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346 lines
MsgFrom:Message from WinEd
Already:WinEd is already loaded
Unreg:*** Unregistered ***
Illegal:This copy of WinEd has an illegally hacked User file; please use a legal copy
NoTemp:Template '%0' not found
TempMem:Not enough memory for template '%0'
BrowMem:Not enough memory for browser
WinMem:Not enough memory for new window
IndMem:Not enough memory for icon's indirected data
IconMem:Not enough memory for new icon
NotFile:File '%0' not found
WontOpen:File '%0' won't open
NotWindow:Removing unrecognised object (type %1) from file '%0'
LoadMem:Not enough memory to load file '%0'
ContMem:File '%0' has only partially loaded due to lack of memory
BadFilePart:File '%0' has only partially loaded because it is corrupted
BadFileFull:File '%0' can not be loaded because it is corrupted
BadHeader:File '%0' has an invalid header
QuitWarn:WinEd contains templates which have not been saved after editing
CloseWarn:These templates have not been saved after editing
CantSave:Unable to save file '%0'
Empty:No templates to save
NoID:Window must have an identifier
Overwrt:Window '%0' already exists. OK to overwrite?
ToSave:To save, drag the icon to a directory display
SaveSelf:You can not save templates back on to themselves
FontMem:Not enough memory to create font reference
TMFonts:Template contains too many fonts
BadFont:Illegal font handle
NoMenu:Unable to make menu
LoadAck:Data transfer failed: Receiver died
SprtArea:Not enough memory for sprite area
IconMem:Not enough memory to display icon
ViewMem:Not enough memory for window
IconRange:Icon number out of range
BadBorder:Icon %0 does not appear suitable for framing the selection
PickMem:Not enough memory for picker window
Safety:Attempting to save altered files to !Scrap after fatal error
WorkArea:Work area
IcnDgTI:Edit icon %0
IcnDgTT:Edit title
WADgT:'%0' work area
WinDgT:Edit window '%0'
FInfo:%0 window(s), %1 font(s), %2 bytes
CrdTitle:Icon %0 coordinates
VisTitle:'%0' visible area
#Icon button types
BType2:Auto repeat
BType5:Double click
BType12:12 (Reserved)
BType13:13 (Reserved)
IBMenu:Info,Icon picker,Monitor,Choices...,Clear sprites,Quit
BrowMen:>Create,Window '123456789012',Select all,Clear selection,>Save,Statistics
BrowMenK:>Create ^R,Window '123456789012',Select all ^A,Clear selection ^Z,>Save F3,Statistics ^S
BrowSubK:>Copy ^C,>Rename ^N,Delete ^K,Edit ^E,Preview ^P
PrevMen:Close,Store position,Store icon states
BType:Button type
ViewMen:Selection,Select all,Clear selection,Work area...,Visible area...,Edit window...,Edit title...,Close window
ViewMenK:Selection,Select all ^A,Clear selection ^Z,Work area... ^O,Visible area... ^V,Edit window... ^W,Edit title... ^T,Close window ^F2
IconMen:Delete,>Renumber nnn,Edit...,Align...,Space out...,Resize...,Coordinates...,Frame...
IconMenK:Delete ^K,>Renumber nnn ^N,Edit... ^E,Align... ^L,Space out... ^S,Resize... ^R,Coordinates... ^D,Frame... ^F
#Interactive Help messages
H_IBI:\TWinEd icon.|M\Screate a new Template file.|MDrag a Template file here to edit it.|MDrag a Sprite file here to add it to WinEd's sprite pool.
H_IBM_00:\Rsee information about WinEd
H_IBM_01:\Sopen the icon picker.
H_IBM_02:\Sopen the monitor.
H_IBM_03:\Sopen the choices dialogue box.
H_IBM_04:\Sclear all sprites from WinEd's user sprite pool.
H_IBM_05:\Squit WinEd.
H_ATP:This \w displays information about WinEd.
H_Brow:This is a template file browser.|MDouble click \s to edit a \w.|MDouble click \a to preview a \w.
H_BRM_00:\Rcreate a new \w.
H_BRM_01:\Rperform an operation on the selected \w(s).
H_BRM_03G/H_BRM_01G:\Gno \ws are selected.
H_BRM_0100:\Rcopy the selected \w.
H_BRM_0104G/H_BRM_0103G/H_BRM_0101G/H_BRM_0100G:\Gthere is not exactly one selected \w.
H_BRM_0101:\Rrename the selected \w.
H_BRM_0102:\Sdelete the selected template(s).
H_BRM_0103:\Sedit the selected \w.
H_BRM_0104:\Spreview the selected \w.
H_BT_01:\Sselect all the templates in the browser.|M\Aclear the selection.
H_BRM_02:\Sselect all the templates in the browser.
H_BRM_03:\Sclear the selection.
