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- ; $VER: Installation script for MUIFontCatalog 1.0 (01. April 2000)
- ; © Michael Merkel
- ; Created with GoldED 6.15
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; some default values...
- (set #prgname "MUIFontCatalog") ; program name.
- (set #dest "PageStream:Scripts") ; path for installation
- (set #readme (cat #prgname ".readme")) ; ReadME Datei
- (set @default-dest #dest)
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; check if we are running under correct OS
- (if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 39)
- (
- (abort "Incorrect OS version (software requires OS 39 or better )!")
- )
- )
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; error handling
- (onerror
- (if (> @ioerr 0)
- (
- (message
- ("An error has occurred during installation. Please check the log file to understand the error.")
- )
- )
- )
- (exit (quiet))
- )
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; set installation mode
- (set #installmode
- (askbool
- (prompt "Choose the installation mode:")
- (help @askbool-help)
- (choices
- "Install"
- "Uninstall"
- )
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- (if (= #installmode 1)
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; normal installation
- (
- (welcome)
- ; --- insert your code below ---
- (message "Welcome to the installation of " #prgname "\n")
- (set #dest
- (askdir
- (prompt ("Where should \"%s\" be installed?\nA directory called \"%s\" will be created there" #prgname #prgname))
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (set #dest (tackon #dest #prgname))
- (set @default-dest #dest)
- (if (exists #dest (noreq))
- (message #prgname " will be installed in the path"
- "\n\n\"" #dest "\"\n")
- (
- (message #prgname " will be installed in the path"
- "\n\n\"" #dest "\"\n"
- "\nA new directory will be created")
- (makedir #dest (infos))
- )
- )
- (set #prog_path (cat (tackon #dest #prgname) ".rexx"))
- (set #msg_inst (cat ("\"%s\" is now installed in \"%s\".\n" #prgname #dest)
- " If you want to use this script inside PageStreams script palette"
- " you have to do it in this way:\n\n"
- "1. open the script palette\n"
- "2. select NEW from the script palette menu\n"
- ("3. insert a name for the entry (like %s)\n" #prgname)
- "4. in the SCRIPT field enter:\n"
- (" rx \"%s\"\n" #prog_path)
- " and press OK\n"
- "5. select SAVE from the scrip palette menu\n"))
- (if (exists #prog_path (noreq))
- (
- (set #goon
- (askbool (prompt "Script already installed. Do you want to install it anyway?")
- (help "This will overwrite the script AND the default prefs file!"))
- )
- (if (= #goon 0)
- (exit "Installation cancelled. Script already installed." (quiet))
- )
- )
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "")
- (dest #dest)
- (infos)
- (files)
- (pattern "~(Install#?|PGSScriptPathUpdater)")
- )
- (set #pathUpdater ("pgsScriptPathUpdater \"%s.rexx\" \"%s/%s.rexx\" \"%s\" \"pgsInstallDir =\"" #prgname #dest #prgname #dest))
- ; (message "command:\n" #pathUpdater "")
- (run #pathUpdater)
- (message #msg_inst)
- ; --- end of your code ---
- (exit)
- )
- ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; uninstall application
- (
- ; --- insert your code below ---
- ; -- end of your code ---
- (message "Uninstallation completed.")
- (exit (quiet))
- )
- )