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- #include "graphics_support.h"
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <libraries/iffparse.h>
- #include <datatypes/pictureclass.h>
- #include <clib/iffparse_protos.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- /*
- ** INPUTS:
- ** bitmap = pointer to a bitmap (the bitmap contents will be altered)
- ** cm = pointer to ColorMap of the viewport
- ** palette = pointer to an array of RGB values the bitmap would like to use
- ** pens = pointer to an array of storage for (hopefully) allocated pens
- ** NB: all elements of pens array must be set to 0, prior to calling this function!
- ** num_pens = the size of the array (how many pens it can hold)
- **
- ** RESULT:
- ** None
- **
- ** NOTES:
- ** This call must be matched with a call to freeallocatedpens()
- */
- void remapbitmap (struct BitMap *bitmap, struct ColorMap *cm, ULONG *palette, struct pen *pens, UWORD num_pens)
- {
- ULONG R, G, B;
- UBYTE cmap_index[8]; // each pixel ends up with its cmap index val in cmap[pixel]
- WORD i;
- UWORD row, byteinrow;
- ULONG offset=0;
- for (row=0; row<bitmap->Rows; row++)
- {
- for (byteinrow=0; byteinrow<bitmap->BytesPerRow; byteinrow++)
- {
- printf("offset:%d\n", offset);
- #endif
- // Read in 8 pixels down through the relevant bitplanes
- {
- int plane_shift;
- int buffer[8];
- // Erase contents of cmap_index and buffer
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- cmap_index[i]=0;
- buffer[i]=0;
- }
- printf("Reading plane data\n");
- #endif
- // Plane[0] is least significant plane!
- plane_shift=bitmap->Depth-1;
- for (i=bitmap->Depth-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- buffer[i]=*(bitmap->Planes[i]+offset);
- cmap_index[0]=((UBYTE)(((buffer[i] & 128) >> 7) << plane_shift)) | cmap_index[0];
- cmap_index[1]=((UBYTE)(((buffer[i] & 64) >> 6) << plane_shift)) | cmap_index[1];
- cmap_index[2]=((UBYTE)(((buffer[i] & 32) >> 5) << plane_shift)) | cmap_index[2];
- cmap_index[3]=((UBYTE)(((buffer[i] & 16) >> 4) << plane_shift)) | cmap_index[3];
- cmap_index[4]=((UBYTE)(((buffer[i] & 8) >> 3) << plane_shift)) | cmap_index[4];
- cmap_index[5]=((UBYTE)(((buffer[i] & 4) >> 2) << plane_shift)) | cmap_index[5];
- cmap_index[6]=((UBYTE)(((buffer[i] & 2) >> 1) << plane_shift)) | cmap_index[6];
- cmap_index[7]=((UBYTE)(((buffer[i] & 1) ) << plane_shift)) | cmap_index[7];
- plane_shift--;
- printf("buffer[%d]:%4.d cmap0:%d cmap1:%d cmap2:%d cmap3:%d cmap4:%d cmap5:%d cmap6:%d cmap7:%d\n",
- i, buffer[i], cmap_index[0], cmap_index[1], cmap_index[2], cmap_index[3], cmap_index[4], cmap_index[5], cmap_index[6], cmap_index[7]);
- #endif
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- #endif
- // Allocate any pens we need
- for (i=0; i<8; i++) // Test each pixel
- {
- if (cmap_index[i]!=0) // Ignore colour 0, which should be a transparent background
- {
- int index=3*cmap_index[i];
- R=palette[index];
- G=palette[index+1];
- B=palette[index+2];
- printf("R=%x G=%x B=%x\n", R, G, B);
- #endif
- if (!alreadyallocated(R, G, B, pens, num_pens))
- {
- WORD freepen;
- if ((freepen=findfreepen(pens, num_pens))!=-1)
- {
- if ((pens[freepen].number=ObtainBestPen(cm, R, G, B, OBP_Precision, PRECISION_IMAGE, TAG_DONE))!=-1)
- {
- pens[freepen].red=R;
