Dream 41
Text File
83 lines
Short: Lx v2.2. Now Supports more than 152 formats.
Uploader: pierrec@kajen.malmo.se (Pierre Chateau alias DarkSpirit)
Author: pierrec@kajen.malmo.se (Pierre Chateau alias DarkSpirit)
Type: util/arc
Distribution: OK
Well This ver should work on 68000 I hope.. If not.. Please report It..
v2.2 Now Supports the Following Formats.
Decrunch.library + Unpack.library
Well, this program is supposed to be used with DOpus or similar programs.
The Idea of this program is that all you need to do is to select some
files and then the files will automaticly decrunch to a destination
if the program recognized them.
To use it with DOpus then use this config..
AmigaDOS: Lx {f}
Flags: CD Destination
Do all files
Output to Window
Recursive Dirs
Run Asynchronously
Remember. You must own the following progs to make full use of Lx v2.2
Prog Why??
LHA To Unpack LHA/LZH files
LZX To Unpack LZX files
UnZip To Unpack ZIP files
ARJ To Unpack ARJ files
ZOO To Unpack ZOO files
ARC To Unpack ARC files
DLD To Use Unpacking routines from Decrunch.library
DMS To Unpack DMS Files
PowerPacker.library To Unpack PowerPacked Files
XPKMaster.library +
XPKxxxx.library To Unpack XPKxxxx sub files (ex XPKNUKE.library)
Unpack.library To Use Unpacking routines from Unpack.library
Well this small utilities have only been checked on an A1200/030 (33Mhz)
But it *SHOULD* work fine on *ANY* Amiga with atleast an *68020*.
But this ver might work on 68000 i Hope. Please Report if it works on
68000 or NOT.
If you find any bugs then please report them to me. You can write to the
following addys: Cat@p22.dennis.ct.se or FIDO 2:200/113.22 OR why not
Snail Mail :) Please use Cat@p22.dennis.ct.se Instead of
Pierre Chateau
SockerV 4D
235 92 Vellinge
---- SWEDEN ----
Thanks To:
Paul Miller
JaniPetri Pasanen
For Bug reports.
And also thanks to Patric Schrader for pointing out that most BBS stripers
will erase the Lx file in the LHA Archive. So i have moved the EXEc file
into the C/ Dir.
Have phun and remember.... Amiga RuleZ!!! ;)