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The KA9Q Internet Software Package
Preliminary Version
January 20, 1988
Bdale Garbee, N3EUA
using material from
Phil Karn, KA9Q
Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN
and suggestions from many others
Copyright 1988 by Bdale Garbee, Phil Karn and Brian Lloyd.
All Rights Reserved.
This Document may be reproduced in whole
or in part for any non-commercial purpose,
as long as credit is given the authors.
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_1. _B_a_c_k_g_r_o_u_n_d _a_n_d _O_v_e_r_v_i_e_w
_1._1. _W_h_a_t'_s _T_C_P/_I_P _A_l_l _A_b_o_u_t?
Charles Hedrick of RUTGERS, the State University of New Jersey, has written a
very important document... a description of the "world of TCP/IP" that manages
to be both a reasonable introduction for the non-technical or mildly technical
individual, and an excellent starting point for anyone interested in learning
more about the family of networking protocols commonly referred to as
The only difficulty with this document for those who are trying to learn more
about TCP/IP in the Amateur Radio "Packet" environment, is that the experience
Mr. Hedrick works from is almost entirely with the wired networks common in
universities and businesses, where various computer systems are networked
together using some form of wire (usually coaxial cable as in Ethernet, or
fiber optic cabling as in Pronet).
The individual who is familiar with radio transmission will easily recognize
differences between the wired environment and the on-air environment. This
does not mean that the protocols are unfit for use on the air, it simply means
that we need to be careful when *implementing* the protocols in software for
use on the radio that we don't make assumptions that aren't valid on the air!
In particular, wired networks allow the assumption that every host can hear
every other host on the wire... quite unlike the situation in radio, where
one-way propagation paths are often the norm.
Mr. Hedrick mentions several protocols that can "ride on top of" IP, such as
Sun's Network File System, NFS. Some of the applications that he talks about,
including NFS, while wonderful on wired networks, are somewhat unreasonable
for packet radio until or unless we have *much* higher speed modems. Wired
networks can easily run at 10 million bits per second, while packet ranges
from 300 bits per second on HF, to perhaps 56 thousand bits per second with
the WA4DSY modems on UHF. Therefore, some of the protocols such as NFS that
like to eat lots of network bandwith won't be as neat on current packet radio
as they are on current wired networks, but they certainly provides a dramatic
improvement in potential services for the "next generation" of packet radio.
The KA9Q Internet Package is currently the most common TCP/IP implementation
(if not the only one!) in use on Amateur Packet Radio. The software supports
the IBM PC and clones, the Apple Macintosh, the Commodore Amiga, and both BSD
and System 5 Unix variants. The package provides IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, and ARP
as basic services, and implements the FTP, Telnet, and SMTP protocols as
applications. The package also includes a separate mail user interface pro-
gram by N3EUA called BM, and software from WA3PXX for forwarding PBBS mail
over TCP. An associated set of software packages provide replacement ROM
firmware for several TNC's, allowing them to be used with the KA9Q TCP/IP
Package. At least two commercial manufacturers, AEA and Kantronics, now sup-
port the KISS protocol in their TNC's, making them usable with TCP/IP.
Charles Hedrick's excellent introduction to TCP/IP can be found in the same
place you found this document, named TUTORIAL.DOC. If you're new to all this,
go find and read that before you get too wound up in the bits...
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_1._2. _W_h_a_t'_s _I_n _t_h_e _K_A_9_Q _P_a_c_k_a_g_e
This is an overview of the various modules making up the KA9Q Amateur Radio
Internet Protocol package. Each section first describes the protocol that is
supported, followed by a description of the implementation.
_1._2._1. _S_u_b_n_e_t _L_a_y_e_r
_1._2._1._1. _S_t_a_n_d_a_r_d _1_0 _m_e_g_a_b_i_t _E_t_h_e_r_n_e_t
The driver provided is for the 3-Com 3C500 (IE) controller for the PC. Tight
assembler loops are used instead of DMA for copying data in and out of the
controller's buffer; this seems fast enough. Only the receiver is interrupt
driven; incoming packets are placed on a queue which is then emptied at a more
leisurely pace by the main loop code. Since Ethernet is so fast, the
transmitter routine busy-waits for completion. The IE controller has only a
single buffer which is shared between receive and transmit. Packets occasion-
ally get lost under heavy load, especially when several TCP connections are
active at once and/or the TCP receive window sizes are larger than the MSS
values. This is very hard to fix without going to a newer, more reasonably
designed controller.
_1._2._1._2. _S_e_r_i_a_l _L_i_n_e _I_P (_S_L_I_P)
SLIP is a very simple technique for sending Internet Datagrams across ordinary
asynchronous lines (e.g., modems). Its only function is to delimit datagrams
with framing characters, which are "byte stuffed" for transparency. No error
checking is provided; the checksums that are part of IP, TCP and UDP are
relied on for this. SLIP is popular on UNIX systems that support TCP/IP, so
this represented the easiest way to get my package up and talking with other
Internet sites. It also allows the use of existing AX.25 TNCs without modify-
ing the latter, although this is should only be done as a stopgap measure
until an HDLC link level driver can be integrated directly into the package.
_1._2._1._3. _A_X._2_5/_K_I_S_S _T_N_C
Sends and receives IP and ARP datagrams encapsulated in AX.25 Unnumbered
Information (UI) frames. This allows an unlimited number of simultaneous users
on the local radio channel, since there are no connections at link level. The
special AX.25 Level 3 Protocol ID values of hex CC (IP) and CD (ARP) are used.
With the 871225.0 release, support has also been added for encapsulating IP
datagrams in "normal" AX.25 connected-mode packets. This was a natural by-
product of adding full AX.25 level 2 session support to the package.
This mode of operation requires that the TNC run special "KISS TNC" code. Ver-
sions for the TNC-2, TNC-1, and VADCG/ASHBY boards are included in this dis-
tribution. Some manufacturers, including AEA and Kantronics, are adding sup-
port for KISS into their commercial TNC products. Note that this style of
operation is NOT compatible with a "stock" TNC carrying SLIP format datagrams
in connected mode.
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_1._2._1._4. _A_X._2_5/_P_A_C_C_O_M_M _P_C-_1_0_0 _I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e (_N_O_T _Y_E_T _W_O_R_K_I_N_G)
The PC-100 is an I/O adapter card for the PC containing a Zilog 8530 Serial
Communications Controller and two AMD 7910 World Chip modems. The encapsula-
tion method is identical to (and compatible with) the AX.25/KISS TNC interface
_1._2._1._5. _A_X._2_5/_E_a_g_l_e _I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e
There is a card available at some swapfests made by Eagle Computer Company
that implements two ports using the Zilog 8530. External modems are required.
This driver is very similar to (and may eventually be merged with) the PC-100
_1._2._1._6. _A_d_d_r_e_s_s _R_e_s_o_l_u_t_i_o_n _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_A_R_P)
ARP is used for the automatic mapping of IP addresses to link or subnet
addresses. While originally designed for the specific task of mapping IP to
Ethernet addresses, the protocol is general enough to be used on any link or
subnet that supports a broadcast facility. ARP is described in ARPA RFC-826.
Both Ethernet and AX.25 format addresses are currently supported. Instead of
discarding a packet when an ARP request is sent, this implementation holds it
on a queue for a limited time, pending a response to the request.
_1._2._2. _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t _l_a_y_e_r
_1._2._2._1. _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_I_P)
IP is the universal network-level datagram protocol of the ARPA Internet. It
corresponds roughly to level 3 of the ISO Reference Model (ISORM). (Actually,
IP belongs to the 3B internetwork sublayer if you follow the amoeboid proli-
feration of ISO sublayers). Routines are provided to generate, receive and
route (i.e., packet switch) IP datagrams. IP is specified in ARPA RFC-791 and
IP datagram fragmentation and reassembly is fully implemented. The IP options
Loose Source Routing, Strict Source Routing and Record Route are supported;
Stream ID, Security and Timestamp are ignored. (Few, if any, IP options are
used extensively in the ARPA Internet). The IP module includes a routing
(packet switching) facility; currently this consists of a table containing a
list of host-specific destinations along with a "default" entry that may be
used when the desired destination is not found in the table. No protocol is
yet provided to actually manage the table; currently it must be done manually,
either locally or remotely. NB! "Networks" (in the ARPA Class-A/B/C sense)
are not yet understood, in that all entries in the routing table (except for
the default entry) must be host-specific. This will be fixed in the future
with a "generalized subnetting" scheme that will allow each entry in the table
to have an arbitrary, variable length "subnet mask."
_1._2._2._2. _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t _C_o_n_t_r_o_l _M_e_s_s_a_g_e _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_I_C_M_P)
ICMP is the error reporting adjunct to IP. It appears as a pseudo-protocol on
top of IP, but is actually considered to be part of IP. The IP routines
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automatically generate ICMP messages whenever an error occurs in the process-
ing of IP datagrams; incoming ICMP messages are passed up to the originating
end-to-end protocol for appropriate action. ICMP is specified in ARPA RFC-792.
This ICMP supports all options except ICMP Timestamps.
_1._2._3. _H_o_s_t-_H_o_s_t _L_a_y_e_r
_1._2._3._1. _T_r_a_n_s_m_i_s_s_i_o_n _C_o_n_t_r_o_l _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_T_C_P)
TCP provides a reliable, sequenced "virtual circuit" or "connection-oriented"
service atop IP on an end-to-end basis. It corresponds to the Transport layer
(level 4) of the OSI model. Since a single TCP module supports multiple con-
nections through the use of port numbers, it also provides Session (level 5)
functionality without the need for a distinct layer. (Or it makes the session
layer unnecessary, depending on your point of view). TCP is specified in ARPA
RFC-793 and MIL-STD-1778.
The implementation supports an arbitrary number of simultaneous connections,
limited only by memory space for control blocks. An "upcall" mechanism is
available to notify the user of three events: connection state change, receive
data available and transmit buffer space available. The Maximum Segment Size
option is understood and used when it is received, and a global variable is
used for generating MSS in outgoing segments. There is currently no provision
for sending URGent data. The latest recommendations on "tinygram" avoidance
(Nagle, ARPA RFC-896) are implemented and work quite well.
_1._2._3._2. _U_s_e_r _D_a_t_a_g_r_a_m _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_U_D_P)
UDP provides only a simple, unguaranteed "datagram" or "connectionless" ser-
vice, adding only checksums and port multiplexing to the raw service provided
by IP. As an alternative to TCP, UDP also sits at level 4 (and 5) of the
ISORM. UDP is specified in ARPA RFC-768.
The implementation supports the creation of queues on local sockets. An upcall
mechanism similar to that used in TCP notifies the user when datagrams have
_1._2._4. _A_p_p_l_i_c_a_t_i_o_n _L_a_y_e_r
_1._2._4._1. _F_i_l_e _T_r_a_n_s_f_e_r _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_F_T_P)
FTP is for transfer of binary or text files between hosts. FTP uses two TCP
connections - one for exchanging commands and responses in the form of ASCII
strings, and the other for the actual data transfers. FTP is defined in ARPA
FTP is implemented in two parts, a server half and a client half. The server
half supports multiple simultaneous remote users, although at the moment there
is no access control; anyone may access, delete or overwrite any file on the
machine. The client half is invoked by the "ftp" command.
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_1._2._4._2. _R_e_m_o_t_e _l_o_g_i_n _p_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_T_e_l_n_e_t)
Telnet is for logging into remote systems and negotiating various options,
such as remote vs local echoing. Telnet itself is documented in ARPA RFC-854,
with the many options defined in other RFCs.
The client half supports the ECHO and TRANSMIT-BINARY options; it is invoked
by the "telnet" command. A telnet "server" has been written, but since MS-DOS
isn't a timesharing system it is used for keyboard-to-keyboard conversations
instead. An incoming connect request to the local Telnet port creates a local
Telnet session and notifies the local user. He may then select the new session
and carry out a conversation with the remote initiator.
_1._2._4._3. _S_i_m_p_l_e _M_a_i_l _T_r_a_n_s_f_e_r _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_S_M_T_P)
As the name implies, is used for the transfer of electronic mail between
hosts. SMTP commands and responses are strings of ASCII characters resembling
those used by FTP. SMTP uses a single TCP connection for both control and the
actual mail messages. SMTP is described in ARPA RFC-821; headers in mail mes-
sages are described in RFC-822.
A simple version server (receiver) is implemented; it accepts mail from a
remote sender and appends it to a mailbox. Mail forwarding, which accounts for
much of the complexity in other mail servers, is not implemented. A mail
client ("user agent") for composing and sending messages developed by Bdale
Garbee, N3EUA, and others is included. It is called 'BM', and is documented
_1._2._5. _S_e_s_s_i_o_n _c_o_n_t_r_o_l
The user may manage several simultaneous Telnet and FTP client invocations.
Only one client session is "active" at any one time, but the user may quickly
switch between them. Terminal output arriving for an inactive session is held
until that session is again made active. (Note that this is in addition to
the multiple server sessions which go on automatically "in the background",
i.e., without operator intervention).
The Internet package has been tested with and works under DoubleDos 4.0 by
SoftLogic Solutions, allowing the system to be simultaneously "on the net"
while executing conventional MS-DOS commands. The net program uses the spe-
cial DoubleDos function call 0EEH to relinquish the processor when it isn't
needed; this speeds up the task running in the other partition. This function
is a "no-op" when DoubleDos isn't active.
_2. _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_i_v_i_a
_2._1. _W_h_a_t _a_n "_I_P _A_d_d_r_e_s_s" _i_s _a_n_d _H_o_w _t_o _G_e_t _O_n_e
IP Addresses are 32 bit numbers that uniquely identify a given machine (or
"host") running the TCP/IP protocol suite. All of the possible 32 bit numbers
are coordinated by an entity known as the Network Information Center, or NIC.
Amateur Radio operators are fortunate in that a "Class A Subnet" consisting of
24 bits of address, in the range 44.X.X.X, has been reserved for our use.
Brian Kantor, WB6CYT of San Diego, CA, now serves as the top level
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administrator of the 44.X.X.X address space, and assigns blocks of addresses
to regional coordinators from around the world.
You need to have a unique address before you can link in with the rest of the
networked world.
<insert info on how to get address>
_2._2. _O_b_t_a_i_n_i_n_g _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _U_p_d_a_t_e_s
The KA9Q Internet software package is still evolving and growing. As a
result, we occasionally issue updates to the software that fix bugs and/or
update functionality. Announcements are always made to the USENET news group
rec.ham-radio.packet, and in the bulletins on N3EUA's telephone BBS system.
They usually also show up on Compuserve within a day or two. There is never
any charge for the software. A small charge may exist for copying floppies if
you want the bits on disk, and of course you'll have to pay the long distance
if you grab the bits over the phone!
If several people are running the software in your area, get together and
decide on one person to get the new bits, then copy it around. We won't mind.
_2._2._1. _F_r_o_m _N_3_E_U_A'_s _P_h_o_n_e _B_B_S
The HIP Shack phone BBS, running Opus software, is reachable as Fidonet node
128/19, 303/495-2061. The BBS supports 300, 1200 and 2400 baud, is up
24hrs/day, and is configured to allow first-time users more than sufficient
time to download the entire package in one phone call at 1200 baud.
The BBS is always the first place that the software is available. Beta-
release executables for the PC can also occasionally be found here. You down-
load and use these at your own risk! (Known as the "you get what you pay for"
_2._2._2. _F_r_o_m _N_3_E_U_A'_s _U_n_i_x _M_a_c_h_i_n_e
For those running Unix machines with UUCP capability, there is an anonymous
UUCP login on winfree, N3EUA's BSD Unix machine, that can be used to download
the software. This machine is up 24hrs/day, but only has one modem, and the
modem stays fairly busy. A typical L.sys entry might be:
winfree Any ACU 2400 1-303-495-0492 ogin: Uanon word: notFTP
Start by transferring the file /usr/spool/uucppublic/pub/README for a list of
the files available, and current release notes.
_2._2._3. _V_i_a _F_T_P _o_n _t_h_e _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t
The current revision of the software is available on SIMTEL20.ARPA within a
few days of each release. The files usually reside in the directory
PD:<MSDOS.PACKET>. Questions on the files on Simtel20 can be directed to
W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA. Anonymous FTP's are allowed.
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Beta-releases are often available on the machine LOUIE.UDEL.EDU, in the direc-
tory tree rooted at pub/ka9q. Anonymous FTP's are allowed, but unless you're
working on the software, the bits on louie can be "dangerous", as they often
include incompletely implemented features, and can have serious bugs. Caveat
_2._2._4. _O_n _P_C _F_l_o_p_p_i_e_s
The Tucson Amateur Packet Radio association (TAPR) now provides floppy copies
of the software on 360k PC floppies, and can provide KISS ROMs for various
TNC's, at a nominal charge for duplication and shipping. Contact TAPR for
more information.
_2._2._5. _O_n _N_a_t_i_v_e _M_e_d_i_a _f_o_r _O_t_h_e_r _M_a_c_h_i_n_e_s
Copies of the software for the Macintosh and Amiga are best obtained by down-
loading from an online source, or by copying a friend's disk. If all else
fails, Mikel Matthews (the author of the Mac/Amiga port) is willing to make a
small number of copies on native media for the Mac and/or Amiga. Mikel can be
reached via UUCP mail at ...uiucdcs!addamax!mikel.
_3. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _o_f _t_h_e _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e
Installing the KA9Q Internet Package on your computer is not very hard, but if
you haven't tried to do it before, it can be a bit confusing. The greatest
efforts made so far towards making the process simple and understandable have
been made by Brian Lloyd, WB6RQN. Much of this installation section is a
direct copy of portions of his HOWTO.DOC document. Information about instal-
lation on machines other than the IBM clone family has come from various
_3._1. _C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_i_n_g _Y_o_u_r _T_N_C _f_o_r _N_e_t_w_o_r_k _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_o_n:
If you are using this software in a University or other wired-network environ-
ment, you may want to skip past the TNC installation section. All Hams should
keep reading!
There are now several choices for TNCs to be used with the TCP/IP network
code. Versions of the Keep It Simple Stupid TNC interface software (KISS) are
available for the TNC-1, the TNC-2, the VADCG board and clones (Ashby), the
Kantronics family of TNCs, and the AEA TNCs. Following are the different
setup/configuration modes for the different TNCs.
_3._1._1. _T_N_C-_1 _o_r _H_e_a_t_h _H_D-_4_0_4_0
The firmware for the TNC-1 is available in either a downloadable version or a
stand alone version. I will describe only the stand alone version here.
Locate the ROM labeled E000 and remove it. Insert the KISS PROM in its place
making sure that you orient the prom in the same direction (failure to do so
will result in smoked PROM). Connect your TNC-1 to your computer using an
RS-232 cable. A cable that passes the signals from pins 2, 3, and 7 is suffi-
Since the TNC-1 has no switches for setting the baud rate to the computer the
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firmware has been "hard wired" to 4800 baud. See the documentation that comes
with the TNC-1 version of KISS for instructions on how to patch the .HEX file
for other baud rates.
_3._1._2. _T_N_C-_2 _a_n_d _C_l_o_n_e_s
First step is to prepare your TNC-2 for use with TCP/IP. The standard
firmware for the TNC-2 is not very computer friendly and, as such, is not very
useful when it comes time to make your computer speak with other computers.
