Dream 52
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1,352 lines
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "system.h"
#ifndef DEF_H
#include "def.h"
#ifndef SECTOR_H
#include "sector.h"
#ifndef THING_H
#include "thing.h"
//#ifndef OCCLUS_H
//#include "occlus.h"
#ifndef POLYGON_H
#include "polygon.h"
#ifndef LIGHT_H
#include "light.h"
#ifndef TOKEN_H
#include "token.h"
#ifndef SCAN_H
#include "scan.h"
#ifndef CAMERA_H
#include "camera.h"
#ifndef TEXTURE_H
#include "texture.h"
#ifndef WORLD_H
#include "world.h"
Sector::Sector (char* name, int max_v, int max_p) : PolygonSet (name, CS_SECTOR, max_v, max_p)
first_thing = NULL;
first_occlusion = NULL;
num_lights = 0;
sector = this;
draw_done = FALSE;
beam_done = FALSE;
level1 = level2 = level3 = 0;
Sector::~Sector ()
int i;
while (first_thing)
Thing* n = (Thing*)(first_thing->get_next ());
delete first_thing;
first_thing = n;
while (first_occlusion)
Occlusion* n = first_occlusion->get_next ();
delete first_occlusion;
first_occlusion = n;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_lights ; i++)
delete lights[i];
void Sector::add_thing (Thing* thing)
thing->set_next ((PolygonSet*)first_thing);
first_thing = thing;
void Sector::add_occlusion (Occlusion* occlusion)
occlusion->set_next (first_occlusion);
first_occlusion = occlusion;
void Sector::add_light (Light* light)
lights[num_lights++] = light;
light->set_sector (this);
Polygon3D* Sector::hit_beam (Vector3& start, Vector3& end)
Vector3 isect;
Polygon3D* p;
// First check the things of this sector and return the one with
// the closest distance.
Thing* sp = first_thing;
float sq_dist, min_sq_dist = 100000000.;
Polygon3D* min_poly = NULL;
while (sp)
p = sp->intersect_segment (start, end, isect);
if (p)
sq_dist = (isect.x-start.x)*(isect.x-start.x) +
(isect.y-start.y)*(isect.y-start.y) +
if (sq_dist < min_sq_dist) { min_sq_dist = sq_dist; min_poly = p; }
sp = (Thing*)(sp->get_next ());
if (min_poly) return min_poly;
p = intersect_segment (start, end, isect);
if (p)
if (p->get_portal ()) return p->get_portal ()->hit_beam (start, end);
else return p;
else return NULL;
int Sector::hit_beam (Vector3& start, Vector3& end, Polygon3D* poly)
int rc = FALSE;
Polygon3D* p;
Vector3 isect;
if (this == poly->get_sector ()) rc = TRUE;
beam_done = TRUE;
p = intersect_segment (start, end, isect);
if (p)
// If the two polygons are on the same plane there is a hit.
if (p->same_plane (poly))
rc = TRUE;
Sector* s = p->get_portal ();
if (!s) rc = FALSE;
else if (s->beam_done) rc = FALSE;
else rc = s->hit_beam (start, end, poly);
beam_done = FALSE;
// If rc == TRUE the beam of light hits the polygon. In
// that case we check if there are no things in between the
// light and the polygon that could still block that beam.
