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;;; -*- Lisp-Interaction -*- ;;; Version: 14-Aug-95 ;;;
;;; GNU Chess Installation script
;;; Copyright (C) 1995, Jochen Wiedmann
;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
;;; Author: Jochen Wiedmann
;;; Am Eisteich 9
;;; 72555 Metzingen
;;; Germany
;;; Phone: (0049) +7123 / 14881
;;; Internet: jochen.wiedmann@zdv.uni-tuebingen.de
;;; Variable settings
(set installVersion "4.0.pl75")
(set installName "GNU Chess")
;(set installSubDir (cat installName "-" installVersion))
(set installSubDir "GNU Chess")
(set minOsVersion 37)
;;; SelectInstallDir procedure
;;; Allows the user to select an installation directory (full path),
;;; which will be stored in the installDir variable.
(procedure SelectInstallDir
(set installDir-Parent (expandpath (askdir
(prompt "Please select the installation directory. "
"A drawer " installSubDir " will be created."
(help installName " is installed in a separate directory. "
"A typical place is something like `Work:" installSubDir
"' or something similar. In this example you should select "
"the directory `Work:'.\n\n"
(default @default-dest)
(set installDir (tackon installDir-Parent installSubDir))
(set @default-dest installDir)
(message "Installing in " installDir)
;;; SelectBinaries procedure
;;; Allows the user to select the binaries that should be installed.
;;; Sets: installGnuChessBinary
;;; installGnuChessXBinary
;;; installGnuChessNBinary
;;; installGnuChessRBinary
;;; installGnuAnBinary
;;; installEcoBinaries
;;; installPostScriptBinaries
(procedure SelectBinaries
(set selectedBinaries (askoptions
(prompt "Select the binaries to install.")
(help "gnuchessx is an AmyBoard client. By using AmyBoard "
"you will get a mouse driven GUI. Typical users "
"won't be interested in other versions than "
"gnuchess and gnuchessn have curses based displays: "
"The program will use Ascii characters to draw a "
"chessboard. gnuchessn is somewhat more fancy than "
"gnuchess: It uses inverse characters to separate "
"white and black squares and pieces.\n\n"
"gnuchessr is the least comfortable version of GNU "
"Chess: You won't use it for anything else than "
"batch jobs.\n\n"
"gnuan is a curses based tool which helps you in "
"analyzing a certain game or a position.\n\n"
"The ECO tools help you to build the file "
"gnuchess.eco which is used by GNU Chess to "
"identify the ECO number of a game.\n\n"
"The PostScript tools allow to print the positions "
"of a game in PostScript format.\n\n"
(choices "gnuchessx (AmyBoard client)"
"gnuchess (Simple curses version)"
"gnuchessn (Fancy curses version)"
"gnuchessr (Ascii version)"
"gnuan (Analyzing tool)"
"ECO tools"
"PostScript tools"
(default 1)
(set installGnuChessXBinary 0)
(if (BITAND selectedBinaries 1)
( (set installGnuChessXBinary 1)
(set installGnuChessBinary 0)
(if (BITAND selectedBinaries 2)
( (set installGnuChessBinary 1)
(set installGnuChessNBinary 0)
(if (BITAND selectedBinaries 4)
( (set installGnuChessBinary 1)
(set installGnuChessRBinary 0)
(if (BITAND selectedBinaries 8)
( (set installGnuChessRBinary 1)
(set installGnuAnBinary 0)
(if (BITAND selectedBinaries 16)
( (set installGnuAnBinary 1)
(set installEcoBinaries 0)
(if (BITAND selectedBinaries 32)
( (set installEcoBinaries 1)
(set installPostScriptBinaries 0)
(if (BITAND selectedBinaries 64)
( (set installPostScriptBinaries 1)
(set installCursesBinaries 0)
(if (BITAND 22 selectedBinaries)
( (set installCursesBinaries 1)
;;; CheckOsVersion procedure
;;; Aborts, if OS version is lower than the variable minOsVersion.
;;; Sets osVersion variable.
(procedure CheckOsVersion
(set osVersion (/ (getversion "exec.library" (resident)) 65536))
(if (< osVersion minOsVersion)
( (abort "Sorry, " installName
" needs Kickstart/Workbench 2.04 or higher.")
;;; ShowCopyrightMessage procedure
(procedure ShowCopyrightMessage
(message installName ": The GNU project's chess program\n\n"
"V" installVersion " ⌐ 1995 Free Software Foundation \n\n"
"This program is FREE SOFTWARE; you can redistribute it and/or "
"modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as "
"published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 "
"or any later version.\n\n"
"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, "
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY! See the GNU General Public License "
"(in the file COPYING) for details."
;;; CreateDrawer procedure
;;; Creates a new drawer.
;;; Uses: drawerName drawer's name
(procedure CreateDrawer
(if (<> (exists drawerName) 2)
( (makedir drawerName
(prompt ("Creating drawer %s " drawerName))
;;; CreateIcon procedure
;;; Creates an icon
;;; Uses: iconName path of icon to create (".info" removed)
;;; iconSource path of icon to use
(procedure CreateIcon
(set iconFullName (cat iconName ".info"))
(if (NOT (exists iconFullName))
( (if (exists iconSource)
( (transcript "Creating icon " iconFullName)
(prompt "Copying " (fileonly iconName) " icon ...")