To that end Mike Chepponis, K3MC, wrote the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) TNC
code. There are two ROM versions for the TNC-2. The first is contained in a
type 2764 or 27C64 EPROM. This version contains the KISS code in it. The
second version is contained in a type 27256 or 27C256 EPROM and contains both
the standard TAPR 1.1.3 TNC code and a loader that will permit you to download
the KISS code into the TNC. Check the EPROM you have received and determine
which type you have. If you are burning your own EPROMs you probably do not
need these instructions.
Open up your TNC and locate the ROM. It is in the socket labeled "U23." Using
a small nail file or screwdriver gently pry up the existing EPROM. Carefully
press the new EPROM into place being sure that the orientation is the same.
If you are installing the 2764 type of EPROM you will need to make a small
modification to the TNC. There is a location on the board just above the
first RAM socket labeled JMP-6. Turn the board over and cut the trace joining
the two pads. Solder a two-pin jumper header in place. When using a type
2764 the jumper at JMP-6 should be removed and installed when a type 27256
EPROM is being used. That should complete the hardware part of the installa-
tion. As an alternative you may choose to burn the KISS code into a 27256 and
not bother with jumpers.
Attach your TNC to your PC using an RS-232C cable. You can use the same cable
that you were using to connect your PC to your TNC. If you are doing this for
the first time and are not sure about your cabling, a cable with just pins 2,
3, and 7 passed through is sufficient. Some PCs like to see the signals Clear
To Send (CTS, pin 5), Data Set Ready (DSR, pin 6), and Data Carrier Detect
(DCD, pin 8) asserted. You can set this up by jumpering pin 4 to 5, and pin
20 to pins 6 and 8 at the female DB-25 connector that goes to the PC.
Now to verify that the TNC still works. Apply power to the TNC and turn it
on. The STA, CON, and PWR LEDs should come on and the STA and CON lights
should go out again about 1 second later. If you have the type 2764 EPROM
with the KISS code in it one or both of the STA and CON LEDs will begin to
flash. If the CON LED flashes you have 8Kb of RAM in the TNC. If the STA LED
flashes you have 16Kb of RAM. If both LEDs flash you have 32 Kb of RAM. The
flashing of the LEDs verifies the proper operation of the TNC.
If you got the combined loader and TAPR version EPROM, checkout is a slightly
different process. You can test your TNC-2 using two methods. The first
method is to connect your TNC to a terminal program and send the character 'h'
or 'H' to the TNC. The result should be the standard TNC startup message.
Exit from the 1.1.3 mode of operation by issuing the reset command to the TNC.
The second method involves downloading the KISS code to the TNC. Use the mode
command to set the baud rate of the comm port to the proper value, e.g. it
matches the DIP switch setting on the back of the TNC, and copy the file
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tnc2kiss.hex to the appropriate comm port. The following command sequence
will serve to download the KISS code to the TNC:
mode com1:4800
copy tnc2kiss.hex com1:
If the download was successful (it takes about one minute) the STA and/or CON
LEDs will begin flashing as described in the previous paragraph. If the down-
load is not successful check the cable from computer to TNC, check the baud
rate on the TNC, and check to ensure that the computer is indeed sending data
to the TNC. Once this is done the TNC is ready to use with the NET program.
NOTE: running KISS causes the stored parameters in the TNC, i.e.
MYCALL, NEWMODE, TXDELAY, etc., to be destroyed. Every time you
shift from KISS to TAPR modes you MUST reset the parameters.
_3._1._3. _A_E_A _P_K-_2_3_2, _P_K-_8_7, _o_r _n_e_w _H_e_a_t_h _T_N_C (_P_K-_2_3_2 _c_l_o_n_e)
If you have one of these boxes, congratulations! You do not have to change
PROMS! KISS is already installed as a standard feature if you have a recent
release of the firmware, 4-MAR-87 or later for the PK-232, or 21-JAN-87 or
later for the PK-87, you have KISS in your TNC already. To make it work first
ensure that your computer can communicate with the TNC in standard packet
mode. This will ensure that the computer, TNC, cabling, and radio are all
operating properly.
[Please note that one of the commands "PACKET" is not valid on the PK-87 and
will only elicit a "Huh?" response. Please note that comments have been added
to the commands. Do not type the information following the double dash or
type the double dash itself.]
Here is the sequence of commands that will turn on the KISS mode for the AEA
AWLEN 8 -- ensure it can speak 8 bit data
PARITY 0 -- no parity
RESTART -- warm reset; make the previous commands take effect
PACKET -- PK-232 or Heath only
TONE 3 -- PK-87 only
START 0 -- start, stop, xon, xoff, xflow to disable software
STOP 0 flow cont
CONMODE trans -- pass through all characters
HPOLL off -- disable host polling
KISS on -- enable KISS version of host mode
RAWHDLC on -- turn off AX25L2 (the protocol is now handled by the PC)
PPERSIST on -- turn off DWAIT and enable p-persistence
HOST on -- start KISS running
The PK-87 or the PK-232 will remain in the KISS mode until you send a break
- 11 -
(~200ms of spacing) or until you send the command character three times (^C ^C
^C) in quick succession. Beware! Some terminal emulators (like YAPP) will
send a break signal when you exit from them. That will undo your work and
cause all manner of confusion. The terminal program PROCOMM seems to work
just fine. The TNC may also be switched back to ordinary AX.25 mode by issu-
ing the following command from within NET.EXE:
param ax0 255
_3._1._4. _K_a_n_t_r_o_n_i_c_s
Kantronics has recently begun to offer KISS on their products. It is the sim-
plest of the commercial implementations of KISS to configure and use.
First setup and operate your KAM, KPC-II, or KPC-4 for standard packet opera-
tion. This will ensure that the computer, TNC, cabling, and radio are operat-
ing properly. Use your terminal program to send the following commands:
ABAUD 4800 -- set the baud rate to whatever you will be using when
net is running (set by the attach command)
DWAIT 0 -- disable DWAIT
PERSIST 50 -- enable persistence and set it to about 20%
SLOTTIME 16 -- set the slot time to 160 ms
KISS ON -- Enable KISS mode at the next reset
PERM -- make the above command permanent so that KISS
will be entered whenever the TNC is powered up
RESET -- start KISS
If you wish to have the the TNC revert back to ordinary AX.25 mode of opera-
tion you should omit the PERM command from the above sequence. That way the
TNC will revert back to ordinary AX.25 mode when the power is removed and
restored to the TNC. The TNC may be switched back to ordinary AX.25 mode by
issuing the command:
param ax0 255
This command will work even if the PERM command has been used to make KISS the
default mode of operation.
_3._2. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _o_f _N_E_T._E_X_E _o_n _a_n _I_B_M _P_C _o_r _C_l_o_n_e
Create a directory called EXE and set that as the default directory. Use
PKXARC to extract the files from EXE.ARC into the new directory. Should you
not have PKXARC already, run the program PKX35A35.EXE provided with the dis-
tribution. This program will create the extraction utility and its documenta-
There are two programs that make up the network software: NET.EXE (the net-
working code) and BM.EXE (the mail program). Copy these programs from the EXE
directory to the place on your hard disk where you keep command programs. If
you are running on a floppy based system you should create a bootable floppy
- 12 -
and copy these programs to the floppy.
Test to make sure that everything is there by executing the programs. Type
the command "net" and, if the installation of the network code was successful,
the message "KA9Q internet protocol package" and the prompt "net>" will appear
on the screen. This means that the network code is running and awaiting com-
Exit from the net code with the command "exit." Now run the command "bm." The
screen should display the message "Bdale's Messy-DOS Mailer" and the prompt
"Brian"> will appear (this prompt or something like it is a function of the
content of the bm.rc configuration file). If all this has occurred, all is
well so far. If you do not get this response from bm, do not be concerned.
Try again after you have configured bm in the following steps.
_3._2._1. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _t_h_e _M_a_i_l _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_i_e_s _u_s_e_d _b_y _B_M
First step is to configure the mailer (BM). To make BM work properly you must
create the following directories on your disk:
Copy the file SEQUENCE.SEQ to the /spool/mqueue directory. Copy the files
HOSTS.NET and BM.RC to the root directory of the default drive used when net
is running. If you are on a floppy based system you need to put BM.RC with
directory (more on AUTOEXEC.NET later).
_3._2._2. _H_O_S_T_S._N_E_T
You will need to edit the file HOSTS.NET to know about all the systems with
which you will exchange mail. This is how net will translate the name into
the IP address. Here is an example of some of the entries I have in my
machine for other local TCP/IP stations: wb2sef.ampr n8fjb.ampr ka3lyq.ampr Roel
All this does is translate the symbolic name to the IP address, e.g. WB2SEF
gets translated to so that IP can route it to the proper network
node. This saves you from having to remember lots of numbers. You may note
that the last entry has two aliases, either of which may be used to specify
the IP address There is essentially no limit to the number of
aliases that may be listed for a single IP address. Just be sure that they
are all on one line.
_3._2._3. _B_M._R_C
Next edit the file BM.RC. This file lets the mail system know about local
- 13 -
host name, user name, and editor name. Here are some example entries:
host wb6rqn.ampr
user brian
edit emacs
The edit entry should contain the name of your favorite editor, such as edlin
(edlin is not your favorite editor?). This editor will be used to construct a
mail message when you invoke that function of bm. You may use any DOS compa-
tible editor just so long as it has the capability to prepare ascii files (be
careful if you specify a word processor -- some word processors embed special
characters in the file).
Later on you can read the documents BM.DOC and SMTP.DOC to get more informa-
tion. You at least have enough info to get your mailer running now.
_3._2._4. _F_T_P_U_S_E_R_S
Now you need to possibly modify the /FTPUSERS file to permit users to send and
receive files from your system. The FTPUSERS file contains the information
about users in the following format:
user password /directory permission-code
The 'user' entry is the user's name, 'password' is the password for that user,
'/directory' is the directory to which the user will have access (all of the
subdirectories too), and permission-code is a number between 0 and 7 that
defines what the user may do.
The permission-code is a bit-map where the three least significant bits each
have a specific meaning. Here is a table:
1 - read and directory access
2 - create access
4 - overwrite and delete access
The protection bits are added together to create the permission-code. For
example 3 (1+2) permit the user to read files and create new files but not
overwrite or delete and existing file. A permission-code of 7 (1+2+4) would
permit full access. Here are some examples:
guest * /public 3
brian xyzzy / 7
In these examples guest may log in with any password and may copy files or
create new files in the directory /public while user brian must log in with
password xyzzy but will be granted full access, e.g. read, write, overwrite,
and delete, to all files in the system.
If you are running in a radio-based environment I would not give out the
- 14 -
latter user/password combination because it will give anyone access to your
entire disk. Also remember that the user/password combination are broadcast
in-the-clear for anyone to read (if they have trace turned on). It is wise to
segregate your radio-link users in a separate directory tree and not permit
delete or overwrite access. That should prevent malicious mischief.
_3._2._5. _C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_i_n_g _N_E_T _a_n_d _t_h_e _A_U_T_O_E_X_E_C._N_E_T _f_i_l_e:
Now you need to configure and run NET. Configuring NET to run may be per-
formed manually every time you start up NET.EXE but that gets old pretty fast.
There are usually many commands that must be typed the same way every time net
is started. Fortunately Phil thought of this and provided the AUTOEXEC.NET
file. The intention here is to place all the commands that you always execute
in a file to be read and executed by NET.EXE whenever you start up. To this
end you will want to edit the file AUTOEXEC.NET prior to running NET.EXE.
Just use a text editor to enter the commands into the file AUTOEXEC.NET as you
would type them at the "net>" prompt.
_3._2._5._1. _S_e_t_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _I_P _a_d_d_r_e_s_s:
When NET.EXE first starts up you need to tell it about many things, i.e what
comm ports you have, what your IP address is, what your host name is, what
other systems you will communicate with, what services you wish to provide,
etc. The first thing to do is to tell net who we are with the ip address,
hostname, and ax25 mycall commands. Enter your ip address in dotted decimal
notation or give the symbolic name from your HOSTS.NET file. Here is an exam-
ip address []
The selection of an address is very important. If you are going to be part of
a network you must have a unique address. Talk to the person in your area who
is responsible for coordinating addresses. If you are not a part of the
Internet and are just using this with your own computers, pick any unique
address that suits you.
NOTE: Throughout this document names and IP addresses are inter-
changeable. Net differentiates between the two by requiring you to
enclose IP addresses in square brackets [].
_3._2._5._2. _H_o_s_t_n_a_m_e:
The hostname command is used to set the name of your system. This is
displayed when someone initiates an FTP session with your system. Again here
is an example:
hostname wb6rqn.ampr
This corresponds to my system in my local domain. For the purposes of amateur
packet radio your call sign followed by "ampr" (amateur packet radio network)
is probably sufficient.
- 15 -
_3._2._5._3. _A_X_2_5 _M_y_c_a_l_l (_p_a_c_k_e_t _r_a_d_i_o _o_n_l_y):
Since I also run net on the air (amateur packet radio networking) I must
specify my amateur call sign with the ax25 mycall command. Again, here is the
entry from my AUTOEXEC.NET file:
ax25 mycall WB6RQN-0
The call sign is entered in the same form that is used with the standard TAPR
TNC software, e.g. the call sign is followed by the SSID field.
If you are going to run TCP/IP on the air using the ax25 driver (described
below with the attach command) the ax25 mycall entry MUST precede the first
attach command that uses the ax25 driver. Otherwise there is no required
order for these commands.
_3._2._5._4. _A_t_t_a_c_h _c_o_m_m_a_n_d
The attach command tells net about your comm ports and in what mode the ports
will operate. Currently four types of comm hardware are supported: standard
PC async comm adapters, the HAPN TNC board for the PC, the Eagle RS-232/2
card, and the 3Com Ethernet controller. Each of these devices has its own
version of the attach command. Here is the attach command for an async
adapter card acting as COM1:. You would use this to attach your pc to a TNC
running the KISS code:
attach asy 0x3f8 4 ax25 ax0 1024 256 4800
This means attach an asynchronous adapter whose port address is 3F8 hex using
interrupt line 4 (both standard for com1:), as an ax25 device (KISS TNC),
using a buffer size of 1024 and a maximum transmission unit (the largest
packet you are allowed to send) of 256 bytes, running at 4800 baud. The media
name for this device will be ax0, a name that will be used in the route, con-
nect, and param commands to refer to this comm port. This is probably a
pretty good place to start. If you also wish to use COM2 instead of or in
addition to COM1 you would add the line:
attach asy 0x2f8 3 ax25 ax1 1024 256 4800
If you are instead going to use COM2 to connect with another PC using a hard
wired connection (some of us do have multiple PC's) you might want to use
COM2: to connect to the other PC. We would want to use SLIP to do this so the
attach command would be:
attach asy 0x2f8 3 slip sl0 1024 576 4800
NOTE: IBM-PCs and clones all use I/O port address 0x3f8 and inter-
rupt request line 4 for COM1 and port address 0x2f8 and interrupt
request line 3 for COM2. There are other comm cards that implement
COM3, COM4, etc., but these cards may use non-standard port
- 16 -
addresses and interrupt request lines for these ports. Check the
documentation that came with your comm card if you are trying to use
COM3 or higher.
If you have an HAPN TNC card for your PC you will want to enter the following
attach command:
attach hapn 0x3f8 4 ax25 h0 1024 256 csma
This tells net to use an HAPN board with the port address 3F8h and interrupt
request line 4. The speed of the board is determined by the board so the
software has no control over that function. The last parameter, listed as
Recently the Eagle RS-232/2 card has become available at very reasonable
prices. This two-channel card generates HDLC frames directly and may be con-
nected to a modem for direct packet radio operation without a TNC. Normally it
would be connected to a Bell-202-type half-duplex asynchronous modem.
The attach command for the Eagle board is almost identical to that of the
standard async comm card. Here is an example:
attach eagle 0x300 5 ax25 eg0 2048 256 1200
Two items must be as shown in the example: the mode must always be ax25 (not
SLIP) and the media name must begin with 'eg' and end with a single digit.
The first Eagle card must be called eg0 and the second must be called eg1.
The Eagle card is hard wired for a base address of 0x300 and IRQ5. The use of
IRQ5 conflicts with the disk controller on the PC/XT (no problem with the
PC/AT). If you wish to use the Eagle card with a PC/XT or compatible you will
need to locate the trace from pin 3 of the 74LS125 (U12) to B23 (IRQ5) on the
edge connector. Cut this trace at the edge connector and reroute it to B4
(IRQ2) on the edge connector. This will eliminate the conflict and allow you
to use IRQ2.
If you happen to have more than one PC you may wish to connect them using an
Ethernet. The net software supports the 3Com 3C500 or 3C501 boards for the
PC. The command to attach this board is:
attach 3c500 0x300 3 arpa ec0 5 1500
This tells net that there is a 3Com 3C500 board at I/O address 300h using
interrupt request line 3 with the media name ec0. Net should reserve five
buffers and the largest Ethernet packet may be 1500 bytes long.
A word about the selection of the value for the maximum transmission unit.
For standard TNCs and radios 256 is probably the largest value you should use.
This ensures compatibility with the rest of the AX.25 community and ensures
that you are legal if you are operating unattended (part 97 of the FCC regula-
tions specifically mentions the AX.25 protocol in permitting unattended
- 17 -
digital operation above 50 MHz). The smallest value you may use is 64. Per-
formance improves with larger values IF you can get them to the other end
without errors. I suggest you stick with 256 until you can run some experi-
ments of your own. If you have a good transmission path and all the stations
and gateways are attended, feel free to use larger values. It will result in
improved performance (see the discussion of the mss and window parameters).
_3._2._5._5. _P_a_r_a_m _c_o_m_m_a_n_d:
If you are using a TNC running the KISS code (you probably are if you are
operating amateur packet radio) you will need to set the parameters in the
TNC. This is accomplished with the param command.
There are five settable parameters in the kiss code. They are:
1. Transmitter keyup delay (TXD). This is how long the TNC will wait after
keying the transmitter prior to beginning to send data. The proper value
for this parameter is dependent on your configuration. This value is in
10's of milliseconds. Acceptable values range from 0 (0 ms) to 255
(2,550 ms or 2.55 seconds).
2. Persistence (p). This is the probability that the TNC will key your
transmitter if a slot is found empty (the channel is free). Acceptable
values range from 0 (p = (0+1)/256 = 0.4%) to 255 (p = 255+1/256 = 100%).
The default value is 63 (25%). The optimum value is somewhere close to
1/n where n is the number of users on the channel.
3. Slot time (ts). This is how long that the TNC will wait between samples
of the channel. Acceptable values range from 0 (0 ms) to 255 (2,550 ms
or 2.55 seconds).
4. Tail timer (tt). This is how long the TNC will keep the transmitter
keyed after the last character has been transferred to the HDLC con-
troller. This has become an outdated command since most of the TNCs now
set this value automatically based on data rate.
5. Full Duplex. A zero value (the default value) means operate the TNC in
half-duplex CSMA mode (listen before you transmit). A non-zero value
means transmit whenever there is data to send.
Let us assume that on the channel associated with ax0 that I have a radio that
requires a transmit keyup delay of 200 ms, I want persistence to be 20%
(p=0.2), and I want the slot time to be 160 ms. These are the values that we
use in the DC area and make us "good neighbors" who do not "hog" the channel.
I would enter the following commands:
param ax0 1 20
param ax0 2 51
param ax0 3 16
Note that the parameters are now specified as decimal values.
NOTE: The 'param' command will be used for issuing other device-
- 18 -
dependent commands as the need arises. Right now it is used only
for setting the parameters for kiss TNCs and the speed of SLIP and
AX25 links. Other versions of the 'param' command will be added as
the need arises.