if (rc)
Thing* sp = first_thing;
while (sp)
p = sp->intersect_segment (start, end, isect);
if (p && p->get_poly_set () != poly->get_poly_set ()) return FALSE;
sp = (Thing*)(sp->get_next ());
return rc;
void Sector::shine_lights ()
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_lights ; i++)
printf ("Shining light %d (%2.2f,%2.2f,%2.2f) %2.2f in sector '%s'\n",
i, lights[i]->get_center ().x, lights[i]->get_center ().y, lights[i]->get_center ().z,
lights[i]->get_dist (),
get_name ());
lights[i]->shine ();
void Sector::clear_shine_done ()
int i;
draw_done = TRUE;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
Sector* s = polygon[i]->get_portal ();
if (s)
if (!s->draw_done) s->clear_shine_done ();
polygon[i]->clear_shine_done ();
draw_done = FALSE;
Thing* sp = first_thing;
while (sp)
sp->clear_shine_done ();
sp = (Thing*)(sp->get_next ());
void Sector::mipmap_settings (int setting)
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
Sector* s = polygon[i]->get_portal ();
if (!s)
polygon[i]->mipmap_settings (setting);
Thing* sp = first_thing;
while (sp)
sp->mipmap_settings (setting);
sp = (Thing*)(sp->get_next ());
void Sector::shine (Light* light)
int i;
draw_done = TRUE;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
if (polygon[i]->visible_from_point (light->get_center ()))
if (polygon[i]->sq_distance (light->get_center ()) < light->get_sq_dist ())
Sector* s = polygon[i]->get_portal ();
if (s)
if (!s->draw_done) s->shine (light);
polygon[i]->shine (light);
draw_done = FALSE;
Thing* sp = first_thing;
while (sp)
sp->shine (light);
sp = (Thing*)(sp->get_next ());
void Sector::setup_dyn_light (DynLight* light)
int i;
float sq_dist;
draw_done = TRUE;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
if (polygon[i]->visible_from_point (light->get_center ()))
sq_dist = polygon[i]->sq_distance (light->get_center ());
if (sq_dist < light->get_sq_dist ())
Sector* s = polygon[i]->get_portal ();
if (s)
if (!s->draw_done) s->setup_dyn_light (light);
polygon[i]->setup_dyn_light (light, sq_dist);
draw_done = FALSE;
DynLight* Sector::add_dyn_light (float x, float y, float z, float dist, float strength,
float red_strength, float blue_strength)
DynLight* l = new DynLight (x, y, z, dist, strength, red_strength, blue_strength);
l->set_sector (this);
l->setup ();
return l;
void Sector::draw (ViewPolygon* view, Matrix3& m_w2c, Matrix3& m_c2w, Vector3& v_w2c)
int i;
draw_done = TRUE;
// First compute the convex hulls for all occlusion objects.
// These can then be used to
Occlusion* o = first_occlusion;
while (o)
if (o->transform_world2cam (m_w2c, m_c2w, v_w2c))
o->convex_hull ();
if (Scan::c->edit_mode != MODE_NONE) o->edit_draw_vertices ();
else o->clear_hull ();
o = o->get_next ();
#endif /*USE_OCCLUSION*/
transform_world2cam (m_w2c, m_c2w, v_w2c);
for (i = 0 ; i < num_polygon ; i++)
if (polygon[i]->do_perspective (m_w2c, m_c2w, v_w2c, &Polygon2D::clipped))
if (Polygon2D::clipped.clip_poly_variant (view))
o = first_occlusion;
while (o)
if (!Polygon2D::clipped.clip_to_occlusion (o)) break;
o = o->get_next ();
if (o) continue; // Polygon has been completely clipped away
# endif /*USE_OCCLUSION*/
Sector* s = polygon[i]->get_portal ();
if (s)
//if (!s->draw_done)
ViewPolygon* new_view = Polygon2D::clipped.create_view ();
if (new_view)
int filtered =
Scan::textures->get_texture (polygon[i]->get_texnr ())->get_transparent () != -1 ||
Scan::textures->get_texture (polygon[i]->get_texnr ())->get_filtered ();
Polygon2D* keep_clipped = NULL;
if (filtered)
keep_clipped = new Polygon2D (Polygon2D::clipped);
if (polygon[i]->is_space_warped ())
Matrix3 mw_w2c = m_w2c;
Matrix3 mw_c2w = m_c2w;
Vector3 vw_w2c = v_w2c;
polygon[i]->warp_space (mw_w2c, mw_c2w, vw_w2c);
s->draw (new_view, mw_w2c, mw_c2w, vw_w2c);
else s->draw (new_view, m_w2c, m_c2w, v_w2c);
delete new_view;
if (filtered)
keep_clipped->draw_filled (polygon[i]);
delete keep_clipped;
//else printf ("This should not happen!\n");
else Polygon2D::clipped.draw_filled (polygon[i]);
if (Scan::c->edit_mode != MODE_NONE && Scan::c->sel_polygon == polygon[i])
Polygon2D::clipped.draw (Scan::textures->red ());
else if (Scan::c->edit_mode == MODE_POLYGON) Polygon2D::clipped.draw (Scan::textures->white ());
if (Scan::c->edit_mode != MODE_NONE) edit_draw_vertices ();
Thing* sp = first_thing;
while (sp)
sp->draw (view, m_w2c, m_c2w, v_w2c);
sp = (Thing*)(sp->get_next ());
draw_done = FALSE;
