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Text File
779 lines
; $VER: Install-Plotter3D 3.01 (05.08.97)
; Localize
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #wrongversion
(cat "Achtung! Es ist eine alte Version des Programmes 'Installer' "
"auf Ihrem Amiga!\n\nDie Installation ben÷tigt mindestens Installer 42.9.\n\n"
"Bitte ⁿberprⁿfen Sie Ihre Konfiguration!"
(set #update "Update")
(set #abort "Abbrechen")
(set #welcome_full (cat
"Willkommen zum Plotter3D Installationsprogramm. \n"
"Plotter3D ist Freeware, da▀ hei▀t es kann frei \n"
"vertrieben werden, solange keinerlei Profit \n"
"gemacht wird und das Archiv unverΣndert bleibt. \n"
"Neue Versionen k÷nnen aus dem AmiNet bezogen \n"
"werden, Updates oder aktuelle Version k÷nnen \n"
"von meiner Homepage geladen werden: \n"
" http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/~ss37 \n"
" Sven Steiniger, 1997\n"
(set #welcome_beta (cat
"Willkommen zum Plotter3D Installationsprogramm. \n"
"Sie installieren gerade eine BETA-Version von \n"
"Plotter3D! Bitte legen sie erst eine Kopie Ihres\n"
"'Plotter3D:'-Verzeichnisses an. \n"
"Falls Sie irgendwelche Fehler finden, schicken \n"
"Sie bitte eine EMail mit dem Schlⁿsselwort \n"
"'Plotter3D-Bug' im Subjekt-Feld an folgende \n"
"Adresse: \n"
" ss37@inf.tu-dresden.de \n"
" Danke, Sven Steiniger\n"
(set #welcome_update (cat
"Willkommen zum Plotter3D Installationsprogramm. \n"
"Sie installieren gerade ein Update zu Plotter3D!\n"
"Es mu▀ schon eine Vollversion von Plotter3D v3.x\n"
"auf ihrem System installiert sein. Die aktuelle \n"
"Version kann aus dem AmiNet geladen werden \n"
"(gfx/3d/Plotter3D.lha). \n"
" Sven Steiniger, 1997\n"
(set #error_beta (cat
"Dieses Archiv enthΣlt nur ein Update (beta- \n"
"Version) von Plotter3D! \n"
"Es scheint, da▀ noch keine Vollversion auf Ihrem\n"
"System installiert ist. Darum kann Ich kein \n"
"Update durchfⁿhren. \n"
"Die neuste Vollversion kann entweder aus dem \n"
"AmiNet oder von meiner Homepage \n"
" http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/~ss37 \n"
"bezogen werden. \n"
(set #installing "Installiere %s...")
(set #cleaning "RΣume auf...")
(set #cp_main "Installiere Hauptprogramm 'Plotter3D'.")
(set #cp_docs "Installiere Documentation.")
(set #cp_libs "Installiere Libraries.")
(set #cp_locale "Installiere Sprachen.")
(set #cp_funcs "Kopiere Beispiel-Funktionen.")
(set #cp_mats "Kopiere Beispiel-Materialen.")
(set #cp_lights "Kopiere Beispiel-Lightquellen.")
(set #cp_datas "Kopiere Beispiel-Daten.")
(set #cp_pals "Kopiere Standard-Farbpaletten.")
(set #cp_images "Kopiere Bilder fⁿr Werkzeugleiste.")
(set #cp_prefs "Kopiere Voreinstellungen.")
(set #cp_tools "Kopiere Tools.")
(set #ask_update "Plotter3D ist schon auf ihrem System installiert.\nSie k÷nnen diese Installation updaten oder abbrechen.")
(set #ask_docs "Bitte wΣhlen Sie die Sprache(n) fⁿr die AmigaGuide Dokumentation aus.")
(set #ask_locale "Bitte wΣhlen Sie die Sprache(n) aus, die Sie installieren wollen.")
