jsr _LVOOpenLibrary(a6) ; Open preferences.library
move.l d0,prefsbase ; store/check pointer to prefsbase
beq .noprefslib ; if NULL, branch to end of program
; First we need to allocate a PrefsHandle by name
move.l d0,a6 ; pointer to prefsbase
lea prefname(pc),a0 ; Get name to refer to this PrefsHandle -> a1
jsr _LVOAllocPrefsHandle(a6); try to allocate preferences handle
move.l d0,prefhandle ; store/check pointer to PrefsHandle
beq .noph ; if NULL, wasn't allocated so quit
move.l dosbase(pc),a6 ; dos.library base -> a6
move.l #str_allocok,d1 ; pointer to string -> d1
jsr _LVOPutStr(a6) ; print string to CLI (just to say we allocated PrefsHandle OK)
; Try to load the preferences from a file
move.l prefsbase(pc),a6 ; prefsbase
move.l prefhandle(pc),a0 ; handle of our preferences allocated previously
lea preffile(pc),a1 ; address of the string for the filename
jsr _LVOReadPrefsHandle(a6) ; call routine
; We need an ID and a Tag value to refer to a specific preference item
; Remember that the ID must be made from 4 ASCII characters and the Tag
; value must not be 0
move.l #'MAIN',d6 ; Set the ID (stored in d6) to 4 char ascii string "MAIN"
moveq.l #1,d7 ; Set the Tag to 1 (imaginative, huh? ;)
; Use FindPreferences to check if the item has been loaded
move.l d6,d0 ; get ID
move.l d7,d1 ; get Tag
move.l prefhandle(pc),a0 ; get pointer to PrefsHandle
move.l prefsbase(pc),a6 ; get pointer to prefsbase
jsr _LVOFindPreferences(a6) ; try to get pointer to the preference Tag
tst.l d0 ; check pointer to Tag
beq .nofind ; if NULL, skip past all this stuff, because it didn't exist
move.l dosbase(pc),a6 ; print a message to say that
move.l #str_findok,d1 ; the preferences were found OK
jsr _LVOPutStr(a6)
; To show that the data was actually stored, we use GetPreferences
; to retrieve the data from storage
move.l prefhandle(pc),a0 ; pointer to PrefsHandle
move.l d6,d0 ; ID
move.l d7,d1 ; Tag
lea temp(pc),a1 ; pointer to storage memory
move.l #128,d2 ; size of memory to store in (only 128 bytes since we want to use half for the pref string and half for the sprintf strings we will have)
move.l prefsbase(pc),a6 ; pointer to prefsbase
jsr _LVOGetPreferences(a6) ; GetPreferences
move.l dosbase(pc),a6 ; print message saying "This is contents"
move.l #str_contents,d1
jsr _LVOPutStr(a6)
move.l #temp,d1 ; print the contents of what was retrieved
jsr _LVOPutStr(a6)
move.l #str_newline,d1 ; and print a newline
jsr _LVOPutStr(a6)
; Now we set a new value for the data
move.l dosbase(pc),a6 ; print a prompt for the user
move.l #str_prompt,d1
jsr _LVOPutStr(a6)
move.l #128,d0 ; call gets like function to get a string from the user
lea temp(pc),a0
jsr gets
lea temp,a0 ; calculate length of string entered by user
jsr strlen
tst.l d0
beq .nostring ; if length == 0 then user just wants to quit, skip next section
; Set the new string entered by the user as the preference data
move.l prefsbase(pc),a6 ; preferences.library base
addq.l #1,d0 ; increase size of data to store by 1 so that NULL terminator of string gets stored
move.l d0,d2 ; put size into correct register
move.l d6,d0 ; preference ID
move.l d7,d1 ; preference Tag
move.l prefhandle(pc),a0 ; handle to our preferences
lea temp(pc),a1 ; buffer to store
jsr _LVOSetPreferences(a6) ; call function
; Finally write the new set of preferences. To test this program
; run it again and it should show you the string you entered
move.l prefhandle(pc),a0 ; handle to our preferences
lea preffile(pc),a1 ; pointer to name of file to save as
jsr _LVOWritePrefsHandle(a6); save preferences
; Free prefs handle
move.l prefsbase(pc),a6 ; preferences.library base
move.l prefhandle(pc),a0 ; handle to our preferences
jsr _LVOFreePrefsHandle(a6) ; free it
move.l 4.w,a6 ; execbase pointer -> a6
move.l prefsbase(pc),a1 ; prefsbase pointer -> a1
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) ; close preferences.library
move.l dosbase(pc),a1 ; pointer to dos.library base -> a1
jsr _LVOCloseLibrary(a6) ; close dos.library
movem.l (a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
moveq.l #0,d0
; Length of string
; a0 = STRPTR
moveq.l #0,d0 ; clear count of length of string
.loop: tst.b (a0)+ ; check char in string for NULL and move onto next
beq .endloop ; if NULL, skip to end of loop
addq.l #1,d0 ; otherwise increase length of string
bra .loop ; repeat loop
; C-like sprintf (from autodocs)
; parameters on stack from right to left
; (except the data items, they are on from left to right)
; output, format [, data]
movem.l a2/a3/a6,-(a7)
move.l 16(a7),a3
move.l 20(a7),a0
lea 24(a7),a1
lea stuffChar(pc),a2
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVORawDoFmt(a6)
movem.l (a7)+,a2/a3/a6
move.b d0,(a3)+
; gets() like function which uses dos.library FGets but strips the newline (if present)
; from the current input stream rather than a file
; a0 = buffer
; d0 = buffer size
movem.l d3/a2,-(a7)
move.l d0,d3
move.l a0,a2
move.l dosbase(pc),a6
jsr _LVOOutput(a6)
move.l d0,d1
jsr _LVOFlush(a6)
jsr _LVOInput(a6)
move.l d0,d1
jsr _LVOFlush(a6)
jsr _LVOInput(a6)
move.l d0,d1
move.l a2,d2
jsr _LVOFGets(a6)
tst.l d0
beq .error
.loop: move.b (a2)+,d0
beq .error
cmp.b #10,d0
bne .loop
move.b #0,-(a2)
movem.l (a7)+,d3/a2
; Storage space for variables/strings etc
;execbase: dc.l 0 ; exec.library base
dosbase: dc.l 0 ; dos.library base
prefsbase: dc.l 0 ; Pointer to preferences.library base
prefhandle: dc.l 0 ; Pointer to our PrefsHandle
temp: ds.b 256 ; Temporary area for storing preferences
doslibname: dc.b "dos.library",0
prefslibname: dc.b "preferences.library",0
prefname: dc.b "Example",0 ; Name to refer to our PrefHandle with
preffile: dc.b "example.prefs",0 ; Name of preferences file. Does NOT need to be the same as the name of the PrefsHandle
str_allocok: dc.b "PrefsHandle allocated OK",10,0
str_findok: dc.b "Preference data found",10,0
str_contents: dc.b "Contents of preference data:",10,0
str_prompt: dc.b "Enter string or leave blank to quit and press return:",10,0