- pens[freepen].green=G;
- pens[freepen].blue=B;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Give every pixel that needs it its new pen value
- printf("Reassigning pixel pen values\n");
- #endif
- for (i=0; i<8; i++)
- {
- if (cmap_index[i]!=0) // Ignore colour 0, which should be a transparent background
- {
- WORD gotpen;
- R=palette[3*cmap_index[i]];
- G=palette[3*cmap_index[i]+1];
- B=palette[3*cmap_index[i]+2];
- if ((gotpen=findallocatedpen(R, G, B, pens, num_pens))!=-1)
- {
- cmap_index[i]=(UBYTE)(pens[gotpen].number);
- printf("gotpen:%4.d pennum=%4.d cmap[%d]:%d\n", gotpen, pens[gotpen].number, i, cmap_index[i]);
- #endif
- }
- }
- else
- printf("Skipped colour 0\n");
- #endif
- }
- print_pens(pens, num_pens);
- printf("\n");
- #endif
- // Write 8 pixels back into bitmap with new cmap index values for current
- // viewport's struct ColorMap
- printf("Writing plane data\n");
- #endif
- {
- UBYTE buffer;
- int bitmask=1;
- int shift=0;
- for (i=bitmap->Depth-1; i>0; i--)
- bitmask=bitmask*2;
- // Plane[0] is least significant plane!
- for (i=bitmap->Depth-1; i>=0; i--)
- {
- buffer= ((cmap_index[0] & bitmask)<<shift)
- | ((cmap_index[1] & bitmask)<<shift)>>1
- | ((cmap_index[2] & bitmask)<<shift)>>2
- | ((cmap_index[3] & bitmask)<<shift)>>3
- | ((cmap_index[4] & bitmask)<<shift)>>4
- | ((cmap_index[5] & bitmask)<<shift)>>5
- | ((cmap_index[6] & bitmask)<<shift)>>6
- | ((cmap_index[7] & bitmask)<<shift)>>7;
- printf("bitmask:%4.d i:%d buffer:%d\n", bitmask, i, buffer);
- #endif
- *(bitmap->Planes[i]+offset)=buffer;
- bitmask=bitmask>>1;
- shift++;
- }
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- #endif
- offset++;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- ** INPUTS:
- ** pens = pointer to an array of pen numbers
- ** num_pens = the size of the array (how many pens it can hold)
- ** NB: max = 256
- **
- ** RESULT:
- ** The free pen index, or -1 on failure
- */
- WORD findfreepen (struct pen *pens, UWORD num_pens)
- {
- UWORD i;
- for (i=0; i<num_pens; i++)
- {
- if (pens[i].number==-1)
- return i;
- }
- return -1; // if we get this far, there were no free pens
- }
- /*
- ** INPUTS:
- ** R, G, B = red, green and blue values (32 bit left justified fraction)
- ** pens = pointer to an array of pen numbers
- ** num_pens = the size of the array (how many pens it can hold)
- ** NB: max = 256
- **
- ** RESULT:
- ** TRUE if we already have a suitable pen, FALSE otherwise
- */
- BOOL alreadyallocated (ULONG R, ULONG G, ULONG B, struct pen *pens, UWORD num_pens)
- {
- UWORD i;
- for (i=0; i<num_pens; i++)
- {
- if (pens[i].red==R && pens[i].green==G && pens[i].blue==B)
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- ** INPUTS:
- ** R, G, B = red, green and blue values (32 bit left justified fraction)
- ** pens = pointer to an array of pen numbers
- ** num_pens = the size of the array (how many pens it can hold)
- ** NB: max = 256
- **
- ** RESULT:
- ** An index into our array of allocated pens, or -1 if no matching pen is found
- */
- WORD findallocatedpen (ULONG R, ULONG G, ULONG B, struct pen *pens, UWORD num_pens)
- {
- UWORD i;
- for (i=0; i<num_pens; i++)
- {
- if (pens[i].red==R && pens[i].green==G && pens[i].blue==B && pens[i].number!=-1)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- ** INPUTS:
