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/* :ts=8 */ /* Yes some of us still use vi ! */
/* */
/* This file contains code to tesselate the current object. */
/* */
/* This is done by iterative evaluation of the splines, and this isn't */
/* the fastest or best method. */
/* */
/* A better method would be some kind of recursive subdivision which */
/* stops when the surfaces are nearly flat. */
/* */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "general.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "intui.h"
#include "spl_math.h"
#include "tesselate.h"
#define Max_Nbr_Connections 2000
#define Max_Nbr_Patches 1000
/* Blending functions for cubic polynomials (Bernstein pol.) */
/* Below u1 is (1.0 - u) */
#define B03(u, u1) ((u1) * (u1) * (u1))
#define B13(u, u1) (3.0 * (u) * (u1) * (u1))
#define B23(u, u1) (3.0 * (u) * (u) * (u1))
#define B33(u, u1) ((u) * (u) *(u))
/* Cubic hermite polynomials: */
#define H03(u, u1) (B03(u, u1) + B13(u, u1))
#define H13(u, u1) (0.33333 * B13(u, u1))
#define H23(u, u1) (0.33333 * B23(u, u1))
#define H33(u, u1) (B23(u, u1) + B33(u, u1))
#define F0(u, u1) H03(u, u1)
#define F1(u, u1) H33(u, u1)
/* Another possibility for F0 and F1 is: */
/* #define F0(u, u1) (u1) */
/* #define F1(u, u1) (u) */
#define Parm(Idx, u, u1) ((Connections[Idx].Dir > 0) ? (u) : (u1))
typedef struct {
short From;
short To;
Spline_T *Spline;
Knot_T *Knot;
Byte_T Count;
short Dir;
} Connection_T;
typedef struct {
short P1, P2, P3, P4;
} Patch_T;
static int Step_S = 10; /* Number of steps (s). */
static int Step_T = 10; /* Number of steps (t). */
static Vector_T *Row0 = NULL;
static Vector_T *Row1 = NULL;
static Vector_T *Row2 = NULL;
static Connection_T Connections[Max_Nbr_Connections];
static int Nbr_Connections;
static Patch_T Patches[Max_Nbr_Patches];
static int Nbr_Patches;
Boolean_T Face_Is_Ok(Vector_T Point0, Vector_T Point1, Vector_T Point2)
/* */
/* Check if the three points defines a triangle. */
/* Return TRUE if they do. */
/* */
double X1, Y1, Z1;
double X2, Y2, Z2;
double Vx, Vy, Vz;
X1 = Point1[0] - Point0[0];
Y1 = Point1[1] - Point0[1];
Z1 = Point1[2] - Point0[2];
X2 = Point2[0] - Point0[0];
Y2 = Point2[1] - Point0[1];
Z2 = Point2[2] - Point0[2];
/* Cross product: */
Vx = Y1 * Z2 - Z1 * Y2;
Vy = Z1 * X2 - X1 * Z2;
Vz = X1 * Y2 - Y1 * X2;
if (ABS(Vx) < FTINY &&
ABS(Vy) < FTINY &&
ABS(Vz) < FTINY) return(FALSE);
} /* Face_Is_Ok */
Compute_Row(double S, register Vector_T *Row, int Step_Size,
Matrix4_T M1, short C1,
Matrix4_T M2, short C2,
Matrix4_T M3, short C3,
Matrix4_T M4, short C4)
/* */
/* Compute row of values for a given 'S'. */
/* M1, M2, M3 and M4 is the for precomputed matrices for spline */
/* generation. C1, C2, C3 and C4 is indices into the connection list */
/* for the four connections in this patch. */
/* */
/* C2 is -1 for 2 spline patch */
/* C4 is -1 for 2 or 3 spline patch */
/* */
double T, T1, S1;
double F0s, F0t, F1s, F1t;
register int i;
Vector4_T Ps0, Ps1, P0t, P1t;
Vector4_T P00, P10, P01, P11;
if (S < -FTINY || S > 1.0+FTINY) return;
S1 = 1.0 - S;
Compute_Position(P00, Parm(C1, 0.0, 1.0), M1);
Compute_Position(P10, Parm(C1, 1.0, 0.0), M1);
Compute_Position(P01, Parm(C3, 1.0, 0.0), M3);
Compute_Position(P11, Parm(C3, 0.0, 1.0), M3);
if (C2 < 0) Compute_Position(P1t, Parm(C1, 1.0, 0.0), M1);
if (C4 < 0) Compute_Position(P0t, Parm(C1, 0.0, 1.0), M1);
i = 0;
while (i <= Step_Size) {
T = (double) i / Step_Size;
T1 = 1.0 - T;
/* Compute P(S,T), place in Row[i] */
Compute_Position(Ps0, Parm(C1, S, S1), M1);
if (C2 >= 0) Compute_Position(P1t, Parm(C2, T, T1), M2);
Compute_Position(Ps1, Parm(C3, S1, S), M3);
if (C4 >= 0) Compute_Position(P0t, Parm(C4, T1, T), M4);
F0s = F0(S, S1); /* Precompute these to speed things up */
F0t = F0(T, T1);
F1s = F1(S, S1);
F1t = F1(T, T1);
