Iconbar:\TChartdraw application.|MClick on this icon with MENU for choices or \s to open edit \w.|MTo load data, drag a chartdraw file onto this icon.
GrafW:\Tchart \w.|MClick MENU in this \w for a range of options to change the way the graph is plotted, and to make a draw file or print the chart.
GrafW1:\Dreposition this text label.|MDouble click on this text label to edit text.
InfoW1:\TChartdraw application.|MIt is NOT public domain.|MContact the author to register.
InfoW2:This application allows the plotting of data in the form of bar, line or pie charts.|MYou may have up to %0 sets of data with up to %1 values in each set.
InfoW3:The author, Chris Johnson, can be contacted at :-.|M7, Lovedale Grove, Balerno, Edinburgh, EH14 7DR.
InfoW4:\Tversion number and the date it was produced.|MRegistered users can obtain the latest version at any time by sending a disc together with return postage to the author.
DefaultW:This \w allows you to select various default options for plotting and labelling the charts.
DefaultW5x:The size of the font (in points) used to %0 is shown here.
DefaultW5:add large legends
DefaultW6:add small legends
DefaultW7:label the chart axes
DefaultW9x:The name of the %0 font that is used to label the graph is shown here.
DefaultW21/DefaultW22/DefaultW23:\Schange the font size.
DefaultW25/DefaultW26/DefaultW27/DefaultW28:\Sshow a menu of all the installed fonts.|MChoose a different font from the menu in the usual way.
DefaultW29/DefaultW30/DefaultW31:The line widths (in points) used when printing are shown here.
DefaultW33/DefaultW34/DefaultW35:\Schange the printer line widths (in points).
DefaultW40/DefaultW41/DefaultW42:The line widths (in points) used in exported drawfiles are shown here.
DefaultW44/DefaultW45/DefaultW46:\Schange the line widths (in points) in exported drawfiles.
DefaultW49:These two icons select how the grid lines are plotted when displayed.|M\Suse continuous lines for the grid.
DefaultW50:These two icons select how the grid lines are plotted when displayed.|M\Suse a sequence of dashes for the lines.|MThere is no way of changing the dot-dash pattern.
DefaultW51:When this icon is selected, bars, pies and data points will be plotted in colour.|MOtherwise shades of grey will be used.
DefaultW52:Selecting this option will automatically kern text for fonts which support text kerning.
DefaultW53:When the labels are longer than the distance between each data set, the labels are either offset vertically, or are rotated through 45░, to fit them in
DefaultW53a:.|M\Srotate the text.
DefaultW53b:.|M\Soffset the text.
DefaultW53a:Long axis labels will be slanted up from the bottom left.
DefaultW54a:Long axis labels will slant down to the bottom right.
DefaultW54b:\Sslant long axis labels up from the bottom left.
DefaultW55b:\Sslant long axis labels down to the right.
DefaultM0:\Ssave a new set of default options which will be used the next time MultiPlot is started.|MThese options will also be used in the current session.
DefaultM1:\Sclose this window and forget any changes you have made.
DefaultM2:\Sreplot the graph using the new options you have selected.|MIf you wish the changed parameters to become the new default parameters then you must also click on SAVE.
DefaultM3:\Sstart up the on-line help.
DefaultM:This \w displays the default settings used when Chartdraw is started.|MYou may change the settings, and save the new settings to be used next time Chartdraw is started.
SaveW:This \w allows you to save your graph as a file in %0 format.
SaveW0:\Da directory viewer to save the data in %0 format.
SaveW1:Enter the name for the file you wish to save.|MIf the full path name is entered you may then click on OK or press RETURN.|MIf you just enter the filename then you must drag the file icon to a directory viewer.
SaveW2:\Ssave the data in %0 format.|MThe full path name must be set up in the writable icon for this to work.
AxisW:This \w allows you to override the automatic range selection for the charts.
AxisW3:\Senter the minimum value for the chart axis.
AxisW4:\Senter the maximum value for the chart axis.
AxisW5:\Senter the interval steps for the axis.
AxisW6:\Sproceed with the changes.
