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/ Math for the Real World / RWMATH.BIN / pc / SETUP.INS (.txt) < prev    next >
InstallShield Script  |  2000-03-01  |  70KB  |  585 lines

  1. Stirling Technologies, Inc.  (c) 1990-1994
  15. SHARED
  16. UNINST
  17. ISRES
  18. ISUSER
  29. _sdRECT
  30. right
  31. bottom
  32. _sdSIZE
  33. SelectObject
  34. GetTextExtentPoint
  35. EnableWindow
  36. GetClassName
  37. GetDC
  38. GetDlgItem
  39. GetFocus
  40. GetWindowLong
  41. GetWindowRect
  42. GetWindowWord
  43. IsIconic
  44. IsWindow
  45. IsWindowEnabled
  46. MoveWindow
  47. USER    
  48. ReleaseDC
  49. SetFocus
  50. SetWindowText
  51. ShowWindow
  52. LoadString
  53. KERNEL
  54. GetModuleHandle
  55. GetClientRect
  56. SetWindowPos
  57. PostMessage
  58. ShowCursor
  59. SystemParametersInfo
  60. AddFontResource
  61. Welcome to the a
  62. Math for the Real World$
  63.  setup program. This program will install $
  64. Math for the Real World$
  65.  on your system.
  66. Welcomeb%
  67. Program Files%
  68. Real World\RWMath
  69. RealWrld%
  70. RWMath
  71. Setup will install a
  72. Math for the Real World$
  73.  to the following location. 
  74. To install to this directory, click Next.
  75. To install to a different directory, click Browse and select another directory.
  76. Choose Destination Directoryb
  77. You have selected an invalid drive.  Please select the target directory again.A
  78. Not a valid drive.  Please select another drive to copy files toA
  79. This is not a valid drive.  Please select another destination for the target directory.A
  80. There is not enough disk space available on this drive to install this product.  Select another drive to install to or cancel setup and free up disk space before trying again.  
