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1,525 lines
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "gtkanal.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include "reservoir.h"
#include "quantize-pvt.h"
/* some problems found with -O2 and above, gcc 2.95 */
#if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__))
#define NSTHRE 4 /* tuned by hearing tests */
const int slen1_tab[16] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 };
const int slen2_tab[16] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 };
The following table is used to implement the scalefactor
partitioning for MPEG2 as described in section of the IS. The indexing corresponds to the
way the tables are presented in the IS:
[table_number][row_in_table][column of nr_of_sfb]
unsigned int nr_of_sfb_block[6][3][4] =
{6, 5, 5, 5},
{9, 9, 9, 9},
{6, 9, 9, 9}
{6, 5, 7, 3},
{9, 9, 12, 6},
{6, 9, 12, 6}
{11, 10, 0, 0},
{18, 18, 0, 0},
{7, 7, 7, 0},
{12, 12, 12, 0},
{6, 15, 12, 0}
{6, 6, 6, 3},
{12, 9, 9, 6},
{6, 12, 9, 6}
{8, 8, 5, 0},
/* Table B.6: layer3 preemphasis */
int pretab[SBMAX_l] =
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0
Here are MPEG1 Table B.8 and MPEG2 Table B.1
-- Layer III scalefactor bands.
Index into this using a method such as:
idx = fr_ps->header->sampling_frequency
+ (fr_ps->header->version * 3)
const scalefac_struct sfBandIndex[9] =
{ /* Table B.2.b: 22.05 kHz */
{ /* Table B.2.c: 24 kHz */ /* docs: 332. mpg123(broken): 330 */
{0,6,12,18,24,30,36,44,54,66,80,96,114,136,162,194,232,278, 332, 394,464,540,576},
{ /* Table B.2.a: 16 kHz */
{ /* Table B.8.b: 44.1 kHz */
{ /* Table B.8.c: 48 kHz */
{ /* Table B.8.a: 32 kHz */
{ /* MPEG-2.5 11.025 kHz */
{ /* MPEG-2.5 12 kHz */
{ /* MPEG-2.5 8 kHz */
FLOAT8 pow20[Q_MAX];
FLOAT8 ipow20[Q_MAX];
/* initialized in first call to iteration_init */
/* initialization for iteration_loop */
iteration_init( lame_global_flags *gfp,III_side_info_t *l3_side, int l3_enc[2][2][576])
lame_internal_flags *gfc=gfp->internal_flags;
gr_info *cod_info;
int ch, gr, i;
if ( gfc->iteration_init_init==0 ) {
l3_side->main_data_begin = 0;
pow43[i] = pow((FLOAT8)i, 4.0/3.0);
for (i = 0; i < PRECALC_SIZE-1; i++)
adj43[i] = (i + 1) - pow(0.5 * (pow43[i] + pow43[i + 1]), 0.75);
adj43[i] = 0.5;
adj43asm[0] = 0.0;
for (i = 1; i < PRECALC_SIZE; i++)
adj43asm[i] = i - 0.5 - pow(0.5 * (pow43[i - 1] + pow43[i]),0.75);
for (i = 0; i < Q_MAX; i++) {
ipow20[i] = pow(2.0, (double)(i - 210) * -0.1875);
pow20[i] = pow(2.0, (double)(i - 210) * 0.25);
/* some intializations. */
for ( gr = 0; gr < gfc->mode_gr; gr++ ){
for ( ch = 0; ch < gfc->stereo; ch++ ){
cod_info = (gr_info *) &(l3_side->gr[gr].ch[ch]);
if (cod_info->block_type == SHORT_TYPE)
cod_info->sfb_lmax = 0; /* No sb*/
cod_info->sfb_smax = 0;
/* MPEG 1 doesnt use last scalefactor band */
cod_info->sfb_lmax = SBPSY_l;
cod_info->sfb_smax = SBPSY_s; /* No sb */
compute the ATH for each scalefactor band
cd range: 0..96db
Input: 3.3kHz signal 32767 amplitude (3.3kHz is where ATH is smallest = -5db)
longblocks: sfb=12 en0/bw=-11db max_en0 = 1.3db
shortblocks: sfb=5 -9db 0db
Input: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (repeated)
longblocks: amp=1 sfb=12 en0/bw=-103 db max_en0 = -92db
amp=32767 sfb=12 -12 db -1.4db
Input: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (repeated)
shortblocks: amp=1 sfb=5 en0/bw= -99 -86
amp=32767 sfb=5 -9 db 4db
MAX energy of largest wave at 3.3kHz = 1db
AVE energy of largest wave at 3.3kHz = -11db
Let's take AVE: -11db = maximum signal in sfb=12.
Dynamic range of CD: 96db. Therefor energy of smallest audible wave
in sfb=12 = -11 - 96 = -107db = ATH at 3.3kHz.
