Dream 47
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403 lines
# DREAM - Rubrique Pratique Afterstep (1) #
# Fichier de configuration d'Afterstep #
# Couleurs par defaut #
# Couleur des titres des fenetres non actives
StdForeColor Gray70
# Couleur des bords des fenetres non actives
StdBackColor Gray40
# Couleur du titre de la fenetre selectionnee
# et des en-tetes de menu
HiForeColor White
# Couleur de bordure de la fenetre active
# et fond des en-tetes de menus
HiBackColor Gray40
# Couleur d'avant-plan des menus
MenuForeColor Gray80
# Couleur d'arriere-plan des menus
MenuBackColor Gray20
# Couleur des entrees ombrees dans les menus
MenuStippleColor Gray10
# Polices de caractΦres #
# entrΘes des menus
Font -adobe-helvetica-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# titre des fenΩtres et des menus
WindowFont -adobe-helvetica-*-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
# Textures #
TextureTypes 1 2 4 5 3
TextureMaxColors 128 128 128 128 128
# fenΩtre active
TitleTextureColor MidnightBlue Violet
# fenΩtres inactives
UTitleTextureColor Gray30 Gray60
# entrΘes des menus
MenuTextureColor Gray30 Gray70
# titres des menus
MTitleTextureColor lightgreen MidnightBlue
# titre de la fenΩtre active
TextGradientColor Purple Gold
TitleTextAlign 1
# Common Paths #
# ModulePath is a colon-separated list, just like a regular unix PATH
# Any Module must be found within the path in order to be located
# and executed
ModulePath /usr/lib/X11/afterstep:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/afterstep
# Another colon-separated list pointing to your pixmaps (color icons)
PixmapPath /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/
# Path for your ugly black&white icons
IconPath /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/
# Initialization Function #
# Here we will put programs and modules that we wish to
# load up automatically upon startup
Function "InitFunction"
# Wait until Wharf is done loading so that our xterm will have
# the focus when it is first created
# Wait "I" Wharf
# Exec "I" exec xterm -geometry +4+4 -sl 256 -sb -ls -T 'xterm@afterstep.org' &
# Place the green carpet image onto the background upon startup
# I personally recommend xli/xloadimage, but xv seems to be
# ubiquitous in the unix world so I'll use that
# Exec "I" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/carpet.green.jpg
# Exec "I" exec xsetroot -solid DarkGrey
# These will load up upon every subsequent Restart
#Function "RestartFunction"
# Module "I" FvwmPager 0 0
# Functions #
# Now define some handy complex functions
# Each function can be bound to a specific Mouse Button and
# a specific window location (Title, TitleButton, Root Window,
# etc.) later on
# This one will Raise the window on a Single Click, Shade
# (display only the TitleBar) on a DoubleClick, and make
# the window uncoverable by all other non-OnTop windows
# with a TripleClick. A Click+Motion will move the
# window around
Function "Shade-or-Raise"
Move "Motion"
Raise "Click"
Shade "DoubleClick"
PutOnTop "TripleClick"
# This will move the window on mouse motion, maximize the
# window (while leaving space for Wharf on the right) with a
# single MouseClick, roll up the window for a Shade with a
# DoubleClick, and put the window on top of all other windows
# with a TripleClick (no regular window can be placed on top
# of this window until the ontop window has been taken
# another PutOnTop TripleClick
Function "Maximize_Function"
Move "Motion"
Maximize "Click" 94 100
Shade "DoubleClick"
PutOnTop "TripleClick"
# This one moves or (de)iconifies:
# Icons will restore to full size with a single mouse click
# Change "Click" to "DoubleClick" or "TripleClick" as desired
Function "Move-or-Iconify"
Move "Motion"
Iconify "Click"
# Pretty Simple...Mouse Motion Raises and Resizes the given
# window. A mouse click will also Raise it. DoubleClick
# will perform a Shade while TripleClick grants unobscurable
# status
Function "Resize-or-Raise"
Resize "Motion"
Raise "Motion"
Raise "Click"
Shade "DoubleClick"
PutOnTop "TripleClick"
