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584 lines
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "system.h"
#ifndef DEF_H
#include "def.h"
#ifndef MATH3D_H
#include "math3d.h"
#ifndef TOKEN_H
#include "token.h"
Tables tables;
Tables::Tables ()
printf ("Creating mathematical tables ... "); fflush (stdout);
printf ("DONE\n");
int Box::in (float x, float y)
if (x < minx || x > maxx) return FALSE;
if (y < miny || y > maxy) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int Box::overlap (Box* box)
if (maxx < box->minx || minx > box->maxx) return FALSE;
if (maxy < box->miny || miny > box->maxy) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void Box::start_bounding_box ()
minx = 10000.;
miny = 10000.;
maxx = -10000.;
maxy = -10000.;
void Box::add_bounding_vertex (float x, float y)
if (x < minx) minx = x;
if (x > maxx) maxx = x;
if (y < miny) miny = y;
if (y > maxy) maxy = y;
void Box::dump ()
MSG (("(%2.2f,%2.2f)-(%2.2f,%2.2f)", minx, miny, maxx, maxy));
Matrix3::Matrix3 ()
Matrix3::Matrix3 (float m11, float m12, float m13,
float m21, float m22, float m23,
float m31, float m32, float m33)
Matrix3::m11 = m11;
Matrix3::m12 = m12;
Matrix3::m13 = m13;
Matrix3::m21 = m21;
Matrix3::m22 = m22;
Matrix3::m23 = m23;
Matrix3::m31 = m31;
Matrix3::m32 = m32;
Matrix3::m33 = m33;
Matrix3::~Matrix3 ()
Matrix3& Matrix3::operator+= (Matrix3& m)
m11 += m.m11; m12 += m.m12; m13 += m.m13;
m21 += m.m21; m22 += m.m22; m23 += m.m23;
m31 += m.m31; m32 += m.m32; m33 += m.m33;
return *this;
Matrix3& Matrix3::operator-= (Matrix3& m)
m11 -= m.m11; m12 -= m.m12; m13 -= m.m13;
m21 -= m.m21; m22 -= m.m22; m23 -= m.m23;
m31 -= m.m31; m32 -= m.m32; m33 -= m.m33;
return *this;
Matrix3& Matrix3::operator*= (Matrix3& m)
Matrix3 r;
r.m11 = m11*m.m11 + m12*m.m21 + m13*m.m31;
r.m12 = m11*m.m12 + m12*m.m22 + m13*m.m32;
r.m13 = m11*m.m13 + m12*m.m23 + m13*m.m33;
r.m21 = m21*m.m11 + m22*m.m21 + m23*m.m31;
r.m22 = m21*m.m12 + m22*m.m22 + m23*m.m32;
r.m23 = m21*m.m13 + m22*m.m23 + m23*m.m33;
r.m31 = m31*m.m11 + m32*m.m21 + m33*m.m31;
r.m32 = m31*m.m12 + m32*m.m22 + m33*m.m32;
r.m33 = m31*m.m13 + m32*m.m23 + m33*m.m33;
*this = r;
return *this;
Matrix3& Matrix3::operator*= (float s)
m11 *= s; m12 *= s; m13 *= s;
m21 *= s; m22 *= s; m23 *= s;
m31 *= s; m32 *= s; m33 *= s;
return *this;
void Matrix3::identity ()
m12 = m13 = 0;
m21 = m23 = 0;
m31 = m32 = 0;
m11 = m22 = m33 = 1;
void Matrix3::transpose ()
float swap;
swap = m12; m12 = m21; m21 = swap;
swap = m13; m13 = m31; m31 = swap;
swap = m23; m23 = m32; m32 = swap;
void Matrix3::inverse ()
float s = 1./determinant ();
Matrix3 C;
C.m11 = (m22*m33 - m23*m32);
C.m12 = -(m21*m33 - m23*m31);
C.m13 = (m21*m32 - m22*m31);
C.m21 = -(m12*m33 - m13*m32);
C.m22 = (m11*m33 - m13*m31);
C.m23 = -(m11*m32 - m12*m31);
C.m31 = (m12*m23 - m13*m22);
C.m32 = -(m11*m23 - m13*m21);
C.m33 = (m11*m22 - m12*m21);
C.transpose ();
*this = C;
(*this) *= s;
float Matrix3::determinant ()
m11 * (m22*m33 - m23*m32)
-m12 * (m21*m33 - m23*m31)
+m13 * (m21*m32 - m22*m31);
void Matrix3::transform (float x, float y, float z, Vector3& t)
t.x = m11*x+m12*y+m13*z;
t.y = m21*x+m22*y+m23*z;
t.z = m31*x+m32*y+m33*z;
void Matrix3::transform (Vector3& f, Vector3& t)
t.x = m11*f.x+m12*f.y+m13*f.z;
t.y = m21*f.x+m22*f.y+m23*f.z;
t.z = m31*f.x+m32*f.y+m33*f.z;
void Matrix3::dump (char* name)
MSG (("Matrix '%s':\n", name));
MSG (("/\n"));
MSG (("| %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f\n", m11, m12, m13));
MSG (("| %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f\n", m21, m22, m23));
MSG (("| %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f\n", m31, m32, m33));
MSG (("\\\n"));
void Matrix3::save (FILE* fp, int indent)
char sp[100]; strcpy (sp, spaces); sp[indent] = 0;
fprintf (fp, "%sMATRIX (", sp);
fprintf (fp, "%f,%f,%f,", m11, m12, m13);
fprintf (fp, "%f,%f,%f,", m21, m22, m23);
fprintf (fp, "%f,%f,%f", m31, m32, m33);
fprintf (fp, ")\n");
void Matrix3::load (char** buf)
char* t;
skip_token (buf, "MATRIX");
