License Dialog Message=Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of this agreement.
License Dialog Question=Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license agreement? If so, click on the Yes button. If you select No, Setup will close.
Welcome Dialog Message=Welcome to Netscape Navigator 4.03 Setup.
Show SetupType Dialog=YES
SetupType Dialog Title=Setup Type
SetupType Dialog Message=Select the type of setup you prefer.
SetupType Dialog Typical Message=Recommended - Suggested for most computers
SetupType Dialog Compact Message=Compact - To save disk space.
SetupType Dialog Custom Message=Custom - For advanced users and system administrators only. You can customize all available Setup options.
Insufficient Space Dialog Title=Insufficient Space
Insufficient Space Dialog Message=The path below contains insufficient space.
Show Path Dialog=YES
Path Dialog Title=Choose Destination Location
Path Dialog Message=Please enter the location where you would like to install Netscape Navigator 4.03 . You may type a new directory name or click the Browse button to find a new location.
Options Dialog Message=Check the components you would like to install.
Show Associations Dialog=YES
Associations Dialog Title=Setup Associations
Associations Dialog Message=Check the extensions you would like Navigator to set up. These extensions will be associated with Navigator components.
Show Select Folder Dialog=YES
Select Folder Dialog Title=Select Program Folder
Program Folder=Netscape Navigator
Show StartCopy Dialog=YES
StartCopy Dialog Title=Start Copying Files
StartCopy Dialog Message=Setup has enough information to start copying the program files. If you want to review or change settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the current settings, click Install to begin copying files.
Show Readme Dialog=YES
Readme Dialog Prompt=Would you like to view the README file now?
Readme Filename=README.TXT
Readme Icon Description=Readme!
Readme Viewer=NOTEPAD.EXE
Readme File Install=YES
Readme File Install Path=[Shell Path]
Create Readme Icon=NO
Show Finish Dialog=YES
Finish Dialog Prompt=Setup is complete. You may run Netscape Navigator 4.03 by double-clicking on one of the icons in the folder.
Detect Communicator=YES
Detect Communicator Message=Setup has detected Communicator in the selected destination directory. It is recommended that you select a different destination directory. Do you wish to change the current destination directory?
Show Reboot Dialog=NO
Reboot Dialog Title=Restarting Windows
Reboot Dialog Message=Setup has finished copying files to your computer. Before you can use the program, you must restart Windows or your computer.
Exit Dialog Message=Are you sure you want to exit setup?
Error Resource Message1=Could not load Resource: %s
Error Resource Message2=Attempted to fix the problem. Please restart the setup application.
Error Resource Message3=Could not get module handle of rsutil.dll. System memory could be corrupted. Please reboot and try again.
MSVideo Message=Netscape Navigator's MultiMedia functionality requires Video for Windows which is not installed on your system. Video for Windows is available from the Netscape web site at
Directory Length Limit=28
Install Type=16
Navigator 4.03=nav40l
[Multiple Components]
Multimedia Support=Extension modules for Netscape Navigator 4.03