AxisW7:\Scancel any changes you have since the window was opened.
LabelW:This \w allows you to enter text labels (maximum of ten) to annotate your chart.|MThe labels may contain super/sub script, and up to four font styles (nominally normal, italic, bold and symbol).
LabelW3:The id number of the label.
LabelW4:\Splace caret here and enter the label text.
LabelW5:\Sincorporate the changes you have made.
LabelW6:\Sdelete this particular label.|MThe display of the complete set of labels, and the deletion of them all is done from the chart menu.
LabelW7:\Scancel any changes you have just made.
LabelW8/LabelW9:When editing labels, clicking \s or \a here allows you to move through the installed labels.
LabelW10:\Smove text up half a line.|MMoves are cumulative.
LabelW11:\Smove text down half a line.|MMoves are cumulative.
LabelW12/LabelW13/LabelW14/LabelW15:\Schange the font style.
HelpW:This \w provides additional help information.
LabelW16a:\Sremove the border for this label.
LabelW17a:\Sgive this label a transparent background.
LabelW18a:\Sreturn this label to the horizontal.
LabelW19a:\Sset this label to small text.
LabelW16b:\Sset a border for this label.
LabelW17b:\Sgive this label a white background.
LabelW18b:\Srotate this label through 90░ to the horizontal.
LabelW19b:\Sset this label to large text.
LabelW20:\Sstart up the help application.
EditW:\Tedit window.|M\S place caret and enter your data. RETURN will move on to the next data slot.|MClick MENU for plotting choices, to save or clear data. See the help notes for editing keypresses.
PrinterW0:This shows the name of the installed printer.
PrinterW0a:.|MYou must load !Printers to print a chart.
PrinterW1:\Sstart printing.
PrinterW2:Type in the number of copies you want.
PrinterW4:\Sdecrease the number of copies.
PrinterW5:\Sincrease the number of copies.
E1:Data Transfer Failed! Receiver died.
E12:To save, drag the icon to a directory viewer.
E16:Bad number of axis intervals.
E17:Bad graph axis range.
E18:Out of indirect memory for icon. Application terminated.
E24:Insufficient indirect memory to define a new icon.
E25:You have already defined 10 labels.
E26:You are attempting to load a %0. If the data is suitable for ChartDraw, click on OK. If you click on CANCEL the file will not be loaded.
E28:Axis maximum limit is less than minimum limit! The two values will be interchanged.
E29:You have set too many vertical intervals. Intervals will be set to 20 maximum.
E30:Cannot increase slot size to claim temporary memory for load buffer. Quit non-essential applications and try again.
WarnClear:Are you sure you wish to delete all the data. This cannot be undone.
WarnUnsaved:ChartDraw has some unsaved data. Do you wish to save it before quitting?
WarnInsert:You have entered the maximum number of data. If you insert a row, the last row will be lost.
WarnNarrow:You have chosen to plot all bars side by side. The bars may be too narrow for clarity. Are you sure you wish to plot the chart this way?
WarnNarrow1:Plot bars
WarnDelI:Are you sure you wish to delete all the chart labels. This cannot be undone.
# Printer driver errors
PE1:Printer not available.
PE2:You must have a printer driver loaded to produce hard copy.
# Draw module errors
DE3:Cannot increase slot size to claim memory for draw file buffer. Quit non-essential applications and try again.
UC1:The help file has not been found in the application. I am sorry but full on-line help will not be available.
FontErr1:Internal error. %0 font not found. Double click on !Fonts and rerun application.
FontErr2:Internal error. %0 font not found. %1 font substituted.
# Help for menu items
Mibar0:\Rsee information about ChartDraw.
Mibar1:\Sopen help \w.
Mibar2:\Sopen \w to allow change of default settings used by Chartdraw for plotting and display.
Mibar3:\Squit the Chartdraw application.
Medit0:\Rchoose a column of data for deletion.
Medit0>0/Medit0>1/Medit0>2/Medit0>3:\Sdelete this column of data.|MThe remaining columns will be closed up.