If you are dealing with a SLIP link (you used the entry slip instead of ax25
in the attach command) the param command is used to change the speed (baud
rate) for the line. If you wanted to change the speed of your second slip
link to 4800 baud you would enter:
param sl1 4800
_3._2._5._6. _a_x_2_5 _d_i_g_i_p_e_a_t _c_o_m_m_a_n_d (_p_a_c_k_e_t _r_a_d_i_o _o_n_l_y):
If you are currently an active digipeater in your area you can also make your
system continue to be a digipeater for those poor souls unlucky enough to
still be running ordinary AX.25. The command for this is:
ax25 digipeat on
_3._2._5._7. _M_a_i_l _G_a_t_e_w_a_y:
The mail subsystem (SMTP) needs to know where to send mail should the destina-
tion be unknown to the sending system. This is handled by the gateway command
as follows:
smtp gateway wa3pxx
- or -
smtp gateway []
Should you try to send mail to a host that is not in your HOSTS.NET file the
mailer will route the mail to the system specified in the gateway entry. This
presumes that the gateway system is smart enough to figure out to whom the
mail is addressed so that the mail can be forwarded. At this time the mailer
in NET.EXE is not "smart" enough to act as a mail forwarding node. This field
is only here should you be lucky enough to have another computer accessible to
you with a smart SMTP mailer or another host that acts as a gateway to another
network. Any UNIX 4.2 or 4.3 BSD system has such a mailer. A PC running the
WA3PXX BBS gateway also will serve.
For packet radio enthusiasts another use for the gateway command is to send
mail on to your local BBS gateway station. Bob Gibson, WA3PXX, has con-
structed a gateway program that will permit the transfer of mail from the
WA7MBL BBS to SMTP and back again. By having your local BBS run DoubleDos
with the WA7MBL BBS in one partition and NET in the other you can automati-
cally move mail between the two domains.
_3._2._5._8. _C_o_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n _o_f _R_o_u_t_i_n_g _T_a_b_l_e_s:
Now you need to construct the routing table. This table is used by the IP to
determine how to forward your packets. Each entry consists of two or three
- 19 -
parts, the IP address of the destination, the link upon which it is to be for-
warded, and the IP address of the next station in line if there can be more
than one IP address on the link (used if the mode is ax25 and not used if the
mode is slip). Here are three sample entries, one for a station more than one
hop away via ax25 to be forwarded by, one for station one hop away
on ax25, and one for a station on the other side of a slip link:
route add [] ax0 []
route add [] ax0
route add [] sl0
route add n3ja ax0
The first string following the command 'route add' is the destination IP
address. The second field, i.e. ax0 or sl0, is the media and must match up
with one of your previous attach commands. The last field is the next station
in the path if the destination is more than one hop away. This is an optional
field and only needs to be used if the media is a broadcast media such as Eth-
ernet or AX.25 and the destination is more than one hop away.
Note that the address may be specified as either an IP address in dotted
decimal notation or it may be a symbolic address from your hosts.net file. If
you choose the latter technique you must enter the symbolic address precisely
as it was entered in the hosts.net file, e.g. upper and lower case characters
in the name are significant.
If you are using an Eagle RS-232/2 board your media is named eg0 or eg1.
There is still a problem because there are two ports on the board. In order
to solve this problem you will need to add the letters 'a' or 'b' to the media
name. For instance, if you have a single Eagle card your media names become
'eg0a' and 'eg0b' for the A and B ports of the card respectively. Remember,
take the media name from the attach command and append either A or B to the
end of the name to select the appropriate port. Here are some examples:
route add [] eg0a
route add aj9x eg0b wb3ffv
There are two other special types of route entries; the default entry and a
cluster entry. Here is a default entry:
route add default ax0 []
This means that if the address does not match any entry in your table, route
the packet to via ax0. Hopefully the switch at will be
able to forward the packet to its destination. This generally works well if
you are merely an end node (a leaf) in the network and all your traffic goes
to a single gateway.
_3._2._5._8._1. _C_l_u_s_t_e_r _R_o_u_t_i_n_g _a_n_d _i_t_s _A_s_s_o_c_i_a_t_e_d _C_o_n_c_e_p_t_s:
The other option for routing is cluster routing. It allows you to send blocks
of addresses in a certain direction. This is useful if all the users in a
- 20 -
given area have some common part to their IP addresses. Here is an explana-
tion of cluster routing and addresses in general.
The IP address is thirty-two (32) bits long. It is generally represented as
four 8-bit numbers, with each number being written in decimal form. For exam-
ple, my IP address is This number can be represented as the hexa-
decimal value 2C600001 or 00101100011000000000000000000001 in binary. We can
break this out as follows:
decimal 44 96 0 1
hexadecimal 2C 60 00 01
binary 00101100 01100000 00000000 00000001
Normally when you make an entry in the routing table, all bits of the address
are significant, e.g. an exact match is needed for the address to be recog-
nized. On the other end there is the default route in which any address
Cluster routing falls somewhere between these two extremes. Cluster routing
allows you to specify how much of the address is to be considered valid. In
order to determine how many bits in the address are valid you enter the
address in a special format:
route add []/26 ax0
This means that only the first 26 bits of the address are to be considered
significant. This is a form of wild card for the address. Here is that
address in binary to show the mapping:
00101100 01100000 00000000 01??????
The question marks in the above address show the least significant six bits
being "wild," or matching any corresponding bits in the address. Here are
some examples: 00101100 01100000 00000000 01000111 (a match) 00101100 01100000 00000000 01011001 (a match) 00101100 01100000 00000000 00000001 (no match)
This works because the routing process in the net code will, when presented
with an address, search for an exactly matching entry. Failing to find that
it will then look for an address that matches on the most significant 31 bits,
then 30 bits, and so on. If presented with the address IP would,
after 6 tries, match the address to the example given above.
By judiciously assigning addresses we can make the address aid us in routing
the packets. The users within a LAN should have something in common in the
high order part of the address so that we can use a single entry in the rout-
ing table to make things go in the proper direction. Here in the Washington
DC area all addresses begin with 44.96.0. This identifies this general area
- 21 -
and may be used to provide routing to us. Once the packet arrives in our gen-
eral area cluster routing is then used to further route the packets to the
appropriate area. In DC and the parts of Maryland immediately surrounding DC
the low order byte ranges from 0 to 63. Northern Virginia users get numbers
in the range of 64 to 127. The Baltimore users get 128 to 191 while the Har-
risburg, PA, users get 192 to 255. The idea being that we can use the top two
bits in the low order byte of the address to identify LANs within the address.
That way the bits in the high order part of the address will get you into the
general area, the next part of the address will get you to the proper LAN, and
the least significant bits will get you to the proper host or user.
_3._2._5._9. _R_o_u_t_i_n_g _L_o_o_p_s _a_n_d _t_h_e _T_i_m_e _T_o _L_i_v_e (_T_T_L) _C_o_m_m_a_n_d:
It is quite possible (and likely!) to make errors when setting up routing
tables that will cause a routing loop to occur (a routing loop is a circular
path that never reaches the intended destination). Imagine what would happen
if two stations had their default routing pointing at each other like this:
host 1 ( route add default ax0 []
host 2 (; route add default ax0 []
In this case a packet that got routed using the default route would bounce
back and forth between the two stations forever. There is a command that can
prevent this from going on forever: the Time-To-Live (ttl) command. Every IP
packet has a ttl field in it that is decremented by 1 at every hop. When the
ttl field reaches zero and the packet is not at the destination the packet is
discarded and an ICMP message explaining the fact is sent to the sending host.
Normally net sets the ttl field to 255. If you know that no host is more than
5 hops away you might issue the following command:
ip ttl 5
This means that all packets from your host/station are sent with ttl set to an
initial value of 5. These packets will now be discarded if they haven't
reached their destination after 5 hops. This limits the traffic in the net-
work should somebody inadvertently create a routing loop.
_3._2._6. _U_s_i_n_g _D_i_g_i_p_e_a_t_e_r_s _a_n_d _t_h_e _A_R_P _A_d_d _C_o_m_m_a_n_d (_p_a_c_k_e_t _r_a_d_i_o _o_n_l_y):
Since there may not be many TCP users in your area you may need to use a digi-
peater (or two) to reach the other users in your area. This is now possible
by adding entries to the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) tables. ARP serves
to map IP addresses into Ethernet or AX25 address, whichever is appropriate to
the media in use. ARP normally does its work automatically by directly
conversing with the other station but it cannot do that if the other station
is reachable only via a digipeater. In that case you must "hard-wire" an ARP
table entry with the ARP ADD command.
Before you can use the ARP ADD command you must know the path to the other
station. Let us assume that the station with whom you wish to communicate is
WA4OIE (Other Internet Experimenter) whose address is, but the
only path available is via WB3PID (Poor Inefficient Digipeater). In this case
- 22 -
you will use the following ARP ADD command:
arp add [] ax25 wa4oie wb3pid
- or -
arp add wa4oie ax25 wa4oie wb3pid
From this point on packets sent over an AX25 link to address will
use the AX25 destination address of WA4OIE with an intermediate digipeater
address of WB3PBD. If you need to use more than one digipeater it is permis-
sible. Just place the call signs of the digipeaters sequentially following
the destination AX.25 address.
_3._2._7. _W_i_n_d_o_w _a_n_d _M_a_x_i_m_u_m _S_e_g_m_e_n_t _S_i_z_e_s:
The next information we want to include is some information used by TCP to
determine how much data it can send at one time and how much data may be out-
standing before it stops to wait for an ack from the other end. Here are the
example values:
tcp mss 216
tcp window 648
The parameter mss stands for maximum segment size and represents the largest
single segment that TCP will send. Mss should be set as a function of the
quality of the link over which you are running. Relatively error-free links
should use larger values of mss. If you are running on amateur packet radio
and wish to operate unattended you should probably limit this value to 216 (an
mss of 216 will cause you to send AX.25 packets that are 256 bytes long.
The net program now compares the mss value and the mtu values given in the
attach command for the media being used. Since TCP and IP each have a 20 byte
header (a total of 40 bytes), an mss of 216 corresponds to an mtu of 256. If
you are using mixed mtu's, i.e. 256 for AX.25, 1500 for Ethernet, and 576 for
SLIP, set the mss to correspond to the largest mtu you are using and let net
adjust the mss downward for the media that are using smaller values for mtu.
The 'window' parameter is how many bytes may be outstanding at any one time
before you wait for an ack. If you have a pretty good link you can increase
the value of mss. If window is larger than mss TCP will run as a sliding win-
dow protocol, e.g. continue to send packets while waiting for ACKs on previ-
ously sent packets. Since TCP uses selective reject (resend ONLY those seg-
ments that were damaged or lost) this is not a very expensive proposition. In
any case window should always be a multiple of mss to prevent the transmission
of small packets every once in a while.
If you are running on a radio channel at 1200 baud remember that a 1024 byte
transmission will take seven seconds, a time that can make you unpopular if
you have to share the frequency with AX.25 TNCs that cannot adapt to the high
channel utilization. In those cases it is probably better to reduce window
and/or mss values. The above values will make you fit in reasonably with your
other AX.25 neighbors. Remember that the efficiency of large packets and long
transmissions are probably not worth having your neighbors so angry that they
- 23 -
tie a rope between your coax and the bumper of a pickup truck so that they can
non-surgically remove your station from your shack.
One last point before we move on; the mss and window values that you set will
be the ones that your TCP will ask the OTHER station to use. When the session
is initially set up the two TCPs will exchange mss and window values. This
permits stations to automatically adjust to the capabilities of the other sta-
tion. For this reason it is best to get everyone in your LAN to use the same
_3._2._8. _S_t_a_r_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _S_e_r_v_e_r_s:
Next you need to decide what services you will provide to other users in the
network. You must start the servers or others won't be able to make use of
your system for mail or file transfers. You will simply be a switch for other
users (in fact, for a switch on a hill that may be just what you want). You
will still be able to initiate file transfers or telnet sessions but no one
will be able to initiate one with you. Should you fail to start the servers
anyone trying to access those services on your machine will just receive a
"Closed, (reset)" message. For the sake of consistency you will probably want
to use the start command to enable the following services:
start telnet
start ftp
start smtp
start echo
start discard
Telnet is the terminal-to-host and terminal-to-terminal mode, ftp is the file
transfer protocol, smtp is the mail system (simple mail transfer protocol),
and echo is the echo server (it just sends back any packets it receives --
good for finding out if a switch is out there and running). The discard server
simply throws away anything it receives. The echo and discard servers are
generally used for testing a link.
_3._3. _R_u_n_n_i_n_g _t_h_e _n_e_t_w_o_r_k _p_r_o_g_r_a_m _N_E_T._E_X_E
Start the networking program running by issuing the command "net." You should
be rewarded by having the "net>" prompt appear on your screen. If you prepared
AUTOEXEC.NET as described in the previous section then you don't need to issue
any configuration commands. If you have not set up AUTOEXEC.NET you will want
to read that section of the manual prior to proceeding with this section.
_3._3._1. _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_n_g _M_o_d_e_s:
Net provides two modes of operation: command and session. In the command mode
you are interacting with the command interpreter to permit you to establish
sessions, retrieve status information, establish new routing table entries,
etc. Please consider the commands you were required to enter in the
AUTOEXEC.NET file. All of those commands were directed at the command inter-
preter. You can tell that the NET.EXE command interpreter is waiting for
input because it will present this prompt:
- 24 -
The session mode is unique to the session with which you wish to communicate.
TELNET (terminal-to-host and terminal-to-terminal) and FTP (the File Transfer
Protocol) are the two types of sessions with which you may interact and each
has its own sets of commands and operating modes.
Before you get too carried away with trying things it is probably a good idea
to read at least as far as the discussion on multiple sessions. That will
explain how to start and use TELNET and FTP as well as how to keep straight
all the activity from multiple users.
_3._3._2. _R_u_n_n_i_n_g _T_E_L_N_E_T:
TELNET is used to provide terminal mode access to a host computer system but
may also be used to have a terminal-to-terminal "chat" with another operator.
There are three commands directly associated with the TELNET service: the
'telnet', the 'eol', and the 'echo' commands. ,NH 4 The 'telnet' command:
The 'telnet' command is used to establish a TELNET session with a remote TCP
socket, usually the TELNET server on a remote host. To establish a TELNET
session you would issue the 'telnet' command as follows:
telnet wb2sef
telnet []
Both of these commands would establish a TELNET session with the TELNET server
at WB2SEF because WB2SEF is defined in HOSTS.NET as having the address Note that we merely specified that we wished to establish a TELNET
session and the TELNET client then connected us with the TELNET server which
resides at TCP port address 23. There is an extended syntax for the 'telnet'
command that will let you specify the port number at the remote host to which
you wish to be connected. Here is an example of the extended syntax:
telnet [] 7
telnet wb2sef 9
In the first example TELNET is being asked to establish a session with port
number 7, the echo server, at the host whose address is The second
example also is a request to connect to the host whose address is
but this time the connection is to be made to port number 9, the discard
server. These two ports are regularly used for test purposes, the echo server
echoing back everything it receives and the discard server discarding every-
thing it receives but returning a proper acknowledgement.
Once you have issued the 'telnet' command you will see the message "SYN sent"
followed a short time later by the message "Established" (assuming that your
destination was reachable). At this point you would be in communication with
the TELNET server on the other end. If the remote host is a timesharing com-
puter (possibly running UNIX) you would very shortly be presented with a login
- 25 -
screen. You may consider your keyboard and screen to be directly connected to
the remote computer at this point.
On the other hand maybe you were attempting to establish a connection with
another computer running the net code. In that case you would be in
keyboard-to-screen communication with the operator at the remote host (assum-
ing that he/she selected the new session as the current session; a subject
that will be discussed later). Whatever you type will appear on the other
screen and vice-versa.
_3._3._2._1. _T_h_e _E_C_H_O _C_o_m_m_a_n_d
In addition to the 'telnet' command there are the 'eol' and 'echo' commands.
The 'echo' command determines what the TELNET client will do if the remote
host offers to echo characters (what we would consider full duplex). Here is
the command syntax:
echo accept [the default value]
echo reject
If the remote host is a timesharing computer you probably want it to echo your
characters back to you rather than let your local TELNET client echo the char-
acters. This permits you to use sophisticated screen-oriented programs
without having your local echoing disrupt the screen display. On the other
hand you may prefer to reject echoing in the case of a very slow network where
having what you type appear on the screen several seconds later could be very
annoying. Please note that the setting of this parameter has no effect when
entering a TELNET session with another copy of NET since NET always refuses to
echo characters.
_3._3._2._2. _T_h_e _E_O_L _C_o_m_m_a_n_d
The 'eol' command is also used to adjust the keyboard functionality when
remote echoing has been negotiated. It is used to select the appropriate
end-of-line character to be sent when the operator presses the <ENTER> or
<RETURN> key. Here are examples of the two options:
eol standard [the default value]
eol unix
Should you set 'eol' to 'unix' and remote echoing is negotiated by the two
systems, the <RETURN> or <ENTER> key will send an ASCII line feed character
rather than the carriage return character. Normally this will not be needed
but some UNIX system demand this. Should the remote host not respond to your
<RETURN> key you might want to try this option.
To exit back to the command prompt from within a telnet session press the F10
key. The 'net>' prompt will appear. This does not close the TELNET session
but merely suspends it. Incoming data addressed to your TELNET session will
be saved until you re-enter the session (see the discussion of changing ses-
sions that follows later).
- 26 -
The last item of interest to the TELNET user is how to terminate a TELNET ses-
sion. That is accomplished with the 'close' command. To close the session
simply press the F10 key to return to the command prompt and enter the 'close'
command. You should be rewarded with the sequence of messages:
FIN wait 1
FIN wait 2
Time wait [followed by a delay period of about 30 seconds]
Closed (Normal)
_3._3._3. _F_i_l_e _T_r_a_n_s_f_e_r (_F_T_P):
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) permits you to send and receive both text
(ASCII) and binary (image) files. The FTP application accepts many commands
that will permit you to create files, delete files, change directories, and
copy files. This section will guide you through the most used FTP commands.
_3._3._3._1. _E_s_t_a_b_l_i_s_h_i_n_g _a _S_e_s_s_i_o_n:
To establish an FTP session with a remote host you use the 'ftp' command. To
establish an FTP session with WB2SEF I would use one of the following com-
ftp wb2sef
ftp []
Both commands do the same thing because of the information contained in my
HOSTS.NET file. After issuing one of the above commands you would see the
usual 'SYN sent' and 'Established' messages. You would then be greeted by a
message from the remote FTP server that looked something like this:
220 wb2sef.ampr FTP version 871225.5 ready at Tue Jan 19 17:57:23 1987
This message tells you that the remote FTP is ready to accept commands from
you. FTP gives you no prompt so at this point you must understand that after
issuing a command you will be notified of the command's completion but no
further prompting for messages will occur. One thing to note is that when FTP
sends you a message it will always be prefixed with a three-digit number.
This is for the benefit of computer programs that may be driving the FTP sys-
tem. The number is for the benefit of the computer and the text is for the
benefit of the user.
