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SortMailPrefs 1.0
Hi there :)
This will be a shooooort doc: I _hate_ writing docs. Really. Thus, please
do me a favour: READ IT ALL! :)
1. What is this bunch of bytes?
SortMailPrefs is a MUI counterpart for the CfgSortMail script that comes
with THOR. I always wondered why one has to use a slow script with a poor
GUI to set up a trigger... eventually, I decided to write something by
myself, since I had a few spare hours.
Well... to be honest, CfgSortMail has some things that my editor hasn't,
like AutoConfiguration...
2. How to use
Read the SortMail docs :^)
By the way... the GUI is actually quite large... so if you still use a
640x256 display (in 1998! argh!) you might have problems... buy a monitor!
WARNING: this program has NOT been bug-tested. It may have bugs, it might
wipe out your harddisk, cause floods, thunderstorms and alien abductions.
Hopefully it will run fine, but you've been warned ;-)
3. Bug reports, contributions, etc...
First of all, let me state clearly that I will NOT work on this other than
to add something *I* need. So please don't send me emails asking for new
features or suggesting new things...
I am really sorry, but I have absolutely no time to send on this project.
This is also why you can find the complete source code in the archive: if
you need something, add it yourself :-P
You can do whatever you want with the code, provided that:
1. if you release a new version of this prefs editor, you MUST leave my
name in it and put this ReadMe inside its archive
2. you don't use it for commercial purposes
Consider this archive in the whole as a GiftWare production: if you like
it, use it often or think that reading its code has helped you to change
your life (hopefully not making it worse ;) feel free to send me a small
gift (a postcard of your country, an audio CD, the registered version of a
program of yours, your sister... :)
4. Author
Simone Tellini
Piazza Resistenza 2
42016 Guastalla RE
EMail: wiz@pragmanet.it
5. Last words
Burp. (dedicated to the #amigaita crew :)