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- <u><h4>4th May 2001</h4></u>
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li>Shogo is now available for just £34.95 inc VAT, see the shipment <a
- href="http://www.eyetech.co.uk/PRODPIX/SHOGOS.JPG">here</a>! You can order
- by calling, faxing or emailing us - for details see the <a
- href="contact.php">contact</a> page.
- </ul>
- <p>
- <br>
- <u><h4>11th January 2001</h4></u>
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li>Simon the Sorcerer 2 and Earth 2140 now in stock!
- </ul>
- <p>
- <br>
- <u><h4>20th December 2000</h4></u>
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li>Simon the Sorcerer 2 and Earth 2140 expected in stock shortly
- <li>Shogo expected in January 2001
- </ul>
- <p>
- <br>
- <u><h4>25th October 2000</h4></u>
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li>Nightlong (and PPC addon) in stock! Orders are now being taken!
- </ul>
- <p>
- <br>
- <u><h4>17th August 2000</h4></u>
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li>All games on the Platinum section apart from Nightlong and Shogo (expected soon)
- are in stock
- </ul>
- <p>
- <br>
- <u><h4>12th July 2000</h4></u>
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li>Complete list of Classic games completed
- <li>Included 'Myst', 'Capital Punishment' and 'Foundation Missions' Platinum games
- </ul>
- <p>
- <br>
- <u><h4>26th June 2000</h4></u>
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li>Eye-Play launched!
- <li>Press release:
- </ul>
- <b>Eyetech launches Eye-Play - a division dedicated to the
- publishing and distribution of high end games for the Classic
- and NG Amiga platforms</b>
- <p>
- Eyetech - recently chosen by Amiga as their partner for the
- manufacture and distribution of the new DevBox in the UK and
- Ireland - have launched Eye-Play, a division dedicated to the
- publication, promotion and distribution of top-end games for
- the Classic Amiga architecture and, more significantly, for
- those currently in development which are designed to run under
- the new Amiga OE.
- <p>
- In launching Eye-Play Group Managing Director, Alan Redhouse,
- said: "We are very excited about the opportunities that the
- new Amiga OE offers both to the existing Amiga Community and
- to the converts it will quickly make from the wider leisure
- computing world. As with every significant leisure computing
- platform to date - the Sinclair spectrum of the early 80's,
- the Classic Amiga of the late 80's/mid 90's and the
- multimedia PC of the late 90's - great gaming software is
- what will drive the growth and general acceptance of the
- Amiga OE as the defacto standard in this market. We therefore
- strongly believe that good gaming software is going to be
- essential to the success of the Amiga OE in the end-user
- market We therefore decided to launch Eye-Play now, well
- in advance of the end user version of the Amiga OE becoming
- available."
- <p>
- "As well as teaming up with the best of todays Amiga games
- developers, we are also keen to help any new games writers
- make their fortune by using the new Amiga SDK to write for
- the platform-independant Amiga OE. ."
- <p>
- "However no matter how keen we all are to see new Amiga
- titles, we will apply the same rigourous standards of
- selection and quality assurance to the Eye-Play titles that
- has been our hallmark in hardware and serious software
- distribution. We only intend to distribute software which is
- both upmarket and, in our opinion, worth the money in terms
- of delivered quality and gameplay. As this is an area of
- quality assurance that can really only be evaluated by a
- dedicated gamer we have taken on a seasoned PC (NVidea2-DDR
- etc) games player who also has very good Amiga knowledge to
- run the Eye-Play division"
- <p>
- As well as publishing their works Eyetech have also commited
- to help out individual developers who are new to the
- platform by making their Amiga-endorsed EZDev-Plus and
- EZDev-Tower developer systems available on concessionary
- terms.
- <p>
- Eyetech are also catering for the lower-spec'd Classic Amiga
- by making a number of 68x00 classic Amiga games titles and
- compilations available - mostly for purchase via download
- only. There will also be also be some freely downloadable
- Classic games, and download demos of new and
- 'work-in-progress' titles for both Classic and Amiga OE
- titles. The Eye-Play websites (eye-play.com, .co.uk,
- .eu.com) will be open for business from the Eye-Play
- launch date - 1st July 2000.
- <p>
- Gary Peake who heads up Amigas own Amigatainment support
- team said "We are delighted that Eyetech - one of Amiga
- Inc's first partners from the Classic Amiga Community - has
- decided to endorse the Amiga OE with such enthusiasm. The
- new Amiga OE will bring tremendous benefits to games
- developers - both new and established - by delivering
- truly amazing levels of multimedia performance and binary
- compatiblity across a wide range of hardware and operating
- systems. We know Eyetech will bring a great deal of
- integrity and professionalism to the serious gaming market
- and their dedicated Eye-Play division will, I know, help
- spread the word about the Amiga OE and its talented
- developers to dedicated gamers everywhere and take us a
- significantly nearer our ultimate goal of the
- implementation of the total Amiverse vision."
- <p>
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