(source iconSource)
(dest (pathonly iconName))
(newname (fileonly iconFullName))
(optional "oknodelete" "askuser")
( (transcript iconSource " not found, cannot create "
( (transcript "Using existing icon " iconFullName)
;;;; CreateDocIcon procedure
;;;; Creates a docfile's icon.
;;;; Uses: installDir path of installation directory
;;;; docFile docfile's name
(procedure CreateDocIcon
(set iconName docFile)
(set iconSource "doc/doc.info")
(if (< osVersion 39)
( (tooltype
(prompt "Changing tooltype of " iconName ...)
(dest docFile)
(setdefaulttool "Sys:Utilities/More")
( (tooltype
(prompt "Changing tooltype of " iconName ...)
(dest docFile)
(setdefaulttool "Sys:Utilities/MultiView")
(settooltype "FILETYPE" "TEXT|ASCII")
;;; CreateInstallationDrawers
;;; Creates the drawers required for the installation
;;; Uses: installDir installation directory
(procedure CreateInstallationDrawers
(if (<> installDir (expandPath ""))
( (set n 0)
(while (set drawerName (select n installDir
( (CreateDrawer)
(set n (+ n 1))
;;; CopyBinary
;;; Copies one binary to the installation directory.
;;; Uses: installDir installation directory
;;; binFile binary to copy
(procedure CopyBinary
(if (<> installDir (expandPath ""))
( (copyfiles
(prompt "Copying binaries ...")
(source binFile)
(dest installDir)
(optional "force" "askuser")
;;; CopyBinaries
;;; Copies required binaries to the installation directory.
;;; Uses: installDir installation directory
(procedure CopyBinaries
(if installGnuChessBinary
( (set binFile "gnuchess")
(if installGnuChessXBinary
( (set binFile "gnuchessx")
(if installGnuChessNBinary
( (set binFile "gnuchessn")
(if installGnuChessRBinary
( (set binFile "gnuchessr")
(if installGnuAnBinary
( (set binFile "gnuan")
(if installEcoBinaries
( (set binFile "ecor")
(set binFile "ecocvt")
(set binFile "ecosort")
(set binFile "binsort")
(if installPostScriptBinaries
( (set binFile "game")
(set binFile "postprint")
;;; CopyLibFiles
;;; Copies required files to the lib directory.
;;; Uses: installLibDir
(procedure CopyLibFiles
(if (<> installDir (expandPath ""))
( (set n 0)
(while (set libFile (select n "gnuchess.data"
( (copyfiles
(prompt "Copying other needed files ...")
(source (tackon "lib" libFile))
(dest installLibDir)
(optional "force" "askuser")
(set n (+ n 1))
;;; CopyDocFile
;;; Copies one doc file to the doc directory
;;; Uses: installDocDir
(procedure CopyDocFile
(if (<> installDir (expandPath ""))
( (copyfiles
(prompt "Copying doc files ...")
(source (tackon "doc" docFile))
(dest installDocDir)
(optional "oknodelete" "askuser")
;;; CopyDocFiles
;;; Copies doc files to the doc directory
;;; Uses: installDocDir
(procedure CopyDocFiles
(set docFile "ARTICLE")
(set docFile "ARTICLE.2")
(set docFile "ChangeLog")
(set docFile "COPYING")
(set docFile "GENERAL")
(set docFile "HEURISTICS")
(set docFile "MOVE-GEN")
(set docFile "PORTING")
(set docFile "README.output")
(set docFile "TODO")
(if (OR installGnuChessBinary
(OR installGnuChessXBinary
(OR installGnuChessNBinary installGnuChessRBinary)))
( (set docFile "gnuchess.txt")
(set docFile "gnuchess.6")
(if installGnuAnBinary
( (set docFile "gnuan.6")
(set docFile "gnuan.hlp")
(if installPostScriptBinaries
( (set docFile "game.6")
(set docFile "postprint.6")
(set docFile "README.font")
(set n 0)
(while (set docFile (select n "COPYING"
( (CopyDocFile)
(set docFile (tackon installDir docFile))
(set n (+ n 1))
;;; CreateEnvironmentVars procedure
;;; Creates environment variable CURSESTYPE
(procedure CreateEnvironmentVars
(if installCursesBinaries
( (if (NOT (askbool
(prompt "Should the curses based binaries open an "
"own screen?"
(help "You have selected to install one or more curses "
"based binaries. These may either open an own "
"screen or run from the CLI. Select \"yes\", if "
"you want a separate screen, \"no\" otherwise.\n\n"
(default 0)
( (textfile
(prompt "Creating an environment variable CURSESTYPE.")
(help "An environment variable CURSESTYPE tells "
"curses, that you want a separate screen. "
"Select \"yes\", if you want me to create this "
(append "ansi")
(prompt "Creating an environment variable CURSESTYPE.")
(dest "ENV:")
(optional "oknodelete" "askuser")
;;; main program
(transcript "Installing " installName ", Version " installVersion ".")
(set installLibDir (tackon installDir "lib"))
(set installDocDir (tackon installDir "doc"))
(complete 10)
(complete 20)
(complete 30)
(complete 60)
(complete 80)
(complete 90)
(complete 100)