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- /* loadilbm.c - C. Scheppner CBM
- *
- * High-level ILBM load routines
- *
- * 37.9 04/92 - use vp->ColorMap.Count instead of MAXAMCOLORREG
- * 37.10 07/92 - use scr->RastPort.BitMap instead of &scr->BitMap
- * for future compatibility
- * 39.1 07/92 - add support for V39 color loading functions
- * 39.10 08/93 - fix queryilbm to only stop on a BODY, not on CMAP or BODY
- * (CAMG may be after CMAP)
- */
- #define INTUI_V36_NAMES_ONLY
- #include "iffp/ilbm.h"
- #include "iffp/ilbmapp.h"
- extern struct Library *GfxBase;
- /* loadbrush
- *
- * Passed an initialized ILBMInfo with a not-in-use ParseInfo.iff
- * IFFHandle and desired propchks, collectchks, and stopchks, and filename,
- * will load an ILBM as a brush, setting up ilbm->Bmhd, ilbm->camg,
- * ilbm->brbitmap, ilbm->colortable, and ilbm->ncolors
- *
- * Note that ncolors may be more colors than you can LoadRGB4.
- * Use MIN(ilbm->ncolors,vp->ColorMap->Count) for color count if
- * you change the colors yourself using 1.3/2.0 functions.
- *
- * V39 - unless ilbm->IFFPFlags & IFFPF_NOCOLOR32, will do 32-bit
- * color load under V39 and higher
- *
- * Returns 0 for success or an IFFERR (libraries/iffparse.h)
- */
- LONG loadbrush(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm, UBYTE *filename)
- {
- LONG error = 0L;
- if(!(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff)) return(CLIENT_ERROR);
- if(!(error = openifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm, filename, IFFF_READ)))
- {
- error = parseifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm,
- ilbm->ParseInfo.propchks,
- ilbm->ParseInfo.collectchks,
- ilbm->ParseInfo.stopchks);
- if((!error)||(error == IFFERR_EOC)||(error == IFFERR_EOF))
- {
- if(contextis(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,ID_ILBM,ID_FORM))
- {
- if(error = createbrush(ilbm)) deletebrush(ilbm);
- }
- else
- {
- message(SI(MSG_ILBM_NOILBM));
- error = NOFILE;
- }
- }
- if(error) closeifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm);
- }
- return(error);
- }
- /* unloadbrush
- *
- * frees and close everything alloc'd/opened by loadbrush
- */
- void unloadbrush(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm)
- {
- deletebrush(ilbm);
- closeifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm);
- }
- /* queryilbm
- *
- * Passed an initilized ILBMInfo with a not-in-use IFFHandle,
- * and a filename,
- * will open an ILBM, fill in ilbm->camg and ilbm->bmhd,
- * and close the ILBM.
- *
- * This allows you to determine if the ILBM is a size and
- * type you want to deal with.
- *
- * Returns 0 for success or an IFFERR (libraries/iffparse.h)
- */
- /* query just wants these chunks */
- LONG queryprops[] = { ID_ILBM, ID_BMHD,
- /* scan can stop when a BODY is reached */
- LONG querystops[] = { ID_ILBM, ID_BODY,
- LONG queryilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm, UBYTE *filename)
- {
- LONG error = 0L;
- BitMapHeader *bmhd;
- if(!(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff)) return(CLIENT_ERROR);
- if(!(error = openifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm, filename, IFFF_READ)))
- {
- D(bug("queryilbm: openifile successful\n"));
- error = parseifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm,
- queryprops, NULL, querystops);
- D(bug("queryilbm: after parseifile, error = %ld\n",error));
- if((!error)||(error == IFFERR_EOC)||(error == IFFERR_EOF))
- {
- if(contextis(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,ID_ILBM,ID_FORM))
- {
- if(bmhd = (BitMapHeader*)
- findpropdata(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,ID_ILBM,ID_BMHD))
- {
- *(&ilbm->Bmhd) = *bmhd;
- ilbm->camg = getcamg(ilbm);
- }
- else error = NOFILE;
- }
- else
- {
- message(SI(MSG_ILBM_NOILBM));
- error = NOFILE;
- }
- }
- closeifile(&(ilbm->ParseInfo));
- }
- return(error);
- }
- /* loadilbm
- *
- * Passed a not-in-use IFFHandle, an initialized ILBMInfo, and filename,
- * will load an ILBM into your already opened ilbm->scr, setting up
- * ilbm->Bmhd, ilbm->camg, ilbm->colortable, and ilbm->ncolors
- * and loading the colors into the screen's viewport
- *
- * Note that ncolors may be more colors than you can LoadRGB4.
- * Use MIN(ilbm->ncolors,vp->ColorMap->Count) for color count if
- * you change the colors yourself using 1.3/2.0 functions.
- *
- * V39 - unless ilbm->IFFPFlags & IFFPF_NOCOLOR32, will do 32-bit
- * color load under V39 and higher
- *
- * Returns 0 for success or an IFFERR (libraries/iffparse.h)
- *
- * NOTE - loadilbm() keeps the IFFHandle open so you can copy
- * or examine other chunks. You must call closeifile(iff,ilbm)
- * to close the file and deallocate the parsed context
- *
- */
- LONG loadilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm, UBYTE *filename)
- {
- LONG error = 0L;
- D(bug("loadilbm:\n"));
- if(!(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff)) return(CLIENT_ERROR);
- if(!ilbm->scr) return(CLIENT_ERROR);
- if(!(ilbm->vp)) ilbm->vp = &ilbm->scr->ViewPort; /* 39.1 */
- if(!(error = openifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm, filename, IFFF_READ)))
- {
- D(bug("loadilbm: openifile successful\n"));
- error = parseifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm,
- ilbm->ParseInfo.propchks,
- ilbm->ParseInfo.collectchks,
- ilbm->ParseInfo.stopchks);
- D(bug("loadilbm: after parseifile, error = %ld\n",error));
- if((!error)||(error == IFFERR_EOC)||(error == IFFERR_EOF))
- {
- if(contextis(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,ID_ILBM,ID_FORM))
- {
- error = loadbody(ilbm->ParseInfo.iff,
- ilbm->scr->RastPort.BitMap, &ilbm->Bmhd);
- D(bug("loadilbm: after loadbody, error = %ld\n",error));
- if(!error)
- {
- if(!(getcolors(ilbm))) setcolors(ilbm,ilbm->vp);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- message(SI(MSG_ILBM_NOILBM));
- error = NOFILE;
- }
- }
- if(error) closeifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm);
- }
- return(error);
- }
- /* unloadilbm
- *
- * frees and closes everything allocated by loadilbm
- */
- void unloadilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm)
- {
- closeifile((struct ParseInfo *)ilbm);
- freecolors(ilbm);
- }