void Sector::save (FILE* fp, int indent, Textures* textures)
char sp[100]; strcpy (sp, spaces); sp[indent] = 0;
PolygonSet::save (fp, indent, textures, "SECTOR");
Occlusion* o = first_occlusion;
while (o)
o->save (fp, indent+2);
o = o->get_next ();
Thing* s = first_thing;
while (s)
s->save (fp, indent+2, textures);
s = (Thing*)(s->get_next ());
int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_lights ; i++)
lights[i]->save (fp, indent+2);
fprintf (fp, "%s)\n", sp);
typedef char ObName[30];
void Sector::load_room (World* w, char** buf, Textures* textures)
char* t;
char* old_buf;
int i, j, k, l;
int i1, i2, i3, i4;
level1 = textures->get_level1 ();
level2 = textures->get_level2 ();
level3 = textures->get_level3 ();
set_max (200, 100);
num_vertices = 0;
num_polygon = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_lights ; i++) delete lights[i];
num_lights = 0;
while (first_thing)
Thing* n = (Thing*)(first_thing->get_next ());
delete first_thing;
first_thing = n;
skip_token (buf, "ROOM");
t = get_token (buf);
strcpy (name, t);
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after the name of a ROOM!\n");
Matrix3 mm; mm.identity ();
Vector3 vm (0, 0, 0);
int texnr;
float tscale;
int no_mipmap = FALSE, no_lighting = FALSE;
texnr = 0;
tscale = 1;
int num_portals = 0;
struct Portal
ObName poly;
ObName sector;
int is_warp;
Matrix3 m_warp;
Vector3 v_warp;
Portal portals[30];
int num_splits = 0;
struct Split
ObName poly;
float pctA[20];
float widA[20];
int dir;
int cnt;
Split to_split[60];
struct Color
ObName poly;
ObName plane;
int texnr;
Color colors[100];
int num_colors = 0;
Vector3 v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7;
v0.x = -1; v0.y = 1; v0.z = 1;
v1.x = 1; v1.y = 1; v1.z = 1;
v2.x = -1; v2.y = -1; v2.z = 1;
v3.x = 1; v3.y = -1; v3.z = 1;
v4.x = -1; v4.y = 1; v4.z = -1;
v5.x = 1; v5.y = 1; v5.z = -1;
v6.x = -1; v6.y = -1; v6.z = -1;
v7.x = 1; v7.y = -1; v7.z = -1;
float r;
while (TRUE)
old_buf = *buf;
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ')' || *t == 0) break;
if (!strcmp (t, "MOVE"))
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after MOVE!\n");
mm.load (buf);
vm.load (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' to finish MOVE!\n");
else if (!strcmp (t, "TEXTURE"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after TEXTURE!\n");
t = get_token (buf);
texnr = textures->get_texture_idx (t);
if (texnr == -1)
printf ("Couldn't find texture named '%s'!\n", t);
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (t, "TEXTURE_LIGHTING"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after TEXTURE_LIGHTING!\n");
t = get_token (buf);
no_lighting = !!strcmp (t, "yes");
else if (!strcmp (t, "TEXTURE_MIPMAP"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after TEXTURE_MIPMAP!\n");
t = get_token (buf);
no_mipmap = !!strcmp (t, "yes");
else if (!strcmp (t, "CEIL_TEXTURE"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEIL_TEXTURE!\n");
t = get_token (buf);
colors[num_colors].texnr = textures->get_texture_idx (t);
if (colors[num_colors].texnr == -1)
printf ("Couldn't find texture named '%s'!\n", t);
exit (0);
strcpy (colors[num_colors].poly, "up");
colors[num_colors].plane[0] = 0;
else if (!strcmp (t, "FLOOR_TEXTURE"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR_TEXTURE!\n");
t = get_token (buf);
colors[num_colors].texnr = textures->get_texture_idx (t);
if (colors[num_colors].texnr == -1)
printf ("Couldn't find texture named '%s'!\n", t);
exit (0);
strcpy (colors[num_colors].poly, "down");
colors[num_colors].plane[0] = 0;
else if (!strcmp (t, "TEX"))
t = get_token (buf);
strcpy (colors[num_colors].poly, t);
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' in TEX!\n");
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' in TEX!\n");
colors[num_colors].plane[0] = 0;
colors[num_colors].texnr = -1;
while (TRUE)
old_buf = *buf;
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ')' || *t == 0) break;
if (!strcmp (t, "TEXTURE"))
t = get_token (buf);
colors[num_colors].texnr = textures->get_texture_idx (t);
if (colors[num_colors].texnr == -1)
printf ("Couldn't find texture named '%s'!\n", t);
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (t, "PLANE"))
t = get_token (buf);
strcpy (colors[num_colors].plane, t);
printf ("What is '%s' doing in a ROOM/TEX statement?\n", t);
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (t, "TEXTURE_SCALE"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after TEXTURE_SCALE!\n");
