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363 lines
; Installer script for ACDPlay V1.5
; by Martin Kresse
; and Marc Altmann
; $VER: Install_ACDPlay 1.5 (31.03.97)
(set #welcome
(cat "Welcome to the installation of\nACDPlay V1.1\n"
"a CDDA player for SCSI CD-ROM drives.")
(set #acdpdir-prompt
(cat "In which directory do you want to install ACDPlay?\n"
"(a drawer named \"ACDPlay\" will be created)")
(set #acdpdir-help
(cat "You may now choose a directory in which an own drawer "
"drawer named \"ACDPlay\" will be created. ACDPlay will be "
"copied to the resulting path with all files belonging to it.\n\n"
(set #backup-prompt
(cat "ACDPlay is already present.\nDo you wish a backup of "
"the old version to be made?")
(set #backup-help
(cat "You may now decide if the old version is to be moved "
"into a subdirectory, before the new one is installed.")
(set #backup-dir "old")
(set #components-prompt
(cat "Which of ACDPlay's components do you want to install?")
(set #components-help
(cat "You may now select the individual components of the ACDPlay "
"package you want to install. All items should be selected for "
"a normal installation.\n\n"
(set #components-main "main program")
(set #components-docs "documentation")
(set #components-cats "catalogs")
(set #components-rexx "ARexx examples")
(set #components-cdid "title files")
(set #abort "No component chosen: installation aborted")
(set #magicwb-prompt "Do you prefer MagicWB icons?")
(set #magicwb-help
(cat "If you have Martin Huttenloher's MagicWB package installed "
"on your machine, you should use ACDPlay's MagicWB icons too. "
"If it's the first time you hear the term MagicWB, it's a good "
"idea to install the standard icons to ensure a 'clear sight'.")
(set #catalogs-prompt
(cat "For what language do you want to install catalogs and documentation?")
(set #catalogs-help
(cat "You may now choose the language in which ACDPlay and the documentation "
"should appear. If your own language isn't supported, please contact one "
"of the programmers\n\n"
"Attention: In order to use the different languages ACDPlay needs "
"locale.library installed which is part of the operating system since "
"Workbench 2.1. Under older versions of the OS ACDPlay will always"
"appear in English.\n\n"
(set #catalogs-german "German")
(set #catalogs-english "English")
(set #catalogs-norwegian "Norwegian")
(set #catalogs-default 0)
(set #getdev-prompt "Examining your SCSI device...")
(set #devicename-prompt "Enter the name of your SCSI device:")
(set #devicename-help
(cat "In order to send commands to your CD-ROM drive ACDPlay must know "
"the name of your SCSI device driver. Because this can be different "
"on each system because of many different configurations it's hard "
"to determine the right one with 100% safity. "
"Please make sure with the help of your SCSI host adapters' manual "
"whether this 'guessed' name is the right one.\n\n"
(set #getunit-prompt "Looking for CD-ROM drive...")
(set #deviceunit-prompt
(cat "Enter the unit of your CD-ROM drive:")
(set #deviceunit-help
(cat "Since a SCSI adapter is able to control up to 7 devices, "
"each one must be indentified by a number (0-7). "
"If ACDPlay doesn't work with the proposed number, you may "
"just try every number until it does.\n\n"
(set #copycdlib-prompt "Copying 'cdplay.library' to LIBS:")
(set #copycdlib-help
(cat "Patrick Hess' 'cdplay.library' is badly needed by ACDPlay "
"In order to be found and used it must be situated "
"within the logical device LIBS:.\n\n"
(welcome #welcome)
(complete 0)
;---------------------------------------------------------- ask user options
(set installmode
(prompt #installmode-prompt)
(help #installmode-help)
(choices "Install" "Update")
(default 0)
(set rootdestdir
(prompt #acdpdir-prompt)
(help #acdpdir-help)
(default "Sys:Utilities")
(set destdir (tackon rootdestdir "ACDPlay"))
(if (= (exists destdir (noreq)) 2)
(set backup
(prompt #backup-prompt)
(help #backup-help)
(default 1)
(set @default-dest destdir)
(set components
(prompt #components-prompt)
(help #components-help)
(choices #components-main
(default 31)
(if (= components 0)
(exit #abort (quiet))
(complete 10)
(set magicwb
(prompt #magicwb-prompt)
(help #magicwb-help)
(default 0)
(set catalogs
(prompt #catalogs-prompt)
(help #catalogs-help)
(choices #catalogs-german
(default #catalogs-default)
(set language (select catalogs "deutsch" "english" "norsk"))
(complete 20)
(run "c/FindDevice >ENV:scsi_device" (prompt #getdev-prompt))
(set devicename
(prompt #devicename-prompt)
(help #devicename-help)
(default (getenv "scsi_device"))
(run ("c/FindCDROM >ENV:scsi_unit %s" devicename) (prompt #getunit-prompt))
(set deviceunit
(prompt #deviceunit-prompt)
(help #deviceunit-help)
(range 0 7)
(default (getenv "scsi_unit"))
(complete 30)
;----------------------------------------- now we can start the installation
(makedir destdir)
(if (= magicwb 1)
(source "ACDPlay.info")
(dest rootdestdir)
(source "icons/ACDPlay-Dir.info")
(dest rootdestdir)
(newname "ACDPlay.info")
; backup directory
(if (= backup 1)
(makedir (tackon destdir #backup-dir)
(source destdir)
(dest (tackon destdir #backup-dir))
(pattern ("~(%s|%s.info)" #backup-dir #backup-dir))
(complete 40)
; copy cdplay.library
(prompt #copycdlib-prompt)
(help #copycdlib-help)
(source "libs/cdplay.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional oknodelete askuser)
(complete 50)
; copy and configure main program
(if (IN components 0)
(source "ACDPlay/ACDPlay")
(dest destdir)
(if (= magicwb 0) ; 4 colour icons?
(source "Icons/ACDPlay.info")
(dest destdir)
(dest (tackon destdir "ACDPlay"))
(settooltype "(DEVICE")
(settooltype "DEVICE" devicename)
(settooltype "(UNIT")
(settooltype "UNIT" ("%ld" deviceunit ))
; copy documentation
(if (IN components 1)
(source (tackon "docs" (tackon language "ACDPlay.guide")))
(dest destdir)
(if (= magicwb 0) ; 4 colour icons?
(source "Icons/ACDPlay.guide.info")
(dest destdir)
(complete 60)
; copy catalogs
(if (IN components 2)
(if (<> language "english")
(makedir (tackon destdir "catalogs"))
(source (tackon "Catalogs" (tackon language "ACDPlay.catalog")))
(dest (tackon destdir (tackon "catalogs" language)))
(complete 70)
; copy arexx examples
(if (IN components 3)
(source "Arexx")
(dest (tackon destdir "ARexx"))
(complete 80)
; copy diskfiles
(if (IN components 4)
(source "Disks")
(dest (tackon destdir "Disks"))
;------------------------------------------------------------------ clean up
; kill these global variables
(delete "ENV:scsi_device" (safe))
(delete "ENV:scsi_unit" (safe))
(complete 100)