# This is provided as a hint only.
# Move to a known page on the desktop, then start an application in a
# known location. Could also switch to a known desktop, I guess
#Function "abs_coord"
# GoToPage "Immediate" 1,1
# Exec "Immediate" exec xcalc -geometry +100+100&
# Menus #
# Now define the menus - defer bindings until later
# Here are some common applications...we will add this and the
# following menus to our main HotList menu
Popup "Applications"
Title "Applications"
Exec "xv" exec xv &
Exec "vi" exec xterm -T vi -e vi &
Exec "Ghostview" exec ghostview &
Exec "The Gimp" exec gimp &
Exec "GNU Emacs" exec emacs &
Exec "Bitmap" exec bitmap &
Exec "Xxgdb" exec xxgdb &
Exec "Calculator" exec xcalc &
# Some diversionary tactics...xsnow is a personal favorite of mine
Popup "Games"
Title "Games"
Exec "Xsnow" exec xsnow -nonopopup &
Exec "Xboard" exec xboard &
Exec "XTetris" exec xtetris &
Exec "Xvier" exec xvier &
# Various ScreenSavers that lock the display
Popup "Xlock"
Title "Xlock"
Exec "Braid" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode braid &
Exec "Flame" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode flame &
Exec "Grav" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode grav &
Exec "Pyro" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode pyro &
Exec "Qix" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode qix &
Exec "Rock" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode rock &
Exec "Slip" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode spiral &
Exec "Spline" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode spline &
Exec "Swarm" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode swarm &
Exec "Worm" exec xlock -allowroot -usefirst -mode worm &
# Some administrative tasks...note that Config opens up an
# xterm and automatically edits this file
Popup "Utilities"
Title "Utilities"
Exec "Config" exec xterm -T "AfterStep Configuration" -e vi ~/.steprc &
Exec "Top" exec rxvt -T Top -n Top -e top &
Popup "Xlock" Xlock
# This menu allows you to quit, although why you would want
# to do such a thing is beyond me
Popup "Quit-Verify"
Title "Quit?"
Quit "Yes, Quit"
Restart "Restart" afterstep
Nop "No, Don't"
# Modules ... technically, asclock is a fully functioning
# program, but I like to think of it as a nice module
Popup "Module-Popup"
Title "Modules"
Exec "asclock" exec asclock -12 -shape &
Module "Banner" Banner
Module "Pager" Pager 0 0
Module "Wharf" Wharf
# Animations ... screen savers run as the default background
Popup "Animations"
Title "Animations"
Exec "Braid" exec xlock -inroot -mode braid &
Exec "Flame" exec xlock -inroot -mode flame &
Exec "Grav" exec xlock -inroot -mode grav &
Exec "Pyro" exec xlock -inroot -mode pyro &
Exec "Qix" exec xlock -inroot -mode qix &
Exec "Rock" exec xlock -inroot -mode rock &
Exec "Slip" exec xlock -inroot -mode spiral &
Exec "Spline" exec xlock -inroot -mode spline &
Exec "Swarm" exec xlock -inroot -mode swarm &
Exec "Worm" exec xlock -inroot -mode worm &
# Stop the animation in the background
Exec "Stop It" exec kill -9 $(ps aux | grep xlock | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
# Colors ... quick way to chage desktop coloring
Popup "Colors"
Title "Colors"
Exec "Black" exec xsetroot -solid Black
Exec "Red" exec xsetroot -solid Red
Exec "Yellow" exec xsetroot -solid Yellow
Exec "Green" exec xsetroot -solid Green
Exec "Cyan" exec xsetroot -solid Cyan
Exec "Blue" exec xsetroot -solid Blue
Exec "Magenta" exec xsetroot -solid Magenta
Exec "White" exec xsetroot -solid White
# Images ... quick way to view the included default background images
Popup "Images"
Title "Images"
Exec "Brick" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/brick.jpg
Exec "Coins" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/coins.jpg
Exec "Dark Wood" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/darkwood.jpg