The first thing you will need to do is to log in to the remote host with your
user ID and your password. Unless you have been given a specific user ID and
password by someone at the remote host you will probably log in with the guest
user ID and password. You will send the 'user' and Here is an example:
user guest
331 Enter PASS command
pass xyzzy
230 Logged in
- 27 -
This exchange presumes that your user ID is "guest" and that your password is
"xyzzy." If the user ID does not require a password you may or may not be
prompted for the password. NET always prompts for the password whether it
needs it or not. If the remote host is running NET and has in its FTPUSERS
file an entry that uses an asterisk (*) for the password, any password will be
If you enter either an invalid user ID or an invalid password the remote FTP
will return the following message:
550 Permission denied
Simply reenter the 'user' and 'pass' commands with the proper values and you
will be logged in. You may also enter new 'user' and 'pass' commands at any
time to change your user ID and hence your permissions as far as the remote
host is concerned.
_3._3._4. _M_a_n_i_p_u_l_a_t_i_n_g _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_i_e_s _o_n _t_h_e _R_e_m_o_t_e _H_o_s_t:
When you log into the remote host you will be set in "your" directory (I put
the word your in quotes because many people may be using that directory since
many people may be allowed to log in concurrently with the same user ID). You
can get a directory listing of files within that directory with the 'dir' com-
mand (just like DOS). What you will receive back from the remote host will be
a standard DOS directory listing. If you would prefer a short listing, e.g.
only the names of the files, you can use the 'ls' command. Both commands will
accept wild cards so the following commands are all valid:
ls *.*
dir *.com
ls test*.dat
After issuing the command you will see the following sequence of responses
from the remote host:
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for LIST /public
Your directory listing will be displayed here
Get complete, nnnn bytes received
226 File sent OK
The end of the "150 Opening data connection ..." response will differ depend-
ing on the directory request you made. If you used the 'dir' command you
would see the word "LIST." If you used the 'ls' command you would see the
word "NLST." What followed the "LIST" or "NLST" would be the name of the
directory you are listing.
In addition to listing directories you can change the directory and query for
the current directory. Let us assume that for your user ID (guest) your root
directory is /public. Let us also assume that in public you would find the
- 28 -
three subdirectories tcp, games, and utils. When you log in your directory is
set to /public. Now you issue one of the following commands:
cd tcp
cd /public/tcp
The result would be the same since you were already in directory /public. FTP
would then send you the response:
257 "/public/tcp" is current directory
You may use the 'cd' command to change directory to any subdirectory below
your home directory in the same way that the DOS cd command will also allow
you change directories.
If you are not sure what directory you are in you may use the 'pwd' (print
working directory) command. If we were to issue the command:
the remote FTP would then respond:
257 "/public/tcp" is current directory
as if you had just changed directories.
Now we get down to the meat of the matter: sending and receiving files. Prior
to doing a file transfer you need to tell FTP what type of transfer to use.
You have two choices: ASCII (text files) or Image (binary files). To select
what type of transfer to do you use the
type i
type a
The former will set all subsequent transfers to image mode for sending binary
files. The latter will set all subsequent transfers to ASCII mode for sending
or receiving text files. If you use the 'type' command by itself like:
FTP will respond with either the word "Image" or "Ascii," whichever is
appropriate. If you do not specify a type of transfer FTP will use the
default value "ASCII."
Files transferred with type set to ASCII will have their newline sequence
translated to that expected by the remote host. Files transferred with type
set to image will have no translation performed at all. All bytes in the file
will be transferred with no changes whatsoever.
- 29 -
Once you select the type of transfer you desire you may then send or receive
files. The 'put' and 'get' commands are used to send and receive files
respectively. Let us assume that I have a file on my system in my current
directory called "foo" and I want to transfer it to the remote host and have
it placed in my current directory there. To do this I would use the following
put foo
FTP would then transfer file "foo" from the local to the remote system. You
would know the status of the transfer from the following sequence of messages:
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for STOR foo
Put complete, nnn bytes sent
226 File received OK
Now let us fetch file "bar" from the remote system. Here is your command the
the responses from FTP:
get bar
200 Port command okay
150 Opening data connection for RETR bar
Get complete, nnn bytes received
226 File sent OK
Now it may not be convenient to have the file retain its file name when it is
copied. Perhaps there is already a file with the same name at the destination
and you do not wish to, or may not be permitted to, overwrite the file. In
that case you would add the destination file name to the get or the put com-
mand as follows:
put foo bar
get /public/tcp/herfile herfile
In the first example the local file "foo" would be copied to file "bar" on the
remote system. In the second example the file "/public/tcp/herfile" would be
copied to "herfile" on the remote system. The reason for doing it this way in
the second example is to avoid having FTP try to create the file
"/public/tcp/herfile" on the remote end. Perhaps there is no directory "/pub-
lic" or "/public/tcp" or perhaps you are in an FTP session with a system that
has completely different file naming conventions (remember that you may be
communicating with systems other than PC's).
It is also possible to get a file and type it to your CRT directly. If you
want to get the file to your screen use "con" as the name of the destination
file. Here is an example that will fetch file "foo" and send it to the CRT:
get foo con
- 30 -
You may at some point want to terminate a transfer that is currently in pro-
gress. The 'abort' command is used for this. There are no parameters on the
abort command. Just type 'abort' and the current transfer will be aborted.
The last command of interest to FTP users is the dele command. The dele com-
mand is used to delete a file on the remote system. Here is an example that
will delete the file foo on the remote system:
dele foo
Remember that in order to use the dele command you must have delete and
overwrite permission on the remote system.
When done using FTP use the command 'quit.' 'Quit' will get you the following
message sequence:
221 Goodbye!
Close wait
Last ACK
Closed (Normal)
All of this indicates that FTP has properly terminated the session and
returned you to the command interpreter. Alternatively, you can just close
the session by hitting F10 and typing "close".
_3._3._5. _M_u_l_t_i_p_l_e _S_e_s_s_i_o_n_s:
One of the many advantages of NET is that it permits you to establish several
sessions concurrently. For instance, you could establish an FTP session with
a host and then switch back to the command interpreter so that you could start
another session. The nice thing about this is that it in no way interferes
with any sessions that are already running. Your FTP session continues to
transfer data even while you enter into a TELNET session with the same or a
different host. Any screen output that arrives for a session that is not the
currently selected session will be held until you again select that session.
This prevents you from losing any output while you interact with another ses-
sion or with the command interpreter.
As mentioned, in order to start a new session (or issue any other type of com-
mand for that matter) you must be interacting with the command interpreter.
To get to the command prompt you need only press F10. Once at the command
prompt you can examine or select a new session using the 'session' command
(abbreviated 'se').
The session command when used by itself will give you a list of all the
currently open session. Here are two examples:
The result will be a display similar to the following:
- 31 -
# &CB Type Rcv-Q State Remote socket
0 c7a8 Telnet 0 Established w3fws:23
*1 c434 FTP 0 Established
The first field (#) is the session number. The asterisk (*) identifies the
current session. CB is the protocol control block associated with this ses-
sion (these are explained in detail as part of the tcp status and ax25 status
commands later in this document). The Type field identifies the session as an
FTP, a TELNET, or an AX.25 connected mode (TNC) session. The state field
indicates the state of the "connection" as far as this session is concerned.
A value of SYN Sent indicates that the "connection" is in the process of being
constructed. A value of Established indicates that the "connection" and
therefore the session is open and ready to transfer information. Values of
FIN Wait 1, FIN Wait 2, or Time Wait indicate that the connection is being
closed. The last field, Remote Socket, identifies the host and port with whom
the session was initiated.
Once you start a session it becomes your current session unless you close it
or switch to another session. To get back to a session from the 'net>' prompt
all you need to do is press the <RETURN> or <ENTER> key. If you happened to
close the current session there will be no current session. In that case
pressing <RETURN> or <ENTER> will have no effect. You will need to explicitly
select a new session with the session command.
If you follow the session command with a number, the session command will make
the session whose number was specified, the current session and then turn con-
trol of the keyboard and screen over to that session. Here are two examples:
session 0
se 0
Both of these examples change the current session to session 0. At that point
you will be interacting with the desired session.
As mentioned in the section on the 'telnet' command you close a session with
the close command. If the session you wish to close is not the current ses-
sion you need to issue the command 'close n' where n is the number of the ses-
sion you wish to close.
Last of all you may need to abort a session or an open socket. This may occur
when you have a session with another host and that host goes away for whatever
reason (power failure, hardware failure, link failure, etc.). In that case
you must resort to the 'reset' command. The without having to go through the
normal closing sequence. There are two forms. The first is the command or
'ax25 reset' followed by the address of TCP or AX.25 control block, as
appropriate. Here are several examples:
tcp reset c7a8
reset 0
- 32 -
Either command would force TCP to close the socket associated with the session
with and hence close that session. It would give no indication to
the other end that the socket had been closed. The only indication that the
other end would receive would be to receive a reset instead of an ACK packet
the next time the remote end sent a packet of data.
_3._3._6. _S_t_a_t_u_s _M_o_n_i_t_o_r_i_n_g _a_n_d _O_t_h_e_r _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s:
There are quite a few commands in NET.EXE. Many of them were explained in
conjunction with the installation instructions and, in fact, have little use
beyond initialization. Commands in this category include:
ip address------setting your IP address
ax25 mycall-----setting your AX.25 link address
ip ttl----------initial time-to-live field for IP packets
attach----------starting a driver for a particular hardware device
tcp mss---------setting the maximum size for a TCP segment (packet)
tcp window------setting the maximum number of un-acked bytes
ax25 digipeat---enable/disable AX.25 digipeating
hostname--------set the name for your system (used by FTP)
On the other hand there are quite a few commands that you will be using exten-
sively. Let's start by covering the status commands.
_3._3._6._1. _G_e_t_t_i_n_g _S_t_a_t_u_s _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n:
_3._3._6._1._1. _i_p _s_t_a_t_u_s
The first of the status commands is 'ip status' and may be abbreviated 'ips'.
This returns information about the status of IP packets that have passed
through your system: e.g. originated, received, or passed through (switched).
The format for the ip status response looks like this:
total 973 runt 0 len err 0 vers err 0 chksum err 5 badproto 0
The 'total' field (973 in this case) identifies the number of IP datagrams
that have passed through your system. The next field, 'runt', identifies the
number of packets that were below minimum acceptable size. 'Len err' identi-
fies the number of packets with length errors. 'Vers err' identifies packets
that came from a system running a version of IP that is incompatible with the
one that you are running (unlikely to occur unless the Internet adopts a new
standard for IP). 'Chksum err' is the number of packets that arrived with a
checksum error on the IP header (these packets will be discarded because the
system has no way of knowing if any of the information is valid). 'Badproto'
identifies the number of packets that arrived with the protocol identifier set
to an upper layer protocol (ULP) that is not either ICMP, TCP or UDP (the only
three ULP's currently supported in NET.EXE).
Of all these possible errors you are likely to see only the runt, len err, and
chksum err fields increment. Version and bad protocol errors can only occur
if you are communicating with a system that supports a different version or a
different set of ULP's. This is unlikely to happen.
- 33 -
_3._3._6._1._2. _t_c_p _s_t_a_t_u_s
Another often used command is the tcp status command. tcp status returns a
great deal of information on the current status of your TCP "connections."
Upon entering the command 'tcp status' (abbreviated 't s') the system will
print a General status on the TCP activity and an abbreviated display on the
status of each TCP session. The top line looks like this:
Conout 5 Conin 17 Reset out 2 Runt 0 Checksum err 1 bdcsts 0
at your system while 'conin' is the number of incoming "connections" that have
been made with your system. 'Reset out' is the number of resets that were
sent to remote systems (this would happen if a remote system attempted to send
data to a socket that had been closed). The 'Runt' field is the number of
undersized packets that were received. The 'Checksum err' field is the number
of TCP segments that were discarded because the segment failed the TCP check-
sum check (IP checksums only the packet header while TCP applies a checksum
test to the entire TCP segment including header). The last field indicates
the number of broadcast messages that have been received.
Following the header line a table is presented, one line per socket. The
headings appear as follows:
&TCB Rcv-Q Snd-Q Local Socket Remote Socket State
f784 17 0 Established
eb30 0 0 Listen (S)
In the above example there are two open sockets. The first, associated with
the TCP Control Block (TCB) at address f784, is a TELNET (terminal-to-terminal
or terminal-to-host) session with the system whose address is The
second socket, described by the TCB at location eb30, is a passive ("server")
open that exists to accept incoming TELNET connections. Now for a more
comprehensive description of the fields.
The TCB is the TCP control block. The number, in hex, is the address of the
TCB in memory and serves to identify a particular open socket. Rcv-Q is the
number of octets (8-bit things that we normally call bytes) that have been
received and are waiting to be processed (this is one way to tell if you have
received information from another station if you are involved in more than one
TELNET or FTP session).
The next two fields, Local Socket and Remote Socket, make up the identifica-
tion of the connection as far as TCP is concerned. The first part of a socket
number is the IP address. The second part of the socket number, the part fol-
lowing the colon, is the port number. There are many "standard" port numbers
in use. Here are some of the more common:
- 34 -
Port Application
7 Echo server
9 Discard server
20 FTP server data port
21 FTP server command port
23 TELNET server
25 SMTP server
You may see other port numbers used such as 1001, 1002, etc. These are tem-
porary ports that are used to form a unique connection (TCP identifies a con-
nection by combining the remote and local socket address in order to guarantee
Since no two systems have the same network address the combination of local
socket (address + port) and remote socket forms a unique combination. This is
how the TCP on both ends of a "connection" identifies that connection.
It is possible to get even more information about a specific socket by adding
the TCB address to the end of the tcp status command like this:
tcb status f784
This will return the detailed TCP status information about the socket that is
described by the TCB at address f784 (you get this address from the tcp status
command without a parameter). Here is the sample format:
Local: Remote: State: Established
Init Seq Unack Next WL1 WL2 Wind MSS Queue Total
Send: 328b740 328b741 328b741 dffde2e1 328b741 864 216 0 0
Recv: dffde2e0 dffde4e1 1024 0 512
Retry 0 Timer stopped Smoothed round trip time 5500 ms
The 'Init Seq', 'Unack', 'Next', 'WL1', and 'WL2' fields have to do with TCP's
internal flow control and sequence numbering mechanisms. Continuous monitor-
ing of these fields gives you a good idea of the performance of the network in
terms of the number of packets lost. The 'Wind' field shows the number of
bytes that the receiver is ready to accept, as of the last TCP packet
received. The 'effective window' (the number of bytes that the transmitter
may send) is the 'Wind' value reduced by the number of bytes "in the pipe",
that is, already sent but not yet acknowledged. This is found by subtracting
the 'Unack' value from the 'Next' value.
TCP often defers transmitting when it theoretically could, i.e., when there is
data on the send queue and a non-zero effective window. This is done when
there is already data "in the pipe" but there is not enough new data to fill a
maximum size packet. In this case, TCP waits for an acknowledgment for the
data already sent before sending more. This results in a stream of a few rela-
tively large packets instead of many small packets ("tinygrams"), for a con-
siderable efficiency improvement.
- 35 -
NOTE: A good understanding of sliding window protocols is required
to make use of the information presented in these particular fields
and a complete explanation is beyond the scope of this document.
See RFC-793 or MIL-1778 for more details on the specific sliding
window algorithms used in TCP, and RFC-896 for the "tinygram
avoidance" transmission strategy.
The 'MSS' field displays the maximum segment size; the maximum number of bytes
that may be sent as a single TCP segment (packet).
Both the maximum window size and MSS are "negotiated" by the TCPs running in
the two communicating system. Essentially this means that the two ends
"agree" on the best values to use for these parameters. When you set a value
for window size and a value for MSS in your machine, those values are communi-
cated to the remote end when a socket is opened. That allows the remote end
to know how much information you are prepared to accept and to prevent the
remote end from sending you too much information. Remember, the values for
window and MSS that you set on your system will be the values that the other
station will use when sending to you. Also remember that the two ends may set
different values and still work effectively.
As an aside, you are permitted to change the value of MSS or WINDOW while the
net program is running. On the other hand, changing the value of MSS or WIN-
DOW after a socket has been opened will have no effect on any currently open
sockets. Open sockets will continue to use the value for MSS that they nego-
tiated when the socket was opened. The changed values will be used when TCP
opens a new socket.
The Queue field indicates how many bytes of data are waiting at a particular
socket. In the case of the send queue this field indicates the number of
bytes transmitted but not yet acknowledged. During SMTP and FTP sessions it
is not unusual to see this value equal to the window size. In the case of the
receive queue the value indicates the number of bytes that have been received
but have not been "picked-up" by the application.
The Total field indicates the number of bytes that have been received or
transmitted on a socket since the socket was opened. This information is very
useful during an FTP session because it will tell you the total number of
bytes transferred on the file (FTP opens a new data socket for every transfer,
closing the socket when the transfer is complete). If you know the size of
the file ahead of time you can use this information to determine how much of
the file has reached the receiving end -- nice information to know when doing
a long file transfer over a slow or unreliable link.
The next field is the retry counter. If a segment is not acknowledged within
an appropriate period TCP will retransmit that segment because it will assume
that the segment was lost somewhere in the network. Each time it retransmits
a segment the 'Retry' counter is incremented. TCP never gives up sending
data. It does 'back off' and send segments less and less frequently in order
to reduce network loading.
The next field is the 'Timer' field. It displays the status of the timer for
this particular socket. If TCP is waiting for an acknowledgement to an out-
standing segment there will be a time displayed in this field. If there are
- 36 -
no outstanding segments the word "stopped" will indicate that the timer is not
The last field, 'round trip time', is a very interesting piece of information.
It is the amount of time that TCP has determined that it takes for an outgoing
segment to arrive at its destination and for its acknowledgement to return.
This value is used to determine the proper setting for the retry timer thus
allowing TCP to adapt to the changing conditions of the underlying network and
to prevent the network from being flooded by unnecessary retransmissions.
The tcp status command is probably the most-used command in the net program.
Don't be afraid of it, use it! You may not understand all the fields but you
will quickly pick up what is important and what you can ignore. Experiment
with it so that you understand it better. It is a key to pinpointing network
performance problems.
_3._3._6._2. _u_d_p _s_t_a_t_u_s
The next status command of interest is 'udp status,' used for getting status
information about information that has been received for the User Datagram
Protocol (UDP) ULP. This command may be abbreviated 'u.' When an application
makes use of the UDP transport service it opens a UDP socket. The udp status
command will display the status of the transport service and of each of the
open sockets. Here is an example of the output of a udp status command:
sent 51 rcvd 50 bdcsts 0 cksum err 0 Unknown Socket 9
&UCB Rcv-Q Local Socket
ff38 293
In this example the 'sent' and 'rcvd' fields indicate how many UDP datagrams
have been sent and received respectively. The 'bdcsts' field identifies the
number of broadcast datagrams that have been received. The 'cksum err' field
indicates how many datagrams have been received with errors while the that
were addressed to unknown (unopened) sockets.
Following the general information is the specific information about all of the
currently open sockets. Each open socket is identified by the address of its
UDP Control Block (&UCB). Following that is the number of bytes that have
been received and placed on the receive queue (Rcv-Q). Last comes the actual
socket identifier consisting of the IP address concatenated with the port
_3._3._7. _A_X._2_5 _c_o_n_n_e_c_t_e_d _m_o_d_e _o_p_e_r_a_t_i_o_n:
In addition to the TCP/IP mode of operation this new version of NET.EXE now
supports fully connected AX.25 (TNC-to-TNC) operation for talking to BBS'es
and your buddies without TCP/IP. When NET.EXE is running you are free to
establish both TCP and AX.25 sessions. When you make an AX.25 connection it
will be treated like a TELNET session. You can use the session command to
switch between sessions at will. This prevents the output from one AX.25 ses-
sion from interfering with other sessions. To make a connection you use the
connect command which is very similar to the TNC's connect command with the
- 37 -
exception of the addition of a channel identifier. Here are some examples:
connect ax1 wa3pxx
connect ax2 n4qq k3af-10
The first command starts a connection to wa3pxx directly over the channel
labeled ax1 (see the attach command). The second example establishes a con-
nection to n4qq via the k3af-10 digipeater on channel ax2. To disconnect you
use either the disconnect command or the close command.
