Labels:text | screenshot | map OCR: @ Copyright 1998 (ROC Yr. 87) by Li-Cheng (Andy) Tai. Permission to copy in any medium granted. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Software Wars Free Software Defense line BeOS Apple Windows NT Redhat Linux MacOS Being Office 98 GNU Linux Assimilated Windows NT Defense line IBM $150 Million liberation Empire FreeBSD OS/2 retreat NetBSD Redmond --------- skirmish Windows 95/98/NT Open BSD Windows 95 of Perl Windows NT ISCO Apache Ruled by HP Emperor Bill the Great Joining the empire Windows NT Microsoft Visual J++ Modo zilla retreat Windows 95 Internet Free Software Windows NT Explorer and Netscape Other battle link up March 31, 1998 Unices báttlé (DEC, battle, AIX ... ) SGI retreat Java - --- Irix Solaris Netscape