Dream 45
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114 lines
% MP.MCF: This is the configuration for a standard working
% MetaPost 0.62. Place this file into the MPCONFIG path so
% that IniMP can find it on startup.
% The following parameters can be changed to extend or reduce MetaPost's
% capacity. They may have different values in IniMP, when creating a
% precompiled mem file, and in VirMP, when starting a production run by
% loading such a mem file. If you delete or comment any line beginning
% with `set', you will get the stated `default' setting.
set memmax 60000 % default 30000.
% greatest index in MetaPost's internal mem array; must be strictly less
% than max_halfword (1,073,741,823); must be equal to memtop in IniMP,
% otherwise >= memtop.
set maxinternal 100 % default 100.
% maximum number of internal quantities.
set bufsize 500 % default 500.
% maximum number of characters simultaneously present in current lines
% of open files; must not exceed max_halfword (1,073,741,823).
set errorline 79 % default 72.
% width of context lines on terminal error messages.
set halferrorline 50 % default 42.
% width of first lines of contexts in terminal error messages;
% should be between 30 and errorline - 15.
set maxprintline 79 % default 79.
% width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60.
set emergencylinelength 255 % default 255.
% PostScript output lines can be this long in unusual circumstances.
set stacksize 30 % default 30.
% maximum number of simultaneous input sources.
set maxreadfiles 10 % default 4.
% maximum number of simultaneously open readfrom files.
set maxstrings 2500 % default 2500.
% maximum number of strings; must not exceed max_halfword (1,073,741,823).
% internal value string_vacancies = poolsize - mp_strings.
% the minimum number of characters that should be available for the
% user's identifier names and strings, after MetaPost's own error
% messages are stored. mp_strings has value 24,000.
set stringsvacant 1000 % default 1000.
% the minimum number of strings that should be available.
set poolsize 32000 % default 32000.
% maximum number of characters in strings, including all error
% messages and help texts, and the names of all identifiers;
% must exceed strings_vacancies by the toal length of MetaPost's
% own strings, which is slightly less than mp_strings.
set fontmax 50 % default 50.
% maximum font number for included text fonts.
set fontmemsize 10000 % default 10000.
% number of words for TFM information for text fonts.
set pathsize 300 % default 300.
% maximum number of knots between breakpoints of a path.
set bistacksize 785 % default 785.
% size of stack for bisection algorithms;
% should probably be left at this value.
set headersize 100 % default 100.
% maximum number of TFM header words, times 4.
set ligtablesize 5000 % default 5000.
% maximum number of ligature/kern steps, must be at least 255
% and at most 32,510.
set maxkerns 500 % default 500.
% maximum number of distinct kern amounts.
set maxfontdimen 50 % default 50.
% maximum number of fontdimen parameters.
% Like the preceding parameters, the following quantities can be changed
% to extend or reduce MetaPost's capacity. But if they are changed, it is
% necessary to rerun the initializiation program IniMP to generate new
% tables for the production MetaPost program. One can't simply make
% helter-skelter changes to the following constants, since certain rather
% complex initialization numbers are computed from them.
set memtop 60000 % default 30000.
% largest index in the mem array dumped by IniMP; must be substantially
% larger than mem_min (0) and not greater than memmax.
set hashsize 2100 % default 2100.
% maximum number of symbolic tokens, must be less than
% max_halfword - 3 * paramsize, where max_halfword is 1,073,741,823.
set hashprime 1777 % default 1777.
% a prime number equal to about 85 percent of hashsize.
set maxinopen 15 % default 15.
% maximum number of input files and error insertions that can be
% going on simultaneously.
set paramsize 150 % default 150.
% maximum number of simultaneously macro parameters.
set maxwritefiles 4 % default 4.
% maximum number of simultaneously open write files.
% End of MP.MCF.