t = get_token (buf);
if (!strcmp (t, "IDENTITY"))
identity ();
else if (*t != '(')
float rc;
sscanf (t, "%f", &rc);
identity ();
*this *= rc;
m11 = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for MATRIX statement!\n");
m12 = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for MATRIX statement!\n");
m13 = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for MATRIX statement!\n");
m21 = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for MATRIX statement!\n");
m22 = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for MATRIX statement!\n");
m23 = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for MATRIX statement!\n");
m31 = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for MATRIX statement!\n");
m32 = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for MATRIX statement!\n");
m33 = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' to conclude MATRIX statement!\n");
void Matrix3::init ()
int Vector2::which_side_2d (Vector2& v1, Vector2& v2)
float s = (v1.y - y)*(v2.x - v1.x) - (v1.x - x)*(v2.y - v1.y);
if (s < 0) return -1;
else if (s > 0) return 1;
else return 0;
// This algorithm assumes that the polygon is convex and that
// the vertices of the polygon are oriented in clockwise ordering.
// If this was not the case then the polygon should not be drawn (culled)
// and this routine would not be called for it.
int Vector2::in_poly_2d (Vector2* P, int n, Box* bounding_box)
if (!bounding_box->in (x, y)) return POLY_OUT;
int i, i1;
int side;
i1 = n-1;
for (i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
// If this vertex is left of the polygon edge we are outside the polygon.
side = which_side_2d (P[i1], P[i]);
if (side < 0) return POLY_OUT;
else if (side == 0) return POLY_ON;
i1 = i;
return POLY_IN;
void Vector3::between (Vector3& v1, Vector3& v2, Vector3& v, float pct, float wid)
if (pct != -1)
pct /= 100.;
float dist = sqrt ((v1.x-v2.x)*(v1.x-v2.x)+(v1.y-v2.y)*(v1.y-v2.y)+(v1.z-v2.z)*(v1.z-v2.z));
pct = wid/dist;
v.x = pct*(v2.x-v1.x)+v1.x;
v.y = pct*(v2.y-v1.y)+v1.y;
v.z = pct*(v2.z-v1.z)+v1.z;
void Vector3::dump (char* name)
MSG (("Vector '%s': (%2.2f,%2.2f,%2.2f)\n", name, x, y, z));
void Vector3::save (FILE* fp, int indent)
char sp[100]; strcpy (sp, spaces); sp[indent] = 0;
fprintf (fp, "%s(%f,%f,%f)\n", sp, x, y, z);
void Vector3::load (char** buf)
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' to begin vector!\n");
x = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for vector!\n");
y = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' for vector!\n");
z = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' to conclude a vector!\n");
void Vector2::dump (char* name)
MSG (("Vector '%s': (%2.2f,%2.2f)\n", name, x, y));
Vector3& Vector3::operator+= (Vector3& v)
x += v.x;
y += v.y;
z += v.z;
return *this;
Vector3& Vector3::operator-= (Vector3& v)
x -= v.x;
y -= v.y;
z -= v.z;
return *this;
float Vector2::Area2 (float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, float cx, float cy)
float rc =
ax * by - ay * bx +
ay * cx - ax * cy +
bx * cy - cx * by;
if (ABS (rc) < SMALL_EPSILON) rc = 0;
return rc;
int Vector2::Right (float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, float cx, float cy)
return Area2 (ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) < 0;
int Vector2::Left (float ax, float ay, float bx, float by, float cx, float cy)
return Area2 (ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy) > 0;
* General function to test if two lines intersect.
* This function should not be used in speed-sensitive
* computations but it can be used to pre-compute stuff.
* The first line has its origin at (0,0).
* This function returns FALSE if the lines don't intersect
* (given that the second line is only a line-segment really
* and the first line is a vector starting at (0,0)).
* Note, that even in the case that lines don't intersect
* the intersection point is still correctly computed unless
* the slopes of the two lines is too close together.