Row[i][0] = F0s * P0t[0] + F1s * P1t[0] +
F0t * Ps0[0] + F1t * Ps1[0] -
F0s * F0t * P00[0] -
F0s * F1t * P01[0] -
F1s * F0t * P10[0] -
F1s * F1t * P11[0];
Row[i][1] = F0s * P0t[1] + F1s * P1t[1] +
F0t * Ps0[1] + F1t * Ps1[1] -
F0s * F0t * P00[1] -
F0s * F1t * P01[1] -
F1s * F0t * P10[1] -
F1s * F1t * P11[1];
Row[i][2] = F0s * P0t[2] + F1s * P1t[2] +
F0t * Ps0[2] + F1t * Ps1[2] -
F0s * F0t * P00[2] -
F0s * F1t * P01[2] -
F1s * F0t * P10[2] -
F1s * F1t * P11[2];
} /* while */
} /* Compute_Row */
int Tesselate_Patch(Tesselate_Info_T *TI,
short C1, short C2, short C3, short C4)
/* */
/* Tesselate the patch given by the splines C1, C2, C3 and C4. */
/* */
/* C2 is -1 for a 2 spline patch */
/* C4 is -1 for a 2 or 3 spline patch */
/* */
int i, j;
Vector_T *Tmp_Row;
Matrix4_T M1, M2, M3, M4;
static int Old_Step_S = -1;
static int Old_Step_T = -1;
if (TI->Patch_Begin != NULL) TI->Patch_Begin();
Step_S = Step_T = Patch_Resolution;
if (Step_T != Old_Step_T ||
Row0 == NULL || Row1 == NULL || Row2 == NULL) {
if (Row0 != NULL) free(Row0);
if (Row1 != NULL) free(Row1);
if (Row2 != NULL) free(Row2);
Row0 = (Vector_T *) malloc( (Step_T+3) * sizeof(Vector_T) );
if (Row0 == NULL) {
Display_Error_Message("malloc error");
} /* if */
Row1 = (Vector_T *) malloc( (Step_T+3) * sizeof(Vector_T) );
if (Row1 == NULL) {
Display_Error_Message("malloc error");
} /* if */
Row2 = (Vector_T *) malloc( (Step_T+3) * sizeof(Vector_T) );
if (Row2 == NULL) {
Display_Error_Message("malloc error");
} /* if */
} /* if */
Old_Step_S = Step_S;
Old_Step_T = Step_T;
if (C2 >= 0) Precompute_Kochanek_Bartels(M2,
if (C4 >= 0) Precompute_Kochanek_Bartels(M4,
/* Initialize the first rows */
/* It is not neccessary to initialize Row0, as it is */
/* computed as the first step in the main loop. */
Compute_Row(0.0, Row1, Step_T, M1, C1, M2, C2, M3, C3, M4, C4);
Compute_Row(1.0/Step_S, Row2, Step_T, M1, C1, M2, C2, M3, C3, M4, C4);
for (i = 0; i < Step_S; i++) {
/* compute next row */
Tmp_Row = Row0;
Row0 = Row1;
Row1 = Row2;
Row2 = Tmp_Row;
Compute_Row((double)(i + 2) / Step_S, Row2, Step_T,
M1, C1, M2, C2, M3, C3, M4, C4);
for (j = 0; j < Step_T; j++) {
if ( (i + j) & 1 ) {
Row0[j], Row1[j], Row0[j+1], Row1[j+1]);
} else {
Row1[j], Row1[j+1], Row0[j], Row0[j+1]);
} /* for */
} /* for */
if (TI->Patch_End != NULL) TI->Patch_End();
} /* Tesselate_Patch */
void Sort4(short *i1, short *i2, short *i3, short *i4)
/* */
/* Sort the four numbers i1, i2, i3 and i4. */
/* */
short t;
if (*i2 < *i1) { t = *i1; *i1 = *i2; *i2 = t; }
if (*i4 < *i3) { t = *i3; *i3 = *i4; *i4 = t; }
if (*i3 < *i2) { t = *i3; *i3 = *i2; *i2 = t; }
if (*i2 < *i1) { t = *i1; *i1 = *i2; *i2 = t; }
if (*i4 < *i3) { t = *i3; *i3 = *i4; *i4 = t; }
if (*i3 < *i2) { t = *i3; *i3 = *i2; *i2 = t; }
} /* Sort4 */
Boolean_T Patch_Add(short P1, short P2, short P3, short P4)
/* */
/* Add the patch defined by P1, P2, P3 and P4 to the patch table. */
/* Return TRUE if the patch already existed in the table. */
/* */
/* (Linear search!!! Optimize please :) */
/* */
int i;
Sort4(&P1, &P2, &P3, &P4);
for (i = 0; i < Nbr_Patches; i++) {
if (Patches[i].P1 == P1 &&
Patches[i].P2 == P2 &&
Patches[i].P3 == P3 &&
Patches[i].P4 == P4) return(TRUE);
} /* for */
if (Nbr_Patches < Max_Nbr_Patches-1) {
Patches[Nbr_Patches].P1 = P1;
Patches[Nbr_Patches].P2 = P2;
Patches[Nbr_Patches].P3 = P3;
Patches[Nbr_Patches].P4 = P4;
} else {
Display_Error_Message("No more space for patches");
} /* if .. else .. */
} /* Patch_Add */
int Find_From_Connection(short From, short To)
/* */
/* Find a connection starting in 'From' and NOT leading to 'To'. */
/* */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < Nbr_Connections; i++)
if (Connections[i].Count < 2 &&
Connections[i].From == From && Connections[i].To != To)
} /* Find_From_Connection */
int Find_From_To_Connection(short From, short To)
