HLPO_SpeedUp:\Sincrease the speed!|M\Adecrease the speed!
HLPO_SpeedDown:\Sdecrease the speed!|M\Aincrease the speed!
HLPO_SpeedWrite:Enter any speed (in Hz) and press RETURN or click on OK to use it.
HLPO_SpeedIgnore:\Signore the sample rate stored within your samples and use the rate displayed above.
HLPO_SpeedIgnoreOn:The sample rate stored within your sample files will be ignored.
HLPO_SpeedIgnoreOff:The sample rate stored within your sample files will be used.
HLPO_SpeedIgnoreText:Click \s on the box to the left to ignore the sample rate stored within your samples and use the rate quoted above.
HLPO_Ok:\Sclose the options \w with the current values setup.|M\Ause the current values while keeping this \w open.
HLPO_Store:\Sstore the current options for the next startup.|M\Astore the options while keeping this \w open.|MThis will not actually save the options to disk but just to memory.|MSee the !Help file for more permanent option settings.
# Display window help text...
HLPD_Display:\THard Drive Samples Status \w.
HLPD_Info:This icon displays the sample rate and length (in secs.) of the current sample.
HLPD_InfoL:This icon displays the sample rate and length (in secs.) of the last sample to be played.
HLPD_File:\Tfilename of the currently playing sample.
HLPD_FileL:\Tfilename of the last sample to be played.
HLPD_Len:\Tlength, in bytes, of the currently playing sample.
HLPD_LenL:\Tlength, in bytes, of the last sample to be played.
HLPD_Played:\Tamount (in percent) of the current sample that has been played.
HLPD_PlayedL:\Tamount (in percent) of the last sample to be played.
HLPD_Replay:\Sreplay the currently playing sample.
HLPD_ReplayL:\Sreplay the last sample to be played.
HLPD_Abort:\Sabort the currently playing sample.|M\Aclear all samples from the stored list.
# Change the above line to: öHLPD_Filename:ò if you don't
# like filenames in your help text!
# Menu help text...
HLPM_IBM0:\Rget information on this version of !HDSamples.
HLPM_IBM1:\Sopen the options \w.
HLPM_IBM2:\Sreplay the last sample to be played.
HLPM_IBM2P:\Sreplay the currently playing sample.
HLPM_IBM2G:\Gthere is no previous sample to replay.
HLPM_IBM3:\Sabort the currently playing sample.
HLPM_IBM3L:\Aabort the currently stored sample list/script.
HLPM_IBM3G:\Gthere is no sample currently playing.
HLPM_IBM4:\Squit !HDSamples.
HLPM_IBM4P:The sample currently playing will be stopped first.