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#ifndef POLYSET_H
#define POLYSET_H
#ifndef MATH3D_H
#include "math3d.h"
#ifndef SCRIPT_H
#include "script.h"
#ifndef VERTEX_H
#include "vertex.h"
#ifndef CSOBJECT_H
#include "csobject.h"
class Polygon3D;
class Sector;
class World;
class Camera;
class ViewPolygon;
class Textures;
// A PolygonSet class is a set of polygons (amazing, isn't it :-)
// A PolygonSet describes a set of polygons that form a convex and
// (probably) closed hull. All polygons in a set share vertices
// from the same pool.
// Every polygon in the set has a visible and an invisible face;
// if the vertices of the polygon are ordered clockwise then the
// polygon is visible. Using this feature it is possible to define
// two kinds of PolygonSets: in one kind the polygons are oriented
// such that they are visible from within the hull. In other words,
// the polygons form a sort of container or room where the camera
// can be located. We call this kind of PolygonSet a Sector (a
// subclass of PolygonSet). In another kind the polygons are
// oriented such that they are visible from the outside. We call
// this kind of PolygonSet a Thing (another subclass of PolygonSet).
// Things and Sectors have many similarities. That's why the
// PolygonSet class was created: to exploit these similarities.
// However, there are some important differences between Things and
// Sectors:
// - Currently, only things can move. This means that the object
// space coordinates of a Sector are ALWAYS equal to the world
// space coordinates. It would be possible to allow moveable
// Sectors but I don't how this should be integrated into an
// easy model of the world.
// - Polygons in things don't support filtering, transparency,
// and portals although this could be added. It would give
// some nice effects. But for this feature to be really useful
// we would need to have good support for space warping via
// portals.
class PolygonSet : public CsObject
PolygonSet* next; // PolygonSets are linked either in a World object or in
// another PolygonSet (Thing in Sector for example).
Vertex* vertices; // Table of vertices used by polygons in set
int num_vertices;
int max_vertices;
Polygon3D** polygon; // Table of ptr to polygons forming the outside of the set
int num_polygon; // Number used
int max_polygon; // Max supported
Sector* sector; // Sector where this polyset belongs (pointer to this if it is a sector).
PolygonSet (char* name, int type, int max_v, int max_p);
~PolygonSet ();
void set_max (int max_v, int max_p);
void set_vertex (int idx, Vector3 v) { set_vertex (idx, v.x, v.y, v.z); }
void set_vertex (int idx, float x, float y, float z);
Vertex& vtex (int idx) { return vertices[idx]; }
void add_polygon (Polygon3D* poly);
Polygon3D* new_polygon (char* name, int max, Textures* textures, int texnr);
Polygon3D* new_polygon (char* name, int max, Textures* textures, char* tex_name);
int get_num_polygon () { return num_polygon; }
Polygon3D* get_polygon (int idx) { return polygon[idx]; }
Polygon3D* get_polygon (char* name);
// Intersect world-space segment with polygons of this set. Return
// polygon it intersects with (or NULL) and the intersection point
// in world coordinates.
Polygon3D* intersect_segment (Vector3& start, Vector3& end, Vector3& isect);
// Return FALSE if none of the vertices of this sector is in front
// of the camera.
int transform_world2cam (Matrix3& m_w2c, Matrix3& m_c2w, Vector3& v_w2c);
void dump ();
PolygonSet* get_next () { return next; }
void set_next (PolygonSet* next) { PolygonSet::next = next; }
void set_sector (Sector* sector) { PolygonSet::sector = sector; }
void save (FILE* fp, int indent, Textures* textures, char* setname);
void load (World* w, char** buf, Textures* textures, char* setname);
Polygon3D* select_polygon (Camera* c, ViewPolygon* view, int xx, int yy);
Vertex* select_vertex (Camera* c, ViewPolygon* view, int xx, int yy);
void edit_draw_vertices ();
void edit_split_poly (Camera* c, Textures* textures);
#endif /*POLYSET_H*/