7 101 X Houma was the location of Xintian, the capital of the late Jin state. A series of ancient cities are known in the area, along with the famous Chiqi palace, home of the Jin rulers. Five thousand pieces of jade tablets, often written on with red pigment, are oaths of allegiance, described in ancient records. The ritual swearing of such oaths involved animal sacrifices, often of sheep, and the burial of the skeletons and the tablets.
#PW Houma
8 101 X Shangcunling was a major cemetery belonging to the state of Guo. The 234 graves were mostly in vertical shaft pits, many with coffins and wooden chambers. Although the rulers of Guo were buried elsewhere, many of the 234 burials were richly ornamented, grave goods including jade necklaces and bronze mirrors. A further three pits contained horse and chariot burials.