/* */
/* Find a connection starting in 'From' and leading to 'To'. */
/* */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < Nbr_Connections; i++)
if (Connections[i].Count < 2 &&
Connections[i].From == From && Connections[i].To == To)
} /* Find_From_Connection */
int Find_From_To_Spline_Connection(Spline_T *Spline, short From, short To)
/* */
/* Find a connection starting in 'From' and leading to 'To'. */
/* The found connection must NOT be given by 'Spline'. */
/* */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < Nbr_Connections; i++)
if (Connections[i].Spline != Spline &&
Connections[i].Count < 2 &&
Connections[i].From == From && Connections[i].To == To)
} /* Find_From_To_Spline_Connection */
void Remove_Connection(int Id)
/* */
/* Increase usage count for the connection given by 'Id'. */
/* Each connection may be used two times. */
/* */
int Id2;
Id2 = Find_From_To_Connection(Connections[Id].To,
if (Id2 >= 0) Connections[Id2].Count++;
} /* Remove_Connection */
int CompareFunc(Connection_T *Con1, Connection_T *Con2)
/* */
/* Compare two connections. This is used by 'qsort'. */
/* */
if (Con1->From < Con2->From) return(-1);
if (Con1->From > Con2->From) return(1);
if (Con1->To < Con2->To) return(-1);
if (Con1->To > Con2->To) return(1);
} /* CompareFunc */
Boolean_T Tesselate_Object(Tesselate_Info_T *TI)
/* */
/* This function is called to tesselate the current object. */
/* */
/* This is done by dividing the object into patches, and then tesselate */
/* these patches. */
/* */
/* The argument 'TI' defines what to do with the result. */
/* */
/* TI is a structure which contains pointers to 3 functions: */
/* */
/* void (*Patch_Begin)(void): */
/* This function is called before tesselation of a new patch starts*/
/* It could for instance be used to initialize variables. */
/* This function pointer may be a NULL pointer. */
/* */
/* void (*Patch_Generate_Face)(Vector_T Point0, Vector_T Point1, */
/* Vector_T Point2, Vector_T Point3): */
/* This function is called for each found 'rectangle'. */
/* The rectangle isn't necessarily flat, and may be degenerate, so */
/* normally, the routine should split it into two triangles and */
/* test that the triangles isn't degenerate. */
/* */
/* void (*Patch_End)(void): */
/* This function is called after tesselation of a patch is done. */
/* It can be used to free memory, write data to a file or whatever.*/
/* This function pointer may be a NULL pointer. */
/* */
/* 'Tesselate_Object' will return TRUE in case of error. */
/* */
Spline_T *Spline;
Knot_T *Knot;
int j;
int Patch_Count;
short P1, P2, P3, P4;
short C1, C2, C3, C4;
Nbr_Connections = 0;
Nbr_Patches = 0;
/* Add all splines to the connection list: */
Display_Status("Adding splines to connection list");
for (Spline = Splines; Spline != NULL; Spline = Spline->Next) {
if (Spline->Nbr_Knots > 1) {
for (j = 1, Knot = Spline->First;
j < Spline->Nbr_Knots; j++, Knot = Knot->Next) {
if (Is_Hidden(Points[Knot->Point_Id])) continue;
if (Nbr_Connections >= Max_Nbr_Connections-2) {
Display_Message("No more space for connections");
Connections[Nbr_Connections].From = Knot->Point_Id;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].To = Knot->Next->Point_Id;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Spline = Spline;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Knot = Knot;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Dir = 1;
Connections[Nbr_Connections++].Count = 0;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].From = Knot->Next->Point_Id;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].To = Knot->Point_Id;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Spline = Spline;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Knot = Knot;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Dir = -1;
