Labels:text | screenshot | multimedia software | software | graphics software | display | editing | 3d modeling | computer icon OCR: Plotter3D O Control Name BLO6 Bumpy Wave Helix Torus Vibrations Wellenpike New Load Quit Complex previ 201 -T/p² Gouraudshading Draw Linemesh Line Color 1.000 G: 1.000 B: 0.000 Red: Green: -Functions Blue: 0 Type Object 888888 30 30 30 30 30 Delete Save Preview R 8000 Calc Rotx Edit 3D-Function Name Torus -Mesh x-Size 20 y-Size 20 DE 255 255 alic Ant Ant Ant Ant Ant aqu aqu VA VA -Needed Memory 14444 Bytes Merge tolerance. Check Cancel VA Qk Roty to 3. 1459 step Vibrations Z Description X 15+6*cos(u))*cos(v) Add Y sin(u) Add Z <15+6*cos(u))#sin(v) | Add -Parameter u -3. 1459 from VA from V to step Use fixpoint-arithmetic //// Transformation: Vibratio | Z |F Zoom Rotate Scale Move Special 306* 163 % Y 16* VIA 10* VIA R -Factor Z X -4.8 Y 30 Z 4.8 Parameter -3. 1459 3. 1459 VA VA VIA ▼