(message "This Script will UnInstall OneTouchMac.\n\nAll installed files will be removed.\n\nIf you have not removed OneTouchMAc from your startup-sequence by using OneTouchMac_Prefs, it will be done. Otherwise you must remove OneTouchMac command from your Startup-sequence manually")
(delete "C:OneTouchMac")
(set Prefs_Target
( askfile
(prompt "Where did you copy the prefs program ?")
(help "it will remove OneTouchMac_Prefs from the directory you chose")
(default "Sys:Prefs/OneTouchMac_Prefs")
(delete Prefs_Target
(set Guide_Target
( askfile
(prompt "where did you copy the Guide file ?")
(help "the Guide file will be removed froms it's location")