tscale = get_token_float (buf);
else if (!strcmp (t, "DIMX"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after DIMX!\n");
r = get_token_float (buf);
r /= 2;
v0.x = -r;
v1.x = r;
v2.x = -r;
v3.x = r;
v4.x = -r;
v5.x = r;
v6.x = -r;
v7.x = r;
else if (!strcmp (t, "DIMY"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after DIMY!\n");
r = get_token_float (buf);
r /= 2;
v0.y = r;
v1.y = r;
v2.y = -r;
v3.y = -r;
v4.y = r;
v5.y = r;
v6.y = -r;
v7.y = -r;
else if (!strcmp (t, "DIMZ"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after DIMZ!\n");
r = get_token_float (buf);
r /= 2;
v0.z = r;
v1.z = r;
v2.z = r;
v3.z = r;
v4.z = -r;
v5.z = -r;
v6.z = -r;
v7.z = -r;
else if (!strcmp (t, "FLOOR_HEIGHT"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR_HEIGHT!\n");
r = get_token_float (buf);
v0.y = r+v0.y-v2.y;
v1.y = r+v1.y-v3.y;
v4.y = r+v4.y-v6.y;
v5.y = r+v5.y-v7.y;
v2.y = r;
v3.y = r;
v6.y = r;
v7.y = r;
else if (!strcmp (t, "HEIGHT"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after HEIGHT!\n");
r = get_token_float (buf);
v0.y = r+v2.y;
v1.y = r+v3.y;
v4.y = r+v6.y;
v5.y = r+v7.y;
else if (!strcmp (t, "FLOOR") || !strcmp (t, "FLOOR_CEIL"))
int floor_ceil = !strcmp (t, "FLOOR_CEIL");
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
v2.x = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
v2.z = get_token_float (buf);
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ',')
v2.y = v2.z;
v2.z = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
else if (*t != ')') { printf ("Expected ')' after FLOOR!\n"); exit (0); }
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
v3.x = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
v3.z = get_token_float (buf);
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ',')
v3.y = v3.z;
v3.z = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
else if (*t != ')') { printf ("Expected ')' after FLOOR!\n"); exit (0); }
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
v7.x = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
v7.z = get_token_float (buf);
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ',')
v7.y = v7.z;
v7.z = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
else if (*t != ')') { printf ("Expected ')' after FLOOR!\n"); exit (0); }
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
v6.x = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
v6.z = get_token_float (buf);
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ',')
v6.y = v6.z;
v6.z = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after FLOOR!\n");
else if (*t != ')') { printf ("Expected ')' after FLOOR!\n"); exit (0); }
if (floor_ceil)
v0 = v2;
v1 = v3;
v5 = v7;
v4 = v6;
else if (!strcmp (t, "CEILING"))
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
v0.x = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
v0.z = get_token_float (buf);
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ',')
v0.y = v0.z;
v0.z = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
else if (*t != ')') { printf ("Expected ')' after CEILING!\n"); exit (0); }
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
v1.x = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
v1.z = get_token_float (buf);
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ',')
v1.y = v1.z;
v1.z = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
else if (*t != ')') { printf ("Expected ')' after CEILING!\n"); exit (0); }
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
v5.x = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
v5.z = get_token_float (buf);
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ',')
v5.y = v5.z;
v5.z = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
else if (*t != ')') { printf ("Expected ')' after CEILING!\n"); exit (0); }
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
v4.x = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
v4.z = get_token_float (buf);
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ',')
v4.y = v4.z;
v4.z = get_token_float (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after CEILING!\n");
else if (*t != ')') { printf ("Expected ')' after CEILING!\n"); exit (0); }
else if (!strcmp (t, "LIGHT"))
*buf = old_buf;
Light* l = new Light (0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0);
l->load (buf);
add_light (l);
else if (!strcmp (t, "SIXFACE"))
// Not an object but it is translated to a special thing.
