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- Short: Sources of SDL 1.2.0 (Amiga porting)
- Author: Gabriele Greco
- Uploader: gabriele.greco@aruba.it
- Version: 1.2.0
- Type: dev/misc
- These are the sources of the AmigaOS porting of SDL 1.2.0, they will be
- included soon in the official tree, but are provided here for easy
- compilation (without configure/automake).
- These sources compile with SAS/C and GCC.
- The linkable lib binaries (GCC and SAS/C) are available in the archive
- AmigaSDL.lha.
- Please support SDL since there are a lot of apps using it.
- You can find a lot of stuff, that often compiles with a simple "make" on the
- OFFICIAL libSDL website:
- http://www.libsdl.org
- This site includes lots of games, utility, docs about SDL and SDL programming,
- with your contribution we will be able to port TONS of application to AmigaOS!
- For info, support, bugfix and other feel free to mail me:
- Gabriele Greco (gabriele.greco@aruba.it)