(set #ask_funcs "Bitte wΣhlen Sie die zu installierenden Beispiele aus.\n(Empfohlen: Alle)")
(set #ask_drawers "Bitte wΣhlen Sie die Verzeichnisse aus, die kopiert werden sollen.\n(Empfohlen: Alle)")
(set #ask_others "Bitte wΣhlen Sie die Dateien aus, die kopiert werden sollen.")
(set #ask_clean1 (cat
"Das Dateiformat fⁿr Paletten und \n"
"Bilder hat sich geΣndert. Sollen die \n"
"alten Dateien gel÷scht werden, wenn \n"
"sie doppelt vorhanden sind? (sowohl \n"
"im neuen als auch im alten Format) \n"
(set #ask_clean2 (cat
"The tools 'ConvertPalette' und 'ILBM2Chunky'\n"
"wurden aus dem Archiv entfernt. Sie wurden \n"
"durch die Programme 'ChunkyMaster' und \n"
"'PalettesMaster' ersetzt. \n"
"Sollen die alten Programme gel÷scht werden? \n"
(set #destdir "Bitte wΣhlen Sie einen Platz fⁿr Plotter3D. Ein Verzeichnis namens 'Plotter3D' wird dort automatisch erzeugt.")
(set #startup "Einige Kommandos werden zu ihrer \"s:user-startup\" Datei gefⁿgt.")
(set #user_abort "Fehler: Abbruch durch den Benutzer.")
(set #copyerror "Fehler: Verzeichnis/Datei \"%s\" fehlt!\nEs kann sein das Plotter3D nach der Installation nicht oder nicht korrekt funktioniert.")
(set #answer_yes "Ja")
(set #answer_no "Nein")
(set #wrongversion
(cat "You have an old version of the program 'Installer' "
"on your Amiga!\n\nThe installation procedure needs at least Installer 42.9.\n\n"
"Please check your configuration!"
(set #update "Update")
(set #abort "Abort")
(set #welcome_full (cat
"Welcome to the Plotter3D installation program. \n"
"Plotter3D is Freeware, means it can be spread \n"
"freely as long as no profit is made and the \n"
"archive is not modified. \n"
"You can get new versions from AmiNet. Updates \n"
"and actual beta-versions can be downloaded from \n"
"my homepage at: \n"
" http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/~ss37 \n"
" Sven Steiniger, 1997\n"
(set #welcome_beta (cat
"Welcome to the Plotter3D installation program. \n"
"You are installing an BETA-version of Plotter3D!\n"
"Please make a copy of your 'Plotter3D:' \n"
"directory first. \n"
"If you find any bugs please mail to: \n"
" ss37@inf.tu-dresden.de \n"
"with subject field containing 'Plotter3D-Bug' \n"
" Thanks, Sven Steiniger\n"
(set #welcome_update (cat
"Welcome to the Plotter3D installation program. \n"
"You are installing an Update of Plotter3D! \n"
"It needs an fully installed version of \n"
"Plotter3D v3.xx. You can get the lastest package\n"
"from AmiNet (gfx/3d/Plotter3D.lha). \n"
" Sven Steiniger, 1997\n"
(set #error_beta (cat
"This archive only contains an update (beta- \n"
"version) of Plotter3D! \n"
"It seems you have not installed an full version \n"
"on your system therefore I could not make an \n"
"update. \n"
"You can get the latest full version either from \n"
"your local AmiNet-site or from my homepage: \n"
" http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/~ss37 \n"
(set #installing "Installing %s...")
(set #cleaning "Cleaning up...")
(set #cp_main "Installing main program 'Plotter3D'.")
(set #cp_docs "Installing documentation.")
(set #cp_libs "Installing libraries.")
(set #cp_locale "Installing languages.")
(set #cp_funcs "Copying example functions.")
(set #cp_mats "Copying example materials.")
(set #cp_lights "Copying example lightsources.")
(set #cp_datas "Copying example datas.")
(set #cp_pals "Copying standard colorpalettes.")
(set #cp_images "Copying toolbar images.")
