(message "OneTouchMac command will be copied to your C drawer.\n\n Please don't move it from this location as the program will not work and your startup sequence won't be executed normaly")
(help " ")
(source "c/OneTouchMac")
(dest "C:")
(set Prefs_Target
( askdir
(prompt "Where do you want to copy the prefs program ?")
(help "it will copy OneTouchMac_Prefs into the directory you'll choose")
(default "Sys:Prefs")
(prompt "Copy Prefs program to " Prefs_Target)
(Source "prefs/OneTouchMac_Prefs")
(help "OneTouchMac Prefs alows easy configuration of OneTouchMac parameters. But you can skip it's copy as it's not necessary to make OneTouchMac running")
(dest Prefs_Target)
(confirm 1)
(set Guide_Target
( askdir
(prompt "where do you want to copy the Guide file ?")
(help "the Guide file explain how works OneTouchMac")
(default "Help:")
(prompt "copy OneTouchMac.guide file to %s" Guide_Target)
(source "OneTouchMac.guide")
(dest Guide_Target)
(set @default-dest (cat "C: ," Prefs_Target " and " Guide_Target))