H_BRM_04:\Rsave the Template file.
H_BRM_05:\Sopen a statistics \w for these templates.
H_Prev:This is a preview \w for checking the final appearance and behaviour of a template.
H_PRM_00:\Sclose the preview \w.
H_PRM_01:\Supdate the template data with the \w's current position.
H_PRM_02:\Supdate the template data with the current selection status of the icons.
H_View:\Wan editable template.
H_VRM_00:\Rperform an operation on the selected icon(s).
H_VRM_00G:\Gno icons are selected.
H_VRM_0000:\Sdelete the selected icon(s).
H_VRM_0001:\Srenumber the selected icon(s) starting from this number.|M\Rto enter a new initial number.
H_VRM_0002:\Sedit the selected icon.
H_VRM_0002G:\Gthere is not exactly one selected icon.
H_VRM_0003:\Salign the selected icons with each other.
H_VRM_0003G:\Gonly one icon is selected.
H_VRM_0004:\Sspace the selected icons out from each other or a single icon from the edges of the \w.
H_VRM_0005:\Sresize the selected icon(s).
H_VRM_0006:\Schange the coordinates and/or size of the selected icon.
H_VRM_0007:\Splace a frame around the selected icon(s).
H_VT_00:\Sselect all the icons in the viewer.|M\Aclear the selection.
H_VRM_01:\Sselect all the icons in the viewer.
H_VRM_02G:\Gthere are no selected icons.
H_VRM_03:\Sedit the \w's work area.
H_VRM_04:\Sedit the \w's visible area.
H_VRM_05:\Sedit the \w.
H_VRM_06:\Sedit the \w's title.
H_VRM_07:\Sclose the \w.
H_CLO/H_PRQ:This \w is to warn you of potential data loss.
H_PRQ_00:\Sdiscard all data in WinEd and quit.
H_PRQ_02:\Skeep WinEd and its data.
H_CLO_00:\Sopen the Save as dialogue box for this file.
H_CLO_02:\Sdiscard this file.
H_CLO_03:\Skeep this file.
H_ALN:\Ticon alignment dialogue box.
H_ALN_00:\Salign the selected icons.
H_CRD_17/H_VSA_17/H_SAVE_01:\Sclose this dialogue box.
H_ALN_12:Select which way you want to align the selected icons from these options.
H_ALN_11:These options determine in which direction the selected icons or their edges will move.
H_ALN_13/H_ALN_14:Select from these options whether to move whole icons or resize them, moving only the relevant edge.
H_BOR:\Ticon framing dialogue box.
H_BOR_00:\Smake the frame.
H_BOR_02:Enter the gap to leave between the frame and the icons it bounds here.
H_BOR_03:\Sdecrease the gap.
H_BOR_04:\Sincrease the gap.
H_BOR_05:Select this option to frame the selected icon(s) with the \w's visible area.
H_BOR_06:Select this option to frame the selected icon(s) with the chosen icon.
H_BOR_07:Enter the icon with which to frame the selection here.
H_BOR_08:\Sdecrease the frame icon number.
H_BOR_09:\Sincrease the frame icon number.
H_BOR_10:Select this option to increase the gap at the top of the frame to make room for a label.
H_BOR_11:Enter the extra gap to leave for the label here (24 for standard size).
H_BOR_12:\Sdecrease the extra gap to leave for the label.
H_BOR_13:\Sincrease the extra gap to leave for the label.
H_BOR_17:Select these icons to determine which sides of the frame will be altered.
H_SAVE:\Tdialogue box for saving templates.
H_SAVE_00:\Ssave the templates with the above pathname.
H_SAVE_02:Enter a new leafname or pathname for the templates here.
H_SAVE_03:Drag this icon to the directory display where you want to save the templates or to another application.
H_SAVE_04:Select this option if you only want to save the \ws which are selected in the browser.
H_WEC:This is the \w flag editing dialogue box.
H_WEC_00:\Supdate the \w template with the above flags.
H_WEC_02:These flags determine which of the named tool icons will appear around the \w.
H_WEC_29:These flags affect the behaviour of the \w.
H_WEC_20:These options determine whether and how the \w will receive scroll events.
H_WEC_30:\Tbutton type of the \w's work area.
H_WEC_31:\Sto change the button type.
H_WEC_8/H_WEC_9:These icons show the colours to be used in the \w.
H_WEC_59/H_ICC_39/H_ICC_44:\Sdecrease the colour number for this item..
H_WEC_60/H_ICC_40/H_ICC_45:\Sincrease the colour number for this item.
H_WEC_61/H_ICC_41/H_ICC_46:\Schoose a new colour for this item.
H_WEC_62:\Sset all the colours to their recommended default values.
H_WEC_63:If this option is selected the \w will use GCOL colours instead of Wimp colours.
