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- AfterStep FAQ
- Maintained by Diego Zamboni
- $Revision: 1.3 $, $Date: 1997/03/18 15:17:03 $
- ____________________________________________________________
- Table of Contents:
- 1. General information
- 1.1. What is AfterStep?
- 1.2. What is its history?
- 1.3. What are its main features?
- 1.4. Is it compatible with fvwm-2?
- 1.5. Where can I get this FAQ?
- 1.6. Who contributes to this FAQ?
- 1.7. What are the AfterStep-related mailing lists?
- 2. Getting and installing AfterStep
- 2.1. Where do I get AfterStep?
- 2.2. Other important WWW pages
- 2.3. What is the latest version of AfterStep
- 2.4. I've compiled AfterStep for my system but every time I try to
- use it I receive the message: Cannot open display. What should I do?
- 2.5. How do I enable sound in AfterStep?
- 2.6. I grabbed TkStep and Tcl7.6 and tried to install TkStep, but
- it doesn't work
- 2.7. Why doesn't ASCP run on my system?
- 2.8. How can I install AfterStep without being root?
- 3. Icons, graphics and pixmaps
- 3.1. Icons staying put
- 3.2. Colormap issues
- 3.3. Icons disappear from Wharf. What's wrong?
- 3.4. How do I create an icon with a transparent pixel?
- 3.5. Why doesn't program `xyz' work in 16bpp?
- 3.6. Why doesn't xv do `xyz' in 16bpp?
- 3.7. Why don't icon names change when the application changes it?
- 3.8. Suddenly, some windows stay always on top. Why?
- 3.9. Can you add `xyz' to the Wharf?
- 4. Modules
- 4.1. How do I get multiple Wharfs/Pagers on the screen?
- 4.2. How can I get ASclock to properly appear in Wharf?
- 4.3. How do I configure asclock to use fewer colors?
- 5. General usage, features and bugs
- 5.1. Why does AfterStep get slower and slower until I restart it?
- 5.2. Click-to-focus dies
- 5.3. What is this `Shade' thing?
- 5.4. When I restart AfterStep, it kills X. What gives?
- 5.5. What is swallow-exec?
- 5.6. I upgraded to 1.0pre4 or later, and now the Wharf doesn't
- work. What happens?
- 6. Other AfterStep-related applications
- 6.1. What is this WindowMaker I keep hearing about in the list?
- 6.2. What is ASCP?
- 6.3. What is TkStep and why do I want it?
- 7. Other AfterStep-unrelated applications
- 7.1. I have a problem with program `xyz'
- 7.2. Why am I having `xyz' problem/how do I do `xyz' with a
- terminal window?
- ______________________________________________________________________
- 11.. GGeenneerraall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
- 11..11.. WWhhaatt iiss AAfftteerrSStteepp??
- AfterStep is a Window Manager for X that emulates the NEXTSTEP look
- and feel, which many adepts will tell you is not only the most
- visually pleasant interface, but also one of the most functional and
- intuitive out there.
- 11..22.. WWhhaatt iiss iittss hhiissttoorryy??
- From the man page:
- AfterStep is a continuation of the BowMan window manager
- which was originally put together by Bo Yang. BowMan was
- based on the fvwm window manager, written by Robert Nation.
- fvwm was based on code from twm. And so on... It is
- designed to emulate some of the look and feel of the
- NEXTSTEP user interface, while adding useful, requested, and
- neat features. The changes which comprise AfterStep person-
- ality were originally part of BowMan development, but due to
- a desire to move past simple emulation and into a niche as
- its own valuable window manager, the current designers
- decided to change the project name and move on. BowMan
- development may continue, but we will no longer be a part of
- it.
- 11..33.. WWhhaatt aarree iittss mmaaiinn ffeeaattuurreess??
- Again quoting from the man page:
- 1. NEXTSTEP-alike title bar, title buttons, borders and corners.
- 2. AfterStep's _W_h_a_r_f is a much worked-out version of _G_o_o_d_S_t_u_f_f. To
- avoid copyright complications it is not called a `dock.'
- 3. NEXTSTEP style menus. However the menus are not controlled by
- applications, they are more of pop-up service lists on the root
- window.
