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521 lines
; Installer script for ACDPlay V1.6
; by Martin Kresse
; and Marc Altmann
; $VER: Install_ACDPlay 1.6 (22.07.98)
(set #welcome
(cat "Welcome to the installation of\nACDPlay V1.6\n"
"a CDDA player for SCSI/ATAPI CD-ROM drives.\n"
"We have worked pretty hard to accomplish this "
"release of ACDPlay, so please fulfill one of the "
"conditions of using ACDPlay and send us an email.")
(set #installmode-prompt
(cat "Do you want to do a completely new installation or do "
"you want to update to an earlier version of ACDPlay?")
(set #installmode-help
(cat "By doing a completely new installation configurations "
"and preferences of a supposed earlier installation "
"will be overwritten.\n"
"By updating to an earlier version of ACDPlay the configuration "
"file will be converted to the new ACDPlay 1.5 config file format. "
"Tooltypes will be kept as well.")
(set #acdpdir_install-prompt
(cat "In which directory do you want to install ACDPlay?\n"
"(a drawer named \"ACDPlay\" will be created)")
(set #acdpdir_install-help
(cat "You may now choose a directory in which an own drawer "
"drawer named \"ACDPlay\" will be created. ACDPlay will be "
"copied to the resulting path with all files belonging to it.\n\n"
(set #acdpdir_update-prompt
(cat "Please select the directory where the ACDPlay executable "
"is installed.\n"
"ACDPlay will then be updated.")
(set #acdpdir_update-help
(cat "Because ACDPlay doesn't set up any assigns during its installation "
"you have to specify the drawer that contains the ACDPlay executable.\n"
"Normally the drawer's name is \"ACDPlay\", too.\n\n"
(set #components-prompt
(cat "Which of ACDPlay's components do you want to install?")
(set #components-help
(cat "You may now select the individual components of the ACDPlay "
"package you want to install. All items should be selected for "
"a normal installation.\n\n"
"Main program:\nACDPlay executable, of course this is absolutely "
"Documentation:\nSome of ACDPlay's functions (e.g. A-B repeat) "
"are not absolutely self-explaining. That's why there is an AmigaGuide "
"documentation in English.\n\n"
"Catalogs:\nACDPlay itself is multilingual. Just install your preferred "
"language catalog.\n\n"
"ARexx examples:\nNot useful for everybody, but for those who are using "
"ARexx we included some tiny example scripts for ACDPlay's huge ARexx port.\n\n"
"Title file examples:\nPretty useless, just as an example.\n\n"
"PickCDID:\nTool to cope with those large CDID-Collections. Pick out "
"only CDID files for CDs you really own.\n\n"
(set #components-main "Main program")
(set #components-docs "Documentation")
(set #components-cats "Catalogs")
(set #components-rexx "ARexx examples")
(set #components-cdid "Title file examples")
(set #components-pick "PickCDID V1.0")
(set #abort "No component chosen: installation aborted")
(set #magicwb-prompt "What icon set do you want to install?")
(set #magicwb-help
(cat "If you have Martin Huttenloher's MagicWB package installed "
"on your machine, you should use ACDPlay's MagicWB icons too. "
"If it's the first time you hear the term MagicWB, it's a good "
"idea to install the standard icons to ensure a 'clear sight'.")
(set #catalogs-prompt
(cat "For what language do you want to install the language catalogs?")
(set #catalogs-help
(cat "You may now choose the language in which ACDPlay "
"should appear. If your own language isn't supported, please contact one "
"of the programmers\n\n"
"Attention: In order to use the different languages ACDPlay needs "
"locale.library installed which is part of the operating system since "
"Workbench 2.1. Under older versions of the OS ACDPlay will always"
"appear in English.\n\n"
(set #catalogs-default 4)
(set #drivemode-prompt "With what kind of CD-ROM drive do you want to use ACDPlay?")
(set #drivemode-help
(cat "You can use ACDPlay with both SCSI and ATAPI CD-ROM drives. "
"However, when using an ATAPI drive 'cd.device' is needed.\n\n"
(set #getdev-prompt "Examining your SCSI device...")
