe(lame_global_flags *,short int Buffer[2][1152]);
/* OPTIONAL: close the sound input file if lame_init_infile() was used */
void lame_close_infile(lame_global_flags *);
* a simple interface to mpglib, part of mpg123, is also included if
* libmp3lame is compiled with HAVEMPGLIB
* input 1 mp3 frame, output (maybe) pcm data.
* lame_decode return code: -1: error. 0: need more data. n>0: size of pcm output
typedef struct {
int stereo; /* number of channels */
int samplerate; /* sample rate */
int bitrate; /* bitrate */
unsigned long nsamp; /* number of samples in mp3 file, estimated */
} mp3data_struct;
int lame_decode_init(void);
int lame_decode(char *mp3buf,int len,short pcm_l[],short pcm_r[]);
/* same as lame_decode, but returns at most one frame */
int lame_decode1(char *mp3buf,int len,short pcm_l[],short pcm_r[]);
/* read mp3 file until mpglib returns one frame of PCM data */
int lame_decode_initfile(const char *fullname,mp3data_struct *mp3data);
int lame_decode_fromfile(FILE *fd,short int pcm_l[], short int pcm_r[],mp3data_struct *mp3data);
int lame_decode_initfile(FILE *fd,mp3data_struct *mp3data);
int lame_decode_fromfile(FILE *fd,short int pcm_l[],short int pcm_r[],mp3data_struct *mp3data);
/* and for Vorbis: */
int lame_decode_ogg_initfile(FILE *fd,mp3data_struct *mp3data);
int lame_decode_ogg_fromfile(FILE *fd,short int pcm_l[],short int pcm_r[],mp3data_struct *mp3data);
/* the simple lame decoder (interface to above routines) */
/* After calling lame_init(), lame_init_params() and
* lame_init_infile(), call this routine to read the input MP3 file
* and output .wav data to the specified file pointer*/
/* lame_decoder will ignore the first 528 samples, since these samples
* represent the mpglib delay (and are all 0). skip = number of additional
* samples to skip, to (for example) compensate for the encoder delay,
* only used when decoding mp3 */
int lame_decoder(lame_global_flags *gfp,FILE *outf,int skip);
#if defined(__cplusplus)