Connections[Nbr_Connections++].Count = 0;
} /* for */
if (Spline->Loop & !Is_Hidden(Points[Knot->Point_Id])){
if (Nbr_Connections >= Max_Nbr_Connections-2) {
Display_Message("No more space for connections");
Connections[Nbr_Connections].From = Knot->Point_Id;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].To = Spline->First->Point_Id;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Spline = Spline;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Knot = Knot;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Dir = 1;
Connections[Nbr_Connections++].Count = 0;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].From = Spline->First->Point_Id;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].To = Knot->Point_Id;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Spline = Spline;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Knot = Knot;
Connections[Nbr_Connections].Dir = -1;
Connections[Nbr_Connections++].Count = 0;
} /* if */
} /* if */
} /* for */
/* Sort the connection list: */
sprintf(Error_Msg, "Sorting %d connections.", Nbr_Connections);
qsort((char *)Connections, Nbr_Connections,
sizeof(Connection_T), CompareFunc);
/* Find all two spline patches */
Patch_Count = 0;
for (C1 = 0; C1 < Nbr_Connections; C1++) {
P1 = Connections[C1].From;
P2 = Connections[C1].To;
if (Connections[C1].Count >= 2) continue;
C2 = Find_From_To_Spline_Connection(Connections[C1].Spline,
P2, P1);
if (C2 != -1) {
/* Won't accept both points on same spline */
if (Connections[C1].Spline ==
Connections[C2].Spline) continue;
if (!Patch_Add(Connections[C1].From,
-1)) {
/* Found, C1, C2 */
sprintf(Error_Msg, "Tesselating patches (%d)", ++Patch_Count);
Tesselate_Patch(TI, C1, -1, C2, -1);
goto NextA; /* Stop loop */
} /* if */
NextA: ;
} /* for */
/* Find all three spline patches */
for (C1 = 0; C1 < Nbr_Connections; C1++) {
P1 = Connections[C1].From;
P2 = Connections[C1].To;
if (Connections[C1].Count >= 2) continue;
C2 = Find_From_Connection(P2, P1);
if (C2 == -1) goto NextB;
do {
P3 = Connections[C2].To;
if (P3 == P1) continue;
C3 = Find_From_To_Connection(P3, P1);
if (C3 != -1) {
/* We won't accept all three points on same spline */
if (Connections[C1].Spline ==
Connections[C2].Spline &&
Connections[C2].Spline ==
Connections[C3].Spline) continue;
if (!Patch_Add(Connections[C1].From,
-1)) {
/* Found, C1, C2, C3 */
sprintf(Error_Msg, "Tesselating patches (%d)", ++Patch_Count);
Tesselate_Patch(TI, C1, C2, C3, -1);
goto NextB; /* Stop loop */
} /* if */
} while (++C2 < Nbr_Connections && Connections[C2].From == P2);
NextB: ;
} /* for */
/* Find all four spline patches */
for (C1 = 0; C1 < Nbr_Connections; C1++) {
P1 = Connections[C1].From;
P2 = Connections[C1].To;
if (Connections[C1].Count >= 2) continue;
C2 = Find_From_Connection(P2, P1);
if (C2 == -1) continue;
do {
P3 = Connections[C2].To;
if (P3 == P1) continue;
C3 = Find_From_Connection(P3, P2);
if (C3 == -1) continue;
do {
P4 = Connections[C3].To;
if (P4 == P2) continue;
C4 = Find_From_To_Connection(P4, P1);
if (C4 != -1) {
/* We won't accept all four points on same spline */
if (Connections[C1].Spline ==
Connections[C2].Spline &&
Connections[C2].Spline ==
Connections[C3].Spline &&
Connections[C3].Spline ==
Connections[C4].Spline) continue;
if (!Patch_Add(Connections[C1].From,
Connections[C4].From)) {
/* Found, C1, C2, C3, C4 */
sprintf(Error_Msg, "Tesselating patches (%d)", ++Patch_Count);
Tesselate_Patch(TI, C1, C2, C3, C4);
goto Next1; /* Stop loop */
} /* if */
} while (++C3 < Nbr_Connections && Connections[C3].From == P3);
} while (++C2 < Nbr_Connections && Connections[C2].From == P2);
Next1: ;
} /* for */
if (Row0 != NULL) free(Row0);
if (Row1 != NULL) free(Row1);
if (Row2 != NULL) free(Row2);
Row0 = Row1 = Row2 = NULL;
Display_Status("Tesselation done");
} /* Tesselate_Object */