(set #cp_prefs "Copying preferences.")
(set #cp_tools "Copying tools.")
(set #ask_update "Plotter3D is already installed on your system.\nYou can make an update or abort.")
(set #ask_docs "Select the language(s) of AmigaGuide documentations you wish to install.")
(set #ask_locale "Select the language(s) you wish to install.")
(set #ask_funcs "Select the examples you wish to install.\n(Recommended: All)")
(set #ask_drawers "Select the drawers you wish to copy.\n(Recommended: All)")
(set #ask_others "Select the files you wish to copy.")
(set #ask_clean1 (cat
"The file format of palettes and \n"
"pictures has been changed. Should the\n"
"old files be deleted if they exists \n"
"twice? \n"
(set #ask_clean2 (cat
"The tools 'ConvertPalette' and 'ILBM2Chunky'\n"
"have been removed from the archive. Instead \n"
"More powerful tools called 'PalettesMaster' \n"
"and 'ChunkyMaster' have been included. \n"
"Should I delete the old tools? \n"
(set #destdir "Please select a place for the Plotter3D package. A drawer called 'Plotter3D' will be created here.")
(set #startup "Some commands will be added to your \"s:user-startup\" file.")
(set #user_abort "Error: User abort.")
(set #copyerror "Error: Directory/File \"%s\" is missed!.\nIt is possible that Plotter3D does not work properly after installation.")
(set #answer_yes "Yes")
(set #answer_no "No")
; start
(if (< @installer-version 2752521)
(message #wrongversion)
(working (#installing "Installer"))
(source "Installer")
(dest "C:")
(optional "force" "askuser")
(exit (quiet))
; procedure P_MakeDir
; creates a new drawer and copies the icon.
; #spath - source path
; #name - name of drawer
(procedure P_MakeDir #pm_path #pm_name
(if (not (exists (tackon @default-dest (tackon #pm_path #pm_name)) (noreq)))
(makedir (tackon @default-dest (tackon #pm_path #pm_name)))
(P_CopyIcon #pm_path #pm_name @copy-help FALSE)
; procedure P_CopyDir
; copies a whole directory including all subdirectories. If an file exists
; it is not overwritten if it has an higher version.
; #cp_name - name of directory
; #cp_help - text shown during copy
; #cp_overwrite - if TRUE then files without version are overwritten
(procedure P_CopyDir #cp_name #cp_help #cp_overwrite
(if (exists #cp_name)
(working ("%s\n(%s/)" #cp_help #cp_name))
(foreach #cp_name "~(#?.info)"
(if (< @each-type 0)
(set cd_source (tackon #cp_name @each-name))
(set cd_dest (tackon (tackon @default-dest #cp_name) @each-name))
(if (exists cd_dest)
(set cd_doit FALSE)
(set cd_version (GETVERSION cd_dest))
(if cd_version
(if (> (GETVERSION cd_source) cd_version) (set cd_doit TRUE))
(if #cp_overwrite (set cd_doit TRUE))
(set cd_doit TRUE)
(if cd_doit (P_CopyFile #cp_name @each-name #cp_help))
(if (not #v_update) (message (#copyerror #cp_name) (all)))
; procedure P_CopyFile
; copies a file
; #cf_path - path of file
; #cf_name - name of file
; #cf_prompt - text for prompt
(procedure P_CopyFile #cf_path #cf_name #cf_prompt
(if (exists (tackon #cf_path #cf_name))
(prompt #cf_prompt)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon #cf_path #cf_name))
(dest (tackon @default-dest #cf_path))
(P_CopyIcon #cf_path #cf_name #cf_prompt FALSE)