ATH formula for this wave: -5db. To adjust to LAME scaling, we need
ATH = ATH_formula - 103 (db)
ATH = ATH * 2.5e-10 (ener)
FLOAT8 ATHmdct(lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 f)
lame_internal_flags *gfc=gfp->internal_flags;
FLOAT8 ath;
ath = ATHformula(f);
/* convert to energy */
ath -= 114; /* MDCT scaling. From tests by macik and MUS420 code */
ath -= gfp->ATHlower;
/* purpose of RH_QUALITY_CONTROL:
* at higher quality lower ATH masking abilities => needs more bits
* at lower quality increase ATH masking abilities => needs less bits
* works together with adjusted masking lowering of GPSYCHO thresholds
* (Robert.Hegemann@gmx.de 2000-01-30)
if (gfp->VBR!=vbr_off)
ath -= gfc->ATH_vbrlower;
ath = Min(gfp->VBR_q-62,ath);
ath = pow( 10.0, ath/10.0 );
return ath;
void compute_ath(lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 ATH_l[],FLOAT8 ATH_s[])
lame_internal_flags *gfc=gfp->internal_flags;
int sfb,i,start,end;
FLOAT8 samp_freq = gfp->out_samplerate/1000.0;
for ( sfb = 0; sfb < SBMAX_l; sfb++ ) {
start = gfc->scalefac_band.l[ sfb ];
end = gfc->scalefac_band.l[ sfb+1 ];
for (i=start ; i < end; i++) {
FLOAT8 freq = samp_freq*i/(2*576);
assert( freq < 25 );
ATH_f = ATHmdct(gfp,freq); /* freq in kHz */
DEBUGF("sfb=%2i freq(khz): %5.2f ..%5.2f ATH=%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f \n",sfb,samp_freq*start/(2*576),
10*log10( ATHmdct(gfp,samp_freq*start/(2*576))) ,
for ( sfb = 0; sfb < SBMAX_s; sfb++ ){
start = gfc->scalefac_band.s[ sfb ];
end = gfc->scalefac_band.s[ sfb+1 ];
for (i=start ; i < end; i++) {
FLOAT8 freq = samp_freq*i/(2*192);
assert( freq < 25 );
ATH_f = ATHmdct(gfp,freq); /* freq in kHz */
/* in no ATH mode leave ATH for the last scalefactor band in
* because VBR mode needs it
if (gfp->noATH) {
for ( sfb = 0; sfb < SBMAX_l-1; sfb++ ) {
for ( sfb = 0; sfb < SBMAX_s-1; sfb++ ) {
/* convert from L/R <-> Mid/Side */
void ms_convert(FLOAT8 xr[2][576],FLOAT8 xr_org[2][576])
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < 576; i++ ) {
FLOAT8 l = xr_org[0][i];
FLOAT8 r = xr_org[1][i];
xr[0][i] = (l+r)*(SQRT2*0.5);
xr[1][i] = (l-r)*(SQRT2*0.5);
* allocate bits among 2 channels based on PE
* mt 6/99
int on_pe(lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 pe[2][2],III_side_info_t *l3_side,
int targ_bits[2],int mean_bits, int gr)
lame_internal_flags *gfc=gfp->internal_flags;
gr_info *cod_info;
int extra_bits,tbits,bits;
int add_bits[2];
int ch;
int max_bits; /* maximum allowed bits for this granule */
/* allocate targ_bits for granule */
ResvMaxBits(gfp, mean_bits, &tbits, &extra_bits);
for (ch=0 ; ch < gfc->stereo ; ch ++) {
* allocate bits for each channel
cod_info = &l3_side->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt;
/* short blocks us a little extra, no matter what the pe */
if (cod_info->block_type==SHORT_TYPE) {
if (add_bits[ch]<mean_bits/4) add_bits[ch]=mean_bits/4;
/* at most increase bits by 1.5*average */
if (add_bits[ch] > .75*mean_bits) add_bits[ch]=mean_bits*.75;
if (add_bits[ch] < 0) add_bits[ch]=0;
if ((targ_bits[ch]+add_bits[ch]) > 4095)
bits += add_bits[ch];
if (bits > extra_bits)
for (ch=0 ; ch < gfc->stereo ; ch ++) {
add_bits[ch] = (extra_bits*add_bits[ch])/bits;
for (ch=0 ; ch < gfc->stereo ; ch ++) {
targ_bits[ch] = targ_bits[ch] + add_bits[ch];
extra_bits -= add_bits[ch];
return max_bits;
void reduce_side(int targ_bits[2],FLOAT8 ms_ener_ratio,int mean_bits,int max_bits)
int move_bits;
FLOAT fac;
/* ms_ener_ratio = 0: allocate 66/33 mid/side fac=.33
* ms_ener_ratio =.5: allocate 50/50 mid/side fac= 0 */
/* 75/25 split is fac=.5 */
/* float fac = .50*(.5-ms_ener_ratio[gr])/.5;*/
fac = .33*(.5-ms_ener_ratio)/.5;
if (fac<0) fac=0;
if (fac>.5) fac=.5;
/* number of bits to move from side channel to mid channel */
/* move_bits = fac*targ_bits[1]; */
move_bits = fac*.5*(targ_bits[0]+targ_bits[1]);
if ((move_bits + targ_bits[0]) > 4095) {
move_bits = 4095 - targ_bits[0];
if (move_bits<0) move_bits=0;
if (targ_bits[1] >= 125) {
/* dont reduce side channel below 125 bits */
if (targ_bits[1]-move_bits > 125) {
/* if mid channel already has 2x more than average, dont bother */
/* mean_bits = bits per granule (for both channels) */
if (targ_bits[0] < mean_bits)
targ_bits[0] += move_bits;
targ_bits[1] -= move_bits;
} else {
targ_bits[0] += targ_bits[1] - 125;
targ_bits[1] = 125;
if (move_bits > max_bits) {
* inner_loop *
* The code selects the best global gain for a particular set of scalefacs */
inner_loop( lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 xrpow[576],
int l3_enc[576], int max_bits,
gr_info *cod_info)
int bits;
assert( max_bits >= 0 );
bits = count_bits(gfp,l3_enc, xrpow, cod_info);
while ( bits > max_bits );
return bits;
/* calc_xmin */
Calculate the allowed distortion for each scalefactor band,
as determined by the psychoacoustic model.