- 4. NEXTSTEP style icons. The default icons are consistent with those
- in the NEXTSTEP interface, but they are configurable.
- However, the flexibility of _f_v_w_m was not traded off. The initiation
- file, ~/.steprc, recognizes most of the fvwm 1.24r commands. Virtual
- screens and the pager are still intact. fvwm modules should work just
- fine.
- 11..44.. IIss iitt ccoommppaattiibbllee wwiitthh ffvvwwmm--22??
- No. Compatibility with fvwm-2 is not planned.
- 11..55.. WWhheerree ccaann II ggeett tthhiiss FFAAQQ??
- The latest version is available at
- <http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/zamboni/afterstep/FAQ.html>.
- 11..66.. WWhhoo ccoonnttrriibbuutteess ttoo tthhiiss FFAAQQ??
- The initial version of the FAQ was written by Frank Fejes
- (frank@ssax.com) and Jonathan B. Leffert (j-leffert@uchicago.edu).
- Major additions were made by Kragen Sittler (kragen@tcsi.com). The FAQ
- is currently maintained by Diego Zamboni (zamboni@cs.purdue.edu). Most
- of the questions and answers have been provided by the people
- participating in the AfterStep mailing lists (
- <http://www.eosys.com/mailing-list/AfterStep.html>).
- 11..77.. WWhhaatt aarree tthhee AAfftteerrSStteepp--rreellaatteedd mmaaiilliinngg lliissttss??
- AAfftteerrSStteepp--AAnnnnoouunnccee::
- This is a low volume (moderated) list for announcements of
- general interest to all AfterStep users (e.g. new releases). You
- may submit announcements to be moderated via afterstep-
- announce@eosys.com.
- AAfftteerrSStteepp::
- The purpose of this list is to provide a forum in which users of
- the AfterStep X11 window manager can discuss issues related to
- to using AfterStep. Appropriate topics include, but are not
- limited to, the installation and configuration of AfterStep and
- related modules and applications.
- AAfftteerrSStteepp--DDiiggeesstt::
- This list contains the same messages as the AfterStep mailing
- list. However, the messages are saved up (not transmitted
- individually) and sent out as a bundle. This decreases the
- number of separate messages received from the list, but makes it
- more difficult to reply to a specific message.
- AAfftteerrSStteepp--DDeevv::
- This list is a forum to discuss ongoing development issues
- related to AfterStep. If you want to participate in the
- development of AfterStep, please join this forum.
- AAfftteerrSStteepp--DDeevv--DDiiggeesstt::
- This list contains the same messages as the AfterStep-Dev
- mailing list. However, the messages are saved up (not
- transmitted individually) and sent out as a bundle. This
- decreases the number of separate messages received from the
- list, but makes it more difficult to reply to a specific
- message.
- For subscribing to any of these lists, send a message to
- <listname>-request@eosys.com containing:
- subscribe
- You can find more information, and archives of all the lists, at
- <http://www.eosys.com/mailing-list/AfterStep.html>, maintained by Ed
- Orcutt (edo@eosys.com), and from where these descriptions were taken.
- 22.. GGeettttiinngg aanndd iinnssttaalllliinngg AAfftteerrSStteepp
- 22..11.. WWhheerree ddoo II ggeett AAfftteerrSStteepp??
- The main AfterStep resources in the net are:
- WWWWWW PPaaggee::
- The official WWW page is at <http://afterstep.edoc.com>.
- FFTTPP SSiittee::
- <ftp://afterstep.foo.net/pub/AfterStep/>.
- UUppllooaadd ddiirreeccttoorryy::
- <ftp://afterstep.foo.net/incoming/>.
- You can get AfterStep from either the WWW page or the FTP site.
- 22..22.. OOtthheerr iimmppoorrttaanntt WWWWWW ppaaggeess
- AAllffrreeddoo KKoojjiimmaa''ss PPaaggee::
- <http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~kojima/>.
- MMaatttt KKrraammeerr''ss PPaaggee::
- <http://defiant.gmi.edu/afterstep/>.
- KKiiwwii''ss PPaaggee::
- <http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~kiwi/AfterStep/>.
- On the above pages, you will find links to other interesting things
- that work nicely with AfterStep such as TkStep, TkDesk, lib-neXtaw,
- and nifty icons that were adapted from NEXTSTEP.
