-1 101 Z Sannai Maruyama was at the centre of a far flung exchange network, connected to communities along the coast and in Hokkaido.
# The centre of a far-flung network, Oar superimposed on map of commodities coming to Sannai Maruyama.
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#Jomon House VR
1 102 C Huge wooden posts supported a tall watchtower, marking the importance of Sannai Maruyama as the centre of a far flung exchange network
# Watchtower
5 102 B A row of 100 overlapping buildings with elevated floors stretched across the centre of the site, possibly storehouses or platforms for exposing the dead.
# Buildings
2 101 x Over 500 pit buildings have been excavated so far, and another 500 remain, making Sannai Maruyama one of the largest Jomon settlements known. The largest building was over 100 ft (30 m) long.
# Pit Buildings
11 101 x A damp gully ran across the site, preserving many organic materials in its waterlogged layers, such as a basketry bag still containing walnuts.
# Gulley
3 101 x Huge mounds developed over the thousand-year occupation of the site, containing many thousands of artefacts thrown away or carefully deposited at different times.
# Mounds
9 101 x Over 100 adult grave pits were discovered in the cemetery areas, arranged into two clusters. Over 700 pottery urns with child burials were also found.
# Cemetery
6 102 A Large pits were dug to extract clay for making the vast quantities of pottery vessels and figurines used by Jomon foragers.