if CurrStack > 16384 then call pragma('S',CurrStack)
VerStr = sourceline(3)
VerStr = subword(VerStr,2,words(VerStr) - 4)
WinTitle = 'Amiga Active CD preferences'
PrgPort = GuiPort'.1'
CDPrefs = 'ENV:AACD.prefs'
IderPrefs = 'ENV:AACDfile.prefs'
DefCDPrefs = 'CDTools/S/AACD.prefs'
DefIderPrefs = 'CDTools/S/AACDfile.prefs'
CmdHelp = '"Command for this type of file"'
ArgHelp = '"Arguments for this command\nThe filename will be added to the end.\nUse %s to include the filename somewhere else."'
Filetype.0 = 'AACDfile'
Filetype.1 = 'Directory Opus'
Autorun.1 = 'Ask each time'
Autorun.3 = 'Always load Welcome'
Autorun.0 = 'Never Load Welcome'
MUIA_Menuitem_Shortcut = 0x80422030
MUIM_Application_AboutMUI = 0x8042d21d
MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow = 0x804299ba
MUIA_Group_SameHeight = 0x8042037e
MUIA_Group_SameWidth = 0x8042b3ec
MUIA_Group_Spacing = 0x8042866d
MUIA_Group_Columns = 0x8042f416
MUIA_Group_Rows = 0x8042b68f
MUIA_Selected = 0x8042654b
MUIA_Disabled = 0x80423661
MUIA_Application_Sleep = 0x80425711
MUIA_Application_Author = 0x80424842
MUIA_Application_Copyright = 0x8042ef4d
MUIA_Application_Description = 0x80421fc6
MUIA_Application_Title = 0x804281b8
MUIA_Application_Version = 0x8042b33f
MUIA_Weight = 0x80421d1f
ASLFR_DrawersOnly = 0x8008002F
TRUE = 1
call LoadLib('rexxsupport.library')
call LoadLib('rexxdossupport.library')
call LoadLib('rexxreqtools.library')
/* ;;; Check for MUI */
address command 'Assign >NIL: MUI: EXISTS'
if RC > 0 then do
address command 'RequestChoice >NIL: "Amiga Active CD" "This program require Magic User Interface*NRun the Welcome script for a temporary MUI setup,*Nor install it from the CDTools drawer of the CD" "OK"'
/* ;;; Create main window */
thisport = openport(PrgPort)
if thisport = 0 then exit
window id MAIN port PrgPort command 'QUIT' title '"'WinTitle'"'
/* ;;; Menus */
menu ID PROJM label 'Project'
item ID ABOUM port PrgPort command '"ABOUT"' ATTRS MUIA_Menuitem_Shortcut '"?"' label 'About'
item port GuiPort command '"method 'MUIM_Application_AboutMUI' 0"' label 'About MUI'
menu ID SETTM label 'Settings'
item port GuiPort command '"method 'MUIM_Application_OpenConfigWindow'"' label 'MUI...'
item ID QUITM port PrgPort command 'QUIT' ATTRS MUIA_Menuitem_Shortcut 'Q' label 'Quit'
menu ID EDITM label 'Edit'
item ID RESTM port PrgPort command '"RESTORE"' ATTRS MUIA_Menuitem_Shortcut 'D' label 'Restore to Defaults'
item ID LASTM port PrgPort command '"LOAD"' ATTRS MUIA_Menuitem_Shortcut 'L' label 'Last saved'
/* ;;; Info */
group id TABS REGISTER LABELS 'Info,System,Filetypes,Search'
view file 'CDTools/S/AACDprefs.txt'
/* ;;; System */
group ATTRS MUIA_Group_Columns 4
space HORIZ
label 'Filetypes'
cycle id FTYPE help '"Use Directory Opus filetypes\nor AACDfile settings."' labels Filetype.0','Filetype.1
space HORIZ
space HORIZ
label 'Autorun'
cycle id ARUN help '"Whether Autorun should load the Welcome page\nwhen you insert an Amiga Active CD."' labels Autorun.1','Autorun.3','Autorun.0
space HORIZ
space HORIZ
label 'CDView'
cycle id CDVW help '"Choose to view the CD contents with hi-res\nor lo-res graphics.Select Lo-Res\nif you use a 640x256 screenmode."' labels 'Hi-Res,Lo-Res'
space HORIZ
space HORIZ
label 'CPU'
cycle id CPU help '"Some functions have CPU optimised versions,\nset this to ensure you get the best options"' labels '68000,68020,68030,68040,68060'
space HORIZ
space HORIZ
label 'FPU'
cycle id FPU help '"WARNING:\nSelecting this when you do not have an FPU\nmay crash some programs"' labels 'No FPU,FPU'
space HORIZ
space HORIZ
label 'PPC'
cycle id PPC help '"Type of PPC processor, if fitted"' labels 'None,603,604'
space HORIZ
space HORIZ
label 'Graphics system'
cycle id GFX help '"Select the type of graphics\nyour Amiga uses"' labels 'AGA,OCS,CyberGraphX,Picasso96'
space HORIZ
space HORIZ
/* ;;; Filetypes */
group id FTABS REGISTER LABELS 'Images,Sounds,Other'
/* ;;; Images */
group ATTRS MUIA_Group_Columns 3
label DOUBLE LEFT '\033b\033uFiletype'
label DOUBLE LEFT '\033b\033uCommand'
label DOUBLE LEFT '\033b\033uArguments'
label DOUBLE LEFT 'IFF Picture'
popasl ID IFF0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view IFF pictures"'
string ID IFF1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'GIF Picture'
popasl ID GIF0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view GIF pictures"'
string ID GIF1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'JPEG Picture'
popasl ID JPG0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view JPEG pictures"'
string ID JPG1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'PNG Picture'
popasl ID PNG0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view PNG pictures"'
string ID PNG1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'IFF Anim'
popasl ID ANM0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view IFF animations"'
string ID ANM1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'MPEG Video'
popasl ID MPG0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view MPEG video"'