- ** cm = pointer to ColorMap of the viewport
- ** pens = pointer to an array of pen numbers
- ** num_pens = the size of the array (how many pens it can hold)
- ** NB: max = 256
- **
- ** RESULT:
- ** None
- */
- void freeallocatedpens (struct ColorMap *cm, struct pen *pens, UWORD num_pens)
- {
- UWORD i;
- for (i=0; i<num_pens; i++)
- {
- if (pens[i].number!=-1)
- ReleasePen(cm, pens[i].number);
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- void print_pens (struct pen *pens, UWORD num_pens)
- {
- UWORD i;
- printf("Pens: ");
- for (i=0; i<num_pens; i++)
- {
- if (pens[i].number!=-1)
- printf("%3.d = R:%x G:%x B%x\n", pens[i].number, pens[i].red, pens[i].green, pens[i].blue);
- else
- break;
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- #endif
- struct BitMap *bodytobitmap (ULONG width, ULONG height, ULONG depth, UBYTE *body)
- {
- struct BitMap *bitmap;
- // Allocate 8 bitplanes so that the remapping routine has room to write
- // back pen numbers from ObtainBestPen() with values up to 255
- bitmap=AllocBitMap(width, height, 8, BMF_CLEAR | BMF_MINPLANES, NULL);
- {
- char plane, scanline;
- int row_width=((width+15)/16)*2; // row width in bytes
- UBYTE *body_rover;
- int plane_offset=0;
- body_rover=body;
- for (scanline=0; scanline<height; scanline++)
- {
- for (plane=0; plane<depth; plane++)
- {
- memcpy(bitmap->Planes[plane]+plane_offset, body_rover, row_width);
- body_rover+=row_width;
- }
- plane_offset=row_width*(scanline+1);
- }
- }
- return bitmap;
- }
- BOOL loadiff (char *filename, ULONG *width, ULONG *height, ULONG *depth, ULONG *compression, UBYTE **body, ULONG **palette)
- {
- struct IFFHandle *iff;
- BOOL result=FALSE;
- if (iff=AllocIFF())
- {
- if (iff->iff_Stream=Open(filename, MODE_OLDFILE))
- {
- InitIFFasDOS(iff);
- if (!OpenIFF(iff, IFFF_READ))
- {
- if (!PropChunk(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BMHD))
- {
- if (!PropChunk(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_CMAP))
- {
- if (!StopChunk(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BODY))
- {
- {
- struct StoredProperty *bmhd;
- if (bmhd=FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BMHD))
- {
- struct BitMapHeader *the_bmhd;
- the_bmhd=(struct BitMapHeader *)bmhd->sp_Data;
- *width=the_bmhd->bmh_Width;
- *height=the_bmhd->bmh_Height;
- *depth=the_bmhd->bmh_Depth;
- // Don't store bmh_Compression value if compression==NULL
- if (compression)
- *compression=the_bmhd->bmh_Compression;
- }
- }
- {
- struct StoredProperty *cmap;
- if (cmap=FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_CMAP))
- {
- int num_primary_colours=cmap->sp_Size;
- UBYTE *primary_colour=cmap->sp_Data;
- int i;
- *palette=(ULONG *)calloc(num_primary_colours, sizeof(ULONG));
- memset(*palette, 0, sizeof(ULONG)*num_primary_colours);
- for (i=0; i<num_primary_colours; i++)
- {
- (*palette)[i]=*primary_colour++;
- (*palette)[i]=(*palette)[i]<<24;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- struct ContextNode *cn;
- cn=CurrentChunk(iff);
- *body=(UBYTE *)malloc(cn->cn_Size);
- ReadChunkBytes(iff, *body, cn->cn_Size);
- }
- result=TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- CloseIFF(iff);
- }
- Close(iff->iff_Stream);
- }
- FreeIFF(iff);
- }
- return result;
- }