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- AmiBench 1.0 (25.10.1999) 15:22:17 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Prototype of interface underway, logo made external to reduce code size.
- AmiBench 1.1 (26.10.1999) 15:16:57 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Serious problems with StormC have all but halted development - the
- program compiled correctly if I added no spacing around the For Sale
- objects, if spacing was added however, the program caused either an
- illegal instruction or Line 1111 emulation error on startup. Removing
- the spacing fixed the problem!?!?! I seem to have solved it by
- deleteing all objects and project files and rebuilding them from
- scratch....
- AmiBench 1.2 (27.10.1999) 19:03:43 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Completed loading, parsing and displaying of "for sale" options. "Wanted"
- will be able to reuse 90% of the routines - only the base parse needs to
- be altered.
- AmiBench 1.3 (27.10.1999) 21:53:17 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Wanted parsing and processing completed
- AmiBench 1.4 (3.11.1999) 12:09:21 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- After repeated problems getting the network client to operate without
- enforcer hits (for some reason, simply SENDING a message causes it to
- generate hits in dos, timer and exec on quitting!??!?!) I'm splitting
- the system into two sections: the core program and the network module.
- Hopefully this will work better!!!
- AmiBench 1.5 (4.11.1999) 20:46:25 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Added menu and about window, links in about window use OpenURL to link
- to the sites.
- AmiBench 1.6 (6.11.1999) 13:20:31 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Added range controls to "For Sale" and "Wanted" pages.
- AmiBench 1.7 (6.11.1999) 16:30:22 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Fixed problem with non-saving of layout and settings.
- AmiBench 1.8 (6.11.1999) 19:48:42 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Finished off the dealer directory page: added email and website controls,
- sorting finished. Tidied up _hooks.c file and updated the code header to
- match the new additions.
- AmiBench 1.9 (7.11.1999) 21:44:04 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Added auto-assign "AmiBenchOffline:" to ensure network module operates
- correctly in borderline cases. Cleaned up network core and task launcher.
- AmiBench 1.10 (8.11.1999) 13:24:35 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Added more intelligent backup restoration (only incomplete/ failed files
- are restored from backup), Fixed assign bug in LaunchAmiBenchClient(),
- assign had not been updated correctly.
- AmiBench 1.11 (11.11.1999) 15:22:11 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Thanks to Niel Bothwick (who pointed out to me that OpenURL handles emails
- correctly.. or, more accurately, that OpenURL 3 had actually been released.
- DOH!) the arexx code is out, as is the mail mode cycle. Added localised
- subject lines..
- AmiBench 1.12 (14.11.1999) 19:49:50 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Arexx code reinstated after serious problems getting any subject line
- containing spaces sent to YAM via OpenURL 3 to actually work. Added status
- and "short" columns to the advert lists (Wanted and For Sale), keypad
- keys now allow browsing of the selected country (left and right change
- the selected entry, up and down scroll the text in the advert display box).
- AmiBench 1.13 (16.11.1999) 15:05:35 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Changed advert parsing and display so that only the last 1, 2, 4 and 6 weels
- of adverts are shown, and the country list only displays countries for which
- the advert count (for the selected range) is >0. The "Entries" column in the
- country list now accurately reflects the number of entries in the selected
- range, rather than the number of entries in the data file.
- Made the Amibench logos internal, will make the rest internal if no-one
- complains about the doubling in binary size...
- AmiBench 1.14 (18.11.1999) 21:25:51 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Removed wraparound on next/prev, added toolbars to Sale and Wanted pages,
- added "fake" delete option (works sort of like the status except deleted
- entries aren't shown at all).
- AmiBench 1.15 (24.11.1999) 13:39:10 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Added multiselect delete to the For Sale and Wanted advert lists. Print
- option attempted (VERY ALPHA!!)
- AmiBench 1.16 (28.11.1999) 14:54:41 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Added find window (still doesn't do much.. but I'm getting there), fixed
- incorrect options in the toolbars.
- AmiBench 1.17 (29.11.1999) 13:40:33 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Attempted fix of reported Enforcer hits in startup code. (None found on
- my system now)
- AmiBench 1.18 (30.11.1999) 13:40:16 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Test fix failed - this is a debug version only, revision bumb for
- tracking purposes.
- AmiBench 1.19 (5.12.1999) 16:24:17 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Added new argument/tooltype checking, added support for more advanced
- network module
- AmiBench 1.20 (3.1.2000) 10:11:18 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Modified Dealer Directory page layout, corrected OpenURL missing
- message to indicate 3+ is required.
- AmiBench 1.21 (8.1.2000) 16:36:49 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Fixed:
- o Date sorting, absolute date was being calculated incorrectly so
- borderline dates could overlap. Note for the future: a year has
- approximately 365.25 days, not 356.25!!
- o column sort indicators were incorrect on startup.
- o Network module early cut-off did not detect/recover from 404s.
- Added:
- o More comprehensive line checking; advert lines are rejected if
- their TAB count is incorrect, they contain escape characters or
- the line is empty. Corrupt .tsv files can now be handled without
- crashing the program.