The other commands for AX.25 are very familiar to a user of a TNC. Here is a
list of commands and a brief description of their meanings:
ax25 digipeat [on|off] turn digipeating on or off
ax25 maxframe [n] set the maximum number of outstanding
frames (packets) to n where n is between
1 and 7 inclusive.
ax25 mycall [<call>] Set the call sign for AX.25 frames
ax25 paclen [n] Set the maximum size of an AX.25 I-field
ax25 status Display a status much like tcp status.
If you follow it with an ACB address it
will display detailed info about a
particular connection.
ax25 t1 [n] Displays or sets the value of the
retransmission timer (FRACK). The value
is in seconds.
ax25 t2 [n] Displays or sets the value of the
ack delay timer (RESPTIME) in seconds.
ax25 t3 [n] Displays or sets the value of
"keep alive" timer (CHECK) in seconds.
ax25 window [n] Displays or sets the number of bytes
that may be on the AX.25 receive queue
before the host begins sending RNR
_3._4. _U_s_i_n_g _c_o_n_n_e_c_t_e_d _m_o_d_e _A_X._2_5 _f_o_r _m_o_v_i_n_g _I_P _d_a_t_a_g_r_a_m_s:
Since connected mode AX.25 is now supported these connections may be used for
both host-to-TNC (chatting with your TNC-only equipped buddy or with the BBS)
and for connected mode IP channels. With IP you have your choice of "uncon-
nected" or "connected" packets. The command that controls this is the mode
command. The mode command allows you to select which style of connection will
be used on a particular interface. Here are two examples:
- 38 -
mode ax0 vc
mode ax1 datagram
In the first example the interface named ax0 will use "connected" mode AX.25.
This can improve the link reliability and hence throughput when the link is
somewhat marginal. The second example causes your IP datagrams to be sent in
UI frames (unproto or beacon packets). This is the mode of choice on reliable
links where very few packets are lost. It reduces overhead so packets are
transferred more rapidly.
_3._5. _T_r_a_c_i_n_g _a_n_d _M_o_n_i_t_o_r_i_n_g:
NET.EXE has the most comprehensive and informative tracing features I have
seen in any software package for packet radio. The trace function understand
AX.25, IP, TCP, and NET/ROM.
Tracing is enabled for each interface individually. You have the choice of
tracing incoming packets, outgoing packets, or both. The format for the trace
command is:
trace <interface> TIO
where <interface> is the name of the interface to be traced, T is the trace
mode, I is for incoming packets, and O is for outgoing packets. T, I, and O
are digits. The following table gives the values for T and their meanings:
0 Trace headers only. Do not display the data.
1 Trace headers and data. Display the data as ASCII, 64
characters to a line.
2 Trace headers and data. Display the entire packet as Hex and
ASCII with 16 bytes displayed per line.
The values for I and O are either 1 or 0 depending on whether or not you want
the respective incoming or outgoing packets traced or not. Here are some
trace ax0 010
trace ax1 111
trace ax0 201
In the first example incoming packets on interface ax0 will be traced. Only
the headers will be displayed. The second example show both incoming and out-
going packets on ax1 being traced. Data in the packets will be displayed as
64 ASCII characters on a line. The last example will display a hex dump of
all packets being transmitted on ax0.
I recommend using trace liberally. You will learn a lot about packet radio
- 39 -
when you can see what is being sent and to whom. The trace display separates
the different headers at the different layers. Trace will display the link,
network, and transport layer headers separately so you can see their relation-
_3._6. _R_u_n_n_i_n_g _N_E_T _a_n_d _B_M _C_o_n_c_u_r_r_e_n_t_l_y
In order to get the greatest use out of NET it is important to have it running
all the time. The problem with that is that DOS is not a multitasking operat-
ing system. It is very frustrating to have to start and stop NET every time
you want to do something else. There are solutions: DoubleDos and DesqView.
The DoubleDos and DesqView packages from SoftLogic Solutions and Microsoft,
respectively, solve this problem. They permit you to split your memory into
two partitions (or more, for DesqView) and allow each program to operate as if
it had its own PC. Phil Karn wrote NET with these "multitaskers" in mind and
even included the necessary code in NET so that it can effectively reside with
other programs without performance penalties to either NET or the other pro-
grams. This will also allow you to send and receive mail with BM while NET is
still running. That way you will not have to exit from NET every time you
want to prepare a mail message or read mail that has arrived.
The first step in using NET with DoubleDOS is to install DoubleDOS according
to the instructions. Part of installing DoubleDOS is to modify the file
/DDCONFIG.SYS for your environment. Many things can be changed in
DDCONFIG.SYS but two are important to NET: size and program to load in the
bottom partition. When you edit DDCONFIG.SYS you will find a field named
'bottom size' and a field named 'bottom program.' If you want NET to be
started automatically when you start DoubleDOS enter the following in
bottom program = /NET.EXE
DoubleDOS will normally split the available memory in half. This is not the
best solution because we know how much memory NET needs and we can then make
sure that all of the rest of the available memory is available for the other
partition. NET itself needs about 150 Kb of memory. In addition, NET needs
COMMAND.COM also loaded in its partition. For this reason you will probably
want to allocate about 175 Kb to the bottom partition where NET will run.
Let us assume that you want to have both DoubleDOS and NET start when your
system boots (just what you want after a power hit). Add the following entry
to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
That will cause DoubleDOS to start and DoubleDOS will automatically start NET.
_3._7. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _o_n _a _C_o_m_m_o_d_o_r_e _A_m_i_g_a
< not written yet >
- 40 -
_3._8. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _o_n _a_n _A_p_p_l_e _M_a_c_i_n_t_o_s_h
< not written yet >
_3._9. _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _u_n_d_e_r _U_n_i_x
< not written yet >
_4. _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_o_n_a_l _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e
_4._1. _T_h_e _N_E_T._E_X_E _P_r_o_g_r_a_m
The executable file "net.exe" provides both client and server Internet facili-
ties. It implements the various ARPA protocols as both a host and gateway
(i.e., it acts as an end-user node as well as an IP packet switch for transit
traffic). The keyboard and display is used by the local operator to control
both host and gateway level functions, for which a number of commands are pro-
_4._1._1. _S_t_a_r_t_u_p
When net.exe is executed without arguments, it attempts to open the file
"autoexec.net" in the root directory of the current drive. If it exists, it
is read and executed as though its contents were typed on the console as com-
mands. This feature is useful for setting the local IP address and host name,
initializing the IP routing table, and starting the various Internet services.
If net.exe is invoked with an argument, it is taken to be the name of an
alternate startup file; it is read instead of autoexec.net.
_4._1._2. _C_o_n_s_o_l_e _m_o_d_e
The console may be in one of two modes: command mode and converse mode. In
command mode, the prompt "net>" is displayed and any of the commands described
in the next section may be entered. In converse mode, keyboard input is pro-
cessed according to the "current session", which may be either a Telnet, FTP
or AX.25 connection. In a telnet or AX.25 session, keyboard input is sent to
the remote system and any output from the remote system is displayed on the
console. In an FTP session, keyboard input is first examined to see if it is
a known local command; if so it is executed locally. If not, it is "passed
through" to the remote FTP server. (See the section titled "FTP Subcom-
The keyboard also has "cooked" and "raw" states. In cooked state, input is
line-at-a-time; the user may use the line editing characters ^U, ^R and back-
space to erase the line, redisplay the line and erase the last character,
respectively. Hitting either return or line feed passes the complete line up
to the application. In raw mode, each character is immediately passed to the
application as it is typed. The keyboard is always in cooked state in command
mode. It is also cooked in converse mode on an AX25 or FTP session. In a Tel-
net session it depends on whether the remote end has issued (and the local end
has accepted) the Telnet "WILL ECHO" option. (See the "echo" command).
On the IBM-PC, the user may escape back to command mode by hitting the F10
key. On other systems, the user must enter the "escape" character, which is
- 41 -
by default control-] (hex 1d, ASCII GS). (Note that this is distinct from the
ASCII character of the same name). The escape character can be changed (see
the "escape" command).
_4._1._3. _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
This section describes each of the commands recognized while in command mode.
Note that certain FTP subcommands, e.g., put, get, dir, etc, are recognized
only in converse mode with the appropriate FTP session; they are not recog-
nized while in command mode. The notation "<hostid>" denotes a host or gate-
way, which may be specified in one of two ways: as a symbolic name listed in
the file "/hosts.net", or as a numeric IP address in dotted decimal notation
enclosed by brackets, e.g., []. When domain server support is added,
ARPA-style domain names (e.g., ka9q.ampr) will also be accepted if a domain
server is available on the network to resolve them into IP addresses.
_4._1._3._1. <_c_r>
Entering a carriage return (empty line) while in command mode puts you in con-
verse mode with the current session. If there is no current session, net
remains in command mode.
_4._1._3._2. !
An alias for the "shell" command.
_4._1._3._3. #
Commands starting with the hash mark (#) are ignored. This is mainly useful
for comments in the autoexec.net file.
_4._1._3._4. _a_r_p
Displays the Address Resolution Protocol table that maps IP addresses to their
subnet (link) addresses on subnetworks capable of broadcasting. For each IP
address entry the subnet type (e.g., Ethernet, AX.25), subnet address and time
to expiration is shown. If the link address is currently unknown, the number
of IP datagrams awaiting resolution is also shown.
_4._1._3._5. _a_t_t_a_c_h <_h_w _t_y_p_e> <_I/_O _a_d_d_r_e_s_s> <_v_e_c_t_o_r> <_m_o_d_e> <_l_a_b_e_l> <_b_u_f_s_i_z_e>
<_m_t_u> [<_s_p_e_e_d>]
Configure and attach a hardware interface to the system.
a. <hw type> represents the kind of I/O device that is being attached. The
following types are supported:
3c500 3Com 3C500 or 3C501 Ethernet interface
asy Standard PC asynchronous interface using the National 8250
hapn Hamilton Amateur Packet Network adapter board (Intel 8273)
eagle Eagle Computer card (Zilog 8530)
pc100 PACCOMM PC-100 (Zilog 8530)
- 42 -
These last two interfaces are still under development; driver code included in
this package may or may not work.
B. <I/O address> is the base address of the control registers for the device.
C. <vector> is the interrupt vector number. Both the address and the vector
must be in hexadecimal. (You may put "0x" in front of these two values if you
wish, but note that they will be interpreted in hex even if you don't use it).
D. <mode> controls how IP datagrams are to be encapsulated in the device's
link level protocol; i.e., it selects among several link protocols that may be
available. The choices here depend on the interface; at present, the 3c500
interface only supports mode "arpa", which uses standard ARPA-style encapsula-
tion. (In the future, "802" may mean "use 802.3-style encapsulation"). Two
modes for the "asy" device are currently supported:
slip Encapsulates IP datagrams directly in SLIP frames without a link
header. This is for operation on point-to-point lines and is compatible
with 4.2BSD UNIX SLIP).
ax25 Similar to slip, except that an AX.25 header and a KISS TNC
control header are added to the front of the datagram before SLIP
encoding. Either UI (connectionless) or I (connection-oriented) AX.25
frames can be used; see the "mode" command for details.
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) maps IP to Ethernet addresses on Ether-
net controllers and to AX.25 addresses on "asy" lines operating in "ax25"
E. <label> gives the name by which the interface will be known to the various
commands, such as "connect", "route" and "trace".
F. For asynchronous ports, <bufsize> specifies the size of the ring buffer in
bytes to be statically allocated to the receiver; incoming bursts larger than
this may (but not necessarily) cause data to be lost. For Ethernet, <bufsize>
specifies how many PACKETS may be queued on the receive queue at one time; if
this limit is exceeded, further received packets will be discarded. This is
useful to prevent the system from running out of memory should another node
suddenly develop a case of diarrhea.
G. <mtu> is the Maximum Transmission Unit size, in bytes. Datagrams larger
than this limit will be fragmented at the IP layer into smaller pieces. For
AX.25 UI frames, this limits the size of the information field. For AX.25 I
frames, however, the ax25 paclen parameter is also relevant. If the datagram
or fragment is still larger than paclen, it is also fragmented at the AX.25
level (as opposed to the IP level) before transmission. (See the "ax25
paclen" command for further information).
H. <speed> is needed only for an "asy" line; the controller will be initial-
ized to the given speed.
- 43 -
# Attach a 3Com Ethernet controller using the standard 3Com address and
# vector (i.e., as it comes out of the box) to use ARPA-standard encapsulation.
# The receive queue is limited to 5 packets, and outgoing packets larger
# than 1500 bytes will be fragmented
attach 3c500 0x300 3 arpa ec0 5 1500
# Attach the PC asynch card normally known as "com1" (the first controller)
# to operate in point-to-point slip mode at 9600 baud, calling it "sl0".
# A 1024 byte receiver ring buffer is allocated. Outgoing packets larger
# than 256 bytes are fragmented.
attach asy 0x3f8 4 slip sl0 1024 256 9600
# Attach the secondary PC asynch card ("com2") to operate in AX.25 mode
# with an MTU of 576 bytes at 9600 baud with a KISS TNC, calling it "ax0".
# By default, IP datagrams are sent in UI frames
attach asy 0x2f8 3 ax25 ax0 1024 576 9600
(Note that you cannot use the second asynch controller ("com2") and a 3Com
Ethernet card with standard addressing at the same time because they both use
interrupt vector 3).
ax25 digipeat [on|off] Controls whether AX.25 packets addressed to this sta-
tion as a digipeater will be repeated.
ax25 maxframe [<val]>] Establishes the maximum number of frames that will be
allowed to remain unacknowledged at one time on new AX.25 connections. This
number cannot be greater than 7.
ax25 mycall [<call>] Display or set the local AX.25 address. The standard
format is used, e.g., KA9Q-0 or WB6RQN-5. This command must be given before
any attach command using AX.25 mode are given.
ax25 paclen [<val>] Limits the size of I-fields on new AX.25 connections.
Note that if IP datagrams or fragments larger than this are transmitted, they
will be transparently fragmented at the AX.25 level, sent as a series of I
frames, and reassembled back into a complete IP datagram or fragment at the
other end of the link. This parameter should be less than the MTU of the asso-
ciated interface.
ax25 reset <axcb> Deletes the AX.25 connection control block at the specified
ax25 retry [<val>] Limits the number of successive unsuccessful retransmission
attempts on new AX.25 connections. If this limit is exceeded, link re-
establishment is attempted. If this fails "retry" times, then the connection
is abandoned and all queued data is deleted.
ax25 status [<axcb>] Without an argument, displays a one-line summary of each
AX.25 control block. If the address of a particular control block is
- 44 -
specified, the contents of that control block are dumped in more detail. Note
that the send queue units are frames, while the receive queue units are bytes.
ax25 t1 [<val>] ax25 t2 [<val>] ax25 t3 [<val>] Display or set the AX.25
timers to be used for new connections. T1 is the retransmission timer, T2 is
the acknowledgement delay timer and T3 is the idle "keep alive" timer. Values
are in seconds.
ax25 window [<val>] Sets the number of bytes that can be pending on an AX.25
receive queue beyond which I frames will be answered with RNR (Receiver Not
Ready) responses. This presently applies only to suspended interactive AX.25
sessions, since incoming IP datagrams are always processed immediately and not
allowed to remain on the receive queue.
cd [<dirname>] Change the current working directory, and display the new set-
ting. Without an argument, cd simply displays the current directory without
change. The "pwd" command is an alias for "cd"
close [<session #>] On an AX.25 session, this command initiates a disconnect.
On a FTP or Telnet session, this command sends a FIN (i.e., initiates a close)
on the session's TCP connection. This is an alternative to asking the remote
server to initiate a close ("QUIT" to FTP, or the logout command appropriate
for the remote system in the case of Telnet). When either FTP or Telnet sees
the incoming half of a TCP connection close, it automatically responds by
closing the outgoing half of the connection. Close is more graceful than the
"reset" command, in that it is less likely to leave the remote TCP in a
"half-open" state.
connect <interface> <callsign> [<digipeater> ... ] Initiates a "vanilla" AX.25
session to the specified call sign using the specified interface. Up to 7
optional digipeaters may be given; note that the word "via" is NOT needed.
Data sent on this session goes out in conventional AX.25 packets with no upper
layer protocol. The de-facto presentation standard format is used, in that
each packet holds one line of text, terminated by a carriage return. A single
AX.25 connection may be used for both terminal-to-terminal and IP traffic,
with the two types of data being automatically separated by their AX.25 Level
3 Protocol IDs.
dir [<dirname>] List the contents of the specified directory on the console.
If no argument is given, the current directory is listed.
disconnect [<session #>] An alias for the "close" command (for the benefit of
AX.25 users).
echo [accept|refuse] Displays or changes the flag controlling client Telnet's
response to a remote WILL ECHO offer.
The Telnet presentation protocol specifies that in the absence of a negotiated
agreement to the contrary, neither end echoes data received from the other.
In this mode, a Telnet client session echoes keyboard input locally and noth-
ing is actually sent until a carriage return is typed. Local line editing is
also performed: backspace deletes the last character typed, while control-U
deletes the entire line.
- 45 -
When communicating from keyboard to keyboard the standard local echo mode is
used, so the setting of this parameter has no effect. However, many timeshar-
ing systems (e.g., UNIX) prefer to do their own echoing of typed input. (This
makes screen editors work right, among other things). Such systems send a Tel-
net WILL ECHO offer immediately upon receiving an incoming Telnet connection
request. If "echo accept" is in effect, a client Telnet session will automati-
cally return a DO ECHO response. In this mode, local echoing and editing is
turned off and each key stroke is sent immediately (subject to the Nagle
tinygram algorithm in TCP). While this mode is just fine across an Ethernet,
it is clearly inefficient and painful across slow paths like packet radio
channels. Specifying "echo refuse" causes an incoming WILL ECHO offer to be
answered with a DONT ECHO; the client Telnet session remains in the local echo
mode. Sessions already in the remote echo mode are unaffected. (Note: Berke-
ley Unix has a bug in that it will still echo input even after the client has
refused the WILL ECHO offer. To get around this problem, enter the "stty
-echo" command to the shell once you have logged in.)
_4._1._3._6. _e_o_l [_u_n_i_x|_s_t_a_n_d_a_r_d]
Displays or changes Telnet's end-of-line behavior when in remote echo mode.
In standard mode, each key is sent as-is. In unix mode, carriage returns are
translated to line feeds. This command is not necessary with all UNIX sys-
tems; use it only when you find that a particular system responds to line
feeds but not carriage returns. Only Sun UNIX release 3.2 seems to exhibit
this behavior; later releases are fixed.
_4._1._3._7. _e_s_c_a_p_e <_c_h_a_r>
Without arguments, displays the current command-mode escape character in hex.
If given an argument, the first character becomes the new escape character.
(This command is not provided on the IBM-PC; on the PC, the escape char is
always F10.)
_4._1._3._8. _e_t_h_e_r_s_t_a_t
Display 3-Com Ethernet controller statistics (if configured).