t = get_token (buf);
Thing* sp = new Thing (t, 100, 100);
sp->set_sector (this);
*buf = old_buf;
sp->load_sixface (w, buf, textures);
add_thing (sp);
else if (!strcmp (t, "THING"))
// A thing.
t = get_token (buf);
Thing* sp = new Thing (t, 100, 100);
sp->set_sector (this);
*buf = old_buf;
sp->load (w, buf, textures);
add_thing (sp);
else if (!strcmp (t, "OCCLUSION"))
// An occlusion object.
t = get_token (buf);
Occlusion* sp = new Occlusion (t, 100);
sp->set_sector (this);
*buf = old_buf;
sp->load (w, buf);
add_occlusion (sp);
else if (!strcmp (t, "PORTAL"))
skip_token (buf, "=", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after PORTAL!\n");
skip_token (buf, "(", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' after PORTAL!\n");
t = get_token (buf);
strcpy (portals[num_portals].poly, t);
skip_token (buf, ",", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' in PORTAL statement!\n");
t = get_token (buf);
strcpy (portals[num_portals].sector, t);
t = get_token (buf);
portals[num_portals].is_warp = FALSE;
if (*t == ',')
portals[num_portals].is_warp = TRUE;
portals[num_portals].m_warp.load (buf);
portals[num_portals].v_warp.load (buf);
skip_token (buf, ")", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' to end PORTAL statement!\n");
else if (*t != ')')
printf ("Expected ')' or ',' to end PORTAL statement!\n");
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (t, "SPLIT"))
t = get_token (buf);
strcpy (to_split[num_splits].poly, t);
t = get_token (buf);
if (!strcmp (t, "VER")) to_split[num_splits].dir = 0;
else if (!strcmp (t, "HOR")) to_split[num_splits].dir = 1;
printf ("Expected 'VER' or 'HOR' in SPLIT statement!\n");
to_split[num_splits].dir = 0;
t = get_token (buf);
int cnt = 0;
if (*t == '%')
to_split[num_splits].pctA[cnt] = get_token_float (buf);
else if (*t == '[')
while (*t && *t != ']')
if (*t != '[' && *t != ',')
printf ("Expected '[' or ',' instead of '%s' in list of sizes!\n", t);
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == '%')
to_split[num_splits].pctA[cnt] = get_token_float (buf);
to_split[num_splits].pctA[cnt] = -1;
sscanf (t, "%f", &to_split[num_splits].widA[cnt]);
t = get_token (buf);
to_split[num_splits].pctA[cnt] = -1;
sscanf (t, "%f", &to_split[num_splits].widA[cnt]);
to_split[num_splits].cnt = cnt;
else if (!strcmp (t, "TRIGGER"))
t = get_token (buf);
if (!strcmp (t, "activate"))
skip_token (buf, ":", "Expected '%s' instead of '%s' in TRIGGER!\n");
t = get_token (buf);
Script* s = w->get_script (t);
if (!s)
printf ("Don't know script '%s'!\n", t);
exit (0);
new_activate_trigger (s);
printf ("Trigger '%s' not supported or known for object '%s'!\n", t, name);
exit (0);
printf ("What is '%s' doing in a ROOM statement?\n", t);
exit (0);
Vector3 v, vv;
j = 0;
mm.transform (v0, vv); vv += vm; set_vertex (j++, vv);
mm.transform (v1, vv); vv += vm; set_vertex (j++, vv);
mm.transform (v2, vv); vv += vm; set_vertex (j++, vv);
mm.transform (v3, vv); vv += vm; set_vertex (j++, vv);
mm.transform (v4, vv); vv += vm; set_vertex (j++, vv);
mm.transform (v5, vv); vv += vm; set_vertex (j++, vv);
mm.transform (v6, vv); vv += vm; set_vertex (j++, vv);
mm.transform (v7, vv); vv += vm; set_vertex (j++, vv);
Polygon3D* p;
struct Todo
ObName poly;
int v1, v2, v3, v4;
int tv1, tv2;
int texnr;
int col_idx; // Idx in colors table if there was an override.