H_ICC:\Ticon/title editing dialogue box.
H_ICC_00:\Supdate the icon/title, ensuring the icon is large enough to hold the data.
H_ICC_01:\Supdate the icon without checking its size.
H_ICC_06:Enter the text or the sprite name of the icon here.
H_ICC_07:This flag indicates the icon contains text.
H_ICC_08:This flag indicates the icon contains a sprite.
H_ICC_09:This flag indicates the icon is indirected.
H_ICC_11:Enter the icon's validation string here.
H_ICC_13:Enter the maximum permitted length of the icon's text (including terminator) here.
H_ICC_14:\Sset the icon's maximum text length to the length of the current data.
H_ICC_18:\Ticon's button type.
H_ICC_19:\Schange the button type.
H_ICC_29:These are the icon's flags.
H_ICC_34:\Ticon's ESG (Exclusive Selection Group number).
H_ICC_35:\Sdecrease the ESG.
H_ICC_36:\Sincrease the ESG.
H_ICC_38:\Ticon's foreground colour.
H_ICC_43:\Ticon's background colour.
H_ICC_48:This flag determines whether to use an outline font in the icon.
H_ICC_49:\Tname of the font used in the icon.
H_ICC_50:\Schange the font name.
H_ICC_52:Enter the height of the font here.
H_ICC_53:\Sdecrease the font height.
H_ICC_54:\Sincrease the font height.
H_ICC_57:Enter the aspect ratio (width to height) of the font as a percentage here.
H_ICC_59:\Stake the colours defined above and add them to the icon's validation string.
H_Font:\Sset the desired font.
H_COL:\Wthe wimp colour selector.
H_COL_00:\Sset the chosen colour.
H_COL_02:\Schoose no colour (transparent).
H_COL_03:\Tchosen colour.
H_COL_14/H_COL_16/H_COL_17/H_COL_18/H_COL_19/H_COL_20:Choose a colour from this table.
H_MON:\Wthe monitor.|MIt shows the \w identifier and icon under the pointer.
H_MON_04:This shows the identifier of the \w under the pointer. A '*' means the \w is editable, otherwise it is a preview.
H_MON_05:This shows the number of the icon under the pointer.
H_MON_09:These icons show the work area coordinates of the icon under the pointer or the visible limits of the work area.
H_MON_10:This icon shows the size of the icon under the pointer or of the visible area.
H_Pick:\Wthe icon picker.|MDrag icons from here to make copies in your own \ws.
H_WAD:\Twork area editing dialogue box.
H_WAD_00:\Supdate the work area.
H_WAD_06:Enter the coordinate of the top edge of the work area here.
H_WAD_07:\Sdecrease the top edge coordinate of the work area.
H_WAD_08:\Sincrease the top edge coordinate of the work area.
H_WAD_09:Enter the coordinate of the left edge of the work area here.
H_WAD_10:\Sdecrease the left edge coordinate of the work area.
H_WAD_11:\Sincrease the left edge coordinate of the work area.
H_WAD_12:Enter the coordinate of the right edge of the work area here.
H_WAD_13:\Sdecrease the right edge coordinate of the work area.
H_WAD_14:\Sincrease the right edge coordinate of the work area.
H_WAD_15:Enter the coordinate of the bottom edge of the work area here.
H_WAD_16:\Sdecrease the bottom edge coordinate of the work area.
H_WAD_17:\Sincrease the bottom edge coordinate of the work area.
H_WAD_18:\Sto set the work area to the same size as the current visible area with the origin at (0,0).
H_WAD_19:\Sto set the work area to the same as the visible area.
H_WAD_20:Enter the minimum allowed width of the visible area here.
H_WAD_21:\Sdecrease the minimum allowed width of the visible area.
H_WAD_22:\Sincrease the minimum allowed width of the visible area.
H_WAD_23:Enter the minimum allowed height of the visible area here.
H_WAD_24:\Sdecrease the minimum allowed height of the visible area.
H_WAD_25:\Sincrease the minimum allowed height of the visible area.
H_SPC:\Wfor spacing out icons from each other or from the edges of the visible area.
H_SPC_00:\Sspace out the selected icon(s).
H_SPC_05:From these options choose which direction or edge to space the icon(s) from.
H_SPC_07:Enter the gap to leave between icons here.
H_SPC_08:\Sdecrease the gap to leave between icons.
H_SPC_09:\Sincrease the gap to leave between icons.
H_RSZ:\Wfor resizing icons.
H_RSZ_04:\Sset the width of the selected icon(s) to just wide enough for its/their data.
H_RSZ_05:\Sset the height of the selected icon(s) to just tall enough for its/their data.
H_RSZ_06:\Sset the size of the selected icon(s) to just large enough for its/their data.
H_RSZ_07:\Smake all the selected icons as wide as the widest one selected.
