Dream 44
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171 lines
// Persistence Of Vision raytracer version 3.0 sample file.
// Type 2 cylindrical camera example
// File by Dieter Bayer
#version 3.0
global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
#include "colors.inc"
// sitting in the center of the cage looking at center of upright
// post above the red ball
camera {
cylinder 2
angle 180
location <0, 10, 0>
right <8, 0, 0>
up <0, 6, 0>
direction <0, 0, 2.5>
look_at <10, 10, 10>
background { color red 0.078 green 0.361 blue 0.753 }
light_source { <100, 100, -100> color Gray60 }
light_source { <-100, 100, -100> color Gray60 }
#declare My_Texture_1 =
texture {
pigment {
color red 1 green 0.75 blue 0.33
finish {
diffuse 1
phong 0
phong_size 0
reflection 0
refraction 0
ior 0
triangle { <50, -4, 50> <-50, -4, 50> <-50, -4, -50> texture { My_Texture_1 } }
triangle { <50, -4, 50> <-50, -4, -50> <50, -4, -50> texture { My_Texture_1 } }
#declare My_Texture_2 =
texture {
pigment {
color red 1 green 0.9 blue 0.7
finish {
diffuse 0.5
phong 0.5
phong_size 3
reflection 0.5
refraction 0
ior 0
/* red */
#declare My_Texture_3 =
texture {
pigment {
color red 1 green 0 blue 0
finish {
diffuse 0.5
phong 0.5
phong_size 3
reflection 0.5
refraction 0
ior 0
/* green */
#declare My_Texture_4 =
texture {
pigment {
color red 0 green 1 blue 0
finish {
diffuse 0.5
phong 0.5
phong_size 3
reflection 0.5
refraction 0
ior 0
/* blue */
#declare My_Texture_5 =
texture {
pigment {
color red 0 green 0 blue 1
finish {
diffuse 0.5
phong 0.5
phong_size 3
reflection 0.5
refraction 0
ior 0
/* yellow */
#declare My_Texture_6 =
texture {
pigment {
color red 1 green 1 blue 0
finish {
diffuse 0.5
phong 0.5
phong_size 3
reflection 0.5
refraction 0
ior 0
sphere { <+10, 0, +10>, 4 texture { My_Texture_3 } }
sphere { <-10, 0, -10>, 4 texture { My_Texture_6 } }
sphere { <+10, 0, -10>, 4 texture { My_Texture_5 } }
sphere { <-10, 0, +10>, 4 texture { My_Texture_4 } }
sphere { <-10, 20, -10>, 4 texture { My_Texture_6 } }
sphere { <+10, 20, -10>, 4 texture { My_Texture_6 } }
sphere { <-10, 20, +10>, 4 texture { My_Texture_6 } }
sphere { <+10, 20, +10>, 4 texture { My_Texture_6 } }
cylinder { <-10, 0, -10>, <+10, 0, -10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <+10, 0, -10>, <+10, 0, +10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <+10, 0, +10>, <-10, 0, +10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <-10, 0, +10>, <-10, 0, -10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <-10, 20, -10>, <+10, 20, -10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <+10, 20, -10>, <+10, 20, +10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <+10, 20, +10>, <-10, 20, +10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <-10, 20, +10>, <-10, 20, -10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <-10, 0, -10>, <-10, 20, -10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <-10, 0, +10>, <-10, 20, +10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <+10, 0, +10>, <+10, 20, +10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }
cylinder { <+10, 0, -10>, <+10, 20, -10>, 2 texture { My_Texture_2 } }