Todo todo[100];
int done = 0;
int todo_end = 0;
strcpy (todo[todo_end].poly, "north");
todo[todo_end].v1 = 0;
todo[todo_end].v2 = 1;
todo[todo_end].v3 = 3;
todo[todo_end].v4 = 2;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = 0;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = 1;
todo[todo_end].texnr = texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = -1;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_colors ; i++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[i].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = i;
strcpy (todo[todo_end].poly, "east");
todo[todo_end].v1 = 1;
todo[todo_end].v2 = 5;
todo[todo_end].v3 = 7;
todo[todo_end].v4 = 3;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = 1;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = 5;
todo[todo_end].texnr = texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = -1;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_colors ; i++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[i].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = i;
strcpy (todo[todo_end].poly, "south");
todo[todo_end].v1 = 5;
todo[todo_end].v2 = 4;
todo[todo_end].v3 = 6;
todo[todo_end].v4 = 7;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = 5;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = 4;
todo[todo_end].texnr = texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = -1;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_colors ; i++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[i].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = i;
strcpy (todo[todo_end].poly, "west");
todo[todo_end].v1 = 4;
todo[todo_end].v2 = 0;
todo[todo_end].v3 = 2;
todo[todo_end].v4 = 6;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = 4;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = 0;
todo[todo_end].texnr = texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = -1;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_colors ; i++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[i].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = i;
strcpy (todo[todo_end].poly, "up");
todo[todo_end].v1 = 4;
todo[todo_end].v2 = 5;
todo[todo_end].v3 = 1;
todo[todo_end].v4 = 0;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = 4;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = 5;
todo[todo_end].texnr = texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = -1;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_colors ; i++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[i].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = i;
strcpy (todo[todo_end].poly, "down");
todo[todo_end].v1 = 2;
todo[todo_end].v2 = 3;
todo[todo_end].v3 = 7;
todo[todo_end].v4 = 6;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = 2;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = 3;
todo[todo_end].texnr = texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = -1;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_colors ; i++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[i].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = i;
int split;
while (done < todo_end)
split = FALSE;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_splits ; i++)
if (!strcmp (todo[done].poly, to_split[i].poly))
split = TRUE;
if (split)
if (to_split[i].dir)
// Horizontal
i1 = todo[done].v1;
i2 = todo[done].v2;
i3 = todo[done].v3;
i4 = todo[done].v4;
for (l = 0 ; l < to_split[i].cnt ; l++)
Vector3::between (vtex (i1).get_v (), vtex (i2).get_v (),
v, to_split[i].pctA[l], to_split[i].widA[l]);
set_vertex (j++, v);
Vector3::between (vtex (i4).get_v (), vtex (i3).get_v (),
v, to_split[i].pctA[l], to_split[i].widA[l]);
set_vertex (j++, v);
sprintf (todo[todo_end].poly, "%s%c", todo[done].poly, l+'A');
todo[todo_end].v1 = i1;
todo[todo_end].v2 = j-2;
todo[todo_end].v3 = j-1;
todo[todo_end].v4 = i4;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = todo[done].tv1;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = todo[done].tv2;
todo[todo_end].texnr = todo[done].texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = todo[done].col_idx;
for (k = 0 ; k < num_colors ; k++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[k].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = k;
i1 = j-2;
i4 = j-1;
sprintf (todo[todo_end].poly, "%s%c", todo[done].poly, l+'A');
todo[todo_end].v1 = i1;
todo[todo_end].v2 = i2;
todo[todo_end].v3 = i3;
todo[todo_end].v4 = i4;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = todo[done].tv1;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = todo[done].tv2;