- 22..33.. WWhhaatt iiss tthhee llaatteesstt vveerrssiioonn ooff AAfftteerrSStteepp
- The latest public version is 1.0pre4, released on March 13, 1997.
- 22..44.. II''vvee ccoommppiilleedd AAfftteerrSStteepp ffoorr mmyy ssyysstteemm bbuutt eevveerryy ttiimmee II ttrryy ttoo
- uussee iitt II rreecceeiivvee tthhee mmeessssaaggee:: CCaannnnoott ooppeenn ddiissppllaayy.. WWhhaatt sshhoouulldd II ddoo??
- AfterStep is an X window manager and cannot be run from the terminal.
- It must be run through X. The easiest way to do that is to either
- create or edit your own .xinitrc file (which contains a list of the
- programs you wish to load upon startup) and add the line exec
- afterstep to the end. This last exec'd line is significant in that it
- says to shut down X when that program is terminated. Now that you
- have that file, simply startup X in your customary manner, most likely
- startx or xinit. Now you're off and running...good luck.
- 22..55.. HHooww ddoo II eennaabbllee ssoouunndd iinn AAfftteerrSStteepp??
- First, make sure you have compiled the Linux kernel with sound support
- and that the sound works (try cat <some au file> > /dev/audio).
- Then, edit your .steprc file. Near the bottom of the file, you
- should see (if you don't add it) lines like this:
- Module Audio
- *AudioPlayCmd /usr/bin/showaudio
- *AudioDir /usr/X11/lib/X11/afterstep/sounds
- *AudioDelay 1
- If these aren't there, add them. Verify that the AudioPlayCmd is a
- valid program and that the sounds you want to play are in
- /usr/X11/lib/X11/afterstep/sounds (or set it to the appropriate
- directory).
- Below that section, you sould see many lines like this:
- #*Audio startup gong.au
- Simply remove the comment (#) from the beginning of the line and if
- you wish, set the startup event to some other au file. The format is:
- Audio <event> <sound>
- Do that for the rest of the Audio events, and as one AfterStepper put
- it, you'll literally add new bells and whistles to AfterStep.
- 22..66.. II ggrraabbbbeedd TTkkSStteepp aanndd TTccll77..66 aanndd ttrriieedd ttoo iinnssttaallll TTkkSStteepp,, bbuutt iitt
- ddooeessnn''tt wwoorrkk
- TkStep still doesn't work with Tcl7.6. Try Tcl 7.5 (see question ``''
- for information about TkStep).
- 22..77.. WWhhyy ddooeessnn''tt AASSCCPP rruunn oonn mmyy ssyysstteemm??
- ASCP needs TkStep, a version of Tk implemented by Alfredo Kojima
- (kojima@inf.ufrgs.br) that gives Tk the NEXTSTEP look-and-feel, and
- implements a few new widgets, like font and color choosers. You can
- download it from <http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~kojima/tkstep.html>. See
- question ``'' for information about ASCP.
- 22..88.. HHooww ccaann II iinnssttaallll AAfftteerrSStteepp wwiitthhoouutt bbeeiinngg rroooott??
- This is fairly easy. You will have to install all the files under your
- home directory. The usual recommendation is to use the same
- directories as suggested in the installation procedure, but replacing
- /usr/local by your home directory. For example, if you home directory
- is /home/bla you would use directories like
- /home/blah/bin, /home/blah/etc, /home/blah/lib, etc.
- Compile AfterStep following the manual installation procedure (i.e. do
- not use the InstallMe program), up to but not including the make
- install step. Then, do the following (make sure to create the
- destination directories first if they don't exist. All the source
- paths are relative to the AfterStep source directory):
- 1. Copy afterstep/afterstep to $HOME/bin/.
- 2. Copy modules/asclock/asclock to $HOME/bin/.
- 3. Copy modules/Wharf/Wharf, modules/Pager/Pager and all the other
- module binary files to $HOME/lib/afterstep/.
- 4. Copy the icons from icons/ or icons/8bit/ to
- $HOME/include/X11/pixmaps/.
- 5. Copy sample.steprc to $HOME/lib/afterstep/.