  81. Do you wish to continue?A
  82. The install directory name can not contain spaces.  Select another directory to install to.A
  83. You have selected an invalid directory name.  Please select the target directory again.A
  84. Davidsona
  85. RWMath32a
  86. RWMath32.exeE
  87. RWMathA
  88. Math for the Real World
  89. rwmath32.exe
  90. Copying program files...
  91. previews.icoa
  92. previews.ico
  93. Copying program files...
  94. RWM.icoa
  95. RWM.ico
  96. Copying program files...
  97. Website.icoa
  98. Website.ico
  99. Copying program files...
  100. UNRWM.icoa    
  101. UNRWM.ico
  102. atlas.rcfa    
  103. atlas.rcf
  104. Copying program files..."
  105. teaser.exea
  106. teaser.exe
  107. teaser.inia
  108. teaser.ini
  109. teaser.bmpa
  110. teaser.bmp
  111. Copying program files...
  112. readme95.txta
  113. readme.txt%
  114. win95
  115. atfio32.dlla
  116. atfio32.dll
  117. atmidi32.dlla
  118. atmidi32.dll
  119. Copying program files...
  120. atmsg32.dlla
  121. atmsg32.dll
  122. Copying program files...
  123. atres32.dlla
  124. atres32.dll
  125. Copying program files...
  126. atsnd32.dlla
  127. atsnd32.dll
  128. Copying program files...
  129. cport32.dlla
  130. cport32.dll
  131. Copying program files...
  132. msvcirt.dlla
  133. msvcirt.dll
  134. Copying program files...
  135. Copying program files...
  136. msvcrt.dlla
  137. msvcrt.dll
  138. Copying program files...
  139. rwmath32.exea
  140. rwmath32.exe
  141. Copying program files...
  142. roadie32.dlla
  143. roadie32.dll
  144. Copying program files...
  145. sh32w32.dlla
  146. sh32w32.dll
  147. Copying program files...
  148. cport32.dlla
  149. cport32.dll
  150. Copying program files...,
  151. Copying program files...
  152. readme31.txta
  153. readme.txt
  154. Copying program files...%
  155. win31
  156. atfio16.dlla
  157. atfio16.dll
  158. Copying program files...
  159. atlasres.dlla
  160. atlasres.dll
  161. Copying program files...
  162. atmidi.dlla
  163. atmidi.dll
  164. Copying program files...
  165. atsnd4.dlla
  166. atsnd4.dll
  167. Copying program files...
  168. damessag.dlla
  169. damessag.dll
  170. Copying program files...
  171. cport16.dlla
  172. cport16.dll
  173. Copying program files...
  174. Copying program files...
  175. rwmath16.exea
  176. rwmath16.exe
  177. Copying program files...
  178. roadie.dlla
  179. roadie.dll
  180. Copying program files...%
  181. roadie.dll
  182. sh30w16.dlla
  183. sh30w16.dll%
  184. resource
  185. Copying program files...
  186. calculat.exea
  187. calculat.exe
  188. calculat.hlpa
  189. calculat.hlp
  190. Data%
  191. Copying program files...%
  192. cpd.data
  193. cpd.dat
  194. *.rwva
  195. *.rwv
  196. DIB.DRVa
  197. DIB.DRV!
  198. Not Able to Copy DIB.DRVA
  199. CEOIA
  200. CEOOA
  201. No MatchA
  202. Copying program files...(
  203. DIB.DRV
  204. SH30W16.DLL
  205. Copying program files...
  206. Creating Folder and Icons...."
  207. Real Worlda
  208. Math for the Real World
  209. Math for the Real World
  210. rwmath.grp
  211. Can't create Program GroupA
  212. RWMath32.exe
  213. resource\rwmath.bap
  214. RWM.ico
  215. Math for the Real World:
  216. Creating Folder and Icons....%
  217. README.TXT$
  219. READMEbO
  220. SETUP.EXE -funinst.ins
  221. UNRWM.ico
  222. Uninstall - Insert CDb6
  223. Creating Folder and Icons....,
  224. RWMath16.exe
  225. resource\rwmath.bap
  226. resource
  227. RWM.ico
  228. Math for the Real Worldb6
  229. Creating Folder and Icons....%
  230. README.TXT$
  232. READMEbO
  233. SETUP.EXE -funinst.ins
  234. UNRWM.ico
  235. Uninstall - Insert CDb6
  236. Question$
  237. Do you want to create a shortcut for a
  238. Math for the Real World$
  239.  on the desktop?(
  240. Desktop
  241. All Users\desktop
  242. Start Menu\Programs%
  243. Math for the Real World$
  244. Installation complete.
  245. Explorer.exe(
  246. Progman.exe(
  247. edit(
  248. SETUPSTR862RN
  249. Disk Space0
  250. temp.txt
  251. temp.txt
  252. In function '%s':
  253. Unable to create dialog.
  254. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB.
