(set #whatpartsb "\nWhat parts of CyberGraphX V2 would you like to BackUp?\n")
(set #libs " Libraries")
(set #monitor " Monitor File")
(set #env " ENV: Vars")
(set #envarc " ENVARC: Vars")
(set #whereback "Where would you like to BackUp the selected CyberGraphX V2 Parts? If a directory Called 'CyberGraphX' is not there one will be created.")
(set #libsbacked1 "\n\nThe CyberGraphX V2 Libraries have been backed-up to:\n\n")
(set #libsbacked2 "\n\n\n\nThe libraries have been renamed to:\n\n<filename>+<version.revision>")
(set #deleteenv "\n\nThe installer will now DELETE 'env:cybergraphics/#?'")
(set #deleteenvarc "\n\nThe installer will now DELETE 'envarc:cybergraphics/#?'")
(set #removenow "Delete Now")
(set #skip "Skip")
(set #envenvarc "The installer has found that you have ENV: and ENVARC: assigned to the same place. The installer will not select these options for uninstalling and removing.\n\nIt has been reported that if the ENV: files for CyberGraphX V2 are delete and that the older graphics card is still installed it may cause the machine to crash.\n\nIt is not 'standard' for ENV: and ENVARC: to be assigned to the same place, you will need to delete these later if you wish.")
(set #nocv3dinst "The installer has found that you do not have the CyberVision64/3D installed. The installer will not select the ENV: option for uninstalling and removing.\n\nDeleting the env: files for V2 would lead to loss of resolutions for your older graphics card otherwise, the system might even stop and wait for some response while booting.\n\nENV: should be deleted when you reboot to run CyberGraphX V3.")
(set #whatpartsb "\nWelche Teile von CyberGraphX V2 m÷chten Sie sichern?\n")
(set #libs " Libraries")
(set #monitor " Monitor Datei(en)")
(set #env " ENV: Variablen")
(set #envarc " ENVARC: Variablen")
(set #whereback "Wohin wollen Sie die gewΣhlten CyberGraphX V2 Teile sichern? Wenn ein Verzeichnis 'CyberGraphX' nicht vorhanden ist, wird es erstellt.")
(set #libsbacked1 "\n\nDie CyberGraphX V2 Libraries wurden gesichert nach:\n\n")
(set #libsbacked2 "\n\n\n\nDie Libraries wurden umbenannt in:\n\n<filename>+<version.revision>")
(set #deleteenv "\n\nDas Installationsprogramm l÷scht nun 'env:cybergraphics/#?'")
(set #deleteenvarc "\n\nDas Installationsprogramm l÷scht nun 'envarc:cybergraphics/#?'")
(set #removenow "Jetzt l÷schen")
(set #skip "▄berspringen")
(set #envenvarc "Es wurde herausgefunden, da▀ ENV: und ENVARC: auf das gleiche Verzeichnis zeigen. Die L÷schung dieser Dateien wird deswegen nicht angeboten.\n\nEs wird nicht empfohlen, ENV: und ENVARC: auf das selbe Verzeichnis zeigen zu lassen.")
(set #nocv3dinst "Es ist keine CyberVision64/3D im System installiert. Die Option zum Deinstallieren und Entfernen von ENV: wird nicht selektiert.\n\nDas L÷schen der ENV: Dateien fⁿr CyberGraphX V2 k÷nnte sonst zum Verlust Ihrer alten Bildschirmaufl÷sungen fⁿhren.\n\nDie ENV: Dateien sollten nach dem Neustart mit CyberGraphX V3 gel÷scht werden.")