- 6. Take a look at install/Xdefaults, install/xinitrc,
- install/xsession, and copy or integrate them to your
- .Xdefaults, .xinitrc and .xsession as appropriate.
- 7. Copy sample.steprc to $HOME/.steprc.
- 8. Edit $HOME/.steprc to reflect the above paths in the lines
- starting with ModulePath and PixmapPath.
- 9. Put $HOME/bin in your path.
- You should be set. Feel free to modify this procedure according to
- your particular needs or the particular setup of your machine/account.
- 33.. IIccoonnss,, ggrraapphhiiccss aanndd ppiixxmmaappss
- 33..11.. IIccoonnss ssttaayyiinngg ppuutt
- WWhheenn II cclliicckk oonn ssoommee ooff tthhee iiccoonnss tthheeyy ffaann oouutt aanndd ssttaayy tthheerree uunnttiill II
- rreessttaarrtt WWhhaarrff.. WWhhaatt''ss tthhee ddeeaall??
- In old versions of AfterStep, an icon to be used in Wharf must contain
- at least one transparent pixel, otherwise the symptoms you've
- mentioned will be prevalent. Simply add a transparent pixel and
- everything should work flawlessly (see question ``'' for instructions
- on how to do this).
- Newer versions of AfterStep fix this problem, allowing you to use
- icons without transparent pixels in the Wharf without problems. You
- should really upgrade to the latest version.
- 33..22.. CCoolloorrmmaapp iissssuueess
- WWhheenn II rruunn AAfftteerrSStteepp ssoommee ooff tthhee iiccoonnss oonn tthhee bbuuttttoonn bbaarr ddoonn''tt sshhooww
- uupp.. IIff II llooaadd tthheemm aatt tthhee ttoopp tthheeyy sshhooww uupp,, bbuutt tthheenn tthhee ootthheerr oonneess
- ddoonn''tt.. AAllssoo,, wwhheenn II uussee nneettssccaappee,, tthhee ccoolloorrss ggeett wwaacckkyy.. WWhhaatt''ss wwrroonngg??
- Odds are you are using a 256 color (8bit) display. A quick
- explanation is that you can only have 256 colors on the screen at the
- same time, and the more colors you use in Wharf (the button bar), the
- less you can use for other applications and icons. I would suggest
- upgrading your video hardware or using more conservative (less
- colorful) icons. For netscape, an option is to run it with the
- netscape -install` command. This will insure that netscape gets a
- good deal of the color that it wants. However, this will result in the
- colors flashing whenever you move the mouse in or out the Netscape
- window. You decide if you can live with that.
- You can find some help on configuring AfterStep for running on an
- 8-bit display in <http://www.infinet.com/~gnosis/as.html>. You can
- find a good collection of low-color icons (all of them together use
- only 21 colors) at <http://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~kiwi/AfterStep/>.
- If you are using asclock, you can configure it to use much fewer
- colors. See question ``''.
- 33..33.. IIccoonnss ddiissaappppeeaarr ffrroomm WWhhaarrff.. WWhhaatt''ss wwrroonngg??
- You are most likely running out of colors. Either upgrade your
- hardware, switch to a higher color depth (i.e. 16 bpp or higher), or
- use icons that contain fewer colors. See question ``''.
- 33..44.. HHooww ddoo II ccrreeaattee aann iiccoonn wwiitthh aa ttrraannssppaarreenntt ppiixxeell??
- Its beyond easy. An xpm is a simple text file. Therefore, the only
- image manipulation software you will need is vi. If you edit your xpm,
- you will become aware of the beauty and simplicity. At the bottom you
- will notice a character representation of your image. At the top there
- is a color listing corresponding to each pixel of the character
- representation.
- You have two options to create a transparent pixel:
- CChhaannggee aann eexxiissttiinngg ppiixxeell ccoolloorr ttoo ttrraannssppaarreenntt::
- Simply find the pixel character(s) you wish to become
- transparent, then go back up top and find that character in the
- listing. Change the color code (number beginning with a #) to
- None. Save, and you're all tootin'.
- CCrreeaattee aa nneeww ttrraannssppaarreenntt ppiixxeell::
- Edit the line near the top corresponding to the
- height/width/number of colors/chars per pixel. Increment the
- number of colors (third value) by one. Then in the list of
- pixels and color values add the line:
- "c None",
- Where `c' should be a character that is not being used by any other
- color. From there save and take off.
