ELOOP:Too many errors are occurring in a short space of time. Compress has probably gone wrong and is therefore going to quit.
ESCAN:Directory structure has changed while being examined!
EOPENLIB:Unable to open library '%0' for input.
EBADLIB:File '%0' is not a valid sample library.
EMEM:There is not enough available memory. Please use the Task Manager to free up some more memory before trying again.
ENOIOPEN:Unable to open '%0' file for input.
ENOOOPEN:Unable to open '%0' file for output.
ENODIR:Unable to access directory '%0'.
ETEMP:Template '%0' not recognised by !Compress. Please delete it from the !Templates file.
ESAVEACK:Compress can only save files to the Filer and not to other applications.
EDRAG:Drag the file icon to a directory display to start an operation.
EMENU:Bad menu definition.
| Quit warnings
QUIT1:A sample is in the process of being %0. Quitting now would mean abandoning the output. Are you sure you want to quit?
| Fill %0 in QUIT1 with either QUIT1c or QUIT1d
FILES1:is 1 file
FILESM:are %0 files
QUIT2:A sample is in the process of being %0. Quitting now would mean abandoning the output. In addition, there %1 waiting in the queue. Are you sure you want to quit?
| Fill %0 of QUIT2 as for QUIT1. Fill %1 with FILES1 or FILESM
QUIT3:There %1 waiting in the queue to be processed. Are you sure you want to quit?
| Flush warnings
ALSO1:is also 1 file
ALSOM:are also %0 files
FLUSH1:There %0 waiting in the queue. Do want to discard the queue?
FLUSH2:There %0 waiting in the queue. Do you want to discard the queue as well?
| FLUSH2 %0 = ALSO1 or ALSOM
| Expand/Compress errors
INVALIDRC:Invalid reason code returned from %0 (%1). Please report this error to the author.
BADRC:Undefined reason code returned from %0 (%1). Please report this error to the author.
BADFORMAT:Compressed sample '%0' is of a type not supported by this release of !Compress. More up-to-date versions may support this format.
CTYPE:compressor for %0
| INVALIDRC %0 = Expand for decompression, = CTYPE for compression
| (with CTYPE %0 = TYPE)
| Pause button names
| Icon bar menu tokens, title bar first
IMENU2:Save choices
| Main menu
MMENU3:Flush queue
| Format menu
| Resolution menu
| Data menu
| Help text for windows and icons
| ===============================
| Names are first by window name as in the templates file, followed
| by a zero padded two-digit icon number. If this can't be found
| the number is stripped off and the new name is searched for. If
| this can't be found either then no help will be provided. All help
| tokens have H added to the start. The icon bar icon is HIBAR.
| infowin
HINFOWIN02/HINFOWIN04:You can contact the author at the following addresses:|Memail: radford@argonet.co.uk (preferred)|Mfidonet: David Radford at 2:250/219.6|Msnail: David Radford, 64 Molyneux Road, Westhoughton, Bolton, Lancs. BL5 3EU
HINFOWIN03/HINFOWIN07:There may be more recent versions than this available. Please check with the author before you attempt to distribute this program.
HINFOWIN:Some really useful information about this totally awesome program. Honest.
| saveas
HSAVEAS02:Use this window to determine where the processed output will be stored.|MDrag this icon to a directory display to indicate the final destination of the processed file(s).
HSAVEAS01:Use this window to determine where the processed output will be stored.|MThe name under which the output will be saved.|MClick SELECT to position the caret.
HSAVEAS00:Use this window to determine where the processed output will be stored.|MClick here to save using the existing name.
HSAVEAS:Use this window to determine where the processed output will be stored.
HSTATUS15/HSTATUS17/HSTATUS19:This part of the window displays information on the current operation (if there is one).
HSTATUS02/HSTATUS03/HSTATUS21/HSTATUS23:This part of the window displays information on, and permits contol of, the queue of files. Click the toggle size icon if the other half of the window is not visible.
HSTATUS05:This is what Compress is currently doing.
HSTATUS07/HSTATUS08:Information on the current process, or the final results left over from the previous one.
HSTATUS10:The amount of sample data still to be processed.
HSTATUS12:The current size of the current output file.
HSTATUS14:The storage format used in the compressed sample.
HSTATUS16:The storage precision of the compressed sample. This will only say 8 or 16 bits when decompressing. All other values get rounded up.
HSTATUS18:Sample period of the current sample.
HSTATUS20:Method of compression used for the current sample.
HSTATUS22:The name of the source file that is currently being processed.
HSTATUS24:The name of the next source file to be processed (ie. the one at the head of the queue).
HSTATUS25:Click here to abandon processing of the current file.
HSTATUS26:Click here to skip the next file.
HSTATUS27:Click here to pause the processing, or to continue again once paused.
| options
HOPTIONS00/HOPTIONS01/HOPTIONS02/HOPTIONS03/HOPTIONS04:Options for controlling the method of compression.