  255. ErrorbO
  256. _sdSIZEa
  257. %s-%ldb
  258. \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,
  259. \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
  260. USER!
  261. RegisteredOwner2
  262. RegisteredOrganization2
  263. SdRegisterUserEx!
  264. ResultA
  265. szNameA
  266. szCompanyA
  267. szSerialA
  268. SdRegisterUserEx!
  269. szNameA
  270. szCompanyA
  271. szSerialA
  272. ResultA
  273. SdRegisterUser!
  274. ResultA
  275. szNameA
  276. szCompanyA
  277. SdRegisterUser!
  278. szNameA
  279. szCompanyA
  280. ResultA
  281. SdConfirmRegistration!
  282. ResultA
  283. SdConfirmRegistration!
  284. ResultA
  285. SdConfirmNewDir!
  286. ResultA
  287. SdConfirmNewDir!
  288. ResultA
  289. SdAskDestPath!
  290. ResultA
  291. szDirA
  292. SdAskDestPath!
  293. szDirA
  294. ResultA
  295. SdWelcome!
  296. ResultA
  297. SdWelcome!
  298. ResultA
  299. SdShowInfoList!
  300. ResultA
  301. SdShowInfoList!
  302. ResultA
  303. SdSelectFolder!
  304. ResultA
  305. szFolderA
  306. SdSelectFolder!
  307. szFolderA
  308. ResultA
  309. SdSetupType!
  310. ResultA
  311. szDirA
  312. SdSetupType!
  313. szDirA
  314. ResultA
  315. SdShowAnyDialog!
  316. ResultA
  317. SdShowAnyDialog!
  318. ResultA
  319. SdDisplayTopics!
  320. ResultA
  321. SdDisplayTopics!
  322. ResultA
  323. SdShowMsg!
  324. SdShowMsg/
  325. _sdRECTa
  326. _sdRECTa
  327. bottom2
  328. SdAskOptionsList!
  329. ResultA
  330. ComponentA
  331. SdAskOptionsList!
  332. ComponentA
  333. ResultA
  334. SdShowFileMods!
  335. ResultA
  336. nSelectionA
  337. SdShowFileMods!
  338. nSelectionA
  339. ResultA
  340. SdShowDlgEdit1!
  341. ResultA
  342. szEdit1A
  343. SdShowEdit1!
  344. szEdit1A
  345. ResultA
  346. SdShowDlgEdit2!
  347. ResultA
  348. szEdit1A
  349. szEdit2A
  350. SdShowEdit2!
  351. szEdit1A
  352. szEdit2A
  353. ResultA
  354. SdShowDlgEdit3!
  355. ResultA
  356. szEdit1A
  357. szEdit2A
  358. szEdit3A
  359. SdShowEdit3!
  360. szEdit1A
  361. szEdit2A
  362. szEdit3A
  363. ResultA
  364. SdAskOptions!
  365. ResultA
  366. ComponentA
  367. SdAskOptions!
  368. ComponentA
  369. ResultA
  370. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  371. ResultA
  372. ComponentA
  373. szDirA
  374. SdComponentDialogAdv!
  375. szDirA
  376. ComponentA
  377. ResultA
  378. SdComponentMult!
  379. ResultA
  380. ComponentA
  381. SdComponentMult!
  382. ComponentA
  383. ResultA
  384. SdOptionsButtons!
  385. ResultA
  386. SdOptionsButtons!
  387. ResultA
  388. SdBitmap!
  389. ResultA
  390. SdBitmap!
  391. ResultA
  392. SdComponentDialog2!
  393. ResultA
  394. ComponentA
  395. SdComponentDialog2!
  396. ComponentA
  397. ResultA
  398. SdComponentDialogEx
  399. SdComponentDialogEx!
  400. SdComponentDialog!
  401. ResultA
  402. ComponentA
  403. szDirA
  404. SdComponentDialog!
  405. szDirA
  406. ComponentA
  407. ResultA
  408. SdLicense!
  409. ResultA
  410. ResultA
  411. SdStartCopy!
  412. ResultA
  413. ResultA
  414. SdFinishReboot!
  415. ResultA
  416. BootOptionA
  417. ResultA
  418. BootOptionA
  419. ResultA
  420. ResultA
  421. BootOptionA
  422. SdFinish!
  423. ResultA
  424. bOpt1A
  425. bOpt2A
  426. ResultA
  427. bOpt1A
  428. bOpt2A
  429. Math for the Real Worlda
  430.  Setup
  431. SetupA
  432. This program requires 256 colors or greater to run. Refer to the readme.txt file for more information on changing the video settings in Windows.A
  433. This program requires SVGA or better resolution.A
  434. Not enough memory.a
  435. Math for the Real World$
  436.  requires a minimum of 8 Mb of memory to run.*
  437. SOFTWARE\a
  438. Davidson$
  439. RWMath32
  440. PathA
  441. IniPathA
  442. resource\RWMath.bap
  443. DefaultBapA
  444. CachePathA
  445. SOFTWARE\a
  446. Davidson$
  447. RWMath32$
  448. Extensions
  449. cport32.dll
  450. SOFTWARE\a
  451. Davidson$
  452. RWMath32$
  453. Extensions$
  454. CPort
  455. ROOTA
  456. Atmidi32.dll$
  457. SOFTWARE\a
  458. Davidson$
  459. RWMath32$
  460. Extensions$
  461. PathA
  462. EventsA
  463. Atsnd32.dll$
  464. SOFTWARE\a
  465. Davidson$
  466. RWMath32$
  467. Extensions$
  468. Sound
  469. PATHA
  470. PlayRateA
  471. 22050A
  472. DiskFactorA
  473. MixCountA
  474. BufferSizeA
  475. 4096A
  476. BuffersA
  477. BufferSizeA
  478. 5120A
  479. BuffersA
  480. SOFTWARE\a
  481. Davidson$
  482. RWMath32$
  483. Extensions$
  484. FileIO
  485. atfio32.dllQ
  486. PATHA
  487. UseJavaA
  488. ROOTA
  489. SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a
  490. RWMath
  491. setup.exe -funinst.ins
  492. UninstallStringA
  493. DisplayNameA
  494. Math for the Real WorldA
  495. RWMath16.ini
  496. Installa
  497. Pathb-
  498. Window informationa
  499. lefta
  500. Window informationa
  501. Window informationa
  502. righta
  503. Window informationa
  504. bottoma
  505. atsnd4.dll
  506. Extensionsa
  507. soundb
  508. atmidi.dll
  509. atfio16.dll
  510. cport16.dll
  511. Extensionsa
  512. Midib
  513. Extensionsa
  514. FileIOb
  515. Extensionsa
  516. CPortb
  517. resource\rwmath.bap
  518. RWMath16a
  519. DefaultBapb
  520. RWMath16a    
  521. CachePathb
  522. Sounda
  523. PATHb
  524. atsnd4.dll%
  525. Sounda
  526. Sounda
  527. PlayRatea
  528. 22050%
  529. Sounda
  530. BufferSizea
  531. 5120%
  532. Sounda
  533. Buffersa
  534. Sounda
  535. DiskFactora
  536. Sounda
  537. MixCounta
  538. Groupa
  539. Titleb
  540. atfio16.dll%
  541. FileIOa
  542. PATHb
  543. FileIOa
  544. FileIOa
  545. ROOTb
  546. FileIOa
  547. UseJavaa
  548. Atmidi.dll%
  549. Midia
  550. PATHb
  551. Midia
  552. Midia
  553. Eventsa
  554. cport16.dll$
  555. CPorta
  556. CPorta
  557. ROOTb
  558. SOFTWARE\a
  559. Davidson$
  560. RWMath32$
  561. Extensions
  562. Finish
  563. Please remember to restart your computer before launching a
  564. Math for the Real World$
  565. Restarting failed, probably because other applications did not close.  b
  566. setup.ini&
  567. erega
  568. codeR
  569. setup.ini&
  570. erega
  571. PhoneNumberR
  572. Would you like to register a
  573. Math for the Real World$
  574.  using our toll-free number now?  Modem is required.(
  575. ereg\ereg.exe $
  576. ereg\ereg.exe $
  577. ereg.ico
  578. Electronic Registrationb6
  579. Please read the following license agreement.  Use the scroll bar to view the rest of the agreement.
  580. Software License Agreement
  581. Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license agreement?  If so, click on the YES button. If you select NO, setup will close.%
  582. license.txt
  583. _EWQl
  584. 3.00.076