- If you're the slightest bit unsure, take a look at one of the xpm
- files in the AfterStep distribution's icons directory.
- The `correct' size for a Wharf icon is 48x48 pixels. However, if you
- use bigger icons, they will display correctly, up to 64x64, which is
- the default size for the Wharf buttons.
- 33..55.. WWhhyy ddooeessnn''tt pprrooggrraamm ``xxyyzz'' wwoorrkk iinn 1166bbpppp??
- A lot of 8bpp programs don't work on displays without a PseudoColor
- visual available. A lot of PC X servers don't support PseudoColor
- visuals on displays running in TrueColor mode. You should buy an SGI.
- Or run two simultaneous X servers, if you're on Linux.
- 33..66.. WWhhyy ddooeessnn''tt xxvv ddoo ``xxyyzz'' iinn 1166bbpppp??
- xv doesn't cope well with 16bpp in three ways. First, it can't grab
- pieces of the screen. Second, if you grab pieces of the screen with
- xwd and try to display them with xv, it doesn't work well. xwud works.
- Third, if you display a 24bpp picture, it doesn't bother to dither it
- down to 16bpp, resulting in bad pictures.
- 33..77.. WWhhyy ddoonn''tt iiccoonn nnaammeess cchhaannggee wwhheenn tthhee aapppplliiccaattiioonn cchhaannggeess iitt??
- II hhaavvee ssoommee aapppplliiccaattiioonn ccrreeaattiinngg aa wwiinnddooww aanndd tthheenn cchhaannggiinngg iittss nnaammee
- ttoo ssoommeetthhiinngg ssppeecciiaall.. II hhaavvee ttoolldd AAfftteerrSStteepp ttoo ggiivvee tthhee ssppeecciiaall wwiinnddooww
- nnaammee aa ssppeecciiaall iiccoonn.. BBuutt II nneevveerr sseeee tthhee iiccoonn.. WWhhyy ddooeessnn''tt tthhiiss wwoorrkk??
- AfterStep assigns icons to windows when they are created, not when
- they are iconified, and later title or icon-name changes don't cause
- the icon to change. Perhaps this is a bug.
- Emanuele Caratti (wiz@iol.it) has created a patch that supposedly
- fixes this, but I have not tried it, and it's not (yet) part of the
- official distribution. You can find it at
- <ftp://afterstep.foo.net/pub/AfterStep/mods/dynamic_icons.tar.gz>.
- 33..88.. SSuuddddeennllyy,, ssoommee wwiinnddoowwss ssttaayy aallwwaayyss oonn ttoopp.. WWhhyy??
- SSoommeettiimmeess,, aafftteerr II''vvee bbeeeenn uussiinngg AAfftteerrSStteepp ffoorr ssoommee ttiimmee,, cceerrttaaiinn
- aapppplliiccaattiioonn wwiinnddoowwss ssttaayy aallwwaayyss oonn ttoopp;; tthheeyy eevveenn ssttaayy oonn ttoopp ooff tthhee
- WWhhaarrff aanndd tthheeiirr oowwnn ddiiaalloogg bbooxxeess!!
- With the default .steprc, triple-clicking on a window titlebar
- toggles a window's always-on-top state. Triple-click again to remove
- it. If you want to remove this feature, locate the lines in your
- .steprc that look like this (there are several of them):
- PutOnTop "TripleClick"
- and delete them. Or better yet, just comment them out, in case you
- later decide you need the feature again.
- 33..99.. CCaann yyoouu aadddd ``xxyyzz'' ttoo tthhee WWhhaarrff??
- YYoouu kknnooww,, iitt wwoouulldd bbee rreeaallllyy nniiccee iiff tthhee WWhhaarrff ssuuppppoorrtteedd tteexxtt
- ttiittlleess//ccaassccaaddiinngg mmeennuuss//ttaabbss oonn tthhee ssiiddee//pplluugg--iinn mmoodduulleess//sswwaalllloowwiinngg
- rruunnnniinngg aapppplliiccaattiioonnss iinn ffoollddeerrss//ssccrroollllbbaarrss oonn ffoollddeerrss//ssttaarrttiinngg
- aapppplliiccaattiioonnss oonnllyy iiff tthheeyy''rree nnoott aallrreeaaddyy rruunnnniinngg.. WWhhyy ddooeessnn''tt ssoommeeoonnee
- ddoo iitt??