xmin(sb) = ratio(sb) * en(sb) / bw(sb)
returns number of sfb's with energy > ATH
int calc_xmin( lame_global_flags *gfp,FLOAT8 xr[576], III_psy_ratio *ratio,
gr_info *cod_info, III_psy_xmin *l3_xmin)
lame_internal_flags *gfc=gfp->internal_flags;
int j,start, end, bw,l, b, ath_over=0;
u_int sfb;
FLOAT8 en0, xmin, ener;
if (cod_info->block_type==SHORT_TYPE) {
for ( j=0, sfb = 0; sfb < SBMAX_s; sfb++ ) {
start = gfc->scalefac_band.s[ sfb ];
end = gfc->scalefac_band.s[ sfb + 1 ];
bw = end - start;
for ( b = 0; b < 3; b++ ) {
for (en0 = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++) {
ener = xr[j++];
ener = ener * ener;
en0 += ener;
en0 /= bw;
if (gfp->ATHonly || gfp->ATHshort) {
} else {
xmin = ratio->en.s[sfb][b];
if (xmin > 0.0)
xmin = en0 * ratio->thm.s[sfb][b] * gfc->masking_lower / xmin;
l3_xmin->s[sfb][b] = Max(gfc->ATH_s[sfb], xmin);
if (en0 > gfc->ATH_s[sfb]) ath_over++;
for ( sfb = 0; sfb < SBMAX_l; sfb++ ){
start = gfc->scalefac_band.l[ sfb ];
end = gfc->scalefac_band.l[ sfb+1 ];
bw = end - start;
for (en0 = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++ ) {
ener = xr[l] * xr[l];
en0 += ener;
en0 /= bw;
if (gfp->ATHonly) {
} else {
xmin = ratio->en.l[sfb];
if (xmin > 0.0)
xmin = en0 * ratio->thm.l[sfb] * gfc->masking_lower / xmin;
l3_xmin->l[sfb]=Max(gfc->ATH_l[sfb], xmin);
if (en0 > gfc->ATH_l[sfb]) ath_over++;
return ath_over;
/* calc_noise */
/* mt 5/99: Function: Improved calc_noise for a single channel */
int calc_noise( lame_global_flags *gfp,
FLOAT8 xr[576], int ix[576], gr_info *cod_info,
FLOAT8 xfsf[4][SBMAX_l], FLOAT8 distort[4][SBMAX_l],
III_psy_xmin *l3_xmin, III_scalefac_t *scalefac,
calc_noise_result *res)
int start, end, j,l, i, over=0;
u_int sfb;
FLOAT8 sum, osum, bw;
lame_internal_flags *gfc=gfp->internal_flags;
int count=0;
FLOAT8 noise;
FLOAT8 over_noise = 1; /* 0 dB relative to masking */
FLOAT8 tot_noise = 1; /* 0 dB relative to masking */
FLOAT8 max_noise = 1E-20; /* -200 dB relative to masking */
if (cod_info->block_type == SHORT_TYPE) {
int max_index = SBPSY_s;
if (gfp->VBR==vbr_rh || gfp->VBR==vbr_mt)
max_index = SBMAX_s;
for ( j=0, sfb = 0; sfb < max_index; sfb++ ) {
start = gfc->scalefac_band.s[ sfb ];
end = gfc->scalefac_band.s[ sfb+1 ];
bw = end - start;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
FLOAT8 step;
int s;
s = (scalefac->s[sfb][i] << (cod_info->scalefac_scale + 1))
+ cod_info->subblock_gain[i] * 8;
s = cod_info->global_gain - s;
step = POW20(s);
if (gfp->exp_nspsytune) {
for ( osum = sum = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++ ) {
FLOAT8 temp;
temp = fabs(xr[j]) - pow43[ix[j]] * step;
temp = temp*temp;
osum = Max(osum,bw*temp);
sum += temp;
if (osum > sum*NSTHRE) sum = osum;
} else {
for ( sum = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++ ) {
FLOAT8 temp;
temp = fabs(xr[j]) - pow43[ix[j]] * step;
sum += temp * temp;
xfsf[i+1][sfb] = sum / bw;
noise = xfsf[i+1][sfb] / l3_xmin->s[sfb][i];
/* multiplying here is adding in dB */
tot_noise *= Max(noise, 1E-20);
if (noise > 1) {
/* multiplying here is adding in dB */
over_noise *= noise;
distort[i+1][sfb] = noise;
int max_index = SBPSY_l;
if (gfp->VBR==vbr_rh || gfp->VBR==vbr_mt)
max_index = SBMAX_l;
for ( sfb = 0; sfb < max_index; sfb++ ) {
FLOAT8 step;
int s = scalefac->l[sfb];
if (cod_info->preflag)
s += pretab[sfb];
s = cod_info->global_gain - (s << (cod_info->scalefac_scale + 1));
