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lc -ilettuce:h -c $(CFLAGS) $<
# Makefile for KA9Q TCP/IP package for PC clones with Aztec C
# switches:
# define the ones you want in the CFLAGS definition...
# TRACE - turn on tracing/debugging code
# SERVERS - include code for application servers
# AMIGA - include Amiga specific code
# MSDOS - include Messy-Dos specific code
# ETHER - include ethernet specific code
# UNIX - Use UNIX file format conventions
# CPM - Use CP/M file format conventions
# WINDOWIO - use AMIGA windowio instead of standard IO
# Hardware driver flags:
# SLIP - include serial line IP stuff
# PC_EC - include 3Com Ethernet board driver for IBM-PC
# AX25 - include AX.25 stuff
# HAPN - include HAPN stuff
# PC100 - include PC-100 board driver (incomplete ??)
# NETROM - pseudo driver, needs AX.25
# AMIGADEVDRV - include Amiga internet.device device driver support
# CFLAGS for typical Amiga installation
NETOBJS= ftpserv.o ftpcli.o ftp.o smtpserv.o smtpcli.o \
telnet.o tnserv.o smisc.o \
tcpuser.o tcptimer.o tcpout.o tcpin.o tcpsubr.o udp.o \
ip.o iproute.o icmp.o \
ax25.o arp.o slip.o ether.o netrom.o \
timer.o ttydriv.o cmdparse.o mbuf.o netuser.o misc.o
net: makefile amiga.o version.o main.o devstub.o amigadev.o $(NETOBJS)
-blink lib:c.o version.o,main.o,amiga.o,devstub.o amigadev.o\
$(NETOBJS) to ram:net lib lib:lc.lib,lib:amiga.lib
copy ram:net net
delete ram:net
telnetp: telnetp.o netuser.o
-blink lib:c.o telnetp.o netuser.o to ram:telnetp \
lib lib:lc.lib,lib:amiga.lib
copy ram:telnetp telnetp
telnetp.o:telnetp.c machdep.h
lc -ilettuce:h -c $(APPLFLAGS) -dWINDOWIO telnetp.c
newtelnetp: newtelnetp.o netuser.o
-blink lib:c.o newtelnetp.o netuser.o to ram:newtelnetp \
lib lib:lc.lib,lib:amiga.lib
copy ram:newtelnetp newtelnetp
newtelnetp.o:newtelnetp.c machdep.h
lc -ilettuce:h -c $(APPLFLAGS) -dWINDOWIO newtelnetp.c
delete #?.o
delete net
arp.o: arp.c machdep.h mbuf.h timer.h iface.h ether.h ax25.h arp.h
amiga.o: amiga.c machdep.h
amigadev.o: amigadev.c inetdev.h machdep.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h ip.h tcp.h
devstub.o: devstub.asm
ax25.o: ax25.c machdep.h mbuf.h iface.h timer.h arp.h slip.h ax25.h trace.h
netrom.o: netrom.c machdep.h mbuf.h iface.h timer.h netrom.h ax25.h trace.h
cmdparse.o: cmdparse.c machdep.h trace.h cmdparse.h
ether.o: ether.c machdep.h
ftp.o: ftp.c machdep.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h tcp.h ftp.h session.h
ftpcli.o: ftpcli.c machdep.h mbuf.h netuser.h icmp.h timer.h tcp.h ftp.h session.h cmdparse.h
ftpserv.o: ftpserv.c machdep.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h tcp.h ftp.h
icmp.o: icmp.c internet.h timer.h ip.h icmp.h mbuf.h
ip.o: ip.c machdep.h mbuf.h timer.h internet.h ip.h icmp.h iface.h
iproute.o: iproute.c machdep.h mbuf.h internet.h timer.h netuser.h ip.h icmp.h iface.h trace.h
main.o: main.c machdep.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h icmp.h iface.h ip.h tcp.h ftp.h telnet.h session.h cmdparse.h amiga.h trace.h
mbuf.o: mbuf.c machdep.h mbuf.h
netuser.o: netuser.c machdep.h netuser.h
slip.o: slip.c machdep.h mbuf.h iface.h slip.h amiga.h trace.h
smisc.o: smisc.c machdep.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h tcp.h
smtpcli.o: smtpcli.c machdep.h netuser.h mbuf.h timer.h tcp.h smtp.h
smtpserv.o: smtpserv.c machdep.h mbuf.h netuser.h timer.h tcp.h smtp.h
tcpin.o: tcpin.c machdep.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h tcp.h icmp.h
tcpout.o: tcpout.c machdep.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h tcp.h
tcpsubr.o: tcpsubr.c machdep.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h tcp.h
tcptimer.o: tcptimer.c machdep.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h ip.h tcp.h
tcpuser.o: tcpuser.c machdep.h timer.h mbuf.h netuser.h internet.h ip.h tcp.h
telnet.o: telnet.c machdep.h mbuf.h timer.h internet.h icmp.h netuser.h tcp.h telnet.h session.h
tnserv.o: tnserv.c machdep.h mbuf.h timer.h internet.h icmp.h netuser.h tcp.h telnet.h session.h
timer.o: timer.c machdep.h timer.h
ttydriv.o: ttydriv.c machdep.h
udp.o: udp.c machdep.h mbuf.h netuser.h udp.h internet.h