string ID MPG1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'Quicktime Video'
popasl ID MOV0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view Quicktime movies"'
string ID MOV1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'AVI Video'
popasl ID AVI0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view AVI video"'
string ID AVI1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'Adobe PDF'
popasl ID PDF0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view Adobe Acrobat PDF files"'
string ID PDF1 help ArgHelp
/* ;;; Sounds */
group ATTRS MUIA_Group_Columns 3
label DOUBLE LEFT '\033b\033uFiletype'
label DOUBLE LEFT '\033b\033uCommand'
label DOUBLE LEFT '\033b\033uArguments'
label DOUBLE LEFT 'IFF Sample'
popasl ID SVX0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to play IFF samples"'
string ID SVX1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'WAV Sample'
popasl ID WAV0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to play WAV samples"'
string ID WAV1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'S3M Module'
popasl ID S3M0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to play S3M modules"'
string ID S3M1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'XM Module'
popasl ID XMM0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to play XM modules"'
string ID XMM1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'MED Module'
popasl ID MED0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to play OctaMED modules"'
string ID MED1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'DBM Module'
popasl ID DBM0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to play DigiBooster modules"'
string ID DBM1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'Other Module'
popasl ID MOD0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to play other modules"'
string ID MOD1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'MPEG Audio'
popasl ID MP30 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to play MPEG audio"'
string ID MP31 help ArgHelp
popasl ID MID0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to play midi files"'
string ID MID1 help ArgHelp
/* ;;; Others */
group ATTRS MUIA_Group_Columns 3
label DOUBLE LEFT '\033b\033uFiletype'
label DOUBLE LEFT '\033b\033uCommand'
label DOUBLE LEFT '\033b\033uArguments'
label DOUBLE LEFT 'AmigaGuide'
popasl ID AGD0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view AmigaGuide documents"'
string ID AGD1 help ArgHelp
popasl ID HTM0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to view HTML documents"'
string ID HTM1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'LhA archive'
popasl ID LHA0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to list LhA archives"'
string ID LHA1 help ArgHelp
label DOUBLE LEFT 'Default'
popasl ID DEF0 port PrgPort command '"Check %s"' help '"Command to show all other file types"'
string ID DEF1 help ArgHelp
/* ;;; Search */
group ATTRS MUIA_Group_Columns 3 MUIA_Group_SameWidth FALSE
space HORIZ
label DOUBLE CENTER '\033b\033uPaths to index files'
space HORIZ
popasl ID AACD port PrgPort ATTRS ASLFR_DrawersOnly TRUE help '"Path to your AACD index files\nLeave blank to read from CD"'
button ID UPD1 port PrgPort command '"UpdateIndices(AACD)"' ATTRS MUIA_Weight 0 help '"Update the local copies of\nthe AACD index files"' label 'Update'
label DOUBLE LEFT 'Aminet CD'
popasl ID AMCD port PrgPort ATTRS ASLFR_DrawersOnly TRUE help '"Path to your Aminet CD index files\nLeave blank to read from CD"'
button ID UPD2 port PrgPort command '"UpdateIndices(AMCD)"' ATTRS MUIA_Weight 0 help '"Update the local copies of\nthe Aminet CD index files"' label 'Update'
label DOUBLE LEFT 'Aminet Set'
popasl ID AMSET port PrgPort ATTRS ASLFR_DrawersOnly TRUE help '"Path to your Aminet Set index files\nLeave blank to read from CD"'
button ID UPD3 port PrgPort command '"UpdateIndices AMSET"' ATTRS MUIA_Weight 0 help '"Update the local copies of\nthe Aminet Set index files"' label 'Update'
label DOUBLE LEFT 'Aminet Online'
popasl ID AMONL port PrgPort ATTRS ASLFR_DrawersOnly TRUE help '"Path to your Aminet Online index file\nLeave blank to read from CD"'
button ID UPD4 port PrgPort command '"UpdateIndices(AMONL)"' ATTRS MUIA_Weight 0 help '"Update the local copies of\nthe Aminet index files"' label 'Update'
label DOUBLE LEFT 'Index update'
cycle id AUTUP help '"Automatically update the local index\nfiles each time a new CD is used"' labels 'Manual,Automatic'
button ID UPDAL port PrgPort command '"UpdateIndices(ALL)"' ATTRS MUIA_Weight 0 help '"Update the local copies of all\nof the index files"' label 'Update All'
/* ;;; Buttons */
group HORIZ
button ID SAVE port PrgPort command '"UsePrefs(1)"' help '"Save the settings to\nyour hard drive"' label 'Save'
button ID USE port PrgPort command '"UsePrefs"' help '"Use the settings for this session"' label 'Use'
button ID CANCEL port PrgPort command '"Quit"' help '"Exit without changing the settings"' label 'Cancel'