Medit1:\Sdelete all the data.|MYou will be asked to confirm this operation since the operation is not reversible.
Medit2:\Rsave the data in chartdraw format.
Medit3/Mpie2/Mbars5/Mbarg6/Mline5:\Rdisplay the data as piecharts.
Medit4/Mpie5/Mbars4/Mbarg5/Mline2:\Rdisplay the data as a line graph.
Medit5/Mpie3/Mbarg4/Mline3:\Sdisplay the data as a stacked bargraph.
Medit6/Mpie4/Mbars3/Mbarg3/Mline4:\Rdisplay the data in bargraph form.
Medit7/Mpie8/Mbars8/Mbarg9/Mline8:\Sopen the help \w.
Mpie0:\Rexplode or return all the segments.|MA single segment can be exploded or returned by double clicking on it.
Mpie0>0:\Sexplode all the segments.
Mpie0>1:\Sreturn all the exploded segments.
Mpie1/Mbars2/Mbarg2/Mline1:\Rsee options on labeling the chart.
Mline0/Mbars1/Mbarg1:\Rchange the scaling of the axis.
Mline1>0/Mbars2>0/Mbarg2>0/Mpie1>0:\Senter text for a chart label.|MUp to 10 labels are allowed.
Mline1>1a/Mbars2>1a/Mbarg2>1a/Mpie1>1a:\Salter the chart labels you have entered.
Mline1>1b/Mbars2>1b/Mbarg2>1b/Mpie1>1b:This option is greyed because you have not yet entered any chart labels.
Mline1>2a/Mbars2>2a/Mbarg2>2a/Mpie1>2a:\Sstop displaying the chart labels.
Mline1>2b/Mbars2>2b/Mbarg2>2b/Mpie1>2b:\Sdisplay any chart labels you have entered.
Mline1>3/Mbars2>3/Mbarg2>3/Mpie1>3:\Sdelete all the labels.|MTo delete a single label, use the edit label option.
Mpie6/Mbars6/Mbarg7/Mline6:\Rprint the graph.|MA printer driver MUST be active.
Mpie7/Mbars7/Mbarg8/Mline7:\Rsave the chart as a draw file.
Mbarg3>0/Mbarg5>0/Mbarg6>0/Medit3>0/Medit4>0/Medit6>0:\Schart all the data sets.
Mbarg3>1/Mbarg5>1/Mbarg6>1/Medit3>1/Medit4>1/Medit6>1:\Schart the data in column 1 only.
Mbarg3>2/Mbarg5>2/Mbarg6>2/Medit3>2/Medit4>2/Medit6>2:\Schart the data in column 2 only.
Mbarg3>3/Mbarg5>3/Mbarg6>3/Medit3>3/Medit4>3/Medit6>3:\Schart the data in column 3 only.
Mbarg3>4/Mbarg5>4/Mbarg6>4/Medit3>4/Medit4>4/Medit6>4:\Schart the data in column 4 only.
Mline2>0/Mline4>0/Mline5>0:\Schart all the data sets.
Mline2>1/Mline4>1/Mline5>1:\Schart the data in column 1 only.
Mline2>2/Mline4>2/Mline5>2:\Schart the data in column 2 only.
Mline2>3/Mline4>3/Mline5>3:\Schart the data in column 3 only.
Mline2>4/Mline4>4/Mline5>4:\Schart the data in column 4 only.
Mpie2>0/Mpie4>0/Mpie5>0:\Schart all the data sets.
Mpie2>1/Mpie4>1/Mpie5>1:\Schart the data in column 1 only.
Mpie2>2/Mpie4>2/Mpie5>2:\Schart the data in column 2 only.
Mpie2>3/Mpie4>3/Mpie5>3:\Schart the data in column 3 only.
Mpie2>4/Mpie4>4/Mpie5>4:\Schart the data in column 4 only.
Mbars0a/Mbarg0a:\Sreplot the chart with the bars horizontal.
Mbars0b/Mbarg0b:\Sreplot the chart with the bars vertical.
MeditG:\Gyou have not entered any data.
MgrafG:\Gyou have not entered any data for this column.