(if (not #v_update) (message (#copyerror (tackon #cf_path #cf_name)) (all)))
; procedure P_CopyLib
; copies a file
; #cl_path - path of file
; #cl_name - name of file
; #cl_prompt - text for prompt
(procedure P_CopyLib #cl_path #cl_name #cl_prompt
(if (exists (tackon #cl_path #cl_name))
(prompt #cl_prompt)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source (tackon #cl_path #cl_name))
(dest (tackon @default-dest #cl_path))
(P_CopyIcon #cl_path #cl_name #cl_prompt FALSE)
(if (not #v_update) (message (#copyerror (tackon #cl_path #cl_name)) (all)))
; procedure P_CopyIcon
; copies an icon
; #ci_path - path of icon
; #ci_name - name of icon (without .info)
; #ci_prompt - text for prompt
(procedure P_CopyIcon #ci_path #ci_name #ci_prompt #ci_necessary
(set ci_file (tackon #ci_path #ci_name))
(set ci_icon (cat ci_file ".info"))
(if (exists ci_icon)
(if (exists (tackon @default-dest ci_icon))
(dest (tackon @default-dest ci_file))
(getposition "#ci_xp" "#ci_yp")
(prompt #ci_prompt)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source ci_icon)
(dest (tackon @default-dest #ci_path))
(dest (tackon @default-dest ci_file))
(setposition #ci_xp #ci_yp)
(prompt #ci_prompt)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source ci_icon)
(dest (tackon @default-dest #ci_path))
(if (and #ci_necessary (not #v_update))
(message (#copyerror ci_icon) (all))
; procedure P_CleanDir
; Scans a directory for double files (differs only in suffix)
; #cld_name - name of directory
; #cld_help - text shown during copy
; #cld_good - suffix of good files
; #cld_bad - suffix of bad files
(procedure P_CleanDir #cld_name #cld_help #cld_good #cld_bad
(if (exists #cld_name)
(foreach #cld_name (cat "#?." #cld_good)
(if (< @each-type 0)
(set cld_dest
(- (strlen @each-name) (strlen #cld_good))
(if (exists cld_dest) (delete cld_dest))
;(procedure P_UserAbort
; (
; (ABORT #user_abort)
; )
; global variables
(set ul_novice 0)
(set ul_average 1)
(set ul_expert 2)
; last_choice contains the result of the last askoptions-call
(set last_choice 0)
(set #v_update FALSE)
(set #v_partly FALSE)
(set #v_docs -1)
(set #v_locale -1)
(set #v_examples -1)
(set #v_extra -1)
(set #v_others -1)
; check beta or update-version.
(if (exists "Beta.readme")
(message #welcome_beta)
(set #v_partly TRUE)
(if (exists "Update.readme")
(message #welcome_update)
(set #v_partly TRUE)
(message #welcome_full)
; get destination path
(if (exists "plotter3d:" (noreq))
(set @default-dest (expandpath "plotter3d:/"))
(set #v_update TRUE)
(if (not #v_partly)
(if (not (askbool
(prompt #ask_update)
(choices #update #abort)
(help @askbool-help)
(exit (quiet))
(if #v_partly
(message #error_beta)
(exit (quiet))
(set @default-dest
(prompt #destdir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set @default-dest (expandpath @default-dest))
; documentation
(if (>= @user-level ul_average)
(set #v_docs
(prompt #ask_docs)
(default #v_docs)
(help @askoptions-help)
; Locale
(if (>= @user-level ul_average)
(set #v_locale
(prompt #ask_locale)
(default #v_locale)
(help @askoptions-help)
; examples
(if (>= @user-level ul_expert)
(set #v_examples
(prompt #ask_funcs)
(default #v_examples)
(help @askoptions-help)
; extra
(if (>= @user-level ul_expert)