todo[todo_end].texnr = todo[done].texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = todo[done].col_idx;
for (k = 0 ; k < num_colors ; k++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[k].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = k;
// Vertical
i1 = todo[done].v1;
i2 = todo[done].v2;
i3 = todo[done].v3;
i4 = todo[done].v4;
for (l = 0 ; l < to_split[i].cnt ; l++)
Vector3::between (vtex (i4).get_v (), vtex (i1).get_v (),
v, to_split[i].pctA[l], to_split[i].widA[l]);
set_vertex (j++, v);
Vector3::between (vtex (i3).get_v (), vtex (i2).get_v (),
v, to_split[i].pctA[l], to_split[i].widA[l]);
set_vertex (j++, v);
sprintf (todo[todo_end].poly, "%s%d", todo[done].poly, l+1);
todo[todo_end].v1 = j-2;
todo[todo_end].v2 = j-1;
todo[todo_end].v3 = i3;
todo[todo_end].v4 = i4;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = todo[done].tv1;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = todo[done].tv2;
todo[todo_end].texnr = todo[done].texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = todo[done].col_idx;
for (k = 0 ; k < num_colors ; k++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[k].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = k;
i3 = j-1;
i4 = j-2;
sprintf (todo[todo_end].poly, "%s%d", todo[done].poly, l+1);
todo[todo_end].v1 = i1;
todo[todo_end].v2 = i2;
todo[todo_end].v3 = i3;
todo[todo_end].v4 = i4;
todo[todo_end].tv1 = todo[done].tv1;
todo[todo_end].tv2 = todo[done].tv2;
todo[todo_end].texnr = todo[done].texnr;
todo[todo_end].col_idx = todo[done].col_idx;
for (k = 0 ; k < num_colors ; k++)
if (!strcmp (todo[todo_end].poly, colors[k].poly))
todo[todo_end].col_idx = k;
int idx = todo[done].col_idx;
if (idx == -1 || colors[idx].texnr == -1) texnr = todo[done].texnr;
else texnr = colors[idx].texnr;
p = new_polygon (todo[done].poly, 10, textures, texnr);
p->add_vertex (todo[done].v1);
p->add_vertex (todo[done].v2);
p->add_vertex (todo[done].v3);
p->add_vertex (todo[done].v4);
if (idx == -1 || colors[idx].plane[0] == 0)
p->set_texture_space (vtex (todo[done].tv1), vtex (todo[done].tv2), tscale);
p->set_texture_space (w->get_plane (colors[idx].plane));
p->set_no_mipmap (no_mipmap);
p->set_no_lighting (no_lighting);
Sector* portal;
for (i = 0 ; i < num_portals ; i++)
p = get_polygon (portals[i].poly);
if (!p)
printf ("Error locating polygon '%s' in room '%s'!\n", portals[i].poly, name);
portal = w->get_sector (portals[i].sector);
if (!portal)
portal = w->new_sector (portals[i].sector, 10, 10); // This will later be defined correctly
p->set_portal (portal);
if (portals[i].is_warp)
p->set_warp (portals[i].m_warp, portals[i].v_warp);
void Sector::load (World* w, char** buf, Textures* textures)
char* t;
char* old_buf;
PolygonSet::load (w, buf, textures, "SECTOR");
int i;
level1 = textures->get_level1 ();
level2 = textures->get_level2 ();
level3 = textures->get_level3 ();
for (i = 0 ; i < num_lights ; i++) delete lights[i];
num_lights = 0;
while (first_thing)
Thing* n = (Thing*)(first_thing->get_next ());
delete first_thing;
first_thing = n;
while (TRUE)
old_buf = *buf;
t = get_token (buf);
if (*t == ')' || *t == 0) break;
if (!strcmp (t, "THING"))
t = get_token (buf);
Thing* sp = new Thing (t, 100, 100);
sp->set_sector (this);
*buf = old_buf;
sp->load (w, buf, textures);
add_thing (sp);
else if (!strcmp (t, "OCCLUSION"))
t = get_token (buf);
Occlusion* sp = new Occlusion (t, 100);
sp->set_sector (this);
*buf = old_buf;
sp->load (w, buf);
add_occlusion (sp);
else if (!strcmp (t, "SIXFACE"))
t = get_token (buf);
Thing* sp = new Thing (t, 100, 100);
sp->set_sector (this);
*buf = old_buf;
sp->load_sixface (w, buf, textures);
add_thing (sp);
else if (!strcmp (t, "LIGHT"))
*buf = old_buf;
Light* l = new Light (0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0);
l->load (buf);
add_light (l);
printf ("What is '%s' doing in a THING statement?\n", t);
Thing* Sector::get_thing (char* name)
Thing* s = first_thing;
while (s)
if (!strcmp (name, s->get_name ())) return s;
s = (Thing*)(s->get_next ());
return NULL;
Polygon3D* Sector::select_polygon (Camera* c, ViewPolygon* view, int xx, int yy)
// First check the things.
Thing* sp = first_thing;
Polygon3D* p, * min_p = NULL;
Vector2 vs;
Vector3 vc;
vs.x = (float)xx;
vs.y = (float)yy;
float min_z = 1000000000.;
while (sp)
p = sp->select_polygon (c, view, xx, yy);
if (p)
// Directly after a ::select_polygon, Polygon2D::clipped still contains
// the clipped polygon.
#if 0
Polygon2D::clipped.get_3d_point (vs, vc);
if (vc.z < min_z)
min_z = vc.z;
min_p = p;
sp = (Thing*)(sp->get_next ());
if (min_p) return min_p;
else return PolygonSet::select_polygon (c, view, xx, yy);