Transcription: Look at the way you go! Look at the way you go! I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeling it, I'm feeling it I'm feeli ...
<no songtitle>
MED/OctaMED (4ch)
MED 2.10 MMD0
#Hypnogogic Dream V1.0-- by Deu #hina. * Member D.i.E. Inc. # A farewell to summer with on #sonic barrage... Summer suns #swiftly, and fanciful realitie #oo fast. To my brothers in D. #T'was an experience, my friend #h you on the Net this fall. # enjoy this MOD, please share #others!!! (Use it for file cr # something!) If you desire #act me-- Snailmail: L.M.Orcha #1 S. Washington / Barnes Hall # / Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858-420 #ce: (517)774-4133 -or- (313)79 # Internet: <UNKNOWN AT PRESEN # # #Call (I)ndustry BBS-- (313)/94 # 2400 bps, 949-0109 @ 14.4k bp #Lots of files, friendly sysops #lti-BBS network. UseNet/Inter