2 102 A Chavin @ Chavin de Huantar was a great ceremonial centre from around 800 BC, culmination of a long coastal tradition. The wide distribution of the characteristic Chavin art style suggests Chavin was the centre of a widespread religion. The art included depictions of a snarling fanged god and many tropical animals, such as jaguar, cayman and snake.
#Chavin, poss gold crown depicting staff god
1 102 B Paracas @ Inhabitants of the Paracas peninsula buried their dead in large cemeteries. Bodies were tied tightly in a foetal position and wrapped in textiles to form mummy bundles. Burials of high status individuals were accompanied by items of fine goldwork. The textiles, made of cotton lavishly embroidered in wool, are justly famous.
#Paracas, embroidered textile
3 102 C Amazonia @ Pottery-making continued with great verve in Amazonia, producing richly decorated vessels including some with moulded figures stuck on.
#Ecuador and Amazonia, La Tolita gold mask
4 102 D Ecuador @ In the adjoining north-west elaborate pottery vessels accompanied mould-made pottery figurines and or ornaments of gold and copper at ceremonial centres like La Tolita. Here impressive mounds suggest leaders were appearing who could organize their communities in construction projects.