(set #devicename-prompt "Enter the name of your SCSI device:")
(set #devicename-help
(cat "In order to send commands to your CD-ROM drive ACDPlay must know "
"the name of your SCSI device driver. Because this can be different "
"on each system because of many different configurations it's hard "
"to determine the right one with 100% safity. "
"Please make sure with the help of your SCSI host adapters' manual "
"whether this 'guessed' name is the right one.\n\n"
(set #getunit-prompt "Looking for CD-ROM drive...")
(set #deviceunit-prompt
(cat "Enter the unit of your CD-ROM drive:")
(set #deviceunit-help
(cat "Since a SCSI adapter is able to control up to 7 devices, "
"each one must be indentified by a number (0-7). "
"If ACDPlay doesn't work with the proposed number, you may "
"just try every number until it does.\n\n"
(set #convert1-prompt
(cat "ACDPlay config file on ENVARC: found.\n"
"The config file will now be checked for its version. Maybe it will "
"be converted to the new format.")
(set #convert2-prompt
(cat "ACDPlay config file on ENV: found.\n"
"The config file will now be checked for its version. Maybe it will "
"be converted to the new format.")
(set #convert-help
(cat "Configuration files saved by ACDPlay 1.0 or 1.1 cannot be read by "
"ACDPlay 1.6. In case you want to keep your old window positions etc. "
"they have to be converted.\n"
"The install script will now execute 'c/convert' to check and maybe "
"convert your config file.")
(set #delcfg1-prompt
(cat "Found old configuration file.\nDeleting "
"old config file from ENVARC:...")
(set #delcfg2-prompt
(cat "Found old configuration file.\nDeleting "
"old config file from ENV:...")
(set #delcfg-help
(cat "An old ACDPlay configuration file was found. Because ACDPlay 1.6 "
"cannot cope with the file format of ACDPlay 1.0 and 1.1, not"
"deleting it would produce an error message.\n"
"To convert old config files into new ones, "
"start this script again or run 'c/convert <filename>'.")
(welcome #welcome)
(complete 0)
;---------------------------------------------------------- ask user options
(set installmode
(prompt #installmode-prompt)
(help #installmode-help)
(choices "Install" "Update")
(default 0)
(if (= installmode 0)
(set rootdestdir
(prompt #acdpdir_install-prompt)
(help #acdpdir_install-help)
(default "Sys:Utilities")
(set destdir
(tackon rootdestdir "ACDPlay")
(set destdir
(prompt #acdpdir_update-prompt)
(help #acdpdir_update-help)
(default "Sys:Utilities/ACDPlay")
(set @default-dest destdir)
(set components
(prompt #components-prompt)
(help #components-help)
(choices #components-main
(default 63)
(if (= components 0)
(exit #abort (quiet))
(complete 10)
(if (IN components 2)
(set catalogs
(prompt #catalogs-prompt)
(help #catalogs-help)
(choices "Ãeótina"
(default #catalogs-default)
(set clanguage (select catalogs "ãeótina" "català" "dansk" "deutsch" "english" "français" "íslenska" "italiano" "nederlands" "norsk" "polski" "svenska"))
(complete 20)
(if (= installmode 0)
(set magicwb
(prompt #magicwb-prompt)
(help #magicwb-help)
(choices "Standard (4 colours)"
"MagicWB (8 colours)")
(default 0)
; Fragen, ob SCSI oder ATAPI. Bei ATAPI wird jetzt noch nichts weiter
; getan.
