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# Makefile for MetaPost in its various incarnations. It is appropriate
# for the SAS/C Development System Version 6.x by SAS Institute Inc.
# and was written by Andreas Scherer, April 6, 1995.
# With this SMakefile several different versions of MetaPost can be
# created (one at a time!). The standard is No20MetaPost. It is as
# close to the Web2C implementation as possible.
# CHANGEFILE = cmp.ch
# HEADERFILE = mpd.h
# DEFS = cpu=ANY data=FAR
# PS = no20
# LOBJ = lib:c.o
# LIBRARIES = lib:scmieee.lib lib:scnb.lib
# An improved version for standard Amigas will provide a runtime
# memory configuration and a resident version of IniMP.
# CHANGEFILE = mmp.ch
# HEADERFILE = mpmemory.h
# DEFS = cpu=ANY define=VARMEM
# PS = no20
# LOBJ = lib:cres.o
# LIBRARIES = lib:scmieee.lib lib:sc.lib
# Advanced hardware configurations work with IniMP. This uses the
# runtime memory configuration as well.
CHANGEFILE = mmp_20.ch
HEADERFILE = mpmemory.h
DEFS = cpu=68020 define=SPEEDUP define=VARMEM
PS =
LOBJ = lib:cres.o
LIBRARIES = lib:scmieee.lib lib:sc.lib
SED = sed
srcdir = .
# The missing `configure' mechanism requires this to be done by hand.
bindir = TeXMF:bin/web2c61
configdir = TeXMF:web2c61/config
mppooldir = TeXMF:web2c61/pool
# This is so kpathsea will get remade automatically if you change
# something in it and recompile from the package directory.
kpathsea_parent = ../..
kpathsea_dir = $(kpathsea_parent)/kpathsea
kpathsea = $(kpathsea_dir)/kpathsea.lib
kpathsea_20 = $(kpathsea_dir)/kpathsea_20.lib
# Routines used everywhere.
commondefines = $(srcdir)/../lib/common.defines $(srcdir)/../lib/texmf.defines \
commonh = $(srcdir)/../lib/andyconfig.h
commono = ../lib/lib.lib $(kpathsea)
commono_20 = ../lib/lib_20.lib $(kpathsea_20)
# Routines used in TeX and Metafont.
extrac = $(srcdir)/../lib/andytexmf.c
extrah = $(srcdir)/../lib/andytexmf.h $(srcdir)/../lib/texmfmem.h $(HEADERFILE)
# Routines used in TeX, Metafont, and BibTeX.
fileioc = $(srcdir)/../lib/andyopeninout.c
fileioo = openinout.o
objs = $(fileioo) mp0.o mp1.o mp2.o mp3.o mp4.o mp5.o mp6.o mp7.o mp8.o \
mp9.o mp10.o
iobjs = iextra.o inimp.o
vobjs = vextra.o imp.o
# Where the test files are.
mpsrcdir = $(srcdir)/../mp
mpdistdir = $(srcdir)/../mpdist
trapdir = $(mpsrcdir)/MPtrap
program = $(PS)inimp
vprogram = $(PS)virmp
CFLAGS = $(DEFS) math=IEEE code=far stackcheck noicons optimize
CPPFLAGS = define=_STRICT_ANSI define=MP idir=$(srcdir)/../lib idir=../..
CCLD = slink
LN = type
libs = $(commono) $(LIBRARIES)
libs_20 = $(commono_20) $(LIBRARIES)
# This code was written by Stefan Scherer especially for
# this Amiga implementation.
speedup = ../mf/64bit/64bit.o
INSTALL = copy
# The mems we know how to make.
mems = plain.mem mfplain.mem
# And how to make them.
inimp = MPPOOL=. ./$(PS)inimp -I
.SUFFIXES: .o .c
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
default: all
all: $(program)
triptrap: etrapmp
inimp: $(iobjs) $(objs) $(commono_20) $(speedup)
$(CCLD) to inimp from $(LOBJ) $(iobjs) $(objs) $(speedup) \
lib $(libs_20) $(LDFLAGS)
no20inimp: $(iobjs) $(objs) $(commono)
$(CCLD) to no20inimp from $(LOBJ) $(iobjs) $(objs) \
lib $(libs) $(LDFLAGS)