- This is a holy war. You will be crucified at dawn. Unless you
- implement it yourself and post a patch.
- No, seriously, there has been a lot of discussion about these topics.
- Many people believe that AfterStep should be kept as close as possible
- to the original NEXTSTEP interface, why others think it should be
- extended and be made as configurable as possible. Most probably the
- appropriate thing is some point in between, but then again, that is a
- personal issue. For now, we will let the developers decide the
- direction AfterStep should take.
- 44.. MMoodduulleess
- 44..11.. HHooww ddoo II ggeett mmuullttiippllee WWhhaarrffss//PPaaggeerrss oonn tthhee ssccrreeeenn??
- It's pretty easy. You just have to have the Wharf exist under several
- different names, and then configure each of them using its name. For
- example, if you make a link to Wharf called MyWharf (type man ln if
- you don't know how to make links), you would use lines like these in
- your .steprc:
- Module MyWharf
- *MyWharfAnimate
- *MyWharf "label" Icon.xpm Exec "something" something
- Same for the Pager.
- NNoottee:: Apparently, due to the way the AfterStep configuration file
- parser works, links with names like Wharf2 (i.e. the same original
- name with characters appended to it) will nnoott work, the parser will
- think you are referring to the original module and will get confused.
- You have to give each link a distinctive name.
- 44..22.. HHooww ccaann II ggeett AASScclloocckk ttoo pprrooppeerrllyy aappppeeaarr iinn WWhhaarrff??
- First, you need AfterStep 0.98 beta 4 or later. These version have the
- .steprc `MaxSwallow' option. Then, add a command such as this to the
- Wharf section of your .steprc:
- *Wharf asclock nil MaxSwallow "asclock" asclock -12 -shape &
- You can omit the `-12' to be in 24 hour time.
- 44..33.. HHooww ddoo II ccoonnffiigguurree aasscclloocckk ttoo uussee ffeewweerr ccoolloorrss??
- When installing, after executing MakeMakefiles but before make
- install, go to the modules/asclock directory and do the following:
- 1. Execute sh configure
- 2. Several menus will appear, asking for the default language for
- dates (yes, you can change it!) and the number of colors used.
- There is one option to use 2-bit color, resulting in an asclock
- that uses only 4 colors, but still looks pretty good.
- 3. Done. Now go and compile AfterStep as usual.
- 55.. GGeenneerraall uussaaggee,, ffeeaattuurreess aanndd bbuuggss
- 55..11.. WWhhyy ddooeess AAfftteerrSStteepp ggeett sslloowweerr aanndd sslloowweerr uunnttiill II rreessttaarrtt iitt??
- Apparently there was a bug in versions up to 1.0pre3 (probably a
- memory leak) that caused this behavior. We know that setting your
- TextureMaxColors to something small, like `16 16 16 16' or `32 32 32
- 32', will stop this problem. It also seems to happen only with XFree86
- in 32-bpp mode (or 16? Please give me confirmation), and if you're in
- 8-bpp or a different X server, it doesn't seem to cause a problem.
- This problem was solved in 1.0pre4, as far as we know. Upgrade!
- 55..22.. CClliicckk--ttoo--ffooccuuss ddiieess
- SSoommeettiimmeess,, aafftteerr II''vvee bbeeeenn rruunnnniinngg AAfftteerrSStteepp ffoorr aa wwhhiillee iinn cclliicckk--ttoo--
- ffooccuuss mmooddee,, II ccaann''tt sshhiifftt tthhee ffooccuuss ffrroomm oonnee wwiinnddooww ttoo aannootthheerr bbyy
- cclliicckkiinngg.. II hhaavvee ttoo iiccoonniiffyy aanndd ddeeiiccoonniiffyy tthhee wwiinnddooww ttoo sshhiifftt ffooccuuss,,
- oorr ppiicckk iitt ffrroomm tthhee ppooppuupp lliisstt..