_4._1._3._9. _e_x_i_t
Exit the "net" program and return to MS-DOS (or CP/M).
_4._1._3._1_0. _f_t_p <_h_o_s_t_i_d>
Open an FTP control channel to the specified remote host and enter converse
mode on the new session. Responses from the remote server are displayed
directly on the screen.
_4._1._3._1_1. _h_e_l_p
Display a brief summary of top-level commands.
_4._1._3._1_2. _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e [<_n_a_m_e>]
Displays or sets the local host's name (an ASCII string such as "ka9q-pc", NOT
- 46 -
an IP address). Currently this is used only in the greeting messages from the
SMTP (mail) and FTP (file transfer) servers.
_4._1._3._1_3. _l_o_g [_s_t_o_p | <_f_i_l_e>]
Without arguments, indicates whether server sessions are being logged. If
"stop" is given as the argument, logging is terminated (the servers themselves
are unaffected). If a file name is given as an argument, server session log
entries will be appended to it.
_4._1._3._1_4. _i_p _a_d_d_r_e_s_s [<_h_o_s_t_i_d>]
Displays or sets the local IP address.
_4._1._3._1_5. _i_p _s_t_a_t_u_s
Displays Internet Protocol (IP) statistics, such as total packet counts and
error counters of various types. Also displays statistics about the Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP), including the number of ICMP messages of each
type sent or received.
_4._1._3._1_6. _i_p _t_t_l [<_v_a_l>]
Displays or sets the default time-to-live value placed in each outgoing IP
datagram. This limits the number of switch hops the datagram will be allowed
to take. The idea is to bound the lifetime of the packet should it become
caught in a routing loop, so make the value somewhat larger than the diameter
of the network.
_4._1._3._1_7. _m_e_m_s_t_a_t
Displays the internal free memory list in the storage allocator.
_4._1._3._1_8. _m_o_d_e <_i_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e> [_v_c|_d_a_t_a_g_r_a_m]
Controls the default transmission mode on the specified AX.25 interface. In
"datagram" mode, IP packets are encapsulated in AX.25 UI frames and transmit-
ted without any other link level mechanisms, such as connections or ack-
In "vc" (virtual circuit) mode, IP packets are encapsulated in AX.25 I frames
and are acknowledged at the link level according to the AX.25 protocol. Link
level connections are opened if necessary. With the proper setting of the
AX.25 T2 (acknowledgement delay) timer, AX.25 acknowledgements can be pig-
gybacked on I frames carrying other IP datagrams (e.g., TCP level acknowledge-
ments), thereby eliminating the extra overhead ordinarily incurred by link
level acknowledgments.
In both modes, ARP is used to map IP to AX.25 addresses. The defaults can be
overridden with the type-of-service (TOS) bits in the IP header. Turning on
the "reliability" bit causes I frames to be used, while turning on the "low
delay" bit uses UI frames. (The effect of turning on both bits is undefined
and subject to change).
- 47 -
In both modes, IP-level fragmentation is done if the datagram is larger than
the interface MTU. In virtual circuit mode, however, the resulting datagram
(or fragments) is further fragmented at the AX.25 layer if it (or they) are
still larger than the AX.25 "paclen" parameter. In AX.25 fragmentation,
datagrams are broken into several I frames and reassembled at the receiving
end before being passed to IP. This is preferable to IP fragmentation whenever
possible because of decreased overhead (the IP header isn't repeated in each
fragment) and increased robustness (a lost fragment is immediately retransmit-
ted by the link layer).
_4._1._3._1_9. _p_a_r_a_m <_i_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e> [_p_a_r_a_m ...]
Param invokes a device-specific control routine. On a KISS TNC interface,
this sends control packets to the TNC. Data bytes are treated as decimal.
For example, "param ax0 1 255" will set the keyup timer (type field = 1) on
the KISS TNC configured as ax0 to 2.55 seconds (255 x .01 sec). On a SLIP
interface, the param command allows the baud rate to be read (without argu-
ments) or set. The implementation of this command for the various interface
drivers is incomplete and subject to change.
_4._1._3._2_0. _p_w_d [<_d_i_r_n_a_m_e>]
An alias for the cd command.
_4._1._3._2_1. _r_e_c_o_r_d [<_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e>|_o_f_f]
Opens <filename> and appends to it all data received on the current session.
Data sent on the current session is also written into the file except for Tel-
net sessions in remote echo mode. The command "record off" stops recording
and closes the file. This command is not supported for FTP sessions.
_4._1._3._2_2. _r_e_s_e_t [<_s_e_s_s_i_o_n>]
If an argument is given, force a local reset (deletion) of the AX.25 (AXCB) or
TCP Control Block (TCB) belonging to the specified session. The argument is
first checked for validity. If no argument is given, the current session, if
any, is used. This command should be used with caution since it does not
inform the remote end that the connection no longer exists. (In TCP a reset
(RST) message will be automatically generated should the remote TCP send any-
thing after a local reset has been done. In AX.25 the DM message performs a
similar role. Both are used to get rid of a lingering half-open connection
after a remote system has crashed.)
_4._1._3._2_3. _r_o_u_t_e
route add <dest hostid>[/bits]|default <interface> [<gateway hostid>
[<metric>]] route drop <dest hostid>
With no arguments, "route" displays the IP routing table. "route add" adds an
entry to the routing table, while "route drop" deletes an existing entry.
"route add" requires at least two more arguments, the host id of the target
destination and the local name of the interface to which its packets should be
sent. If the destination is not local, the gateway's host id should also be
specified. (If the interface is a point-to-point link, then <gateway hostid>
- 48 -
may be omitted even if the target is non-local because this field is only used
to determine the gateway's link level address, if any. If the destination is
directly reachable, <gateway hostid> is also unnecessary since the destination
address is used to determine the interface link address).
The optional "/bits" suffix to the destination host id specifies how many
leading bits in the host id are to be considered significant in the routing
comparisons. If not specified, 32 bits (i.e., full significance) is assumed.
With this option, a single routing table entry may refer to many hosts all
sharing a common bit string prefix in their IP addresses. For example, ARPA
Class A, B and C networks would use suffixes of /8, /16 and /24 respectively;
the command
route add [44]/8 sl0 []
causes any IP addresses beginning with "44" in the first 8 bits to be routed
to []; the remaining 24 bits are "don't-cares".
When an IP address to be routed matches more than one entry in the routing
table, the entry with largest "bits" parameter (i.e., the "best" match) is
used. This allows individual hosts or blocks of hosts to be exceptions to a
more general rule for a larger block of hosts.
The special destination "default" is used to route datagrams to addresses not
in the routing table; it is equivalent to specifying a /bits suffix of /0 to
any destination hostid. Care must be taken with default entries since two
nodes with default entries pointing at each other will route packets to unk-
nown addresses back and forth in a loop until their time-to-live (TTL) fields
expire. (Routing loops for specific addresses can also be created, but this
is less likely to occur accidentally).
"route drop" deletes an entry from the table. If a packet arrives for the
deleted address and a default route is in effect, it will be used.
Here are some examples of using the route command:
# Route datagrams to IP address to SLIP line #0.
# No gateway is needed because SLIP is point-to point.
route add [] sl0
# Route all default traffic to the gateway on the local Ethernet
# with IP address []
route add default ec0 []
# The local Ethernet has an ARPA Class-C address assignment;
# route all IP addresses beginning with 192.4.8 to it
route add [192.4.8]/24 ec0
# The station with IP address [] is on the local AX.25 channel
route add [] ax0
- 49 -
_4._1._3._2_4. _s_e_s_s_i_o_n [<_s_e_s_s_i_o_n #>]
Without arguments, displays the list of current sessions, including session
number, remote TCP or AX.25 address and the address of the TCP or AX.25 con-
trol block. An asterisk (*) is shown next to the "current" session; entering
<cr> at this point will put you in converse mode with that session. Entering
a session number as an argument to the session command will put you in con-
verse mode with that session. If the telnet server is enabled, the user is
notified of an incoming request and a session number is automatically
assigned. The user may then select the session normally to converse with the
remote user as though the session had been locally initiated.
_4._1._3._2_5. _s_h_e_l_l
Suspends "net" and executes a sub shell ("command processor" under MS-DOS).
When the sub shell exits, net resumes (under MS-DOS, enter the "exit" com-
mand). Note that background activity (FTP servers, etc) is also suspended
while the subshell executes.
_4._1._3._2_6. _s_m_t_p _g_a_t_e_w_a_y [<_h_o_s_t_i_d>]
Displays or sets the host to be used as a "smart" mail relay. Any mail sent to
a hostid not in the host table will instead be sent to the gateway for for-
_4._1._3._2_7. _s_m_t_p _k_i_c_k
Run through the outgoing mail queue and attempt to deliver any pending mail.
This command is periodically invoked by a timer whenever net is running; this
command allows the user to "kick" the mail system manually.
_4._1._3._2_8. _s_m_t_p _m_a_x_c_l_i_e_n_t_s [<_v_a_l>]
Displays or sets the maximum number of simultaneous outgoing SMTP sessions
that will be allowed. The default is 10; reduce it if network congestion is a
_4._1._3._2_9. _s_m_t_p _t_i_m_e_r [<_v_a_l>]
Displays or sets the interval, in seconds, between scans of the outbound mail
queue. For example, "smtp timer 600" will cause the system to check for outgo-
ing mail every 10 minutes and attempt to deliver anything it finds, subject of
course to the "maxclients" limit. Setting a value of zero disables queue scan-
ning altogether, note that this is the default! This value is recommended for
stand alone IP gateways that never handle mail, since it saves wear and tear
on the floppy disk drive.
_4._1._3._3_0. _s_m_t_p _t_r_a_c_e [<_v_a_l>]
Displays or sets the trace flag in the SMTP client, allowing you to watch
SMTP's conversations as it delivers mail. Zero (the default) disables trac-
- 50 -
_4._1._3._3_1. _s_t_a_r_t _f_t_p|_s_m_t_p|_t_e_l_n_e_t|_d_i_s_c_a_r_d|_e_c_h_o
Starts the specified Internet server, allowing remote connection requests.
_4._1._3._3_2. _s_t_o_p _f_t_p|_s_m_t_p|_t_e_l_n_e_t|_d_i_s_c_a_r_d|_e_c_h_o
Stops the specified Internet server, rejecting any further remote connect
requests. Existing connections are allow to complete normally.
_4._1._3._3_3. _t_c_p _i_r_t_t [<_v_a_l>]
Display or set the intial round trip time estimate, in seconds, to be used for
new TCP connections until they can measure and adapt to the actual value. The
default is 5 seconds. Increasing this when operating over slow channels will
avoid the flurry of retransmissions that would otherwise occur as the smoothed
estimate settles down at the correct value. Note that this command should be
given before servers are started in order for it to have effect on incoming
_4._1._3._3_4. _t_c_p _k_i_c_k <_t_c_b__a_d_d_r>
If there is data on the send queue of the specified tcb, this command forces
an immediate retransmission.
_4._1._3._3_5. _t_c_p _m_s_s [<_s_i_z_e>]
Display or set the TCP Maximum Segment Size in bytes that will be sent on all
outgoing TCP connect request (SYN segments). This tells the remote end the
size of the largest segment (packet) it may send. Changing MSS affects only
future connections; existing connections are unaffected.
_4._1._3._3_6. _t_c_p _r_e_s_e_t <_t_c_b__a_d_d_r>
Deletes the TCP control block at the specified address.
_4._1._3._3_7. _t_c_p _r_t_t <_t_c_b__a_d_d_r> <_r_t_t_v_a_l>
Replaces the automatically computed round trip time in the specified tcb with
the rttval in milliseconds. This command is useful to speed up recovery from
a series of lost packets since it provides a manual bypass around the normal
backoff retransmission timing mechanisms.
_4._1._3._3_8. _t_c_p _s_t_a_t_u_s [<_t_c_b__a_d_d_r>]
Without arguments, displays several TCP-level statistics, plus a summary of
all existing TCP connections, including TCB address, send and receive queue
sizes, local and remote sockets, and connection state. If <tcb_addr> is speci-
fied, a more detailed dump of the specified TCB is generated, including send
and receive sequence numbers and timer information.
_4._1._3._3_9. _t_c_p _w_i_n_d_o_w [<_v_a_l>]
Displays or sets the default receive window size in bytes to be used by TCP
when creating new connections. Existing connections are unaffected.
- 51 -
_4._1._3._4_0. _t_e_l_n_e_t <_h_o_s_t_i_d>
Creates a Telnet session to the specified host and enters converse mode.
_4._1._3._4_1. _t_r_a_c_e [<_i_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e> [<_f_l_a_g_s>]]
Controls packet tracing by the interface drivers. Specific bits enable tracing
of the various interfaces and the amount of information produced. Tracing is
controlled on a per-interface basis; without arguments, trace gives a list of
all defined interfaces and their tracing status. Output can be limited to a
single interface by specifying it, and the control flags can be change by
specifying them as well. The flags are given as a hexadecimal number which is
interpreted as follows:
|||--- Enable tracing of output packets if 1, disable if 0
||---- Enable tracing of input packets if 1, disable if 0
|----- Controls type of tracing:
0 - Protocol headers are decoded, but data is not displayed
1 - Protocol headers are decoded, and data (but not the
headers themselves) are displayed as ASCII characters,
64 characters/line. Unprintable characters are displayed
as periods.
2 - Protocol headers are decoded, and the entire packet
(headers AND data) is also displayed in hexadecimal
and ASCII, 16 characters per line.
_4._1._3._4_2. _u_d_p _s_t_a_t_u_s
Displays the status of all UDP receive queues.
_4._1._3._4_3. _u_p_l_o_a_d [<_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e>]
Opens <filename> and sends it on the current session as though it were typed
on the terminal. Valid only on AX.25 and Telnet sessions.
_4._1._3._4_4. ?
Same as the "help" command.
_4._1._4. _F_T_P _S_u_b_c_o_m_m_a_n_d_s
When in converse mode with an FTP server, everything typed on the console is
first examined to see if it is a locally-known command. If not, the line is
passed intact to the remote server on the control channel. If it is one of the
following commands, however, it is executed locally. (Note that this generally
involves other commands being sent to the remote server on the control chan-
nel.) When actively transferring a file, the only acceptable command is
"abort"; all other commands will result in an error message.
_4._1._4._1. _a_b_o_r_t
Aborts a get, put or dir operation in progress. When receiving a file, abort
- 52 -
simply resets the data connection; the next incoming data packet will generate
a TCP RST (reset) in response which will clear the remote server. When send-
ing a file, abort sends a premature end-of-file. Note that in both cases abort
will leave a partial copy of the file on the destination machine, which must
be removed manually if it is unwanted. Abort is valid only when a transfer is
in progress.
_4._1._4._2. _d_i_r [<_f_i_l_e>|<_d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y> [<_l_o_c_a_l _f_i_l_e>]]
Without arguments, "dir" requests that a full directory listing of the remote
server's current directory be sent to the terminal. If one argument is given,
this is passed along in the LIST command; this can be a specific file or sub-
directory that is meaningful to the remote file system. If two arguments are
given, the second is taken as the local file into which the directory listing
should be put (instead of being sent to the console). The PORT command is
used before the LIST command is sent.
_4._1._4._3. _g_e_t <_r_e_m_o_t_e _f_i_l_e> [<_l_o_c_a_l _f_i_l_e>]
Asks the remote server to send the file specified in the first argument. The
second argument, if given, will be the name of the file on the local machine;
otherwise it will have the same name as on the remote machine. The PORT and
RETR commands are sent on the control channel.
_4._1._4._4. _l_s [<_f_i_l_e>|<_d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y> [<_l_o_c_a_l _f_i_l_e>]]
ls is identical to the "dir" command except that the "NLST" command is sent to
the server instead of the "LIST" command. This results in an abbreviated
directory listing, i.e., one showing only the file names themselves without
any other information.
_4._1._4._5. _m_k_d_i_r <_r_e_m_o_t_e _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y>
Creates a directory on the remote machine.
_4._1._4._6. _p_u_t <_l_o_c_a_l _f_i_l_e> [<_r_e_m_o_t_e _f_i_l_e>]
Asks the remote server to accept data, creating the file named in the first
argument. The second argument, if given, will be the name of the file on the
remote machine; otherwise it will have the same name as on the local machine.
The PORT and STOR commands are sent on the control channel.
_4._1._4._7. _r_m_d_i_r <_r_e_m_o_t_e _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y>
Deletes a directory on the remote machine.
_4._1._4._8. _t_y_p_e [_a | _i | _l <_b_y_t_e_s_i_z_e>]
Tells both the local client and remote server the type of file that is to be
transferred. The default is 'a', which means ASCII (i.e., a text file). Type
'i' means "image", i.e., binary. In ASCII mode, files are sent as varying
length lines of text in ASCII separated by cr/lf sequences; in IMAGE mode,
files are sent exactly as they appear in the file system. ASCII mode should
be used whenever transferring text between dissimilar systems (e.g., UNIX and
- 53 -
MS-DOS) because of their different end-of-line and/or end-of-file conventions.
When exchanging text files between machines of the same type, either mode will
work but IMAGE mode may be somewhat faster. Naturally, when exchanging raw
binary files (executables, compressed archives, etc) IMAGE mode must be used.
Type 'l' (logical byte size) is used when exchanging binary files with remote
servers having oddball word sizes (e.g., DECSYSTEM-10s and 20s). Locally it
works exactly like IMAGE, except that it notifies the remote system how large
the byte size is. <bytesize> is typically 8. The type command sets the local
transfer mode and generates the TYPE command on the control channel.
_4._1._5. _F_T_P _s_e_r_v_e_r _c_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_a_t_i_o_n
Since MS-DOS was designed as a single-user operating system, it provides no
access control; all files can be read, written or deleted by the local user.
It is usually undesirable to give such open access to a system to remote net-
work users. The FTP server therefore provides its own access control mechan-
The file "/ftpusers" is used to control remote FTP access. The default is NO
access; if this file does not exist, the FTP server will be unusable. A
remote user must first "log in" to the system with the USER and PASS commands,
giving a valid name and password listed in /ftpusers, before he or she can
transfer files.
Each entry in /ftpusers consists of a single line of the form
username password /path permissions
There must be exactly four fields, and there must be exactly one space between
each field. Comments may be added after the last field. Comment lines are
begun with "#" in column one.
a. "username" is the user's login name.
b. "password" is the required password. Note that this is in plaintext;
therefore it is not a good idea to give general read permission to the root
directory. A password of "*" (a single asterisk) means that any password is
c. "/path" is the allowable prefix on accessible files. Before any file or
directory operation, the current directory and the user- specified file name
are joined to form an absolute path name in "canonical" form (i.e., a full
path name starting at the root, with "./" and "../" references, as well as
redundant /'s, recognized and removed). The result MUST begin with the allow-
able path prefix; if not, the operation is denied. NB! Under MS-DOS, this
field must use backslashes ("/"), NOT forward slashes ("/"). This field must
always begin with a "/", i.e., at the root directory.
d. "permissions" is a decimal number granting permission for read, create and
write operations. If the low order bit (0x1) is set, the user is allowed to
read a file subject to the path name prefix restriction. If the next bit
(0x2) is set, the user is allowed to create a new file if it does not
overwrite an existing file. If the third bit (0x4) is set, the user is
- 54 -
allowed to write a file even if it overwrites an existing file, and in addi-
tion he may delete files. Again, all operations are allowed subject to the
path name prefix restrictions. Permissions may be combined by adding bits, for
example, 0x3 (= 0x2 + 0x1) means that the user is given read and create per-
mission, but not overwrite/delete permission.