H_RSZ_08:\Smake all the selected icons as wide as the narrowest one selected.
H_RSZ_09:\Smake all the selected icons as tall as the tallest one selected.
H_RSZ_10:\Smake all the selected icons as tall as the shortest one selected.
H_BTM:This is the button-type menu.
H_BTM_09:'Menu' button type will act the same as 'Click' for work areas.
H_BTM_14:Do not use the Writable/Drag button type for work areas.
H_STAT:This \w shows statistics about a template file loaded in WinEd.|MThe figures show sizes in bytes.
H_BT:\Tbrowser tool bar. It allows quicker access to browser functions.
H_BT_00:\Screate a new \w.
H_BT_03:\Ssave the templates.
H_BT_04:\Scopy the selected template.
H_BT_05:\Srename the selected template.
H_VT:\Tviewer tool pane. It allows quicker access to viewer functions.
H_VT_06:\Srenumber the selected icon(s), entering a number in the submenu.|M\Arenumber the selected icon(s) with the current renumber value.
H_CHO:\TChoices dialogue box.
H_CHO_00:\Supdate the choices.
H_CHO_02:\Ssave the choices, preserving them for future sessions with WinEd.
H_CHO_03:Select this option if you want the monitor to automatically open and close with editable and preview \ws.
H_CHO_04:Select this option if you want the icon picker to automatically open and close with editable \ws.
H_CHO_05:Select this option if you want tool bars in browsers.
H_CHO_06:Select this option if you want tool panes attached to ediatble \ws.
H_CHO_07:Select this option if you want to use keyboard short cuts.
H_CHO_08:Select this option if you want a cross hatch pattern to be drawn in ediatble \ws that need the task's help to be redrawn.
H_CHO_09:Select this option if you want all coordinates to be rounded to the nearest 4 OS units.
H_CHO_10:Select this option if you want editable \ws to be created with all tool icons present.
H_CHO_11:Select this option if you want WinEd to attempt to load accompanying Sprites files with templates.
H_CHO_12:Select this option if you want the icon and window editing dialogue boxes' Update and Cancel icons to be in panes.
H_CHO_13:Select this option to allow selected icons to be moved with the cursor keys without holding the mosue button.
H_CRE:Use this dialogue box to enter a name for your new \w.
H_COP:Use this dialogue box to enter a name for the copy of the slected \w.
H_REN:Use this dialogue box to enter a new name for the selected \w.
H_NUM:Use this dialogue box to enter a number to start renumbering the selected icon(s) from.
H_CRD:Use this dialogue box to alter the selected icon's coordinates.
H_CRD_02:\Tcoordinate of the selected icon's left edge.
H_CRD_03:\Sdecrease the coordinate of the selected icon's left edge.
H_CRD_04:\Sincrease the coordinate of the selected icon's left edge.
H_CRD_05:\Tcoordinate of the selected icon's top edge.
H_CRD_06:\Sdecrease the coordinate of the selected icon's top edge.
H_CRD_07:\Sincrease the coordinate of the selected icon's top edge.
H_CRD_10:\Tselected icon's width.
H_CRD_11:\Sdecrease the selected icon's width.
H_CRD_12:\Sincrease the selected icon's width.
H_CRD_13:\Tselected icon's height.
H_CRD_14:\Sdecrease the selected icon's height.
H_CRD_15:\Sincrease the selected icon's height.
H_CRD_16:\Supdate the coordinates of the selected icon to these values.
H_VSA:Use this dialogue box to alter the \w's visible area ie its position on screen.
H_VSA_02:\Tcoordinate of the visible area's left edge.
H_VSA_03:\Sdecrease the coordinate of the visible area's left edge.
H_VSA_04:\Sincrease the coordinate of the visible area's left edge.
H_VSA_05:\Tcoordinate of the visible area's top edge.
H_VSA_06:\Sdecrease the coordinate of the visible area's top edge.
H_VSA_07:\Sincrease the coordinate of the visible area's top edge.
H_VSA_10:\Tvisible area's width.
H_VSA_11:\Sdecrease the visible area's width.
H_VSA_12:\Sincrease the visible area's width.
H_VSA_13:\Tvisible area's height.
H_VSA_14:\Sdecrease the visible area's height.
H_VSA_15:\Sincrease the visible area's height.
H_VSA_16:\Supdate the coordinates of the visible area to these values.
H_VSA_20:\T\w's horizontal scroll offset from the left of the work area.
H_VSA_21:\Sdecrease the horizontal scroll offset.
H_VSA_22:\Sincrease the horizontal scroll offset.
H_VSA_23:\T\w's vertical scroll offset from the top of the work area.|MIt should be negative.
H_VSA_24:\Sdecrease the vertical scroll offset.
H_VSA_25:\Sincrease the vertical scroll offset.