* In the last case the intersection point is set to (0,0).
int intersect (
float x1, float y1, /* End-point of first line (vector really) */
float X1, float Y1, /* Coordinates of second line (segment really) */
float X2, float Y2,
Vector2* isect) /* Intersection vertex */
float u; /* Slope of first line */
float v; /* Slope of second line */
float cx, cy; /* Intersection point */
int ii; /* Set to TRUE if really intersect */
ii = TRUE;
cx = 0.;
cy = 0.;
if (ABS (x1) > ABS (y1))
* First line is more horizontal than vertical:
* y1
* y = ---- x
* x1
u = y1/x1;
if (ABS (X2-X1) > ABS (Y2-Y1))
* Second line is more horizontal than vertical.
v = (Y2-Y1) / (X2-X1);
if (ABS (u-v) < SMALL_EPSILON)
ii = FALSE;
cx = (Y1-v*X1)/(u-v);
cy = u*cx;
* Check if the line really cuts.
if ((cx < X1 && cx < X2) || (cx > X1 && cx > X2)) ii = FALSE;
* Second line is more vertical than horizontal.
v = (X2-X1) / (Y2-Y1);
if (ABS (1-u*v) < SMALL_EPSILON)
ii = FALSE;
cx = (X1-v*Y1)/(1-u*v);
cy = u*cx;
* Check if the line really cuts.
if ((cy < Y1 && cy < Y2) || (cy > Y1 && cy > Y2)) ii = FALSE;
* Check if cutting point is in right direction of first vector.
if ((x1 < 0 || cx < 0) && (x1 > 0 || cx > 0)) ii = FALSE;
* First line is more vertical than horizontal:
* x1
* x = ---- y
* y1
u = x1/y1;
if (ABS (X2-X1) > ABS (Y2-Y1))
* Second line is more horizontal than vertical.
v = (Y2-Y1) / (X2-X1);
if (ABS (1-u*v) < SMALL_EPSILON)
ii = FALSE;
cy = (Y1-v*X1)/(1-u*v);
cx = u*cy;
* Check if the line really cuts.
if ((cx < X1 && cx < X2) || (cx > X1 && cx > X2)) ii = FALSE;
* Second line is more vertical than horizontal.
v = (X2-X1) / (Y2-Y1);
if (ABS (u-v) < SMALL_EPSILON)
ii = FALSE;
cy = (X1-v*Y1)/(u-v);
cx = u*cy;
* Check if the line really cuts.
if ((cy < Y1 && cy < Y2) || (cy > Y1 && cy > Y2)) ii = FALSE;
* Check if cutting point is in right direction of first vector.
if ((y1 < 0 || cy < 0) && (y1 > 0 || cy > 0)) ii = FALSE;
if (isect)
isect->x = cx;
isect->y = cy;
return ii;
* r = ----------------------------- (eqn 1)
* s = ----------------------------- (eqn 2)
int Segment::intersect_segments (
Vector2& a, Vector2& b, /* First segment */
Vector2& c, Vector2& d, /* Second segment */
Vector2& isect, /* Intersection vertex */
float* rp) /* Return of the 'r' value */
float denom;
float r, s;
denom = (b.x-a.x)*(d.y-c.y) - (b.y-a.y)*(d.x-c.x);
if (ABS (denom) < EPSILON) return FALSE;
r = ((a.y-c.y)*(d.x-c.x) - (a.x-c.x)*(d.y-c.y)) / denom;
s = ((a.y-c.y)*(b.x-a.x) - (a.x-c.x)*(b.y-a.y)) / denom;
//if (r < 0 || r > 1 || s < 0 || s > 1) return FALSE;
isect.x = a.x + r*(b.x-a.x);
isect.y = a.y + r*(b.y-a.y);
*rp = r;
return TRUE;
int Segment::intersect_segment_line (
Vector2& a, Vector2& b, /* First segment */
Vector2& c, Vector2& d, /* Second line */
Vector2& isect, /* Intersection vertex */
float* rp) /* Return of the 'r' value */
float denom;
float r;
denom = (b.x-a.x)*(d.y-c.y) - (b.y-a.y)*(d.x-c.x);
if (ABS (denom) < SMALL_EPSILON) return FALSE;
r = ((a.y-c.y)*(d.x-c.x) - (a.x-c.x)*(d.y-c.y)) / denom;
//if (r < 0 || r > 1) return FALSE;
if (r < -SMALL_EPSILON || r > 1+SMALL_EPSILON) return FALSE;
isect.x = a.x + r*(b.x-a.x);
isect.y = a.y + r*(b.y-a.y);
*rp = r;
return TRUE;
* x = r * (x2-x1) + x1;
* y = r * (y2-y1) + y1;
* z = r * (z2-z1) + z1;
float Segment::intersect_z_plane_3d (
float z, // Z plane coordinate
Vector3& a, Vector3& b, // Segment
Vector3& i) // Intersection vertex
// z = r * (z2-z1) + z1;
// --> r = (z-z1) / (z2-z1)
float r = (z-a.z) / (b.z-a.z);
i.x = r * (b.x-a.x) + a.x;
i.y = r * (b.y-a.y) + a.y;
i.z = z;
return r;