Dream 44
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INI File
168 lines
[Event "World Championship"]
[Site "Lyon FRA"]
[Date "1990.11.24"]
[Round "13"]
[White "Karpov, Anatoly"]
[Black "Kasparov, Garry"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5
Welcome to game 13 and the GI---that's Grunfeld-Indian. Fight from
the start.
4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. e4 Nxc3 6. bxc3 Bg7 7. Be3 c5 8. Qd2 O-O
So far on two minutes each. GK.. Garry Kasparov looks tensed, says
Mike Valvo. Now Karpov took full 9 minutes to play ...
9. Rc1 Qa5
Kasparov thought six minutes here. Time now: White 0:19 Black: 0:08.
Now 9 minutes has gone and AK is still thinking. Kasparov has left the
stage. Who is fooling who? 9..Qa5 might be a new move. It's not in the
pressroom database. Karpov is still thinking, so time for a little
presentation. At your service in Lyon IM Bjarke Kristensen (Now Valvo:
AK is nodding his head up and down alone on stage.) As commentators:
Boris Spassky and a number of strong french IM's. IM Mike Valvo from
New Jersey is here for a week.
10. Nf3 e6
And the "soon-to-be" GM Will Watson from England is here too. "I
don't understand the GI" he just said. Kasparov stays on stage. Time:
White: 0:37 Black: 0:10. Says Will Watson (now WW): "I predicted the
opening this morning. And so did many others." Valvo: "I think this
shows that the Kings Indian hasn't worked out for Kasparov". IM Levy
suggests b7-b6 for Black. IM Jonathan Tisdall says: "I've seen this
before. But nobody can find a game with it."
11. d5 exd5 12. exd5 Re8 13. Be2
Time: White: 0:53 Black: 0:24. Valvo observed GK tapping his fingers
impatiently on the table after move Re8. It just might all be
preparations! Both are sitting deeply concentrated at the table.
13... Bf5 14. O-O
The atmosphere in the pressroom is a bit "fuzzy." The game hasn't
found its own personality yet, and the fact that the US plays the
Soviets at the Chess Olympiad in Novi Sad at this very moment is also
widely discussed.
14... Nd7
Interesting is now: 15.Nh4 Be4 16.f3 Bxd5! 17.Qxd5 Rxe3 18.Qxd7
18...Rxe2 with a big Black plus. say Watson. Rumours say that GK might
be better here, but nobody really dares to risk his neck. The game is
still in its childhood. But AK surely is in for a deep think. Now he's
on 1:16 and still thinking. Garry has left the stage. Valvo say: The
Mephisto computer thinks Black is better! It's no "Deep Thought", but
the Mephisto Chess Computer IS already world champion in its class. No
one else dared to test their program against it!
15. h3
Time: White: 1:18 Black: 0:31. Now Karpov has left stage. And GK hangs
over the board as if to power up his chessmuscles. Kasparov seems
relaxed and satisfied. White's problem is his weakened pawns on the
Q-side. And as for his pride-pawn on d5? In an endgame it could be
pure gold, but until then it gives a good square to a Black piece on
d6. Kasparov now "hangs" his head between his hands. A very typical
posture for the WC.
15... Nb6
GM Lein thinks White is in deep trouble. GK might play Nb6-a4.
Another of GK's ideas might be Qa5-a4.
16. g4
Now ...that's a man! Karpov's idea obviously is 16... Be4 17.c4 Qxd2
18.Nxd2 with 19.Nxe4 and 20.Bd3 to come. After a very slow start
suddenly the game is very exciting. Now the Russians GMs in the
pressroom find: 16...Be4 17.c4.. Qa3! with a Black edge. But...
16... Bd7
Time: AK: 1:31 GK: 0:49. GM-elects Watson and Gallagher say Karpov is
still under pressure, but improving. Mephisto "thinks" it's slightly
better for Black. And the Russians say that Kasparov should have
played h7-h5, not Nd7-b6.
17. c4 Qxd2 18. Nxd2 Na4 19. Bf3 Nc3 20. Rxc3 Bxc3 21. Ne4
The heat is on, in the Palais des Congress. Watson thinks GK is still
doing well. Might be a British understatement. Kasparov is in for at
deep think. Time: White: 1:42 Black: 1:12 IM Tisdall: He'll take on e4
now, and it is a draw.
21... Rxe4 22. Bxe4 Re8 23. Bd3 b6 24. Kg2
Tisdall says: The first one who can bring himself to offer a draw will
get it. He might be right. A drastic change of the game has taken
place. And where did Kasparov drop his advantage? Maybe ...Nc3 should
have been prepared. Time: White: 1:46 Black: 1:17. If Karpov plays
Be3-c1 to press f2-f4 (hoping for an endgame advantage with f4-f5) GK
might play Re8-e1 to enter a tame double-bishop ending. Draw.
24... f5 25. gxf5 Bxf5 26. Bxf5 gxf5
Karpov sits thinking alone at the board. Black's Bc3 is potentially
weaker than Be3, but White's c4 pawn is GK's major target. I think
that Black's still better. White's d-pawn looks strong (and it is) but
right now it's quite impotent. If advanced it'll just be lost, since
Kg8 is too close.
27. Rd1 Kf7
Time: White: 2:07 Black: 1:28. Now Kasparov's lead on the clock begins
to count. Karpov must be considering lines like: 28.d6 Ke6 29.Bf4 Be5
30.Bxe5 Kxe5 31.Rd5+ Ke6 32.d7 Rd8 and Black is much better.
28. Rd3 Bf6 29. Ra3 a5 30. Rb3
Time: White: 2:12 Black: 1:31. It might look simple, but in fact the
game is balanced on an edge. Which is most important: Black's weakness
on b6 or White's on c4?
30... Bd8
People in the pressroom seems to be losing interest a bit. I think
that a long endgame battle may be ahead. The fight for the initiative
is still very much on. Now Watson arrived with news. He said: "The
Russians think GK is slightly better, the Americans think AK is
slightly better, and it might be a draw."
31. Rc3
Both are leaning across the board. If Karpov can get his king to d3,
he might play on forever. Kasparov seems "speculative" now. One point
in Karpov's favour is: 31...Bc7 32.Kf3 Re4 33.Ke2 f4 34.Kd3 and Re4
has to move.
31... Bc7
Karpov is hiding his head behind his hands, looking through his
fingers. Nine minutes left.
32. a4 Kf6 33. Kf1 f4
33...f4! GK played this with determination. I don't understand
Karpov's Kg2-f1.
34. Bc1 Kf5 35. Rc2 Rg8 36. Re2 Be5 37. Bb2 Bd4 38. Bxd4 cxd4 39. Re7 d3
40. Ke1 Rc8 41. Kd2 Rxc4
Kasparov has moved from c8 to c4. Move 41 made. The last seven moves
took only 11 minutes Now all analysis goes: 42.Kxd3 Rxa4 43.d6 Ra3+
44.Kc4 Ra1 45. Kd5 Rd1+ 46.Kc6 a4 and White might be the one who in
trouble. Both still sits at the board. GK is looking everywhere else,
waiting for Karpov to decide on if he wants to seal his move now. Some
say that Kasparov might have proposed a draw earlier on. Not
verified. Time: 2:42 - 2:08. Karpov sealed his 42nd move. The game
will be continued (maybe) tomorrow at 11:00 AM ET.
{Draw agreed} 1/2-1/2