step = POW20(s);
start = gfc->scalefac_band.l[ sfb ];
end = gfc->scalefac_band.l[ sfb+1 ];
bw = end - start;
if (gfp->exp_nspsytune) {
for ( osum = sum = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++ )
FLOAT8 temp;
temp = fabs(xr[l]) - pow43[ix[l]] * step;
temp = temp*temp;
osum = Max(osum,bw*temp);
sum += temp;
if (osum > sum*NSTHRE) sum = osum;
} else {
for ( sum = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++ )
FLOAT8 temp;
temp = fabs(xr[l]) - pow43[ix[l]] * step;
sum += temp * temp;
xfsf[0][sfb] = sum / bw;
noise = xfsf[0][sfb] / l3_xmin->l[sfb];
/* multiplying here is adding in dB */
tot_noise *= Max(noise, 1E-20);
if (noise>1) {
/* multiplying here is adding in dB */
over_noise *= noise;
distort[0][sfb] = noise;
/* normalization at this point by "count" is not necessary, since
* the values are only used to compare with previous values */
res->tot_count = count;
res->over_count = over;
/* convert to db. DO NOT CHANGE THESE */
/* tot_noise = is really the average over each sfb of:
[noise(db) - allowed_noise(db)]
and over_noise is the same average, only over only the
bands with noise > allowed_noise.
res->tot_noise = 10*log10(Max(.00001,tot_noise));
res->over_noise = 10*log10(Max(1.0,over_noise));
res->max_noise = 10*log10(Max(.00001,max_noise));
/* no need for dB. DO NOT CHANGE THESE */
res->tot_noise = tot_noise;
res->over_noise = over_noise;
res->max_noise = max_noise;
return over;
/* loop_break */
/* Function: Returns zero if there is a scalefac which has not been
amplified. Otherwise it returns one.
int loop_break( III_scalefac_t *scalefac, gr_info *cod_info)
int i;
u_int sfb;
for ( sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info->sfb_lmax; sfb++ )
if ( scalefac->l[sfb] == 0 )
return 0;
for ( sfb = cod_info->sfb_smax; sfb < SBPSY_s; sfb++ )
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if ( scalefac->s[sfb][i]+cod_info->subblock_gain[i] == 0 )
return 0;
return 1;
if someone wants to try to find a faster step search function,
here is some code which gives a lower bound for the step size:
for (max_xrspow = 0, i = 0; i < 576; ++i)
max_xrspow = Max(max_xrspow, xrspow[i]);
lowerbound = 210+log10(max_xrspow/IXMAX_VAL)/(0.1875*LOG2);
typedef enum {
} binsearchDirection_t;
bin_search_StepSize2 (lame_global_flags *gfp,int desired_rate, int start, int *ix,
FLOAT8 xrspow[576], gr_info *cod_info)
int nBits;
int flag_GoneOver = 0;
int StepSize = start;
int CurrentStep;
lame_internal_flags *gfc=gfp->internal_flags;
binsearchDirection_t Direction = BINSEARCH_NONE;
CurrentStep = gfc->CurrentStep;
cod_info->global_gain = StepSize;
nBits = count_bits(gfp,ix, xrspow, cod_info);
if (CurrentStep == 1 )
break; /* nothing to adjust anymore */
if (flag_GoneOver)
CurrentStep /= 2;
if (nBits > desired_rate) /* increase Quantize_StepSize */
if (Direction == BINSEARCH_DOWN && !flag_GoneOver)
flag_GoneOver = 1;
CurrentStep /= 2; /* late adjust */
Direction = BINSEARCH_UP;
StepSize += CurrentStep;
if (StepSize > 255) break;
else if (nBits < desired_rate)
if (Direction == BINSEARCH_UP && !flag_GoneOver)
flag_GoneOver = 1;
CurrentStep /= 2; /* late adjust */
StepSize -= CurrentStep;
if (StepSize < 0) break;
else break; /* nBits == desired_rate;; most unlikely to happen.*/
} while (1); /* For-ever, break is adjusted. */
CurrentStep = abs(start - StepSize);
if (CurrentStep >= 4) {
CurrentStep = 4;