- This is a strange bug, that is (sometimes at least) caused by having
- the NumLock key activated. It is present up to 1.0pre4, so check your
- NumLock key.
- This problem is solved in 1.0pre5.
- 55..33.. WWhhaatt iiss tthhiiss ``SShhaaddee'' tthhiinngg??
- NNeewwss:: SShhaaddee wwaass ffiixxeedd iinn 11..00pprree44.. UUppggrraaddee nnooww!!
- Shade is a window function that is often seen on the Macintosh system.
- In theory, it makes a window disappear except for the title bar. For
- example, an Xterm normally looks like this:
- |------------------------------|
- | Xterm |
- |------------------------------|
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- |------------------------------|
- Shade is set by default to take effect when one double clicks on the
- title bar of the window. When shade takes effect, the Xterm looks
- like this:
- |------------------------------|
- | Xterm |
- |------------------------------|
- This is nice for saving desktop space and for window management
- purposes. Some prefer it to iconifying the windows.
- Up to 1.0pre3, Shade didn't work correctly, because it worked by
- resizing the window to a height of 0 pixels, which some applications
- didn't like.
- In 1.0pre4 and posterior versions, Shade works by making the
- application think that it is being iconified, so it works with all
- applications again. It has the problem, though, that shaded windows
- become `sticky' and appear in all the pages in the virtual desktop.
- 55..44.. WWhheenn II rreessttaarrtt AAfftteerrSStteepp,, iitt kkiillllss XX.. WWhhaatt ggiivveess??
- This was a bug that occured in AfterStep betas. If you experience this
- bug, you are running an old release of AfterStep. Upgrade to v1.0pre4
- or later to fix this. This is, incidentally, something you should
- probably do anyway, considering the wealth of features your are
- missing.
- 55..55.. WWhhaatt iiss sswwaallllooww--eexxeecc??
- Is a feature introduced in the distribution in 1.0pre4 (it previously
- existed as a separate patch) that allows you to associate an action to
- an entry in the Wharf corresponding to a swallowed application. So for
- example you can have asmail in the Wharf, and have it configured so
- that when you click on it, it warps to your email reading window. If
- your email reader is exmh, the required lines would be:
- *Wharf "asmail" nil Swallow "asmail" asmail &
- *Wharf "asmail" nil Warp "-" exmh
- Note how both lines have the same label `asmail', which tells Wharf
- that those two go together. You can use any AfterStep function instead
- of `Warp'. For example, if you want the xload icon to fire a top
- window when clicked, you can have something like this:
- *Wharf "xload" nil Swallow "xload" xload -geometry 48x48-1-1 &
- *Wharf "xload" nil Exec "Top" xterm +sb -T Top -n Top -e top &
- By the way, this feature is responsible for a strange bug. See
- question ``''.
- 55..66.. wwoorrkk.. WWhhaatt hhaappppeennss?? II uuppggrraaddeedd ttoo 11..00pprree44 oorr llaatteerr,, aanndd nnooww tthhee
- WWhhaarrff ddooeessnn''tt
- This is not a bug, it's a feature :-). No, really, this behavior was
- introduced due to the introduction of the `Swallow-exec' capability in
- 1.0pre4. See question ``''.
- To fix it, do the following:
- 1. In your .steprc, locate the lines that start with
- *Wharf "" ...
- 2. The could be also nil, or any other label that is the same for all
- the Wharf entries. These repeated labels are the ones causing the
- trouble. You have to give each Wharf entry a unique label there,
- like `xload', `asmail', `Pager', etc.
- 3. Restart and it should be fixed.
- 66.. OOtthheerr AAfftteerrSStteepp--rreellaatteedd aapppplliiccaattiioonnss
- 66..11.. WWhhaatt iiss tthhiiss WWiinnddoowwMMaakkeerr II kkeeeepp hheeaarriinngg aabboouutt iinn tthhee lliisstt??
- WindowMaker a new NeXT-like window manager that is being developed by
- Alfredo Kojima (kojima@inf.ufrgs.br) with the support of a lot of
- other people. It will support many OpenStep/GNUStep-ish features, and
- there is talk that it may be the `next-generation _asnl', and even the
- window manager of choice for GNUstep. You can download it from
- <ftp://afterstep.foo.net/pub/AfterStep/devel/>.