# You don't need to make virmp because the change file makes inimp behave
# like virmp when not invoked with a -I switch. The `virmp' target is provided
# just in case you want a separate executable that is slightly more compact.
virmp: $(vobjs) $(objs) $(commono_20) $(speedup)
$(CCLD) to virmp from $(LOBJ) $(vobjs) $(objs) $(speedup) \
lib $(libs_20) $(LDFLAGS)
no20virmp: $(vobjs) $(objs) $(commono)
$(CCLD) to no20virmp from $(LOBJ) $(vobjs) $(objs) \
lib $(libs) $(LDFLAGS)
# This target is only for testing arithmetic routines. Run timemath with
# no arguments and use the results printed on standard output to decide if
# the external routines used when `FIXPT' is not defined in c-auto.h work
# properly and run faster than the standard arithmetic routines.
timemath: time.o cmath.o pmath.o mathtest.o
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) link to timemath \
from time.o cmath.o pmath.o mathtest.o
time.o: andytime.o
copy andytime.o time.o
andytime.o: andytime.c andytest_mpd.h $(extrah)
andytime.c: time.c time.ch
$(WMERGE) time.c time.ch andytime.c
andytest_mpd.h: test_mpd.h test_mpd.hch
$(WMERGE) test_mpd.h test_mpd.hch andytest_mpd.h
mathtest.o: andymathtest.o
copy andymathtest.o mathtest.o
andymathtest.o: andymathtest.c andytest_mpd.h $(extrah)
andymathtest.c: mathtest.c mathtest.ch
$(WMERGE) mathtest.c mathtest.ch andymathtest.c
pmath.o: andypmath.o
copy andypmath.o pmath.o
andypmath.o: andypmath.c andytest_mpd.h $(extrah)
andypmath.c: pmath.c pmath.ch
$(WMERGE) pmath.c pmath.ch andypmath.c
cmath.o: andycmath.o
copy andycmath.o cmath.o
andycmath.o: andympmath.c andytest_mpd.h $(extrah)
- delete stamp-orig stamp-trap
copy andytest_mpd.h mpd.h
copy andympmath.c andycmath.c
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) andycmath.c
andympmath.c: mpmath.c mpmath.ch
$(WMERGE) mpmath.c mpmath.ch andympmath.c
# trapmp is a shell script that sets environment variables and runs etrapmp
check: run-trap
run-trap: $(PS)inimp trapf.tfm # etrapmp
-copy $(PS)inimp etrapmp
-execute settrapenv
-copy $(trapdir)/mtrap.mp .
-./etrapmp -I mtrap
-diff $(trapdir)/mtrap.log mtrap.log
-diff $(trapdir)/mtrap.0 mtrap.0
-diff $(trapdir)/mtrap.1 mtrap.1
-diff $(trapdir)/writeo writeo
-diff $(trapdir)/writeo.2 writeo.2
-copy $(trapdir)/trap.mp .
-copy $(trapdir)/trap.mpx .
wait # one second and then
touch trap.mpx # again.
-./etrapmp -I <$(trapdir)/trap1.in >NIL:
-copy trap.log trapin.log
-diff $(trapdir)/trapin.log trapin.log
-./etrapmp -I <$(trapdir)/trap2.in >trap.fot
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.log trap.log -l10000
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.fot trap.fot
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.5 trap.5
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.6 trap.6
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.148 trap.148
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.149 trap.149
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.150 trap.150
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.151 trap.151
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.197 trap.197
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.200 trap.200
../fontutil/tftopl trap.tfm trap.pl
-diff $(trapdir)/trap.pl trap.pl
trapf.tfm: $(trapdir)/trapf.pl
../fontutil/pltotf $(trapdir)/trapf.pl trapf.tfm
# Make mem files automatically.
mems: $(mems)
# inimp requires mp.pool to be in one of the directories mentioned in the
# MPPOOL path. This version should work if the path includes ".".
plain.mem: $(PS)inimp
$(inimp) $(mpdistdir)/mplib/plain dump
mfplain.mem: $(PS)inimp
$(inimp) $(mpdistdir)/mplib/mfplain dump
# After changing constants, making a trapmp is just like making an inimp.
etrapmp: stamp-trap $(iobjs) $(objs)
$(CCLD) to etrapmp from $(LOBJ) $(iobjs) $(objs) \
lib $(libs) $(LDFLAGS)