; 0 == SCSI
(set drivemode
(prompt #drivemode-prompt)
(help #drivemode-help)
(choices "SCSI"
(default 0)
; Nur, wenn SCSI gewählt wurde
(if (= drivemode 0)
(run "c/FindDevice >ENV:scsi_device" (prompt #getdev-prompt))
(set devicename
(prompt #devicename-prompt)
(help #devicename-help)
(default (getenv "scsi_device"))
(run ("c/FindCDROM >ENV:scsi_unit %s" devicename) (prompt #getunit-prompt))
(set deviceunit
(prompt #deviceunit-prompt)
(help #deviceunit-help)
(range 0 7)
(default (getenv "scsi_unit"))
(complete 30)
;----------------------------------------- now we can start the installation
; ggf. Verzeichnis anlegen und mit Icon versehen
(if (= installmode 0)
(makedir destdir)
; MagicWB- oder normales Icon installieren
(if (= magicwb 1)
(source "ACDPlay.info")
(dest rootdestdir)
(source "icons/ACDPlay-Dir.info")
(dest rootdestdir)
(newname "ACDPlay.info")
(complete 40)
; copy and configure main program
(if (IN components 0)
(source "ACDPlay/ACDPlay")
(dest destdir)
; Iconbehandlung
(if (= installmode 0)
; Icon kopieren
(source (if #magicwb "ACDPlay/ACDPlay.info" "Icons/ACDPlay.info"))
(dest destdir)
; Device- und Unit-Tooltypes setzen, falls SCSI-Modus
; gewählt wurde
(if (= drivemode 0)
(dest (tackon destdir "ACDPlay"))
(settooltype "(DEVICE") ; altes TT löschen
(settooltype "DEVICE" devicename)
(settooltype "(UNIT") ; altes TT löschen
(settooltype "UNIT" ("%ld" deviceunit ))
; Tooltypes auf den 1.6er Stand bringen
(dest (tackon destdir "ACDPlay"))
(settooltype "SEARCHSECONDS")
(settooltype "UPDATEDELAY" "5")
(settooltype "QUITONCLOSE" "YES")
(settooltype "PANELWIDTH" "28")
(settooltype "PANELHEIGHT" "23")
(settooltype "AUTOSTART" "NO")
(settooltype "AUTOACTIVE" "YES")
(settooltype "HIDEMODE" "APPICON")
(settooltype "PLAYMODE" "CD")
; Konfigurationsfile konvertieren bzw. löschen
(if installmode
(if (exists "ENVARC:ACDPlay.cfg")
(run "c/convert ENVARC:ACDPlay.cfg"
(confirm 2)
(prompt #convert1-prompt)
(help #convert-help)
(if (exists "ENV:ACDPlay.cfg")
(run "c/convert ENV:ACDPlay.cfg"
(confirm 2)
(prompt #convert2-prompt)
(help #convert-help)
; Konfigdatei löschen
(if (exists "ENVARC:ACDPlay.cfg")
(delete "ENVARC:ACDPlay.cfg"
(confirm 2)
(prompt #delcfg1-prompt)
(help #delcfg-help)
(if (exists "ENV:ACDPlay.cfg")
(delete "ENV:ACDPlay.cfg"
(confirm 2)
(prompt #delcfg2-prompt)
(help #delcfg-help)
; copy documentation
(if (IN components 1)
(source "ACDPlay.guide")
(dest destdir)
(source "Changes")
(dest destdir)
(if (= magicwb 0) ; 4 colour icons?
(source "Icons/ACDPlay.guide.info")
(dest destdir)
(complete 60)
; copy catalogs
(if (IN components 2)
(if (<> clanguage "english")
(makedir (tackon destdir "catalogs"))
(source (tackon "Catalogs" (tackon clanguage "ACDPlay.catalog")))
(dest (tackon destdir (tackon "catalogs" clanguage)))
(complete 70)
; copy arexx examples
(if (IN components 3)
(source "Arexx")
(dest (tackon destdir "ARexx"))
(complete 80)
; copy diskfiles
(if (IN components 4)
(source "Disks")
(dest (tackon destdir "Disks"))
(complete 90)
; copy PickCDID
(if (IN components 5)
(source "PickCDID")
(dest (tackon destdir "PickCDID"))
;------------------------------------------------------------------ clean up
; kill these global variables
(delete "ENV:scsi_device" (safe))
(delete "ENV:scsi_unit" (safe))
(complete 100)