Exec "Eyes" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/eyes.jpg
Exec "Glass" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/glass.jpg
Exec "Green Carpet" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/carpet.green.jpg
Exec "Parquet" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/parquet.jpg
Exec "Pebbles" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/pebbles.jpg
Exec "Rock" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/rock.tile.jpg
Exec "Rope" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/rope.weave.jpg
Exec "Stucco" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/stucco.jpg
Exec "Tile" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/tile.check.jpg
Exec "Tree Bark" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/bark.jpg
Exec "Volcanic" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/volcanic.jpg
Exec "Wood" exec xv -root -quit /usr/lib/X11/afterstep/backgrounds/wood.jpg
# Background settings ... choose from either Solid Colors or Color Images
Popup "Backgrounds"
Title "Backgrounds"
Popup "Animations" Animations
Popup "Colors" Colors
Popup "Images" Images
# Here is our main Menu that will be seen upon left MouseClick
# in the root window (background area) ... note that we have added
# our above Menus to this one ... also note that menus must be
# defined first before they can be placed in a different menu
Popup "HotList"
Title "HotList"
Exec "Xterm" exec xterm -ls -sl 256 -sb -T 'xterm@afterstep.org' &
Exec "Netscape" exec netscape &
Popup "Applications" Applications
Popup "Utilities" Utilities
Popup "Games" Games
Popup "Backgrounds" Backgrounds
Popup "Modules" Module-Popup
Popup "Exit" Quit-Verify
# This defines the most common window operations
Popup "Window Ops"
Title "Window Ops"
Function "Move" Shade-or-Raise
Function "Resize" Resize-or-Raise
Raise "Raise"
Lower "Lower"
PutOnTop "(Un)PutOnTop"
Iconify "(De)Iconify"
Stick "(Un)Stick"
Function "(Un)Maximize" Maximize_Function
Destroy "Destroy"
Close "Close"
Refresh "Refresh Screen"
# Mouse Bindings #
# First, for the mouse in the root window
# Button 1 gives the HotList menu
# Button 2 gives the WindowList menu (Listing of current windows)
# Button 3 gives the WindowOps
# There are 4 colums to the table
# First column is the event (Mouse Click or Key Press)
# Mouse 0 specify any click in a TitleBar box
# Where can be 1 or 2 for first or second box
# Mouse 1 is left button, 2 is middle, 3 is right
# Second Column is where the click takes place
# R = Root window (main background)
# F = Window Frame (the corners)
# S = Bottom bar
# I = Icon Window
# T = TitleBar
# W = Application Window
# Third Column is the Context (ie, modifier keys)
# N = No modifiers
# A = Any context except for inside the TitleBar Boxes
# C = Control
# S = Shift
# M = Meta
# Combos are allowed (eg, CS = Control+Shift)
# Fourth Column is the action to take upon click
# Action can be a function, popup, or regular action
# Key # # Where # # Context# # Action #
Mouse 0 1 A Iconify
Mouse 0 2 A Close
Mouse 1 R A PopUp "HotList"
Mouse 1 FS A Function "Resize-or-Raise"
Mouse 1 I A Function "Move-or-Iconify"
Mouse 1 T A Function "Shade-or-Raise"
Mouse 2 R A WindowList
Mouse 2 FST A PopUp "Window Ops"
Mouse 3 TSIF A Function "Maximize_Function"
Mouse 3 R A PopUp "Window Ops"
Mouse 3 W M RaiseLower
# Keyboard Shortcuts #
Key F1 A M Popup "HotList"
Key F2 A M Popup "Window Ops"
Key F3 A M WindowList
# Alt-F4 will take a screenshot and save it in
# the user's home directory as screen.xwd
# Programs such as ImageMagick can then be used
# to convert the xwd file into jpg or gif format
Key F4 A M Exec "xwd" xwd -root -out ~/screen.xwd &
Key F5 A A Iconify
# Alt(Meta)-Tab pages through open, bordered windows
Key Tab A M CirculateUp
# Arrow Keys
# Control+Arrow scrolls to the next page on the desk
Key Left A C Scroll -100 0
Key Right A C Scroll +100 +0
Key Up A C Scroll +0 -100
Key Down A C Scroll +0 +100