# Only one of stamp-trap and stamp-orig should exist at any given time.
# They just keep track of whether mpd.h came from trap_mpd.h or orig_mpd.h
stamp-trap: stamp-convert
copy trap_mpd.h mpd.h
- delete stamp-orig
echo "" > stamp-trap
stamp-orig: stamp-convert
copy orig_mpd.h mpd.h
- delete stamp-trap
echo "" > stamp-orig
# tangle produces mp.p and mp.pool.
mp.p mp.pool: mp.web $(CHANGEFILE)
../web/tangle mp.web $(CHANGEFILE)
cmp.ch: $(mpsrcdir)/mp.ch $(mpsrcdir)/mp.chch
- delete cmp.ch
$(TIE) -c cmp.ch mp.web mp.ch mp.chch
mmp.ch: $(mpsrcdir)/mp.ch $(mpsrcdir)/mp.chch $(mpsrcdir)/mpmemory.ch
- delete mmp.ch
$(TIE) -c mmp.ch mp.web mp.ch mp.chch mpmemory.ch
mmp_20.ch: $(mpsrcdir)/mp.ch $(mpsrcdir)/mp.chch \
$(mpsrcdir)/mpmemory.ch $(mpsrcdir)/mp_20.ch
- delete mmp_20.ch
$(TIE) -c mmp_20.ch mp.web mp.ch mp.chch mp_20.ch mpmemory.ch
# The convert script produces the following files:
mp0.c: mp.p andycoerce.add $(commondefines)
$(SHELL) $(mpsrcdir)/convert.rexx
touch mpd.h
mp1.c mp2.c mp3.c mp4.c mp5.c mp6.c mp7.c mp8.c mp9.c mp10.c \
imp.c coerce.h mpd.h: mp0.c
mpmemory.h: stamp-convert
stamp-convert: mpd.h
copy mpd.h mpd.safe
$(SED) -f $(mpsrcdir)/mpmemory.sed < mpd.h > mpd.temp
copy mpd.temp mpd.h
delete mpd.temp
echo "" > stamp-convert
andycoerce.add: ../mf/coerce.add $(mpsrcdir)/coerce.add.ch
$(WMERGE) ../mf/coerce.add $(mpsrcdir)/coerce.add.ch andycoerce.add
# The (hand-coded) file $(extrac) and the (generated) file imp.c have
# #ifdefs for INIMP, so we compile them differently.
iextra.o: iextra.c $(commonh) $(extrah)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) define=INIMP define=INI $(CFLAGS) iextra.c
inimp.o: inimp.c $(commonh) $(extrah)
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) define=INIMP $(CFLAGS) inimp.c
# Avoid compiling files in another directory.
iextra.c: $(extrac)
- delete iextra.c
$(LN) $(extrac) >iextra.c
inimp.c: imp.c
- delete inimp.c
$(LN) imp.c > inimp.c
vextra.o: vextra.c
vextra.c: $(extrac)
- delete vextra.c
$(LN) $(extrac) > vextra.c
$(fileioo): openinout.c
openinout.c: $(fileioc)
- delete openinout.c
$(LN) $(fileioc) > openinout.c
$(iobjs) $(vobjs) $(objs): $(commonh) $(extrah)
mp0.o: mp0.c
mp1.o: mp1.c
mp2.o: mp2.c
mp3.o: mp3.c
mp4.o: mp4.c
mp5.o: mp5.c
mp6.o: mp6.c
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) NOOPT mp6.c # Don't try suicide!
mp7.o: mp7.c
mp8.o: mp8.c
mp9.o: mp9.c
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) NOOPTPEEP mp9.c # Don't try suicide!
mp10.o: mp10.c
$(speedup): ../mf/64bit/64bit.a
asm -iINCLUDE: -m2 ../mf/64bit/64bit.a
c-sources: mpd.h
.PHONY: c-sources
install: install-exec install-data
install-exec: all
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) $(program) $(bindir)/$(program)
install-data: mp.pool $(srcdir)/../config/mp.mcf
$(INSTALL_DATA) mp.pool $(mppooldir)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/../config/mp.mcf $(configdir)
- delete \#?.(bak|o|lnk|log|mem) $(speedup)
- delete trap.\#? trapin.log trapf.tfm
- delete andytime.o andympmath.o andymathtest.o andypmath.o andycmath.\#?
- delete time.o mpmath.o mathtest.o timemath pmath.o cmath.\#?
- delete mtrap.\#? writeo writeo.2 mp.mcf
veryclean: clean
- delete \#?.(dvi|pool|p|safe|ckp) andy\#? ?mp.ch ?mp_20.ch
- delete mp?.c mp??.c imp.c tmp.c mpd.h coerce.h
- delete iextra.c inimp.c openinout.c
- delete orig_mpd.h trap_mpd.h
extraclean: veryclean
- delete \#?.(aux|bbl|blg|orig|pl|rej)
- delete \#?.(i|s|tfm|vf|vpl) \#?(gf|pk)
- delete CONTENTS.tex mpout.\#? patch\#? texput.\#? stamp-\#?
- delete $(program) etrapmp