- However, be advised that WindowMaker is still in a very early stage of
- development, so don't plan on using it for real work for now unless
- you want to cope with a lot of unimplemented features. But it is
- advancing very fast, so you may also want to take a good look at it.
- 66..22.. WWhhaatt iiss AASSCCPP??
- ASCP stands for `AfterStep Control Panel', and is a program that
- allows you to configure AfterStep while imitating the NEXTSTEP control
- panel look and feel. It makes really easy to configure AfterStep
- without manually fiddling with the .steprc file. You can download it
- from <http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~kojima/ascp.html>. Be sure to backup
- your .steprc file before using it, because it still has some bugs and
- problems.
- WWAARRNNIINNGG:: Due to changes introduced in AfterStep 1.0pre4 and posterior
- versions, the files written by ASCP cause AfterStep to behave very
- strangely, particularily the Wharf. So please ddoonn''tt uussee ASCP for
- configuring 1.0pre4 until this is fixed. If you accidentally did and
- you don't have a backup of your .steprc, do the following to fix it:
- 1. In your .steprc, locate the lines that start with
- *Wharf "" ...
- 2. The empty double quotes are the ones causing the trouble. You have
- to give each Wharf entry a unique label there, inside the double
- quotes.
- 3. Restart and it should be fixed.
- In case you are interested, this happens because 1.0pre4 introduced
- the `swallow-exec' capability in the standard distribution (see
- question ``''). This uses the labels to know which Wharf items have
- multiple meanings, so if all the labels are the same, Wharf
- superimposes all the icons on one.
- 66..33.. WWhhaatt iiss TTkkSStteepp aanndd wwhhyy ddoo II wwaanntt iitt??
- TkStep is a modified version of Tk that implements the NEXTSTEP look
- and feel. If you use wishstep instead of wish to run your
- applications, all your Tcl/Tk programs will suddenly have a renewed
- and great new look!
- You also want it because ASCP needs it. See question ``''.
- You can get it at <http://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~kojima/tkstep.html>. You
- need to have Tcl7.5/Tk4.1 to run it. AASSCCPP ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkk wwiitthh TTccll77..66
- yyeett.
- 77.. OOtthheerr AAfftteerrSStteepp--uunnrreellaatteedd aapppplliiccaattiioonnss
- 77..11.. II hhaavvee aa pprroobblleemm wwiitthh pprrooggrraamm ``xxyyzz''
- PPlleeaassee,, pplleeaassee, don't post questions unrelated to AfterStep to the
- mailing lists. If you have a problem with some application not
- running, and you think AfterStep is the culprit, first try the
- following:
- 1. Read the documentation (manual pages, etc.) for the program.
- 2. Find out about its configuration parameters (not only command line,
- but also options in .Xdefaults, config files, etc.).
- 3. Ask other people who know about that specific program. Find a
- mailing list about that program and ask there.
- 4. Try running the program under some other window manager. If it
- doesn't work there either, it is nnoott an AfterStep problem.
- If you are vveerryy confident that it is an AfterStep problem, then send
- it to the mailing list, but try to give as much information as
- possible. Questions like `Why doesn't blig-graphics work on my
- system?' do not contain any useful information that may help others in
- diagnosing your problem. Some data you may have to include is:
- 1. AfterStep version you are using.
- 2. Operating system version, machine architecture.
- 3. System configuration (color depth, memory, anything you think may
- help).
- 4. Problematic program.
- 5. Environment information (other programs running at the same time,
- etc.)
- 6. A ddeettaaiilleedd description of the problem. What happens (error
- messages, etc.), how replicable it is, how to replicate it, etc.
- The more information you provide, the easier it will be for others
- to find a solution.
- 77..22.. WWhhyy aamm II hhaavviinngg ``xxyyzz'' pprroobblleemm//hhooww ddoo II ddoo ``xxyyzz'' wwiitthh aa tteerrmmiinnaall
- wwiinnddooww??
- Are you using plain vanilla xterm, color xterm, rxvt, rxvt-xpm,
- vanilla xterm with Xaw3d or Xaw-Xpm or neXtaw, dtterm, nxterm, hpterm,
- aixterm, cmdtool, shelltool, or something else?
- See question ``''.