For example, suppose /ftpusers on machine "pc.ka9q.ampr" contains the line
friendly test /testdir 7
A session using this account would look like this:
net> ftp pc.ka9q.ampr
SYN Sent
250 pc.ka9q.ampr FTP version 871225.5 ready at Wed Jan 20 16:27:18 1988
user friendly
331 Enter PASS command
pass test
230 Logged in
The user now has read, write, overwrite and delete privileges for any file
under /testdir; he may not access any other files.
Here are some more sample entries in /ftpusers:
karn foobar / 7 # User "karn" with password "foobar" may read,
# write, overwrite and delete any file on the
# system.
guest bletch /g/bogus 3 # User "guest" with password "bletch" may read
# any file under /g/bogus and its subdirectories,
# and may create a new file as long as it does
# not overwrite an existing file. He may NOT
# delete any files.
anonymous * /public 1 # User "anonymous" (any password) may read files
# under /public and its subdirectories; he may
# not create, overwrite or delete any files.
I recommend this last entry as a standard convention for keeping a repository
of downloadable files; in particular, the username "anonymous" is an esta-
blished ARPA convention.
_4._2. _T_h_e _B_M._E_X_E _M_a_i_l _U_s_e_r _I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e _P_r_o_g_r_a_m
Many thanks to Gerard PA0GRI who is primarily responsible for the addition of
features to version 2, and to Dave Trulli NN2Z who is responsible for the
changes and additions making up version 3.
- 55 -
_4._2._1. _C_o_n_f_i_g_u_r_i_n_g _t_h_e _S_M_T_P _E_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t
As supplied, the SMTP server and client make assumptions about the disk space
available to them. In particular, the file handling portion of the client and
server will need to be modified heavily if used on any operating system other
than PC-Dos or MS-Dos. Sorry.
To achieve minimum functionality, you should create directories /spool/mail
and /spool/mqueue on the default disk used when running net.exe... the mail
directory is used by the server for storing incoming mail, the mqueue direc-
tory is where the client looks to find outbound messages that need to be
There is one command in net.exe that relates to the SMTP client operation. It
is 'smtp'. Issuing this command will cause the client to attempt to deliver
mail immediately. Normally, the client will fire up 15mins after the end of
the previous invocation to try and process outbound mail. The smtp command is
primarily a debugging tool, and should be used as such.
_4._2._1._1. _F_i_l_e _F_o_r_m_a_t_s
Incoming mail for users on the current host gets placed in 'mailbox' files in
the /spool/mail directory. The name of the file is based on the user name
given by the sending SMTP agent. These are simple text files, with new mes-
sages appended to the end. If a mailbox file does not exist, the server will
create it automagically. Messages in the files are in RFC822 format, with new
messages appended to the end. The first line of each message will always
start with the token 'Received:', quotes not included. This line is added by
the server to indicate the date and time the message was received, and the
host it was received from.
Outgoing mail messages consist of two files each in the /spool/mqueue direc-
tory. The names of the two files will be of the form <integer>.WRK and
<integer>.TXT, where integer is the sequence number of the message relative to
this machine. The file sequence.seq in the mqueue directory contains the
current sequence number for reference by the mail user interface. The .TXT
file contains the data portion of the SMTP transaction, in full RFC822 format.
The .WRK file consists of 3 lines, as follows:
o+ the hostname of the destination system
o+ the full sender address, in user@host format.
o+ the full destination address, in user@host format.
The mailer does not yet support multiple recipients; when it does, the .wrk
file format will contain extra destination address lines, one for each addi-
tional recipient.
_4._2._1._2. _B_u_g_s _a_n_d _L_i_m_i_t_a_t_i_o_n_s:
The SMTP server does not allow forwarding. In a perfect world, forwarding is
a crock. Since we do not live in a perfect world, some specialized forward
capability will probably be added eventually... though we'd like to avoid it!
- 56 -
Better to just put a bsd4.X system on the air and let Sendmail handle the
grody work! :-)
The SMTP client only understands a single destination address in the TO line.
This is a legal minimal implementation of the standard, but will eventually
change. Note that the format of the .WRK file will change when this does, of
Error returns from the remote server are not properly handled. The mailer will
keep trying to deliver the mail each time the smtp command is issued (or
invoked automatically by the timer). There is as yet no mechanism for "bounc-
ing" mail back to the sender when it cannot be sent.
The smtp client (mail sender) code in net.exe now tries to connect to all des-
tination hosts simultaneously. If there is a lot of mail in the outbound
queue, this may cause problems. In particular, try using the FILES= parameter
in the MS-DOS config.sys file to allow net.exe to have more than the default 8
files open at once.
_4._2._1._3. _F_o_r _M_o_r_e _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
The SMTP specification is RFC821. The Format for text messages (including the
headers) is in RFC822. RFC819 discusses hostname naming conventions, particu-
larly domain naming.
_4._2._2. _B_M _S_e_t_u_p
In order to make use of BM, you must first follow the installation instruc-
tions in the file SMTP.DOC to provide minimal SMTP support. Then, you should:
o+ copy the files BM.RC and HOSTS.NET to the root directory of the default
drive used when NET.EXE is running.
o+ edit HOSTS.NET to reflect the hosts you will exchange mail with. the
format of each line of this file is:
IP_address <tab> hostname <newline>
The IP address should be of the form, and the hostname can be any
token you wish to use to represent that host. In particular, it does NOT
need to be the full legal name of the host.
o+ edit the file /BM.RC to correctly identify your hostname, username, and
the IP address of the system you wish to punt mail to when you don't know
the correct IP address. The format lines in this file is:
token <space> value <newline>
where the currently defined tokens are 'host' for this system's hostname,
'user' for your username, and 'gate' for the ip address of the nearest
'smart mailer'. More on this below. Additional tokens exist for setting
your local timezone, and mailbox directory, and editor to be used in mes-
sage creation.
- 57 -
_4._2._3. _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_o_n
BM is designed to serve as the mail user-interface for users of the KA9Q
internetworking software package. The purpose of BM is to provide a full set
of electronic mail services to the user. These include sending messages,
listing and reading received messages, and so forth.
BM reads mailbox files created by the SMTP server in NET.EXE, which are stored
in a directory (usually /spool/mail) that is specified in the config file
/bm.rc. Incoming mail is stored by the server in mailbox files, one per user-
name. These mailbox files may also be referred to as "notefiles". The
default mailbox to read is specified with the 'user' option in the /bm.rc
file. This username is also used on all outgoing messages.
The /bm.rc file also defines a timezone stamp, which in conjunction with the
DOS date and time is used to provide the required RFC822 Date: header.
Commands are generally one character long and followed by a space, and parame-
ter if needed:
s Send a message. The user is prompted for a destination address and sub-
ject. BM then creates appropriate RFC822 headers in a temporary file, and
either invokes the user's favorite editor (specified with the 'edit' param-
eter in /bm.rc) to enter the message text, or uses a simple/stupid text
entry routine if no editor is defined. Note that if you are using an edi-
tor, you should start by jumping to the end of the file. RFC822 requires
that the headers be first and be separated from the text of a message by at
least one blank line.
In this release, Phil KA9Q has modified BM slightly to be more like the
Berkeley Unix mail program. When the message entry routine first starts,
you will be in the silly text editor. If you want to use your editor on
the message, type '~e<ret>'... not obvious to most folks, but very obvious
to 4bsd fans... [sigh].
t Transmits an already created file as a message. RFC822 headers are
prepended. This is useful if you don't have an editor that will work with
the 's' command.
*** NOTE *** RFC822 only allows 7bit data. If you want to send a
binary file, use BSQ, or UUENCODE, or something similar
to convert it to a text file first! Better yet, use
r Read all messages in the current notefile.
u Updates you with new messages in the notefile, shows them to you and
updates the read marker to the last one read. If no new mes- sages came
in, you will be notified.
f Forward a message to someone else. A temporary copy is made of the message
specified and that is handed over to the send message routine, which treats
it as a file ala the 't' command.
- 58 -
d Delete a message. Parameter is the message number. If the number of the
to be deleted message is higher than the last read message an "are you
sure" message is printed. 'Y' or 'y' will delete it...
h Displays message headers, a message number, received date, from whom and
the subject fields on an single line. An star is put in front of the last
read message.
p Sets the printer on or off so messages to the screen also go to the
printer. ** This will be implemented in a future release. **
l Lists the file names of messages waiting to be sent that are in the queue
directory, usually /spool/mqueue. Primarily useful for debugging.
n Shows the notefiles in the mail directory, the location of which is speci-
fied by the 'smtp' parameter in the /bm.rc file. If this command is fol-
lowed with a parameter, the current notefile will be changed to the speci-
fied notefile. If it does not exist you will be notified if you try some-
thing with it.
# Substitute # with a number (1..whatever) and it will show you the message
in the current active notefile with that number. If the message is the one
next to the last read one the * will be moved.
? Prints a short command summary to the screen.
q Quit.
The program's prompt will always show the current notefile name.
_4._2._4. _A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_a_l _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
BM will prompt you for a To: address. This should be in the form user@host,
where user will be the name of the mailbox file on the destination KA9Q sys-
tem, or the username of the intended recipient on other SMTP-equipped systems.
The host field should exactly match a host token in the HOSTS.NET file. If it
does not, the SMTP client in NET.EXE will insert the IP address of the nearest
"smart mail agent" in the work file instead of the destination IP address
(since it is unknown). The rationale behind this is that many SMTP equipped
systems include the ability to forward mail that is not addressed to them. If
you have a system of this type nearby, you may be able to "punt" mail to them
for handling.
Note that if there is such a smart mailer on a system near you, you can
replace the simple 'user' field with a full address that the smart mailer can
understand, since BM will scan from the right taking everything after the
rightmost '@' to be the host token, and will not mangle the address. For
example, from my PC clone I can easily mail to:
bellcore!karn@winfree (to get to Phil, KA9Q)
where winfree is my Unix system, which talks to system bellcore via UUCP. BM
really doesn't care what you put for an address as long as there is a system
- 59 -
within range that it can punt to when it doesn't understand what you mean.
Note that this implies you should be extra careful when typing addresses!
Read the SMTP.DOC file for specification of the queue and mailbox files, and
limitations of the SMTP client that affect BM's capabilities.
_5. _A_p_p_e_n_d_i_c_e_s
_5._1. _T_e_c_h_n_i_c_a_l _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n _f_o_r _C_l_i_e_n_t/_S_e_r_v_e_r _D_e_v_e_l_o_p_e_r_s
This section describes the "guts" of the Internet package for the benefit of
programmers who wish to write their own applications, or adapt the code to
different hardware environments.
The code as distributed includes both the functions of an IP packet switch and
an end-host system, including several servers. The implementation is highly
modular, however. For example, if one wants to build a dedicated packet switch
without any local applications, the various applications and the TCP and UDP
modules may easily be omitted to save space.
The package allows multiple simultaneous applications, each supporting multi-
ple simultaneous users, each using TCP and/or UDP. The only limit is memory
space, which is getting quite tight on the 820; the C compiler for the IBM PC
seems to generate much more compact code (typically 1/2 as large as for the
Z-80) so the PC seems more promising as a large-scale server.
_5._1._1. _D_a_t_a _S_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e_s
To increase portability, the pseudo-types "int16" and "int32" are used to mean
an unsigned 16-bit integer and a signed 32-bit integer, respectively. Ordi-
narily these types are defined in machdep.h to be "unsigned int" and "long".
The various modules pass data in chained structures called mbufs, with the
following format:
struct mbuf {
struct mbuf *next; /* Links mbufs belonging to single packets */
struct mbuf *anext; /* Links packets on queues */
char *data; /* Pointer to start of actual data in buffer */
int16 cnt; /* Length of data in buffer */
Although somewhat cumbersome to work with, mbufs make it possible to avoid
memory-to-memory copies that limit performance. For example, when user data is
transmitted it must first traverse several protocol layers before reaching the
transmitter hardware. With mbufs, each layer adds its protocol header by allo-
cating an mbuf and linking it to the head of the mbuf "chain" given it by the
higher layer, thus avoiding several copy operations.
A number of primitives operating on mbufs are available in mbuf.c. The user
may create, fill, empty and free mbufs himself with the alloc_mbuf and
free_mbuf primitives, or at the cost of a single memory-to-memory copy he he
may use the more convenient qdata() and dqdata() primitives.
- 60 -
_5._1._2. _T_i_m_e_r _S_e_r_v_i_c_e_s
TCP and IP require timers. A timer package is included, so the user must
arrange to call the single entry point "tick" on a regular basis. The constant
MSPTICK in timer.h should be defined as the interval between ticks in mil-
liseconds. One second resolution is adequate. Since it can trigger a consider-
able amount of activity, including upcalls to user level, "tick" should not be
called from an interrupt handler. A clock interrupt should set a flag which
will then cause "tick" to be called at user level.
_5._1._3. _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t _T_y_p_e-_o_f-_S_e_r_v_i_c_e
One of the features of the Internet is the ability to specify precedence
(i.e., priority) on a per-datagram basis. There are 8 levels of precedence,
with the bottom 6 defined by the DoD as Routine, Priority, Immediate, Flash,
Flash Override and CRITICAL. (Two more are available for internal network
functions). For amateur use we can use the lower four as Routine, Welfare,
Priority and Emergency. Three more bits specify class of service, indicating
that especially high reliability, high throughput or low delay is needed for
this connection. Constants for this field are defined in internet.h.
_5._1._4. _T_h_e _I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n
While the user does not ordinarily see this level directly, it is described
here for sake of completeness. Readers interested only in the interfaces seen
by the applications programmer should skip to the TCP and UDP sections.
The IP implementation consists of three major functions: ip_route, ip_send and
_5._1._5. _I_P _G_a_t_e_w_a_y (_P_a_c_k_e_t _R_o_u_t_e_r) _S_u_p_p_o_r_t
The first, ip_route, is the IP packet switch. It takes a single argument, a
pointer to the mbuf containing the IP datagram:
struct mbuf *bp; /* Datagram pointer */
int rxbroadcast; /* Don't forward */
All IP datagrams, coming or going, pass through this function. After option
processing, if any, the datagram's destination address is extracted. If it
corresponds to the local host, it is "kicked upstairs" to the upper half of IP
and thence to the appropriate protocol module. Otherwise, an internal routing
table consulted to determine where the datagram should be forwarded. The
routing table uses hashing keyed on IP destination addresses, called "tar-
gets". If the target address is not found, a special "default" entry, if
available, is used. If a default entry is not available either, an ICMP "Des-
tination Unreachable" message containing the offending IP header is returned
to the sender.
The "rxbroadcast" flag is used to prevent forwarding of broadcast packets, a
practice which might otherwise result in spectacular routing loops. Any subnet
- 61 -
interface driver receiving a packet addressed to the broadcast address within
that subnet MUST set this flag. All other packets (including locally ori-
ginated packets) should have "rxbroadcast" set to zero.
ip_route ignores the IP destination address in broadcast packets, passing them
up to the appropriate higher level protocol which is also made aware of their
broadcast nature. (TCP and ICMP ignore them; only UDP can accept them).
Entries are added to the IP routing table with the rt_add function:
int32 target; /* IP address of target */
int32 gateway; /* IP addr of gateway to reach this target */
int metric; /* "cost" metric, for routing decisions */
struct interface *interface; /* device interface structure */
"target" is the IP address of the destination; it becomes the hash index key
for subsequent packet destination address lookups. If target == 0, the default
entry is modified. "metric" is simply stored in the table; it is available for
routing cost calculations when an automatic routing protocol is written.
"interface" is the address of a control structure for the particular device to
which the datagram should be sent; it is defined in the section "IP Inter-
rt_add returns 0 on success, -1 on failure (e.g., out of memory).
To remove an entry from the routing table, only the target address need be
specified to the rt_drop call:
int32 target;
rt_drop returns 0 on success, -1 if the target could not be found.
_5._1._6. _I_P _I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e_s
Every lower level interface used to transmit IP datagrams must have an "inter-
face" structure, defined as follows:
- 62 -
/* Interface control structure */
struct interface {
struct interface *next; /* Linked list pointer */
char *name; /* Ascii string with interface name */
int16 mtu; /* Maximum transmission unit size */
int (*send)(); /* Routine to call to send datagram */
int (*output)(); /* Routine to call to send raw packet */
int (*recv)(); /* Routine to kick to process input */
int (*stop)(); /* Routine to call before detaching */
int16 dev; /* Subdevice number to pass to send */
int16 flags; /* State of interface */
#define IF_ACTIVE 0x01
#define IF_BROADCAST 0x04 /* Interface is capable of broadcasting */
Part of the interface structure is for the private use of the device driver.
"dev" is used to distinguish between one of several identical devices (e.g.,
serial links or radio channels) that might share the same send routine.
A pointer to this structure kept in the routing table. Two fields in the
interface structure are examined by ip_route: "mtu" and "send". The maximum
transmission unit size represents the largest datagram that this device can
handle; ip_route will do IP-level fragmentation as required to meet this limit
before calling "send", the function to queue datagrams on this interface.
"send" is called as follows:
struct mbuf *bp; /* Pointer to datagram */
struct interface *interface; /* Interface structure */
int32 gateway; /* IP address of gateway */
char precedence; /* TOS bits from IP header */
char delay;
char throughput;
char reliability;
The "interface" and "gateway" arguments are kept in the routing table and
passed on each call to the send routine. The interface pointer is passed again
because several interfaces might share the same output driver (e.g., several
identical physical channels). "gateway" is the IP address of the neighboring
IP gateway on the other end of the link; if a link-level address is required,
the send routine must map this address either dynamically (e.g., with the
Address Resolution Protocol, ARP) or with a static lookup table. If the link
is point-to-point, link-level addresses are unnecessary, and the send routine
can therefore ignore the gateway address.
The Internet Type-of-Service (TOS) bits are passed to the interface driver as
separate arguments. If tradeoffs exist within the subnet between these various
classes of service, the driver may use these arguments to control them (e.g.,
optional use of link level acknowledgments, priority queuing, etc.)
It is expected that the send routine will put a link level header on the front
- 63 -
of the packet, add it an internal output queue, start output (if not already
active) and return. It must NOT busy-wait for completion (unless it is a very
fast device, e.g., Ethernet) since that blocks the entire system.
Any interface that uses ARP must also provide an "output" routine. It is a
lower level entry point that allows the caller to specify the fields in the
link header. ARP uses it to broadcast a request for a given IP address. It may
be the same routine used internally by the driver to send IP datagrams once
the link level fields have been determined. It is called as follows:
struct interface *interface; /* Pointer to interface structure */
char dest[]; /* Link level destination address */
char src[]; /* Link level source address */
int16 type; /* Protocol type field for link level */
struct mbuf *bp; /* Data field (IP datagram) */
_5._1._7. _I_P _H_o_s_t _S_u_p_p_o_r_t
All of the modules described thus far are required in all systems. However,
the routines that follow are necessary only if the system is to support
higher-level applications. In a stand alone IP gateway (packet switch) without
servers or clients, the following modules (IP user level, TCP and UDP) may be
omitted to allow additional space for buffering; define the flag GWONLY when
compiling iproute.c to avoid referencing the user level half of IP.