} else {
CurrentStep = 2;
gfc->CurrentStep = CurrentStep;
return nBits;
/* updates plotting data */
set_pinfo (lame_global_flags *gfp,
gr_info *cod_info,
III_psy_ratio *ratio,
III_scalefac_t *scalefac,
FLOAT8 xr[576],
FLOAT8 xfsf[4][SBMAX_l],
FLOAT8 noise[4],
int gr,
int ch
lame_internal_flags *gfc=gfp->internal_flags;
int sfb;
int j,i,l,start,end,bw;
FLOAT8 en0,en1;
FLOAT ifqstep = ( cod_info->scalefac_scale == 0 ) ? .5 : 1.0;
if (cod_info->block_type == SHORT_TYPE) {
for (j=0, sfb = 0; sfb < SBMAX_s; sfb++ ) {
start = gfc->scalefac_band.s[ sfb ];
end = gfc->scalefac_band.s[ sfb + 1 ];
bw = end - start;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
for ( en0 = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++ ) {
en0 += xr[j] * xr[j];
#if 0
double tot1,tot2;
if (sfb<SBMAX_s-1) {
if (sfb==0) {
tot1 += en0;
tot2 += ratio->en.s[sfb][i];
DEBUGF("%i %i sfb=%i mdct=%f fft=%f fft-mdct=%f db \n",gr,ch,sfb,
if (sfb==SBMAX_s-2) {
DEBUGF("%i %i toti %f %f ratio=%f db \n",gr,ch,
masking: multiplied by en0/fft_energy
average seems to be about -135db.
/* convert to MDCT units */
en1=1e15; /* scaling so it shows up on FFT plot */
gfc->pinfo->xfsf_s[gr][ch][3*sfb+i] = en1*xfsf[i+1][sfb];
gfc->pinfo->en_s[gr][ch][3*sfb+i] = en1*en0;
if (ratio->en.s[sfb][i]>0)
en0 = en0/ratio->en.s[sfb][i];
if (gfp->ATHonly || gfp->ATHshort)
gfc->pinfo->thr_s[gr][ch][3*sfb+i] =
/* there is no scalefactor bands >= SBPSY_s */
if (sfb < SBPSY_s) {
} else {
gfc->pinfo->LAMEsfb_s[gr][ch][3*sfb+i] -= 2*cod_info->subblock_gain[i];
for ( sfb = 0; sfb < SBMAX_l; sfb++ ) {
start = gfc->scalefac_band.l[ sfb ];
end = gfc->scalefac_band.l[ sfb+1 ];
bw = end - start;
for ( en0 = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++ )
en0 += xr[l] * xr[l];
DEBUGF("diff = %f \n",10*log10(Max(ratio[gr][ch].en.l[sfb],1e-20))
#if 0
double tot1,tot2;
if (sfb==0) {
tot1 += en0;
tot2 += ratio->en.l[sfb];
DEBUGF("%i %i sfb=%i mdct=%f fft=%f fft-mdct=%f db \n",gr,ch,sfb,
if (sfb==SBMAX_l-1) {
DEBUGF("%i %i toti %f %f ratio=%f db \n",gr,ch,
masking: multiplied by en0/fft_energy
average seems to be about -147db.
/* convert to MDCT units */
en1=1e15; /* scaling so it shows up on FFT plot */
gfc->pinfo->xfsf[gr][ch][sfb] = en1*xfsf[0][sfb];
gfc->pinfo->en[gr][ch][sfb] = en1*en0;
if (ratio->en.l[sfb]>0)
en0 = en0/ratio->en.l[sfb];
if (gfp->ATHonly)
gfc->pinfo->thr[gr][ch][sfb] = en1*Max(en0*ratio->thm.l[sfb],gfc->ATH_l[sfb]);
/* there is no scalefactor bands >= SBPSY_l */
if (sfb<SBPSY_l) {
if (scalefac->l[sfb]<0) /* scfsi! */
if (cod_info->preflag && sfb>=11)
gfc->pinfo->LAMEqss [gr][ch] = cod_info->global_gain;
gfc->pinfo->LAMEmainbits[gr][ch] = cod_info->part2_3_length;
gfc->pinfo->LAMEsfbits [gr][ch] = cod_info->part2_length;
gfc->pinfo->over [gr][ch] = noise[0];
gfc->pinfo->max_noise [gr][ch] = noise[1];
gfc->pinfo->over_noise[gr][ch] = noise[2];
gfc->pinfo->tot_noise [gr][ch] = noise[3];
gfc->pinfo->max_noise [gr][ch] = 10*log10(Max(1E-20,noise[1]));
gfc->pinfo->over_noise[gr][ch] = 10*log10(Max(1.0, noise[2]));
gfc->pinfo->tot_noise [gr][ch] = 10*log10(Max(1E-20,noise[3]));
* nonlinear quantization of xr
* More accurate formula than the ISO formula. Takes into account
* the fact that we are quantizing xr -> ix, but we want ix^4/3 to be
* as close as possible to x^4/3. (taking the nearest int would mean
* ix is as close as possible to xr, which is different.)