HOPTIONS11/HOPTIONS12/HOPTIONS18:Options for stripping off 'silence' from the start and ends of the sample before compressing.
HOPTIONS19/HOPTIONS20:General options that don't fit any other catagory.
HOPTIONS23/HOPTIONS24/HOPTIONS25/HOPTIONS29:Special options that apply only to certain methods of compression.
HOPTIONS05:Method of compression to use on future samples. See the !Help file for a full description of each.
HOPTIONS06:Click here to change the compression method.
HOPTIONS07:Precision to which future compression will work. Lower resolutions generally result in compressed samples of a smaller size, but with a lower quality.
HOPTIONS08:Click here to change the resolution for sample compression.
HOPTIONS09:Sample data format for future compressed samples. Logarithmic is 'lossy' but usually gives slightly better compression.
HOPTIONS10:Click here to change the data format.
HOPTIONS13:Select this to strip 'silence' from the start of the sample.
HOPTIONS14:Select this to strip 'silence' from the end of the sample.
HOPTIONS15:This is the threshold value. Sample data with a magnitude less than this is classed as silence.|MClick SELECT to position the caret.
HOPTIONS16:Click SELECT to decrease the threshold.
HOPTIONS17:Click SELECT to increase the threshold.
HOPTIONS21:Select this to scale samples to full volume before compressing them.
HOPTIONS22:Select this to speed up compression/decompression. Slows down the rest of the desktop as a result.
HOPTIONS26:Types 1-2 only.|MSmall values increase adaptability but also increase overheads.|MClick SELECT to position the caret.
HOPTIONS27:Click SELECT to decrease the group size.
HOPTIONS28:Click SELECT to increase the group size.
HOPTIONS30:Types 1-2 only.|MBit size of group header. Larger values allow more compression techniques to be used, but increase overheads.|MClick SELECT to position the caret.
HOPTIONS31:Click SELECT to decrease the group header size.
HOPTIONS32:Click SELECT to increase the group header size.
| quit - no text for this
| abort - no text for this
| flush - no text for this
| debug
HDEBUG:Private debugging information for the author. Stop messing about!
| icon bar
HIBAR:This is the Compress application, a sample compression/decompression program.|MClick SELECT to open the status window.|MClick ADJUST to open the choices window.|MDrag sample files here to compress/decompress them.
| Help text for menus
| ===================
| Names are 'H' followed by unpadded menu number, followed by
| 'M' then a 2 (or 3) digit number padded up to 2 if necessary
| giving the item number. For all menus except Type this is the
| index from 0 as it appears in the menu tokens above. For the
| Type menu, the item number is the Type regardless of position
| in the menu. The resolution menu is also different, in that
| item 7 applies to 4-7 and item 15 to 9-15. 8 and 16 are as
| normal.
| Icon bar menu
H0M00:Move the pointer right to see information about Compress.
H0M01:Click SELECT to open the choices window.
H0M02:Click SELECT to save the current choices as the default.
H0M03:Click SELECT to quit Compress.
| Type menu
H1M00:Click SELECT to generate Type 0 samples.|MThis format is archaic and is only supplied in case you have a program which can only read Type 0 samples.
H1M01:Click SELECT to generate Type 1 samples.|MThis format is the successor to Type 0. It uses an adaptive algorithm developed by experimentation, but gives good results.
H1M02:Click SELECT to generate Type 2 samples.|MOnly very minor improvements over Type 1, but this is the preferred format. It is faster than Type 6 and often produces smaller samples.
H1M06:Click SELECT to generate Type 6 samples.|MStandard entropy coding of sample deltas. Slightly slower than type 2, and isn't quite as effective. It is completely lossless though.
| Resolution menu
H2M07:Click SELECT to store as %0-bit samples.|MThis will lead to a drop in quality, but will generally improve compression.
H2M08:Click SELECT to store as 8-bit samples.|MThis is the standard resolution used on the Archimedes.
H2M15:Click SELECT to store as %0-bit samples.|MThis will lead to a drop in quality if the original sample used more than %0 bits, but will often improve compression as a result.
H2M16:Click SELECT to store as 16-bit samples.|MThis is the maximum resolution supported. You will only get any benefit from this if you have a 16-bit sound card.
| Data format menu
H3M00:Click SELECT to choose the Logarithmic format.|MThe logarithmic format stores the sample in the form in which it would be sent to the speaker on an Archimedes, possibly leading to a slight improvement in compression.
H3M01:Click SELECT to choose the Linear format.|MUse this format if you want to preserve the maximum quality possible (pointless without a 16-bit sound card).
| Main menu
H4M00:Click SELECT to pause the current operation, or continue if already paused.
H4M01:Click SELECT to skip the next file.
H4M02:Click SELECT to abort processing of the current file, and (optionally) all others still in the queue.
H4M03:Click SELECT to remove all unprocessed files from the queue.