The following function is called by iproute() whenever a datagram arrives that
is addressed to the local system.
struct mbuf *bp; /* Datagram */
char rxbroadcast; /* Incoming broadcast */
ip_recv reassembles IP datagram fragments, if necessary, and calls the input
function of the next layer protocol (e.g., tcp_input, udp_input) with the
appropriate arguments, as follows:
struct mbuf *bp; /* Pointer to packet minus IP header */
char protocol; /* IP protocol ID */
int32 source; /* IP address of sender */
int32 dest; /* IP address of destination (i.e,. us) */
char tos; /* IP type-of-service field in datagram */
int16 length; /* Length of datagram minus IP header */
char rxbroadcast; /* Incoming broadcast */
The list of protocols is contained in a switch() statement in the ip_recv
function. If the protocol is unsupported, an ICMP Protocol Unreachable message
is returned to the sender unless the packet came in as a broadcast.
- 64 -
Higher level protocols such as TCP and UDP use the ip_send routine to generate
IP datagrams. The arguments to ip_send correspond directly to fields in the IP
header, which is generated and put in front of the user's data before being
handed to ip_route:
int32 source; /* source address */
int32 dest; /* Destination address */
char protocol; /* Protocol */
char tos; /* Type of service */
char ttl; /* Time-to-live */
struct mbuf *bp; /* Data portion of datagram */
int16 length; /* Optional length of data portion */
int16 id; /* Optional identification */
char df; /* Don't-fragment flag */
This interface is modeled very closely after the example given on page 32 of
RFC-791. Zeros may be passed for id or ttl, and system defaults will be pro-
vided. If zero is passed for length, it will be calculated automatically.
_5._1._8. _T_h_e _T_r_a_n_s_m_i_s_s_i_o_n _C_o_n_t_r_o_l _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_T_C_P)
A TCP connection is uniquely identified by the concatenation of local and
remote "sockets". In turn, a socket consists of a host address (a 32-bit
integer) and a TCP port (a 16-bit integer), defined by the C structure
struct socket {
long address; /* 32-bit IP address */
short port; /*16-bit TCP port */
It is therefore possible to have several simultaneous but distinct connections
to the same port on a given machine, as long as the remote sockets are dis-
tinct. Port numbers are assigned either through mutual agreement, or more com-
monly when a "standard" service is involved, as a "well known port" number.
For example, to obtain standard remote login service using the TELNET
presentation-layer protocol, by convention you initiate a connection to TCP
port 23; to send mail using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) you con-
nect to port 25. ARPA maintains port number lists and periodically publishes
them; the latest revision is RFC-960, "Assigned Numbers". They will also
assign port numbers to a new application on request if it appears to be of
general interest.
TCP connections are best modeled as a pair of one-way paths (one in each
direction) rather than single full-duplex paths. A TCP "close" really means "I
have no more data to send". Station A may close its path to station B leaving
the reverse path from B to A unaffected; B may continue to send data to A
indefinitely until it too closes its half of the connection. Even after a
user initiates a close, TCP continues to retransmit any unacknowledged data if
necessary to ensure that it reaches the other end. This is known as "graceful
close" and greatly simplifies certain applications such as FTP.
- 65 -
This package is written as a "module" intended to be compiled and linked with
the application(s) so that they can be run as one program on the same machine.
This greatly simplifies the user/TCP interface, which becomes just a set of
internal subroutine calls on a single machine. The internal TCP state (e.g.,
the address of the remote station) is easily accessed. Reliability is
improved, since any hardware failure that kills TCP will likely take its
applications with it anyway. Only IP datagrams flow out of the machine across
hardware interfaces (such as asynch RS-232 ports or whatever else is avail-
able) so hardware flow control or complicated host/front-end protocols are
The TCP supports five basic operations on a connection: open_tcp, send_tcp,
receive_tcp, close_tcp and del_tcp. A sixth, state_tcp, is provided mainly for
debugging. Since this TCP module cannot assume the presence of a sleep/wakeup
facility from the underlying operating system, functions that would ordinarily
block (e.g., recv_tcp when no data is available) instead set net_error to the
constant EWOULDBLK and immediately return -1. Asynchronous notification of
events such as data arrival can be obtained through the upcall facility
described earlier.
Each TCP function is summarized in the following section in the form of C
declarations and descriptions of each argument.
int net_error;
This global variable stores the specific cause of an error from one of the TCP
or UDP functions. All functions returning integers (i.e., all except open_tcp)
return -1 in the event of an error, and net_error should be examined to deter-
mine the cause. The possible errors are defined as constants in the header
file netuser.h.
/* Open a TCP connection */
struct tcb *
struct socket *lsocket; /* Local socket */
struct socket *fsocket; /* Remote socket */
int mode; /* Active/passive/server */
int16 window; /* Receive window (and send buffer) sizes */
void (*r_upcall)(); /* Function to call when data arrives */
void (*t_upcall)(); /* Function to call when ok to send more data */
void (*s_upcall)(); /* Function to call when connection state changes */
char tos; /* Internet Type-of-Service */
int *user; /* Pointer for convenience of user */
"lsocket" and "fsocket" are pointers to the local and foreign sockets, respec-
"mode" may take on three values, all defined in net.user.h. If mode is
TCP_PASSIVE, no packets are sent, but a TCP control block is created that will
accept a subsequent active open from another TCP. If a specific foreign socket
is passed to a passive open, then connect requests from any other foreign
socket will be rejected. If the foreign socket fields are set to zero, or if
- 66 -
fsocket is NULLSOCK, then connect requests from any foreign socket will be
accepted. If mode is TCP_ACTIVE, TCP will initiate a connection to a remote
socket that must already have been created in the LISTEN state by its client.
The foreign socket must be completely specified in an active open. When mode
is TCP_SERVER, open_tcp behaves as though TCP_PASSIVE was given except that an
internal "clone" flag is set. When a connection request comes in, a fresh copy
of the TCP control block is created and the original is left intact. This
allows multiple sessions to exist simultaneously; if TCP_PASSIVE were used
instead only the first connect request would be accepted.
"r_upcall", "t_upcall" and "s_upcall" provide optional upcall or pseudo-
interrupt mechanisms useful when running in a non operating system environ-
ment. Each of the three arguments, if non-NULL, is taken as the address of a
user-supplied function to call when receive data arrives, transmit queue space
becomes available, or the connection state changes. The three functions are
called with the following arguments:
(*r_upcall)(tcb,count); /* count == number of bytes in receive queue */
(*t_upcall)(tcb,avail); /* avail == space available in send queue */
Note: whenever a single event invokes more than one upcall the order
in which the upcalls are made is not strictly defined. In general,
though, the Principle of Least Astonishment is followed. E.g., when
entering the ESTABLISHED state, the state change upcall is invoked
first, followed by the transmit upcall. When an incoming segment
contains both data and FIN, the receive upcall is invoked first,
followed by the state change to CLOSE_WAIT state. In this case, the
user may interpret this state change as a "end of file" indicator.
"tos" is the Internet type-of-service field. This parameter is passed along to
IP and is included in every datagram. The actual precedence value used is the
higher of the two specified in the corresponding pair of open_tcp calls.
open_tcp returns a pointer to an internal Transmission Control Block (tcb).
This "magic cookie" must be passed back as the first argument to all other TCP
calls. In event of error, the NULL pointer (0) is returned and net_error is
set to the reason for the error.
The only limit on the number of TCBs that may exist at any time (i.e., the
number of simultaneous connections) is the amount of free memory on the
machine. Each TCB on a 16-bit processor currently takes up 111 bytes; addi-
tional memory is consumed and freed dynamically as needed to buffer send and
receive data. Deleting a TCB (see the del_tcp() call) reclaims its space.
/* Send data on a TCP connection */
struct tcb *tcb; /* TCB pointer */
struct mbuf *bp; /* Pointer to user's data mbufs */
"tcb" is the pointer returned by the open_tcp() call. "bp" points to the
- 67 -
user's mbuf with data to be sent. After being passed to send_tcp, the user
must no longer access the data buffer. TCP uses positive acknowledgments with
retransmission to ensure in-order delivery, but this is largely invisible to
the user. Once the remote TCP has acknowledged the data, the buffer will be
freed automatically.
TCP does not enforce a limit in the number of bytes that may be queued for
transmission, but it is recommended that the application not send any more
than the amount passed as "cnt" in the transmitter upcall. The package uses
shared, dynamically allocated buffers, and it is entirely possible for a mis-
behaving user task to run the system out of buffers.
/* Receive data on a TCP connection */
struct tcb *tcb;
struct mbuf **bp;
int16 cnt;
recv_tcp() passes back through bp a pointer to an mbuf chain containing any
available receive data, up to a maximum of "cnt" bytes. The actual number of
bytes received (the lesser of "cnt" and the number pending on the receive
queue) is returned. If no data is available, net_error is set to EWOULDBLK and
-1 is returned; the r_upcall mechanism may be used to determine when data
arrives. (Technical note: "r_upcall" is called whenever a PUSH or FIN bit is
seen in an incoming segment, or if the receive window fills. It is called
before an ACK is sent back to the remote TCP, in order to give the user an
opportunity to piggyback any data in response.)
When the remote TCP closes its half of the connection and all prior incoming
data has been read by the local user, subsequent calls to recv_tcp return 0
rather than -1 as an "end of transmission" indicator. Note that the local
application is notified of a remote close (i.e., end-of-file) by a state-
change upcall with the new state being CLOSE_WAIT; if the local application
has closed first, a remote close is indicated by a state-change upcall to
either CLOSING or TIME_WAIT state. (CLOSING state is used only when the two
ends close simultaneously and their FINs cross in the mail).
/* Close a TCP connection */
struct tcb *tcb;
This tells TCP that the local user has no more data to send. However, the
remote TCP may continue to send data indefinitely to the local user, until the
remote user also does a close_tcp. An attempt to send data after a close_tcp
is an error.
/* Delete a TCP connection */
struct tcb *tcb;
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When the connection has been closed in both connections and all incoming data
has been read, this call is made to cause TCP to reclaim the space taken up by
the TCP control block. Any incoming data remaining unread is lost.
/* Dump a TCP connection state */
struct tcb *tcb;
This debugging call prints an ASCII-format dump of the TCP connection state on
the terminal. You need a copy of the TCP specification (ARPA RFC 793 or MIL-
STD-1778) to interpret most of the numbers.
_5._1._9. _T_h_e _U_s_e_r _D_a_t_a_g_r_a_m _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l (_U_D_P)
UDP is available for simple applications not needing the services of a reli-
able protocol like TCP. A minimum of overhead is placed on top of the "raw"
IP datagram service, consisting only of port numbers and a checksum covering
the UDP header and user data. Four functions are available to the UDP user.
/* Create a UDP control block for lsocket, so that we can queue
* incoming datagrams.
struct socket *lsocket;
void (*r_upcall)();
open_udp creates a queue to accept incoming datagrams (regardless of source)
addressed to "lsocket". "r_upcall" is an optional upcall mechanism to provide
the address of a function to be called as follows whenever a datagram arrives:
struct socket *lsocket; /* Pointer to local socket */
int rcvcnt; /* Count of datagrams pending on queue */
/* Send a UDP datagram */
struct socket *lsocket; /* Source socket */
struct socket *fsocket; /* Destination socket */
char tos; /* Type-of-service for IP */
char ttl; /* Time-to-live for IP */
struct mbuf *bp; /* Data field, if any */
int16 length; /* Length of data field */
int16 id; /* Optional ID field for IP */
char df; /* Don't Fragment flag for IP */
The parameters passed to send_udp are simply stuffed in the UDP and IP
headers, and the datagram is sent on its way.
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/* Accept a waiting datagram, if available. Returns length of datagram */
struct socket *lsocket; /* Local socket to receive on */
struct socket *fsocket; /* Place to stash incoming socket */
struct mbuf **bp; /* Place to stash data packet */
The "lsocket" pointer indicates the socket the user wishes to receive a
datagram on (a queue must have been created previously with the open_udp rou-
tine). "fsocket" is taken as the address of a socket structure to be overwrit-
ten with the foreign socket associated with the datagram being read; bp is
overwritten with a pointer to the data portion (if any) of the datagram being
/* Delete a UDP control block */
struct socket *lsocket;
This function destroys any unread datagrams on a queue, and reclaims the space
taken by the queue descriptor.
_5._2. _T_h_e _K_I_S_S _H_o_s_t _t_o _T_N_C _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l
_5._2._1. _T_h_e _P_r_o_t_o_c_o_l _S_p_e_c_i_f_i_c_a_t_i_o_n
_5._2._1._1. _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n
The purpose of the "Raw" (aka "KISS") TNC is to facilitate the use of amateur
packet radio controllers (TNCs) with host computers, particularly in the
development of experimental protocols and multi-user servers (e.g., "bulletin
Current TNC software was written with human users in mind; unfortunately, com-
mands and responses well suited for human use are ill-adapted for host com-
puter use, and vice versa. This is especially true for multi-user servers such
as bulletin boards which must multiplex data from several network connections
across the single host/TNC link. In addition, experimentation with new link
level protocols is greatly hampered because there may very well be no way at
all to generate or receive frames in the desired format without reprogramming
the TNC.
The Raw TNC solves these problems by eliminating as much as possible from the
TNC software, giving the attached host complete control over and access to the
contents of the HDLC frames transmitted and received over the air. The AX.25
protocol is removed entirely from the TNC, as are all command interpreters and
the like. The TNC simply converts between synchronous HDLC, spoken on the
half duplex radio channel, and a special asynchronous, full duplex frame for-
mat spoken on the host/TNC link. Every frame received on the HDLC link is
passed intact to the host once it has been translated to the asynchronous for-
mat; likewise, asynchronous frames from the host are transmitted on the radio
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channel once they have been converted to HDLC format.
Of course, this means that the bulk of AX.25 (or another protocol) must now be
implemented on the host system. This is acceptable, however, considering the
greatly increased flexibility and reduced overall complexity that comes from
allowing the protocol to reside on the same machine with the applications to
which it is closely coupled.
_5._2._1._2. _A_s_y_n_c_h_r_o_n_o_u_s _f_r_a_m_e _f_o_r_m_a_t
The "asynchronous packet protocol" spoken between the host and TNC is very
simple, since its only function is delimiting frames. Each frame is both pre-
ceded and followed by a special FEND (frame end) character, analogous to an
HDLC flag. No CRC or checksum is provided.
The reason for both preceding and ending frames with FENDs is to improve per-
formance when there is noise on the asynch line. The FEND at the beginning of
a frame serves to "flush out" any accumulated garbage into a separate frame
(which will be discarded by the upper layer protocol) instead of prepending it
to an otherwise good frame. As with back-to-back FLAGs in HDLC, two FEND
characters in a row should not be interpreted as delimiting an empty frame.
_5._2._1._2._1. _T_r_a_n_s_p_a_r_e_n_c_y
Frames are sent in 8-bit binary; if an FEND ever appears in the data, it is
translated into the two byte sequence FESC TFEND (frame escape, transposed
frame end). Likewise, if the FESC character ever appears in the user data, it
is replaced with the two character sequence FESC TFESC (frame escape, tran-
sposed frame escape).
As characters arrive at the receiver, they are appended to a buffer containing
the current frame. Receiving a FEND marks the end of the current frame.
Receipt of a FESC puts the receiver into "escaped mode", which causes the
receiver to translate a following TFESC or TFEND back to FESC or FEND, respec-
tively, before adding it to the receive buffer and leaving escaped mode.
(Receipt of any character other than TFESC or TFEND while in escaped mode is
an error; no action is taken and frame assembly continues. A TFEND or TESC
received while not in escaped mode is treated as an ordinary data character.)
This procedure may seem somewhat complicated, but it is easy to implement and
recovers quickly from errors. In particular, the FEND character is never sent
over the channel except as an actual end-of-frame indication. This ensures
that any intact frame (properly delimited by FEND characters) will always be
received properly regardless of the starting state of the receiver or corrup-
tion of the preceding frame.
The special characters are:
FEND (frame end) 300 (octal)
FESC (frame escape) 333 (octal)
TFEND (transposed frame end) 334 (octal)
TFESC (transposed frame escape) 335 (octal)
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(ARPA Internet hackers will recognize this protocol as identical to SLIP, a
popular method for sending IP datagrams across ordinary dialup modems).
_5._2._1._3. _C_o_n_t_r_o_l _o_f _t_h_e _R_a_w _T_N_C
Each asynchronous data frame sent to the TNC is converted back into "pure"
form and queued for transmission as a separate HDLC frame. Although removing
the human interface and the AX.25 protocol from the TNC makes most existing
TNC commands unnecessary (i.e., they become host functions), the TNC is still
responsible for keying the transmitter's PTT line and deferring to other
activity on the radio channel. It is therefore necessary to allow the host to
control a few TNC parameters, namely the transmitter keyup delay and the
transmitter persistence variables.
It is therefore necessary to distinguish between command and data frames on
the host/TNC link. This is done by defining the first byte of each asynchro-
nous frame between host and TNC as a "type" indicator. The following types
are defined in frames to the TNC:
Type Function Comments
0 Data frame Rest of frame is data to be sent on the HDLC channel
1 TXDELAY Second byte is transmitter keyup delay in 10 ms units
2 P Second byte of frame is persistence parameter, p:
0: p = (0+1)/256, 255: p = (255+1)/256 = 1.0
3 SLOTTIME Second byte of frame is slot interval in 10 ms units
4 TXtail Second byte of frame is time to hold up the TX after
the FCS has been sent (the time allowed to send the
HDLC flag character; should be at least 2 for 1200 bps
operation). In 10 ms units.
The following types are defined in frames to the host:
Type Function Comments
0 Data frame Rest of frame is data from the HDLC channel
(No other types are defined; in particular, there is no provision for ack-
nowledging data or command frames sent to the TNC.)
_5._2._1._4. _P_e_r_s_i_s_t_e_n_c_e
The P and SLOTTIME parameters are used to implement true p-persistent CSMA.
This works as follows:
Whenever the host has queued data for transmission, the TNC begins monitoring
the carrier detect signal from the modem. It waits indefinitely for this sig-
nal to go inactive. Once the channel is clear, the TNC generates a random
number between 0 and 255. If this number is less than or equal to P, the TNC
asserts the transmitter PTT line, waits .01 * TXDELAY seconds, and transmits
all frames in its queue. The TNC then releases PTT and goes back to the idle
state. If the random number is greater than P, the TNC delays signal has
gone active in the meantime, the TNC again waits for it to clear before con-
tinuing). Note that P=255 means always transmit as soon as possible,
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regardless of the random number.
The result is that the TNC waits for an exponentially-distributed random
interval after sensing that the channel has gone clear before attempting to
transmit. The idea here is that with proper tuning of the parameters P and
SLOTTIME, several stations with traffic to send are much less likely to col-
lide with each other when they simultaneously see the channel go clear.
_5._2._2. _T_h_e _T_N_C-_2 _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n
See the files included in the TNC-2 KISS Distribution.
_5._2._3. _T_h_e _T_N_C-_1 _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n
See the files included in the TNC-1 KISS Distribution.
_5._2._4. _T_h_e _V_A_D_C_G/_A_S_H_B_Y _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n
See the files included in the VADCG/ASHBY KISS Distribution.
_5._2._5. _T_h_e _A_E_A _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n
All PK-232 units with WEFAX, and PC-87 units of a similar vintage, are capable
of KISS operation. See the installation instructions earlier in this document
for more information.
_5._2._6. _T_h_e _K_a_n_t_r_o_n_i_c_s _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n
See your Kantronics TNC Documentation.
_5._3. _T_h_e _E_x_p_e_r_i_m_e_n_t_a_l _D_E_S _P_a_c_k_a_g_e
Documentation is included in the DES package.