* From Segher Boessenkool <segher@eastsite.nl> 11/1999
* ASM optimization from
* Mathew Hendry <scampi@dial.pipex.com> 11/1999
* Acy Stapp <AStapp@austin.rr.com> 11/1999
* Takehiro Tominaga <tominaga@isoternet.org> 11/1999
#define MAGIC_FLOAT (65536*(128))
#define MAGIC_INT 0x4b000000
void quantize_xrpow(FLOAT8 xp[576], int pi[576], gr_info *cod_info)
/* quantize on xr^(3/4) instead of xr */
const FLOAT8 istep = IPOW20(cod_info->global_gain);
int j;
for (j = 576 / 4; j > 0; --j) {
double x0 = istep * xp[0] + MAGIC_FLOAT;
double x1 = istep * xp[1] + MAGIC_FLOAT;
double x2 = istep * xp[2] + MAGIC_FLOAT;
double x3 = istep * xp[3] + MAGIC_FLOAT;
((float*)pi)[0] = x0;
((float*)pi)[1] = x1;
((float*)pi)[2] = x2;
((float*)pi)[3] = x3;
((float *)pi)[0] = (x0 + adj43asm[pi[0] - MAGIC_INT]);
((float *)pi)[1] = (x1 + adj43asm[pi[1] - MAGIC_INT]);
((float *)pi)[2] = (x2 + adj43asm[pi[2] - MAGIC_INT]);
((float *)pi)[3] = (x3 + adj43asm[pi[3] - MAGIC_INT]);
pi[0] -= MAGIC_INT;
pi[1] -= MAGIC_INT;
pi[2] -= MAGIC_INT;
pi[3] -= MAGIC_INT;
pi += 4;
xp += 4;
# define ROUNDFAC -0.0946
void quantize_xrpow_ISO(FLOAT8 xp[576], int pi[576], gr_info *cod_info)
/* quantize on xr^(3/4) instead of xr */
const FLOAT8 istep = IPOW20(cod_info->global_gain);
register int j;
for (j=576/4;j>0;j--) {
((float *)pi)[0] = (istep * xp[0]) + (ROUNDFAC + MAGIC_FLOAT);
((float *)pi)[1] = (istep * xp[1]) + (ROUNDFAC + MAGIC_FLOAT);
((float *)pi)[2] = (istep * xp[2]) + (ROUNDFAC + MAGIC_FLOAT);
((float *)pi)[3] = (istep * xp[3]) + (ROUNDFAC + MAGIC_FLOAT);
pi[0] -= MAGIC_INT;
pi[1] -= MAGIC_INT;
pi[2] -= MAGIC_INT;
pi[3] -= MAGIC_INT;
#if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__))
#define USE_GNUC_ASM
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define USE_MSC_ASM
* XRPOW_FTOI is a macro to convert floats to ints.
* if XRPOW_FTOI(x) = nearest_int(x), then QUANTFAC(x)=adj43asm[x]
* ROUNDFAC= -0.0946
* if XRPOW_FTOI(x) = floor(x), then QUANTFAC(x)=asj43[x]
* ROUNDFAC=0.4054
# define QUANTFAC(rx) adj43asm[rx]
# define ROUNDFAC -0.0946
# define XRPOW_FTOI(src, dest) \
asm ("fistpl %0 " : "=m"(dest) : "t"(src) : "st")
#elif defined (USE_MSC_ASM)
# define QUANTFAC(rx) adj43asm[rx]
# define ROUNDFAC -0.0946
# define XRPOW_FTOI(src, dest) do { \
FLOAT8 src_ = (src); \
int dest_; \
{ \
__asm fld src_ \
__asm fistp dest_ \
} \
(dest) = dest_; \
} while (0)
# define QUANTFAC(rx) adj43[rx]
# define ROUNDFAC 0.4054
# define XRPOW_FTOI(src,dest) ((dest) = (int)(src))
#ifdef USE_MSC_ASM
/* define F8type and F8size according to type of FLOAT8 */
# if defined FLOAT8_is_double
# define F8type qword
# define F8size 8
# elif defined FLOAT8_is_float
# define F8type dword
# define F8size 4
# else
/* only float and double supported */
# error invalid FLOAT8 type for USE_MSC_ASM
# endif
/* define F8type and F8size according to type of FLOAT8 */
# if defined FLOAT8_is_double
# define F8type "l"
# define F8size "8"
# elif defined FLOAT8_is_float
# define F8type "s"
# define F8size "4"
# else
/* only float and double supported */
# error invalid FLOAT8 type for USE_GNUC_ASM
# endif
void quantize_xrpow(FLOAT8 xr[576], int ix[576], gr_info *cod_info) {
/* quantize on xr^(3/4) instead of xr */
const FLOAT8 istep = IPOW20(cod_info->global_gain);
#if defined (USE_GNUC_ASM)
int rx[4];
__asm__ __volatile__(
"fld" F8type " 0*" F8size "(%1)\n\t"
"fld" F8type " 1*" F8size "(%1)\n\t"
"fld" F8type " 2*" F8size "(%1)\n\t"
"fld" F8type " 3*" F8size "(%1)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
"fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
"fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
"fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
"fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
"addl $4*" F8size ", %1\n\t"
"addl $16, %3\n\t"
"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
"fistl %5\n\t"
"fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
"fistl 4+%5\n\t"
"fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
"fistl 8+%5\n\t"
"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
"fistl 12+%5\n\t"
"dec %4\n\t"
"movl %5, %%eax\n\t"
"movl 4+%5, %%ebx\n\t"
"fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
"fadd" F8type " (%2,%%eax," F8size ")\n\t"
"fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
"fadd" F8type " (%2,%%ebx," F8size ")\n\t"
"movl 8+%5, %%eax\n\t"
"movl 12+%5, %%ebx\n\t"
"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
"fadd" F8type " (%2,%%eax," F8size ")\n\t"
"fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
"fadd" F8type " (%2,%%ebx," F8size ")\n\t"
"fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
"fistpl -16(%3)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
"fistpl -12(%3)\n\t"
"fistpl -8(%3)\n\t"
"fistpl -4(%3)\n\t"
"jnz loop1\n\n"
: /* no outputs */
: "t" (istep), "r" (xr), "r" (adj43asm), "r" (ix), "r" (576 / 4), "m" (rx)
: "%eax", "%ebx", "memory", "cc"
#elif defined (USE_MSC_ASM)
/* asm from Acy Stapp <AStapp@austin.rr.com> */
int rx[4];
_asm {
fld F8type ptr [istep]
mov esi, dword ptr [xr]
lea edi, dword ptr [adj43asm]
mov edx, dword ptr [ix]
mov ecx, 576/4
} loop1: _asm {
fld F8type ptr [esi+(0*F8size)] // 0
fld F8type ptr [esi+(1*F8size)] // 1 0
fld F8type ptr [esi+(2*F8size)] // 2 1 0
fld F8type ptr [esi+(3*F8size)] // 3 2 1 0
fxch st(3) // 0 2 1 3
fmul st(0), st(4)
fxch st(2) // 1 2 0 3
fmul st(0), st(4)
fxch st(1) // 2 1 0 3
fmul st(0), st(4)
fxch st(3) // 3 1 0 2
fmul st(0), st(4)
add esi, 4*F8size
add edx, 16
fxch st(2) // 0 1 3 2
fist dword ptr [rx]
fxch st(1) // 1 0 3 2
fist dword ptr [rx+4]
fxch st(3) // 2 0 3 1
fist dword ptr [rx+8]
fxch st(2) // 3 0 2 1
fist dword ptr [rx+12]
dec ecx
mov eax, dword ptr [rx]
mov ebx, dword ptr [rx+4]
fxch st(1) // 0 3 2 1
fadd F8type ptr [edi+eax*F8size]
fxch st(3) // 1 3 2 0
fadd F8type ptr [edi+ebx*F8size]
mov eax, dword ptr [rx+8]
mov ebx, dword ptr [rx+12]
fxch st(2) // 2 3 1 0
fadd F8type ptr [edi+eax*F8size]
fxch st(1) // 3 2 1 0
fadd F8type ptr [edi+ebx*F8size]
fxch st(3) // 0 2 1 3
fistp dword ptr [edx-16] // 2 1 3
fxch st(1) // 1 2 3
fistp dword ptr [edx-12] // 2 3
fistp dword ptr [edx-8] // 3
fistp dword ptr [edx-4]
jnz loop1
mov dword ptr [xr], esi
mov dword ptr [ix], edx
fstp st(0)
#if 0
{ /* generic code if you write ASM for XRPOW_FTOI() */
int j, rx;
for (j = 576 / 4; j > 0; --j) {
x = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *ix++);
x = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *ix++);
x = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *ix++);
x = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x, rx);
XRPOW_FTOI(x + QUANTFAC(rx), *ix++);
{/* from Wilfried.Behne@t-online.de. Reported to be 2x faster than
the above code (when not using ASM) on PowerPC */
int j;
for ( j = 576/8; j > 0; --j)
FLOAT8 x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8;
int rx1, rx2, rx3, rx4, rx5, rx6, rx7, rx8;
x1 = *xr++ * istep;
x2 = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x1, rx1);
x3 = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x2, rx2);
x4 = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x3, rx3);
x5 = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x4, rx4);
x6 = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x5, rx5);