- o MOTD display and download. MOTD is a CrawlingObject so large
- MOTD files can be shown, smooth scroll reset is implemented
- internally so there is no need to take special precautions with
- the MOTD file.
- o AREXX can now be used to force the tool to check both the data
- files and MOTD. Send commands to AMIBENCH.n (where n is the
- program instance, normally 1). Valid commands are:
- UPDATEDATA - starts data file download
- UPDATEMOTD - starts MOTD download
- o Columns in the advert lists (For sale and wanted) can be turned
- on and off via the prefs.
- This feature is very alpha! At present this feature mucks up the
- sorting if columns are deactivated.. (eg: if you activate Status,
- Name and Date, Status and Name will sort correctly but Date
- actually sorts on Emails)
- Changes:
- o Changed "Country" string (in the title of country listviews) to
- "Countries" in line with the "Entries" column heading.
- AmiBench 1.22 (15.1.2000) 21:38:29 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Fixed:
- o New sort routine for the For Sale and Wanted advert lists now
- sorts correctly, even when columns have been deactivated. (NOTE:
- there are still issues with the sort column/direction mark - if
- you turn off Short and Address, set Date as the sort column and
- then turn on Short, the mark will say Short is the sort column
- whereas it's really still Date.. I'm working on a solution).
- o Delete now removes the correct items, lists are deactivated
- during removal so the operation is faster.
- Added:
- o Added custom class verification routine - no more cryptic "Unable
- to create application" if a class has not been installed - it'll
- tell you what's missing.
- Changes:
- o Renamed motd file from motd.tsv to motd.txt on request from Tom.
- o Name, email, address and website sorts in the advert lists are
- now case insensitive.
- Known bugs / "features":
- o On 8-bit screens the AmiBench logo may display incorrectly
- after the toolbar images have been loaded (ie: after changing
- the the For Sale or Wanted page and then back to the General
- page). This is a bitmap remapping problem caused by the
- restricted number of colours available to the system and the
- way in which MUI handles remapping, a fix will almost certainly
- cause a speed problem when displaying the General page,
- workarounds will be investigated.
- o The Search options open the search window, but don't actually
- do anything. this is simply due to the fact that I haven't
- finished the search routine yet ;) I have allowed the window
- to be opened to see if there are any suggestions/complaints
- about the general layout.
- AmiBench 1.23 (19.1.2000) 15:47:18 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Fixed:
- o [Attempted] The balance object at the top level of the interface
- (the one between the menu list and the page display area) was
- not setting the weights after a reload. Possible cause was the
- explicit weight specification in the setup call. Removed these
- settings to see if the problem can be resolved.
- Changes:
- o Replaced CrawlingObject with NFloattext object on request of
- Mark, removed auto-wraparound on the scroll code as it's no
- longer needed.
- AmiBench 1.24 (23.1.2000) 20:33:24 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Removed auto-assign, new assign is ADD: assumed made by installer.
- Added screen titles and altered name to "AmiBench Desktop Directory"
- AmiBench 1.25 (17.2.2000) 20:27:18 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Added AACD check requested by Neil, Indicies will no longer be saved if
- the program is run from the Amiga Active CD itself.
- AmiBench 1.26 (18.2.2000) 17:07:11 by chris@starforge.co.uk
- Added:
- o "Update MOTD" and "Update Data Files" gadgets are (in theory)
- disabled when the program is started from an AmigaActive CD.
- o If any adverts are rejected by the parser (either they are not
- 'legal' lines or they contain escape sequences liable to cause
- MUI text formatting errors) the text for the advert is dumped
- to t:AmiBench.errors.
- Changes:
- o Altered code to recompile under vbcc. This was quite a bit of
- work, but the MUI settings now works correctly and the code is
- smaller (even when only optimised for the 68020) than the code
- generated by StormC.
- o Recoded "time range" code to be more bomb proof.
- o Increased advert parse buffer to 20k to handle extremely long
- adverts.
- AmiBench 1.27 (02.08.2000) 10:21:48 by Chris Page
- Added:
- o AmiBench location gadget to the preferences to allow the user
- to alter the hostname checked for datafiles.
- o Checks that the main window can open, fails with an error if
- it can't.
- Changes:
- o amibench.nop.org.uk appears to be behind a gateway that requires
- explicit specification of the full URL to the file in the HTTP/1
- request. All calls to the download module have been changed to
- include the full URL spec of the form
- Network.module <host> http://<host><file> .. etc..
- AmiBench 1.28 (07.10.2000) 12:08:27 by Chris Page
- Added:
- o started adding the code behind the search facility.
- Changes:
- o altered bits of the code to reflect my departure from TWF LLC
- o removed the custom datatype picture class, it wasn't being used
- and it was just taking up binary space...
- AmiBench 1.29 (30.11.2000) 18:03:33 by Chris Page
- Added:
- o APPREADY arexx command. Returns RC_OK when app is ready to
- receive command.
- Changes:
- o UPDATEDATA and UPDATEMOTD are now synchronous calls. RC is set
- to ERROR if no host is set in the preferences or there were
- errors in the download and FATAL if there was a problem setting
- up the network.