(set #v_extra
(prompt #ask_drawers)
(default #v_extra)
(help @askoptions-help)
; others
(if (>= @user-level ul_average)
(set #v_others
(prompt #ask_others)
(default #v_others)
(help @askoptions-help)
"Preview picture"
; go
(complete 0)
(if (not #v_update)
(tackon @default-dest "Plotter3D")
(help @makedir-help)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/Plotter3D.info")
(dest @default-dest)
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Plotter3D"))
(complete 10)
(set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest "Plotter3D"))
; copy Main Program
; (prompt #cp_main)
; (help @copylib-help)
; (source "Plotter3D")
; (dest @default-dest)
;(P_CopyIcon "" "Plotter3D" #cp_main TRUE)
(P_CopyLib "" "Plotter3D" #cp_main)
(P_MakeDir "" "Libs")
(P_CopyDir "Libs" #cp_libs TRUE)
(P_MakeDir "Libs" "Dither")
(P_CopyDir "Libs/Dither" #cp_libs TRUE)
(complete 20)
; copy documentation
(P_MakeDir "" "Docs")
(P_CopyFile "Docs" "History" #cp_docs)
(P_CopyFile "Docs" "Bugs" #cp_docs)
(P_CopyFile "Docs" "ToDo" #cp_docs)
(if (IN #v_docs 0) ( (P_MakeDir "Docs" "English") (P_CopyDir "Docs/English" #cp_docs TRUE)))
(if (IN #v_docs 1) ( (P_MakeDir "Docs" "Deutsch") (P_CopyDir "Docs/Deutsch" #cp_docs TRUE)))
(complete 30)
; copy Locale
(if (> #v_locale 1)
(makedir (tackon @default-dest "Catalogs"))
(if (IN #v_locale 1) ( (P_CopyDir "Catalogs/Deutsch" #cp_locale TRUE) ))
(if (IN #v_locale 2) ( (P_CopyDir "Catalogs/Franτais" #cp_locale TRUE) ))
(complete 40)
; install functions etc.
(if (IN #v_examples 0) ( (P_MakeDir "" "Functions") (P_CopyDir "Functions" #cp_funcs TRUE)))
(if (IN #v_examples 1) ( (P_MakeDir "" "Materials") (P_CopyDir "Materials" #cp_mats FALSE)))
(if (IN #v_examples 2) ( (P_MakeDir "" "Lights" ) (P_CopyDir "Lights" #cp_lights FALSE)))
(if (IN #v_examples 3) ( (P_MakeDir "" "Palettes" ) (P_CopyDir "Palettes" #cp_pals FALSE)))
(if (IN #v_examples 4) ( (P_MakeDir "" "Datas" ) (P_CopyDir "Datas" #cp_datas FALSE)))
(complete 50)
; copy extra drawers
(if (IN #v_extra 0) ( (P_MakeDir "" "Images") (P_CopyDir "Images" #cp_images TRUE)))
(if (IN #v_extra 1) ( (P_MakeDir "" "Prefs" ) (P_CopyDir "Prefs" #cp_prefs FALSE)))
(if (IN #v_extra 2) ( (P_MakeDir "" "Tools" ) (P_CopyDir "Tools" #cp_tools TRUE)))
(complete 60)
; copy other datas
(if (IN #v_others 0) (P_CopyFile "" "PreviewPic" @copyfiles-help))
(complete 80)
; Cleanup 1
(if #v_update
(if (>= @user-level ul_expert)
(if (askbool
(prompt #ask_clean1)
(help @askbool-help)
; remove double palettes
(P_CleanDir (tackon @default-dest "Palettes") #cleaning "cpal" "pal256")
; remove double pictures
(P_CleanDir (tackon @default-dest "Datas") #cleaning "ciff" "chunky")
(P_CleanDir (tackon @default-dest "Datas") #cleaning "ciff" "pal256")
(complete 87)
; Cleanup 2
(if #v_update
(if (>= @user-level ul_expert)
(if (askbool
(prompt #ask_clean2)
(help @askbool-help)
(delete (tackon @default-dest "Tools/ConvertPalette")
(delete (tackon @default-dest "Tools/ILBM2Chunky")
(complete 95)
; startup-sequence
(if (not #v_update)
(startup "Plotter3D"
(prompt #startup)
(help @startup-help)
(command "assign Plotter3D: \"" @default-dest "\"")
(confirm "expert")
(makeassign "Plotter3D" @default-dest)
(complete 100)