x7 = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x6, rx6);
x8 = *xr++ * istep;
XRPOW_FTOI(x7, rx7);
x1 += QUANTFAC(rx1);
XRPOW_FTOI(x8, rx8);
x2 += QUANTFAC(rx2);
x3 += QUANTFAC(rx3);
x4 += QUANTFAC(rx4);
x5 += QUANTFAC(rx5);
x6 += QUANTFAC(rx6);
x7 += QUANTFAC(rx7);
x8 += QUANTFAC(rx8);
void quantize_xrpow_ISO( FLOAT8 xr[576], int ix[576], gr_info *cod_info )
/* quantize on xr^(3/4) instead of xr */
const FLOAT8 istep = IPOW20(cod_info->global_gain);
#if defined(USE_GNUC_ASM)
__asm__ __volatile__ (
"fld" F8type " 0*" F8size "(%3)\n\t"
"fld" F8type " 1*" F8size "(%3)\n\t"
"fld" F8type " 2*" F8size "(%3)\n\t"
"fld" F8type " 3*" F8size "(%3)\n\t"
"addl $4*" F8size ", %3\n\t"
"addl $16, %4\n\t"
"fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
"fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
"fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
"fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
"fmul %%st(4)\n\t"
"dec %0\n\t"
"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
"fadd %%st(5)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
"fadd %%st(5)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(3)\n\t"
"fadd %%st(5)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
"fadd %%st(5)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(1)\n\t"
"fistpl -16(%4)\n\t"
"fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
"fistpl -12(%4)\n\t"
"fistpl -8(%4)\n\t"
"fistpl -4(%4)\n\t"
"jnz loop0\n\n"
: /* no outputs */
: "r" (576 / 4), "u" ((FLOAT8)(0.4054 - 0.5)), "t" (istep), "r" (xr), "r" (ix)
: "memory", "cc"
#elif defined(USE_MSC_ASM)
/* asm from Acy Stapp <AStapp@austin.rr.com> */
const FLOAT8 temp0 = 0.4054 - 0.5;
_asm {
mov ecx, 576/4;
fld F8type ptr [temp0];
fld F8type ptr [istep];
mov eax, dword ptr [xr];
mov edx, dword ptr [ix];
} loop0: _asm {
fld F8type ptr [eax+0*F8size]; // 0
fld F8type ptr [eax+1*F8size]; // 1 0
fld F8type ptr [eax+2*F8size]; // 2 1 0
fld F8type ptr [eax+3*F8size]; // 3 2 1 0
add eax, 4*F8size;
add edx, 16;
fxch st(3); // 0 2 1 3
fmul st(0), st(4);
fxch st(2); // 1 2 0 3
fmul st(0), st(4);
fxch st(1); // 2 1 0 3
fmul st(0), st(4);
fxch st(3); // 3 1 0 2
fmul st(0), st(4);
dec ecx;
fxch st(2); // 0 1 3 2
fadd st(0), st(5);
fxch st(1); // 1 0 3 2
fadd st(0), st(5);
fxch st(3); // 2 0 3 1
fadd st(0), st(5);
fxch st(2); // 3 0 2 1
fadd st(0), st(5);
fxch st(1); // 0 3 2 1
fistp dword ptr [edx-16]; // 3 2 1
fxch st(2); // 1 2 3
fistp dword ptr [edx-12];
fistp dword ptr [edx-8];
fistp dword ptr [edx-4];
jnz loop0;
mov dword ptr [xr], eax;
mov dword ptr [ix], edx;
fstp st(0);
fstp st(0);
#if 0
/* generic ASM */
register int j;
for (j=576/4;j>0;j--) {
XRPOW_FTOI(istep * (*xr++) + ROUNDFAC, *ix++);
XRPOW_FTOI(istep * (*xr++) + ROUNDFAC, *ix++);
XRPOW_FTOI(istep * (*xr++) + ROUNDFAC, *ix++);
XRPOW_FTOI(istep * (*xr++) + ROUNDFAC, *ix++);
register int j;
const FLOAT8 compareval0 = (1.0 - 0.4054)/istep;
/* depending on architecture, it may be worth calculating a few more compareval's.
eg. compareval1 = (2.0 - 0.4054/istep);
.. and then after the first compare do this ...
if compareval1>*xr then ix = 1;
On a pentium166, it's only worth doing the one compare (as done here), as the second
compare becomes more expensive than just calculating the value. Architectures with
slow FP operations may want to add some more comparevals. try it and send your diffs
statistically speaking
73% of all xr*istep values give ix=0
16% will give 1
4% will give 2
for (j=576;j>0;j--)
if (compareval0 > *xr) {
*(ix++) = 0;
} else
/* *(ix++) = (int)( istep*(*(xr++)) + 0.4054); */
XRPOW_FTOI( istep*(*(xr++)) + ROUNDFAC , *(ix++) );